Tintin King Ottokars Sceptre Part 1

  • 3 months ago


01:36Looks like someone forgot their briefcase
01:40Professor Hector Alembic 24 flyaway Road, that's not far from here. I'd better take it back
01:56Here we are now where on earth could I have put it
02:03Come in hello, ah mrs. Piggott
02:08Just leave the mail on the table if you please it's not mrs. Piggott. My name's Tintin
02:13I found your briefcase in the park briefcase
02:21It's very kind of you ah
02:25It's my speech for the ISA convention tonight. I thought I'd lost it. What's the ISA?
02:32the International
02:34Sigillographical Association
02:36Sigillography is the official study of seals and stamps sounds interesting. Oh it is
02:43Let me show you my collection
02:48Some of these seals are many centuries old and each one has its own story to tell
02:55Seals are very rare these days
02:58People don't use them anymore
03:00I have traveled all over the world and met many fascinating people who also collect and trade these seals
03:07Building my collection has been a great joy over the years
03:12This is my prize specimen
03:15It's the seal of King Ottokar the fourth of Syldavia
03:19Only three have ever been found as a matter of fact. I leave for Syldavia tomorrow to study the other two
03:27Sounds great. Yes, but I still have a lot to do before I leave. I have to pack and give my speech
03:34My speech it's on your desk professor. I really must hire a secretary. I
03:41Don't suppose you'd be interested. I'm sorry professor, but I already have a job now if you'll excuse me
03:47I really should get going of course
03:51Good luck young man, and thank you again. Goodbye
04:02Poor professor Alembic
04:10Excuse me. Do you have the time it appears my watch has stopped
04:16Yes, it's 20 past 11, thank you
04:33My book I must have left it the professors come on snowy
04:40I do not trust this Tintin. Why he is an innocent man returning a briefcase
04:46We do not know that this Tintin could cause much trouble for us
04:52We must be sure of his intentions
04:55Find out what you can but I warn the others
05:33Lost him a
05:36Syldavian restaurant interesting coincidence
06:04Can I help you ah, yes, thank you
06:16Thanks, I'll have
06:19Schlazek and mineral water, please and is there someplace I could wash up while I'm waiting
06:24Through that door and to the right great
06:50Does this Tintin suspect us no, he knows nothing
06:58What are you doing here
07:00Sorry, I got lost
07:03He's downstairs
07:05To the right. Thanks
07:11Is Tintin
07:24Danger awaits he who pokes his nose into other people's business
07:28What does this mean? He's just a proverb old Syldavian custom
07:38You enjoy your meal
07:41Schlazek is my specialty. It is the leg of a young dog dog
07:56Let's go boy
08:05That will teach him
08:37Here it is Syldavia a state in the Balkan Peninsula in the 12th century
08:43Syldavia was conquered by the Bordurians in
08:461275 the people of Syldavia rose against the Bordurians and in
08:501277 the revolutionary leader Baron Almazout was proclaimed King
08:55He adopted the title King Ottokar the first
08:58He should not be confused with Premzal Ottokar the first the Duke who became king of Bohemia in the 12th century
09:10Nobody there the street is deserted
09:18The last time mind your own business so I am on to something but what and how do I find out?
09:31Professor this is Tintin. It's a secretary job still open. Why?
09:36Yes, I'd like to take it. I mean that is if you still want me
09:40Of course I do meet me at the airport at two o'clock tomorrow great. See you then
09:52Morning mrs. Finch good morning detectives. He's tinting around
09:56No, he just went to the store. He'll be back in a minute package for mr. Tintin
10:02He isn't here. We'll give it to him. I'm supposed to deliver it myself
10:07Police hand it over just trying to be helpful mrs. Finch. I
10:17Think we better investigate this Thompson riot Thompson
10:24What's going on
10:33Detectives team team
10:36What happened?
10:38Someone sent you a package. We heard a biz
10:41Guess they found out I'm going to Saldivia
10:45Who's that?
