Paige Jennings interview / Podcast

  • 2 months ago
Paige Jennings interview / Podcast
00:00:00Hello, everybody. Welcome back. Today I have the beautiful, the gorgeous, the redhead
00:00:29redemption, Paige Jennings. The artist formerly known as Veronica Vane. Yeah, you have to
00:00:38forgive me. I was telling her beforehand if I call her Veronica during the podcast because
00:00:41whenever I'm introduced to somebody as like a certain name, that's the name that I call
00:00:46them like forever. It's hard for me to switch. But I will try to remember to call you Paige
00:00:52because I know you really are Paige now. You've left the Veronica Vane behind. You are no
00:00:57longer that woman. Yeah. When I started the YouTube channel, I was like, man, it'd be
00:01:00better if I just use my name probably, you know, cause like I had, there was already
00:01:03videos of me on YouTube with that name that could have used like the suggested algorithms
00:01:07or whatever. But I was like, yeah, nope. I'm just going to be Paige. You're going to build
00:01:10it from scratch, whole new brand, whole new me. I don't even have tits anymore. I'm a
00:01:14born again fucking virgin. So tell, um, for those who may not know, can you tell them
00:01:22like kind of how your whole story began? Oh geez. You know, it's actually really funny.
00:01:28It was actually way more of an accident. And then I got touted like I was some like marketing
00:01:32genius or something that was like stick with the marketing genius. Yeah, I know. Right.
00:01:36I'm like, yeah, that's right. That's not what happened. Um, it was so funny. I was, I was
00:01:40working at wall street and I was, I was already had a job on the marketing floor of Lazard
00:01:44asset management. But the problem was like, I was just, I've been stripper for four years.
00:01:48Like I've been schmoozing rich guys for years. Like that's what they basically wanted me
00:01:52to do on wall street, which is more of that. And I was like, I have like more interest.
00:01:56I want to be more analytical. I want to be more creative. I want to, I want to do business
00:01:59strategy and all that kind of stuff. And the thing is, is in that world, it's like if you
00:02:03didn't go to Princeton and your uncle isn't like the VP at JP Morgan, it's very difficult
00:02:09to get those kinds of jobs. Really? Yeah. If you're a cute girl who's like charismatic,
00:02:13you can totally get sales and trading and marketing jobs. But, and that's what was coming
00:02:16my way. That's like not what I wanted to do. I also don't like bureaucracy and like red
00:02:20tape and all that kind of stuff. So I just wasn't all about the world even though I had
00:02:24the finance degree and I, I liked doing like mentally stimulating stuff. So I was like,
00:02:30I think I'm more entrepreneurial. I want to create value. I want to run my own thing.
00:02:33I don't want to, I don't want to be told what to do, like whatever I have. I have problems
00:02:37with authority. I'm not gonna, I just do. That's just, I'm sorry guys. Like maybe that's
00:02:41just who I am. I don't know. And so I was like, well, what do I want to do? Like what's
00:02:46something I can be passionate about that I could like start something in and go with
00:02:49that? And I was like, well, I like video games and I like sex. So maybe I should do
00:02:55something in one of those. And I started looking into those industries and video games was
00:03:00like, I don't have, I don't know how to make video games or anything. Like I didn't see
00:03:03how I would add much value. But when I saw the porn industry, I was like, oh shit, like
00:03:08that people make actual money in that industry. And that's like all sex. And I, I'm willing
00:03:12to bet they don't have too many Princeton grads trying to go in and work for it. So
00:03:16maybe I could like carve out a cool thing for myself. So the whole Wall Street porn
00:03:20star thing, the whole thing actually just started because I was trying to find a job
00:03:24in porn as like a porn analyst, like some kind of person working behind the scenes in
00:03:28the business strategy of porn. Oh, you weren't even looking to become a porn star. I didn't
00:03:31even want to be a fucking porn star. Really? Yeah. I mean, I was doing like some fucked
00:03:36up sex shit on my own, like explorative, but I didn't have a need. I'd stripped for four
00:03:41years. Like I got that out of my system, like the fun, like, oh, everybody wants to fuck
00:03:45me thing. Like that was cool when I was 19. But when I was like graduated college, working
00:03:49on Wall Street, I was like, eh, but what happened was there was nowhere to find these types
00:03:53of jobs. Like I looked on the mind geek site, all they were hiring was like engineers and
00:03:57stuff. I couldn't find stuff that fit my skillset. So I stumbled across the sex factor show and
00:04:04they were like looking for amateurs who never done porn before. And I have a very out of
00:04:08the box brain. So I was like, oh, well, I just somehow got in contact with the people
00:04:11running this. Obviously they know porn like stuff and they can tell me like, oh, maybe
00:04:16you should email these people or you should try to do this. Oh, I know what you're talking
00:04:18about. There's totally a thing you could, whatever. And I was just actually trying to
00:04:22break in at some level to like learn about it, to know where the jobs were. And I didn't
00:04:26actually intend to necessarily have sex on camera. Cause like the whole point of the
00:04:30show was like, you didn't have to really, it was just explorative. So I was like, I
00:04:35don't have to entertain. Oh, it was terrible. Oh my God. I called it the shit back. Oh God.
00:04:40Cause I did like one shoot for them and it was so disorganized.
00:04:44I remember that you were there. That's the first time I met you. We're going to talk
00:04:48to that in a second. But, um, but that happened. And then they were like, oh, well, if you want
00:04:52to get on the show, which at this point I'm like, maybe I would do porn, but just maybe
00:04:56I was still more interested in the business side. Um, cause I, once I researched it, I
00:05:01was like, oh, you don't actually really generally make that much money, you know? And they didn't
00:05:05have only fans and all this stuff, but this is 2015. Um, so it just didn't even seem that
00:05:10like interesting from like a standpoint of making a lot of money, you know? Cause it's
00:05:15like Jenna Jameson days are over. I can tell that. Um, but then, uh, then they're like,
00:05:19well, to get on the show, at least so you can come to AVN and then you could meet people
00:05:23and whatever, um, post these pictures on Twitter and we'll, uh, we'll retweet and whatever.
00:05:28So I posted the picture that posted on Twitter was like, I had like a totally different name.
00:05:32It wasn't even Veronica Vane. It was Skylar Page. And I had like 40 followers.
00:05:36Yeah. I think I kind of remember that name. Yeah. I should have been Skylar Page. That's
00:05:40a way better name. Um, cause my mom almost named me Skylar over page. So I was like,
00:05:44I'm Skylar Page. That would have been a way better name.
00:05:46Then it incorporates your real name. That makes sense.
00:05:48Yeah. Um, but it was like, I didn't understand Twitter at the time. I didn't understand things
00:05:52that went viral. I did not know that whole world. So I was like, I'm putting these shitty
00:05:55little pictures on, on Twitter. Like they don't even really look like me or they're far away.
00:05:59They're low quality, whatever. No one's going to care. Well, I didn't know that you can,
00:06:03when you upload pictures over company wifi, they can fucking see that shit.
00:06:09I didn't know that either. But then again, I've only ever worked in porn. So what do I know?
00:06:13Fucking Lazard like saw the tech guys or whatever. Like, Oh, this chick is taking
00:06:18half naked pictures in the bathroom at work on work hours, you know, and they send it to the
00:06:22HR people. So I post the pictures like Monday, Tuesday. And then by Friday that my boss's boss
00:06:28is calling me with the HR lady. Like, so you've been posting these pictures on Twitter. That's
00:06:32definitely not, you know, company policy. I think you understand. It was like a very funny conversation.
00:06:37Okay. And, um, I was saying I wanted a porn career. Like the whole time I was like, I want
00:06:41to leave wall street for a porn career. I never said I wanted to do a porn star. I was like trying
00:06:45to be, have a porn career literally in my bio. So they were like, we wish you luck. Ha ha ha.
00:06:50When he was firing me and I was like, but he wasn't really firing me. Cause I already quit
00:06:53a week before I was literally in my two weeks when they quote unquote fired me.
00:06:57So it was like questionable. I didn't really get fired. I already quit. I didn't even want,
00:07:01I was just there as I had to be. I was finishing up. You got to give your two weeks. Yeah. And so
00:07:05that happened. And what happened was of course, everyone at Lazard found out of course. And so
00:07:10there was a guy I'd worked with on the marketing floor. He called another guy at bro,
00:07:16who was his buddy. And he's like, Oh yeah, this chick just gets hilarious. You just got fired.
