Handy Manny S02E11 Sculptor Manny Manny Goes Solar

  • 3 months ago


00:00Sculptor Manny!
00:05So what's next, Manny?
00:08Well, that's it, Rusty. We're done for the day.
00:10Sorry, Pear!
00:15Hi, Manny! Hi, Tools!
00:21Don't worry!
00:22We've got it, Kayley!
00:30Oh, thanks, guys!
00:32It was easy!
00:33No problem!
00:34You know what we say, you break it...
00:36We fix it!
00:38Hasta luego! See you later, Kayley!
00:40Adios, Manny! Bye, Tools!
00:44Hey! Carmela!
00:46I didn't know you lived around here.
00:48Manny, it's so nice to see you!
00:50I just moved here a few weeks ago.
00:52That's fantastico!
00:54Quiero presentarte a mis herramientas.
00:57These are my tools.
00:59Felipe, Turner, Rusty, Stretch, Pat, Squeeze and Dusty.
01:03Nice to meet you!
01:05Tools, this is Carmela.
01:07She's an artista, an artist.
01:09We went to school together.
01:11An artist!
01:13What was Manny like in school?
01:15Was he smart? Was he funny?
01:17Was he handsome?
01:21Yes, he was all of those things.
01:24Oh, thanks.
01:25But what about you, Carmela?
01:27Are you still painting?
01:28Sí, painting and sculpting.
01:30In fact, I should probably get back to my art studio.
01:33I'm hosting an art show today and I have a lot to get ready.
01:37Maybe we could help you, Carmela.
01:39Oh, I don't want to bother you, Manny.
01:41You must have lots of other things to do today.
01:44Actually, we finished all our repairs for the day.
01:47And we love helping others, don't we, Tools?
01:53Besides, it'll be a great way to catch up.
01:56Well, okay.
01:58I really could use some help getting my studio ready.
02:02Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
02:10Hop, hop, jump in.
02:12Come on, let's go.
02:14Hop, hop, jump in.
02:16Sí, vámonos.
02:18Hop, hop, jump in.
02:20Don't go too slow.
02:21Keep up.
02:22Let's get to work.
02:24Muy rápido.
02:33Well, this is it.
02:39This is a great place for your art show, Carmela.
02:43It will be when I get these old boxes and things out of the way.
02:47Ooh, look at those paintings.
02:51Hmm, I'll need to find a nice big spot for my nueva escultura.
02:55My newest sculpture.
02:57Carmela, tus obras son fantásticas.
03:00Your artwork is fantastic.
03:02Yeah, I really like this one.
03:05Gracias, Pat.
03:07I'm sure it'll look even better when it's hanging the right way on the wall.
03:12Oh no, I'm all out of picture hangers.
03:15We know a great place where you can get them.
03:18Kelly's hardware store.
03:20Yeah, she's got everything.
03:24I'll run over now and get some.
03:26And we'll start cleaning out this space.
03:28Thanks, guys.
03:29Gracias, Manny.
03:31I'll be back soon.
03:33Okay, tools.
03:34Let's clean out this studio.
03:36Where do we start, Manny?
03:38Well, Dusty, you and Turner can start taking apart those old cardboard boxes.
03:43Ready to move.
03:44Stretch, you and Rusty can gather up all the old paint cans.
03:50And Felipe and Pat can put the scrap metal, plastic, and bottles in the recycling bins.
04:00What's a recycling bin?
04:02It's a place where you can put things that can be melted down or broken up and used again,
04:07like glass and metal and plastic.
04:10Carmela probably has a bin out back.
04:12Sí, around the back.
04:14What about me, Manny?
04:15What can I do?
04:17You can help me move some of Carmela's paintings out of the way.
04:23Hold on steady.
04:27Carmela sure uses a lot of paint.
04:30Come on.
04:31Let's take some of this stuff to the back.
04:34Oh, how about this?
04:35Can we recycle this?
04:37Manny said we could put glass in the recycling bins.
04:41How about this?
04:43Es plástico.
04:44And what about this?
04:45Sí, Pat.
04:46It's metal.
04:47Manny says metal, plastic, and bottles.
04:51And what about this?
04:53Whatever-it-is thing.
04:56I know what that is.
04:58It's a...
04:59Well, um...
05:01It's made of metal and plastic, so it must be for the recycling bins.
05:12This place looks much better now, doesn't it, Manny?
05:16That's right, Dusty.
05:18And I think we made enough space for the art show.
05:21Manny's tools!
05:23I can't believe it.
05:25The studio looks great.
05:27It's so tidy.
05:28We even put things in the recycling bins.
05:31Oh, muchas gracias, Felipe.
05:33Now there's so much room in here.
05:35Lots of people will be able to come and look at my new sculpture and...
05:42Where is my escultura?
05:45The one made of metal?
