• l’année dernière


00:00Place where words come alive
00:02Let's build a word world
00:04Word world
00:05Jump to the beat
00:06Clap your hands in the air
00:08Let's build a word world
00:10Word world
00:11We've got friends of every size
00:14Building words before our eyes
00:17Nothing's better than a letter
00:19We hold our world together
00:20With dogs and pigs and sheep
00:22There's always a surprise
00:25Word world
00:30Word world
00:37Welcome to our world
00:39Word world
00:40Word world
00:42Word world
00:43It's a beautiful world
00:45Word world
00:49Bop it with the Bop Bands
00:53One fine morning in Word World
00:55The sound of music filled the air
01:01I love to listen to music while I work
01:04Uh, what are you doing Frog?
01:06Oh, hi Mr. Narrator
01:07I'm fixing my doorbell
01:22Hey, hey all you music lovers
01:25It's here on radio station W.O.R.D
01:30All day long
01:31The best music bands in Word World
01:33Are performing here at my radio station
01:36So come on down
01:38We wanna hear your band
01:42My band?
01:44Ever since Frog was just a young tadpole
01:47He'd had a secret wish
01:49To be in a band
01:52Introducing Frog and his band
01:58But there was only one problem
02:01She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes
02:06I have the crokiest voice ever
02:09I could never be in a band
02:19Where's that music coming from?
02:27Hey Bugs, what are you doing?
02:30Oh, hi Frog
02:32We're rehearsing for our big bug band performance
02:35On Ant's radio station this afternoon
02:37Hey, you wanna hear us?
02:39Oh yes, I love music
02:41Oh, come on to my log guys
02:43I have much more room for you to rehearse in here
02:53Great, let's hear your song from the top
02:56You got it boys
03:10Hey, hey, we're the Bugs
03:13And we're like singing our song
03:16And we're so cool
03:18Cause we love to
03:20Like play and dance
03:23Yeah, yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh
03:27Yeah, yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh
03:31Yeah, yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh
03:36No, no, no, stop, stop
03:39Oh please, stop
03:43Is there a problem?
03:45How can I say this?
03:47Your music is awesome
03:49I love it, I really do
03:51But the words to your song
03:53Well, they would be more fun if they rhyme
03:56Rhyme? What's that?
03:58He means our words stink
04:00Well, what kind of stink?
04:02You mean stink like garbage?
04:04Because, oh, I love that smell
04:09No, he means they just plain stink
04:12I think
04:14There, that's it, that's a rhyme
04:16What is? Where?
04:18Stink and think
04:19You know, words with endings that sound the same
04:22Like cat and hat or fish and dish
04:25Do you get it?
04:28Uh, no
04:29Right, no
04:31Here, I'll show you
04:35House, house
04:37Sometimes all it takes to make a rhyme
04:40Is to change the first sound of a word
04:43So if we change the h sound to an m sound
04:50We get mouse
04:51House rhymes with mouse
04:53Get it now?
04:58How can I explain this better?
05:00You see, it's like this
05:02A rhyme is just a name
05:04For words that sound the same
05:05Take the ending of a word
05:07Make a sound that bonds your heart
05:08You can rhyme, you can rhyme
05:10You can rhyme your words all the time
05:14It's a game and you can play it
05:16Sound your words out
05:17Then you say it
05:20Rhyme a fox in a box
05:21Or a mouse in a house
05:23Rhyme a car in a jar
05:24And you'll be a rhyming star
05:26You can rhyme, you can rhyme
05:27You can rhyme your words all the time
05:32It's a game and you can play it
05:34Sound your words out
05:35Then you say it
05:38Take the f off a fox
05:39Add a b and you've got box
05:41Switch an h from a house
05:42To an m for a mouse
05:44Rhyme a car with a jar
05:45And you'll be a rhyming star
05:47You can rhyme, you can rhyme
05:48You can rhyme your words all the time
05:52It's a game and you can play it
05:54Sound your words out
05:55Then you say it
06:02Cool, Frog!
06:03Boy, that's one croaky voice you've got there!
06:07But do you see what I mean?
06:09Oh, yeah, we got it!
06:11Oh, yes, yes!
06:15Let's try one together
06:17I'll say a word
06:18And you give me one that rhymes with it
06:21Like boat!
06:23Book, eh?
06:25Not exactly, Fly
06:26It's the end of the word
06:28That needs to sound the same
06:30Try again
06:33Yeah, well, that does rhyme, Bee
06:35But there's no such word as zoat
06:37OK, one more time
06:49Yes, yes, yes!
06:51That's it!
06:52Now let's put some of those words together
06:55And make them rhyme!
06:58Tote that goat
06:59And put him on a boat
07:01Watch the boat float
07:02You better wear a coat
07:04Yeah, you're rhyming!
07:06I get it now
07:08Ah, so that's rhyming
07:10The goat wrote a note
07:11That you better wear a coat
07:13When you float on a boat in a moat
07:27You did it!