00:07:20She's like getting naked in the bathroom this whole time, like on at the bank, like blah, blah,
00:07:25blah. As that's happening, literally this is how it happened. The editor of bro Bible's like
00:07:29walking by here's this phone conversation. Here's Wall Street intern naked investment bank. And he
00:07:34was like, who is this chick? So that same day that I get fired, I get tweeted at by bro Bible,
00:07:39like that's spreading like wildfire. Like this, like I had, I had nothing to do with how any of
00:07:44this worked out. And he's like, Oh, you should like, you know, there's the whole Mia Khalifa
00:07:48thing. I think you could be the next thing like that. And I was like, in my head, I'm like, Oh,
00:07:51I definitely need to break into porn now. Cause I kind of got fired. Yeah. I'm not necessarily
00:07:59perform, but I was like, I definitely need to push this. So he, so he answered, so he sent me
00:08:03these questions and I answered them and I came up with Veronica vein and I took some, I found some
00:08:07dude on Tinder and he came over and he took those pictures of me that went viral at my apartment
00:08:11against my like white wall. It was like a shoe box, but like those were those pictures. And I
00:08:16just literally that day I was like, I need some better pictures. So I found a dude from Tinder to
00:08:19come do it, which is so funny. Cause down the line, those pictures got really valuable and
00:08:24everybody was trying to buy them from this kid. He was just this Tinder fucking hobbyist photographer.
00:08:31Anyway. So, so they posted an article. I have no idea that anybody would ever be able to find
00:08:36out my real name, my anything. I didn't think, cause I didn't tell, and I didn't tell any of
00:08:40that. I just said, I'm Veronica vein. Here's the pictures, bro Bible was super cool about it. Yeah.
00:08:44We don't have to post it. Cool. So they send all that. Of course I'm freaking out on a weekend
00:08:48cause I got fired. Cause it's going to be a lot harder if I did want to stay on in
00:08:51Washington. I don't have that recommendation anymore. Right. Um, so pulling your resume
00:08:56on Tuesday, the bro Bible article comes out and I talked about being in UF and stuff. And bro,
00:09:00I was very like college easy and crowd. So instantly I get like three or 4,000 Twitter
00:09:04followers from after the article. So in my head, I'm like, that's, that's all right.
00:09:07That's not a big deal. Right? Like, okay, I'll probably be able to break in now. That's better
00:09:11than the other sex factor stuff is doing. So at least I'll be able to break in and figure out my
00:09:15life and whatever. I'll own it. Cool. I wake up the next morning on Wednesday. So I posted the
00:09:21first picture on Monday. Okay. All right. Friday I'm fired. Tuesday the bro Bible article comes
00:09:26out. I wake up Wednesday thinking, Oh, I wonder what happens if I put Veronica vein into Google.
00:09:31I wonder if the article will even come up. Cause I didn't know bro Bible was even a big thing. I
00:09:34didn't know anything about traffic and millions of hits. Like I didn't know how to look any of
00:09:38that up. I didn't, I never heard of them. I thought some bullshit little backwards fucking
00:09:41easy. And then nobody cared about like, obviously because they're contacting me. Right. Why would
00:09:45they, why would it matter? It's not real media. And I didn't think anything of it. So I was just
00:09:53wondering if like the Google, it would come up on Google and like, I thought it'd be like the
00:09:5610th result or something like that. It's like 11am on Wednesday. I Googled my, my name.
00:10:01It's fucking everywhere. It's like business insider, New York posts, New York daily news,
00:10:05like any, all the other like gossipy kind of shitty stuff. It's literally like,
00:10:09like pages and pages of all about me and my pictures everywhere. Page Jennings,
00:10:13Lazard Asset Management, Fordham, University of Florida, like my whole fucking life all
00:10:18overnight. Like I never asked for that. You know, and that's what I'm saying is like,
00:10:22when people complain about that, it's like, I signed up for that. It's my fault. I put my face
00:10:26out there associated with this, like whatever. I wasn't mad about that, but I was like very
00:10:30caught off guard and like very scared. Um, it's crazy. The internet and how just word travels
00:10:35so fast. Yeah, that's, that's all. That's, that's it. I was, then I went viral and that's,
00:10:40everybody came to me kind of, they called me. And part of that is like, obviously they think
00:10:44these media scandal chicks have like a head on, like a, like a big head or something about it.
00:10:49Like I didn't, I just was, I was just, I just wanted to like analyze shit. Like I just wanted
00:10:54to make a porn company and here I was. And obviously when that happened, I'm like Wall
00:10:59Street porn star everywhere. Fucking the CEO of JP Morgan's daughter was a journalist at
00:11:04CBS at the time. She's like taking me out to dinner to try to get me on CBS inside edition.
00:11:10I went to JP Morgan super day. They wouldn't hire me next two weeks later or whatever months later
00:11:15after I'd done the super day, fucking the daughter of the CEO is like taking me to dinner. It's so
00:11:20crazy. So they're calling you Veronica Vane, porn star, Wall Street, all this. Had you even done a
00:11:25scene yet? So you weren't even technically a porn star yet. People would like talk shit and be like,
00:11:30Oh, she's like touting herself. She's already a porn star. She hasn't done shit. I'm like,
00:11:33I didn't do any of that. I didn't ask for any of this. Like, wow. Okay. So
00:11:40how, when and how did you shoot your first scene? Yeah. Um, at that point, literally that week that
00:11:45all this articles came out, like my inbox, like my emails were just flooded with inquiries and,
00:11:50um, porn started tweeting at me, bang bros. Actually my biggest regret is not doing a
00:11:54scene with Mia Khalifa. Cause she was tweeting at me like do a scene with Mia Khalifa for bang bros.
00:11:58That would have been like, I probably should have done that. Cause she was FSU. I was UF.
00:12:01And like, she was like a media scandal. I was a media scandal that really would have solidified
00:12:06things from a marketing perspective. But, um, like wicked had called me, um, browsers and stuff,
00:12:13all those kinds of places were calling me. So at this point, at that point it was pretty much like
00:12:16just people were sending me offers for money. Um, and I obviously wanted money, but more than that,
00:12:21I wanted to like capitalize on the marketing thing that was happening and I wanted to brand.
00:12:27Yeah. I don't think I, I did evil angels. Great. And they had a thing with, but I didn't do enough
00:12:31with evil angel. They also offered me something more than I probably should have done. I was so
00:12:35naive. I had no idea what I was doing. I was second guessing everything. I didn't have anyone
00:12:38looking out for me. Um, and that, as a result of that, I was asking lots of questions and as,
00:12:43and when you ask lots of questions, you can be seen as like undermining people,
00:12:46you know, cause I was just trying to learn and like not, I don't know. Um, and what happened
00:12:53was Ashley Madison reached out to me, um, with Manuel, Farrah and Katie Cross. And, uh, they were
00:12:59like, we want to sponsor you and you go to the media, talk about us. And then we're going to do
00:13:03this whole movie about you with product placement. And at the time I was like, Oh, that sounds like
00:13:07that's the product placement. Yeah. That's smart. And like the only reason I did the whole deal,
00:13:11I mean, money was pretty good, but like the main thing was I thought it was like a good business,
00:13:15like up angle. Cause I wanted to go to the media and I wanted to say literally the truth, which was
00:13:20I want to be in the business side of things. I want to be a part of that. And that's why I'm doing
00:13:24this stuff with these people because it's in like a business context. You know, I didn't want it to
00:13:28just be, I want to have sex and all I want to do is fuck. And this is my life now. Like, yeah,
00:13:32that's great. You know, but that wasn't my, that wasn't my story. Right. So that's, that's why I
00:13:38ended up doing the first movie with them. And how, how was it? I will say the first scene with Manuel
00:13:45was fucking oof, that boy. Yeah. Right. Um, the way he like whispers in your ear.
00:13:51Not that I just really encountered someone who fucks like a porn dude. It was like,
00:13:58what the fuck is happening to me? Like, I didn't even know where I was. I thought it was fucking
00:14:02Dorothy. Like it wasn't like that. It was just cause it was just, I'd never been fucked like
00:14:09that before. That was the main thing. So I'd say that was great. What happened was I got a yeast
00:14:13infection that I filmed the first scene on a Friday. And then on a Tuesday I got a yeast
00:14:18infection. Um, and, and they lost like good seven days, you know, where it's swollen. It's not fun.
00:14:24Right. Um, and I wasn't like always getting yeast infections, but that's what happens in porn when
00:14:28you're new and whatever. Um, so I called him on Tuesday. I'm supposed to fly out like Sunday or
00:14:33something to film on Monday and Tuesday, three more scenes for the movie. But I'm like, Tuesday,
00:14:37Sunday, it's not going to be clear. It's going to be kind of cleaning up, but it's not going to be
00:14:41like, I can't fuck on that. Not three scenes, you know? So I, I gave them like a whole week,
00:14:46right. I call them like, I can't do this, this stuff. You're going to have to like,
00:14:50you know, maybe postpone it like, you know, to the end of the week or something like that.
00:14:53And you know, I wish I could say something like nicer about that situation, but they basically
00:14:58told me like, we're going to cancel the movie if you don't, if you can't do it. I mean, I understand
00:15:04it sucks and that's how it works. Like they weren't being like mean necessarily just said
00:15:07they couldn't afford the situation and they already put all these deposits and they would
00:15:11just have to cancel it. Which honestly, Holly, like I believe them. And so I just did it,
00:15:16which is why I did those three scenes on a yeast infection, which was not fun.
00:15:21But like, that's, that wasn't, I don't think that was true because at the time,
00:15:25like I was everywhere. Like I was all over the media, like whatever you did with me at the time
00:15:30was going to get views. Like it was going to get signups, you know what I'm saying? So I like,
00:15:35I just, you know, that was like a bad first impression kind of because it was very painful.
