• 3 months ago


00:00:30Yeah, even the crickets are quiet.
00:01:37Shhh, shhh.
00:01:40Have you seen this man?
00:01:57Lady, have you seen this man?
00:02:17Could any of the tribes have done this?
00:02:20He fell out of the sky.
00:02:22So you say.
00:02:23The natives are already scared without you
00:02:25trying to blame them.
00:02:26It's no secret that many tribes practice black magic.
00:02:29This is not the work of any tribe that I know of.
00:02:32I thought you would have known that.
00:02:34I've yet to catch up on my reading.
00:02:36I'm near my job, Mr. Tarzan.
00:02:38And you may not hold women professionals in high regard,
00:02:41but I can assure you I'm very qualified in the latest
00:02:43forensic techniques.
00:02:46Better you follow your instincts.
00:02:48This medallion has the seal of the Russian monarchy.
00:02:52So what would a man of royal blood
00:02:54be doing traveling in the jungle without porters?
00:02:56I've seen stranger happenings.
00:02:59I assume you'll wire a description
00:03:00of the medallion to Russia to find out more about this man.
00:03:03Of course.
00:03:17Lava ash.
00:03:18The nearest volcano is a two-day march from here.
00:03:21Well, how could he survive in the jungle for two
00:03:22days without any weapons?
00:03:25It's your job.
00:03:32Mr. Tarzan, I could use some help with the investigation.
00:03:50Mr. Tarzan.
00:03:54You're nervous.
00:03:56I'm not.
00:03:57I just can't talk like this.
00:03:59Maybe I was too full of myself.
00:04:01I really need your help.
00:04:04I'm not a policeman, Miss Goodman.
00:04:08What is it?
00:04:11A smell that reminds me of the past.
00:04:18I've lost it.
00:04:20There's too many people in this village.
00:04:27You're sure it was my brother?
00:04:35Laid out on a litter like a commoner.
00:04:43Once again, Greystoke comes to haunt me.
00:04:54Someone will pay for this.
00:05:01Oh, oh.
00:05:05What's he talking about?
00:05:11What happened?
00:05:15Ava Goodman, territorial inspector.
00:05:17I found him in the East Canyon.
00:05:20Tarzan, he has no blood.
00:05:28Just like the other one.
00:05:32I've heard rumors of similar deaths throughout the bush.
00:05:40Now, will you help me?
00:06:02For a woman new to the job, your tracking skills
00:06:05are impressive.
00:06:06Head of my class.
00:06:08You seem more at ease in the jungle.
00:06:10You're not the only one who's more
00:06:11comfortable away from people.
00:06:14You have a very suspicious mind, Mr. Tarzan.
00:06:16And we can continue this verbal dance if you wish.
00:06:18But I think you'd be more interested in the news
00:06:21I've come to share with you.
00:06:23What is it?
00:06:24A wire from Russia.
00:06:26It seems the dead man is either Rocco or a man.
00:06:31Rokoff, brother to the Countess Olga de Coday and.
00:06:41Nicholas Rokoff.
00:06:44A name you don't have much fondness for.
00:06:46He tried to kill the Countess, his own sister.
00:06:49Better explain why she'd want him dead.
00:06:51Better off for us if he was.
00:06:53What did he do to you?
00:06:56The last time I saw Rokoff, I left
00:06:59him trapped in Pellucidar, a timeless world
00:07:02deep within the Earth's core.
00:07:04That alone shouldn't cause such resentment.
00:07:06Pellucidar isn't like here.
00:07:08There are creatures, mehars, flying reptiles
00:07:11that crowd their skies and feed on human beings.
00:07:15And you're saying this Rokoff is a mehar?
00:07:17No, but he joined forces with them to rule the Earth.
00:07:22He must have found a way to the outer crust.
00:07:33Is this a friend of yours?
00:07:36What's his problem?
00:07:41He's afraid of you.
00:07:45Because you're not afraid of him.
00:07:48Rule 233 of the field guide to Africa.
00:07:51When charged by a wild animal, don't make any sudden moves.
00:07:55Now, I'd kindly appreciate it if you'd ask him to move.
00:08:38He came this way.
00:09:03Over here.
