Sam Vs Kim Vs PJ

  • 3 months ago


00:00Do, do, do you have it?
00:02Do, do, do you have it?
00:07Do you have it?
00:09From Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida,
00:13welcome to Guts, the action sports show that's gonna make you sweat!
00:21And now, today's fearless players, wearing Bonsai Blue from Galaxy Middle School,
00:27slammin' Sam Natale!
00:33In the razor-sharp red from McCoy Middle School, it's Kim, rockin' red, D-d-d-duder!
00:43And in the perpetual purple from Emerald Shores Elementary School, BJ, the piranha, Owen!
00:57Hello everyone, I'm Mike O'Malley, welcome to the Extreme Arena, home of Nickelodeon Guts,
01:03the action sports show where kids live out their greatest sports fantasies.
01:07Now, our players today will be competing in four spectacular events,
01:11and after that, they'll get a chance at tackling our radical rock, the Aggro Crag,
01:15where almost anything can happen.
01:17The player with the most points at the end of all of our events is the winner,
01:21and he or she will be able to take home a glowing piece of our awesome rock.
01:25Now remember, all of our events are specifically designed with our players' safety in mind.
01:30Our players will be wearing safety equipment,
01:32we'll have a professional stunt coordinator and stunt spotters with them at all times,
01:36so please, do not try this at home.
01:38Now you're crashin' the boards with David Robinson, Dennis Rodman, and Akeem Olajuwon.
01:43No way, you say?
01:44Well, in our new elastic event, Rebound, the re is yours!
01:48Another elastic sporting event here on Guts, let's go to our referee, Maura Quirk, for the rules.
01:54Hey, Mike.
01:55At the sound of my whistle, all of our players will jump off the aerial bridge and towards the center post.
02:00Players will get seven chances to grab the rebound.
02:03The player with the most rebounds wins.
02:05Players, on your mark, get set...
02:08Seven chances to show off their vertical leap, and up it is!
02:12Look at them grab it!
02:14A serious grab right there for Kim, and she took that rebound right out of the hands of Sam.
02:19On your mark, get set...
02:22And back there, square it up for another jump, and right in there, look at PJ, the piranha,
02:27stickin' his teeth into that rebound, and gettin' back up on the aerial bridge,
02:31showin' serious vertical leap on that, electrifying that last rebound.
02:35On your mark, get set...
02:38Poised and ready for one more jump, and up it is!
02:41No one gets a hold of that one, as all three were battling for that rebound.
02:45And back up on the aerial bridge, ready for another one.
02:48On your mark, get set...
02:51We call this the high society, because they're skyin' high, and look at that again!
02:56As Kim, battling for that rebound, and takin' it back up to the bridge.
03:00On your mark, get set...
03:02They're storin' basketballs for the winner, squirrelin' them away!
03:07And no one gets a hold of that rebound, but they're ready, and back up on the aerial bridge for another jump.
03:12Seven chances, who's gonna get the most?
03:14On your mark, get set...
03:15And back it in, powering their way, look at how they position themselves for that one!
03:20But not a powerful leap on that one, weren't able to grab hold of the basketball.
03:24All of them coming up empty on that last jump, but looks like they're ready for one more.
03:28Looks like Kim is getting her knee pad ready there.
03:31On your mark, get set...
03:33And the determination on their faces, they go skyin' high for the rebound!
03:37And look at PJ, the piranha, takin' that one.
03:41A beautiful performance, yeah.
03:43I want Akeem to come in here and take on PJ.
03:46Yeah, let's go to Mo and check out the results.
03:48We have a tie in first place, Mike.
03:50Both PJ in purple and Kim in red, got two rebounds.
03:54In third place, Salmon Blue with no rebounds.
03:57So, head-to-head they went, squarin' off.
04:01And look at Kim, bringin' home the bacon on this one.
04:05Gettin' both paws around that basketball, and bringin' it back home.
04:10Takin' home two rebounds, tie for first place.
04:13What does it feel like to be attached to an elastic cord?
04:16It feels really neat. I just wanted to try and get the most rebounds I could to win.
04:19And you certainly did. You took first place with PJ.
04:22Let's check out our leaderboard. Mo!
04:24Mike, first place in our events is worth 300 points.
04:26That goes to both PJ in purple and Kim in red.
04:29In third place with 100 points, Salmon Blue.
04:33And right now, it's time to find out about Sam in a segment we call Spill Your Guts.
04:39Slammin' Sam Notoli is a 14-year-old weightlifter.
04:43When Sam isn't throwing weights around, she's slammin' hoops with her friends.