00:15:41And I didn't think that needed to happen like that, but that's what happened anyway,
00:15:45as a result of that, though, that's what sort of started impacting my reputation a little.
00:15:50Cause it wasn't like it, my first movie was just not a like walk in the park. It wasn't like
00:15:55other girls were, Oh, she was great. It was perfect. We had no problems. Like, no,
00:15:58there were problems. Yeah. Not like there is, you know, and it's not like I was being like,
00:16:02literally the like easiest person in the world ever because I'm like lost and confused and like,
00:16:08don't want to fuck up and trying not to piss anyone off, but also trying to learn things.
00:16:17And so I was asking questions and that necessarily wasn't welcomed. And anyway,
00:16:20and that's just how it happened. It's water under the bridge, but that was the first movie. And then
00:16:24I took a break and got the big boobs that I shouldn't have gotten. And then I, and then I
00:16:30came back to porn in May. So the, all that stuff happened in January. I did a lot more media stuff
00:16:34that I came back in porn and man, you were one of the first types of scenes I did. And that was
00:16:37great. So all the stuff I did in May of that year was fun. I don't think I had any issue. I started
00:16:43having a lot of fun with all the sex, but a lot of damage had kind of already been done as to like
00:16:48my whole sort of brand. Cause it was, it just didn't, I can't explain it. I mean, maybe I'm
00:16:53full of, maybe it's crazy, but this is just what stuff was relayed to me from other people in the
00:16:58industry at the time. And it really stuck. Cause like I was ready to like do my best and I wanted
00:17:02to get along with everybody. I wanted to fuck everybody. I honestly, honestly, when I got into
00:17:05porn, I was like, well, there's going to be orgy parties like every weekend. Right? Like I want to
00:17:09go. Like, I swear to God, I was like, I was so disappointed when I got in and nobody invited
00:17:14me to fucking orgy parties. That's all I wanted to do. Yeah, I know. Right. It's not exactly boogie
00:17:23nights. Um, but yeah, that's, that's rough. I mean, I can understand like it's, it's hard as a
00:17:30producer, man, because I've definitely, you know, like, cause you do a lot of times you have to put
00:17:34deposits down on locations and they won't give it back to you or you have, you know, it's a real
00:17:39problem to schedule stuff. And then I've had people cancel on me because they've had, they've
00:17:44gotten sick or they've had whatever I see, whatever. And my first thought will be like,
00:17:49Oh motherfucker. But then I'll be like, well, they can't help it. You know what I mean? Like,
00:17:54and that's just like one of the things in the industry, like you got to accept that like
00:17:58sometimes people are going to get like infections. Sometimes people are going to get STDs. Like
00:18:02that's, that's a nature of the business and you have to like accept that.
00:18:05At that time. And then the, like I, they couldn't replace me cause it was literally,
00:18:08yeah, it was about you. Yeah. Um, but anyway, it's, it's whatever. Like I just wish I could
00:18:13have, I don't know, overcome that a little more and like gotten, I like more, I wanted to be
00:18:17friends with everybody. I wanted to fuck everybody. And I kind of didn't, I always went somewhere and
00:18:21people would always be like, Oh, you're nothing like what I heard about you. And I'd be like,
00:18:25Thanks. Yeah. So what do you think was like one of the best scenes that you did then while you
00:18:31were in the industry? I did a lot of good scenes. Like, honestly, like I genuinely was into it. Like
00:18:37what I wasn't into was waking up at 7am and taking a pretty girls at 9am and feeling like ass. Yeah.
00:18:44So like, I didn't like most of the job with just another reason why I quit is like, I only liked
00:18:48the sex. I was like, I guess I could just fuck in real life. Like I don't need to be born to have
00:18:53sex. Right. Um, but let's see best scenes. One of the most fun scenes was with you for sure with
00:19:01Ryan Driller and Aaliyah Love for Brazzers. Cause I got to do like pole dancing stuff.
00:19:05We did the stripper scene. Yeah. That was really great. Yeah. And you were,
00:19:10you were so impressive. There was a song that you played, it was the weekend.
00:19:14And I remember it was the, it was the hills I think. And it was the first time I'd ever heard
00:19:18that song. Such a shitty music voice. So they took out the good song. Like they couldn't even like
00:19:22kind of try to match it with copyright free. They put on some fricking like, I don't know, pop.
00:19:27I don't remember, but I believe you. It happens all the time. The music is so important. And a
00:19:31lot of times, yeah. When they pick like bad music, it's happened on so many of my productions. I'm
00:19:35like, Oh, you just ruined it. I just remember that set day. It was so fun. Cause I got to do
00:19:39the pole dancing and I always, in porn, I was always trying to get away from the secretary
00:19:42milf thing. I'm like, guys, I've been a stripper for years. I'm pretty acrobatic. I like video
00:19:46games. I'm really youthful. Did you find that everybody wanted to cast you as like a wall
00:19:50street, like executive domineering or whatever. And I'm like, dude, I'm still 12. Like I really
00:19:55am 12. Like I just like happened to like finance and stuff, but like I'm fucking 12. Yeah. I play
00:20:00like I'm a nerd. Um, so I got to like show more of myself on that scene. And then also I had weed
00:20:06lube. I never knew this was a thing, but I had just started going to the dispensaries around the
00:20:09time and buying like weed products that weren't the actual weed. Cause I was like, so curious.
00:20:13So I brought like weed lube that day to like, you know, and, and like, Whoa, was it good? Yeah.
00:20:19And then Aaliyah Love actually that day, like when I did this, people would always tell me
00:20:23get sloppier with your blowjobs, like get more spit. I'm like, I don't fucking know how to drool.
00:20:28Like I'm not a bulldog. Yeah. Like, I don't know how these girls, some girls are more like,
00:20:31they're just like drooly than others. But I've like always wanted to learn to do it. Cause I
00:20:35wanted to do it like nastier shit. And so I remember on that day, I'm like, Aaliyah, like,
00:20:40how do you like deep, how do you do this? Like, how do you go on spit? Like it's so like lube
00:20:44and she's like literally did. Oh my God. So you just take your hand and she starts like
00:20:50and then it's all like coming up. And I was like, Oh my God, my life has changed.
00:20:54And like every porn scene from then on, I'm just like bulldogging all over the cock.
00:20:59It's so funny. Cause I learned that trick from Taylor rain back in the day.
00:21:03And I remember that because yeah, if you kind of like gag yourself,
00:21:06it brings up this more like flummier kind of sticks more. It's almost like silicone.
00:21:11Yeah. Yeah. From the back of your throat. So you need to gag yourself in order to get
00:21:15like nasty damn Holly. Look at you. I've learned so much from porn, man. It's amazing.
00:21:23And yeah, I think that was, I don't know. I try to think of the best scenes. I remember
00:21:29like Johnny Castle and I had good chemistry. Those are fun scenes. I did this crazy scene
00:21:34with Ziggy star. Do you know who she is? Oh yeah. I've shot her. Oh my God. We did this
00:21:38nasty fucking lesbian scenes. Probably the only lesbian scene I genuinely came in.
00:21:43Um, cause she was a freak and it was a squirty scene for like elegant angel and they, um, I can't
00:21:50say that, but it was just nice. Uh, it was a chill set. I'll just say that it was like really chill.
00:21:55And, um, we like, I remember we're just like soaked in this pool of squirt everywhere and
00:22:00we're like dripping in it, which is nasty. But what made it cool was like, we got so into it
00:22:04and so hard that she's like, you have to fist me. And I'm like, I've never, I've never fisted a
00:22:08girl before. I don't know how to do it. I'm like trying to do it like in the scene though. So like,
00:22:11I'm not like being like, how do I fist you to the camera? Right. And I'm like, what? She's like,
00:22:15oh, you just like go like this. And so she puts her hand kind of where you put pinch all your
00:22:19fingers together and like kind of demonstrates like this. And I'm like, oh, so I go like this
00:22:24and this girl's tiny. This girl's like 90 pounds. Okay. You know? And I'm like, I'm like, no,
00:22:28I'm fairly petite, but you know, my hand it's, it's not like I'm not that small. She's 90 pounds.
00:22:33Right. And I'm like, there's no way I'm gonna be able to fist this chick. So I put it in and
00:22:37she's like, okay, you can like fist it now. And like I get the whole fist and I'm just like going
00:22:41in and out of this chick, like fisting her. She's like, oh my God. Yes. She's just like coming
00:22:46everywhere to the point. It's getting so raunchy and hard. Cause she's wanting me to be fisting
00:22:50her and like choking her. Like she wanted me to like fucking like, like rip her up. Like,
00:22:54I was like, oh my God, this bitch is crazy. And it got so intense. Like, like in a, in a
00:23:00fucked up way that like, uh, I forget his name. He shoot the dreads who for elegant angel,
00:23:04um, dreads guy, he's awesome, but he had to turn the camera off and just wait for it to,
00:23:09for her to get her thing off because he's like, this isn't what we wanted. Like we didn't want like choking fisting hardcore shit. Yeah. Some people, a lot of companies won't
00:23:21even shoot fisting. That's why you turned the camera off. It's considered like it's
00:23:25upset. It's probably like the, you didn't even want the footage of it. I think is what happened,
00:23:29but yeah. But Ziggy liked it. That's really memorable. So that's, it sticks out to me as
00:23:33a girl liked it. That's all it really matters. She was telling me I didn't have a choice.
