
  • 2 months ago
00:00I'm going to take a little more rest, no one should come back after taking a nap, do you understand?
00:15Sir, I'm going to take a nap, I'm doing my job.
00:20You have to do a good job, Jilbo is going to be the village head today.
00:25If the child is the village head, the whole village will be silent.
00:30Hey, Jilbo, if anyone here is the village head, you have to tell me his name.
00:35You are the village head today, understood?
00:38Sir, does that mean I'm the village head?
00:41Yes, yes, can't you hear what I'm saying?
00:44But you have to do my job properly.
00:46As soon as I go to the kitchen, I'll be back.
00:51If anyone is the village head today, you have to tell me his name, understood?
01:07Meenu, Bunty.
01:17Oh, that's a very good name.
01:40What's going on? The names are changing.
01:49If I wear this choker, the names won't change, right?
01:54This is a choker that makes you want to wear it.
01:59Oh, that's a good idea, Jilbo.
02:02Who else is the village head today?
02:04These three.
02:08Gintu, Gintu.
02:10Did the names change?
02:13I'm going to eat.
02:23Elliot, sir.
02:44I'm going to eat.
03:14I'm sure you'll be able to do something.
03:16No, I'm not going to do anything.
03:17I'm going to take this to the farm.
03:19Okay, okay, okay.
03:20That gadget is working, isn't it?
03:22Yes, yes.
03:23I'm going to check it out.
03:26I'm going to ask you
03:28what this gadget is.
03:32I can see it.
03:33Where is the gadget?
03:35It's a phone booth.
03:36What's that?
03:37If you call from here,
03:38you can take the booth.
03:39It's for our help.
03:41A phone booth?
03:44I'm going to take the booth to the farm
03:46and make Rocky dance.
03:50Oh, no!
03:51Did the gadget get stolen
03:52because we called him?
03:54If I go to the booth,
03:55something bad is going to happen to us.
03:58Oh, wait.
03:59I just remembered something.
04:02Oh, no!
04:03How do I call this booth?
04:12I found it.
04:14If Jilbu calls someone's booth,
04:16he calls this booth first.
04:20That's right, Mintu.
04:21A booth calls a person.
04:24Hello, who is it?
04:25A booth?
04:27Hello, who is it?
04:29Did you call a booth
04:30from the booth's phone?
04:32Are you Mintu's uncle?
04:35Look, even our uncles know him.
04:37He looks like a booth.
04:39That's because
04:40he disturbed me.
04:42Oh, Mintu.
04:43How would I know
04:44if it's a booth?
04:45If you're going to stay here,
04:46give me your ring.
04:47I'll show you something.
04:48Oh, that's right.
04:49Here's my ring.
04:55What's going on?
05:00What's going on?
05:01What happened?
05:12Oh, no!
05:16Oh, no!
05:17Oh, no!
05:18Oh, no!
05:19Oh, no!
05:23there's a booth here.
05:28I'm going to fall.
05:29Oh, no!
05:36Do you see that booth?
05:37He's called Rocky.
05:38Let's take him to the fish market.
05:40After that,
05:41we'll scare him.
05:43Is that so?
05:44We have to scare him.
05:52call Rocky.
05:53Tell him
05:54that the mesh
05:55on his left leg
05:56is broken.
05:57If he wants it,
05:58tell him
05:59to come to the old
06:00iron factory.
06:04Listen to me carefully.
06:06I broke
06:07all the mesh
06:08on my left leg.
06:10If he wants
06:11all the mesh,
06:12tell him
06:13to come to the old
06:14iron factory.
06:18Oh, no!
06:19That's my beautiful
06:20mesh stick.
06:21What am I going to do
06:22without it?
06:24How am I going
06:25to go to school?
06:26How am I going
06:27to get out
06:28of my house?
06:29No, no, no.
06:30I'm going to get
06:31my mesh stick
06:32from wherever
06:33you want me to go.
06:34That's my name.
06:35My mesh!
06:41Is that a ghost?
06:42That's a ghost!
06:43Is that a ghost!
06:44Is it planning
06:45to scare me?
06:46What's your problem?
06:47I don't seem
06:48to have anything
06:49to do with ghosts.
06:50Just watch
06:51how I scare you.
06:52Come and see!
06:53Oh, oh, oh!
06:54Ah, ah, ha, ha.
06:55Ah, ah, ha, ha.
06:56Well, I,
06:59Let's see
07:00how he does.
07:01Ha, ha, ha.
07:02Come on.