10:52Stagger after him Thompson stop
10:57Oh police
11:06They're getting away, that's it. Let's go
11:13Hang on
11:43Tintin are you all right? I'm okay, then. Let's go
11:47Forget it detectives. It's too late. They're gone
11:50Guess I'll find out what's going on in Saldivia
11:56First bricks then bombs these guys aren't messing around
12:12Professor professor
12:18Excuse me
12:30Why did you scream? I thought you were in trouble, but I didn't scream. I heard you professor
12:36You must have made a mistake. I'm fine
12:40Sorry, I'll see you at the airport in a couple of hours. I
12:48Don't like this something isn't right
13:06Good morning professor morning Tintin
13:18That's us we better get going I
13:21I didn't realize you smoked. I'm trying to stop hurry up snowy
13:48I've never seen him smoke before passengers may take their seatbelts off. Okay boy. You can get up
13:56I look at the sheep Tintin
14:04They're so tiny they look like toys
14:16He saw those sheep without his glasses, but how yesterday he couldn't see two feet in front of them
14:32Book about Saldivia
14:35Saldivia is one of Eastern Europe's most beautiful countries. It is a fertile country rich in minerals and precious gems
14:43It is ruled by King Otto car the 12th a direct descendant of Saldivia's first king
14:49The symbol of the king's right to rule is Saldivia's most important treasure
14:53It is called the Otto car scepter. The scepter is kept at crow pow castle and is heavily guarded at all times
15:02Each year on st
15:03Vladimir's day the king must show the scepter to the people if he were to lose it
15:08He would be forced to abdicate and whoever holds the scepter would become the new ruler
15:13hmm, how fascinating I
15:17Just can't get over the change in professor
15:20First I see him smoking then he can see without his glasses. How can that be unless?
15:27He's an imposter
15:34Welcome to Saldivia. We hope you have enjoyed your flight. I
15:44Have to find out the truth
15:50It's real I I mean, I'm really sorry it was an accident I tripped that's quite. All right
15:58professor Alembic
15:59Yes, and this is my assistant Tintin the king's aid has arranged a special flight for you
16:05I am to take you directly to cloud that's
16:09Wonderful. Yes
16:11Wonderful, I am glad you both are happy now if you will, please follow me
16:26Didn't realize how beautiful Saldivia is you should see more of it. Allow me to arrange that
17:06Snowy snowy
17:17Okay, you're safe
17:19Whisker homes for junior me. I was thrown out of an airplane
17:26You know plane in sky me fall and kaboom
17:38Scare you come say I'm not that's politically. That's right the police
17:44So meet me Tom's non-duster Matskaya come with you to the police
17:50with pleasure sky a oh
17:53my suitcase
17:57Wait a minute, this isn't my suitcase. What is this?
18:03Huh twins, so this professor is an imposter
18:10That's me the day I met the professor
18:16Kropot castle, I remember it from the brochure now it makes sense. They're planning to steal the autocar scepter
18:29Quick it's an emergency
18:33English you speak English
18:37No, daski, this is good. No, I mean, you're the wrong doesn't anyone speak English
18:45Me I don't wear scarf, please. I'm trying to find someone who speaks English. I speak a little
18:53You've got to help me. Some thieves are trying to steal the autocar scepter
18:58the autocar scepter
19:00Yes, but scare to her scepter non autocar
19:07Look I've got proof I
19:14Will call the palace
19:17It's got
19:20But it's gonna need support upon Oscar. What is your name?
19:25Tintin the panos bronze canal teen teen
19:31What did the palace say the king's aide has agreed to meet with you. You must leave for cloud immediately great
19:42Detectives I'm convinced the professor I've accompanied to Syldavia is an imposter the real professor must still be there
19:49You have to find him. I'm sure he's in danger. What's this all about?
19:58You have rendered a great service to my country I thank you I
20:03Will telegraph at once to cloud and have professor alembic arrested
20:07Excellent now, I really must get going. Can I rent a car?
20:11There is not a single car in the village, but I'm sure I can arrange something. Thank you captain
20:37Can't we go any faster, you know faster
21:03Hello zero, it's a peasant's cart on the road to cloud. Yes a young boy
21:11Good we'll be waiting in the forest
21:31Here they come get ready
21:38Hands up
21:40Where is the young foreigner you were taking to cloud
21:46We know he's with you
21:53He's not here wait, there's a car coming
21:58Remember our guns are trained on you
22:02Cars he
22:06He's in the car
22:10You know, this is what I call faster right snowy