00:23:39So what made you decide to leave the industry? Yeah. Um, you know, it was actually, it wasn't
00:23:46like a, like one thing, right. It was just, I didn't like that. I felt like I was always
00:23:50working uphill. There was no orgy parties. I wanted to be, I wanted to have fun and it
00:24:00stopped being fun really because you know, I would try to make friends and that was hard.
00:24:04And then people would have these early preconceptions and I feel like I was always a
00:24:08pariah. Even if I wasn't like, maybe it was all in my own head. Like, I don't know, but I didn't
00:24:11feel like I was like really a part of it, if that makes sense. And then on top of that, I totally
00:24:15didn't have the right look for how I look. If that makes it, I look better like now, but like then I
00:24:20just wasn't working. I didn't feel authentic to myself. I felt like I was trying to be someone I
00:24:24wasn't all the time. And I didn't know how to just change that. I was trying, I'd go on set,
00:24:28be like, put less makeup on me. Like, no, I don't want to wear a pencil skirt. I would try, but you
00:24:33know, there's only so much I could do. You don't have a lot of control over your own image when
00:24:36you're working for other companies. Yeah. And so I was just getting tired of that. And it, you know,
00:24:41porn fucks with your head too. Like, I'm a really confident person, but in porn, I felt like I was
00:24:45like a four, you know? And there was that. And then there would just be little things on sets
00:24:54that I would be like, oh, I guess I can't complain or I can't say something because
00:24:58that I'm a diva. Like, woo. You know? So do you feel like you didn't have a voice?
00:25:03I totally do. But every time I voiced it, my agent or someone would be like, you're being
00:25:08difficult again. And it sounds more like you're somebody who really wants to be in a position
00:25:12where you have control over the situation. Because it sounds to me like you felt kind of powerless
00:25:17and that's not where you want to be. I mean, who does? Well, like we were talking about earlier
00:25:21before we actually started the show, you know, how like, because you were saying that you really
00:25:25like being on the production end now as opposed to just being a performer. And you're like,
00:25:29why wouldn't everyone want to do this? But I think some people really just want to show up.
00:25:33They want to have sex. They want to get their check and they want to go home.
00:25:35I did that too, though. I like, I mean, when I got picked with like Ramon Nomar or like
00:25:39Jai Castle or like the people who I was, I could text or my buddies and like Chad White or whatever.
00:25:46I was like fucking radio scenes were great, you know? And I would do whatever they wanted. Like
00:25:50I wasn't, I wasn't like questioning every little thing. Like I would just, I would do what they
00:25:54wanted. You know, I don't think I was like super difficult or whatever. I mean, people tell me
00:25:58stories of girls who are like strung out, who are sure to show up like Sue. I would, at worst,
00:26:03I was 15 minutes late, maybe because like a cop pulled me over or something. You know, I'm not
00:26:07going to say I was like the epitome of punctuality or whatever, but I wasn't like fucking anybody's
00:26:11days over or something. It sounded to me like you just wanted to have more of like a choice.
00:26:16Um, I just wanted the few boundaries I had to be respected because honestly,
00:26:20there weren't that many. I was pretty nasty. Can I just tell you,
00:26:22like I didn't do IR or anal or gangbang or whatever, but like I fucking wanted to.
00:26:28There's no, you can always come back. I keep saying that while I'm at Expos right now,
00:26:33talking to like and like other places. And like, I love those. I love all these guys.
00:26:37I love them so fucking much. They're so cool. And they're all like, Hey, you're ripe for a
00:26:41comeback. You know, you could do it for our site. Like, and I'm like, yeah, it's not that I know.
00:26:47I don't know. I'm engaged. Like I actually would consider it, especially because I took my boobs
00:26:52out. I feel like, um, I feel like I look much better now. Right. I would be much more confident.
00:26:56I have little tiny perky boobs now, you know, you feel more authentic yourself. Yeah. Um, but,
00:27:03uh, uh, I'm engaged. So, you know, there's that he's like legit. He's not like a porn guy or
00:27:08anything. Yeah. He's awesome. Congratulations. That's awesome. Well, I mean, it sounds it's
00:27:13unfortunate because it sounds like you were, I mean, things are really changing now. I think
00:27:17people are really starting to see, especially with the me too movement that it's really important to
00:27:20listen to the performers and respect their boundaries and respect their no list and not
00:27:26push them into situations that they don't want to be. Well, cause it just hurts you. Cause you,
00:27:29then you lose the day over it. Like I told them ahead of time, I don't really want to work with
00:27:33them. Yeah. You know, they could have either a canceled me and got a new girl or whatever,
00:27:37or just been like, all right, let's see if we can find a new guy real quick. Cause then,
00:27:40cause then they wouldn't even risk losing that day. Right. Fine. Personally, whenever I shoot
00:27:44boy girl stuff for my own site and I don't understand like what, and I get it if you're
00:27:48shooting like a feature movie or something like that where you need a guy to fit a specific niche,
00:27:54like he's got to be a young guy and he's got to be like a bodybuilder or whatever that character
00:28:00is. But I always, always ask the girl, who does she want to work with? Yeah. Because I'm like,
00:28:04get the best scenes. I'll get the best scenes. You'll choose somebody that you like. Obviously
00:28:08they'll like you like, and everything will go great. That's what I want. I don't give a fuck
00:28:13who I'm shooting as long as he can keep his dick hard. He's respectful. He's clean. He's good
00:28:18looking. And the girl likes him. Yeah. Like I don't need to micromanage who the guy is. I always
00:28:23do that. I was down to fuck literally every guy. Like I didn't have a problem with like any of
00:28:27them. I was like ready. I like all of them. Yeah. And every girl like has, you know, the couple of
00:28:33guys, I mean, look, it's very rare that you're gonna like having sex with every single person
00:28:39in the industry. You know, there's gonna be some people that you just don't jive with. Yeah. And
00:28:42I don't understand why people just can't respect that. They can, but like the problem is a lot of
00:28:47times they set it up and that happens like within days of their shoot. Like, you know, even if they
00:28:52booked the girl in advance, they don't necessarily have the details set out. So then they finally
00:28:57like fill it in. They're like, Oh, by the way, you're working with this guy. It's like a day
00:29:00before they've already got the location, all this stuff. So it really pisses them off when the girl
00:29:03is like, um, so it's like, unless you're like a top 50 girl and then you're, it's well known that
00:29:08you won't work with these three dudes or whatever. That's like the only time it seems to work out.
00:29:12Okay. I hope I'm not like pissing anyone off. Cause like, I actually really like porn and I
00:29:17like a lot of people behind it. And like I said, I wish I wanted to fuck everybody. Like I wanted
00:29:21to go to all the orgy parties, by the way, porn, if you're listening, if you have an orgy party,
00:29:25hit me up, I'm down. Well, I mean, you know, you say what you think and you're honest, which I
00:29:32think not a lot of people are in this industry. And you know, I think it's important to look at
00:29:37all different sides of the industry, you know, and I have, I mean, when I started this podcast,
00:29:41I really wanted people to see what the industry was like for real. And I really wanted it to
00:29:45like discount a lot of those, you know, ideas of mainstream media that porn is a horrible,
00:29:50dark place. That's terrible. And it's always bad, but it's not, it's, there's a lot of great stuff,
00:29:56but there's also bad stuff too. Like any industry, there's the light and the dark. And I think it's,
00:30:02it's good to have you on to talk about experiences that you had that weren't always like 80, 20,
00:30:07like 80 positive. Cause I don't want this to just be like a completely whitewashed show
00:30:11because then it's like, if everybody was just like, porn's always awesome. Everything's great.
00:30:15And I never had a problem. It's like, well, that's completely unbelievable and nobody's
00:30:18ever going to buy that. So it's like, you got to look at, at both sides. And I think it's important
00:30:23to talk about all of these things and talking about this stuff and getting it out in the open
00:30:27is how we make positive changes. And then girls and like, like all the things that are going on
00:30:33now and that are being discussed in the media and on social media now, well, girls are like,
00:30:37yeah, I've had, now girls are finally coming out and saying, I've had my boundaries crossed. I've,
00:30:42you know, been in a situation where I felt like I couldn't say no. I felt like I wasn't allowed
00:30:46to say no. You can never really feel like you can say no, unless you're on a set with like a girl.
00:30:49That's the only time I've ever felt like, like I had some kind of like someone who had my back
00:30:53and there was like a female around. Yeah. And there's been a, I was actually. Also,
00:30:56it's the only time I ever had carrots on set. If you have your own set with this old guys,
00:31:01they just like, if there's any food at all, they just pick up like garbage at 7-Eleven or something.
