MI5. Spooks S05 E06 - Hostage Takers. Part 1

  • 3 months ago
00:00Selling nuclear power to an Arab state.
00:10A lot of people are going to be against this, including our cousins in Tel Aviv.
00:14We've had a lot of pretty heated debates about it in cabinet.
00:17I can imagine.
00:18It was worse, believe me.
00:21But the prime minister's determined to make it happen.
00:23What about the public?
00:24We managed to sell them a war based on a fairy tale.
00:27Half a million of them marched against it.
00:29And they didn't judge a thing.
00:32At least this will actually be for their benefit.
00:34People can be surprisingly open minded when it comes to making sure their cars don't run dry.
00:39Still, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes once you announce the deal.
00:43We're trying to guarantee the economic stability of a whole generation.
00:48It's worth a fight.
00:49Well, if you insist on sticking with this democracy concept...
00:54Without a credible opposition, I think we've got the best of both worlds, don't you?
00:58Thank you, Daniel.
01:00But our countries will be stronger for it.
01:02From your lips to God's ears, Mr. Ambassador.
01:17Thank you, Daniel.
01:19But our countries will be stronger for it.
01:22From your lips to God's ears, Mr. Ambassador.
01:28From your lips to God's ears.
01:59Intruders! Intruders on Pier 6!
02:01Operate now!
02:08Please, help me!
02:10Stop, please!
02:28Please, help me!
02:33Get the fuck to Helena!
02:47I'm on my way in.
03:08What are you doing up?
03:10Go on.
03:12Go back to bed. Go on. There's a call for you.
03:14All right. I'll be up in a minute.
03:16Thanks, Jenny.
03:18Another software emergency?
03:20Yeah, system's down again.
03:21I can't do this any longer.
03:24What were you talking about?
03:27I mean, come on, Adam, I'm not stupid. Software specialist.
03:30There isn't a single programming book in the house.
03:32You only have one laptop and none of the toys I'd expect a real computer geek to have.
03:36You wake up in the middle of the night screaming like a man on fire.
03:39You leave at the drop of a hat.
03:40And the worst part of it is how you keep Wes at bay
03:42when all he wants is to be with you.
03:45I don't know what the hell you're involved in and I don't want to know.
03:47Part of me wants to call social services for Wes's sake.
03:50But then I see that when you are around,
03:52you're a great dad.
03:54When you're around.
03:55Jenny, everything's fine, OK?
03:56Enough, Adam.
03:57Enough lies.
03:59Look, there really is an emergency and I really do have to go.
04:02We can talk about this when I get back, all right?
04:04You won't have called social services by then, will you?
04:16Crime squad, boys, isn't good.
04:18The inside of the containers were a mess.
04:19Food, water bottles, what you'd expect.
04:21Nothing significant yet.
04:22Make sure forensics let us know the minute they've got something.
04:25Zath, anything from the roadblocks?
04:27Yeah, the police have mobilised everyone they can.
04:29There are too many roads to cover, given the amount of time that's passed.
04:31Yeah, I'm still here.
04:33GCHQ's going through all the recent chatter
04:35to see if the name of the port of entry or the ship comes up.
04:37What about the watch list?
04:39I'm just getting it updated. I'll have it to you in ten minutes.
04:50Can I help you with something?
04:52We're having some kind of mystical revelation.
04:54Well, an update would be welcome.
04:58Well, since the last time you asked,
05:00which was all of seven minutes ago,
05:02we're still running the faces through facial recognition.
05:06They were wearing hats.
05:08Well, that is unusual, in a dockyard.
05:10Well, that explains it.
05:12We're working on some filtering tweaks to try and see their faces more clearly.
05:14We've got them on bloody tape,
05:16and this is before they blow themselves up for once,
05:18so can we please try and do something with that little stroke of luck?
05:21It only happened three hours ago.
05:23We've got them on bloody tape. Tell me something uplifting.
05:25The best I can do right now is bleak.
05:27Do your worst.
05:29I've spoken to a couple of mates in Special Ops.
05:31They confirm what we've been thinking.
05:33These men are trained. Military.
05:35Add to that the fact that the container they were in
05:37was taken on board in Casablanca
05:39and booked by a shipping company in Beirut and...