00:09:34What is it?
00:09:35A ship.
00:09:39Used to explore the Earth's interior.
00:09:43It was built by a man named Abner Perry.
00:09:46The famous scientist.
00:09:48Four years ago, it set out on a trial run.
00:09:52It boarded into the Earth outside of London.
00:09:55Hasn't been seen since.
00:10:05The flying creature was here.
00:10:10And it's not alone.
00:10:19This ape man never ceases to amaze me.
00:10:24So wild.
00:10:26So crude.
00:10:35So smart.
00:10:38This Tarzan will not rest until he finds me.
00:10:46And when he does, I will be ready for him.
00:11:11It was his scent I picked up a long ago.
00:11:13I'll wire the magistrate's office and request soldiers.
00:11:17They won't believe you.
00:11:18If this Rokoff is as dangerous as you say he is,
00:11:20we can't just stand back and do nothing.
00:11:22I don't intend to.
00:11:24I'll find him.
00:11:26Well, tell me.
00:11:26What can I do to help?
00:11:37You said you found it two days ago.
00:11:39Yeah, it was him.
00:11:50You said you found it two days ago.
00:11:51Yeah, it was him.
00:12:02She's government.
00:12:10But I saw her alive this morning.
00:13:05I don't understand.
00:13:08Mother, wait!
00:13:30Greystoke, welcome. I have been waiting for you.
00:13:34Did you kill Perry?
00:13:38I merely took his iron mole.
00:13:40I was a student of his writings.
00:13:44I knew he must be in Pellucidar.
00:13:50I'm sending you back, Rokoff.
00:13:52Some things never change.
00:13:54Do they?
00:14:36Where are the men?
00:14:38No. They followed me here and disappeared.
00:14:40You're their ally.
00:14:44That was before I killed Mora, their queen.
00:14:46Little did I know she had a sister more wicked than she.
00:14:50You saw my brother's body.
00:14:52That was her handiwork.
00:14:54Why don't I believe you?
00:14:56Because before, I never gave you reason to.
00:14:58Go ahead!
00:15:00Run the blade through!
00:15:02I am to blame for what happened to Ivan.
00:15:06This is my punishment.
00:15:16Your punishment will be to live with your brother's death.
00:15:20Your punishment will be to live with your brother's death.
00:15:24I sent for my brother.
00:15:26He was the broker, the truce between my sister and me.
00:15:30The Countess disowned you.
00:15:32Yes, but I brought something with me from Pellucidar
00:15:36to secure my pardon.
00:15:38With Ivan dead,
00:15:40even the idea of a truce is impossible.
00:15:44Why kill me?
00:15:50I thought you wanted to kill me.
00:15:54Maybe I can satisfy both your desires.
00:15:58Don't you remember me, Count Rokoff?
00:16:02It's her!
00:16:04It's her!
00:16:14You are a strong-willed soul, Tarzan.
00:16:18Don't permit her to enter your mind.
00:16:20She will control you.
00:16:22Just to warn you, there are more of us outside,
00:16:25in case either of you entertain any more thoughts of escaping.
00:16:29Now, you will bring me the jewel.
00:16:33The jewel gives them immortality.
00:16:35If it is not returned to me immediately,
00:16:38neither of you will live to enjoy its beauty.
00:16:41I want it now!
00:16:46Bring me the jewel.
00:16:54You can't hypnotize me.
00:16:59I'm Russian.
00:17:54Very clever.
00:17:57I thought you were dead.
00:18:00You are in my jungle now.
00:18:04They went back to Pellucidar.
00:18:06They would have killed me, but they wanted the message delivered to you.
00:18:10If Eva does not get her jewel back,
00:18:15she will continue to feed on humans,
00:18:23with your friend.
00:18:30To be continued...
00:19:01Being here with you
00:19:04seems as if we were never apart.
00:19:07But we were.
00:19:09And I don't know why.
00:19:11We all have journeys to take.
00:19:14Some more mysterious than others.
00:19:17A journey?
00:19:19I thought you were abducted.
00:19:22Not a journey.
00:19:24But you left me.
00:19:27You took my tribe and left me.