00:31:05I bring carrots.
00:31:06Yeah, I know. And then there's another lady who shoots for, I think,
00:31:09DDF network I shot for. And that lady who was shooting that, like get carrots.
00:31:14So that's how you know you're in a good set. You've got carrots.
00:31:17I don't want to have shitty junk food. I'm trying to look cute. I don't want to get all
00:31:20bloated from your crappy sodium food. Like I need to eat a carrot. Okay.
00:31:23Yeah. I always go to Trader Joe's and I get a variety of wraps and salads and I always make
00:31:28sure there's vegan and vegetarian options. That's what I did when I shot for Vuli,
00:31:31my company that I'm doing, which see, I'm still in porn guys. Like I'm still filming this shit.
00:31:35I'm shooting people and everything. I still really like it. But yeah, when I did that,
00:31:41I got it for the crew too. So we had like all this nice vegan, vegetarians, carrots and shit.
00:31:46I do that too. So let's actually transition then. Let's talk about what you're doing now that you've
00:31:52left the industry and let's talk about this new platform that you're working on.
00:31:55Yeah. It's weird. I love porn, but the whole time I was in porn, and I don't think a whole
00:32:01lot of people know this unless they knew me personally, because then I wouldn't shut up
00:32:04about it. I can be very intense. Well, not intense in a bad way. I get very passionate
00:32:11and energetic about stuff that I believe in and that I'm going for. And when I got in porn within
00:32:16three months, I was like, man, I think there's room for a really nice VOD platform. There's not
00:32:22that many, most of the way porn is consumed on like pay sites and tube sites. And like, yes,
00:32:27we have VOD platforms. They still kind of cater to a specific niche and I wanted to expand on that,
00:32:33if that makes sense. And I was like, we live in a streaming digital age. People are used to
00:32:38consuming content in a very different way they are today than even just five years ago. And I
00:32:43wanted to modernize that delivery. So much about porn, I feel like is about let's just like churn
00:32:48out all this content constantly. I'm just like, well, what about just like, what about innovating
00:32:54on like the way you actually deliver it to people? Like people like innovate on the content, they get
00:32:58harder and rougher and more intense, blah, blah, blah. And then, or they go the opposite direction
00:33:01and then tushy black with a beautiful, you know, images. And so it's yes, content matters. And yes,
00:33:06content is king. But like, the delivery of a lot of that content is still kind of the same.
00:33:13So my whole thing, and while I was in porn, as I was trying to build this company at the time,
00:33:17it was called Bangbox. I renamed it to Vooli because I wanted something that doesn't sound
00:33:21so porny. Because if you go on Vooli, it doesn't look like a porn site. It has porn on it,
00:33:27but it looks clean. It looks like a streaming platform like Netflix or something. Of course,
00:33:32that's actually a big buzzword in porn right now is Netflix. I get that. But when people say
00:33:38Netflix, they mean the original series, the nice UI and like recommendations or whatever. And that's
00:33:44kind of the superficial things. But I don't know if a lot of people really understand like the
00:33:48intense amount of technology that goes into Netflix's platform. Like if you go read the
00:33:53Netflix dev blog, you're going to feel like you just started fucking studying quantum physics.
00:33:59Like it's like a lot. So I had issues like getting funding. Like I needed developers
00:34:04for the vision I had. It wasn't just to look pretty. Sorry, you and that tablecloth.
00:34:09Oh, you know, it's funny. I have Asperger's syndrome. Like it's questionable. It's just
00:34:16like a psychiatrist. Like I don't diagnose me. So it's like a smart autism thing, I guess. And
00:34:23part of the thing is like I'm very fidgety. Like I'm always doing something with my head. So that's
00:34:28why I'm like- I should have brought you like arts and crafts.
00:34:31Usually if I have like something like a rubber band, I'll be like fucking with it. Anyway.
00:34:36You're fine. We'll just keep pulling the tablecloth back and forth.
00:34:39Oh my god.
00:34:40Because you like pull and then I pull it this way a little bit. And then you pull it that way. And
00:34:43then I pull it this way a little bit. And I was like, oh my god.
00:34:45We're playing tablecloth.
00:34:48Okay. Sorry. Go ahead.
00:34:49Yeah. So I was in porn and like I had Wall Street friends and all this stuff. But it's
00:34:52really hard to get funding when all you have is an idea. You don't have any proof of concept. You
00:34:56don't have audience. You don't have shit. It's hard to get money. So I was trying to bootstrap it
00:35:00and build it based on having good partners and technology stuff. But it still just wasn't
00:35:04happening. So when I quit porn, I wanted to keep pursuing it. But again, at that point,
00:35:10I was a little disillusioned. I need to take a step away and just kind of get my bearings and
00:35:13maybe even get my identity and confidence back because I really don't think I was fully page
00:35:18when I was in porn. And I wanted to be page again, not Veronica. So I took a step back.
00:35:22And part of that was like, oh, I want to make a YouTube channel. I was like,
00:35:25that looks cool. I feel like I have all these ideas. I like to talk a lot. Okay.
00:35:30So I started a YouTube channel and it didn't like blow up immediately or anything, but
00:35:35it got steady growth, you know, within like six months, I had like 10,000 subs. But within
00:35:41then I by then around March of 2017, I met my fiance and like, so I was living with him and
00:35:49stuff. And then I started pushing it really hard and making all this content and whatever. And I
00:35:52grew it to like, over 100,000 subscribers. Now, of October of last year, I finally was like,
00:35:58you know what? I want to talk about this company because I could never get it out of my head. I
00:36:01always wanted to build this really sleek VOD platform that had mainstream appeal and whatever
00:36:07is my vision the entire time. So up until before you hit that, what were you producing on YouTube?
00:36:12Like what kind of content were you doing? I made funny stuff like gross things girls do
00:36:17gross things guys do. Why I quit porn. How much porn stars get paid in porn story times about
00:36:23the one time escorted in New York City or was like to work on Wall Street. Like I just honestly
00:36:29just documented my life and like any interesting experiences. And then sometimes I had creative
00:36:33skit ideas like, like, you know, when you're on Instagram and the girls have the, the, the leggings
00:36:38and it goes straight into their ass crack and it looks like they painted their leggings on. And
00:36:41it's like, they're not wearing pants. So you see the whole outlines of all their ass. I was like,
00:36:45I want to do that. Like why I've never had my assy leggings like that. I want my assy leggings.
00:36:51I was so jealous. And so I went on this, like one of my videos is like, I went on a quest to,
00:36:56I went to a bunch of star stores in the mall, trying on all different leggings with my fiance
00:37:00and trying to find like a ass eating leggings. And that was like a video. I did a video where
00:37:08I tried to dig for a day and I ordered one of those like gender play dicks. And I got like
00:37:12boxers that you could put the dick in. And then I walked around with a dick and I, and I got the
00:37:16thing. There's a thing you can pee standing up with that they give girls for like camping and
00:37:21shit. So you have to squat or whatever. So I like had a dick for a day. I tried putting it in my
00:37:25pants. I tried sitting with my dick and like fucking with my dick and whatever. I called my
00:37:29mom, I showed her my dick. And then I literally on YouTube, like peed standing up. Cause I wanted
00:37:38to experience the power of, of the power of being able to pee standing up. It's so like freeing,
00:37:44you know, were you able to write your name in the snow?
00:37:46I tried to do a figure eight dude. It's so hard. It's so hard to aim. Well, to be fair,
00:37:50you haven't had a lot of practice. I mean, you haven't had this dick your whole life.
00:37:55But yeah, so I made like silly stuff like that on YouTube or whatever. And that's what I did. And
00:38:00I finally started talking about the business stuff and whatever. And I made this video,
00:38:03why I quit my porn company, which, you know, obviously didn't really quit cause I never
00:38:08stopped thinking about it. The video got like 270,000 views and the comment section was like,
00:38:12yeah, why does this exist? You should make this. Don't stop. It's so smart. I'm like,
00:38:15really? All you guys are really telling me to build something so you can pay for porn.
00:38:18Really? Like y'all want to pay for porn? Are you sure you're on YouTube?
00:38:21And then also sprinkled in there were some comments like dumb whore or
00:38:25just cause like YouTube is like the worst with comments.
00:38:28Of course, of course. I don't think that's so bad though. I tend to,
00:38:32I get those, but not terribly on this video. I was really shocked. Like I took that video. It's
00:38:36like proof of concept. Like, oh, people really do want this. They really would pay for porn
00:38:39under this business model. I was like, all right. So three months later I said, Hey guys,
00:38:44you told me I really need to build this company. Here's all the challenges. Like I need money for
00:38:48this, this, and this, like, that's what happened. I can't do it. I can't hire. Here's the thing
00:38:52with developers. Like you can find business people or marketing people who will just like
00:38:56work with you for equity, but like you can't find developers like that. Like they don't like,
00:38:59cause every startup ever is trying to call their developer buddy and be like, Hey,
00:39:03you want to do this for equity? And like, it's a lot of upfront work for a developer,
00:39:07a lot of hours. And so they want to get paid. Like makes sense. Cause and then,
00:39:11and they're in demand so they can get paid otherwise with other companies. So you got
00:39:14to pay them. So I told them like, Hey, what do you guys think about $50,000? I think I can get
00:39:19something basic up for that kind of money. By the way, I was super wrong. $200,000 later. Holy shit.
