Episod 599 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 3 Ogos 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji M/S 171-172 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

  • 2 months ago
Episod 599 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 3 Ogos 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-A'raf (7: 160-170) Halaman 171-172 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-A'raf ayat 160-170, halaman 171 hingga halaman 172. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Timbalan Menteri Agama, YB Senator Dr. Zulkifli bin Hasan.

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:17Into my company Rahmat daripada allows one of the alama do you go sugar?
00:21Kita membuka stamina dan stamina sebagai seorang pendidik dan pemimpin itu digariskan salah satunya dalam kisah
00:28Nabi Musa berinteraksi dengan
00:31Fir'aun dan seterusnya dengan banyak Israel yang terus melakukan pelbagai angkara tetapi terus
00:38disikapi dengan sabar oleh seorang insan bernama Nabi Musa kita ikuti diskusi ulang kaji pada episode kali ini
02:19Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu alhamdulillah wasalatu wassalamu ala rasulullah wa ala alihi wa man wala
02:24Shadalah ilaha illallah shadalah muhammadan abduhu rasuluh allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
02:30amma ba'du
02:32Tonton papan yang dirahmati allah sekalian kita bertemu dalam my kuran time kuran salat infa pada hari ini sama-sama kita ingin mengulang kaji
02:39dalam episode kali ini halaman 171 dan
02:42172 berkitar berkisar kepada kepada kisah nabi musa alayhis salam dan pada hari ini kita bertuah bersama dengan
02:50Al-fadil yang berhormat dr. Zulkifli Hassan
03:08Dan sebentar tadi kita membaca daripada ayat yang ke 160 daripada surah al-a'raf mari sama-sama kita mulakan sesi kita pada hari ini
03:16bersama yang berhormat dr. Zulkifli
03:18Hassan untuk kita memperoleh ilmu penuh hikmah dengan doa kita subhanakallah ilma lana illa ma'allam tana
03:25innaka antala alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma amin ya rabbala alamin
03:31kita memberhati kepada ayat yang ke
03:34160 webi ya berkaitan dengan
03:36kezaliman yang dinyatakan allah pada ayat 160 itu wala kinkanu anfusahum yadlimun
03:43Selepas dibekalkan air dibekalkan naungan awan dan juga mana wassaluah kepada bani israel apa kezaliman
03:51Yang dinyatakan pada ayat 160 ini kalau boleh dicerahkan
03:55Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
03:58terima kasih kepada
03:59al-fadil ustaz dan juga sedang penonton ya rahmatullah sekalian
04:03alhamdulillah ini merupakan
04:06siri pertama saya bersama dengan
04:08My quran time
05:08Bahagian yang kedua
06:09Memberikan segala-galanya memberikan yang terbaik kepada kaum bani israel tetapi
06:14Di akhir bahagian ke-6 allah berfirman dan tidaklah mereka mengenai ayah kami dengan kekufuran mereka
06:20Tetapi mereka adalah mengenai ayah diri mereka sendiri jadi kezaliman yang dirujuk di dalam ini adalah apabila
06:27Allah telah memberikan segala nekmat segala bantuan segala yang terbaik namun begitu kaum bani israel telahpun
06:36Mengkufuri ataupun telah mengenai diri mereka sendiri dimana mereka telahpun melakukan kezaliman
06:42Kepada diri mereka sendiri dan apa yang kita boleh faham daripada ayat ini kepada senang penonton dan rahmatullah sekalian
06:48kita perlu
06:49menyukuri kita perlu
06:52Mengucapkan terima kasih dan mengucapkan menyukuri nikmat allah s.w.t dan tidak sekali-kali
06:58Menzalimi apa yang telah diberikan oleh allah s.w.t itu sebagai permuatan al-fadil
07:03Terima kasih ucapkan pada wb dokter untuk menjelaskan ya betapa ada enam bahagian di dalam ayat yang ke 160 ini untuk kita
07:12Beri perhatian dan di hujung itu berkaitan dengan bagaimanakah respon daripada bani israel itu sendiri
07:18Apabila sudahpun diberikan pelbagai nikmat daripada allah s.w.t bercakap tentang
