Tintin - The Calculus Affair Part 1 (Teks Indonesia)

  • 3 months ago


01:00Oh, Snowy, will you let go of that?
01:45Take a whiff of that fine fresh air.
01:49Such peace.
01:51I'll be a countryman from now on. I've had enough of careering around the world.
02:01Do you really prefer this to a stiff sea breeze?
02:05Absolutely. Nothing like a walk to put you to rights.
02:09A pity Cuthbert couldn't come with us.
02:11Yes. I wonder what Professor Calculus is brewing up for us this time.
02:16He's been submerged from his lab for three months.
02:23I think we'd better get back to Marlin, Spike Captain, and fast.
02:29Now where's Snowy gone?
02:36Snowy! Snowy!
03:13By the whiskers of Corvitage, a machine!
03:21I'll take care of the Professor. You deal with the others.
03:27With pleasure.
03:40Thank you, Nestor.
03:43What a storm.
03:45Feels safe and cozy in here.
03:56Blistering barnacles! Are you all right?
03:59I'm okay. But I don't get it.
04:02The window shattered after the thunder struck.
04:05You're right.
04:09Did you see that? Absolutely incredible!
04:13Yes. I've never seen anything like it.
04:18Hello, Cutlet.
04:20No, madam.
04:21Cuts the Butcher is O-O-O-4-3-1.
04:26And you ought to know that it is extremely dangerous to telephone during a thunderstorm.
04:37Billions of blistering, bilious blue barnacles!
04:51Thundering typhoons. That's all we needed.
04:58Ten thousand thundering typhoons! Now what?
05:07Blue billions of blue blistering!
05:10Who are you? And what do you want?
05:13Ah, the lights.
05:15Ah, that's a long story, old boy.
05:17There I was, driving along when, crack, my windshield shattered.
05:22Jolly and I said to myself, Jolly and Wag, that's my name.
05:25Jolly and I said, aren't you lucky to be right near such a lovely house to take shelter in?
05:30Yeah, lucky.
05:32Ah, a little tiff with the wife, eh?
05:35Wife? No, it was the lightning.
05:38Lightning? And I'll bet you weren't insured.
05:42Well, lucky for you that Jolly and Wag of the Rock Bottom Insurance Company dropped in.
05:47Ah, I'll soon have you fixed up with a neat little policy.
05:52How kind.
05:53I don't stand on ceremony, you know. Never a dull moment with me around.
05:57Yes, indeedy, you bet.
05:59Yeah, I'll bet.
06:01You know, I take after my Uncle Anatole.
06:04What a scream! You should have seen your face when...
06:09Did you see that? I must be on my way. I've wasted quite enough time here anyway. Goodbye.
06:23By the whiskers of curvy Dash!
06:57That sounded like a gunshot. Outside.
07:01Thundering typhoons. Cuthbert!
07:11Professor, is everything all right?
07:14No, I promise you, not a single drop.
07:17Allow me, Professor.
07:20Oh, a hole. Terrible, the moths this year.
07:25It really was a gunshot.
07:27Who's the scoundrel who would...
07:30Snowy must have found something.
07:34Thundering typhoons. Is he...
07:37No, he's alive. We'd better contact the police.
07:42I'll take care of it. You stay here with him.
07:47You'll be all right.
07:50What happened? Where's that scoundrel disappeared to?
08:19Gone. He had an accomplice. What about the police?
08:24Couldn't phone. Lines cut.
08:27Now what?
08:29Mercy. Have pity.
08:32Blistering barnacles. Come out of there or I'll shoot.
08:35Please don't hurt me. I'm just a simple fellow.
08:38What in blazes are you doing down there?
08:41I was hiding. Someone took a shot at me. I was just walking along when bang!
08:46So I said to myself, Jolien, someone's trying to kill you.
09:16Look at my bathroom!
09:20Hurry! Come look! Look at my bathroom!
09:28Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my.
09:32I don't know how it happened.
09:35I was driving along as usual when zing! Crash!
09:45Who turned out the lights?
09:48Thompson and Thompson.
09:50Hello, Tintin. We've come to warn you.
09:52Bordurian agents are at large in these parts.
09:55Precisely. Large agents are bordering around these parts.
10:00That explains some things, but I still don't understand...
10:03Hello, Cuthbert.
10:05Oh, hello.
10:07Are you going away?
10:09Not at all. I'm just going away.
10:12I'm on my way to Geneva for a congress on nuclear physics.
10:16But you never mentioned it to me before.
10:18No, not knowing. Only two or three days. Must be going.
10:23I've just got time to catch the train.
10:26Well, there's one who'll never change.
10:29Funny though, he seems even more preoccupied than usual.
10:37Here he comes. Get ready.
10:45This time we've got him.
10:47Morning, Professor. Would you like a lift into the village?
10:50No, thanks. But if you could drop me in the village, I'd be happy.
10:54By the whiskers of curvy touch, fold again.
11:00You know, Captain, I've been thinking everything over.
11:03Ah, yes?
11:04Every time something shattered, Professor Calculus was working on it.
11:08I'm sure he's got a plan.
11:10I'm sure he's got a plan.
11:12I'm sure he's got a plan.
11:14Every time something shattered, Professor Calculus was working in his lab.
11:18And since he left for Geneva yesterday, nothing has happened.
11:24What's that funny smell?
11:26Smells like tobacco, that's all.
11:30But Calculus doesn't smoke.
11:32You're right.
11:45Hold it, you!
12:09What have you got there?
12:12What have you got there?
12:14A pack of cigarettes. It fell out of his pocket when Snowy ripped his coat.
12:18Funny-looking writing.
12:20Look at all that broken glass.