00:39:26Yeah, I know. And it sounds like so much money, but it's crazy how fast it goes.
00:39:30And I was like, uh, so, uh, 50 K, you know, if you're interested in investing, we can make it
00:39:34legit, do a private placement agreement. I'll send you legal documents and blah, blah, blah.
00:39:38Stock certificate kind of shit, whatever. Um, and I didn't expect anybody. Like it was more
00:39:43of an offhanded thing. It wasn't like the whole video was about it. It was like a vlog. And then
00:39:46I started talking about, I would consider it if maybe I could get some money. And I thought maybe
00:39:51one person would email me or two for a couple grand or whatever. I didn't think that it was
00:39:56actually possible to do this. I just thought, well, fuck it. Let's see, you know? And, um,
00:40:00within two days I had over a hundred thousand dollars in commitments from in my email inbox.
00:40:05And then within one month I sent out all the documents and the paperwork and the legal stuff
00:40:09and whatever. And I had a hundred thousand dollars in the bank. That was last January.
00:40:13That's crazy. Crazy. By the way, still not enough. Needed way more.
00:40:19So then, yeah, ever, that's, uh, ever since last January, I've been building Vuli and, um,
00:40:22I have, I have like six developers that work for me and I have like a lawyer who's like, uh,
00:40:27he's got some equity. I have a backend lead developer. That's a little bit of equity.
00:40:31And then I have a whole bunch of investors. I raised another round of a hundred thousand,
00:40:35um, this past summer doing the same thing. I went to YouTube. I was like, here's what happened.
00:40:39Here's all this tech stuff. Here's the breakdown. Like, this is why I need more money. I can't do
00:40:43it without it. And I'll give you equity and email me. And again, within two weeks, that time I had
00:40:48another hundred K in the bank. It sounds like the stuff dreams are made of. Like it does not sound
00:40:52real. I can't believe I did it. I can't believe it like it's possible. Yeah. Cause I was telling
00:40:57you earlier, if you've got to be, you have your ducks in a row, you can't just go on YouTube and
00:41:00take people's money. Like you've got to like make it legit. There's a lot of, um, legal regulations
00:41:04surrounding like private placement agreements, which is what I was doing. Basically private
00:41:07placement agreements. Um, something called blue sky laws. You've got to have a lawyer who
00:41:11understands this stuff. So it's not like you can just go on YouTube and be like,
00:41:14send me money as an investor. Like you've got to be like on top of it. But yeah, it's, um,
00:41:19I've done all that. I did it fine. Like there's nothing illegal about what I did is totally.
00:41:22Right. Well, it's really helps that you've got that background in finance.
00:41:26A little bit. I mean, I still needed a lawyer. I didn't know how to do a whole thing. I just
00:41:29knew it was possible to do private placements. Yeah. Yeah. See, like I'm so clueless about that
00:41:33because I was telling you earlier, um, before the podcast, you know, I've always considered
00:41:37like getting an investor, um, in my company just cause I don't have the money to create
00:41:41the kind of content that I want to, but I'm like, I don't even know where to go. I'm like,
00:41:45I have no idea. And then, so that's amazing that you were just able to go on YouTube and be like,
00:41:49Hey people, send me money. And then like people just fucking send you money.
00:41:52Sounds like that. I know. It's so ridiculous. It was a little more involved. Like I had to
00:41:55send people, I wrote like a 30 page business plan. I think that like the fact that you approach
00:41:59people with this business plan and with all that you, and you had all your ducks in a row,
00:42:03people felt safe giving you their money as opposed to just like sending you money.
00:42:07Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would even tell people like they were like, Oh, this could be like,
00:42:11you know, a lot, but listen, this is a risky investment. Like startups are risky investments.
00:42:15If you're someone who prefers a more stable thing that is definitely going to give you some kind of
00:42:19payout. Like this is not the thing for you. However, also venture investments like this,
00:42:24like super early stage startups can be some of the most lucrative. If the company works,
00:42:29like imagine if you knew the Tinder, the Twitter guys or whatever, and they had like nothing.
00:42:33And then you gave them, you know, 10 grand for like half a percent. Well,
00:42:37fuck now you're a multimillionaire today, you know? So that's what, but I wouldn't try to sell
00:42:43people on it. I would be like, listen, it's risky investment. Don't give me your money unless you
00:42:47are okay with losing it. Right. You know, right. Not that I'm not going to lose it for them,
00:42:51by the way, I'm going to make them a shill of money guys. Don't worry. I'm going to do my
00:42:54fucking best. But, um, but yeah, you definitely, you definitely have to have a lot of disclosures
00:42:59in your, um, legal documentation. It's not hard. It's only like a three page agreement.
00:43:03It doesn't have to be like, you know, the fricking declaration of independence or some shit.
00:43:10So tell us a little bit about what your platform is going to be like and what's going to be on it.
00:43:14Um, I have a lot of studios so far about evil angel, porn pros, private, um, uh,,
00:43:21join me. I've got a bunch of different studios. Can't remember everything on top of my head. More
00:43:25coming. I know that. So, um, and it says it's a VOD site. You can buy a scene for a dollar 99 to
00:43:33399, depending on what the studio wants, or you could buy it as a series. So like if, you know,
00:43:38basically a lot of times they take those DVDs and they sell it as a DVD for 20 bucks and there's
00:43:41four scenes in it, but they're entirely, they're just slightly related and thematically like shot
00:43:46by the same director or shot by the same studio. Same director. Exactly. So to me, like that's a
00:43:53series, that's something that might appeal to the same person who might want all those scenes.
00:43:56If he cares about that thematic cool stuff, but if he's a star driven guy, if he likes, you know,
00:44:02he likes Riley and Keisha and Lana and whatever, and Lena and whatever, all those, uh, Katrina,
00:44:08all the fucking hottest chicks at the top of business. He likes those girls. You know,
00:44:11he's not going to want to buy a whole series with three scenes of girls that he doesn't know and
00:44:15doesn't particularly like that much or whatever. So, you know, you want to sell them that scene.
00:44:19And it's not like they don't already do this on VOD. They do, but it's, in my opinion, more
00:44:24tacked on, less, it's like not dedicated. Like on my platform, there's no downloads,
00:44:29there's no DVD covers, like whatever. It's just, it's a streaming platform. Like you're going to
00:44:33feel like, like you're looking almost like it's all landscape thumbnails, like YouTube. It's not
00:44:37DVD portraits and stuff. So people can't download these videos. They can only stream it. But if they
00:44:42buy it, they have it for life. Yeah. It's like Amazon prime. If you buy something, it's in your
00:44:46library. So it's more of like a, obviously if I go out of business, you lose your purchases kind
00:44:50of thing. Um, but it's more, it's convenient at least. And I can, I can sell it a little less
00:44:57than working with the studios on this because like they don't want me to undercut other VOD
00:45:01platforms, of course, but I'm also not offering as much as other VOD platforms. So it should be a
00:45:05little cheaper because they're only getting the streaming, you know? Um, I, for one would never
00:45:09download shit. Like I would never. And a lot of people are like, well, I would never sign up for
00:45:13that because I need downloads. And I'm like, I just, that's cool. Good for you. There's a lot
00:45:16of places for you everywhere else offers that. So good, good. That's good. But that's not like,
00:45:21I'm not catering to someone who has a porn collection on their hard drive and like organizes
00:45:25it with like a special software. They download it off of GitHub and they get super into it.
00:45:29I'm trying to find those people who are like 22, 23, maybe they watch free porn, but they just notice
00:45:34on Pornhub they can only see 720p. They want to see it on their TV. It looks like ass in 720p on
00:45:39their TV. They care about quality. They care about aesthetics. They care about full length. They don't
00:45:42want to see ads. They want, um, they want a more personalized experience. So, you know, machine
00:45:47learning is a big buzzword right now, you know, but I don't know that a lot of people actually,
00:45:52do you understand how expensive it is to run machine learning? Like it's not something you
00:45:56can just code out and put on your site. Like, I think a lot of people kind of think that from
00:46:00what I'm encountering artificial intelligence and machine learning, uh, driven recommendations. Like
00:46:05that's what you see on Netflix. So I was going to ask you some machine learning is like analytics.
00:46:11So they look at what you watch and then they give you suggestions based on what you purchase. Yes.
00:46:15But like porno say, Oh, where did you do that? There's recommended for you, but it's all tag
00:46:19based. It'll be at this one's tag with blonde and cinematic. This one's tag blonde and cinematic.
