Dame Andrea Jenkyns ousted from Leeds South West and Morley seat by Labour's Mark Sewards

  • 2 months ago
Dame Andrea Jenkyns was ousted from her parliamentary seat in a result that proved to be the biggest election upset in Leeds.

The Conservative politician and staunch Brexiteer was toppled by Labour’s Mark Sewards, who took the Leeds South West and Morley seat.

Mrs Jenkyns, who has been an MP in Morley for the last nine years, gave a speech after the result was announced at the John Charles Centre for Sport at 4am this morning (July 5).

Mr Sewards also gave a speech following his victory.


00:00I, Tom Raiden, Acting Returning Officer for the Leeds South-Western Morley constituency
00:29at the election held on the 4th of July 2024, do hereby give notice that the number of votes
00:35cast for each candidate was as follows.
00:38Chris Bell, Green Party, 2,522 Howard Graham-Jews, Yorkshire Party, 664
00:48Michael James Fox, Liberal Democrats, 1,798 Andrea Marie Jenkins, the Conservative Party
00:57candidate, 9,258 James Kendall, Reform UK, 8,187
01:11Nigel Perry, Social Democratic Party, 99 Mark Sewards, Labour Party, 17,060
01:36I hereby declare that Mark Sewards is duly elected as the Member of Parliament for the
01:41Leeds South-Western Morley constituency.
01:59Thank you all so much.
02:01I'd like to start by thanking the Returning Officer and the County Agents for doing such
02:07an extraordinary job tonight.
02:10I'd also like to thank the police and the security team for keeping us safe too.
02:15I stand before you as the Labour Member of Parliament for my home, Leeds South-Western
02:24Alongside being a husband and a dad, this is the most important job I will ever do.
02:41I'd like to pay tribute to the most incredible campaign team, ably led by Jo, for their extraordinary
02:54work over the last year.
02:56And while it is not possible to thank and name every person who has helped on this campaign,
03:00I would be dragged from the stage if I attempted to do so, there are three people that I do
03:06want to mention.
03:08The first is my best friend and wife, Alice Mark.
03:16She has almost forgotten me and for our son Oscar.
03:20The second is my agent, Neil Dawson.
03:22Neil is a tremendous community champion in Morley and has always been a source of good
03:34advice and wisdom.
03:36And thirdly, Jane Hill.
03:38Jane Hill was a mentor to me and although she is no longer with us, there is no question
03:44that this result is as much to do with her as it is with anyone I know.
03:52I do want to pay tribute to Andrea Jenkins for her nine years of service as Morley and
04:04Outwood's MP.
04:06I also want to thank all of the other candidates in this election.
04:10It's not easy to put yourself forward for election, trust me, I do know, but the people
04:16of Leeds South West and Morley have placed their trust in me.
04:20It is an awesome responsibility.
04:24I know that many people chose to vote Labour for the first time yesterday.
04:28I know that many people chose to vote Labour for the first time in a long time yesterday.
04:34I will not let you down.
04:36I also know that there are many people who chose not to vote Labour in Leeds South West
04:42and Morley and I will work tirelessly to earn your support and your trust and your respect
04:48over the next five years.
04:50The result tonight is a historic one.
04:54It seems as though the country has indeed voted for change.
04:58They have voted for a changed Labour Party, a Labour Party that we changed because we
05:04wanted to change the country we love.
05:06We will be a Labour government that is laser focused on the real priorities of working
05:14We will work day and night to secure our economic foundations.
05:18We will reduce bills and the cost of living.
05:20We will restore our NHS, secure our borders and fight for better opportunities for every
05:30But the scale of this challenge is obvious.
05:34There are no quick and easy solutions.
05:36We must never embrace the chaotic politics, the sticking plaster solutions that have characterised
05:43so much of our politics over the last 14 years.
05:47Now we can turn the page and we can approach our nation's problems with a return to the
05:53politics of public service.
05:55All of our politicians, all of our politics must be geared around serving the public,
06:01not serving ourselves.
06:03And it is with that mindset that we set about changing our country.
06:07It is with that mindset that I will serve the people of Leeds South West and Morley.
06:13You have given me the greatest responsibility of my life.
06:17Now I will get on with the job that you have elected me to do.
06:21Good luck Mark and savour this moment because I remember my moment those nine years ago.
06:35Our great returning officer was here, so enjoy.
06:39Thank you.
06:41Now to me it's always been about the people.
06:45I went into politics when I lost my dear dad.
06:49And it's been the real privilege of my life representing the straight-talking Yorkshire
06:56folk of Morley and Outwood these last nine years.
07:00I've met some amazing people.
07:02For example, I've got Peter in the audience who I met a decade ago, became friends with
07:08my mum and I, and he carried my mum's coffin as well.
07:11That's how much a friend he's become.
07:13I've met some local friends on the Brexit campaign who's here this evening as well.
07:20Now, I actually fought hard to save the heart of our Conservative Party.
07:27But sadly, nobody listened.
07:30I could sense that a wake-up call was coming.
07:34I was unpopular amongst my colleagues for speaking the truth.
07:42For nearly three months, I tried to unite conservatism.
07:47I met with Rishi Sunak.
07:50I met with Nigel Farage.
07:52I met with Richard Tice.
07:54We had meetings, we had phone conversations.
07:58And I feared that if we did not come together and instead take our fight to the socialists,
08:06then we would elect a Labour government which would change our country for the worst, forever.
08:21But sadly, arrogance and political egos would not let that happen.
08:27They were too big to put their country and its people first.
08:32Now, just look at the exit polls today.
08:35Look at the percentage of Conservative and Reform votes.
08:39We could have had a truly united Conservative alliance in government this evening.
08:50Now, good luck to my successor.
08:52As I said, it's a real privilege and the folk at Morley are truly amazing.
08:59I'd like to thank Will, my good friend of 15 years, my office manager.
09:07My team of volunteers, my team.
09:11And everybody who's come rain or shine, gone out for me over 11 years now.
09:17To my wonderful friends, Gloria, to Claire, for being here this evening.
09:24But I'm pragmatic.
09:25I have faith.
09:26I believe in God.
09:28And whatever God puts in our path, we are meant to deal with it and learn from it.
09:33Now, 18 months ago, my brave big sister, who is here today, Debra, she died twice, had to be resuscitated.
09:42She was in a coma and woke up paralysed from the neck down.
09:46At the same time, our amazing mum was dying from sepsis.
09:50Now, I think if you can get through that, you can get through anything.
09:54And Debra, my sister, she has learnt to walk again just the last few weeks because she wanted to enter my 50th birthday bash.
10:03Now, I'm actually honestly excited of what the next chapter holds and the next decade holds for me.
10:10But I think most importantly, to my darling son, who is my life, my little seven-year-old.
10:15I love being a mum.
10:17You're going to see more of mummy and that's not a bad thing.
10:21Now, I fear for our country under a Labour government.
10:25But whatever is left of our Conservative Party, please listen to the public this time.
10:32Please learn, please rebuild and please come back fighting.
10:37Thank you.
