Cuôc Đời Đức Phật Tâp 53 Lồng Tiếng - Động lực cho Thích Minh Tuệ

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Cuôc Đời Đức Phật Tâp 53 Lồng Tiếng - Động lực cho Thích Minh Tuệ
00:00Film Truyen Phat Jau Nhiu Tap Ko Ang Do
00:03Duk Phat
00:31Screenplay by Gajra Kottari, Prakash Kapadia, Puneet S. Shukla
00:44Direction by Veer Tavan Puranik
00:47Director by B. K. Modi
00:50Cinematography by V. S. Chakraborty
00:56With the participation of the actors
00:58Himanshu Soni as Prince Duk Phat
01:01Kabir Bedi as King Atuda
01:05Samir Tamati Kari as King Tinfan
01:09Deepika Upathye as Queen Maya
01:14Ngan Ngan Uparari as Queen Basabade
01:20Kachan Chahin as Princess Jayudala
01:25Jagat Singh as Deba Dada
01:28Sanket Choksi as Sanak
01:31Sitath and Sudev as Hoc Phan
01:35King Tinfan's King
01:37and other actors
01:45Director of Photography
01:57Bach The Tung
01:59Is it true?
02:03In three months
02:05you will be in Japan
02:10How can you leave like that?
02:14This is us in this chaotic world
02:18Dear Buddha, you are the only light
02:22I sincerely beg you
02:25Don't leave us
02:28Just think about what is coming
02:33I can't calm down, dear Buddha
02:39The one who is revered as living with wisdom
02:42will never be afraid of death
02:49This body of mine will disintegrate
02:53But my chanting
02:55the sutras I teach
02:57will remain in your heart
03:02Dear Buddha
03:04Please let me follow you
03:07All my life
03:10I haven't done anything good
03:14Please give me a chance
03:17to follow you on your path
03:28If you follow me
03:31what will happen to your beloved Magadha?
03:35You are the king of a country
03:37How can you ignore your responsibility to your country?
03:41You are also responsible to your people
03:44That is your duty
03:48You can't escape
03:51I once said
03:53If a king knows how to keep his duty
03:57then his people will be sincere
04:02When you wake up in the morning
04:04open your eyes
04:07and meditate on the sound of the flute
04:09The sound of the flute
04:11will make your body grow
04:14All the Buddhas, all the gods and all the deities
04:18will feel that this body of mine
04:21has a pure nature
04:24Then all the people
04:27will be able to sit in this body of mine
04:31Dear Buddha
04:33I will never see you again
04:37This fear
04:40makes me feel very uneasy
04:43One of the mysteries of life
04:47is to escape from fear
04:50not to worry about the future
04:53not to bear the pain of the past
04:56not to rely on or fear
04:58the people in my past
05:02Another mystery of life
05:05is to keep a person or an object
05:08but in the end
05:11you have to lose it
05:14From the moment you don't ask for help
05:17is the moment you achieve liberation
05:20Dear Buddha
05:22I will leave this world
05:25but forever
05:27I will stay by your side
05:29until my last breath
05:34You are the light in my soul
05:38I will always
05:40shine on your path
05:56I will always shine on your path
06:06It is a great blessing
06:08to have met you
06:12To all the Buddhas
06:15I ask for your mercy
06:18I pray for you
06:22We are all ordinary people
06:24Can you guide us
06:26to the right path?
06:29Can you?