05:41Well, they weren't sneaked in here to pick cockle shells.
05:44What about the weapons they used?
05:46The guard was hit four times.
05:48Automatic pistol, nine millimetre.
05:51He didn't even flinch.
06:05Great to see you back.
06:09You look really well.
06:11Oh, for God's sake, Harry, you haven't been this nice to me since you tried to seduce me.
06:15I don't need your pity.
06:17Well, in that case, the entire security service is on high alert.
06:19We might have time to babysit a few Saudis just because they're...
06:21Harry, this is not a request. I'm not saying please.
06:23You know your orders. Just get on with them.
06:25Six are sending Neil Sternan over.
06:27He's been running with this in Saudi.
06:29Try not to make him feel too uncomfortable.
06:31I'll make sure he gets a call in the office
06:33and book him a foot massage, shall I?
06:36It's good to see you.
06:45We're going to sell nuclear plants to the Saudis?
06:47The Saudis have oil right now, but it's going to run out,
06:49and they're desperate for an alternative source of energy for when it does.
06:52You're forgetting one small detail.
06:54We're talking about Saudi Arabia here.
06:56It's hardly the most stable place on the planet.
06:58What if bin Laden's merry men decide to overthrow the royal family
07:01after we give them the plutonium?
07:03I mean, he's been pretty vocal about it being his main aim in life.
07:06The plants will be built in the desert, far from cities,
07:08and they'll have fail-safes guarded by the British army.
07:10Oh, well, that solves everything, because if the regime is overthrown,
07:13a battalion of Her Majesty's Fusiliers is going to make a real difference.
07:16I can't imagine the Israelis will be too thrilled either.
07:18The main points of the deal are already in place.
07:21These four Saudi princes are flying in tomorrow to sort out the fine print.
07:25What does that have to do with us? Their special branch look after them.
07:27Six think one of them may be providing information and funding to al-Qaeda.
07:31They've been able to trace payments made to the terrorists
07:34back to accounts linked to one of these four.
07:36They're just unable to pinpoint which one of them is involved.
07:38This is perfect. Why don't we just FedEx a couple of nukes over to Tora Bora
07:41and serve ourselves years of hassle?
07:43They're in town for 48 hours,
07:44and the Foreign Office need to know who the sympathiser is before they close the deal.
07:47We need to close this deal before anybody else does.
07:49I don't see why you're so against it.
07:53It'll help show commitment to the Arab world, show we support our friends out there.
07:56Our friends are unelected dictators who are hanging on to power by their fingernails.
07:59What, you'd rather sell nuclear plants to Hamas?
08:01Sooner or later, the royal family's going to fall.
08:03Why do you think they've been buying up half of Beirut?
08:05The very fact that they want to be our allies means it's almost impossible for them to survive.
08:08We can't just throw in the towel and not support them as long as they're in power.
08:11All right, well, you won't mind taking care of this, then?
08:14We've got six terrorists on the loose, remember?
08:15What makes you think I'd rather deal with this?
08:17One of us has to deal with this, Ros, and as far as I'm concerned,
08:19having suicidal wackos running around should be top priority!
08:30Do you two need a few minutes?
08:32No, we're all sorted.
08:33No, we are not all sorted.
08:34Have you met Ros Myers?
08:35Hi. Harry's brought us up to speed.
08:37I'm sorry, we don't have more to go with.
08:39It's getting harder and harder for us to operate in the desert.
08:41The Americans aren't too keen on us snooping on their coveted friends.
08:44We'll do better with a home advantage.
08:46Yeah, I'm sure you will.
08:50Their being here is an opportunity for us to get a closer look at them
08:53without worrying about our CIA big brothers.
08:56But they're only here in the UK for two days to secure the deal.
09:02Now, if we can gain access to their phones and laptops,
09:05we can plant some trackers, maybe open some back doors.
09:08And what are our options?
09:09Very limited.
09:10We've been able to get hold of their schedule. It's pretty solid.
09:13Meetings with the Foreign Office, the PM, a visit to two nuclear plants,
09:16formal lunches and dinners every night,
09:18plus they're hosting a reception at the Saudi Trade Centre on Friday night.
09:21Doesn't leave us much room for manoeuvre.