04:46For Sam, guts equals risk.
04:51Alright, and I believe Sam is ready for our next event, Basic Training.
04:55It takes place right here in our gym.
04:57Our obstacles change every day, so let's take a look at what we have here for our players today.
05:02They're gonna go up the cargo climb, then across the Tarzan swing.
05:05They're gonna get up on that platform. Yeah, it's as high as it looks.
05:08They're gonna go down the slide for life, and then fight their way through the elastic jungle.
05:12Up this wall climb right here, and then into the airbag.
05:16Let's go to Mo and check out the rules. Mo?
05:18Mike, our players will be timed from starting line to free fall.
05:21They must complete each obstacle before moving on to the next one.
05:24Best time wins.
05:26On your mark, get set...
05:28Alright, so Sam getting up the cargo climb, having some trouble initially, but fighting her way back up there.
05:34This event, folks, the Basic Training event, taking a whole slew of different qualities from our players.
05:41Speed, determination, and not the least of which, courage, to fight their way through these elastic jungles.
05:48They fly their way across that Tarzan swing, and as you see Sam climbing her way up the wall climb,
05:54and then down into the free fall airbag.
05:57A nice finish on that one. Let's go to Mo and find out what the official time for Sam is.
06:02Sam finished in 28.2 seconds.
06:05Alright, 28.2 seconds, now the time to beat. Kim is ready.
06:08On your mark, get set...
06:10Alright, so Kim up the cargo climb. Her nickname, Rockin' Red.
06:16Let's see if she can put... I believe she had a false start, so we're going to send her back.
06:21She had a false start, we're going to send her back.
06:23So our spotters up top, notifying her that she did indeed get a false start.
06:29She's going to go swinging across on the Tarzan swing, and then we'll get her down the cargo climb,
06:34and she will be starting again.
06:35Now let's just go to Mo and find out how many false starts our players are allowed before they are disqualified.
06:42Mike, each of our players are allowed one false start.
06:44If they false start for a second time, they receive an automatic third place.
06:50Automatic third place, so the pressure on Kim as she gets ready to go again.
06:54On your mark, get set...
06:56Alright, so Kim up the cargo climb. No false start on that one, folks.
07:01And making up her time as she gets across the Tarzan swing, high and down the slide for life.
07:08A little hesitation there, folks.
07:10We'll find out if that will affect her finish here as she gets through the Elastic Jungle.
07:16Fighting her way through that, she's at 22 seconds, she's going to have to hustle up the wall climb,
07:20and it looks like it's going to be real close, folks.
07:22Very close, she's at 26 seconds, she's going to have to drop fast.
07:25Oh, folks, look how close that was. Let's go to Mo and find out if that's an official time, Mo.
07:30Kim's official time was 28.4 seconds.
07:33So, very, very close between Kim and Sam. PJ the Piranha is ready.
07:39On your mark, get set...
07:41Alright, PJ the Piranha breaking out of that school of fish,
07:47and going lonesome, man, right through the cargo net and across the Tarzan swing.
07:53Oh, just makes it across and down the slide for life.
07:56Let's see what PJ can do through the Elastic Jungle, going low.
08:01The time to beat, 28.2.
08:03PJ going into this event tied with Kim for first place.
08:07Does not look like he's going to make it fast enough, folks.
08:10Looks like a third place finish as he continues to thrust his own way up there,
08:14and then into the free fall bag.
08:16Let's go to Mo and check out the official time is.
08:19PJ clocked in at 34.2 seconds.
08:21That puts Sam in first place, Kim in second place, PJ in third place.
08:26Alright, so Sam taking a first place finish on that one,
08:31coming barreling out of the slide for life,
08:35and continuing her way through that, taking a first place finish.
08:38She went into this event with 100 points,
08:41and getting right back up to speed with a 300 point finish on that one.
08:45Sam, excellent job on that last event.
08:47What did you think was the toughest portion of the basic training events?
08:50Definitely the rubber bands.
08:52The Elastic Jungle.
08:54And what were you thinking?
08:55You were going into this event in third place.
08:57Was your mind set before the event?
08:59Yeah, I knew I had to win, and I tried my hardest.
09:02And you won.
09:04Let's go to Mo and check out where she stands now.
09:07Right now, Kim in red is in first place with 500 points,
09:09and tied in second place, Sam in blue and PJ in purple with 400 points each.
09:15So a fantastic finish right there.
09:18You come back.
09:19We've got a game, folks.
09:21Stick around.
09:29Welcome back to Guts, the action sports show that asks,
09:32Do you have it?
