What is Financial Domination - Ceara Lynch

  • 2 months ago
What is Financial Domination - Ceara Lynch
00:00:21hey hey guys Holly Randall here and I
00:00:25have a very special guest here today I
00:00:28have somebody from my past sort of I'm
00:00:32sorry I'm making it sound like we like
00:00:34if this really connected probably with
00:00:35that which we don't but I used to harass
00:00:38the [ __ ] out of her to shoot her a long
00:00:40time ago so now it's nice to have her
00:00:42here in the studio in front of me
00:00:44mr. Lynch how are you I'm good thanks
00:00:46for having me thank you for coming yeah
00:00:48so yeah I just wanted to get rid of
00:00:51everybody like a little like our kind of
00:00:53somewhat back story so we used to both
00:00:55be on this really very entertaining but
00:00:59strange forum called xxx porn talk which
00:01:02I haven't visited in years I don't know
00:01:04if you ever go or never yeah so it was
00:01:07kind of where the misfits of the porn
00:01:11industry would go and just basically
00:01:13talk [ __ ] about porn and there was a lot
00:01:16of like [ __ ] nonsense on there
00:01:18there's also a lot of like really funny
00:01:20[ __ ] on there there was um who's that
00:01:23one guy the monkey cage and he would do
00:01:26like my favorite thing is he would do
00:01:29like a um what's that show when they
00:01:33judge people who brought go to oh the
00:01:35fashion please yeah like he would do
00:01:36that to people on the AVN red carpet and
00:01:39toss like massive amounts of [ __ ] about
00:01:41like what people wore and what they look
00:01:42like and we have a lot of I feel like
00:01:45it's a lot more legit now like you look
00:01:47at people on the red carpet now and it's
00:01:48different than how it used to be but
00:01:50like there were quite a few interesting
00:01:54characters that used to be on the red
00:01:56carpet and just the things that he would
00:01:57come up with or just like incredibly
00:01:59mean but so insanely funny it was so
00:02:03entertaining yeah I remember you'd
00:02:05managed is like prank people pretty well
00:02:07- yeah I think he made some rumor about
00:02:09how some porn star had AIDS and you know
00:02:11infected a bunch of people and like for
00:02:13like a day or something people are like
00:02:14what oh yeah we were really cling to
00:02:17rumor these days and this is like before
00:02:19kind of social media came around so but
00:02:24uh you were on there and you're
00:02:26obviously very good-looking and I used
00:02:29to bug I used to chase you about
00:02:32shooting I was like I should shoot you
00:02:33you're so hot and I remember
00:02:34you're like me maybe no yeah no then
00:02:37you're like me I'm not gonna make it
00:02:41yeah I want a different route yeah see
00:02:44and you still don't get naked right no
00:02:46but you are you are a femme Dom Queen
00:02:51and you do clips and so what do rather
00:02:55than me have everybody tell you what you
00:02:57everyone what you do why don't you tell
00:02:59everybody what you do I feel like you're
00:03:00gonna explain it much yeah sure I think
00:03:02the best word to describe me is a
00:03:03humiliate ryx I like that yes so I like
00:03:08a dominatrix but I do everything online
00:03:10I don't have like a dungeon I just like
00:03:12to use my words right humiliate guys and
00:03:15I do that basically with cam shows and
00:03:18videos and all my videos are POV style
00:03:22which I suppose to your porn friends
00:03:24might support moment made a little
00:03:26something different but basically just
00:03:27me and the camera and I'm talking
00:03:29directly to the camera and so I viewer
00:03:30feels like I'm talking directly to him
00:03:32and you know I I don't get naked but I
00:03:35certainly you know just pretty sexy and
00:03:38I act very seductively but it's all
00:03:40under the umbrella of female domination
00:03:43and so it's I'm always in the dominant
00:03:45position and I just talked trash to men
00:03:48for a living that's amazing yeah that is
00:03:50such a I mean when people because I know
00:03:53that like when people ask me what I do
00:03:55for a living it depending on who I'm
00:03:57talking to
00:03:57I will come up with some kind of like oh
00:04:00I'm a photographer and you know usually
00:04:03they don't ask me more than that but if
00:04:04they do what do you photograph I should
00:04:05photograph people what kind of you know
00:04:08this is it I'm trying to hide it from
00:04:09somebody I'll be like oh I should
00:04:10glamour like pinup and stuff like that
00:04:13and then I'll kind of be able to avoid
00:04:15what I actually do what do you tell
00:04:17people funny that's really similar to
00:04:19what I do so I I don't like to lie but
00:04:23sometimes I just don't want to get into
00:04:25it either you know yeah it's almost like
00:04:26you want to just avoid the 10,000
00:04:28questions that are gonna follow it yeah
00:04:30that's exactly right
00:04:31so I do something very similar I say
00:04:34like I do videography and then I try and
00:04:36change the subject
00:04:38what are you sure like are you a deep
00:04:41the worst thing is getting somebody who
00:04:42actually works in that industry to like
00:04:43what are you are you a DP are you a
00:04:45camera operator are you
00:04:47like right yeah I made them a stick like
00:04:49at least with that it's you know it's a
00:04:51half-truth have one time I was like well
00:04:53maybe I'll just say something really
00:04:55boring like accounting and people be
00:04:56like okay next topic yeah that's true
00:04:58nobody will ever be like oh really
00:05:00what's that like unless they're in the
00:05:03industry would you happen to be wouldn't
00:05:04I'm some guy was asking me all these
00:05:05questions about accounting I was like
00:05:07[ __ ] and I think you could tell I was
00:05:09obviously lying but yeah so I'll say I'm
00:05:12a videographer and then I try to change
00:05:14the subject but if they ask you know
00:05:16probably one more question after that
00:05:18they're gonna find out I make fetish
00:05:19videos yeah yeah that's that's like the
00:05:21honest answer I gave up front as I make
00:05:23fetish videos and what are you where
00:05:25does the reaction that you generally get
00:05:26when you say that people are usually
00:05:28really intrigued you know they want to
00:05:29know more and then when I explained it
00:05:31the way I just explained it people
00:05:33usually think it's pretty cool yeah yeah
00:05:35they think it's awesome I think the I
00:05:37think first of all because I'm actually
00:05:39surprised by the fact that like when I
00:05:41tell if I honestly tell people what I do
00:05:43I'm like I shoot porn for a living I
00:05:44don't I've like never been attacked like
00:05:46in person and I think it throws people
00:05:49off that we're women I think if we were
00:05:51guys we would get a different answer
00:05:53yeah I never thought about that but
00:05:54you're probably right but yeah I think
00:05:55especially for me because my role is
00:05:58something that is generally men some
00:06:00people are always surprised and I think
00:06:01it's it's hard for people to be like oh
00:06:03well porn is exploitative
00:06:05but for women but you're a woman so like
00:06:07how does that work
00:06:08and especially for you you really flip
00:06:10the script so like I mean you literally
00:06:13make a living out of exploiting men but
00:06:15that's what these men want yeah so it's
00:06:17it's interesting yeah no it's exactly
00:06:20right it's kind of I I describe it as
00:06:21like a loophole in the adult industry
00:06:23yeah because I feel like I don't get
00:06:25stigmatized as much as like a stripper
00:06:28or a porn star right because they I
00:06:30don't take off my clothes I don't meet
00:06:31anyone and then also it's all talking
00:06:34[ __ ] to men yeah you know people think
00:06:37it's kind of cool and feminist yes I get
00:06:39a good reaction from it yeah yeah yeah I
00:06:41would imagine that you do how did you
00:06:43get into that like how did that begin it
00:06:46began when I was 17 or of legal age and
00:06:51I was living okay there's a podcast we
00:06:54don't have to follow any rules
00:06:55good so I was living in Japan as an
00:06:58exchange student as my house
00:07:00senior year of high school oh that's
00:07:02[ __ ] cool yeah those are for a year
00:07:04but I didn't know Japanese and my host
00:07:08families didn't know English and I went
00:07:10to a school where I was the only
00:07:11exchange student so I was just really
00:07:14lonely and yeah and I just spent a lot
00:07:17of time on the computer so I would like
00:07:18you know talk to my friends and talk to
00:07:20strangers and one day this guy had like
00:07:24seen my picture on some social
00:07:26networking site at the time mm-hmm
00:07:28and he thought I was really cute and so
00:07:30he just started talking to me and he
00:07:32turned out to be a big pervert as you
00:07:34know strange men on the internet often
00:07:36are and he told me about his fetishes so
00:07:40he had a fetish for being peed on was
00:07:43his big thing and then pantyhose and I
00:07:46was just really intrigued like I I knew