00:19:30And you are still a chief,
00:19:32but made stronger and braver by your aloneness.
00:19:37This was your journey.
00:19:40I thought I had nothing else to live for.
00:19:43And now?
00:19:45I never want to be away from you again.
00:19:49You have everything to live for
00:19:52and the heart to enjoy it.
00:19:55Stop killing yourself with worry.
00:19:58Put your faith in me.
00:20:10Show me how to run this thing.
00:20:12It is not possible.
00:20:14You may go to Pellucidar without me.
00:20:18I'm trading the jewel for Timba's life.
00:20:20I care nothing for Timba.
00:20:23I care nothing for this jewel.
00:20:30Okay, maybe a little.
00:20:33What do they say?
00:20:35A leopard cannot change his spots?
00:20:38Well, this leopard will gladly give up the jewel
00:20:43to avenge his brother's death.
00:20:46I want that creature ever dead.
00:20:50Your hatred will get us all killed.
00:20:56did you ever have anyone close to you murdered?
00:21:02My mother.
00:21:04And the murderer?
00:21:06I killed him.
00:21:09Did that not ease the sting?
00:21:14She's still dead.
00:21:18That was your experience.
00:21:22Allow me mine.
00:21:55Stop, Pellucidar.
00:22:26Let me get my gun.
00:22:45You don't know where you're going, do you?
00:22:48Of course I do.
00:22:50I just need to get my bearings.
00:22:52Tell me, with the horizon bending around like this,
00:22:54which way is due north?
00:23:01I am not the wild man.
00:23:05You are.
00:23:08I want to get to the Mehar temple.
00:23:12What do you suggest?
00:23:23This will do nothing but curb the appetite.
00:23:27For now, this is all we need.
00:23:32No, no.
00:23:34Food will settle the stomach,
00:23:37but not the mind.
00:23:40I need to find the Mehars.
00:23:53What if the Mehars find us?
00:24:03Are you crazy?
00:24:06Why don't you just tie me to the spit
00:24:08and save the Mehars the trouble?
00:24:12You want to find them, don't you?
00:24:14Yes, find them!
00:24:17Have you never heard of the element of surprise?
00:24:20And those Mehars are not the only creatures
00:24:22we have to be concerned about.
00:24:24What about the Sagas?
00:24:26Those large, ugly, stinking creatures!
00:25:21What do you suggest now?
00:25:25We wait.
00:25:28We wait.
00:26:14I thought we needed to talk.
00:26:19Where's Temba?
00:26:21Where's my jewel?
00:26:24We are not that much different, you and I, Tarzan.
00:26:27In this form or in Mehar.
00:26:29You're as weary of man as I am.
00:26:31Self-absorbed, self-destructive.
00:26:34They have no respect for nature.
00:26:36I'm doing the Earth a favor by feeding on them.
00:26:39The Earth produced man as well as the Mehar.
00:26:42Who's to say which is the mistake?
00:26:46Well, that's the difference between you and man.
00:26:48He learns from his arrogance, you learn nothing.
00:26:50Give me the jewel.
00:27:06Your will is strong now,
00:27:08but it will weaken as your body rots,
00:27:10and then it will be mine.
00:27:13What if it dies with me?
00:27:16You're a contemptible human!
00:27:33No. No, please.
00:27:35No, Liam, no!
00:27:37No, let me go! Please, not me!
00:27:40No! No!
00:27:42Please, let me go! No, don't take me!
00:27:56What is it?
00:27:58I was wondering
00:28:00if it might not be in everybody's best interest
00:28:03to give the jewel back to her.
00:28:06So she is immortal.
00:28:09What difference does it make?
00:28:11We are not immortal.
00:28:13The only defense we have against the Mehars is our will.
00:28:16Yes, but who cares?
00:28:18We must stay strong, Rokoff.
00:28:43I'm glad you could join me.
00:28:45Did I have a choice?
00:28:48Of course.
00:28:50Some wine before dinner.
00:28:55Now, what do you Russians say?
00:29:00Na zdorovie.
00:29:04Na zdorovie.
00:29:06Na zdorovie.
00:29:13Don't leave me now!
00:29:16Don't leave me now!
00:29:19What was that?