09:24They're being very well looked after.
09:26They still like to party, don't they?
09:31I don't need to remind you two that we need to tread carefully.
09:34We don't want a diplomatic meltdown on our hands.
09:37No pun intended.
09:38I think I'm going to need a few new outfits.
09:51How long's it been? Three years?
09:53Five. It was Beirut.
10:02Look, I'm sorry about Fiona.
10:05I'm sorry about Fiona.
10:08Despite our differences, she was very special.
10:16How are you getting on with Roz?
10:18She's all set to get in there and find our man.
10:21Just so we can sell nuclear technology to the Arabs.
10:24How insane can you get?
10:26But then you're probably OK with that.
10:28Actually, I'm not too keen on the idea either.
10:31What, you?
10:32The great Arab apologist changing his tune?
10:38Of course.
10:39Now you've seen firsthand what these savages are capable of.
10:42It has nothing to do with Fiona's death.
10:46Does it?
10:48Look, just because I don't want an unstable regime
10:50getting their hands on nuclear technology
10:52doesn't mean I'm as big a fan of Israeli policy as you are.
10:55And what do you think our policy would be
10:57if we had July 7th every week?
11:03Harry, I need backup. The Prince is only here for two days.
11:06I'm sorry, Roz, I really can't spare anyone.
11:08And all the other sections are also using up anyone available.
11:10The terrorists have to be our number one priority.
11:12You'll just have to do what you can.
11:14Shall we?
11:21Oh, what a beauty.
11:30late 70s.
11:31See that?
11:33It's a motion sensor. Saves battery.
11:35It's one of the few missing from my collection.
11:37You're in heaven, aren't you, Malcolm?
11:39Well, look at them.
11:41Marvels of craftsmanship.
11:43Minuscule testimony to the boundless ingenuity of man.
11:47OK, you're scaring me now.
11:50Oh, what?
11:51Out with the old,
11:53in with the new.
11:56There he is. His name's Feroz Ali.
11:58How long has he been on the terrorist watch list?
12:00Three years.
12:02When was he turned?
12:04After July 7th, he couldn't cope. He came to us.
12:07Let me handle this. I'm breaking with our usual meeting routine.
12:10It'll spook him.
12:17I'm sorry.
12:19I'm sorry.
12:21I'm sorry.
12:23I'm sorry.
12:34We need to talk, Feroz.
12:36You're not supposed to come here. We've got nothing to talk about.
12:38Hey, listen to me.
12:40Listen, I just want to talk to you, that's all.
12:42I haven't done anything, all right?
12:43I'm not saying you have done anything. I just need to talk to you.
12:45We need your help. Is there somewhere we can talk?
12:47I can't help you. I don't know anything, all right?
12:49They'll kill me. These people aren't stupid.
12:51You know you've got people glassing on them.
12:53I've risked my life for you before. I'm not going to do it again, all right?
12:55This isn't... I can't. I'm not going to...
13:01What do you want?
13:03Last night, six men were caught coming into the country illegally.
13:06I want to know what they're planning and when they're planning on doing it.
13:09Ask around. Talk to your little friends. But get me something.
13:12Anything goes off. Anything at all.
13:14We've got blocked bookings to a new place that makes Guantanamo look like spearmint or olive.
13:29What the hell is wrong with you?
13:33I don't know. Sometimes it just feels like we're wasting our time.
13:39I've just got a lead from customs in Folkestone.
13:42The manifest of the ship's container was deleted from the harbourmaster's computer and there's no paper copy.
13:47The name of the officer on duty last night was Renko Prosnick and he's got a gambling problem.
13:52Can you get me Prosnick's address?
13:53It's on its way to your handset now.
13:58Got it. Thanks. We're splitting up.
14:02Go on.
14:18I'll take care of it.
14:21See you then.
14:28What's the news?
14:29There's an emergency. They're looking for us.
14:32At work?
14:33Of course not. We've got to get out of here.
14:38They're looking for us. We've got to finish everything tonight.
14:41Got it?
14:44Let's go.
14:47Let's go.
15:18Jo, you got a description of Prosnick?
15:20Yeah. Here we go.
15:23He's white, five foot seven, early fifties, balding.
15:28I've got a suspect coming out of his house heading towards Cheapstead Road.