12:22Thundering typhoons. Cuthbert is the one who's doing...
12:25Captain, Hotel Cornevin, Geneva. Does that name mean anything to you?
12:30That's the hotel Cuthbert always stays in.
12:33The Professor's in danger.
12:41The Professor's in danger.
13:01Hello. We're friends of Professor Calculus. Is he staying here?
13:05Good day, gentlemen. Yes, he is.
13:08And you're in luck. His key isn't on the board, so he must be in his room.
13:13Would you call him for us, please?
13:22I'm sorry. There's no reply.
13:25He's a bit hard of hearing. We'll go up.
13:28He's in 122, fourth floor.
13:30Thank you.
13:38I know he's deaf, but this is ridiculous.
13:41Oh, dear. He must have gone out while my back was turned.
13:45I'm terribly sorry, gentlemen. You must have just missed each other.
13:49You have no idea where he might have gone?
13:52Hmm. He did ask me for the train timetables to Neon.
13:56And just before that, he said,
14:00You have no idea where he might have gone?
14:03Hmm. He did ask me for the train timetables to Neon.
14:07And just before that, he asked me for a phone number there.
14:11A Mr. Topolini or Topolino.
14:17Topo, Topolini, Topolino.
14:21Here it is.
14:23Topolino, 57 rue de Saint-Sergues, Neon.
14:27When is that train?
14:294.40. I'm afraid you're going to miss it.
14:32Uh-oh. Not a second to lose. Let's go.
14:40Hey, can't you watch where you're going?
14:42Are you suggesting it was my fault?
14:44What? You have a nerve insulting me, you blundering bargy.
14:49Me? A blundering bargy?
14:52I have millions of blistering blue barnacles.
14:55Please, Captain. We'll miss the train.
14:58Floundering oaf.
15:05Lucky for you, I'm in a hurry.
15:09Just wait till I see you.
15:16Driver, the train station and hurry.
15:23Did you notice?
15:25The man who tripped you was wearing the same overcoat
15:28as the man we found in the professor's lab
15:30and smoking the same brand of cigarettes.
15:53The driver.
15:55Snowy, they haven't come up.
16:07I couldn't see Snowy.
16:22There it is.
16:26Now that Tintin and his friend are out of the way,
16:30we can complete our mission.
16:33By the whiskers of Curvy Dash.
16:36It's them. They're alive.
16:40Run them down, Yuri.
16:57Hurry, Captain. I'm afraid we might be too late.
17:08Listen to that.
17:09Sounds like someone banging on a pipe.
17:13It's not locked.
17:17Mr. Topolino?
17:19Professor Calculus?
17:22Looks like there's no one home.
17:24And the sound has stopped.
17:51Great snakes. Who are you?
18:06Who am I?
18:08I'm Professor Topolino.
18:11Who are you?
18:13I'm Tintin, and this is Captain Haddock.
18:15We're friends of Professor Calculus.
18:17Calculus? That scoundrel.
18:20Calculus, a scoundrel?
18:22Sir, I refuse to allow...
18:24Yes, scoundrel and monster.
18:27He knocked me out, tied me up, and left me to rot.
18:31Two hours I've been here.
18:33Two hours?
18:34Then it couldn't possibly have been Calculus.
18:36Two hours ago, he was still in Geneva.
18:43I had a letter from Calculus
18:45telling me about his work on ultrasound,
18:47the field I specialize in.
18:49He asked if we could meet.
18:51He seemed alarmed by the results of his research.
18:53We had an appointment to meet today.
18:58Do you know this man?
19:00Never seen him.
19:02Who is it?
19:03The one and only Professor Calculus.
19:06But then...
19:07Then the man who knocked you out is an imposter.
19:11The same brand.
19:13Do you smoke, Professor?
19:15No, I don't.
19:16These belong to my assistant, Boris.
19:18He's gone home for a visit to Borduria.
19:21The Thompsons told us about agents.
19:24This is all beginning to make sense.
19:28Boris, are you sure the timing device hasn't stopped?
19:33It won't be long now.
19:37Your assistant must have contacted the Bordurian secret service
19:41and told them about Calculus coming to visit.
19:45One of their spies knocked you out
19:47and waited for the professor to arrive.
19:49Oh, I see how it happened.
19:54The trouble is, what have they done to Calculus?
20:05That's it.
20:06Now we'll rid of everybody at once.
20:22Over here.
20:29Are you hurt?
20:31Don't think so.
20:33Two more men.
20:35And a dog.
20:39Cuff burnt.
20:42How are the others?
20:44Nothing too serious.
20:46Mostly shock.
20:49Where's Snowy?
20:55Good boy.
21:04We are working an undercover mission here in Switzerland,
21:07looking for Haddock and Tintin.
21:09To be precise, we've been incognito
21:12to find Tintin and Haddock in Switzerland.
21:15I see.
21:16Come this way.
21:18My, how spotless you keep your floors.
21:22Absolutely shiny.
21:24Yes, it's just been waxed.
21:26Be careful.
21:31Professor Calculus, where have you been?
21:34Not at all.
21:35I simply missed my train.
21:37Great thundering typhoons, you're safe.
21:40You rascal, Cuff burnt.
21:42You had us in a right state.
21:44No, not at all.
21:48Your discovery must be very important, Professor.
21:51If the wrong people got hold of it,
21:53there could be disastrous effects on world peace.
21:56Right you are.
21:57I'd better be on my way.
21:59Things to do.
22:00I'll be back to see you later.
22:02Gentlemen, more visitors for you.
22:04Tobson and Tobson?
22:06Just wanted to check up on you.
22:08That's to say, have a check up on us.
