• last year
The Bill S26E27 Balance of Power
00:00I can't see much.
00:13When's the last time you saw him, Mr Davies?
00:15Well, I heard their car leave on Saturday morning.
00:18Five days ago?
00:20Is there a side entrance?
00:21No, round here.
00:41Can you just stay outside, please?
00:47Hello, police?
01:14Oh, my God.
01:56What happened?
01:58Well, I guess.
01:59Suspect broke through the back door.
02:00Door goes for suspect.
02:01Suspect stabbed dog.
02:03Have you got a weapon?
02:04Well, there's one missing.
02:06Hasn't shown up anywhere else.
02:08And how long's the dog been dead?
02:10It's difficult to say.
02:11Four, maybe five days.
02:13This is all dog blood.
02:14Yeah, well, this is.
02:16Arterial bleed.
02:17Dog snuffed it on the spot.
02:19This, however, is not the dog's blood.
02:22My guess is Fido over there bit the burglar.
02:26They travel their blood through the house.
02:28It goes all the way upstairs.
02:31Must have been a serious bite.
02:33It's a big dog.
02:34Any witnesses?
02:36Except for the dog.
02:40Doesn't look like it's going to play ball.
02:42Oh, yeah, hilarious.
02:43Now you've contaminated my crime scene.
02:45Well done.
02:46Well, somehow I don't think this one's destined for the Bailey.
02:49All yours, Mrs. Manson.
02:51Mrs. Manson?
02:52What was that?
02:53It's like the love boat down in CID.
02:54Mickey and Terry, Grace and Neil.
02:56Right, I'm out of here.
02:57We've only just arrived.
03:01You've got to be kidding me.
03:03Eddie, I'm not even going to have this conversation.
03:05I mean, Neil's a decent bloke, a steady bloke,
03:07but Grace, here's Neil Manson.
03:09Is that really what you want?
03:12Grace and Neil, that's horrible.
03:14That's all kinds of wrong.
03:15Eddie, stop.
03:17Come on, just talk me through this.
03:20What do you think?
03:22Definitely not a pro job.
03:23Just have a look at the way they botched the door.
03:26Probably opportunist, drug taker, drunk.
03:29OK, follow me this way.
03:37Someone got into the safe?
03:39Well, judging by the blood marks on the keypad,
03:41that was our suspect.
03:44They knew the combination?
03:46Well, the homeowners had a very sophisticated alarm system
03:49that had already been disabled when uniform arrived.
03:59That is not as straightforward as you thought, is it?
04:05The householders are Fiona and Howard Walsh,
04:07both in their 60s.
04:09He's an architect, she's a GP.
04:11They told the neighbour, Mr Davis, they were going on holiday.
04:15Saturday, and the car's gone.
04:16Could you circulate the vehicle details?
04:19Thank you.
04:20Sierra Oscar for 360.
04:22Thank you.
04:24Could you circulate the vehicle details?
04:27Thank you.
04:28Sierra Oscar for 363.
04:30Can you get me a registration number, please?
04:34The Walsh's mobiles are going straight to voicemail,
04:36including the son's.
04:37I left messages asking them to call here.
04:39What are your thoughts?
04:40It's pretty gruesome.
04:41Firstly, it looked opportunistic,
04:43but the alarm was disarmed and the safe was open.
04:45And if you saw or heard a dog, you'd just get out of there, wouldn't you?
04:48Well, exactly, unless there was something there
04:50that you really wanted to get your hands on.
04:53Why does Eddie always do this?
04:55Do what?
04:56Leave out the most important details.
04:57If I'd known there was a safe upstairs...
04:59I heard you walked out before he had the opportunity, Max.
05:02God, someone's been telling tales.
05:04No-one's been telling tales. Eddie told me.
05:06Of course he did.
05:08Right, Stevie, you're heading this up now, OK?
05:10Heading what up?
05:12Occupants on holiday. Could be an inside job.
05:15Insurance job.
05:16We can't rule it out, but it doesn't feel like that.
05:19The homeowner's dog was killed.
05:22There you go. Topic for tonight's dinner, death of the dog.
05:26Right, Rory Walsh has phoned in.
05:28He's the son of the householders.
05:29Says if you want to talk to him, he's at that address.
05:32Let's go.
05:36Who's Mr Walsh about?
05:38He's in the kitchen.
05:45Mr Walsh?
05:46DS Moss, DC Dursley.
05:50I was expecting a spotty kid in a uniform.
05:53It is just a break-in, right?
05:55It's what we call aggravated burglary.
05:58Unfortunately, your parent's dog was killed in the incident.
06:03I'm sorry.
06:05How did she die?
06:06She was stabbed.
06:09Why was she there? She should have been in kennels.
06:13That'd be Dad the tight git.
06:15Hey, probably got someone around to feed her.
06:17Mr Walsh, do you know where your parents have gone?
06:19Italy. They flew out Saturday afternoon.