06:32My wife has a wish
06:35Please teach us
06:37the important things in life
06:40Hey Buddha
06:42For a married life
06:44equality is the most important thing
06:48A family where the husband and wife
06:50love each other
06:52is a happy place
06:54A happy place
06:57is a place where
07:00everyone can be happy
07:05In this world
07:07the union of husband and wife
07:10must be
07:12free from
07:14the desire of the body and material
07:18The wife
07:19is a part of the body of the husband
07:23The husband
07:25should respect and honor his wife
07:28He should not make his wife
07:30lose face in front of everyone
07:33The wife
07:35should not go against the rights of the woman
07:39And the husband
07:41must live
07:43in a worthy way
07:45to be a husband
07:46The husband
07:48must avoid bad habits
07:51Every decision of the husband
07:54must think about the wish of the wife
07:59Loving your husband
08:01is also the responsibility of the wife
08:04Look at the husband's family
08:07as your own family
08:10The role is to love
08:12to care
08:13for each member of the husband's family
08:16to respect each other as guests
08:19If you trust each other
08:22then the absurdity
08:24will belong to you
08:27I understand
08:29Please tell me
08:31what I should pay attention to
08:32so that I can follow the path
08:33you have taught me
08:35You must be close to good people
08:38People who cannot
08:39People who cannot
08:41focus on their thoughts
08:44can easily make you
08:46become lazy and lazy
08:49and create unfavorable conditions
08:51for your activities
08:53Then your mind will be
08:56in a state of non-contact
09:00Your career
09:02must be in line with the rules
09:04no matter what you do
09:06In business
09:07or in everyday life
09:09you must first
09:15and then
09:17complete it
09:19For example
09:21cooking rice
09:23should not be
09:25a job
09:27that is not important
09:29but a chance
09:31to take care of yourself
09:33your husband
09:35and your children
09:37All things in life
09:39should not be selfish
09:41Just live for yourself
09:44Your happiness
09:48and achievements
09:50should be shared
09:52with everyone
09:54To be a human
09:56you need to be modest
09:58kind and straightforward
10:00have the opportunity
10:02to offer yourself
10:04or to collect
10:05all the good things
10:07that can make you
10:09feel secure
10:13your soul
10:15will feel
10:17the unremarkable tranquility
10:19You must remember
10:21that every morning
10:23we open our eyes
10:25to the bright light
10:27of a new day
10:31We must be aware
10:33of what we need to do
10:36People often forget
10:40We must engrave in our hearts
10:42what we are grateful for
10:45For example
10:48trees, flowers
10:52water, air
10:55do not belong to us
10:57We should be grateful
10:59to everyone
11:01We should always be grateful
11:03to live and think
11:06so that we can
11:08achieve more
11:10not to be ungrateful
11:12If everything is ungrateful
11:14shouldn't we all be sick?
11:17If we are sick
11:19there is no way to die
11:23We should be grateful
11:25just like the beautiful flowers
11:27in the middle of the world
11:31Dear Thay Tu
11:34eat with us
12:03Look at you
12:05Why don't you bring this mushroom
12:07to the Buddha
12:09and bring it to him
12:11Oh right
12:13I forgot
12:15I will bring it to him
12:27Dear Thay Tu
12:29I forgot to bring the mushroom
12:30to the Buddha
12:40It took a lot of effort
12:42to pick it up from the tree
12:44and bring it to you
12:46I cooked this dish for you
12:48from the bottom of my heart
12:50Please eat it
13:00Thank you
14:00It's raining
14:02Why is it raining suddenly?
14:06The weather has been good for a while
14:20The rest of the mushroom
14:23Please bury it
14:25in the ground
14:27Don't give it to others
14:29to eat
14:59What's wrong with you?
15:04Let's rest here for a while
15:12I'm still
15:14following the instructions
15:18You go first
15:20I will follow
15:28will meet
15:31by the Hiran River
15:35Yes, Thay Tu
15:36Wait for me
15:37to sit under that tree
15:38Yes, Thay Tu
15:40I will rest here for a while
15:47Thay Tu, come here
15:53Thay Tu
15:56Thay Tu
16:10I'm thirsty
16:14Give me some water
16:27I can't bring this water back to Buddha
16:33Thay Tu
16:36Have you taken the water?
16:39I'm thirsty
16:40Thay Tu
16:42The water there is very dirty
16:44You can't drink it
16:46You have to bear a little more
16:47Wait for the Kakuta River
16:48The water there is very clean and sweet
16:49Wait for us to come back
16:54Please take this bowl
16:55to get the water
16:56The water will be clean and clear
16:58Hurry up
16:59Yes, Buddha
17:09Why is that?
17:11I put the bowl in
17:12The water became clean immediately
17:19I'm thirsty
17:21I'm thirsty
17:40The first time I went to get the water
17:41The water in the pond was very dirty
17:44But when you taught me
17:45I went again
17:46I put the bowl in the water
17:48The water in the pond was clean
17:49Why is this strange?