07:03Let's go and
07:04look inside.
07:07Heh heh heh heh.
07:12Look at this two-faced little guy coming in.
07:14Now let's see if he's scared of the ghost and won't drop dead.
07:18He he he he he.
07:19This guy is a jolly good fellow, for sure.
07:22You can really be a good actor.
07:25He he he he he.
07:26You really can be a good actor.
07:28You can be an actor!
07:29He he he.
07:30Then why did you start acting?
07:31Let's act a little.
07:33Let's watch them for a bit.
07:35Are you saying that I shouldn't do it?
07:38Hmm, we'll have to wait a little longer.
07:40No, no, it's not that big of a deal. I'm going inside.
07:43Oh, it's Rocky.
07:47Is anyone there?
07:49Someone please come and cut my hair.
07:54How can I help you?
07:56This is Rocky speaking.
08:00Can you hear me?
08:02I'm here.
08:05Who are you?
08:08Oh, Rocky.
08:09You've changed.
08:10That's right.
08:16Oh, no.
08:18It's 6 o'clock.
08:19Our ghost hasn't woken up yet.
08:21Before he wakes up, he's going to do something to us.
08:27What is he going to do?
08:32Wow, that's a lot.
08:36Hmm, hmm.
08:39Come, come and help me.
08:41This is Jinbu's plan.
08:45Oh, no.
08:46What are the three of you doing?
08:48We're going to put a spell on your body.
08:50You don't have to stop that, Happy.
08:52Can't you just watch?
08:54Relax, bro.
08:55Just watch.
09:07One, two, three.
09:11How did you do that?
09:13How did you do that, Jinbu?
09:15I didn't do anything.
09:16I just did what I had to.
09:18The ghost is definitely going to do this.
09:20You're great, Jinbu.
09:25You guys are in the way.
09:27You guys are in the way of my plan.
09:30What's your plan?
09:32I told you before that my plan was a surprise.
09:37Now, get out of my way.
09:39I'm going to go make my next plan.
09:45I don't understand.
09:46How long will this ghost take to make his next plan?
09:49I don't trust this ghost.
09:51I don't know what to do.
09:55A tap.
09:58Let's check and see.
10:03This is water.
10:11I'm going to run away.
10:13I'm going to run away.
10:16Catch me if you can.
10:31What have you done?
10:33We didn't do anything wrong.
10:35We are ghosts.
10:38I told you to go away.
10:40Why did you come between us?
10:43Ghosts saw us.
10:45Now they are watching us.
10:47Let's get out of here.
10:57We don't want to be ghosts like you.
11:00Because you do everything for us.
11:03Let's get out of here.
11:05Happy! Happy!
11:07It's not good to be a ghost for a long time.
11:10Stop it.
11:13I won't let anyone come here.
11:18Let's go.
11:20We don't need any help from ghosts.
11:28What are you doing here?
11:31What are you doing here?
11:33You haven't seen a ghost, have you?
11:39It's not a ghost.
11:41It's a monkey.
11:51Hurry up, kid.
11:53There's no time to lose.
11:55There's a big festival tomorrow.
11:58Isn't that right, kid?
12:01Let's go.
12:04Come here, kid.
12:08It's just the beginning of the trip.
12:10The festival will start soon.
12:12The festival starts now, uncle.
12:15What are we going to do now?
12:17Are we going to stay here?
12:19We can't stay here, kid.
12:21But where are we going?
12:23Look over there, kid.
12:27Let's go to the bungalow over there.
12:30Let's go to the bungalow over there.
12:34The festival will start soon.
12:36Let's go to the other side, kid.
12:38Otherwise, we'll be late for the festival.
12:41It looks like a haunted bungalow.
12:44That's true, Mintu.
12:46Let's go inside.
12:48What? Who are these people?
12:50They're coming inside the bungalow.
12:52Don't let them come inside.
12:55We'll give them a nice surprise later.
13:00Is there anyone inside?
13:02I don't think so.
13:09Those are the ghosts.
13:11Don't be scared.
13:15This bungalow is haunted.
13:21Let's go, kid.
13:23Let's go inside.
13:30Let's go inside.
13:40Very funny.
13:44Are you scared of ghosts?
13:48I'm not scared of ghosts like you.
13:50I'm a human.
13:54Then, forget about me.
13:56I'll scare everyone.
13:58Let's go.
14:06It looks like a movie.
14:10What are you doing?
14:12Who are you?
14:20Did you see that?
14:22These are the ghosts.
14:25Hey, kid.