06:22When did you last see them?
06:24A few weeks ago.
06:26Is that the last time you spoke to them? We haven't been able to contact them.
06:30Have they taken much?
06:32They got into the safe.
06:33Do you know what they kept in there?
06:36Paperwork, maybe money.
06:38How much money?
06:39I don't know, I'm just guessing.
06:41Did your parents mention seeing anyone hanging around the place?
06:44Anything odd that caught their attention?
06:47No, we haven't spoken properly for a while.
06:53Is that the boiler?
06:55Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to go and deal with this.
07:02What's going on? We were supposed to come next week.
07:04Does that feel a bit weird to you?
07:08Ah, whereabouts?
07:10OK, great. We'll be straight down there. Thanks.
07:13Found the Walsh's car.
07:25All right, people, listen! I want a four-metre walk!
07:29A four-metre walk!
07:32Five ago, we called about an hour ago.
07:34No suspects seen by the car,
07:36and all the residents keeping their mouths firmly shut.
07:38Are we sure this is the Walsh's car?
07:41Any one of the chances of getting forensics from inside?
07:44Unless a suspect went in the boot.
07:46Anyone open the boot yet?
07:47No, it's well and shut. We'll have to get the fire brigade to do it.
07:49Peter, can you pop that open?
08:17It's the suitcases.
08:20So they never made it on holiday.
08:42Fiona and Howard Walsh were booked on the 15th.
08:44Fiona and Howard Walsh were booked on the 15th.
08:4630 flights to Naples on Saturday, but they never showed.
08:48If they hadn't left to go on holiday,
08:50there's a good chance they were in the house when this happened.
08:52Telephone was smashed to pieces like someone had stamped on it.
08:55I'm wondering if one of the Walsh's
08:57attempted to make a call for help and was stopped.
08:59The upstairs was really messy,
09:01but the only other thing actually broken was a photograph.
09:04An old family photo.
09:05What are you thinking?
09:07Well, again, it's just a feeling,
09:08but I'm wondering if there isn't a personal element to this.
09:12OK, I don't think we can assume
09:14that robbery was the only motivation in this case,
09:16and I'd like to treat it as a missing persons inquiry from now on.
09:20Right, that was Eddie on the phone.
09:21The blood on the knife came from the dog.
09:23Any prints on the knife?
09:24No, but he found blood in the boot of the car.
09:26It was human, but it doesn't match any of the blood in the house.
09:29So it could belong to one of the Walsh's.
09:32Earliest tomorrow.
09:34Right, well, we need traces on the Walsh's mobiles, Grace,
09:36if you can do that,
09:37and pull off their phone records and bank statements too.
09:40Terry, can you speak to the son?
09:41He needs to know about the car.
09:42Also, we need more info on the parents,
09:44state of their marriage,
09:45any grudges against them, that sort of thing.
09:47Gov, I'm going to go to the crime scene
09:48and try and get my head round it.
09:49OK, keep me brief, Stevie.
09:57Looking tasty all of a sudden.
09:59Well, it's looking like a ticking clock.
10:01People don't just disappear.
10:03You know what this is, don't you?
10:05Manson pulling me off it.
10:07Divide and rule, mate.
10:08Doesn't want his sergeants kicking off about him and Grace.
10:11Don't play games with me, Mads.
10:21Hey, Sarge.
10:24Let's have a look at this.
10:31Where did you find this?
10:32Oh, one of the blokes in the flat saw it on the net,
10:34said he saw the kids filming it.
10:37Get a clear picture of the registration.
10:39Definitely the bullshit's caught.
10:41When was the shot?
10:42Last night.
10:43You may as well ID any of these kids.
10:45Nah, but we can try and find your name through baro intelligence.
10:49I know him.
10:50Which one?
10:52Oh, that one?
10:54Who is he?
10:55Anthony Williams.
10:56He's out on licence.
10:58What for?
10:59Criminal damage.
11:00He's a graffiti artist.
11:01Do you know Suicide Bridge on Talbot Street?
11:03Yeah, well, that's him.
11:04How does he get up there?
11:05Has he got a phone in front of him?
11:07Yeah, taken without consent a couple of years back.
11:09Well, let's go and meet him.
11:11I'll hang on to that.
11:12Yeah, sure.
11:13Where does he live?
11:14At my house.
11:21Hello, Anthony.
11:22I'm not at home, no visitors.
11:24You've been busy.
11:26Yeah, I've had to scale my work down thanks to you.
11:29Well, at least you won't break your neck drawing from your kitchen.
11:32That was half the fun.
11:34They're good.
11:36We've got a video of you here.
11:38It's the one of me on the roof of the cinema.
11:40That's old.
11:49It's the closest thing you get to entertainment around here.
11:52And it's free.
11:53Who set fire to the car?
11:54I don't know.
11:55I don't think they're from around here.
11:56You're by far the oldest kid there.
11:58Makes me think you're the ringleader.