00:07:48that like people sometimes had weird
00:07:51fetishes but I'd never talk to anyone
00:07:52that had a had a weird fetish so it's
00:07:55like this is interesting and you know it
00:07:57was online so it was safe yeah like some
00:07:59guy in the bus I was talking and so you
00:08:04know I would carry on conversations here
00:08:06and there and he'd always try to get me
00:08:07to meet him but I was like no I'm not
00:08:10gonna meet you
00:08:11he lived in New York by the way when I
00:08:12tell my story a lot of people think it's
00:08:13like some Japanese businessman but he
00:08:15was an American guy and so one day he
00:08:18was like okay well I know you're not
00:08:20gonna meet me but you know I really
00:08:21think that you're that you're pissed
00:08:23should be bottled and sold and I at the
00:08:26time I was just like okay you know I was
00:08:28thinking it's like his way of
00:08:29dirty-talking me mm-hmm but I was like
00:08:32all right we'll buy it you know and he
00:08:35did like we negotiate a price and I sent
00:08:38him a 12 ounce bottle of urine and he
00:08:41sent me $250 in the mail and so that was
00:08:44my big kind of lightbulb moment Wow
00:08:47launched everything like there is an
00:08:48industry here yeah like I was like this
00:08:50guy found me by accident what would
00:08:52happen if I went looking for guys like
00:08:53this yeah
00:08:54and so but a little research because I
00:08:56was like all right I've heard of like
00:08:57selling your used panties right this
00:08:59sounds like kind of the same sort of
00:09:01thing and I did some research and I
00:09:04found a website that was like eBay like
00:09:06an auction site but it was for girls
00:09:09selling panties socks shoes I used one
00:09:14yeah a bi bids okay and it I make so
00:09:19much money yeah selling like outfits
00:09:22from shoots it's crazy no that's awesome
00:09:24yeah it's great it's a great
00:09:25supplemental income like I desperately
00:09:27need it it's really helpful yeah well
00:09:30yeah that's how I started out I started
00:09:32making money off there and then I would
00:09:34you know kind of pay attention to what
00:09:35other girls were doing online and from
00:09:38there I found out how to set up phone
00:09:40lines you know where I would get paid
00:09:42per minute
00:09:43basically like phone sex but because I
00:09:45came in through the industry in kind of
00:09:47this fetish way the guys that would call
00:09:50me would be wouldn't be guys that you
00:09:52know wanted to talk about you know me
00:09:54blowing them or anything it would all be
00:09:56like submissive guys that want to be
00:09:57degraded and humiliated right so I kind
00:10:01of became like a cyber dominatrix from
00:10:04there and learned a lot about you know
00:10:06men with unusual fetishes just by
00:10:08talking to them and from there did
00:10:10webcam shows and then videos and that's
00:10:13what I do today
00:10:14so how long have you been doing it for
00:10:16no see
00:10:1915 years Wow yeah a long time and is
00:10:22it's your full-time job right yeah I
00:10:24never thought I'd be doing it this early
00:10:27you know it's like an industry that's
00:10:30kind of thrives off of like you know
00:10:32youth and beauty and like the nice fresh
00:10:35face but I feel like in in this niche
00:10:37guys really want a girl that knows what
00:10:40she's doing more than just a new girl
00:10:42yeah yeah so that's pretty cool though
00:10:44to be fair like you look very young I
00:10:47think like I don't know you look like
00:10:50older but you do not know no I feel like
00:10:52I look all right but I but just the fact
00:10:54that I've been doing it this long I
00:10:55would have thought like maybe they're
00:10:57you know they'll get tired of me but
00:10:58it's been great yeah have you had like
00:11:01customers that have kind of been with
00:11:02you since the beginning mm-hmm yeah I
00:11:05have a couple in mind yeah they've been
00:11:08with me like for you know over a decade
00:11:10now Wow
00:11:11yeah pretty wild and do you feel like I
00:11:13don't know I wouldn't I don't know if I
00:11:15if closeness is the right word but do
00:11:17you feel almost like a certain kind of
00:11:18affection for these kind of people like
00:11:20how does that because I know with like
00:11:21with Cam girls like some girls have like
00:11:25longtime customers fans that
00:11:27they actually really end up kind of
00:11:30caring about and feeling like some like
00:11:32kind of real kinship with but for you
00:11:35being a humiliate Rick's I'm not sure
00:11:37that the relationship ever enters that
00:11:40space I can it depends on the guy
00:11:42obviously like one of the guys that's
00:11:44been with me for this long he annoys the
00:11:47crap out of me but he pays really well
00:11:49yeah it's never gonna you know ya get
00:11:52anything more than that but there's some
00:11:54that like have opened up to me in ways
00:11:56that like yeah you can't help but kind
00:11:58of feel like it's a more personal
00:12:00relationship how do you respond to like
00:12:02did they tell you like what's going on
00:12:03in their life and stuff like that and
00:12:05then how do you respond to that do you
00:12:06actually kind of back out of character
00:12:09and be like oh I'm sorry that that's
00:12:10going on or do you continue on with that
00:12:13like well you know yeah you deserve that
00:12:16you got fired you know that's a good
00:12:20question so one of my long-term clients
00:12:24if you will he goes by CR junkie he this
00:12:29was really tricky for me because you
00:12:31know you for started talking me when
00:12:32when you know I first started and he
00:12:35would call me and you know he was just
00:12:37kind of this loser like to wear panty is
00:12:40like to be made fun of for that sort of
00:12:42yeah and he would just talk in ways that
00:12:45made him sound very pathetic so I was
00:12:46like okay he's you know this is like
00:12:48kind of a back and forth read acts all
00:12:50pathetic and stupid and I make fun of
00:12:51him for it
00:12:53but then he would like in between doing
00:12:57that he would tell me things about how
00:12:59you know his father used to beat him and
00:13:01how he was abused and all this and it
00:13:03like I would just kind of keep going I'd
00:13:05be like yeah you deserve that blah blah
00:13:07blah thinking you know that's the
00:13:09direction he wants to go fine but after
00:13:13a while it kind of became clear to me
00:13:15that he was kind of opening up although
00:13:18in this weird way I think he was
00:13:20confused himself too you know yeah and
00:13:23finally it was like I kind of had to
00:13:25break character a little bit and be like
00:13:26you know what like you were a kid you
00:13:28didn't deserve that yeah it wasn't okay
00:13:30yeah and and he like really appreciate
00:13:33hearing that so that kind of became
00:13:36weird because it would go back and forth
00:13:38between him wanting to like jerk off and
00:13:40then also
00:13:41kind of treat me almost like a therapist
00:13:42yeah and I'm sure there's tons of girls
00:13:46that could totally pull that off but I'm
00:13:48not one of them so I was like all right
00:13:49after I was like listen you can either
00:13:51jerk-off on the phone with me or we can
00:13:52talk like you know friends or like a
00:13:55therapist but one or the other cuz both
00:13:57is just really weird for me yeah it's
00:13:59got to be very strange like switching
00:14:00back yeah between those two kinds of
00:14:02personalities totally especially cuz he
00:14:04was conflicted about his fetishes right
00:14:06like that you know so he chose the kind
00:14:10of therapist friend relationship and so
00:14:12that's kind of where we're at like he'll
00:14:15kind of just tell me what's going on his
00:14:16life and like you know tell me like
00:14:18things like you know stories of like
00:14:21girls he's dated or like kind of as
00:14:23fetishes and stuff but it's not actually
00:14:25him you know in a fantasy like jerking
00:14:27off right you know that's really
00:14:29interesting who is probably who's that
00:14:34okay what's one of the strangest things
00:14:37that you've been asked or the strangest
00:14:39thing that like a guy has wanted to do
00:14:41for you um let's see he's gonna say you
00:14:45probably have a [ __ ] Rouladen I have
00:14:46a lot yeah it was a common question I
00:14:48get asked I'm trying to think of a new
00:14:50one there was this guy and he had this
00:14:54custom video request that he sent to me
00:14:57and a bunch of other girls that are you
00:14:59know do the same thing so it's kind of
00:15:01funny whenever something like that
00:15:02happens and then you know cuz a lot of
00:15:04us are friends we realized like oh I got
00:15:05that email to like there was a
00:15:08circulating one I've mentioned this
00:15:10before about a guy who wanted to eat my
00:15:12poop and he sent me that email and I was
00:15:16like appalled and then he I wasn't
00:15:20appalled but I was like hey I actually
00:15:21was like look I'm not gonna shame me
00:15:23about this but like this is not my thing
00:15:25and then he like offered me more money
00:15:26and I was like no dude and I don't know