07:24Dapat nikmat menzalimi ini dokter ya dia bukan sekadar ringkat bani israel tetapi ia pelajaran untuk kita
07:33Bagaimana sebenarnya cara berfikir umat islam yang sebenarnya
07:39Sebagai satu renungan agar kita tidak mengulang balik bani israel pasal biasanya orang buat demo apa sebagainya dia kata
07:45Bani israel apa sebagainya kan tetapi kadang-kadang
07:50Ianya mungkin berulang balik dalam diri mungkin dokter ada pandangan disitu
07:54Apabila kita lihat di dalam al-quran itu sendiri allah s.w.t sering
07:59Berfirman malahan di dalam surah khafi allah s.w.t berfirman
08:05Allah ceritakan cerita-cerita benar dalam surah yusuf ayat 3
08:11Makna cerita-cerita yang terbaik di dalam al-quran di pandang sejarah umat manusia maka dengan itu
08:17Cerita-cerita bani israel ini bukanlah untuk bani israel sahaja
08:21Tetapi ianya memberikan satu pengajaran kepada seluruh umat manusia supaya kita
08:26Meng teladani dan kita mengambil pengajaran daripada kisah-kisah yang disaksikan oleh sejarah kemanusiaan
08:34Jadi kisah-kisah ini sebenarnya kita kena ambil pelajaran
08:37Pasal bani israel ini dizalimi oleh firaun kan dia kata pak on ini selalu zalimi dia
08:43Tapi dia sendiri juga
08:45Bila dah dapat macam-macam menzalimi
08:47Diri sendiri jadi menjadi penzalim ini tak semestinya kena duduk kuasa ke atasnya dekat bawah pun
08:53Masih lagi diingatkan dan ini diteruskan pada ayat yang ke 161 yang ingin kita perhatikan bersama
09:01Kita baca bersama usaha termizi sila
09:03Makasih al-fadl al-fadl
09:05Makasih pada al-fadl yang berhormat senator dr. Zulkifli Hassan
09:09Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan ibu-ibu saya yang dikasih dirahmati Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
09:13Kita nak baca ayat berikutnya yaitulah ayat 161
09:18Permulaan tadi kita dah cuba dengan bayati
09:20Kita nak cuba pula kali ini
09:22Kita baca dengan menggunakan taranum sikah pula ya
09:26Boleh bayah ya
09:28Tak nampak angguk
09:30Dekat rumah
09:32Kita sama-sama baca insyaAllah
10:26Sadakallahul a'zim
10:28Sadakallahul a'zim
10:30Sadakallahul a'zim
10:32Sadakallahul a'zim
10:34Sadakallahul a'zim
10:36Sadakallahul a'zim
10:38Sadakallahul a'zim
10:40Sadakallahul a'zim
10:42Nasirullahul a'zim kita baca ayat yang ke 161
10:44Menjelaskan bagaimana
10:46Seruan daripada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
10:48Kepada Bani Israel
10:50Apakah tindakan seterusnya menuju ke
10:52Baitul Maqdis ke Bumi Falustin
10:54Dan kita akan lihat apakah pelajarannya
10:56Sebentar lagi, kita berehat dahulu
10:58My Quran Time, Quran Salat infaak
11:18Quran Salat infaak
11:48Quran Salat infaak
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12:34Quran Salat infaak
12:36Quran Salat infaak
12:38Quran Salat infaak
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12:42Quran Salat infaak
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13:30Quran Salat infaak
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13:34Quran Salat infaak
13:36Quran Salat infaak
13:38Quran Salat infaak
13:40Quran Salat infaak
13:42Quran Salat infaak
14:12In Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 58, Dato' Arya said,
14:26and sometimes the Quran seems to be repeating itself,
14:31but it is the biggest message that we can get, right?
14:35Thank you, Ustaz.
14:37We know that the story of Prophet Musa is found in Surah An-Nam, Surah Baqarah, Surah Shu'ara, and other Surahs, including Surah Ar-Raf.
14:48However, there are some similarities, such as in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 58,
14:54and the words are almost the same.
14:57This shows that there is a miracle of the Quran in terms of the strength of its language, which is so amazing.
15:07Even though it is the same, there is a difference in the words.
15:12So, the audience can refer to Ayah 58 and compare it to Surah Ar-Raf, Ayah 161.
15:23This Ayah is divided into four parts.
15:26The first part is,
15:34This is also mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 58.