11:59I'm not part of anything around here.
12:01If I step one foot out of line, I lose this flat, I lose everything.
12:04Ask Barbara.
12:05Who's Barbara?
12:06Anthony's social worker.
12:07Yeah, and you don't mess with Barbara.
12:10Are you telling me you don't know anything about this?
12:12Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.
12:14You're a bit of an adrenaline junkie, though, aren't you?
12:16Oh, give me a break, man.
12:17You weren't even tempted.
12:19Nice, fast car like that.
12:21Were you inside the car?
12:28Any more friends you want to introduce me to?
12:31Anthony's all right, you know, deep down.
12:33Kind of reminds me of my brother.
12:35He's a liar.
12:36I think he's trying to turn himself around.
12:38At some point, Mel, you're going to have to toughen up.
12:49Blimey, you've got your work cut out for you.
12:51The Walsh's bank statements and phone records.
12:53I asked for a month.
12:54I think they gave me the last four years.
12:56Yeah, well, I've got something to show you.
12:58I'm a little bit tied up.
12:59I think you'll want to see it.
13:02Go on, then.
13:06I lifted the prints from the keypad on the outside of the safe.
13:11Now, they match prints I found over the rest of the house,
13:14but we haven't got a hit.
13:15So what does that mean?
13:17I guess that they belong to one of the Walsh's.
13:20Now, inside the safe is another set of prints,
13:26and they have got a match on the system.
13:32Rory Walsh.
13:33Their son.
13:34So he's got four of them.
13:35He must have.
13:36And his prints were all over this as well.
13:41It's a letter detailing the Walsh's various investments.
13:45The son must have had a right old nose around.
13:47So was this inside the safe, too?
13:49Yeah, it was a recorded delivery.
13:51It arrived last Friday.
13:54So he was inside their house last week.
13:57Well, that's not what he told us.
13:59Seven years ago,
14:00Rory Walsh did an 18-month stretch at Longmont
14:02for possession and supply of Class A's.
14:04His father shopped it.
14:05Blimey, that's harsh.
14:06He also acted as witness for the prosecution.
14:08A few weeks before he was arrested,
14:10there was an incident at the Walsh's house
14:12involving Rory and his dad.
14:14It was NFA, but it was down as a domestic.
14:17So there's no love lost between father and son, then?
14:23Rory, we know that you were in your parents' safe.
14:26So we're giving you an opportunity to explain yourself.
14:29They're my mum and dad.
14:30They lend me money sometimes.
14:32Why is this any business of yours?
14:34How do you get on with your parents?
14:36What is this?
14:37We found your parents' burnt-out car this morning.
14:40Their luggage was in the boot.
14:41They didn't take their flights to Italy.
14:45Where are they?
14:46Why don't you tell us?
14:47What are you insinuating?
14:49We know you were in your parents' house this week.
14:51We need to know when.
14:53Friday evening.
14:54Were they there?
14:56So they opened the safe for you?
14:59You opened the safe yourself?
15:01I needed a short-term loan.
15:03You just took it?
15:07I think we should continue this conversation down the station, don't you?
15:10I can't leave the site.
15:11Then we'll just arrest you.
15:13They're my parents!
15:14And you've just admitted stealing from them?
15:16Rory Walsh, I'm arresting you on suspicion of burglary.
15:18You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention my question.
15:22I think it's something which you'd like to rely on in court.
15:24Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
15:26My parents are very wealthy, very connected people.
15:28And if I was you, I would...
15:29Your parents are missing.
15:31Now get out into the car.
15:44Duff, you needn't see this.
16:11In the last five days, someone's been emptying the Walsh's current account,
16:14and there's been no activity on their mobiles for five days.
16:17How long have these bank statements been sitting here?
16:19Don't know. I was just passing Grace's desk. She caught my eye.
16:21Where is she?
16:22No idea. Look, whoever's been doing it does it between 14.30 and 15.15 each day.
16:28That gives us one hour to set up supplies.
16:32All the cash machines that have been used are in and around Piccadilly Circus.
16:37Now, so far, only three have been used, but there are plenty more in the area.
16:41We couldn't put a surveillance team around there. It's full of tourist parties.
16:45We could get the bank to alert us every time the Walsh's cash card is used.
16:48Realistically, how much time have we got?
16:50Well, it takes, what, 30 seconds to make a cash withdrawal?
16:53If we can get a live feed from the CCTV on the cash card, then at least we'll get a description.
16:57I'll see how many bodies I can rustle up for you.
16:59Hey, Crippy, do you like? You want to know what you're doing?
17:02When you get on the scene, you take your orders from DS Moss.
17:14What happened?
17:15Where the hell have you been?
17:16Where have you been?
17:20Who's this?
17:21It's the Walsh's, son.
17:23You've arrested him.
17:24Sorry, boss.
17:26You've arrested him.
17:32Rory's prints were inside the safe and on an envelope which arrived last Friday.