05:47With the trumpet and the garden tools on the top?
05:51La escultura?
05:54Do you know where it is?
05:57We kind of, uh, sort of took your escultura away to be recycled.
06:06Ay, ay, ay, Felipe.
06:08I'm sorry.
06:10I thought it was junk.
06:13I mean, I...
06:15Don't worry, Felipe.
06:17I should have explained.
06:19I've been making art out of trash.
06:21I like to turn other people's unwanted things into interesting pieces of art.
06:26Wow, neat!
06:28Kind of like when Manny fixes up old toasters that he finds at garage sales.
06:33That's right, Queens.
06:35It's always better to reuse an object rather than throw it away.
06:39Don't worry.
06:40We'll get your escultura back from the recycling bins, Carmela.
06:44Gracias, tools.
06:46The show just wouldn't be the same without it.
06:56Oh, no!
06:58The truck is taking away the sculpture!
07:02Wait! Wait!
07:04Espera! Come back!
07:07We're too late!
07:11What are we going to tell Carmela?
07:15Lo siento.
07:17I'm sorry.
07:18It's all my fault.
07:20Now you won't have a new sculpture for your art show.
07:23It's okay, Felipe.
07:25You didn't know.
07:26Still, I wish there was something we could do.
07:32There is something you can do.
07:34Whoa, there is?
07:37You can help me build another one using this sketch.
07:43We'll need to find a lot of different things.
07:45I have an old trumpet in my shop,
07:48but we'll need a golf putter and some old garden tools.
07:52And don't forget the lunch!
07:55This sculpture doesn't have to be exactly like my sketch,
07:59but this will give us an idea.
08:01Only we're running out of time.
08:03Maybe we should split up to search the neighborhood for everything.
08:06It will be a lot faster.
08:08Si, let's go! Muy rapido!
08:18What about this one?
08:26So what's with them? Everything good?
08:29Well, I think it's just junk.
08:31Sounds perfect.
08:33Is there anything you can use?
08:35I don't know. I can't see anything. It's too dark.
08:39Maybe if I use this light.
08:42A light! That's just what we need!
08:57Every week, so much garbage.
09:00It's amazing, isn't it, Fluffy?
09:03Fluffy? Where'd you go?
09:09Now look at this mess.
09:11Are you okay, Mr. Lopart? What happened?
09:15Oh, oh, it's nothing, Manny. Just a little accident.
09:18Well, we'll help you clean it up, Mr. Lopart.
09:21No, no, don't worry about it, Manny. I can do it.
09:26A dog powder!
09:28Oh, can we have it, Mr. Lopart? Please?
09:32Well, I guess so. I sure don't need it.
09:35Now that I'm not caddying for Mother anymore, I don't get out on the greens very much.
09:41Thanks, Mr. Lopart. Our friend Carmela needs it for her sculpture.
09:45Oh, well, why didn't you say so?
09:48I like to help artists whenever I can.
09:51Thank you, Mr. Lopart.
09:53Hey, you should come by her art show later.
09:56I think I will, Manny. Thank you.
10:01Well, I see you got the trumpet.
10:04And the dog powder.
10:06And I found the light.
10:08And we have the garden tools.
10:10It looks like we have almost everything we need.
10:14Hola, Kelly.
10:15Hola, Manny. Hi, tools. Hi, Carmela.
10:18Is there a problem with those picture hangers I sold you?
10:21Oh, no, Kelly. We were just searching the neighborhood for some old junk.
10:25It looks like you found some great stuff.
10:28Si. We're helping Carmela rebuild one of her sculptures for her art show.
10:33All we need is a few bolts.
10:35Oh, I probably have just the bolts you need.
10:37You do?
10:39Of course she does.
10:42Hang on. I'll be right back.
10:46How about these?
10:47They're perfect. Gracias, Kelly.
10:50De nada. I'm glad I could help.
10:52Why don't you come by the art show later, Kelly?
10:54Oh, I'd love to. I'll see you there.
11:01Well, I think we're ready.
11:04You can hand me all the pieces, and I'll weld them together.
11:12Let's get rolling and fix it right.
11:14Twist and turn. Make it tight.
11:17Trabajamos juntos.
11:19We work together now.
11:22Cut it back around. Tap it flat.
11:24Bend and twist. Just like that.
11:27Each of us has a special job.
11:29We work together. Todos juntos.
11:32We can fix it right.
11:36So, what do you think, Carmela?
11:39It's magnifico. I like it even better than the first one.
11:44But it's exactly the same, Carmela.
11:47Si. I know.
11:49I like it better because all of you helped me make it.
11:52I always knew you were an artista at heart, Manny.
11:55And you too, Tools.
12:03Bienvenidos. Welcome.
12:07Something tells me this art show is going to be a big hit.