00:15:30I just weird way made me feel kind of
00:15:32special like wow I'm so special this guy
00:15:34want to see my poop and then I was
00:15:36talking to my friend like Danny Daniels
00:15:37and she was like oh yeah I got the exact
00:15:38same email Mike and there was a bunch of
00:15:44other girls that you wrote the exact
00:15:45same email 200 whatever anyways yeah
00:15:48they make the rounds yeah they should
00:15:50because probably most people either
00:15:51don't respond to them or snail it severe
00:15:54like it's a numbers game yeah one
00:15:56person's gonna say yes yeah definitely
00:15:58so this guy he his video request was
00:16:03that one of us buy a live lobster and
00:16:07dress up like as a chef and get like a
00:16:10boiling pot and just before boiling this
00:16:13Lobster alive he want us to just
00:16:15humiliate it just being like you're
00:16:16[ __ ] stupid little lobster you're a
00:16:18little [ __ ] and I'm gonna boil you
00:16:20alive but your flesh is gonna burn he's
00:16:25like freaking out right now yeah he
00:16:31actually want you to boil it eventually
00:16:33yeah but not before you know humiliating
00:16:36it and getting into graphic detail about
00:16:38its burning flesh oh I actually love
00:16:43Lobster but the idea of like doing that
00:16:45to lobster it I just try not to think
00:16:47about makes it real you're like [ __ ]
00:16:49that's what I'm eating yeah yeah I know
00:16:53so you are doing a documentary slash
00:16:57movie yeah called use me mmm so tell us
00:17:01a little bit about that yeah so it's uh
00:17:03yeah just what you described it's a
00:17:04future film it's probably best described
00:17:07as a hybrid documentary so if you watch
00:17:09it it has a documentary feel to it and
00:17:12certainly a lot if not most of the
00:17:15footage is like pure documentary but
00:17:18there's a fictional storyline kind of
00:17:19woven within it okay and it plays on the
00:17:22theme of you know fantasy and reality
00:17:24and you know which is which and blurred
00:17:27lines and all that so it's all done I'm
00:17:31really excited about it but working on
00:17:32it forever and we submitted it to film
00:17:36festivals and we're just playing the
00:17:38waiting game to hear back okay
00:17:39yeah he tell us a little bit about what
00:17:41the storyline is so the director slash
00:17:44writer is Julian Shaw and all this is
00:17:48true he came to the States to do a
00:17:52documentary about me and um basically
00:17:57hmm should have thought about this what
00:18:01what I could say at this point basically
00:18:03he does documentary about me and he gets
00:18:06in a little too deep and things
00:18:07spiral out of control interesting kind
00:18:10of sexy yeah yeah it's like an erotic
00:18:13thriller Oh awesome
00:18:14and um when do you think you'll be
00:18:17releasing it so hopefully early next
00:18:20year but definitely sometime next year
00:18:21it all depends on what Film Festival
00:18:23accepts us because they will want to
00:18:25have the premiere and right and the
00:18:27distribution rights correct something
00:18:29like that I'm not really involved in
00:18:30distribution but mostly just the
00:18:32premiere and then from there it will be
00:18:34available - right and then what role did
00:18:37you have in it besides obviously being
00:18:39the star of it also having Hanan I'm
00:18:41just I've been producing it as well yeah
00:18:42I'm the executive producer that's
00:18:44amazing yeah how long did it take you to
00:18:46Oh forever a long time I've actually got
00:18:51toying with the idea of doing a
00:18:53documentary on my mom and I'm like that
00:18:55will take me like [ __ ] ten years yeah
00:18:58well I don't know if I have that kind of
00:18:59commitment it's started out slow cuz
00:19:01Julian was living in Australia so he
00:19:03would just like come over to the states
00:19:06like a few times a year and we just kind
00:19:07of shoot things here and there and we'd
00:19:09talk about what direction we wanted to
00:19:10go and each show me things he's written
00:19:12and then it wasn't too like two three
00:19:15years later he actually moved to the
00:19:17States and then we launched a
00:19:18Kickstarter and got some funding and
00:19:20then we got an actual film crew and then
00:19:23you know things like really snowballed
00:19:24from there and we were able to like
00:19:26finish it so the first three years were
00:19:27very kind of slow figuring it all out
00:19:29right yeah in a while but once you like
00:19:32actually got the funding and got the
00:19:33crew than you were able to shoot it then
00:19:35um yeah I guess it depends on when you'd
00:19:38consider we first started shooting I
00:19:41would say after we got the film crew it
00:19:43was about like a year okay yeah okay
00:19:45that makes sense yeah but much of it had
00:19:47already been filmed it was a lot of just
00:19:48me and Julian filming each other and
00:19:50right that sort of thing right you also
00:19:53have a podcast I do called standard
00:19:55deviation yes you want to tell us about
00:19:57that sure it's a podcast with my friend
00:19:59and roommate Kevin and I don't like
00:20:03mislead anyone it's not like a super
00:20:05sexy podcast like it's mostly just me
00:20:09and him just talking about whatever like
00:20:12politics or current events or we try to
00:20:14he like touch on just general taboos
00:20:17like you know drugs and sex and politics
00:20:20and that's
00:20:21and yeah one of the main reasons I'm
00:20:23here in LA is because I was trying to
00:20:25gather some interviews because it's
00:20:26mostly just me and him at this point
00:20:27yeah and you are living up in Oregon
00:20:31right yeah so you probably like here
00:20:33there's probably wealth of people yeah
00:20:35especially if you're talking about taboo
00:20:38issues and there's a lot of people out
00:20:39in LA they're kind of you know into that
00:20:41whole thing yeah well if someone was to
00:20:44go and listen to your podcast is there a
00:20:46specific episode that you would
00:20:47recommend that you think is like your
00:20:48favorite uh yeah so it's pretty new at
00:20:50this point we just started in May so
00:20:53there's like only 30-something episodes
00:20:55I'm excited about the interviews will be
00:20:57releasing but I'm not sure when but at
00:21:00this point I would recommend I can't
00:21:01think of the number but the title is
00:21:03called [ __ ] love nihilism okay
00:21:07and what's that about I think it started
00:21:10out I was telling my roommate about how
00:21:13I was sexually harassed in a flattering
00:21:15way and I was telling him how you know I
00:21:20think it's generally good advice that
00:21:23men don't you know compliment women in a
00:21:27weird way if they don't know them you
00:21:29know strangers and stuff but there is a
00:21:32a way they can get away with it that can
00:21:34be like flattering and that's kind of
00:21:36what happened like it was like I was
00:21:38walking to my car it's like outside of
00:21:41grocery stores like open parking lot and
00:21:44this guy kind of came up to me or no he
00:21:46saw me he's walking into the store but
00:21:47then he saw me and he kind of came up to
00:21:49me but he kept a good distance and his
00:21:51body language read like I'm gonna say
00:21:53something I'm gonna walk away you know
00:21:55like not like I don't want anything from
00:21:56you guys want to say this and he said
00:21:58you know I don't know what normal is for
00:22:01you but you look great today and then
00:22:03that was Eddie walked away I was like oh
00:22:04nice yeah that's harassment that's
00:22:08somebody giving you a compliment right
00:22:10well yeah I guess I would argue it is so
00:22:13that's where the conversation kind of
00:22:14came out we start talking about like
00:22:15what is harassment like what is what are
00:22:17compliments what's the line and then the
00:22:21title came when Kevin was talking about
00:22:23how he seemed to get more interest from
00:22:26women when he stopped caring as much and
00:22:28I was like yeah like yeah but just love
00:22:33yeah it's interesting in this whole like
00:22:36me to movement outrage culture you know
00:22:39how like what I mean can guys just pay
00:22:44you a compliment
00:22:45yeah and just say something like nice to
00:22:48you or is it like totally not okay now I
00:22:52don't know I don't know either and I
00:22:54don't think anyone really knows even
00:22:55though they kind of pretend to yeah it's
00:22:57cool we'll say like no don't even say
00:22:58hello like don't even right so yeah it's
00:23:02though a it's a strange like as a woman
00:23:04you know we're always on guard with men
00:23:07especially when we're alone and I
00:23:08actually had an incident in this
00:23:10elevator coming up to this podcast
00:23:11studio a couple of weeks ago where this
00:23:15guy got in and he was like a maintenance
00:23:17guy I think and he like looked at me and
00:23:21was like hey how you doing and like and
00:23:23I was like oh [ __ ] this guy's gonna try
00:23:25to like hit on me and it was like my
00:23:26instant reaction was like no no no and
00:23:29he was just like wait it's a nice day