17:36He lied to us and refused to come in voluntarily.
17:38You were supposed to be looking into the Walsh's finances. Why didn't you tell someone?
17:41Everyone else was out of the building. I had to make a snap decision.
17:44You could have come to me, Grace.
17:46And if I keep running to you, what do you think people are going to say?
17:48No, you've just been paranoid.
17:49Really? I mentioned to you in passing that Max had walked out the door.
17:53I mentioned to you in passing that Max had walked out the Walsh's house.
17:56You kicked him off the case.
17:57Well, he's back on it now.
18:09Okay, we're hoping that our target is going to use the Walsh's cash card at one of the 15 machines in the area,
18:14so communication is key.
18:16As soon as the card is used, DS Carter will be notified.
18:20In that case, we've got a very small window of opportunity in which to act and bring in our suspect.
18:25Each of you will be posted at one of the cash points in the area,
18:28and we're expecting the transaction to take place at 14.30, as with all the others.
18:33Right. Everyone know what they're doing?
18:36Good on. Glad someone does.
18:50What's going on?
19:50We're up German Street.
19:53On my way.
19:56Can you bring me that machine, please? It's number 15F.
20:02Approaching now. Have you got a description?
20:05Come on, come on.
20:12That's Howard Walsh.
20:17You sure?
20:18I'm positive.
20:19Stevie, the suspect is an IC1 male in his 60s.
20:22He's wearing a black jacket and a black baseball cap.
20:25We think it is Howard Walsh.
20:29What's going on?
20:31Our suspect is Howard Walsh.
20:33He's an elderly man, receiving care.
20:36No strong-arm tactics, please.
20:42This card's just been rejected.
20:45He's just left the cash machine.
20:50Target's heading to the tube. Target's heading to the tube!
20:54OK, keep following him, Ben.
20:59You take that one, I'll take this one.
21:11We've lost sight of him.
21:12OK, you go that way, I'll go around here.
21:14We've lost sight of him.
21:15OK, you go that way, I'll go around here.
21:24He may have got through the barriers.
21:26Go check it out.
21:27Yeah, I've got eyes on him. He's at the cash machine, right exit three.
21:47Howard Walsh and my police officer.
21:49It's OK, Mr Walsh.
21:51Please, leave me.
21:53What we want to do is torture him, right?
21:59The target is leaving the station at exit three.
22:01He is leaving the station.
22:03Excuse me, mind your backs.
22:06The target is leaving the station at exit three.
22:08He is leaving the station.
22:10Excuse me, mind your backs.
22:20OK, this way.
22:21Didn't even see him come out.
22:28We've lost him.
22:35We've lost him.
22:46Very slick, Stevie.
22:47I hope someone sent the footage to Hendon for training purposes.
22:50Well, we didn't have a lot of time to prepare.
22:54That is true, of course.
22:55OK, Howard Walsh was seen at a cash point in Piccadilly an hour ago where he fled from officers.
23:00Prior to that, the last confirmed sighting of the Walsh's was five days ago.
23:04In that time, they'd been burgled, their dog was killed and their safe was accessed.
23:08You know what they say, all good things come in threes, don't they?
23:11We found the Walsh's burnt out car on the Jasmine Allen estate this morning.
23:14There was blood in the boot, but none of it...
23:16They've been kidnapped. Someone's forcing them to empty their bank accounts.
23:19One of them's been injured.
23:20That's one possible scenario, yes.
23:21So, how did Howard seem?
23:24And Ben thought he'd sustained an injury. He had blood on the side of his face.
23:27Maybe he lashed out because he was trying to protect someone. His wife.
23:31Where does the son fit into this?
23:33Well, he lied to us. He took money from their safe. He's got form.
23:36And there's report of an incident between him and his father.
23:39What sort of incident?
23:40Well, we don't know. It was NFA.
23:42When was this?
23:43Seven years ago.
23:46Does this sound like a domestic to you?
23:48We don't know what we're dealing with here.
23:51We do know that Rory Walsh's brief has arrived.
23:53So, Grace and Terry, come and see what you can get out of him.
23:58Let's hope this proves fruit fly.
24:06No, seriously, how many times are we going to watch this?
24:08Shh, shh, shh. Wait for it. He turns round. He turns round.
24:15Oh, that... Mate, that must have hurt.
24:18You're supposed to be seeing if Fab was with anyone.
24:21We have, and he wasn't, Sarge.
24:23Yeah, we've watched it about ten times, Sarge.
24:27Play again.
24:49Was it cold out today?
24:50Not particularly, no.
24:51So why's this fellow wearing a scarf and a woolly hat?
24:55Ten times, yeah?
24:58Just bring the discs showing other cash points to my office.
25:05Mr Walsh, we believe someone's trying to extort money from your parents.
25:08I understand that.
25:10What I don't understand is why you're not out there looking for that someone.
25:13And you already admitted to us that you took money from their safe.
25:17It's not extortion, is it?