15:31I'm going after him. Get back up to go and check out Prosnick's house.
15:47Let's go.
16:17Come on.
16:47Come on.
17:17Come on.
18:17Oh, no.
18:42Oh, no.
18:48Oh, no.
18:55Is everything all right?
18:56My system's frozen.
18:59Have you tried running a redraft protocol?
19:01It won't let me. It's completely jammed.
19:04What were you running?
19:06Um, face recognition with beta update.
19:09It's probably overloaded the operating system.
19:11You might have to go for a total reboot.
19:13If I do that, I'll have to run the program from the beginning.
19:20Let me try something. May I?
19:37This could take a few minutes.
19:39Oh, knock yourself out.
19:40I'm going to get myself a coffee. Do you want one?
19:42Only if it's from the canteen. That muck there is pure poison.
19:46You're being generous.
20:31What are you doing?
20:32Just making sure none of the other programs were corrupting the system.
20:36The recognition software was the only program running when it crashed.
20:40Yes, I know that.
20:41But I had to make sure the other programs are shutting down correctly to isolate the problem.
20:46I think I'd better get this checked out properly.
20:48Don't do that.
20:49Why? Why not?
20:55Sally, you've only been here a short while, right?
21:00And you were brought in after the whole Ruth Ever shared affair?
21:05Yes. Why?
21:09What I'm about to tell you falls under your secrecy oath.
21:11You're not to discuss this with anyone in this department. Are we clear?
21:15What are you talking about?
21:16Are we clear, yes or no?
21:18Yes, we're clear, but...
21:19I'm working for the Attorney General. We're running an internal investigation.
21:25Found any matches yet?
21:26No, nothing yet.
21:29All right.
21:34Who are you investigating?
21:35Harry Pearce and Adam Carter.
21:37And their links to Ruth Evershed and the Cotterdam scandal.
21:44I need you to keep quiet about this, Sally. We'll talk later.
21:49Thanks for the coffee.
22:02Is this your legend?
22:05Amanda Lowry, hotel's guest services supremo.
22:09The girl that usually looks after those visiting her sick mother.
22:11Let me guess, in Dorset?
22:13No, Sydney, actually. Couldn't get on a plane fast enough.
22:16She usually gets them everything they need, and I do mean everything.
22:21So who shall we start with, then?
22:24These two. Prince Wissam, one of the King's favourites.
22:28Shrewd investor, tough negotiator, but a bit of a mystery as to where his heart lies.
22:33And Prince Khaldun, rumoured to have the old man's ear,
22:37openly enjoys the trappings of the Western world,
22:40but is on the record as having resentment towards the West over its treatment of the Palestinians.
22:44Well, I don't remember the Saudis ever lifting a finger to help them.
22:48That's one of the main arguments Bin Laden uses to demonise the royal family.
22:53Good luck.
22:55The ultimate hands-free kit.
22:57Two-way communication. We can hear you perfectly,
23:00without ambient interference, through the microphone
23:03built into this stunning four-carat cubic zirconia.
23:06Every girl's dream.
23:08Works in conjunction with a one-millimetre microchip in a saline solution.
23:13It's like a traditional bone-anchored hearing aid.
23:15I'll insert it next to the mastoid bone.
23:18The part of your skull directly behind your ear.
23:21Malcolm, I hate needles.
23:23Be brave.
23:27Sound vibrations pass directly to the cochlea,
23:31bypassing the middle and outer ear.
23:37You'll be able to hear us perfectly, and no-one else will.
23:41And what about the Prince's computers?
23:43Ah. You'll need to replace their computer's hard drive with this.
23:46This will give us complete remote access to their data without them knowing it.
23:50How am I going to distract them?
23:52Concentrated gamma-hydroxybutyrate,
23:55otherwise known as liquid ecstasy, in its more mundane form.
23:58From your former raving days, no doubt.
24:00Well, this stuff is slightly different. It goes straight to the right person,
24:03because it's the only way to communicate.
24:05It's the only way to communicate.
24:07From your former raving days, no doubt.
24:09Well, this stuff is slightly different.
24:11It goes straight to the right person, because it's the only way to communicate.
24:14See, two drops of this can knock them out for half an hour.