12:19Manny Goes Solar
12:24You're in my way.
12:26No, you're in my way.
12:29I was here first.
12:31But I'm here now.
12:34But I'm here now.
12:36No, I am.
12:40Say, is that a loose wood screw over there?
12:44Donde? Donde? Where? Where?
12:57What about me? I need to cool down too.
13:05According to my calculations,
13:09there isn't enough room for all of us to stand in front of the fan at one time.
13:18That's nice.
13:26It sure is hot out there.
13:28It's pretty hot in here too.
13:32Excuse me. Pardon me.
13:34Do you mind?
13:36Take it easy, guys.
13:38You know, there are lots of other ways to cool off on a hot day.
13:43Well, I was about to make some ice-cold limonada.
13:46Oh, I love ice-cold limonada.
13:51What did you say?
13:53Limonada, Pat. Lemonade.
13:56I love lemonade.
13:58Great. Then you can help me squeeze the lemons.
14:00I want to help. I want to help.
14:02Phew. Well, at least there's more room now in front of the fan.
14:06Right, Turner?
14:16Hey, come back here.
14:19Hola, handyman's repair shop. You'll break it?
14:22We fix it.
14:24This is Manny.
14:25Hello, Manny. This is Mr. Kumar from the china shop.
14:28I need your help.
14:30Buenas tardes, Mr. Kumar. What can we do for you?
14:33I have a new sign for my store, and I need you to put it up for me.
14:37Do you think you can do it, Manny?
14:39No hay problema, Mr. Kumar. No problem at all.
14:42Oh, thank you, Manny. Thank you.
14:45Okay, tools.
14:47Mr. Kumar needs our help.
14:49Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:54Hop, hop, jump in.
14:56Come on, let's go.
14:58Hop, hop, jump in.
15:00Sí, vámonos.
15:02Hop, hop, jump in.
15:04Don't go too slow.
15:05Keep up.
15:06Let's get to work.
15:08Ni rápido.
15:16Boy, El Sol is very strong today.
15:20Sí, Manny. The sun is very strong.
15:23Strong like this?
15:27No, Pat. I just mean it's very hot today. Muy caliente.
15:37Can I give you a hand, Mr. Lopar?
15:42No thanks, Manny. This is exactly where I wanted it.
15:45What are you going to do with all that ice cream?
15:48What are you going to do with all that ice, Mr. Lopar?
15:51I'm going to sell ice-cold fruit juice out in front of my store.
15:55And I will need plenty of ice.
15:57That sounds like an excellent idea, Mr. Lopar.
16:00Fruit juice can be very refreshing on a hot day.
16:04And today is definitely a hot one.
16:07Oh, I almost forgot.
16:10Check out my brand new sunglasses, Manny.
16:14Um, these are pretty dark, Mr. Lopar.
16:16Well, you can't be too careful with your eyes, Manny.
16:21Hey, where'd everybody go?
16:24We're right here, Mr. Lopar.
16:26Ah, there you are. Thought you deserted me.
16:30Well, I guess I better go get all that ice-cold fruit juice now.
16:34Stay cool, Manny. Stay cool.
16:37Oh, are you okay, Mr. Lopar?
16:39Fine, Manny, fine. Just staying cool.
16:45Well, we better get going.
16:47I'll see you later, Manny.
16:52Call me if you need any ice-cold fruit juice.
16:58Well, this is one way to cool off.
17:02Oh, Fluffy.
17:06Hello, Manny. And hello to you too, Tools.
17:09Buenas tardes, Sr. Kumar.
17:11Hola, Mr. Kumar.
17:13Thank you for coming on such a hot day.
17:16El sol is very strong today.
17:20That's right, Squeeze. The sun is very strong today.
17:24We're going to have a blast.
17:27That's right, Squeeze. The sun is very strong today.
17:31But we're always ready to help a friend, no matter what the weather is. Right, Tools?
17:35Right, Mayaris. Absolutamente.
17:38Manny, this is my new sign that I was telling you about.
17:41It's terrifical.
17:43And very big.
17:45Si, muy grande.
17:47I'm hoping you can hang it way up there above the store.
17:52No problemo, Mr. Kumar. We'll have it up in no time.
17:58What's that, Manny?
18:00It's an electric motor.
18:02That's right, Manny. The motor makes the cup go up and down on the saucer.
18:06I think a moving sign will help people notice my store more.
18:12Is there a problem?
18:13Well, I don't see any electrical connections up there to power the electric motor.
18:18Oh, no.
18:20I guess I won't be able to have a new sign after all.
18:24We can still hang the sign, Mr. Kumar. It just won't move up and down.
18:29Well, I guess that will have to do.
18:34I trust that you will do a fantastic job, Manny.
18:38We will, Mr. Kumar. Don't you worry.
18:41I'd better get that. Let me know if you need anything.