25:18No, it's theft. How much money did you take?
25:23Rory, we have access to your financial records and a warrant to search your flat.
25:27We will find out.
25:28I borrowed five grand.
25:31Without their knowledge.
25:34Why didn't you just ask them for a loan?
25:38My mum would have given me the money, no problem, but my dad was there.
25:41So you did ask for the loan, but Dad said no, is that right?
25:45What's your relationship like with your father?
25:49Right, I see where we're heading here.
25:51I don't get on with my father, therefore I've done something terrible to my parents.
25:57Maybe I've even killed them for the life insurance.
26:00Have you?
26:05I love my parents.
26:07And I am scared to death about what has happened to them.
26:10If you think having me here is going to help them, you're wrong.
26:16Piccadilly Circus. Ben's about to approach Mr Walsh.
26:20This man here.
26:22Two days earlier.
26:25There he is again.
26:29Yesterday's cash withdrawal.
26:31He's with Walsh every time.
26:32Have we got a clear shot of his face?
26:35Sarge, they found this CD in the glove compartment of Ben's car.
26:39It's got Antony Williams' prints on it.
26:41Do I know him?
26:42Annoying little tow-rag from a Jasmine Allen estate.
26:45Could this be Antony?
26:47You haven't looked.
26:48This is not his thing.
26:49We'll see.
27:02Leave me alone.
27:03Sit down.
27:05What now?
27:06Shut up.
27:07What now?
27:08Shut up.
27:09You were in that car.
27:11Your fingerprints are all over a CD.
27:13I didn't thieve the car.
27:14Then who did?
27:17You think this is funny?
27:19Well, it kind of is, yeah.
27:22I'll tell you, but you won't believe it.
27:24Try me.
27:25I saw the car parked up earlier during the week.
27:28I was looking at it, having a look through the window.
27:31Go on.
27:33A guy tapped me on the shoulder.
27:35I thought he was going to punch my lights out.
27:37So I was backing off, saying, oh, sorry.
27:39And then he just said,
27:41you like it, you can have it.
27:44You are so close to getting nicked.
27:46I swear to God, that's the truth.
27:48He just threw me the keys.
27:49Right, so who's this guy, then?
27:52He looked like Freddy Krueger and he had blood on him.
27:58Is that him?
28:01Look at it properly.
28:03Look at it properly.
28:08What's his name?
28:10I'm not sure.
28:12His name.
28:18They're crap, anyway.
28:19No, they're not!
28:22The fact is, Anthony, this is now a missing persons inquiry.
28:26This couple are in their 60s.
28:28They could be hurt, suffering, anything.
28:33Do you know what happened to them?
28:35We don't know, that's why we're trying to find them.
28:37We're worried for them.
28:42Everything I've told you, it's all true.
28:44Right, well, can you give us a name?
28:46Do you know his name?
28:54It's Janks, or Jinx, or something like that.
28:56Thank you for telling me that in the first place.
28:59No idea, officer.
29:04Rory admits taking money from the parents' safe,
29:06but he denies any involvement in their disappearance.
29:08Do you believe him?
29:10I don't know.
29:11Isn't it too much of a coincidence?
29:13But it's not his MO, is it?
29:15He's bitter, and there's history between him and his father.
29:19There's also something about him that bothers me.
29:21Could that something be the fact that you screwed up earlier
29:23and you're going to have egg all over your face if he's not involved?
29:25Max, when will you ever give it a rest, eh?
29:27You make a mistake, you expect everyone to ignore it.
29:29Someone else slips up and you're all over it.
29:31So back off, Max, once and for all.
29:33Back off!
29:42Get back to work, all of you.
30:02I'm sorry about the mess with the cash machines.
30:05And I'm sorry about that.
30:08Are you apologising for Max?
30:12This thing with me and Neil, I know it must be difficult, but...
30:15Grace, look, I don't care about any of that.
30:18What I do care about is you.
30:20And I don't care about you.
30:22And I don't care about you.
30:24And I don't care about you.
30:26And I don't care about you.
30:28What I do care about is you being on your game.
30:33Forget about Max.
30:42But, Grace, I do have to say that the D.I. is very sexy when he's angry.
30:48Don't you start!
30:55Daniel Jenkins, street name Jenks.
30:57Habitual user, heavy drinker.
30:59And just got out of prison for ABH.
31:01Have we got an address for him?
31:03No, he was sconned from a bail hostel two weeks ago.
31:05Already got recalled to prison.
31:07Has he done anything like this before?
31:09No, ABH, but not burglary or kidnap.
31:11Any connection to the Walshers?
31:13Doesn't seem like their sort of person.
31:15What about his family?
31:16Unlisted. No mobile phone.
31:18His probation officer's not been able to trace him on.
31:21He was at Longmarsh Prison at the same time as Rory Walsh.
31:27Still got your contact at Longmarsh?
31:29No, I got a call.
31:34Do you know this man?