15:37In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah SWT says,
15:43which means,
15:45whereas in Surah Ar-Raf,
15:48it means,
15:53Because this is a story where according to the Mufassirs, including Sheikh Wahabah Zuhaili and many others,
16:00this is related to the commandment of Prophet Musa to the people of Israel,
16:08to enter Baitul Maqdis.
16:11So, in Surah Al-Baqarah, they entered.
16:14At that time, they had not entered yet.
16:16But when they left, they had already left or stayed at that time.
16:22And the second part,
16:27So, in this verse, Allah SWT says,
16:31However, in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 58, it is said,
16:37This is in accordance with the context.
16:39When they entered Baitul Maqdis, they ate.
16:44But when they stayed, they continued to eat.
16:48This is the best explanation in the Al-Quran.
16:52Then, in the third part,
17:09In Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 58, it is said,
17:14However, in Surah Al-Baqarah, the commandment of prostration is mentioned first.
17:21Whereas in Surah Al-A'raf, it is the opposite.
17:24That is, the commandment of asking for forgiveness is mentioned first before the commandment of prostration.
17:29This is because Allah SWT wants to mention one of the two in accordance with the context.
17:35This shows how beautiful the Al-Quran is from the perspective of its language.
17:41And lastly, in the fourth part,
18:04What does this mean?
18:06The interpreter explained that this is the answer to the question.
18:13And the addition of rewards in this verse is purely for the sake of Allah SWT.
18:22Not because of effort, not because of asking for forgiveness,
18:25But purely because Allah SWT wants to grant goodness.
18:34Thank you, Dr. Ayyam.
18:36Respected Senator Dr. Zulkifli,
18:38Explaining Ayah 161,
18:40This is the struggle of the Children of Israel to liberate or enter Palestine, Dr. Ayyam.
18:45And at the same time, as a reminder to us too,
18:49We are talking about the issue of Gaza now,
18:51Talking about Palestine.
18:53The adab in this verse,
18:55It is like a reference to us.
19:02For example, Surah Al-A'raf is not famous, Dr. Ayyam.
19:05Usually people read Surah Yasin or Surah Al-Muq.
19:08So, if we love Palestine and we want to go to victory,
19:14Among the things that are explained here,
19:17Sujood and hitah,
19:21What is the significance for us in this era?
19:24Looking at this verse,
19:26This is one of the miracles of the Quran,
19:30Which proves that the history of Palestine,
19:34The history of the land,
19:35Al-Aqsa itself,
19:36So, perhaps our teachings can be made through this verse,
19:40We see how the Children of Israel,
19:43Although they have been commanded by Allah SWT,
19:46However, there are still some things that are cruel,
19:51And things that are against the command of Allah,
19:54And this is what we need to take note of,
19:58So that we remember that the land of Al-Aqsa,
20:01The land of Palestine,
20:02Is a shared responsibility for us to save,
20:05And also to help the teachings from this verse 161.
20:13So, it means that we need to help,
20:15And one of them is with the spirit of sujood and istighfar,
20:19Because there are also those who fight for Palestine,
20:21And then, when they demonstrate,
20:23They don't show up during Maghrib prayer,
20:25Or they fight for Palestine,
20:28But they are hostile to each other,
20:32They are arrogant to each other,
20:34And we hope that this becomes a lesson.
20:37And verse 162 says,
20:39We want to read this verse,
20:43Does it mean,
20:45It is like a modern term,
20:47People who like to spin,
20:48Where is the internet, and so on,
20:51Let's read verse 162 first,
20:53With Fadhil Sazh.
20:54Thank you, Fadhil Sazh Fazrul,
20:57I am happy to be honored,
20:59Dr. Zulkifli Hassan,
21:01Ladies and gentlemen,
21:02Ladies and gentlemen,
21:03Ladies and gentlemen,
21:04Ladies and gentlemen,
21:05Ladies and gentlemen,
21:06Ladies and gentlemen,
21:07Verse 162,
21:09Be careful, we have the word,
21:12What is the name of the mother of As-sama'i?
21:15Please share it in the comment section.
21:18Let's read verse 162 first,
21:20Using Taranum Nahawan.
21:22I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
21:37I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
22:07I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
22:14Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
22:22Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
22:23Verse 162,
22:24Tells a people,
22:25And a part of them,
22:27And a part of them,
22:29Who have changed the word,
22:31And a part of them,
22:32Who have changed the word,
22:33And a part of them,
22:34Who have changed the word,
22:35And a part of them,
22:36Who have changed the word,
22:37Is there a link with people who like to spin nowadays?