18:46It's too bad we can't make Mr. Kumar's sign move up and down.
18:52I know, Dusty. But without electricity, the motor just won't work.
18:56Oh, maybe Squeeze and I can make it move up and down.
19:00Yeah! I could pull it up.
19:02And I could push it down.
19:04That's a nice idea. But I think you'll get pretty tired after a while.
19:09Okay, Tools. We better go to Kelly so we can get all the supplies we'll need to hang Mr. Kumar's sign.
19:19Hola, Kelly.
19:20Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools.
19:22Hi, Kelly.
19:23Hey, Kelly.
19:24Hola, Kelly.
19:25Oh, I'm glad you're here, Manny. Maybe you could help me hang this poster.
19:29Sure, Kelly.
19:32That's a picture of El Sol, the sun.
19:35That's right, Felipe. It's to let all my customers know that I'm selling all the supplies they need to have solar power in their house.
19:42What's solar power?
19:44Well, Dusty, solar power is when you make electricity from sunlight.
19:48Manny's right. The sun shines down onto solar panels, and the panels turn the sunlight into electricity that you can use in your house.
19:57Oh, I get it. Wait. No, I don't.
20:01I'll explain, Rusty. No, I don't get it either.
20:04Here, I'll show you.
20:07This panel is called a solar panel. It gathers up the sunlight, and it turns the sunlight into electricity.
20:16Wow. Can you power anything with solar electricity?
20:20Sure. Lamps, fans, TVs.
20:24Electric motors?
20:26Yep, even electric motors.
20:29Hey, that's it, Stretch. Maybe we can use solar power to make Mr. Kumar's sign go up and down.
20:36That is a great idea.
20:38What sign?
20:39Mr. Kumar has a new sign for his store.
20:42It has a cup and saucer.
20:44And they're supposed to go up and down.
20:46But there's no electricity up where the sign needs to go. And without electricity, the sign can't move up and down.
20:52But now, thanks to solar power, you can make it move.
20:58Mr. Kumar is going to be so happy.
21:00I think solar power is really going to brighten up Mr. Kumar's day.
21:09We're back, Mr. Kumar, and we have some great news. You do?
21:13Yep. We're going to make your sign go up and down.
21:17Really? That is wonderful news. But what about electricity for the electric motor?
21:23We're going to use the power of el sol, the sun.
21:26Solar power!
21:32Solar power is when you use the light from the sun to make electricity.
21:36Solar power. That's wonderful. Thank you, Manny. I'm so very happy.
21:43I'm also very hot. Please call me if you need anything.
21:49Okay, tools, we got work to do.
21:54Let's get going and fix it right.
21:56Twist and turn.
21:57Make it tight.
21:59Trabajamos juntos.
22:01We work together now.
22:04Cut it, measure and pat and flap.
22:06Bend and twist.
22:08Just like that.
22:09Each of us has a special job.
22:11We work together.
22:13Todos juntos.
22:14We can fix it right.
22:17Nice work, everyone. Bien hecho. Well done.
22:21How's it going, Manny?
22:22Take a look.
22:25It works. You did it.
22:28Well, we had a little help.
22:30We did?
22:31Si, from el sol, the sun.
22:34Solar power!
22:37El sol!
22:39Buenas tardes, everyone.
22:41Buenas tardes, Senor Ayala.
22:43I was just driving by and I noticed that amazing sign.
22:47Really? That's wonderful.
22:49It reminded me of a sign that used to hang in my town in Argentina.
22:53That's where I'm from.
22:54We have lots of signs in Argentina.
22:56Big signs, little signs, signs that move.
22:59Well, anyway, then it hit me.
23:02I need to buy some new teacups.
23:04Some new teacups?
23:06Wonderful, my friend.
23:08Please allow me to help you.
23:10Say, Mr. Kumar, did I ever tell you about the time I rode my bike across Argentina?
23:15No, I don't believe you have.
23:17Thank you, Manny, and thank you, tools.
23:20You're welcome.
23:28It's nice to be out of the sun.
23:30I'll say. You can melt metal out there.
23:33But if it wasn't for the sun,
23:35we wouldn't have been able to polish our teacups.
23:38If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't have been able to power Mr. Kumar's sign.
23:42That's true, Dusty.
23:44Hey, maybe we could use solar power to run the fan.
23:48And the TV.
23:50Those are both good ideas.
23:52Maybe we'll see Kelly tomorrow and get some solar panels of our own.
23:56Now, who's ready for some limonada?
23:59Me, me, me, me, me.
24:02Me, please.
24:04Let's cut!
24:05We've got the lemons.
24:08Got the ice.
24:12I'll need a spoon to stir it with.
24:22What are you all doing?
24:24We got hot.
24:25Come on in, Ernie.
24:27It feels great.
24:33Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
24:59Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