00:23:31like and I realized through the course
00:23:34of her incredibly short conversation you
00:23:36know 30 seconds or whatever that
00:23:38literally he was just like saying hello
00:23:41because we never say hello to people
00:23:43anymore we're always in our phones you
00:23:46know we never like look up we don't talk
00:23:48to people and why and like we just we
00:23:49don't communicate with each other
00:23:52so the fact that like some guy was just
00:23:54trying to have a like a little short
00:23:55conversation like connect with a person
00:23:57that he was standing next to and I
00:24:00instantly went on the defense and then
00:24:02when he got out of the elevator I was
00:24:04like dude why like why do you instantly
00:24:07like you know hackles raised though to
00:24:11be fair like there's been enough cases
00:24:12where the guy has gotten weird or if I
00:24:16if he senses an opening then he's like
00:24:18oh this girl wants to blow me yeah you
00:24:20know let me go for it yeah it's a tricky
00:24:22thing because you don't want to come off
00:24:23as like a ice queen yeah at the same
00:24:26time like you know every woman's had a
00:24:28situation where she was just being
00:24:29friendly and yeah you know then I took
00:24:31it the wrong way so yeah it's like
00:24:33what's what's the answer there yeah I
00:24:35don't know I think we're all just kind
00:24:37of try to figure it out now yeah I wish
00:24:39people would have more like honest
00:24:40conversations about it like this because
00:24:42I think people are just so like angry
00:24:44and cut yeah like
00:24:45digging their heels and to like thinking
00:24:48that it's really simple on black and
00:24:49white and it's and it's not it's really
00:24:52not and it's like all of these things
00:24:54that have come up really needed to come
00:24:55up because I mean we've all been in
00:24:57situations where you know we've been
00:24:59harassed or we felt like we had to do
00:25:01something or we were gonna lose our job
00:25:03or we were gonna like we've had to put
00:25:05up with [ __ ] that we shouldn't have to
00:25:06put up with um but on the other hand -
00:25:09there's also some times that like it's
00:25:14kind of just was harmless you know and
00:25:16it's not that big of a deal and I just
00:25:18think I don't know you know things get
00:25:20blown out of proportion
00:25:21yeah a lot of it's just like body
00:25:22language - yeah something like that's
00:25:24something guys just don't understand
00:25:26because they haven't lived as a woman
00:25:27like you can be you know just like the
00:25:30guy in the elevator like yeah you didn't
00:25:32know that maybe it's you know maybe an
00:25:34elevator being closed space is kind of a
00:25:36weird you know time did ya strike up a
00:25:38conversation yeah think about it yeah
00:25:40but there are stuff like that that can
00:25:42kind of put women on the defense and you
00:25:45know I know so like what's the answer
00:25:47like did we teach good cuz there's a
00:25:48there's a lot of guys that don't know
00:25:49how to talk to women yeah and don't read
00:25:51social cues and don't understand
00:25:53boundaries mm-hmm
00:25:55but then you know there's also I mean I
00:25:57know there's been a couple of cases
00:25:58where girls I know have literally made
00:26:02[ __ ] up yeah like I know that for a fact
00:26:04totally obviously not gonna name names
00:26:05or anything like that but you know and
00:26:08you know these guys get subject to this
00:26:11like complete and total [ __ ] mm-hmm
00:26:13like that didn't happen yeah we're there
00:26:16yeah and it's really scary now because
00:26:18it seems like you can just make it
00:26:20accusation yes yeah and that's the thing
00:26:22like the minute you get accused it
00:26:24doesn't matter if you did it or not
00:26:25you know that's like you tarnished yeah
00:26:27you're already tarnished and especially
00:26:30to now that we're like pulling up [ __ ]
00:26:32that people did like 10 15 20 years ago
00:26:34like something just came up
00:26:36actually I saw this morning on Twitter
00:26:38about like some homophobic tweets that
00:26:40Sarah Silverman and like two other women
00:26:44said like I don't know they said like
00:26:47something in passing like I'd like this
00:26:50but then he said I was a [ __ ] or
00:26:51something like that I don't know what it
00:26:52was like and like reading it's a little
00:26:54like whoa dude like that's that's kind
00:26:56of a lot but it was literally like
00:26:59twenty years ago and it's like people
00:27:00are just scrolling through people's
00:27:02tweets like looking for something to
00:27:04just [ __ ] kind of try to peg them with
00:27:06yeah it's unfortunate because they're
00:27:07torching their allies yeah Sarah
00:27:09Silverman isn't your enemy no I know
00:27:11it's crazy yeah like all that stuff
00:27:13about James Gunn that came up you know
00:27:16when he those things that he said same
00:27:18thing like what 15 years ago wasn't
00:27:20about and he gets like fired from Dean
00:27:22guards at the galaxy and like I know
00:27:23James I used to work for him actually
00:27:25and he's a really good dude and it was
00:27:29that was like a real shame it's just I
00:27:30don't know it just seems to me there's
00:27:32just there's a lot of anger I feel like
00:27:34out there right now and people don't
00:27:36know what to do with it and I feel like
00:27:38it's just getting like shooting off in
00:27:41all directions people just attacking
00:27:43each other yeah it's like a purity test
00:27:44yeah it is isn't it it's almost like
00:27:47it's almost like we're going backwards
00:27:49it's like you know people make mistakes
00:27:52but people also grow and like do we have
00:27:54to crucify everybody who said something
00:27:57once a long time ago and the problem is
00:28:00is that you know with social media you
00:28:01put these things in writing and they
00:28:03live forever on the [ __ ] Internet and
00:28:06you can't take that [ __ ] back no I
00:28:08remember my mom actually one of the
00:28:10greatest things she ever taught me was
00:28:12to be very careful about what you put in
00:28:13writing and the the greatest the one
00:28:16time that I really learned that lesson
00:28:18was I said something on that [ __ ]
00:28:22forum xxx porn talk about a company that
00:28:27I worked for who I think stopped using
00:28:29me and I didn't like the work that they
00:28:32were putting out and I thought that they
00:28:34had their quality had gone downhill and
00:28:37I might have been drinking back then and
00:28:41I made a bad decision and I decided to
00:28:43write something about it and it [ __ ]
00:28:46was all over the internet it went on up
00:28:48on Luke Ford's blog I'm sure you
00:28:50remember him
00:28:50and so everybody read it and it got back
00:28:52to that client and they freaked out and
00:28:54they blacklisted me for like eight years
00:28:56no yeah and I totally deserved it but
00:28:59that was like that was that one time
00:29:00when I was like wow you really [ __ ]
00:29:02have to be careful about what you say on
00:29:04the internet because like it will come
00:29:06back and haunt you
00:29:07mm-hmm it's crazy yeah and that was back
00:29:10before all this - yeah it was at a time
00:29:12that didn't happen as much no no I mean
00:29:14people could really you know if I put
00:29:16that on Twitter than that you know so he
00:29:18would have found that and brought that
00:29:19back up but I didn't I put it on this
00:29:21like for him that I don't even know if
00:29:22it exists anymore so that actually
00:29:26brings you back to your blog which I was
00:29:29kind of skimming over before you you
00:29:30came over here and your last entry was a
00:29:33really good an interesting one and it
00:29:35was about this guy who you know was one
00:29:39of your customers I assume and his
00:29:41obsession with an ex-girlfriend and that
00:29:45you worked with him like crafting an
00:29:47email to send her where he wanted to
00:29:50confess his strange fetishes and how he
00:29:54incorporated her into that right yeah
00:29:56and then she freaked out and what I got
00:30:00from that blog was you kind of saying
00:30:03like look it's not okay for you to
00:30:05unload like it's not necessarily a bad
00:30:08thing for you to have these strange
00:30:10fetishes but you can't just unload them
00:30:12onto like unwitting like unwilling women
00:30:15yeah yeah you can't involve someone that
00:30:18didn't agree to be involved and I wrote
00:30:21that story because like I wanted to
00:30:24point out the fact that like I got
00:30:27wrapped up into it as well like he had
00:30:29this fantasy basically he he really
00:30:31liked wearing diapers and well chastity
00:30:33belt and he was like this little adult
00:30:34baby and he was a sweetheart you would
00:30:36like wouldn't hurt a fly you know nice
00:30:40guy he just kind of got wrapped up in
00:30:42his fantasy and like he only had one
00:30:44girlfriend ever in college and she ended
00:30:46up after they broke up she came out as a
00:30:48lesbian and so that kind of added to his
00:30:50fantasy like oh you know the one girl I
00:30:52date turns out to be a lesbian and all