09:34All right, the Extreme Arena getting ready for our next pool event.
09:38But right now, it's time for Spill Your Guts.
09:42Kim Rockin' Red Tudor is a 13-year-old pilot wannabe.
09:45When Kim isn't rocking through the clouds with her dad,
09:47she's rolling with the currents on a scuba dive.
09:50For Kim, guts equals spirit.
09:53And, folks, surf is up in our next event.
09:57That's right.
09:58It's called Hang 10, and we have transformed our guts pool into a raging ocean.
10:04Our players are going to have to fight those waves
10:06because we're going body surfing, dudes.
10:09Let's talk to our referee, Mo, for the rules.
10:11Well, Mike, at the sound of my whistle,
10:12each player will have 30 seconds to collect as many buoys on their arm as possible.
10:17Players must keep the buoys on their arms,
10:19and the player with the most buoys wins.
10:22On your mark, get set.
10:24And Sam is first.
10:26They call her Slammin' Sam.
10:28And Sam is tied with PJ with 400 points in this event.
10:32She being the first player to go,
10:34gets the first crack at our raging ocean
10:38as she tries to hang on to that body board.
10:40Just shows you how much athletic ability our players must have
10:45going from our elastic sports event,
10:47who are basic training obstacles,
10:49and then into a pool.
10:51Incredible capabilities our players have on this show as time runs out.
10:54And it looks like Sam has quite a few buoys there.
10:57Let's go to Mo and find out the official result.
11:00Sam collected seven buoys.
11:01Seven buoys for Sam.
11:03Now the number to beat,
11:05Kim will be, as you take a look as Sam gets out of the pool,
11:09Kim will be getting on to our body surfing board next,
11:13and she will be going next.
11:15Let's see if she can hold on to her first place lead.
11:18On your mark, get set.
11:20All right, she's ready and raring to go.
11:22And you see her paddling herself out to that first buoy,
11:24holding on.
11:26Good form as she's spread herself,
11:28her weight evenly across that board.
11:31And the waves not slowing her down
11:34as she has four buoys right now.
11:36It looks like, though, she missed two buoys that were right around her
11:39and chose to go to the other corner of the pool.
11:41At this point, having six buoys,
11:43you can take a look at our guts ocean cam right there.
11:46And she needs one more, I believe.
11:50That's tough as she went right near the edge of the pool on that one.
11:54Let's go to Mo. Mo?
11:55Kim collected six buoys.
11:57All right, six buoys for that choice to blow off those two buoys right next to her.
12:03Obviously affecting the outcome of this event
12:07as she gets out of the pool on that one, getting dried off.
12:10PJ will be stepping up next, or should I say, surfing up next.
12:15He's got his tongue out, and maybe he's thirsty, I don't know.
12:18He's certainly going to get wet in this next event
12:20because we've got those buoys in the water and ready to go.
12:23It looks like they're ready, Mo.
12:25On your mark.
12:27On your mark, get set.
12:29All right, PJ, the piranha.
12:32This man's in his element.
12:33If he's a piranha, and let's still see him attack those buoys.
12:38That's right.
12:39You're going to have some of those buoys for lunch.
12:41You're putting them right around his arm.
12:43But having some trouble getting to the next one.
12:45He's falling off the boogie board.
12:46That's going to affect his finish tremendously, folks.
12:49As PJ goes and tries to connect another one.
12:53Holding on, he falls off the board again.
12:55Time running out right here, folks.
12:57Let's see what he can end up with.
12:59All right.
13:00So PJ having some trouble in the corner there.
13:02Let's go to Mo and find out PJ's result.
13:04PJ collected three buoys.
13:06That puts Sam in first place, Kim in second place, PJ in third place.
13:10All right.
13:11So Sam taking the first place position.
13:13And there's PJ getting a little wet right there.
13:17Going for one and then another.
13:20And reaching forward, slipping off the board, getting himself back on.
13:26Ended up with three.
13:27And we've got Kim right here.
13:28Now, what did you think was the toughest portion of that event?
13:30Well, the waves made it real hard because you kept going up and down.
13:33And it was hard to get them and then, like, keep them on you.
13:35But you got a second-place finish.
13:37And let's check out where we all stand on the leaderboard now.
13:41Right now, Sam in blue and Kim in red are in first place with 700 points each.
13:45In third place, PJ in purple with 500 points.
13:48All right.
13:49Some waves knocking our players around.
13:50And right now it's time for Spill Your Guts.
13:54PJ the Piranha Owens is an 11-year-old predator.
13:57When PJ isn't eating up the competition on the baseball or football field,
14:00he's practicing his karate moves.