31:37Why are you showing me this?
31:39He was in prison with you.
31:42I shared a cell with him.
31:44Did you know him well?
31:46No, he was with me for about ten days.
31:49Maybe less. That was seven years ago.
31:52OK, we think the man that took your parents' car
31:55may also have taken your parents against their will.
31:57We have a witness linking this man to the car.
32:00So tell me about Daniel Jenkins.
32:03I don't know anything.
32:05Try to think, Rory.
32:06I can't. This is completely crazy.
32:08What's your relationship with him?
32:10I don't have a relationship with him.
32:13So you haven't seen this man in seven years?
32:17Look, I've no idea why you've come up with his name.
32:35One of the builders on the sides...
32:38..said a man came up to him...
32:43..asked him for a job.
32:48He asked for me.
32:50By name, he said...
32:54What did he say?
32:56He just asked for me.
32:59Why did you think that man was Daniel Jenkins?
33:02Well, I didn't. It never even crossed my mind.
33:05OK, well, why do you think that man was Daniel Jenkins now?
33:09He gave me a description...
33:12..of the guy.
33:14Well, he's not a very distinctive-looking bloke.
33:18He's got a scar.
33:22I don't see one.
33:26What did he want from you?
33:31In case you need reminding, your parents' lives are at risk, Mr Walsh.
33:41Someone's been calling me on my mobile.
33:45I recognised the number, so I never picked up.
33:48Will it still be on your mobile?
33:50Yeah, it should be on my missed calls.
33:58How old's your daughter now?
34:00Old enough to join the police.
34:02Seriously? Following her old man's footsteps?
34:05More like hanging on the baton, if you will.
34:07You jacking it in?
34:09I'm thinking about it.
34:11I imagine you could probably afford to.
34:13Come on, Bill. Don't all bitter on me now.
34:19..tell me about Daniel Jenkins.
34:21He must have done at least three stints in this place.
34:24The sort of guy you don't want to be left alone with.
34:26Dangerous, is he?
34:28Angry, sends he has nothing to lose.
34:30And why's that?
34:32Well, you've seen him.
34:34No, not yet. I've just got the usual mugshot.
34:37It's an old one.
34:42Try this.
34:46Do I, do I?
34:48Yeah. I imagine it's smarted a bit.
34:50You shared a cell with Jenkins for six weeks, not six days.
34:53And during that time, you made ten requests to be moved.
34:59Do you want to tell us what you did when you were turned down?
35:05You said he had a scar.
35:13That is an understatement.
35:15That man was disfigured thanks to you.
35:21That had nothing to do with me.
35:23Well, that's not what the prison officers thought.
35:26And that's not what Jenkins thought.
35:28What's going on here, Rory?
35:30Tell her.
35:33Tell her!
35:41There was a rumour going round that...
35:44that Jenkins had...
35:48had raped someone.
35:51A girl.
35:52A girl? An eight-year-old girl?
35:56Now, who started that rumour?
36:00You don't know what it was like.
36:03Being in a cell with that man.
36:09So you are responsible for this?
36:13I didn't do that!
36:14No, you just lit the fuse, didn't you?
36:17How could you have kept quiet about it?
36:19I just wanted one segregation.
36:25I didn't know he was going to be attacked.
36:28You lie and you cheat your way around everything, Rory.
36:33Your old man's got your number, hasn't he?
36:39This isn't just about money, Rory.
36:44He wants revenge.
37:00We've got a fix on Jenkins' phone.
37:03Now, apart from trips to the cash machine,
37:07he's moving around within the square-mile area in this vicinity.
37:11It's going to take days to search that.
37:13We haven't got days. We're talking about an unstable individual with a grudge.
37:19OK, look.
37:21The Jasmine Allen estate is roughly a mile from here.
37:24OK, look. The Jasmine Allen estate is roughly in the centre,
37:27so concentrate on the vacant flats close to where the car was found.
37:30I'll take uniform with me. OK.
37:52There's approximately ten empty flats in these blocks.
37:55Each team's going to take a floor.
37:57You'll get your instructions when you get inside.
37:59Clear? Let's go.
38:02Is it a long shot?
38:10I don't want to leave until I know they're OK.
38:12I'll call you, Rory.
38:14I don't have a lock, do I?
38:16I'm sorry.
38:18Oh, look.
38:20I will call you.
38:22I just need to talk to PC Ryder. PC Ryder isn't here.
38:24Why are you being so rude? Look, it's about the burnt-out car.
38:28What car?
38:30Who are you? I'm DC Dustery.
38:32Are you talking about the car on the Jasmine Allen? Yeah.
38:35What about it? I just saw the bloke who nicked it, didn't I?
38:39Are you sure it was him? I'm positive.
38:41OK, wait here. Don't go anywhere.
39:01Sarge. What?
39:03Are you free?
39:23Is this some sort of wind-up?
39:25Where exactly did you see him, Ant?