00:30:54that did he feel like he was responsible
00:30:56for kind of or maybe it was like you
00:30:58know just a part of his fantasy right
00:31:00and so he wanted to lay can talk to her
00:31:03for years and he like had this fantasy
00:31:05of like reaching out to her and telling
00:31:08her like what he had become you know
00:31:10after their breakup and so I was like
00:31:14all right well you know because he just
00:31:16would talk about obsess over it's like
00:31:17okay well you know he found out like her
00:31:19emails like we'll just email her and so
00:31:21that's how it started out and he emailed
00:31:23her and said hi and he'd show me the
00:31:24emails and you know
00:31:25she was like excited to hear from him
00:31:26she like Oh how's it going you know
00:31:28she's an artist like all this stuff and
00:31:30then he you know had this idea of like
00:31:32the email where he would confess like
00:31:35all the things that he's into and blah
00:31:37blah blah and when we talk he would
00:31:40basically write the email and tweak it
00:31:44here and there and blah blah and
00:31:46basically just kind of draw out the
00:31:47whole process like the email is fine you
00:31:48know and I got so frustrated she's like
00:31:51just send it to her already you know and
00:31:53so finally he sent it to her and um you
00:31:57know a few days later she you know wrote
00:31:59an email back and it was just very
00:32:00sobering like she's just like what the
00:32:02[ __ ] dude you know like I was excited to
00:32:04hear from you and you know you just kind
00:32:06of used me as a means to an end and all
00:32:09this and like um yeah I felt bad about
00:32:13it I was like [ __ ] you what like we
00:32:15absolutely just use this girl yeah yeah
00:32:17yeah and I don't know I don't she's
00:32:19traumatized by it or anything like that
00:32:20but it kind of speaks to a bigger
00:32:24problem I see where there's some guys
00:32:26that are you know they want to flash
00:32:27women and especially with like
00:32:30submissive guys that I deal with they
00:32:32have this idea that they are making
00:32:37themselves vulnerable like like these
00:32:38women are going to humiliate them and
00:32:40and and they don't realize that women
00:32:42don't take it like that if some stranger
00:32:44comes up to them and flashes them
00:32:45they're gonna be disgusted they're gonna
00:32:47be angry they're gonna feel gross you
00:32:48know they're gonna feel violate they're
00:32:49gonna feel valued yeah absolutely
00:32:51and I think it's it was it's an
00:32:53important thing to know because I think
00:32:56when people talk about these things they
00:32:57often talk about how it's a power thing
00:32:59and in a way it kind of is but not the
00:33:02way they think you know these the men
00:33:04that do it at least like in the cases of
00:33:06like my types of clients I'm sure guys
00:33:08will do it all sorts of reasons they
00:33:10think they're giving the women the power
00:33:12you know they think they're being
00:33:13vulnerable right um and it's important
00:33:15to know that because if we're gonna
00:33:16change this like we gotta know why it's
00:33:18happening right right so yeah that entry
00:33:21was just about you know just you know be
00:33:24aware cuz I you know got wrapped into it
00:33:26I made mistakes and you know don't don't
00:33:28involve other you know unsuspecting
00:33:30women into these games it's not fair to
00:33:33them like even if it's just an email you
00:33:35sent like mm-hmm it's [ __ ] up like
00:33:37yeah just put yourself in her shoes and
00:33:39yeah you know just imagine you know you
00:33:41heard from an old-time friend and you
00:33:42get all excited and then also any sense
00:33:43you perverted email yeah that's shitty
00:33:45yeah I would not be into that yeah at
00:33:47all especially like when you're really
00:33:48not expecting it yeah and that's kind of
00:33:51where someone like you comes in as
00:33:53almost a therapeutic alternative because
00:33:56you can handle that
00:33:57right like you're can you know you've
00:34:00practiced yes and it doesn't bother you
00:34:04so it's it that's interesting so it's
00:34:07kind of this idea like don't subject
00:34:08other woman to this weird [ __ ] but I can
00:34:11take it yeah yeah it's like you know
00:34:13don't don't go to a massage therapist
00:34:15for you know [ __ ] yeah go to the jack
00:34:17Shack for it like somebody does that
00:34:20professionally exactly and you know and
00:34:23there's ways of going about it cuz I
00:34:24understand the fetish of like being
00:34:26exposed and humiliated and there's just
00:34:28other ways you can do it like you know a
00:34:30lot of us girls have you know pretty big
00:34:33Twitter following you know they could
00:34:34post your picture on Twitter or they can
00:34:36show it to other friends in the industry
00:34:38and something like that like there's
00:34:39other ways to just scratch that itch
00:34:41yeah I mean I've heard from girls that
00:34:44have done videos where guys literally
00:34:46like they'll the guys will pay a bunch
00:34:48of girls to get together to look at a
00:34:51photo of him or a video of him and like
00:34:53make fun I mean there's a whole small
00:34:55penis humiliation video yeah you know
00:34:57and those are hilarious yeah but the
00:35:00guys are like totally into it have you
00:35:03ever um had a guy tell you why
00:35:07like have you ever wondered what's
00:35:08behind the fetish like and have you had
00:35:11people kind of explain it to you and I'm
00:35:14that's what's curious to me like what
00:35:16happened to you that made you into this
00:35:19kind of thing or did anything happen to
00:35:21you and it's just like I didn't seem to
00:35:23be like a common thread like some guys
00:35:25like can pinpoint it they'll be like you
00:35:28know oh you know my sister used to bully
00:35:31me and make me some smaller socks yeah
00:35:33and like some people are just like I
00:35:36don't know some people are like yeah I
00:35:38don't know when I I just discovered a
00:35:40you know an old femdom magazine you know
00:35:43from the 80s and it just really
00:35:45intrigued me so it's it's it is kind of
00:35:48an interesting question but because
00:35:51there doesn't seem to be a
00:35:52common answer it's just like who knows
00:35:54yeah like human sexuality so
00:35:57multifaceted hmm
00:35:58because I mean I'm very submissive in
00:36:01the bedroom and I totally enjoy like
00:36:04being degraded in the bedroom and that
00:36:05kind of thing and I've thought about
00:36:08like that for myself like why do I like
00:36:10that because I had never experienced
00:36:11that as a kid I wasn't emotionally
00:36:13abused or physically abused or anything
00:36:15I had a great childhood my parents were
00:36:17awesome I mean I was bullied in school
00:36:19as a kid but who wasn't you know I mean
00:36:23it wasn't like anything crazy hardcore
00:36:25so I think I think it has to do with you
00:36:29know what I do for a living I mean I you
00:36:32know my own boss I run my own company I
00:36:34have a lot of people who work under me
00:36:35I'm in charge all the time and I think I
00:36:39just enjoy like you know when I'm
00:36:41involved in like a sexual encounter I
00:36:44kind of want to flip that switch and be
00:36:46and not have to make [ __ ] decisions
00:36:48and not be in charge like for once in my
00:36:51life and let somebody else do it and I
00:36:54don't know I think maybe also - there's
00:36:56also like a part of me that's always
00:36:57strove to like be the best and like I'm
00:37:00super competitive and I want you know
00:37:02all this validation for all my hard work
00:37:04so maybe there's something again the
00:37:06aught in the bedroom I want the opposite
00:37:08so I'm kind of like a dirty little
00:37:09worthless [ __ ] like yes please I don't
00:37:12know what it was it's it's like the you
00:37:14know the human psyche he's so strange
00:37:16yeah it sounds to me like it's like a
00:37:17taboo in your life yeah you know
00:37:20someone's getting off to some kind of
00:37:21taboo yeah I think you know it that's a
00:37:23good point because I think also - it
00:37:25plays into that is my mom being such a
00:37:27strong woman and always teaching me to
00:37:29be independent and I was always taught
00:37:31to never rely on a man
00:37:33and always like you know make your own
00:37:35way and be your own woman and don't take
00:37:37[ __ ] from people and so yeah so I think
00:37:40like that that I don't know why I never
00:37:42thought about in that way but I think
00:37:43you're right it's like it's that taboo
00:37:45of like actually not actually taking
00:37:48[ __ ] from somebody totally letting
00:37:50somebody talk to me in a way that I
00:37:51would never allow them to speak to me
00:37:54like outside of the bedroom like if you
00:37:56ever said any you know you call me like
00:37:58a worthless little [ __ ] outside of the
00:38:00bedroom I punching the face but like you
00:38:02know when I make it up like yeah what
00:38:12about you cuz you're in a relationship
00:38:13right no I'm single
00:38:14oh you are single so okay so when you
00:38:17are in a relationship um how are you
00:38:20with that person are you dominant still