14:03For the Piranha, that's what he calls versatility.
14:06And versatility is what PJ is going to need in this next event.
14:11It takes place right here in the Extreme Arena,
14:14bringing all the fury of nature towards us.
14:17It's called Tornado Run, a cross-country race through all sorts of terrain.
14:22We have got a river to cross, an earthquake rocking the ground with full force,
14:28jungle vines to fight through.
14:31And after that, they're going to have to make it through a swamp fog
14:34waiting to bog our players down.
14:37Will they get to the finish?
14:39First, let's go to Mo.
14:40Mike, at the sound of my whistle, each player will race around the track.
14:43Players must go through or over every obstacle.
14:46Time penalties will be added for any violations.
14:48Best time wins.
14:50On your mark, get set.
14:52And that's slamming Sam.
14:54Getting out of the box fast and across the river.
14:56Look at her leaping her way through that.
14:58Around the first bend.
15:00Right into the earthquake.
15:01And that's not stopping her.
15:03A little bit of hesitation.
15:05A 12-second.
15:06She's at 13 and ties through the jungle vines.
15:08Making it through the second portion.
15:10She's trying to climb over.
15:12And we're at 20 seconds right now, folks.
15:14Sam coming into this event tied for first place.
15:17Let's see what she can do as she makes it through the jungle vines.
15:20And then through the swamp fog.
15:22She couldn't see her way through, but just put her head down
15:25and crossed the finish line.
15:27And let's go to Mo and find out what the official time for Sam was.
15:30Sam finished in 32.3 seconds.
15:3332.3, the time to beat.
15:35On your mark, get set.
15:37All right, Kim.
15:39Combined with Sam for first place in this event.
15:43She is barreling across the first event.
15:46Making it through the river in the earthquake.
15:48Stumbles a little bit, but she's at 12 seconds.
15:50Right through that hole in the jungle vines.
15:53You want an answer to the question, do you have it?
15:56Look at this, ladies and gentlemen.
15:58As she makes it right over the jungle vines.
16:00We're at 24 seconds.
16:02She can take over first place.
16:04Will she make it through the swamp fog in time?
16:06It looks like it, folks.
16:09Let's go to Mo and find out what the official time was.
16:11Kim clocked in at 29.8 seconds.
16:1429.8 seconds, PJ is ready.
16:16On your mark, get set.
16:1829.8, the time to beat for PJ.
16:21PJ, fancy footwork through the river.
16:24And going into the earthquake.
16:26He comes into this event in 500 points.
16:28He is solely in.
16:30Oh, he falls.
16:31He falls in the earthquake, but he's okay.
16:33Making it through the jungle vines.
16:35Making it through the first portion.
16:37Trying to find a hole in the second part.
16:40The time to beat, 29.8.
16:43I don't know if he's going to beat that.
16:45But he's got a hustle.
16:47He falls through and makes it through.
16:49Across the finish line.
16:51He may have got second place on that.
16:53A great finish for PJ.
16:55Let's go to Mo and find out the time.
16:57PJ clocked in at 34.1 seconds.
16:59Including a two second penalty.
17:01That puts Kim in first place.
17:03Sam in second place.
17:04PJ in third place.
17:06All right, take a look right here.
17:08As PJ comes through the jungle vines.
17:12He's got a penalty because he had missed the stone on the river.
17:15And as he makes his way up through the second portion of the jungle vines.
17:22Coming across and his knee pads have fallen off.
17:25But he said, hey, man, I'm not waiting for those things.
17:27I'm just going to barrel my way through to a finish.
17:30Finding the light through the end of the fog.
17:33And coming through with a nice finish.
17:34So you missed the stone early on the river.
17:37Crossing through the river.
17:38What did you think was the toughest portion of that event?
17:40The ropes.
17:43Making it through the jungle vines.
17:45You sound a little bit tired.
17:48Out of breath?
17:49No reason to apologize.
17:51The man had the energy to finish.
17:52Let's go and check out where we stand on the leader board.
17:54In the lead right now is Kim in red with 1,000 points.
17:57In second place, Sam in blue with 900 points.
18:00In third place, PJ in purple with 600 points.
18:03Things are far from over, ladies and gentlemen.
18:05You spotted right behind me.
18:07The mission is possible.
18:09Who will get to the top of the crag first?
18:12You stick around because it is far from over.
18:24Welcome back to Guts.
18:25Thanks for coming back because our supreme challenge,
18:28our number one event, about to come right after the aggro crag.
18:32Let's go to Moe and see where we stand.