39:28Over there, there's a building.
39:31Look, I've got to go.
39:34Ant? Let him go.
39:36Antony, there's nowhere near the estate! Stop! Stop!
39:38Let him go!
39:40He's useless.
40:13Excuse me, sir.
40:26No! No!
40:28Max, no! Stop!
40:32Police! Drop the weapon, mate!
40:38Calm down, mate. Drop it now, son.
40:40You don't think he's your buddy, do you?
40:48What's the matter with you? Get out!
40:50Drop it now!
41:10I tried to stop him earlier. I really tried.
41:12Get up!
41:16Listen, listen, put the weapon down!
41:22Is it hard now?
41:40Are you all right?
41:49Is she going to be all right?
41:52I don't know.
41:54This is DC Dustery. We need urgent assistance and an ambulance
41:58to the waste ground on Mitford Road.
42:11Get him straight down the neck. He'll be right behind you.
42:14I'm OK.
42:16Thank you.
42:20You're OK?
42:22Yeah, it looks a lot worse than it feels.
42:24Thank you.
42:26What's he doing here?
42:28I need to see Mum.
42:30Don't you come anywhere near us, ever.
42:32For God's sake.
42:34I'm sorry, sir. You need to get off the ambulance.
42:38I just want to know you're all right.
42:40I'm sorry.
42:42Get away from me.
42:46Get out.
42:48Get him off there, please, Mel.
42:50Right, you heard her. Out. Get out, now.
42:54Just make sure he doesn't go back in there, please,
42:56until the ambulance has gone.
42:58What's wrong with us?
43:00I don't know.
43:02What's wrong with us?
43:04Let's just try this.
43:06I can't.
43:14Does it hurt much?
43:20I've got the needle, as well.
43:26Thank you.
43:28No worries.
43:32Thank you.
44:08I've been trying to call you.
44:10Heard what happened. Are you OK?
44:14It's just a bruise.
44:16Let me see.
44:22So, you're still coming over tonight?
44:24I was going to cook.
44:26Come on, Grace.
44:28We had a tough day, but we got through it.
44:30Did we?
44:32I messed up.
44:34You lost your rag in front of the whole office.
44:36Well, what kind of person would I be if I hadn't pulled up Max or something?
44:38No, you overreacted.
44:40I didn't overreact.
44:42Well, yeah, you did, Tom.
44:44Can we just leave it?
44:46No, I won't leave it. Max was totally out of order.
44:48And I won't let him talk to you like that.
44:50I will not let him talk to the woman I love.
45:10Come on.
45:14You know what?
45:16It's going to be all right.
45:20Sierra, Oscar 30, did you receive? Over.
45:22Lost him again.
45:24A teenage girl is found unconscious with multiple injuries beneath the window.
45:26You can't save every damsel in distress.
45:32He was sent here to attack me.
45:34What are you talking about?
45:36Your sergeant.
45:38All that poor girl wanted was to reconnect with her dad.
45:40And thanks to you, Stone, he's in custody.
45:42Get out!
45:54Get out!
46:24I can't see much.
46:26When's the last time you saw him, Mr Davies?
46:28Well, I heard their car leave on Saturday morning.
46:30Five days ago?
46:34Is there a side entrance?
46:36Around here.
46:54Can't you just stay outside, please?
47:00Hello, police?
47:24Oh, God.
48:18Mr Walsh about?
48:20He's in the kitchen.
48:22Mr Walsh?
48:24DS Moss, DC Dustry.
48:28I was expecting a spotty kid in a uniform.
48:30It is just a break-in, right?
48:32It's what we call aggravated burglary.
48:36Unfortunately, your parent's dog was killed in the incident.
48:40I'm sorry.
48:42How did she die?
48:44She was stabbed.
48:48Why was she there?
48:50Why was she there?
48:52She should have been in kennels.
48:54That would be Dad the tight git.
48:58Probably got someone around to feed her.
49:00Mr Walsh, do you know where your parents have gone?
49:04They flew out Saturday afternoon.
49:06When did you last see them?
49:08A few weeks ago.
49:10Is that the last time you spoke to them?
49:12We haven't been able to contact them.
49:16Have they taken much?
49:18Paperwork. Maybe money.
49:20How much money?
49:22I don't know. I'm just guessing.
49:24Did your parents mention seeing anyone hanging around the place?
49:26Anything odd that caught their attention?
49:28We haven't spoken properly for a while.
49:30Who are you?
49:34Is that the boiler?
49:36Oh, I'm sorry.
49:38I've got to go and deal with this.
49:42What's going on?
49:44I'll be stuck for a minute.
49:46I'll talk to you.
49:50Ah, whereabouts?
49:52OK, great. We'll be straight down there. Thanks.
49:54I found the Walsh's car.
50:06All right, people, listen!
50:08I want a four-metre walk!
50:10A four-metre walk!
50:14I got a call about an hour ago.