22:41If it is related to this matter,
22:43If we look at the surah al-A'raf,
22:46Verse 162,
22:47It is divided into two parts,
22:49The first,
22:50The people who are unjust,
22:51Among them,
22:52They have changed,
22:53I didn't say spin,
22:54The government,
22:55The government,
22:56With words that are not spoken to them.
22:58In this part,
22:59The first,
23:01They understand,
23:02But they spin.
23:03They understand,
23:04But they don't want to do what is understood.
23:08The second,
23:09By that,
23:10We bring down the punishment,
23:11Because they understand,
23:12But they do it.
23:13By that,
23:14We bring down the punishment,
23:15From the sky that falls on them,
23:16Because of the cruelty that they do.
23:18By that,
23:19In today's context,
23:20There are many arguments that we can take,
23:23Which is,
23:25The things that we want to understand,
23:28We can understand,
23:29Through various sources.
23:32After we understand,
23:34We have ego,
23:35We have goals,
23:36And we have interests,
23:37Which ultimately,
23:38Causes us to continue to oppress.
23:40And what if we do,
23:42Then Allah will bring down,
23:44A very painful punishment for us.
23:47It's a thing that,
23:48Becomes a warning to us,
23:50Dr. Ayyaf.
23:51It means,
23:52We already know,
23:54Don't let us,
23:55Because of our ego,
23:57This is not my gang,
23:59The story of Iblis,
24:01It's not from a gang,
24:02Made from fire,
24:04He said,
24:05I'm better than,
24:07Prophet Adam himself.
24:09It's a big lesson,
24:10For us to make sure,
24:11This guidance,
24:12We want,
24:13Together with,
24:14With Prophet Musa,
24:15With the Prophets,
24:16To heaven later,
24:17One of them,
24:18The truth,
24:19Don't be changed,
24:20Be replaced.
24:21We take a short break,
24:23We continue with,
24:24Salah Al-Infa'ah,
24:53Salah Al-Infa'ah,
25:23Salah Al-Infa'ah,
25:53Salah Al-Infa'ah,
26:22Salah Al-Infa'ah,
26:32Salah Al-Infa'ah,
26:42Salah Al-Infa'ah,
26:57Salah Al-Infa'ah,
27:12I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
27:19And ask them about the town which was near the sea, when they passed by the dam.
27:36And ask them about the town which was near the sea, when they passed by the dam.
27:51And ask them about the town which was near the sea, when they passed by the dam.
27:56And ask them about the town which was near the sea, when they passed by the dam.
28:19And on the Day when they are established, you will not come to them.
28:30Thus do We punish them for what they used to do.
28:49Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
28:57We are back in Quran Time, Quran Salat Infaq.
29:00We are re-reading pages 171 and 172.
29:04We have just read the 163rd verse.
29:06It is related to the incident of Sabt.
29:08An incident where there was a pharaoh in the land of Ilah.
29:14It was stated that they were playing with the existing laws.
29:19On the day of Sabt, the fish appeared.
29:22The others did not appear.
29:24So they tried to put a strategy on the day of Jumat to hold on.
29:28On the day of Ahad, to reap the benefits.
29:31Maybe, doctor, when from Tanjung Malim to Gombak, Gombak to Durham, to London.
29:37And talking about the economy in Malaysia, this is one of the aspects.
29:42Usually people say that the economy must be said by the Minister of Economy.
29:45But in this case, the economy is also related to the ethics for our religion.
29:50Maybe, doctor, you have a comment on the unethical practices in the economy in this country,
29:57which we do not want to be a part of.
30:03Thank you, Ustaz.
30:05Dear audience and viewers.
30:07This verse tells a very interesting story.
30:12And it is related to various aspects, socio-economy, ethics, etc.
30:17But it also shows a miracle and the Al-Quran itself.
30:21Because the story of Bani Israel is in the Torah and in the Hebrew language.
30:28And Rasulullah SAW is an Ummi.
30:31Which means when Rasulullah SAW said that this really came from God.
30:35So in this story, there are actually five parts.
30:38I can only summarize that this is a test for the Bani Israel.
30:44How do they test their faith?
30:47How do they believe in Allah with a simple instruction from Allah SWT?