07:28You made a song with lines that rhyme!
07:32Oh, that was fantastic!
07:41It's time for our turn on the radio!
07:43Come on, Bugs, let's go, go, go!
07:45I'll help you with your instruments
07:47Thanks, Frog!
07:56As Frog raced off to the radio station
07:59He whispered that somehow, someway
08:01He could be part of the Bug Band
08:08And now, let's hear it for Dog and the Howlers!
08:21Thank you, Dog and the Howlers!
08:24And now, last but not least
08:27Our final group, the Bug Band!
08:30Hey, Frog, why don't you play with us?
08:33Great idea!
08:35Come on, Frog, play with us!
08:37You want me to join the band?
08:43Hey, if it wasn't for you
08:45We wouldn't know how to rhyme
08:47And we wouldn't have a song to sing
08:49I would love to join your band
08:52But I sing so croaky
08:55Well, you might not sing
08:58But you can ring-a-ding-ding
09:01Where's that bell you rang so well?
09:03Play it in our band
09:05It will sound so grand
09:07You really want me?
09:11We really want you!
09:17Where is that bell I ring so well?
09:22It's at the log
09:25Uh-oh, we just lost Frog
09:27Don't be absurd, we'll...
09:29Build a word!
09:35It's time to build a word
09:37Let's build it, let's build it now!
09:50Yeah, we just built a word
09:52We built it, we built it
09:55Now you can play with us, Frog
09:57Hold on, one small correction
10:00Here's our final act
10:02Introducing Frog and the Bug Band
10:11Hey, hey, we're the bugs
10:14We're not the snails or the thugs
10:17We're the bugs
10:19We want your cheers and hugs
10:21We're the bugs
10:25I'm Bug on a jug
10:27I'm a fly, flyin' high
10:29I'm B, feelin' free
10:31And on the bell is Frog, that's me!
10:33We're the bugs, we rhyme and sing
10:35Hey, listen up, come hear Frog ding
10:39As the Bug Band made their big debut
10:42Frog saw his wildest dream come true
10:45He played his heart out on that bell
10:47And all the bugs rhymed really well
10:51The end
11:00I'm Circus Clown Cheep
11:03Do you want to be in a circus with me?
11:06All you have to do is pretend
11:09Just pretend you're in the circus
11:11Think what you could be
11:12Won't you join me at the circus?
11:14There's so much to do and see
11:16Pig is quite the juggler
11:18And he's got a trick for you
11:21He even have a strong man
11:23Who can fit inside your shoe
11:25Good job, Ant! Go, Pig, go!
11:27You're perfect for my circus show
11:30Just pretend you're in the circus
11:32Think what you could be
11:33Won't you join me at the circus?
11:35There's so much to do and see
11:37Look up there, it's our friend Frog
11:40He's careful through and through
11:43Uh-oh, look out, here comes Duck
11:47There's always trouble with those two
11:51Wow, what action way up there!
11:53But why is Frog hanging in the air?
11:56Everybody loves circus
11:58Won't you come with me?
12:00We can travel with the circus
12:02For all Word World to see
12:08Oh no!
12:10I don't have any way to take my circus
12:12All around Word World
12:15I need something that has lots of cars
12:17To hold everyone and can run on this track
12:20And it should have a loud whistle
12:23To let everyone know we're coming
12:27Come on, help us!
12:29Build a word
12:31It's time to build a word
12:33Let's build it, let's build it now
12:47Yeah, we just built a word
12:49We built it, we built it
12:53All aboard the train
12:58Just pretend you're in the circus
13:00Think what you could be
13:02Won't you join me at the circus?
13:04There's so much to do and see
13:10Word World
13:14Welcome to the place where words come alive
13:17Let's build a word
13:19Word World
13:21Jump to the beat
13:23Clap your hands in the air
13:25Let's build a word
13:27Word World
13:28We've got friends of every size
13:31Building words before our eyes
13:34Nothing's better than a letter
13:36Nothing's better than a letter
13:38We hold our world together
13:40With dogs and pigs and sheep
13:42There's always a surprise
13:45Word World
13:56Welcome to our world
13:58Word World
14:00Word World
14:02It's a beautiful world
14:04Word World
14:07Shuffle Word
14:09On this lovely day in Word World
14:12Pig and Ant were about to play their favorite game
14:15Shuffle Word
14:17And Sheep was there to cheer them on
14:19Slide a letter down the court
14:21Slide another, be a sport
14:23Sometimes when you slide a third
14:25Your letters work to build a word
14:29Hooray, let's play
14:32Here comes the letter H
14:34And the letter T
14:36And here comes the letter A
14:49It is a hat
14:50But watch, here comes a B
15:01You made a hat
15:03You made a bat
15:04We need more letters just like that
15:07Coming right up
15:08One P
15:10I, I, here's an I
15:13Give me a P
15:15Give me an I
15:16Give me a T
15:18What's that smell?
15:28This is the pits
15:32Oh my
15:33Are you okay?