24:17As they wake up, you can suggest anything you want,
24:20and they'll believe it really happened.
24:23And to think it's burned.
24:58The MI5 watch list?
25:00You did well.
25:02I agreed to keep you informed about what was going on.
25:05Don't ask me to do something like this again. It's too dangerous.
25:08Believe me, the last thing we want is to lose an asset like you.
25:13They've turned a few of them.
25:15That will make it easier for me to distract your colleagues.
25:18Use the ones on the list closest to the informants.
25:21This way they'll be sure to pick up on it.
25:29Anything changes, let me know.
25:32What are you doing?
26:05What are you doing?
26:38Jenny, I'm sorry.
26:42Too late.
26:44Tell Wes I'll be around to say goodbye.
26:47I work for the British Security Services.
26:52I'm a spy.
26:54Jenny, look, I was going to tell you eventually, I promise.
27:00Have you had me checked out?
27:11Now I feel sick.
27:12It's my job.
27:13You know all about me, but I know nothing about you.
27:15It's not really fair, is it?
27:17Sorry, but it's not like I read your diary or anything.
27:19It's just facts and figures.
27:20The service turns its eye on you, clicks once,
27:22stamps your file and moves on, that's it.
27:24Your wife, is she really dead?
27:29How did she die?
27:33Fiona was shot.
27:35Were you there?
27:38We were on an operation together.
27:40She died in my arms.
27:44Is that what your nightmares are about?
27:48Yes, partly.
27:56In the dreams, I'm dying, but that's...
27:58It's not... It's not what it's about.
28:03I'm worried about Wes.
28:06I'm somewhere far away and...
28:09I'm trying to get home, but it's...
28:11I'm hurt and I'm bleeding.
28:16I'm far away.
28:23But if you...
28:25If you still want to leave, I understand.
28:31I'd really like you to stay.
28:35Let's talk about it more in the morning.
28:39Thank you.
28:47No! Wes!
28:53I can't... I can't...
28:56Adam. Adam! Adam, wake up!
28:58Adam, it's Jenny! Adam!
29:01It's me, it's me.
29:02It's me.
29:03It's me.
29:04It's OK.
29:05It's OK. It's OK.
29:07You're alive.
29:09We're the same.
29:11It's OK.
29:12It's OK.
29:17It's OK.
29:24It's OK.
29:34It's OK.
30:04It's OK.
30:37I've got to go to work.
30:40I should probably make you breakfast or something.
30:44I'm fine.
30:46Don't worry, go home.
30:49I've got to get Wes up anyway.
30:57I'll see you when I get back.
31:06Mr Wise.
31:07I know you had secret meetings with the Saudi ambassador.
31:10Who is this?
31:11Call off the nuclear deal.
31:12How did you get this number?
31:14Do you consider yourself a good Jew, Mr Wise?
31:17Who the hell are you?
31:18A good Jew wouldn't put his people at risk.
31:20I'm not putting anyone at risk.
31:21I could have you arrested for this.
31:23We would like you to reconsider your position on this issue.
31:27I'm not putting anyone at risk.
31:29I could have you arrested for this.
31:30We would like you to reconsider your position on this issue.
31:35Who's we?
31:36Reconsider your position, Minister, before it's too late.
31:49He's a big boy.
31:55Accents say yes.
31:56Nothing but the best.
31:59Sorry I can't be with you.
32:00Don't worry, Neil.
32:01We'll do your dirty work for you.
32:03Good luck.
32:04Owen Ross?
32:06Watch the minders.
32:08They might get overly ambitious with your body search.
32:10Oh, I can't wait.
32:24Minister Wise?
32:26Who is this?
32:27Have you thought about my request to stop the nuclear deal?
32:30You could go to jail for this, you know.
32:33Answer my question.
32:36I'm warning you, if you don't stop this harassment, I'll have you found and locked up.
32:41We need you to reconsider your position, Minister, before it's too late.
32:45Think of your children.
32:47Are you threatening me?
32:48I believe the threat was addressed at your children.
33:04I have no doubts.
33:06The government continues to kill Muslims in Iraq.
33:10The people elected the government.
33:12They are responsible for the deaths of our brothers and sisters.
33:15Our words are dead until we give them life with our blood.