00:29:32Enough of this pleasantries.
00:29:36I do not know where the jewel is.
00:29:40And if you don't believe me,
00:29:43you can read my mind again.
00:29:45It's not your mind I'm having trouble with.
00:29:48It's Tarzan's.
00:29:51I need your help.
00:29:55Betray Tarzan.
00:30:02You are the one who killed my brother.
00:30:06He was weaker than you.
00:30:08And he couldn't offer you what I can offer you.
00:30:11And what is that?
00:30:13Your freedom.
00:30:17I need time to think.
00:30:27Dinner is served.
00:30:35I'll need a weapon.
00:31:07It's time.
00:31:13It's time.
00:31:22Open the door.
00:31:34Good work.
00:31:36Did you get the jewel?
00:31:41Did he tell you where he hid it?
00:31:45Let me think.
00:31:51You idiot.
00:31:53We had a deal. I offered you your freedom.
00:31:57But darling, Tarzan offered me my life.
00:32:12Come on.
00:32:18Let's get out of here.
00:32:20First the prisoners.
00:32:26Go. We're free.
00:32:31Come on.
00:32:34Come on.
00:32:42Come on.
00:32:54This belongs to you.
00:32:56Because you have proven yourself worthy to lead the Wagambi.
00:33:00You are ready for the truth.
00:33:07Tarzan. He's here.
00:33:09He's the reason for our disappearance.
00:33:11He's our friend.
00:33:13In his possession is a magical jewel which he uses to cast a spell over us.
00:33:18Retrieve this jewel and you'll save our tribe from extinction.
00:33:22Mother, Tarzan...
00:33:23Look at me.
00:33:27You must find him.
00:33:33I'll find him.
00:33:39We don't have much time.
00:33:40Are you sure this is the way out?
00:33:42Sagis leave a powerful scent. We'll follow the trail back to where we were captured.
00:33:58Which way?
00:34:12Hand over the jewel and you can go.
00:34:16And you?
00:34:18I'm staying with my tribe.
00:34:22You've seen them?
00:34:24He's seen me. That's enough.
00:34:27The others will come if you retrieve the jewel.
00:34:30Temba! It's not your mother. It's a mahar.
00:34:33She's controlling what you see.
00:34:35I don't know.
00:34:37I don't know.
00:34:38No, you do.
00:34:40Temba! Look at her!
00:34:43See her for what she really is.
00:34:45If Tarzan doesn't give you the jewel,
00:34:49then he must not leave Pellicido.
00:35:03Tarzan, where am I?
00:35:05Over there. Come on.
00:35:17Gentlemen, please, quickly.
00:35:35Come on.
00:36:06Come on.
00:36:29Six minutes to surface.
00:36:32I'm assuming there's an explanation for all this.
00:36:34We just left Pellucidor.
00:36:55She's tearing the mall apart.
00:36:57If she gets to the motor house, it's all over for us.
00:37:05Is there another way out of here?
00:37:15Tarzan, if something should happen to me...
00:37:20Nothing is going to happen to you.
00:37:22But if it does, we cannot allow them on Earth.
00:37:28This is the accelerator.
00:37:31Here, the gearbox.
00:37:34And this is the self-destruct button.
00:37:38Push it!
00:37:40You have ten seconds to make your peace.
00:37:42The blast should be strong enough to seal the hole.
00:37:47Can't this thing go any faster?
00:37:49There is something I can do.
00:37:54Tarzan, take the controls.
00:38:01She must be getting pretty close to the motor.
00:38:05Tarzan, you gave me back my dignity.
00:38:11I give you something in return.
00:38:19Hold those doors!
00:38:37Tarzan, get in!
00:39:02Ten seconds. Ready?
00:39:44Rokoff! I wouldn't have picked him as a hero.
00:39:47No. He kept it hidden.
00:39:50Why do you think he did it?
00:39:54I guess man isn't all bad.
00:40:01Don't worry. I won't hurt him.
00:40:04Not this son. That son.
00:40:24Go get him.
00:40:40Don't make this too easy for him.
00:40:59Madonna, your brother could use your support.
00:41:01From what I've seen, this is your friend who needs help.
00:41:09To the winner.