17:54You have to listen to me
17:58The meal that we used
17:59in Kunda's house
18:01was the last meal
18:03that we used
18:06People will blame
18:09and will make it difficult for him
18:12to say that
18:13that meal
18:14was problematic
18:16But you have to tell everyone
18:19In my life
18:21In my life
18:22there are two meals
18:23that I can't forget
18:25That is
18:26The first
18:29was the meal
18:33I witnessed the unparalleled truth
18:37And the second meal
18:40was before I entered the Great Nirvana
18:45Don't let Kunda
18:46bring regret
18:48into your heart
18:50He should be happy
18:52for offering me
18:54one of these two meals
19:07We have to cross the Hiran River
19:12We're almost there
19:14It's noon
19:17On those trees
19:20there is a beautiful flower
19:23as bright as a firefly
19:27Red and fresh
19:30We have to go to Mala
19:35Let's go, Anang
19:36Yes, master
19:37We're late
19:47Be careful
20:19Take my body
20:22and run on the rocks between those trees
20:25I will rest here
20:27Yes, master
20:38The essence of all Dharma
20:40is Tathagata
20:43All forms
20:44come from Tathagata
20:48Vasen was born from Tathagata
20:51Anurudha was born from Tathagata
20:54All teachers
20:56were born from Tathagata
20:59All people
21:02Anang was born from Tathagata
21:05The universe was born from Tathagata
21:09It was born from Tathagata
21:11It was born from Tathagata
21:13and then came back to the world
21:15That's why it's called
21:20All Dharma
21:21were not born from Tathagata
21:23nor disappeared from Tathagata
21:26All the Dharma
21:29from ancient times
21:32are still the same
21:33From now on
21:34I and my disciples
21:36will pray to you
21:39to remind us
21:40that we are all full of Tathagata
21:44If we have a headache
21:47we think
21:49the headache is part of Tathagata
21:53the pain can also end
21:57The reason is
21:59when we bring half of our power
22:02to fight against the pain
22:05and the other half
22:07to heal the pain
22:10this power
22:13will harm our mind
22:15more than the headache
22:18If we accept the headache
22:22and we are all born like this
22:26there will be no more resistance
22:29Then all our power
22:32can focus on healing the pain
22:36Please be seated
22:43Your image in your life
22:47has become so simple and easy to understand
22:50that even our pitiful souls
22:52can understand it
22:57Why, Anurudda?
22:59Your heart
23:01has always been pure
23:02Why has it fallen now?
23:05Do you know?
23:07I have a hunch
23:09that Buddha will come to visit you tonight
23:16My head
23:18is facing north
23:22to the right
23:24Yes, Venerable
23:26My head
23:28is facing north
23:30to the right
24:18You take a look
24:21The spring still has not come
24:29the passage on the Sala
24:32has already begun
24:34It's so colorful.
24:43These flowers are like raindrops.
24:47Each drop falls on the Tathagata's clothes.
24:53This forest is so beautiful.
25:08And over there,
25:12the sun is setting to the west.
25:17The sunset lights up the sky.
25:25do you hear the music of the Sala tree?
25:29Is it humming in the wind?
25:36My heart is full of joy
25:39in front of this beautiful scene.
25:42My heart is full of joy in front of this beautiful scene.
25:47My dear teachers,
25:51if you really want to show your respect and love for me,
26:01then please apply this method in your daily life.
26:06Every minute, every second,
26:08you have to show your respect.
26:19where is Ananda?
26:22Call him here.
26:38Don't cry, Ananda.
26:51If you cry,
26:54how can the Buddha be at peace?
26:56Wake up.
26:59Go to the Tathagata and call him.
27:08Don't worry, Ananda.
27:12I often remind you that
27:16all the Dharma is immeasurable.
27:21Life is like the road to death.
27:27Reincarnation is the manifestation of separation.
27:32Life is like the road to death.
27:36Reincarnation is the manifestation of separation.
27:40Life is like the road to death.
27:46If there is no death,
27:49how can there be life, Ananda?
27:55You have sacrificed your life for me.
27:58I am very grateful.
28:02You have done your best to help me.
28:07You have a lot of beautiful qualities,
28:12but you can still go further,
28:18work harder,
28:21to get out of this cycle of life and death.
28:27You have been able to get rid of your inner self,
28:31to grow from every suffering.
28:36I know that you can do this.
28:42This is what makes me feel at peace,
28:52You have four qualities.
28:56Your words are very gentle.
29:00No matter what you say,
29:03you always feel at peace.
29:07You are always fair to everyone.
29:13Your silence
29:16and little talk
29:21make everyone happy.
29:29for so many years,
29:32I have missed you so much.
29:37After my death,
29:41I still have many wishes for you.
29:47please don't come here.
29:50Kushinara is just a small town.
29:54There are many big cities
29:58that are suitable for you to settle in.
30:02For example, Rajagaha
30:05or Savatthi,
30:08which you love.