30:54Do not catch fish on Saturday and worship on Saturday.
30:59What do they do?
31:01The Mufassirs say there are many ways.
31:04Some say they put the fish in the net at night.
31:09Which means they will catch the fish on Saturday afternoon.
31:14Some say they already caught it on Saturday.
31:17And what do they do?
31:19They eat it.
31:21They say they cannot catch it, but they can eat it.
31:24So it shows that they have the skills to deceive.
31:30And this is even more amazing.
31:32They try to deceive Allah SWT.
31:34In today's economic context,
31:38we can see that today's economy has discipline and sources of information that we need to see and refer.
31:52But today, because of certain interests,
31:56there are many times where they try to lie and fake news to make sure that the information they provide is not true.
32:07So in the context of economy,
32:09we can see that in the practice itself,
32:13there is already discipline and rules given by Allah SWT through the hadith and Quran.
32:23So today, we can see that there are some practices by certain parties that try to use the economy to deceive the public and the people.
32:43And in the end, it has resulted in a war and loss for the people.
32:51What I can summarize here is that this verse is very powerful.
32:54This verse is very, very effective.
32:57Because in this story,
32:59why does Allah SWT test them?
33:02Because they always do fasiq.
33:05What I mean by fasiq is that it is not a one-off sin.
33:10But they do the sin directly.
33:14So the people of Israel, Allah SWT sees that they do the sin directly.
33:19And that is what causes the anger of Allah SWT.
33:21In the context of economy,
33:22if we do fasiq directly,
33:25by deceiving,
33:26causing loss and so on,
33:28causing the people to be scammed and so on,
33:30this is a type of fasiq that causes the anger of Allah SWT.
33:35And this is one of the teachings that we can take from this verse 163.
33:40I would like to ask Dr. Zulkifli to explain.
33:43Even though this is a story from thousands of years ago,
33:46it is still relevant to our lives in terms of economy, social, and politics.
33:55Don't try to cut the corner.
34:01Don't try to deceive Allah SWT based on the rules given.
34:06And speaking of them committing this crime,
34:09or yafsukun,
34:11it is known that there are at least three groups
34:15that we read in verse 164 to give a response
34:20if we find that there are things that are corrupt
34:24or things that do not comply with the rules of God in life.
34:28Let's read verse 164 together with Al-Fatihah.
34:30Thank you, Al-Fatihah Fazlul,
34:32Dr. Zulkifli Hassan,
34:35ladies and gentlemen,
34:37may Allah SWT bless you.
34:39Verse 164 is at the top of page 172.
34:43We will try to read it using Taran Umrah.
35:02We will try to read it using Taran Umrah.
35:32Surah Al-A'raf.
35:56We have read verse 164 of Surah Al-A'raf
36:00to give a response to a group that commits a crime
36:04or a falsehood in this Saturday event
36:07or the rules of Saturday to not catch fish.
36:10Surah Al-Baqarah.
36:30One important verse to be understood by the community
36:33if we interact with a group that commits a crime
36:37or a falsehood in a community.
36:41What is the point?
36:42What is the lesson for us?
36:44We will take a short break.
36:45We will be back after the break.
37:37Surah Al-Baqarah.
38:07Surah Al-Baqarah.
38:37Surah Al-Baqarah.
39:02Surah Al-Baqarah.
40:02Surah Al-Baqarah.
40:31What is the lesson from this verse?
40:34In verse 164 of Surah Al-A'raf,
40:38there are questions and answers.
40:40The first question.
40:42Why do you advise a group that Allah will punish them
40:46or punish them with a severe punishment?
40:49Then the second part, he answers.
40:51The advice is to free yourself from sinning to your God
40:56and so that they will be righteous.
40:59This shows that in the group of Bani Israel
41:03on the shore,
41:05there are groups that reject,
41:08and there are groups that obey Allah.
41:10So, he goes to three groups.
41:12The Mufassirs say that there are three groups.
41:15The first group is the group that breaks the rules on the Sabbath.
41:19They reject.
41:20They will be punished by Allah SWT.
41:23But not all of them reject.
41:26There are also groups that give advice to those who reject.
41:31That is the second group.
41:32The third group is the group that says that they do not do anything.
41:38They do not reject.
41:40But they say to the advisors,
41:43why do you advise a group that Allah will punish them
41:47or punish them with a severe punishment?