00:41:11To the winner.
00:41:52The medicine man thinks someone cast a spell on you.
00:42:16It wasn't a spell, Timber.
00:42:20I went someplace I've never been before.
00:42:22And the blood?
00:42:24It was from a baby.
00:42:27But it wasn't human.
00:42:28Tarzan, I have no choice.
00:42:31You must leave.
00:43:22No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:49no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:50no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:43:52no, no.
00:44:04Voca, what happened?
00:44:07Donna is gone, like the others.
00:44:10Baby, you're the Messenger of the Wild Spirit.
00:44:15Baby, you're the messenger of the well-spirit. You brought us evil here.
00:44:26I'm not a messenger, Mboko. I'm a friend.
00:44:34I promise you, I will bring Mdona back.
00:44:45I promise.
00:46:16Keep riding is futile, Carson Napier!
00:46:20Come, be our brother!
00:46:23You know we mean you well?
00:46:28Shoot him on sight.
00:47:15What the hell?
00:47:45Next time, would you mind striking me with your left hand, Lord Greystoke?
00:48:02This cheek's feeling a little left out.
00:48:09This place...
00:48:12It's Amtor.
00:48:16It's a planet. It's a centering galaxy. It's a million miles from Earth.
00:48:24No further than a thought.
00:48:26You sent me the visions.
00:48:28Telepathy. It's a little skill I picked up in Tibet.
00:48:35I'm no master, though, but we'll see.
00:48:38But you're here.
00:48:41I'm looking for a native woman who was taken from her tribe.
00:48:44The woman you speak of is Mdona, daughter of Chief Mboko.
00:48:47You're the evil spirit.
00:48:49I'm Carson Napier, an anthropologist.
00:48:51One night, an Amtron raiding party came to the village collecting breeders.
00:48:56I followed them back to the well.
00:48:59Breeders? Are they using Ngomo women?
00:49:03Imagine! An alien society. For three years, I've been living an anthropologist's dream.
00:49:08Are they using the Ngomo women?
00:49:10Amtor's too polluted. They can't reproduce.
00:49:14The women are sterile. They need human breeders.
00:49:17This planet used to be the jewel of the centering galaxy.
00:49:20It now crumbles and deteriorates with acid rain.
00:49:23Where is Mdona?
00:49:24I have a solution. I can solve the destruction of a planet.
00:49:29These people won't listen to me. Will you help me?
00:49:32Where is Mdona?
00:49:34I have a feeling that debate is one of your strong points.
00:49:41Lord Greystoke, I need your help.
00:50:03My lord.
00:50:06Did you find Napier?
00:50:09Yes. But lost him.
00:50:14Tell me, Vy'lor. Do you have any good news?
00:50:19My men have brought back a breeder. We are prepared to take a dozen more.
00:50:25That is good news. And may your mission prove fruitful.
00:50:31There was something else?
00:50:33Yes, my lord.
00:50:35On my return, I would like to fulfill the terms of our arrangement.
00:50:41Ah, yes.
00:50:45You have spoken to Dwari about this?
00:50:49She failed to appear for her review of the guard.
00:50:54The Tharban would find it difficult to control that daughter of mine.
00:50:59You are sure you want to grapple with her?
00:51:01My lord, you are the young and in need of an heir.
00:51:05An Amtoran heir.
00:51:08I enter into this arrangement for you.
00:51:12Of course, Vy'lor.
00:51:15You are my most trusted soldier.
00:51:19I will speak to my daughter.
00:51:22Thank you, my lord.
00:51:38I don't know what to do with you anymore.
00:51:41I'm sorry, father. I'll never do it again.
00:51:45I don't know what to do with you anymore.
00:51:48I'm sorry, father. I'll never do it again.
00:51:52This is not funny.
00:51:55Vy'lor is the captain of my guard. It is your duty to join with him.
00:52:00Vy'lor doesn't love me.
00:52:04And he respects you even less.
00:52:08It makes me ill to watch him drool over your throne.
00:52:13I am in love with someone else.
00:52:17Yes, with the rebel Napier.
00:52:20I'm not blind, Doire.
00:52:22Then let me join with him.
00:52:24What? The daughter of the young?