14:27Didn't you see me?
14:34I'm more of a ghost than you.
14:37Aren't you a ghost?
14:39Come to me if you can.
14:42Otherwise, I'll kill you.
14:46Did you see that?
14:47There are no ghosts here.
14:50There are no ghosts here?
14:51Let's see.
14:56Save me.
15:01Now, this is over.
15:03It's time to get rid of the ghosts.
15:05But, I didn't do anything.
15:07What do you mean?
15:09If you didn't do anything, who did?
15:12Does that mean there are more ghosts here?
15:15Go and save the ghosts.
15:17I'll go and check the other side.
15:20Let's go.
15:25Sir, help me.
15:27Oh, no.
15:28That's Jilbu's voice.
15:31Hurry up.
15:32There's a ghost.
15:35What are you doing?
15:37Sir, there's a ghost.
15:39Hey, are you joking?
15:45Oh, no.
15:46What's this?
15:47There's a ghost here.
15:49Let's get out of here.
15:51Oh, no.
15:52We're here.
15:53Oh, no.
15:54I forgot the way.
15:56Hurry up.
16:00Oh, no.
16:01Don't come.
16:06Why are you scared?
16:08He's Happy.
16:10Who's this?
16:11Oh, no.
16:22Where are you going?
16:24Who's going?
16:26I'll go.
16:27I'll take you with me.
16:33Why are you staring at me?
16:37Because I'm a ghost.
16:50Can you dance like me?
16:52If you can't, I won't let you go.
16:55Remember that.
16:58Let's see.
17:04Can you do this?
17:06Can you do this?
17:08Can you do this?
17:20What's happening to me?
17:22If you don't do this, you'll die.
17:27Now, it's my turn.
17:29Now, I'll take care of you.
17:32But, don't make a big deal out of it.
17:34Now, you can't escape from what I'm going to do to you.
17:38You can't escape from me.
17:40I'm going to get rid of you.
17:49You can't escape from me.
17:51I'm going to get rid of you.
17:53You can't escape from me.
17:55I'm going to get rid of you.
18:07Who are you?
18:08Why are you wrestling?
18:10You can't escape from me.
18:20Now, you're in trouble.
18:22Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson.
18:24I thought you can't swim fast.
18:38What's wrong?
18:40You're a little fat.
18:43You can't swim fast.
18:46You're a little fat.
18:48Are there more ghosts here?
18:50Or, are we the only ghosts here?
18:55There's one more person here.
18:57Don't think that you're alone.
18:59Rocky, are you here?
19:01Yes, I'm here.
19:02I'm here to help you.
19:04Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:06I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:08A ghost.
19:09Did you hear that, uncle?
19:10My name is Rocky.
19:12I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:15I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:22It's okay.
19:23I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:25You don't have to be afraid.
19:30I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:40Don't touch me.
19:42Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:46Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson.
19:48Don't touch me.
19:51Don't touch me.
19:54I can't swim fast.
20:03Happy Valentine's Day.
20:13This is just the beginning.
20:15You'll see a lot more.
20:19Who is this?
20:27Rocky, are you here?
20:37Put on your glasses.
20:40I don't want to put on my glasses.
20:42I don't want to get cold.
20:44Are you afraid of your glasses?
20:47It's dangerous.
20:50What are you doing?
20:52Let me go.
20:55We're coming.
20:58Are you all crazy?
21:00Are you telling me this?
21:02Are you all afraid of us?
21:04I'll tell you.
21:06I'll tell you.
21:10Look at this.
21:12What's this?
21:14We had a bad experience.
21:16We didn't know anything.
21:18We have to stay in this bungalow for the rest of our lives.
21:23We thought if we can't leave, we won't let anyone in.
21:28But what's the point?
21:30Everyone should be punished.
21:33We shouldn't be trapped.
21:36Look at this.
21:37This is the punishment you'll get.
21:40Where's the other room?
21:42It's over there.
21:43It doesn't matter.
21:45Look at this.
21:46This is a poem.
21:48There are three poems.
21:50But where are the four poems?
21:57Everyone should be punished.
22:00We shouldn't be trapped.
22:02This is the punishment you'll get.
22:05Everyone should be punished.
22:10But it's clear.
22:12You should be punished.
22:14You're all ghosts.
22:16That means you'll be trapped.
22:19Are we free now?
22:36Let's get out of this bungalow.
22:45We're leaving.
22:50Let's go on a trip.
22:52Let's see what happens.
22:54A ghost!
22:57Let's go on a trip.