00:38:23no I keep it really separate and that's
00:38:27one thing I really like about my job
00:38:28isn't that it I don't get off on what I
00:38:31do for a living so it's really easy to
00:38:33compartmentalize it and keep it really
00:38:34separate that makes sense yeah same for
00:38:36me actually people are always like don't
00:38:38you get turned on doing what you do I'm
00:38:39like nope yeah absolutely not yeah I
00:38:41think it makes it much better I mean I
00:38:44don't know I've never done like hardcore
00:38:47porn or anything but I imagine like you
00:38:49just get burnt out like can I are
00:38:51getting paid you know and then you
00:38:52probably don't want to you know [ __ ] as
00:38:54much oh yeah yeah I thought I don't know
00:38:57why I thought you were like trying to
00:38:58relate to somebody being behind the
00:39:00camera why I would assume that yeah I
00:39:03know what you mean about um about being
00:39:05a port yeah I don't know what that's
00:39:06like and I think it's different for
00:39:08different people like I think some of
00:39:09these girls and guys really have like a
00:39:11strong sex drive and it doesn't it
00:39:14doesn't change that but I think I would
00:39:16imagine it it's got to make other people
00:39:19yeah like kind of less interested in sex
00:39:21yeah especially it's like when you're
00:39:22dependent on that money I'm like you
00:39:24know you you have to you know basically
00:39:26have to do it so yeah I imagine just
00:39:28tire you out after a while yeah yeah I
00:39:30don't have like a yeah I probably have a
00:39:32pretty average libido but not a huge one
00:39:34so right I don't think I could keep up
00:39:35with it yeah how do you come up with all
00:39:38the [ __ ] that you say like is it just
00:39:41like is it just like kind of automatic
00:39:42now yeah yeah it is it's it's pretty
00:39:45easy for me now
00:39:47I just learned from talking the guys on
00:39:48the phone like that's kind of how I
00:39:49first started and before like the
00:39:52ability to like kind of live cam came on
00:39:54or like even just my videos where it's
00:39:57just me like there's no interaction I
00:39:59can bounce off of yeah I just learned so
00:40:02much from just talking to guys so that's
00:40:04usually my recommendation if any girls
00:40:05like wants to do what I do I just really
00:40:07start just talking him on the phone just
00:40:09jump in it can be kind of intimidating
00:40:11at first but I remember my first phone
00:40:13call I was like really nervous but I
00:40:16just you know this guy had a foot fetish
00:40:18and I just talked about him sucking on
00:40:20my toes and he loved it he was like you
00:40:22were awesome so it was like a really
00:40:24good first call I was like yeah I could
00:40:25do this yeah and then yeah from there
00:40:28it's like the the fetishes are so odd
00:40:31especially when you're looking at it
00:40:33from the outside in but the more you
00:40:36talk to guys you realize there's like a
00:40:38template you know and you kind of learn
00:40:40about each fetish and kind of what
00:40:42fetishes are connected to it and you
00:40:44just get to a point where you know a guy
00:40:46can call you and you can just tell you
00:40:47like a couple things and you're like
00:40:48okay I got this and yeah kind of go off
00:40:50from there so yeah it's it's all improve
00:40:55and provides at this point yeah so I
00:40:59also saw on your blog that you had like
00:41:01a kind of like run down for girls if
00:41:04they wanted to get into what you do so
00:41:06could you expand on that a little bit
00:41:08more yeah I'm trying to think I've done
00:41:10a few blogs I have one blog that's
00:41:12called 10 steps to becoming a humiliate
00:41:15ryx yeah I think that might have been to
00:41:18one minute right yeah then I had another
00:41:19blog about financial domination and how
00:41:21to find like big huge payers yeah you
00:41:25know which that one's a little more
00:41:27disappointing because basically my
00:41:29message is you got actually do the work
00:41:30like you have to put out videos and do
00:41:32phone stuff like you can't just you know
00:41:35hold up a shingle and then find some big
00:41:38paying guy they usually kind of come out
00:41:39of the Woodworks because you have all
00:41:41this other material out there yeah are
00:41:42staying active that makes sense uh-huh
00:41:44so basically they find you you don't
00:41:47find them but uh yeah see I wrote that a
00:41:51while ago I think I probably the first
00:41:55bit of advice was just to you know
00:41:58assume that
00:42:00um you know if you do this that everyone
00:42:02you know is gonna find out because they
00:42:04will that's pretty much why I tell
00:42:06people who do porn yeah yeah the
00:42:08Internet everyone's good yeah and it's
00:42:09so funny the people that push back you
00:42:11get from that sometimes it's like well
00:42:13they won't you know this is so weird you
00:42:14know they won't go here on the internet
00:42:16and I was like just somebody well yeah
00:42:20yeah and they don't even have to know
00:42:22you that well and then they're gonna be
00:42:24like recognizing and I'm gonna tell
00:42:25everyone yeah so I think that's a big
00:42:28step you know if you aren't comfortable
00:42:30with your grandma knowing what you do
00:42:32then you probably shouldn't do it
00:42:33because you'll probably figure out
00:42:34eventually do your did your family know
00:42:36what you do and they're cool with it
00:42:37yeah they're really cool about it yeah
00:42:39they're awesome my dad loves that he
00:42:41thinks he thinks it's hilarious
00:42:44like brags all his friends so that's
00:42:49cool I feel lucky with that um and then
00:42:52yeah I guess I kind of go into just like
00:42:54starting phone lines I'd really do think
00:42:56that's just like the best way to do it
00:42:58just like talking these guys because the
00:43:00thing about dudes is they really love
00:43:03telling women of no consequence what
00:43:06they get off on so it's like not only
00:43:08are you getting paid to talk to them but
00:43:10they're giving you gold like you know
00:43:11it's information that's like what they
00:43:13like and stuff so and then I don't know
00:43:15it's not rocket science from there you
00:43:17know set up a webcam set up a you know
00:43:20video camera and just try it out and it
00:43:24could be really awkward I think at first
00:43:26but the trick is just to kind of keep
00:43:28going and not you have too much of a
00:43:29perfectionist and just put content out
00:43:31there and you'll get better as long as
00:43:33you keep doing it yeah so that leaves me
00:43:35like two specifically asking about
00:43:37financial domination because that to me
00:43:39is saying that it's super super
00:43:40interesting yeah that is a fetish that a
00:43:42lot of people didn't even know existed
00:43:43you know like foot fetish everybody
00:43:45knows about balloon-popping fetish you
00:43:48know some people know about pie in the
00:43:51face fetish which is my personal
00:43:52favorite everybody knows about but that
00:43:55is a thing people but just being a
00:43:58financial dominatrix is such an
00:44:00interesting thing because you're
00:44:01literally and I think a lot and actually
00:44:04every financial dominatrix that I know
00:44:07doesn't get naked so and I think people
00:44:12hear that and they think oh that's
00:44:13so great and so easy you know I'm just
00:44:16gonna go online and say give me all your
00:44:17money and then just guys are gonna be
00:44:18throwing cash at you but it can't
00:44:21possibly be that easy no I mean like you
00:44:24said it sounds awesome so therefore
00:44:27there's gonna be a lot of supply for
00:44:28very little demand yeah plenty women
00:44:31that want to make money that way maybe a
00:44:34few men that you know want to give their
00:44:35money in that way so yeah I always
00:44:37describe financial domination as
00:44:38basically when a guy gets off on giving
00:44:41a woman his money and that's miss fetish
00:44:44normally it's I mean that alone is
00:44:48pretty rare normally it's kind of tied
00:44:50to other fetishes like being humiliated
00:44:51or something to that effect or maybe
00:44:54sometimes it's like they want to see one
00:44:56can like they want an interaction and
00:44:58they'll just pay like three times your
00:45:00rate or something like that other times
00:45:04a guy will get off on the idea of a
00:45:08woman like having access to his bank
00:45:10records or having like a credit card
00:45:12yeah like they'll actually supply you
00:45:15with sensitive information yeah well in
00:45:18theory like they'll want you to like
00:45:20budget for them or like you know they'll
00:45:23they'll put a credit card out you know
00:45:25under their name for you or whatever but
00:45:29a lot of that is just kind of fantasy
00:45:30it's usually if you if you find a guy
00:45:32that's into that it's like a 10-minute
00:45:34conversation where you just talk about
00:45:36that and then he gets off and does not
00:45:41yeah I heard that from another girl who
00:45:44was like yeah this the problem with the
00:45:45financial domination thing is a lot of