00:52:27Joining with his archenemy? What would the people say?
00:52:30Lord Greystoke, this will bring Amtor back to life.
00:52:36Isn't it great?
00:52:40Well, isn't it great?
00:52:42A gun?
00:52:43Not just a gun.
00:52:45An X-8 C-3B.
00:52:49We're meant to have surprise rocket launchers.
00:52:52With this, we'll be able to take back our skies.
00:52:56This isn't the answer to your problems, Napier.
00:52:58Yes, ordinarily.
00:53:00But I've created a formula to neutralize the acid.
00:53:04The salve used to heal your wounds is a derivative of my research.
00:53:10I must get it launched.
00:53:13Why haven't you?
00:53:15Mintep, lord and ruler of Amtor.
00:53:19He has my formula hidden somewhere.
00:53:23Make more.
00:53:24I can't.
00:53:26I don't have the chemical components to make any more.
00:53:30And I have neither the strength nor the time to find the original.
00:53:34Tarzan, you must help these people.
00:53:39You must save Amtor.
00:54:01Silasine, methionine, phenylalanine.
00:54:04Branch-chained amino acids.
00:54:08Contains all the essential vitamins and minerals.
00:54:26Want another one?
00:54:35What's going on?
00:54:38It begins again.
00:54:41I don't understand.
00:54:43Years ago, Goma women began disappearing from our village.
00:54:48I knew it was an evil deep within the well that took them there.
00:54:53I knew, but I didn't want to believe.
00:54:59Did Indana fall down the well?
00:55:02Inboko, tell me.
00:55:05Yes. Tarzan with her.
00:55:14Inboko, don't make the well a tomb just yet.
00:55:42I don't think we're going to be going on any more raids today.
00:55:49This diagram shows the royal chambers.
00:55:52Everything dear to Mintep is kept here.
00:55:55My formula is here somewhere.
00:55:57What are we chasing?
00:55:59These tunnels.
00:56:03Leads to the chambers.
00:56:06First we free the Ngoma women.
00:56:11Security check. Medicine.
00:56:15We have a report of illegal goings-on here.
00:56:18I stand guilty.
00:56:20Carson, your honesty really is your highest virtue.
00:56:28A new breed has been captured.
00:56:31Vilo's going for more.
00:56:33Soon we can have our baby.
00:56:35You know I don't approve of using humans this way.
00:56:39I don't have to remind you.
00:56:41That's exactly how I was born.
00:56:47Why are we even having this discussion
00:56:49when you know that we cannot be joined?
00:56:51Mintep would never allow it.
00:56:53But I believe he would.
00:56:55You know what?
00:56:56My father said he wants to speak with you.
00:56:59Tell him to return my formula.
00:57:01Then we'll have reason to speak.
00:57:03He doesn't have your formula.
00:57:04Oh, do worry.
00:57:06This isn't about the formula.
00:57:08It's about us.
00:57:10Maybe I should join with Vilo.
00:57:12You will do what you will do.
00:57:14And as usual, nothing that I say will make any difference.
00:57:18Who's in there?
00:57:19Who's in where?
00:57:20There, behind the curtain.
00:57:21No one?
00:57:22No one.
00:57:30You and your suspicious mind.
00:57:34You're always like that.
00:57:41You take a very personal approach to your work.
00:57:45Tarzan Duare.
00:57:46Duare, meet the answer to Amtor's survival.
00:57:51You could have trusted me.
00:57:53I couldn't risk getting you involved.
00:58:02Can she be trusted?
00:58:05But her father can't be.
00:58:07Father, Carson's formula, is it as dangerous as you say?
00:58:14Oh, my technicians have analyzed it.
00:58:17It is designed to control our minds.
00:58:21To deal with our suffering by escaping from it,
00:58:24rather than allowing us the dignity to work through it.
00:58:30Only Carson could hear you.
00:58:35He could.
00:58:37I'm desperate to mend the break between you two.
00:58:44Do I have your promise that you won't hurt Napier?
00:58:48If I were to hurt Napier,
00:58:51it would mean that I would have to hurt you.
00:58:55And that I could never do.
00:59:08I have something to tell you.
00:59:34Tim, help me.