15:35We're fine
15:36Here, let me give you a hand, little buddy
15:41Thanks, now let me help you, big buddy
15:48Best friends forever
15:54Come on, little buddy
15:55Let's play some more shuffle word
15:59Pig and Ant were indeed the best of friends
16:02But sometimes friends have problems
16:07Let's play again
16:09My turn
16:10Actually, Pig, it's my turn
16:13I don't think so, Ant
16:15I believe it's my turn
16:17But you always go first
16:19So it's my turn
16:21It's my turn
16:22No, it's my turn
16:24Now don't get short with me, Ant
16:26Oh, short?
16:27Well, you're pig-headed
16:32How dare you?
16:35Um, Pig, uh, Ant
16:38If I may, perhaps you two should...
16:42Oh, now wait a second
16:44There's no need to be mad
16:46Why don't you just say sorry?
16:50And then you can go back to playing
16:53He should say sorry
16:57Oh, my
16:59Things were not going well for our word friends
17:02Pig and Ant were so upset that they didn't want to play with each other
17:06In fact, they didn't even want to see each other
17:13Who needs Ant to play shuffle word?
17:15I'm gonna make another pet
17:17Maybe I'll fill it with mud and roll around in it
17:21Now, here are some letters
17:23Here's a P
17:25Let's see, I need the letter I now
17:29Oh, Ant has the letter I
17:33Now who needs it?
17:35Now here comes a T
17:42Why wasn't I able to make a pet?
17:44It always works when Ant and I use our letters together
17:49I miss Ant
17:51Uh, well, uh, Pig
17:53Why don't you just say I'm sorry to Ant?
17:58No, he should say sorry
18:07This is my last letter
18:09Here it goes
18:15Oh, man
18:17Why isn't this working?
18:19I can always make words when I play with Pig
18:23I miss Pig
18:25Uh, well, uh, Ant
18:28Why don't you just say I'm sorry to Pig?
18:32No, he should say sorry to me
18:39Poor Pig and Ant
18:44Uh, yeah, why not, Mr. Narrator?
18:50Oh, vowels?
18:52You mean the letters A, E, I, O, and U?
19:04Oh, those are all the other letters in the alphabet
19:12Oh, so you mean if we took a consonant, um, like, uh, the letter P
19:20And then added a vowel, like the letter I
19:24Oh, well, thank you, Dog
19:28Then, if we took another consonant, like the letter T
19:33We could make another word
19:35That's right
19:37It takes vowels and consonants to make a word
19:47This gives me an idea
19:50If Ant only has vowels
19:53And, let's see, Pig only has consonants
19:57Then I know how to get them to be friends again
20:02Shuffle word!
20:04So Sheep set out to join the friends together again
20:07And just in time
20:11For Pig and Ant were miserable without each other
20:14Uh, hello, Ant
20:16Can I read an announcement on, um, your radio show?
20:21Sure, Sheep
20:23Go ahead
20:27Attention word world
20:29The great shuffle word competition is about to begin
20:34Shuffle word competition is about to begin
20:38Shuffle word?
20:40Anyone can play
20:42So, um, bring your letters, consonants and vowels
20:46And, um, well, you know, make some words
20:51Welcome to, uh, word world shuffle word competition
20:56I'm your host, uh, Sheep
20:58And judging today's game is, uh, Dog
21:05And, uh, say hello to all our word friends watching
21:10And, uh, say hello to all our word friends watching
21:14And, uh, say hello to all our word friends watching
21:18Uh, Pig
21:20Uh, Ant
21:22Well, uh, looks like you two are our only two contestants
21:26Let's play shuffle word
21:28I'm not playing with him
21:30I'm playing by myself
21:32And I'm playing by myself
21:34Uh, well, uh, you had better start playing
21:38The clock is ticking
21:42Pig and Ant tried to make words
21:44But there was one problem
21:46They weren't playing together
21:48Ant had only vowels
21:50Let's see, uh, A and O
22:00And Pig still had vowels
22:04Uh, well, uh, you had better start playing
22:08The clock is ticking
22:10And Pig still had only consonants
22:14Okay, here goes
22:26I'm sorry, is that a word?
22:30Sorry, not a word
22:32Um, you know, um, you need both vowels and consonants, uh, you know, to make words
22:40I only have vowels
22:42A, E, I, O, U
22:46And I have all the consonants
22:48Uh, well, uh, then it, uh, looks like you're going to, uh, have to play, uh, together
22:56Well, I guess we could give it a try
22:58I guess we could
23:00Good, because time's almost up
23:04That means it's time to
23:06Build a word
23:08A shovel word, that is
23:14It's time to build a word
23:16Let's build it, let's build it now
23:36Yeah, we just built a word
23:38We built it, we built it
23:44This is the pit
23:50Sheep's plan worked
23:52Pig and Ant are back together
23:54All because of a word
24:00Well, uh, there's just, uh, one more word to say
24:06A most important word at that
24:08The end
24:28Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