33:22Are you ready now to forsake everything for what you believe?
33:26We're at war.
33:28And I'm ready.
33:29Everything for what you believe.
33:31We're at war.
33:33And I'm a soldier.
33:35Very well.
33:37I have everything you need.
33:38The targets, the equipment.
33:41I just need you to be ready to undertake your mission.
33:43And to find me three other brothers who are ready for the final sacrifice.
33:47When will this happen?
33:50Our enemies are everywhere.
33:51We need to move very quickly.
33:54How quickly?
33:56Friday night.
34:00Have you enough time to find three other martyrs?
34:04I can find you a hundred.
34:13Use this from now on.
34:15It's safe.
34:30Friday night.
34:43Did you say this was taken yesterday?
34:47What do you think, Harry? Should I be worried?
34:50You knew this deal would be unpopular.
34:52Yes, but we have to make it happen.
34:55It's the perfect barter deal.
34:56We get our oil guaranteed for the next 20 years at a pre-agreed price.
35:01They get nuclear power when their oil runs out.
35:04Ten years from now,
35:06when oil's $500 a barrel and they're burning cars in every capital in Europe,
35:09we'll look back on this,
35:11and thank God we had a government with the vision and courage to do this deal.
35:15That's one outcome.
35:17The other is that fanatics take over Saudi Arabia
35:19after we've shipped over enough enriched plutonium to make a hundred bombs.
35:23We're not the only ones chasing this.
35:24The Americans are selling nuclear technology to India,
35:27which isn't exactly a Shangri-La of social harmony either.
35:31Everyone's ready to do whatever it takes to secure their oil flow.
35:35The French, the Germans, the Russians,
35:36they're all courting the Saudis as we speak.
35:39If someone's going to flog them nuclear plants, it might as well be us.
35:42And yes, of course, some people are going to be against it.
35:45The question is,
35:47to what lengths are they prepared to go?
35:48They threatened my family, Harry, my children.
35:51Can you protect me?
35:52You're a public figure.
35:53I can give you round-the-clock security,
35:55put a tap on your lines, try and run a trade...
35:57I don't want to do a Rusty.
35:59I didn't think you did.
36:01If I withdraw my support,
36:02the opposition will seize the momentum and we'll lose the deal.
36:04I can't do that to the Prime Minister or to the country.
36:07Nor should you have to.
36:09I'll arrange your security.
36:10Don't let it get to you.
36:11We'll get the bastards.
36:22We'll get the bastards.
36:48What were you doing on my computer, Neil?
36:52I didn't download this.
37:23Good afternoon.
37:24If you'd like to follow me...
37:46I don't think so.
37:47Not if you want to keep your job.
37:53Everything was perfect.
37:57Thank you.
38:08Forgive me.
38:09That's no trouble.
38:11I understand you're not here solely for entertainment.
38:14A common misconception.
38:16So, where were we?
38:18Well, I think we're just about done, actually.
38:20I just wanted to make sure you had everything you wanted.
38:22I did promise Elvira I'd look after you.
38:24Thank you.
38:25I think I have everything I need.
38:27Are you sure?
38:28Because whatever it is, I can...
38:30You are very kind.
38:31Thank you.
38:37Nice boat.
38:40I bought one just this morning.
38:42It's gorgeous.
38:46Do you know what?
38:47We actually had a client staying here a few days ago
38:49who does the interiors for jets and yachts.
38:51He doesn't want anyone to know this,
38:53but he's actually just done Bill Gates' new jet
38:55and George Clooney's yacht.
38:57You should see his work.
38:58It is amazing, I tell you.
39:01I could show you his website, if you like.
39:03Would you like to see it?
39:10Oh, well, that's a bit embarrassing.
39:13Battery's gone dead.
39:15I really want you to see this.
39:16I'm so sorry, but do you have access to the internet here?
39:20Just a moment, okay?
39:22I'm so sorry to trouble you.
39:26Malcolm, I need an incredible website address now.
39:30I'm on it.
39:43His card should be...
39:46in my bag somewhere.
39:52Oh, I know. It'll be on my blackberry, won't it?
39:54This bag is such a mess.
39:56I'm telling you, I was going to clean it out,
39:58but it just gets worse.