00:59:37Wait, wait.
00:59:39Leave her alone.
00:59:40She has done nothing to you.
00:59:42I know.
00:59:43Then why hurt her?
00:59:45Because I have to, to save Amtor.
00:59:50Are you a doctor?
00:59:54Are you a doctor?
00:59:57If you are a doctor,
00:59:59then you have an obligation to save lives.
01:00:03On Amtor, I give life.
01:00:05Our female of the species can no longer bear young.
01:00:09You breed our women like they are animals.
01:00:12This is an emergency measure only
01:00:14until our planet has been restored to health.
01:00:18Your people don't deserve to bear children.
01:00:22The lab is on the far right.
01:00:24Mintep keeps it near the people.
01:00:26Gives the impression he's working for them.
01:00:29We're too open out here.
01:00:30Is there any other way to the lab?
01:00:33Oh, yeah.
01:00:35You know, our underground tunnels.
01:00:37Good, let's go.
01:00:39I don't like tunnels.
01:00:42I don't like tunnels.
01:00:43But you're an anthropologist.
01:00:44You're supposed to like tunnels.
01:00:45Yes, who hates bugs?
01:00:47I hate bugs.
01:00:48Insects, centipedes, anything with hair on its body.
01:00:50That's what you do.
01:00:51You're supposed to like tunnels.
01:00:52I don't like bugs, all right?
01:00:54Go ahead, amuse yourself.
01:00:56The Thar Band makes use of the tunnels.
01:00:58That is one bug you do not want to find yourself
01:01:01in an altercation with.
01:01:05Oh, come on.
01:01:12Doctor, what are you going to do with me?
01:01:16That's up to the young to decide.
01:01:19We could never supply as many breeders as we need.
01:01:23So we decided to breed our own.
01:01:28I don't like what I'm doing.
01:01:32Where I come from, people are judged by their deeds.
01:01:39Not by their words.
01:01:41As are we.
01:01:42But if I don't do as I'm told,
01:01:45I am going to be judged harshly.
01:01:50This is what I got for not obeying orders.
01:01:54Even your Zhong must realize
01:01:57that holding on to such a view can only bring ruin.
01:02:01He only sees what he wants to see.
01:02:04There was one man who disagreed with the young.
01:02:07His name was Carson Napier.
01:02:10He was courageous.
01:02:12Gave us all hope.
01:02:14But he's been banished.
01:02:16He might even be dead.
01:02:18Then someone must carry on for him, Doctor.
01:02:25Ah, move!
01:02:27Stop it.
01:02:29Boy, what are you doing over there?
01:02:31Get working.
01:02:32Yes, sir.
01:02:34Stop it.
01:02:35What are you doing?
01:02:43What's happening to you?
01:02:45Fill that, quickly.
01:02:47Boy, what are you doing over there?
01:02:49Get working.
01:02:51Get working.
01:03:03I hope they didn't change the code.
01:03:06Change the code?
01:03:09Time. Maybe it's a time.
01:03:14What is the meaning of this?
01:03:17Napier, talk to the woman.
01:03:20Tell me.
01:03:21Napier, I thought you were dead.
01:03:23Zura, listen to me.
01:03:25If you help us, this will no longer be necessary.
01:03:29But I trusted you and you left.
01:03:32I had to remain hidden until the time was right.
01:03:35Help me.
01:03:37I think the process might be able to be reversed.
01:03:50Help me.
01:04:21Come on.
01:04:37I'll go with you.
01:04:38Tarzan, make sure you're safe.
01:04:40Napier, no!
01:04:43Get Napier!
01:04:45Get him!
01:05:08Come on.
01:05:13No. No.
01:05:20Why did you come?
01:05:22Zura. Zura, look at me.
01:05:35She's dead!
01:05:38I'm sorry, Lucia.
01:05:40My men are in need of target practice.
01:05:42They were aiming for you.
01:05:44You pig!
01:06:06Oh, Nduna.
01:06:08How glad I am that you are back, my child.
01:06:11Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
01:06:19I have to go back, Tembo.
01:06:21You almost got yourself killed.
01:06:22I promised Napier.
01:06:24What do you care about those people?