30:11Or Kusambi and Varanasi.
30:14Please choose one of those cities
30:17so that everyone can see you for the last time.
30:22this city of Kushinara
30:25is where I feel most at ease.
30:32It is very small
30:35and there are many houses.
30:38Look at those flowers.
30:41One by one, they slowly fall to the ground.
30:52before I leave this body,
30:55look, they slowly fall to the ground.
31:05please do me a favor.
31:08Come to Kushinara
31:11and tell King Mala
31:15that Buddha is waiting for him in this forest.
31:18Tell him that
31:24at three o'clock,
31:27Buddha will enter the nirvana.
31:49So tonight at three o'clock,
31:52Buddha will enter the nirvana?
31:56That's right, Ananda.
32:02hurry and tell King Mala
32:06about this news.
32:09But I'm afraid that if I go...
32:11No, Ananda.
32:13I won't enter the nirvana before three o'clock.
32:18I can see the future clearly.
32:23After I enter the nirvana,
32:27King Mala will say
32:33did I enter the nirvana in his body
32:39without telling him?
32:43As long as Ananda is alive,
32:45my wish will definitely come true.
32:48Right now,
32:50I'm going to tell King Mala.
33:15Ananda has entered the nirvana.
33:45Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:15Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:18Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:21Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:24Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:27Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:30Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:33Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:36Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:39Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:42Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:45Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:48Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:51Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:54Ananda has entered the nirvana.
34:57Remember carefully.
35:00My path
35:02is not to take you away from this life.
35:06I believe that people can change
35:09when they come into contact with good
35:13other people's mistakes.
35:16This hope is for noble souls.
35:20The destiny of human beings
35:24is determined
35:27by their actions.
35:35We are born on this earth.
35:39Every breath is suffering.
35:41In this world of reincarnation,
35:44there is suffering and pain.
35:48This world is not a place
35:51to stop the suffering and pain.
35:54This world is the abode of ignorance.
35:59But ignorance
36:02needs to be awakened.
36:07this is your responsibility.
36:13this is your responsibility.
36:19creates suffering,
36:22sorrow, and confusion.
36:25Anger, greed,
36:31and jealousy
36:33are all caused by ignorance.
36:35Imagination will lead people on the wrong path.
36:38Although there are two ways,
36:39life and death are not different.
36:42They are one.
36:45If we are wrongly aware,
36:48we will become an obstacle
36:50that we cannot get rid of.
36:52If we become an obstacle,
36:54all of our lives will be completely isolated,
36:57without any support,
36:59without any support.
37:01The world,
37:03the heaven,
37:05the hell,
37:06can eliminate all misconceptions
37:09and remind us again and again
37:14there is
37:18there is
37:22there is
37:26there is
37:30there is
37:34there is
37:40that is
37:48The night is long and dark.
37:51For those who are asleep,
37:53the road is long and dark.
37:56For those who are tired,
37:59and for those who live in delusion,
38:03and for those who do not know what enlightenment is,
38:07all of their lives
38:10will be full of pain and suffering.
38:18Any kind of knowledge,
38:21whether you can read it yourself,
38:25or hear it,
38:28or see it,
38:30or even speak it,
38:33should not be taken for granted.
38:36You should use your knowledge and wisdom
38:40to observe, analyze, and experience it.
38:48Bạch Thế Tôn,
38:50what if we meet you on the path of truth?
38:55On the path of truth?
38:57No matter who you meet,
38:59you should not rush to accept them.
39:02If you meet Buddha,
39:04do not regard him as a savior.
39:06Even if you meet your own father,
39:09you should not leave the path and run away.
39:14Your life,
39:17you need to hold on to it,
39:19and keep it in your heart.
39:22Do not rely on others.
39:26Thank you.
39:56In the Book of Humanity,
39:59there is no
40:05the existence
40:11In the Book of Humanity,
40:14there is no doubt
40:18the existence
40:24In the Book of Humanity,
40:26there is no doubt
40:30the existence
40:36In the Book of Humanity,
40:38there is no doubt
40:42the existence
40:48In the Book of Humanity,
40:50there is no doubt
40:54the existence
41:00In the Book of Humanity,
41:02there is no doubt
41:06the existence
41:12In the Book of Humanity,
41:14there is no doubt
41:18the existence
41:26In the Book of Humanity,
41:28there is no doubt
41:32the existence
41:56In the Book of Humanity,
41:58there is no doubt
42:01the existence