18:34After four events, Kim in red is in the lead with 1,000 points.
18:37In second place, Sam in blue with 900 points.
18:40In third place, PJ in purple with 600 points.
18:43That's a look at where they stand now.
18:45Let's take a look at how they got there.
18:46This is our new Elastic Sports event, Rebound.
18:49Look at our players going up for that one.
18:51Kim, our red player, taking it back up to the aerial bridge.
18:55She tied for first in this event.
18:57Then take a look at Sam in basic training going through,
19:01well, not through the jungle, but swinging like Tarzan through the jungle.
19:05She got off the slide for life and then went into the Elastic Jungle
19:07and she took first in that one.
19:09And then take a look at PJ in Tornado Run coming through the swamp.
19:13That fog not slowing him down.
19:15He took second place in Tornado Run.
19:17And all of our players ready to take on our final event,
19:21our biggest challenge here on Guts, the aggro crag.
19:24Ladies and gentlemen, a whole lot of surprises for our players.
19:27They will be encountering falling rocks, snow storms, avalanches,
19:31ledges that can make them slip every which way but loose.
19:35Let's go to Mo and check out our rules. Mo.
19:37Mike, players will start at the sound of my whistle.
19:40Each player has an identical side of the mountain to climb
19:42and may not cross into another player's path.
19:45Now, during their climb, our players must light up each of eight targets
19:48located on their side of the crag.
19:50The first player to activate all of the targets,
19:52including the final one at the peak of the mountain,
19:55will receive first place points. Mike.
19:57All right, so as our players get ready for our most dramatic event,
20:00let me remind you that the points have skyrocketed in this final event.
20:04Third place being worth 375 points.
20:07Second, 550. And first, 725 points.
20:12No reservations and no hesitations on this next event.
20:16You got to get up there fast. So, Mo, kick this baby off.
20:20Players, on your mark, get set.
20:23All right, and take a look at red as our red player goes up.
20:26And then purple on the right of your screen right there.
20:29And then blue hitting your first actuator.
20:32That's Sam hitting your second actuator.
20:35That's blue making it through the chunk zone.
20:37Take a look at the crag camp. And there's purple.
20:39Taking his third actuator as he makes his way up.
20:42The rocks come down on red first.
20:44Oh, it looks like red all alone in the lead, folks.
20:47Red hitting the last actuator.
20:50And climbing up is red.
20:53And then purple goes behind.
20:55Who's it going to be, red?
20:57It looks like red, folks. Red in first.
21:00Who's second?
21:03It looks like purple's second.
21:05Blue at the top of the mountain has missed an actuator.
21:08Purple going for second place on the crag.
21:12Trying to get his head in place.
21:14And blue, who had missed an actuator, went all the way back down.
21:18Continuing to climb.
21:20Purple having trouble.
21:22Blue slipping. Who's going to be second?
21:25Blue and purple.
21:27It looks like blue.
21:29Blue and purple on the end.
21:33Reaching the crag troll.
21:37Helping as purple locks in third.
21:42Let's go to Mo for the results.
21:45In first place on the aggro crag, Kim in red.
21:48In second place, Sam in blue.
21:50In third place, PJ in purple.
21:54All right, so ladies and gentlemen.
21:56As Sam, our blue player, hits number actuator number one and number two.
22:03Going into this event with 900 points.
22:05And take a look right now at the top of all three players.
22:08Red way out in front.
22:12That's our red player right there, Kim.
22:15As she comes in and says, hey, time for me to get to the top of the crag first.
22:20Taking first place in that event.
22:22She went into that event in first place.
22:24So you know what that means.
22:25Let's go to Mo.
22:26Check out our final leaderboard standings.
22:28Here they are, Mike.
22:29In third place today, PJ in purple with 975 points.
22:33In second place, Sam in blue with 1,450 points.
22:37Our winner today, Kim in red, 1,725 points.
22:43A terrific competition yet again here on Guts.
22:46The bronze medal going to PJ in purple.
22:50PJ getting the bronze.
22:52The silver going to Sam.
22:55The silver medal going to Sam.
22:57Second place finish.
22:59First place finish going to Kim.
23:02Give her a piece of that rock and let her hold it for all to see.
23:07She got to the top of the crag first.
23:09She takes first place today on Guts.
23:12No ifs, ands, or buts.
23:14These kids got guts.
23:15Do you have it?
23:19These are all Guts players competing in Reebok athletic teams.
23:21To remind you that on planet Reebok, there are no boundaries.
24:09Guts is recorded in front of a live audience in the Nickelodeon studios.
24:13Universal Studios Orlando, Florida.