40:09Go to Tribaldidesign.com.
40:11The designer you're pushing is Enrico Tribaldi.
40:14Enrico Tribaldi, that's it.
40:18And he is at Tribaldidesign.com.
40:27Here's to safe sailing.
40:45You said on the phone you had something for me.
40:48My friend's name is Hassan Khan.
40:50I don't know the name of the man
40:51who's asked him to put together his team,
40:53but he's not from here.
40:54Where's he from?
40:55I don't know.
40:56He said the man told him he'd just arrived in England
40:58and there would be many more like Hassan.
41:01When's his flight?
41:02Tomorrow night.
41:05I'm sorry.
41:07I'm sorry.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:11I'm sorry.
41:13If the guy who recruited Khan
41:14is one of the six who was seen at Folkestone,
41:16and if he's asked Khan to find him three others,
41:18well, if each of the six have done that...
41:20We're looking at 24 potential bombers.
41:22In one night.
41:23The Armageddon scenario.
41:24We know how they work.
41:25No cell will know about any other.
41:27Should we issue a public alert?
41:28We'd gain nothing by doing that.
41:29It would just drive the bombers into hiding.
41:31They'd wait till things calmed down.
41:32What do we know about Khan's cell?
41:35He lives with his family in Surbiton.
41:43We're looking for Hassan Khan.
41:46Go through the place with a fine tooth comb.
41:50Now, this little lady's very special.
41:52We thought you might like her.
41:53Big on yoga, very bendy.
41:55Imagine the possibilities.
41:58Now, I've got a DVD of her.
42:00Well, she's nice.
42:01Tell her to come too.
42:03But tell me,
42:06what about you?
42:07What about me?
42:08What about me?
42:09But tell me,
42:11what about you?
42:17Your Highness, I work for you.
42:21This wasn't in the script.
42:24I can be very generous.
42:25I'm sure you can.
42:29The thing is...
42:35Well, the truth is,
42:37I've done things in my past that I'm not particularly proud of.
42:43With other women.
42:46Tell me more.
42:48I can't believe I'm telling you this.
42:54Some of it's even on film.
42:58Can I see them?
42:59No, no.
43:00Come on.
43:02Well, there is one website that still has it.
43:05God knows why.
43:06Please tell me you don't have a computer with you.
43:09One moment.
43:25You'll be more comfortable in here.
43:27I told you, Your Highness, I prefer women.
43:30I can think of a few ways to make you change your mind.
43:33A hundred thousand ways.
43:47I'm sure this isn't a very good idea.
43:54I am.
44:03I've raided Hassan Khan's house.
44:06I need the map of the CCTV camera positions
44:08to make sure they can identify him when he turns up.
44:11I'll send it through as soon as we get it.
44:16That thing you mentioned yesterday, I'm not very comfortable with it.
44:19You said this is for the Attorney General?
44:22I'd just like to know more about exactly who has sanctioned this
44:24and who I can talk to about it,
44:26because I don't like working in the dark.
44:29I'll fill you in on everything as soon as I get clearance.
44:44Let's go, baby.
44:50Oh, my God.
44:55His pulse. How fast is pulse?
44:57Malcolm, he's tracking on it.
45:00Maybe he's allergic to the drug.
45:01Maybe he's taking some medication that's reacting badly with it.
45:04Malcolm, what do I do?
45:06Er, check out the room.
45:07Drawers, cupboards, anything.
45:13Look in his briefcase.
45:14Maybe he's got some prescription drugs.
45:21Phenidrine, Bacillium, Ploxenil.
45:24Ploxenil, that's the one.
45:25Oh, he's got a heart.
45:26Now, now, why did no-one tell me about that?
45:28Malcolm, what do I do?
45:31All right, he needs sugar, lots of sugar.
45:33Er, lemonade, anything with lots of sugar.
45:35It'll neutralise the acidic reaction.
45:46Drink, drink.
45:51Prince Khaldun, is everything all right?
45:53Prince Khaldun, is everything all right?
45:59OK, let's go.
46:08Could we have a little privacy, please?
46:13I've seen enough, boys.
46:15Oh, bloody hell.
46:19Roz, I really think you should get out of there.
46:22We've got nothing on him, Malcolm.