50:16No suspects seen by the car,
50:18and all the residents keeping their mouths firmly shut.
50:20Are we sure this is the Walsh's car?
50:24Eddie, what are the chances of getting forensics from inside?
50:26Zero. Unless a suspect went in the boot.
50:28Anyone open the boot yet?
50:30No, it's well and shut. We'll have to get the fire brigade to do it.
50:32Peter, can you pop that open?
50:44It's locked.
51:02It's their suitcases.
51:04So they never made it on holiday.
51:26Fiona and Howard Walsh were booked on the 1530 flight to Naples on Saturday,
51:28but they never showed.
51:30If they hadn't left to go on holiday,
51:32there's a good chance they were in the house when this happened.
51:34The telephone was smashed to pieces like someone had stamped on it.
51:36I'm wondering if one of the Walsh's
51:38attempted to make a call for help and was stopped.
51:40The upstairs was really messy,
51:42but the only other thing actually broken was a photograph.
51:44An old family photo.
51:46What are you thinking?
51:48Well, again, it's just a feeling,
51:50but I'm wondering if there isn't a personal element to this.
51:54I don't think we can assume that Robbie was the only one.
51:56The last suspect.
51:58They knew the combination.
52:00Well, the homeowners had a very sophisticated alarm system
52:02that had already been disabled
52:04when the uniform arrived.
52:12So it's not as straightforward as you thought, is it?
52:14Householders are Fiona and Howard Walsh,
52:16both in their 60s.
52:18He's an architect, she's a GP.
52:20They told the neighbours today
52:22this day we're going on holiday.
52:26Saturday, and the car's gone.
52:28Could you circulate the vehicle details?
52:32Thank you.
52:34Sierra Oscar Freight.
52:36We're going on holiday.
52:38We're going on holiday.
52:40Thank you.
52:42Sierra Oscar for 363.
52:44Can you get me a registration number, please?
52:48The Walters mobiles are going straight to voicemail,
52:50including the sons.
52:52I left messages asking them to call here.
52:54What are your thoughts?
52:56It's pretty gruesome.
52:58At first it looked opportunistic, but the alarm was disarmed,
53:00the safe was open.
53:02And if you saw or heard a dog, you'd just get out of there, wouldn't you?
53:04Well, exactly, unless there was something there
53:06that you really wanted to get your hands on.
53:08Does Eddie always do this?
53:10Do what?
53:12Leave out the most important details.
53:14If I'd known there was a safe upstairs...
53:16I heard you walked out before he had the opportunity, Max.
53:18God, someone's been telling tales.
53:20No-one's been telling tales. Eddie told me.
53:22Of course he did.
53:24Right, Stevie, you're heading this up now, OK?
53:26Heading what up?
53:28Burglary. Occupants on holiday. Could be an inside job.
53:30Insurance job.
53:32We can't rule it out, but it doesn't feel like that.
53:34The homeowner's dog was killed.
53:38There you go. Topic for tonight's dinner. Death of the dog.
53:40Grace, Rory Walsh has phoned in.
53:42He's the son of the householders.
53:44He says if you want to talk to him, he's at that address.
53:46Thanks. Let's go.
53:54What happened?
53:56Well, I guess. Suspect broke through the back door.
53:58Dog goes for suspect. Suspect stabbed dog.
54:00Have you got a weapon?
54:02There's one missing.
54:04And how long's the dog been dead?
54:06It's difficult to say.
54:08Four, maybe five days.
54:10This is all dog blood?
54:12Oh, this is. Woosh. Arterial bleed.
54:14Dog snuffed it on the spot.
54:16This, however, is not the dog's blood.
54:18My guess is Fido over there bit the burglar.
54:22They travel their blood through the house.
54:24It goes all the way upstairs.
54:26Must have been a serious bite.
54:28It's a big dog.
54:30Any witnesses?
54:32Except for the dog.
54:36Doesn't look like it's going to play ball.
54:38Oh, yeah. Hilarious.
54:40Now you've contaminated my crime scene. Well done.
54:42Well, somehow, I don't think this one's destined for the bailey.
54:44All yours, Mrs Manson.
54:46Mrs Manson? What was that?
54:48It's like the love boat down in CID.
54:50Mickey and Terry, Grace and Neil.
54:52Right, I'm out of here.
54:54We've only just arrived.
54:56See you later, Gracie darling.
55:00We're not even going to have this conversation.
55:02Neil's a decent bloke, a steady bloke.
55:04But Grace, here's Neil Manson.
55:06Is that really what you want? Eddie.
55:08Grace and Neil, that's horrible.
55:10That's all kinds of wrong. Eddie, stop.
55:12Come on.
55:14Just talk me through this.
55:16What do you think?
55:18Definitely not a pro job.
55:20Just have a look at the way they botched the door.
55:22Probably opportunist. Drug taker.
55:26Follow me this way.
55:32Someone got into the safe.
55:34Well, judging by the blood marks on the keypad, that...