00:45:47guys like want to hear you talk about
00:45:49that be like give me all your [ __ ]
00:45:51money you know you little piece of [ __ ]
00:45:53and then they actually won't thank you
00:45:56that money that they want you to talk
00:45:58about giving them you know your phone
00:46:02lines like make sure they prepay for cam
00:46:04to talk about it because yeah they'll
00:46:06they'll [ __ ] you and try to get off
00:46:08for free every one time I had a guy call
00:46:09me and he was just like mmm tell me tell
00:46:13me how much money you made this month
00:46:14and I was like I made this month he's
00:46:16like so hot how much how much you spend
00:46:18I'm like this much you know and like how
00:46:20much did you make last year and I'm like
00:46:22I made this much it's like uh-uh-uh
00:46:24money like hangs up and it was like um
00:46:26it was like one minute call cost him
00:46:29five bucks so it's like he gets off on
00:46:32the fantasy but clearly he's not paying
00:46:34me a lot of money yeah yeah what's the
00:46:36most amount of money somebody sent you
00:46:38oh yeah
00:46:41so last year there was a guy who I'm not
00:46:45sure what happened if someone died he
00:46:46got a bunch of inheritance or what he'd
00:46:49always been a good payer but this time
00:46:50he had made the rounds with I think
00:46:53there are four or five of us girls and
00:46:54he spent a [ __ ] ton of money I think we
00:46:57me and one day he spent $60,000 and then
00:47:01he paid other girls even more than that
00:47:03I think we all kind of added it up it
00:47:04came to like a quarter million he's
00:47:05spent on us in like just a couple weeks
00:47:07Wow like no did he actually send you
00:47:10money or did he buy you stuff no he sent
00:47:12us money in my case I was just hanging
00:47:16out with friends I was going out to
00:47:17brunch and then I was just talking to
00:47:19him like on whatsapp or whatever and I
00:47:21was just texting him sending him
00:47:22pictures here and there and that was
00:47:24about it and then he was just like
00:47:24dumping money into my account Wow yeah
00:47:27that was wild
00:47:28that was pretty cool but you know that
00:47:31it doesn't always happen never happened
00:47:34before yeah I would imagine it's
00:47:35probably pretty up and down you probably
00:47:37have some months where like you get
00:47:39somebody pays you a lot and you may ask
00:47:40which are not as yeah totally yeah yeah
00:47:44and these guys it's like when stuff like
00:47:46that happens they just vanish
00:47:48yeah they they'll come back but like you
00:47:50know you got to get it while it's hot is
00:47:52the trick you know if you see him it's
00:47:53like drop everything and you know tend
00:47:55to this guy cuz otherwise he's gonna
00:47:58disappear for a while have you ever had
00:47:59a situation where you had somebody who
00:48:01was paying you a lot of money and then
00:48:02something like their wife found out or
00:48:04something like that not that I know of
00:48:06I've had a lot of I've had guys I've had
00:48:10quote-unquote wives message me and say
00:48:12things like I caught my husband watching
00:48:15your videos how should i punish him yeah
00:48:19where that came from
00:48:21as far as I know I haven't talked to any
00:48:24actual wives okay um I have there's a
00:48:27couple that buys videos from me it's
00:48:30it's so it's a guy a girl and the
00:48:33girlfriend is the one that emails me
00:48:35I've never talked to the guy and she
00:48:36orders these custom videos and it's it's
00:48:39his fetish but like she
00:48:41orders the videos and then they watch
00:48:42them together which i think is kind of
00:48:43sweet that was cool yeah I was gonna ask
00:48:45you if you had any female customers ever
00:48:47if it was just men yeah it's it's pretty
00:48:49much just men she's the only one the
00:48:51closest I have to a female customer but
00:48:53even that's you know if it weren't for
00:48:54him she wouldn't be buying the videos
00:48:55they're pretty crazy videos - the guy
00:48:57has a basically it's some variation of
00:49:01me pretending to be his sister making
00:49:03fun of the fact that he has to get a
00:49:05circumcision and that he won't be able
00:49:07to like masturbate for six weeks it's
00:49:09gonna be so painful it's pretty dark and
00:49:13it's just like I just think his
00:49:15girlfriend is like girlfriend of the
00:49:16year that she's just like yeah cool
00:49:17let's watch it together
00:49:18ya know you've been a financial
00:49:22dominatrix for a while and have you seen
00:49:25like a lot of girls jump on that
00:49:27bandwagon oh hell yeah yeah when I first
00:49:29started I feel like there was like five
00:49:30girls doing this and now it's like every
00:49:33thousands and it's just like you said I
00:49:35mean it looks really easy from the yeah
00:49:37I just have to flip a guy off and tell
00:49:39him to give me money that's great yeah
00:49:42there's an art to it yeah I think so I
00:49:45mean there's just you know there's time
00:49:46and work you have to put into it you
00:49:47know how many Clips do you usually do a
00:49:51week I do three new videos a week okay
00:49:53yeah I know about 1,700 at this for you
00:49:56geez yeah quite a bit you ever feel like
00:49:58you've [ __ ] like you've run out of
00:50:00things to say oh yeah I get a lot of
00:50:06customs which is really nice yeah
00:50:08because people tell you specifically
00:50:10what they want Yeah right
00:50:12and how when I don't when I run out of
00:50:14customs it is kind of a drag to the fact
00:50:16what should I do now
00:50:17I mean it is a lot of it is kind of
00:50:19repetitive so it's it's not like it's
00:50:21super fresh virginal every time I yeah
00:50:24it's impossible yeah just kind of a spin
00:50:26on you know things I've done before yeah
00:50:29because you're always gonna have like
00:50:30new people coming in and then like you
00:50:32know people who are seeing your new
00:50:33stuff haven't necessarily seen the older
00:50:35stuff right mm-hmm
00:50:36yeah it's impossible to always be the
00:50:38same totally I've definitely gotten
00:50:40feedback sometimes on we did a survey
00:50:42for this podcast I called people we're
00:50:43like sometimes Holly tells the same
00:50:45story I'm like I only got so many
00:50:47stories people and not everybody listens
00:50:50to every single episode so I'm sorry I
00:50:52feel like that's true for every podcast
00:50:54a lot of podcasts it's like we have a
00:50:57mutual friend Chris Ryan and like yeah
00:50:58this podcast is great since the popular
00:51:00yeah he tells the same stories all the
00:51:02of course because and also to people
00:51:04come drop in and out of podcast like I
00:51:06you know like I listen to Joe Rogan he's
00:51:08like the undisputed king of podcasts and
00:51:10stuff's [ __ ] great but I do not listen
00:51:13to all I get bored yeah I totally get
00:51:15bored of like one pot like I was
00:51:17obsessed with how stuff works and I got
00:51:20bored then I stopped listening and then
00:51:22I left lore and then I got bored yeah
00:51:24stop listening so you know yeah in the
00:51:26same way I'll usually binge on one and
00:51:27then over it Kevin Smith's podcast is
00:51:34really good okay
00:51:35yes montt cast like SModcast SModcast
00:51:37it's what this producer Scott Mosier
00:51:40okay SModcast what is it about um it's
00:51:43just the two of them like shooting the
00:51:44[ __ ] yeah Kevin Smith is just hilarious
00:51:46yeah so yeah it's I mean it I feel like
00:51:49the podcasting platforms just built for
00:51:51it is it is yeah I definitely listen to
00:51:54like a lot of them and I'm like [ __ ]
00:51:55dude I am not that funny like I am I've
00:51:58literally thought to myself I'm like is
00:52:00there somewhere I can go where I can
00:52:02like take classes on how to be funnier
00:52:04is that possible well stand-up comedian
00:52:09classes I just need to like be more
00:52:13interesting on the microphone Ernie
00:52:17laughing he's like like 70 right okay
00:52:26yeah that's pretty new it is pretty new
00:52:28I feel like I'm I'm learning and I feel
00:52:31like I'm getting better yeah I
00:52:36definitely listened I actually I I'll be
00:52:40honest I don't listen to a lot of my
00:52:41podcasts over again because I just I'm a
00:52:45bore myself just don't listen to myself
00:52:48oh yeah I never listen to my knees my
00:52:50co-host she was like oh listen to him
00:52:52like three times and he's really
00:52:53critical about it and that's probably
00:52:55good he's probably like learning and
00:52:57getting better and I'm just like I don't
00:52:58want to hear my voice I yeah I
00:53:00definitely do that I if I do listen to
00:53:02it I think to myself [ __ ] you say like a
00:53:04lot yeah say you know a lot
00:53:07you say a lot sometimes there's these
00:53:10awkward pauses where clearly I'm looking
00:53:12for the right word like sometimes words
00:53:15just escape me and I would like I was on
00:53:17this track and I had this big verbose
00:53:20adjective I was gonna use and then it's
00:53:22gone and I'm like [ __ ] I was gonna say
00:53:25something I was gonna sound so smart and
00:53:26it's just out the [ __ ] window my