00:46:23Yes, that matters. But there's so many more things that can go into a user equation. Like
00:46:27from true machine learning, you have to capture every single thing the user does on your site,
00:46:32on every single part of the site. Like if they exit the video player, if they pause,
00:46:35when they pause, what timestamp that was, how long, what time they stopped watching the video,
00:46:40right? Start detecting these like subtle user patterns. Um, and to do that as a huge computing
00:46:47process. So think like crypto mining, like if you want to have legit machine learning, it's pretty
00:46:52much like you got to compute, like you are mining crypto. Like is that legit? And it's very
00:46:56expensive to do that on the cloud, which is what you want to do for a lot of times for streaming
00:47:00machine learning recommendations. Or you can invest in a shillow of expensive hardware. And
00:47:04I'm talking about like Titan five G graphics, video cards, like shit that like people are not
00:47:09using unless they're Netflix. Right. Um, so shit, I'm just telling everybody fucking how to do
00:47:14everything. It's okay. We don't, we totally aren't understanding like one of the biggest
00:47:19expenditures for my startup right now is the machine learning. Yes. Cause I want people to
00:47:23come to Vuli and be like, damn, it already knows what I like. I've been here like twice. And it's
00:47:28like, that's exactly what I wanted to see. Sweet. Yeah. I'll buy that. I like that. Damn. You really
00:47:33care about me as a user. Like this feels like it's just about me. It doesn't feel like I have
00:47:37to search through like some, a huge catalog of shit to find something that's relevant to me.
00:47:41And that scene could be four years old and he would have no clue. He wouldn't care because we
00:47:45detected that that's something he would like, you know? And I mean, is it going to be as robust
00:47:49as I totally want at first? Like, no, here's a fun fact about Netflix. All right. This is an
00:47:53example of a quote unquote machine learning that they do with their images. You take good
00:47:57will hunting on Netflix. Okay. Um, the, uh, if someone is on Netflix, they watch a lot of romance
00:48:02movies. It's going to show Matt Damon and the girl kind of having like a picture of them together
00:48:07being like romancy on Google hunting on the Netflix. But if you are someone watches a lot
00:48:12of comedies instead, and you're, you clearly have that kind of user taste. They're going to show a
00:48:16picture of goodwill hunting with Robin Williams on it. Totally different. So they actually specify
00:48:21the thumbnail based on what they think you, I had no idea. They have different graphic designs for
00:48:26languages as well, depending on not all of their content, but a lot of it. So that's just one thing
00:48:31Netflix does machine learning. Why? So like when you talk Netflix, you can't just say a pretty
00:48:36streaming site with series original series, right? Like, cause that's the superficial thing.
00:48:41Like you've got to have this heavy backend tech and they have a fuckload of infrastructure. They
00:48:45had so many graphic designers. Oh my God. Wow. That's incredible. I didn't know that. It's so
00:48:51interesting. So are you going to be, are you going to like really curate this channel? Are you going
00:48:56to be very specific about the kind of stuff that you put on there? I don't care what I don't,
00:48:59it'll be as well. Yes. And no, it's all professional or at least amateur professional.
00:49:04Like it needs to be shot. Well, it needs to be well lit. It needs to be, you know, it can be
00:49:08the amateur ish, but not actual amateur. Does that make sense? Like the fake amateur, it's
00:49:12actually professional, but they doubt it as amateur. Yes. That's cool. Um, but, uh, I want
00:49:18high quality. I want HD. I want all that kind of stuff. I want full length. So I don't want five
00:49:22minute foot job clips, you know, like only be not because that stuff's not great. Amateur is great.
00:49:27Everyone in porn is probably going to say it's going in the amateur direction. Sure. But I want
00:49:32to do one thing, focus on it and just do it really well. Like if, if you like professional porn,
00:49:37I want that. I want you to just think bully in your mind. Be like, that's where I need to be.
00:49:41Like I am a bully person. That's what I want. I want, I just want professional curated. Perfect.
00:49:46It's not curated. Like I choose it for you. Right. It's just curated. Like the site learns you.
00:49:50Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Okay. Big brother's watching. I'm just kidding. We don't actually
00:49:54store a lot of user data at all. We only store the behaviors. Okay. You know what I'm saying?
00:49:58Like we have your email and then we have all your behaviors, right? I don't care. I don't need,
00:50:03I can't even see people's passwords. It's all encrypted. Right. So now this is live now,
00:50:07right? No, I'm watching beta. It's a closed beta by February 14th. So right now you can like sign
00:50:13up for beta on and so you'll get access. It might actually be within two weeks. Like it's
00:50:18ready. It works. There's just finishing touches. I want to put more content on it and stuff like
00:50:22that. But it, um, no, it's not live just yet. So when you signed up for beta, it just means
00:50:27that you understand that there's going to be like glitches in there and there's going to be,
00:50:31and is it, is it something where you're, it's like an open feedback? Like if you find something
00:50:35that's an issue, it'll be in the discord, the feedback. I mean, I don't have like a live chat
00:50:38for the feedback. Everyone who signs up for founder gets a discord access, which is like,
00:50:43you know, a discord is right. Not really. Oh, it's like a, it's just like a chat server. So
00:50:47you can have a private server of people and I invite those people. So they have access to me
00:50:50directly and they can ask me questions and be like, Hey Paige, how does this work? Like
00:50:53Paige, I forgot my password. It doesn't work to reset it. Like things like that. Yeah. But like
00:50:57if you want to, for beta though, you'll be able to find porn, buy it, own it and watch it. Okay.
00:51:02So like that stuff is, shouldn't be glitchy. Right, right, right, right. You know, it might
00:51:05be like you catch like, Oh, this image wasn't right or something. This, this image showed up,
00:51:09but it was really supposed to be this image of this other girl. Like maybe something like that
00:51:12will happen. Okay. Not like bugs where you're like unable to access something. Okay. It works.
00:51:17Okay. How long have you been working on it? Well, my idea was three months with,
00:51:21then I started porn. I had this idea. Right. So that was technically since 2015. But as far as
00:51:26like actually getting somewhere with it, I started last January. So I built the whole thing this past
00:51:29year. And are you just like living, breathing, sleeping it? Pretty much. It's funny. You know,
00:51:35actually I will say, I wish I could say I worked 12 hours a day for the past year, but I spent a
00:51:41lot of time bucking off because I didn't know like what I was, I had to learn a lot. Okay.
00:51:47And when I say fucking off, not that I was like being lazy. That's not what I mean. I mean like
00:51:50I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing a lot of the time until now. Now I'm like busy as
00:51:54shit. But like for the, we're just getting it started. I was like, okay, I found the developers.
00:51:58They say they're developing, but where is it? Yeah. You know, there'll be problems like that.
00:52:02And like, oh, I need to get a merchant account. Okay. Oh, this just so many things were coming
00:52:07up. Huge. Yeah. And so for a while during the quote unquote development process, the biggest
00:52:12bottleneck was just because my developers were not organized. I didn't, I thought I had a good
00:52:18project manager, but he turned out not to be a good project manager, but I didn't know. And none
00:52:22of the tech guys would tell me. So when I did finally fire him, they're like, oh my God, thank
00:52:26you for firing. And we were so, he didn't know anything. And I was like, guys, just DM me.
00:52:30No, but like I'm telling you, tech guys have such a bad, they're so bad at like talking to you on
00:52:35like a human level. Like I have to have like people translate for like my tech guys to me.
00:52:41Like I needed like a translator because like, and they, and they'll just like, and I had this
00:52:45problem with my last guy who was running my hosting company. Like he would just try to,
00:52:49he would say stuff to me. Like I was supposed to know what the fuck he was talking about. And I
00:52:52had no idea what he was talking about. And then he'd like get mad at me that like,
00:52:56I didn't understand fucking computer talk. I'm like, dude, I'm a fucking like producer.
00:53:01I'm a director. I don't get this shit. Like you need to talk to me like I'm a five-year-old,
00:53:05but not like in like a five-year-old, you're an idiot five-year-old.
00:53:09If you have an issue like that, everything you want to text me, I'll tell you. What I did is I,
00:53:12I'm not saying I'm like a programmer, I'm not. But what I did is I just like really dug in,
00:53:17I got with my lead backend developer. I was like, let's get on Google Hangouts and fucking teach me.
00:53:21Like, what do I just, how does this shit work? Like, what are you doing?
00:53:24Share your screen with me? Like, show me where it is. Where are the videos? How do they get there?
00:53:27How do they get over there? What do I have to do to do that? Okay. Why doesn't that work? Like,
00:53:30and so from that, I'm like, now I can tell you my whole tech stack. And I actually do a little bit
00:53:34of, um, I don't know if you know what the code J S O N is. Jason, do you know what Jason is? He
00:53:39knows what Jason is. He's like, I don't fucking know what Jason is. What's up Jason? Got a big
00:53:46dig, Jason? Anyway. Um, but basically Jason's just like a database language. So it's basically
00:53:53like, Oh, Holly, you sent me this, um, you know, a solo scene with Leah Love. Cool. So that needs
00:53:59to be put on the site. Well, the site communicates with the database with what's called an API.