46:24What's he doing tomorrow night?
46:26He's down to attend a reception at the Trade Centre.
46:28Oh, great. Look, he's coming round.
46:31Remember, he'll be suggestible for about 30 seconds.
46:33OK, right.
46:38I've got to go.
46:39OK, right.
46:43That was just...
46:49No, no, no, I have to go,
46:51but I'll see you tomorrow night at the reception.
46:54What reception?
46:55Tomorrow night.
46:57You invited me to a reception at the Trade Centre.
47:01Oh, great.
47:04I'll see you there.
47:07Oh, great.
47:10I look forward to it.
47:17We've been through Khan's computer.
47:18This is where he was Googling last night.
47:20West End nightclubs.
47:21Yeah, where the heathens play. He checked out six of them.
47:24We're picking up increased chatter, references to Friday.
47:27Besides Khan, three more of my assets have gone missing.
47:29Why weren't they watched?
47:30They were. We had all the surveillance teams we could out there,
47:32but there were too many of them.
47:33At least we know the possible targets.
47:34They can't be used as bait. They have to be told.
47:36No, we can't go public with the information.
47:38They'll just attack somewhere else.
47:39We have CCTV surveillance and eyes on the ground.
47:42We'll have to use them to try and take out the bombs.
47:44I'm not letting Armageddon happen.
47:45I want every police officer, every traffic warden,
47:47every camera, every snitch, everything we've got,
47:49I want totally focused on the target locations.
47:51Find them and stop them.
47:57They'll be looking for backpacks.
47:58With these, you'll go unnoticed.
48:01You need to arrive to your targets early, when it's quiet.
48:04Once you're inside, you choose your place carefully.
48:09You understand?
48:14Alla ma'ana.
48:34Alla ma'ana.
49:27Okay, all clear.
49:28All clear.
49:53We've got one.
49:55Who is it?
49:56Hassan Khan.
49:59Joe in cross.
50:02He's going to the Corvette.
50:03Zak, let's go.
50:04Joe, tell the SFOs to hold off until the last minute.
50:06We have to find the others.
50:29What are you doing?
50:37Thank you.
50:58Thank you.
51:29What are you doing?
51:41Have any others been sighted?
51:43One more at Horton.
51:44Where's Khan?
51:45He's very near the club.
51:46The SFOs have visual contact and are awaiting your arrival.
51:50He's ahead of us.
51:58He's ahead of us.
51:59He's ahead of us.
52:00He's ahead of us.
52:01He's ahead of us.
52:02He's ahead of us.
52:03He's ahead of us.
52:04He's ahead of us.
52:05He's ahead of us.
52:06He's ahead of us.
52:07He's ahead of us.
52:08He's ahead of us.
52:09He's ahead of us.
52:10He's ahead of us.
52:11He's ahead of us.
52:12He's ahead of us.
52:13He's ahead of us.
52:14He's ahead of us.
52:15He's ahead of us.
52:16He's ahead of us.
52:17He's ahead of us.
52:18He's ahead of us.
52:19He's ahead of us.
52:20He's ahead of us.
52:21He's ahead of us.
52:22He's ahead of us.
52:23He's ahead of us.
52:24He's ahead of us.
52:25He's ahead of us.
52:26He's ahead of us.
52:27He's ahead of us.
52:28He's ahead of us.
52:29He's ahead of us.
52:30He's ahead of us.
52:31He's ahead of us.
52:32He's ahead of us.
52:33He's ahead of us.
52:34He's ahead of us.
52:35He's ahead of us.
52:36He's ahead of us.
52:37He's ahead of us.
52:38He's ahead of us.
52:39He's ahead of us.
52:40He's ahead of us.
52:41He's ahead of us.
52:42He's ahead of us.
52:43He's ahead of us.
52:44He's ahead of us.
52:45He's ahead of us.
52:46He's ahead of us.
52:47He's ahead of us.
52:48He's ahead of us.
52:49He's ahead of us.
52:50He's ahead of us.
52:51He's ahead of us.
52:53Don't do this.
52:58You don't have to do this.
53:18Just take her.
53:21Please don't do this.
53:28Adam, stay back.
53:57It's Putty.
54:00It's what?
54:02It's just Putty.