00:53:28brain just shut down oh it's hard I'm
00:53:32sure like the more you do it the better
00:53:33you get that's that's my hope are you
00:53:36loving doing a podcast yeah I really
00:53:38like it it's funny you mention the UM
00:53:40zan does and the feelers I was just
00:53:42listening to or had to realist in one of
00:53:44the podcasts we did recently and yeah it
00:53:46was cringing I was punchy because I I
00:53:47say kinda a lot and I feel like that
00:53:50devalues what I'm saying kind of like
00:53:53this it's like no it's like that it is
00:53:54like this yeah kind of like this I hear
00:53:57what you're saying yeah I do the same
00:53:58thing I mean you know what the look you
00:54:00you know I you know it we just need to
00:54:04put an electric shock collar on me and
00:54:06then every time I say that you just zap
00:54:08me get a dominatrix stand in the corner
00:54:13there should be a great episode if I
00:54:15interviewed a dominatrix and then every
00:54:18time I said like or you know she does
00:54:19that to me that would be amazing sorry
00:54:22mistress so any big dreams and
00:54:30aspirations for the future are you gonna
00:54:32just keep doing what you're doing or
00:54:36yeah just keep doing what I'm doing I
00:54:37have a pretty good life I like my job a
00:54:40lot and for whatever reason it still
00:54:42pays really well so that's nice and I
00:54:45like to travel I've been especially the
00:54:47last few years I've been traveling like
00:54:49backpacking at least like three months
00:54:50out of the year that's amazing yeah go
00:54:52by yourself mm-hmm
00:54:54that's you know there's something to be
00:54:55said about traveling by yourself I love
00:54:57it you get to do whatever you want you
00:55:00don't have to go by somebody else's
00:55:01schedule and you meet new people that
00:55:03way yeah you know if you go with just
00:55:05your friends your brother's gonna hang
00:55:06with your friends yes you know one of
00:55:08them some people are just so outgoing
00:55:09but yeah I'm good enough meeting new
00:55:11people be out of them but otherwise you
00:55:14know you probably just hang out with
00:55:15your little posse so that's what I like
00:55:17about it kind of forces me to cuz I'm
00:55:18kind of introverted mm-hmm it forces me
00:55:21two new people and make new friends and
00:55:22do you ever like join one of those like
00:55:25tour groups or anything like that no I
00:55:27usually stay at hostels which okay like
00:55:29well they need a good place to meet
00:55:31people yeah really good place to meet
00:55:32people and a lot of them are really nice
00:55:34and they'll have activities you can do
00:55:37and you know access to like that's
00:55:40whatever I've never seen a hostel yeah
00:55:42I've always had this idea that they're
00:55:44like the idea of shared bathrooms makes
00:55:46a princess no I get it and I think they
00:55:51used to be really shitty I think ya know
00:55:52that what people think of hostels that
00:55:55used to be true yeah but not so much
00:55:57anymore I mean they there's a little app
00:56:00called hostel world and they're all up
00:56:02there and they have to compete with each
00:56:03other and say oh we're really good yeah
00:56:06that's true I mean the Internet has
00:56:07really like created this this this level
00:56:10playing field where you have so many
00:56:12options now you got a really up your
00:56:14game kind of like for you yes have you
00:56:17felt like the Internet's kind of been a
00:56:18blessing and a curse and in that way
00:56:20where it's allowed you to obviously be
00:56:23able to do your job and sell your stuff
00:56:24but then also it's given the same
00:56:26platform to like 10,000 other girls to
00:56:28do the same thing
00:56:29umm I think it's mostly been a blessing
00:56:31I think it's great it's awesome that the
00:56:34Internet has transformed the adult
00:56:38industry you might have you might have
00:56:40different opinions about this but like
00:56:41you don't need you don't need a
00:56:42middleman you know so if there's you
00:56:45know that's how a lot of girls do get
00:56:47exploited and so if you can just have a
00:56:52laptop and a webcam you know you have
00:56:54you can be in business so I think that's
00:56:55awesome and I think it's pretty cool
00:56:57that you know any girl couldn't do it
00:56:59more or less it is tricky because the
00:57:01markets really saturated but I've just
00:57:02been lucky having starting what I did
00:57:04and yeah luxury of time to build my name
00:57:07I don't feel like I mean I make more
00:57:10money now than I did when I was 20 so I
00:57:12yeah it's just been awesome so it's I
00:57:16would hate to have to start now yeah I
00:57:18know it's it's yeah it's very
00:57:21competitive out there yeah I mean I'm
00:57:23I'm happy about how the Internet has put
00:57:26more power into the hands of like the
00:57:28performers I think that's really
00:57:30important and like you said has cut out
00:57:31the middleman
00:57:33so I really like to see that because I
00:57:34like to see like women being self
00:57:36empowered of being they're an
00:57:37entrepreneur and for me it's it's
00:57:39definitely made I don't at the beginning
00:57:41it was great for us and then it kind of
00:57:43like made things harder because
00:57:45everything's free but you know I just
00:57:48hustle on ten thousand different levels
00:57:51and and make it work have you thought
00:57:53about doing what you do but also with
00:57:57like my sort of spin because like the
00:58:00girls you shoot like you shoot them like
00:58:02like they're stunning they're like
00:58:04goddesses and that's kind of ties in to
00:58:06what I do because I tell people that I'm
00:58:08just like unattainable goddess uh-huh so
00:58:11have you thought about like shooting
00:58:12girls and just like the way you do and
00:58:14like the beautiful sets and they look so
00:58:15glamorous but then having them like say
00:58:18shitty things to man are you yeah I
00:58:26don't know how would I sell that like I
00:58:29would sell the fetish clip but aren't
00:58:31fans like specific to certain girls like
00:58:34it isn't that what they're after don't
00:58:36get attached to certain girls it's true
00:58:37but you know if you get a girl that's
00:58:39good at it might be something to it can
00:58:41solve the little you know five ten
00:58:43minute videos on on I want clips or
00:58:45something like that
00:58:46because you have the ultra glam look
00:58:49which is really cool yeah I'm really
00:58:51selling that fantasy if you combine it
00:58:53with that I think that you'd have a good
00:58:54edge because you know most of us girls
00:58:57it's like you're shooting up our
00:58:58apartment yeah I mean it works but you
00:59:04have your sets
00:59:04got to step up hmm this is actually
00:59:08something I'm seriously going to
00:59:09consider because that's not a bad idea I
00:59:11used to shoot a lot of fetish and then
00:59:13it's just kind of like when the fetish
00:59:15magazines died cuz a lot of my income
00:59:17came from magazines I just kind of
00:59:19stopped but I but I miss it I miss like
00:59:21that you know putting a girl in latex
00:59:24and like that I actually just did a
00:59:26whole latex shoot earlier this week but
00:59:29uh and having like those extravagant
00:59:32sets and all that that's that is a lot
00:59:34of fun I mean I might give that a shot
00:59:37no yeah maybe I will shoot you someday
00:59:45ten years later I'm leaning in front of
00:59:48a camera full circle I know right well
00:59:51thank you so much for coming on it was
00:59:53really really great to see you and this
00:59:55is super interesting yeah thanks for
00:59:57having me subscribers can you tell
00:59:59everybody where they can find you plug
01:00:02all your things short you can find my
01:00:04website it's CR Lynch comm that's
01:00:06spelled CEA RA ly n CH and you can check
01:00:11out my podcast it's called standard
01:00:13deviation and you know wherever you
01:00:14listen to podcasts you could probably
01:00:15just search it and find it yeah and then
01:00:18on social media where they find you I am
01:00:20Ciarra underscore Lynch and that's the
01:00:24main one and then CR Lynch on Instagram
01:00:26yeah that's all my name okay so sierra
01:00:29underscore Lynch for Twitter yeah I mean
01:00:31Ciara Lynch just Ciara Lynch on
01:00:33Instagram yeah my Twitter got suspended
01:00:35so I had to start anew with an
01:00:36underscore on Twitter don't they like
01:00:40they won't tell me they never tell you
01:00:42and that you don't even get naked what
01:00:46the hell I think it was a glitch like
01:00:49kind of a buggy thing that happened but
01:00:51oh well for the best yeah I probably
01:00:56should never open a new one okay and you
01:00:59guys know where you can find me at holly
01:01:02Randall on instagram and on twitter and
01:01:04if you want to support this podcast go
01:01:06to patreon.com/scishow and all and
01:01:09filtered where I will definitely take
01:01:12all your money give it all to me you
01:01:16worthless brother front I'm just kidding
01:01:17I love you all just kidding though you
01:01:18guys are awesome okay bye see you next