00:54:04The same way, if you want to pull data, like pull tweets onto your website, you have a, you
00:54:09communicate with a Twitter API and you just put that API. It's all it is. It's just like a line
00:54:13of code that you can put in your HTML or your website or whatever, um, that specifies to do
00:54:19something. And it, and it knows if you install the, the way to communicate with it, then you're
00:54:23good. That's how the APIs work. So anyway, so you'll have a database and it's like a big space,
00:54:28like complicated spreadsheet, you know, here's the, here's her name and here's her boob size.
00:54:31And here's how tall she is. And here's the description of her bio, all this shit. Um,
00:54:36and, uh, what were they saying? So you take that scene and you want to put it into your database
00:54:41and then your website front end is what they call it. It's going to pull from your database
00:54:45for it to like talk to your database. So it knows to pull Aaliyah Love in this new scene with, uh,
00:54:51Red Rocket or whatever. Um, it needs that API coded in. Right. Um, but to do that, you have to
00:54:57use oftentimes Jason to tell the database, here's her name. Her name is Aaliyah Love. This is the
00:55:03scene title. This is the description. Like if I showed you Jason code is very readable. It's very
00:55:07easy, but you basically put this code in and then it automatically can post to the database.
00:55:12And then once it's in the database, then it becomes able to access on the site. That makes
00:55:16sense. And so then the site can like call a database. And when someone clicks the picture
00:55:20of the scene that it's supposed to lead to the database, the site does a database call,
00:55:24pulls all that information and then it makes it look pretty, takes all that information and puts
00:55:27it into the way you wanted it to look with like the font and the pictures and whatever. And that's
00:55:32how fucking so websites work, guys. I hope you are ready for it. Yeah. Wow. I totally know how
00:55:38it all works. That 100% did not go over my head. I mean, I understood it sort of, but it's like,
00:55:45I'm one of those people that needs to do something like a hundred times before like it really sinks
00:55:48in. Okay. Well, at least when your tech guy comes to you and he's like, has he ever said front end
00:55:53or back into you? Oh yeah. Okay. So front end is what makes it look pretty. And then back in is
00:55:58where you store all your information and then there's a way to make them communicate. And API
00:56:03is how they talk to each other. That's if you mainly know that stuff, then you can kind of,
00:56:06if he says there's a problem with this and you can be like, oh, okay. Got it. Got it. Got it.
00:56:11So when he, so you said, are you planning on officially launching on February 14th?
00:56:16I'm not sure. It's actually just a really a matter of like, okay, at this point, the reason I brought
00:56:21up the Jason thing is because at this point it's all me. I'm putting all of that content and all
00:56:25those pictures and all of that information into the database so that the site can pull it right.
00:56:29I'm doing this because I don't really have time to train somebody to do it with the eye that I
00:56:33have. So I'm going to have to build out a big department of people who do this. Eventually
00:56:37it's like a lot of data entry basically, but it's really just a matter of like how quickly I can get
00:56:41enough stuff on there and get everything all linked up and working. Right. And then enough
00:56:45for it, which I think it's pretty close. Like I think I could just launch beta and keep adding
00:56:49more content as it's live and people are accessing the site. So there's just a few little things I
00:56:53want to fix before I officially launch it. Like I could probably launch it in like two weeks,
00:56:57but I'm just, I thought February 14th would be like a cool day. Maybe. So, you know, I mean,
00:57:04it'd be like a very soft launch. It would literally just be like, if you're a founder or you watch my
00:57:09YouTube channel, you'll know it's up and you can go. Wow. And then the official launch will be like
00:57:13a month or two after that, like official. And that's when I'll start posting stuff on tube sites
00:57:18and like driving traffic and like paying for marketing stuff. And you shot your own movie for
00:57:24it, right? It was like a series. Yeah. And then are you planning to, are you going to planning to go
00:57:29into production and start to shoot more and more stuff? Yeah. It's the reason this cause like
00:57:32original content, if I own it, then I have all the profitability. If I have revenue sharing deals
00:57:37with studios, they have most of the profitability from sales, which rightly so they paid for it and
00:57:42they took all the risk with the content. Like, cool. But you know, for to, in order for me to
00:57:45keep re-investing in the business, I needed a way that could be profitable. So that's why I was
00:57:49shooting original content. And over time I have this idea, I don't know if I'll be able to pull
00:57:54it off, but like, I would, I want to pay performers like kind of royalties, not exactly. Cause it's
00:58:02not tech, it wouldn't technically be a royalty, but I'm have this idea for like how I could
00:58:07get basically pay performers for, for sales of the scenes, not in, in kind of an affiliate way,
00:58:11but kind of a legit royalty way. Like I, on my side, if you go to it, like I don't ever on any
00:58:16of the bios say, um, so-and-so won the best award for dick sucking. And she just loves to dribble
00:58:23cum out of her mouth. Like a lot of these bios are like a little bit too lewd. And like so many of
00:58:29these girls are actually really impressive and they're like smart or they're like super like
00:58:33Danny Daniels is like a fucking amazing artist. And like skin diamond is amazing musician.
00:58:37Carter Cruz is baller Carter Cruz, a Darcy Dolce, great, um, DJs. Like I'm sure I'm forgetting a
00:58:43ton of people that it's like actually a lot of talented girls and like their bios, like never
00:58:47talk about that or almost never. And like, so when I make these bios, I paid, I paid a girl to do a
00:58:52bunch of research on a lot of stars to the point where I could, some of them don't have much about
00:58:55them, like they're new to business or something, but I'm trying to make it like very humanizing
00:58:59and like very cool. That's why when I called you and I was like, Hey, I have some stuff of you as
00:59:04a director, can you send me a picture of you? Cause I want you to have a director page and I
00:59:08want, I want people to come on Bully and feel like, Oh, porn's cool. Like porn has this cool,
00:59:12like it's not seedy. It's not gross. There's like faces on it. There's people behind it. Yeah. The
00:59:17girls as people, I want the studios, even the studios will have pages and I don't want them
00:59:21to just, here's your big porn brand with a bunch of titties. You know, I want like to the, as much
00:59:25as possible, I want to have pictures of like the humans behind the scenes or at least that'd be
00:59:30their face if they don't show their face. Yeah. I really have this idea to just make it really
00:59:34nice and pretty and approachable and not pretty. And I like a female friendly, like it's still
00:59:39porn where I just want to humanize everything. And like, I don't know, I just, I want, I want,
00:59:45I just wanted to be better for everybody. I want everybody to be happier and make more money and
00:59:51have a, have a, have a more fun time than I think I did overall, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And
00:59:56I want studios to make more money and I want girls to make more money and I want to give
01:00:00consumers a reason to spend more money. Right. I was going to say that's the key. People are like,
01:00:04hashtag pay for your porn, pay for it. I'm like, I don't want to pay for porn. The main ways there
01:00:08are to pay for it. Like they all look like really sketch to me. And it's like, it's all the same
01:00:12call centers with the same billing companies. Not that they're bad. Some of the billing companies
01:00:16are great, but it's like a lot of these places use the same places to take payments and stuff
01:00:20because they provide those services. But then the consumer is like super frustrated. Like
01:00:24I got to fucking spend an hour just to cancel a membership, you know, and I only went in for this
01:00:29one scene that I wanted. I didn't want the whole site. Like, it's just kind of a pain in the ass
01:00:32to pay for porn. Yeah. You know? Yeah. And like only fans is like easy. So people just do it,
01:00:37you know? So like, let's make it a little nicer for the consumer. Let's make it friendlier to
01:00:42the studios and the performers and let's just fucking all band together. And yeah,
01:00:47we'll be happy. Well, that sounds amazing. I'm excited to see it launch and I wish you all the
01:00:57best on that. It's really, really cool. Thank you so much for coming on. It was really great to have
01:01:02you. Can you tell everyone where they can tell us your YouTube channel? Cause I don't think you
01:01:06plugged that yet. And then all your social media and all that stuff. Yeah. It's just Redhead
01:01:10Redemption on YouTube. And I am Paige J, Paige with an I on Twitter and Instagram,
01:01:15but you go to my YouTube channel. It's better. Go to your YouTube channel. And then your website
01:01:20is V as in Victor, U-L-I. Just Vuli like Huli from Silicon Valley, but Vuli, V-U-L-I.
01:01:27I only knew cause I was looking at the back of your phone, which has the name on it, which.
01:01:31Yeah. I'm wearing a necklace that's got Vuli on it. I noticed that as well. You're all about the
01:01:34branding girl. I love it. Try, try. Awesome. Awesome. Well, it sounds really, really cool.
01:01:39And I'm excited to see, I'm excited to see where you take it to the moon.
01:01:46Awesome. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. You can follow me on Instagram and on Twitter
01:01:51at Holly Randall. And if you want to support this podcast, you can go to
01:01:56slash Holly Randall and filtered. If you want to support my new art book project,
01:02:00you can go to slash Holly Randall art. I'm really excited about that. I did my
01:02:06first shoot for that with Emily Bloom a couple of weeks ago. I am going to be posting the pictures
01:02:11in the next couple of days. It came out amazing. And then obviously you can always go to Holly as well. Thank you guys so much. We'll see you next week.