01:06:27They're people, Tembo.
01:06:30You're right.
01:06:32No, Tembo. Stay here. There may be another raid.
01:06:36I'll find Napier.
01:06:59I was told you received medical help.
01:07:02I have.
01:07:04But I don't believe that rehabilitation is what your father has planned for me.
01:07:10Carson, are you dying?
01:07:12My immune system is depleted.
01:07:18This planet has defeated me!
01:07:26Who are you?
01:07:31Don't shed your tears only for me.
01:07:34We are all dying.
01:07:37The formula is the only thing that could have saved us.
01:07:42Carson, I'm the one who betrayed you.
01:07:47Nobody was supposed to get hurt.
01:07:49Especially you.
01:07:51I just didn't want you to leave me.
01:07:57Forgive me, please.
01:08:01I already have.
01:08:06But what do you tell your people?
01:08:14I know where the formula is.
01:08:17I've always known.
01:08:19How do I?
01:08:21What do I do?
01:08:23Find Tarzan!
01:08:25Find Tarzan. Go.
01:09:52You were the only one who knew of our plans.
01:09:56You betrayed Napier.
01:09:58My father betrayed me.
01:09:59Then you're both guilty.
01:10:02But I'm about to make it up to Carson.
01:10:04I'll find you.
01:10:06I know where the formula is.
01:10:10Yes, I know.
01:10:11You're wondering if I should be here or not.
01:10:18My father keeps the formula in here.
01:10:23It's empty.
01:10:25The Thurber.
01:10:28I am the young.
01:10:30You seem to forget that.
01:10:32You don't rule like a young, sir.
01:10:35You don't care about your people.
01:10:37You only care about power.
01:10:39You are as grating as the Thurber's wine.
01:10:42And bring as much relief.
01:10:44May I remind you that it was the people's devotion
01:10:48to the previous young's lavish rule
01:10:51that has brought us to this state of affairs.
01:10:54His only crime was that he gave too much love to his people.
01:10:57Yours is that you have no love to give at all.
01:11:00You disgusting human.
01:11:04Some of the people think you're a hero.
01:11:06But I know better.
01:11:08That is why you will die.
01:11:14Throw it to him.
01:11:18No. No.
01:11:22No. No. No.
01:11:27Not my formula.
01:11:29Not my formula.
01:11:32There is your formula.
01:11:34I redemptor of both problems.
01:12:02Hansen, wait!
01:12:25Get him!
01:12:39Kill the alien! Take it off!
01:12:46No! No!
01:12:51Dwight? He is the enemy!
01:12:53No, father. You are.
01:13:04Tarzan! Come on!
01:13:13Would you untie me, please?
01:13:17I told you I hate bugs.
01:13:21The formula!
01:13:25Tarzan! Hurry! Come on!
01:13:34I thought I told you to stay with the women!
01:13:36What? And miss all the fun?
01:13:38Follow them!
01:13:43Will you get in?
01:13:47I'm all right.
01:13:49Just launch the formula!
01:13:53Napier won't succeed.
01:13:57That's your hope? Even now?
01:14:03I want Napier alive!
01:14:39Get him, Tarzan!
01:14:41We're going to die!
01:15:08We've got him now!
01:15:59Pick up the warhead, Timber.
01:16:20All Carson wants is to do good.
01:16:23Then we would be ruled by humans.
01:16:33Okay. I hope it works.
01:16:39I said I hope it works. I haven't really tested it for real.
01:16:43What do you mean, after all this? You don't even know if it works!
01:16:46Am I going to get hit again?
01:17:08It will never rain.
01:17:19Damn it, rain.
01:17:42Rain! It's been neutralized!
01:17:49It's here!
01:17:51My lord!
01:18:13It should have been your legacy.
01:18:18No, that is reserved for better ones than I.
01:19:05I guess you won't be needing me anymore.
01:19:08Earth won't be the only place where your name will be legend.
01:19:13When you get back to Earth, activate the well.
01:19:19It'll seal the portal.
01:19:23You're not coming.
01:19:26I'm going to stay here as long as I live.
01:19:30Go well, Napier.
01:19:35My lord, Greystoke.
01:19:42Thank you.