41:49Then he answers.
41:50He says that this is to free yourself from sinning to your God.
41:55So, what we have summarized here, dear viewers,
41:58is that we have a responsibility to give advice and reminders
42:03to those who reject or disobey Allah SWT's command.
42:08That is our responsibility to give reminders.
42:12These reminders can be done in various ways.
42:15In a gentle way,
42:17in a wise way.
42:18In fact, if we look at the other commandments of Allah SWT,
42:23even to the pharaoh,
42:25Allah SWT commanded that Prophet Musa should use good words.
42:31In Surah Tauhah, verse 44,
42:42Allah SWT said to the pharaoh,
42:44the pharaoh is a very fierce dictator.
42:47His cruelty is extraordinary.
42:49But Allah SWT commanded that Prophet Musa and Prophet Harun
42:53should use gentle words when preaching to the cruel pharaoh.
42:58So, dear viewers,
43:00we learn that in our society,
43:04in our lives,
43:06there are certainly those who disobey Allah's command.
43:09There are certainly those who need to play a role
43:12to give advice and preach in the best way
43:16as taught by Rasulullah SAW.
43:20Allah knows best.
43:21Thank you, dear viewers.
43:23Dr. Zulkifli Hassan has explained earlier
43:26how to respond to those who disobey Allah SWT's command.
43:31There is a group of people who disobey Allah SWT.
43:34But there is another group of people who don't do anything wrong.
43:37They don't do anything wrong,
43:38but they question Allah SWT.
43:40Why should they disobey Allah SWT?
43:41Because Allah will destroy them.
43:43They may be a group of liberals.
43:45They may slander the people around them,
43:47but they don't do anything.
43:49So, actually, in this context,
43:52Dr. Ayyam,
43:53there is one group of people who want to disobey Allah SWT.
43:55But there is another group of people who feel good
43:58and hope that they will go to hell and be destroyed.
44:03They are part of this society.
44:06How can we manage our consciousness
44:09by repeating the same verse over and over again?
44:11So, Dr. Ayyam,
44:12from the Behrang National University,
44:15you went to the Idrisiyah Madrasah,
44:16the Kansal School.
44:17But many people don't study religion
44:20and don't have access to this verse
44:22from a practical point of view.
44:24Dr. Ayyam, how do you plan for the future?
44:27If we look at it from the perspective of our society,
44:33this group has existed for thousands of years.
44:37This group has always existed.
44:39There are those who disobey Allah SWT,
44:41those who give advice,
44:42and those who don't do anything,
44:44but they will complain.
44:46So, what can we do?
44:48This is one of the Sunnah,
44:51one of the efforts of Dawah that we can do.
44:54That is, we need to give understanding,
44:58and also try to attract them
45:02so that they are also included in the group
45:05and can share the message of Dawah
45:09to those who disobey Allah SWT.
45:11Because they don't do anything wrong,
45:13but they are comfortable with their situation
45:16and they try to question the efforts of good people.
45:19So, what we can do is
45:21we try to give understanding
45:24and awareness to this group.
45:26Hopefully, they will also be aware
45:29and can join
45:32those who are praised by Allah SWT in the Quran.
45:36So, dear viewers,
45:38don't worry if someone complains.
45:40We invite them.
45:42Don't be afraid.
45:44We will try to give.
45:45Hopefully, Allah will open their hearts.
45:49This is a great guidance for us together.
45:52Make this as a guidance in our society.
45:56Because it is not just an old story,
46:00but it is a story about us
46:02that we hope to pray to Allah SWT.
46:04This awareness can be instilled in our society.
46:08Prophet Musa studied for a long time,
46:11years and years.
46:14Talking about this country,
46:16in the context of the education system
46:18that pays attention to the Quran,
46:21maybe the doctor has an opinion
46:23or a suggestion to the educational institutions
46:26on how to raise the Quran
46:28so that this story
46:30is not just about Prophet Musa,
46:32the Children of Israel,
46:33and the curse of Israel,
46:34but to look at ourselves.
46:38One of the conditions for us
46:40to build prosperity,
46:42to build civilization,
46:44is through education.
46:46What kind of education?
46:48If we look at it now,
46:50the dilemma,
46:51the dichotomy that we have now
46:53is an education that has no soul.
46:56Excellence without souls.
46:58This is what happens.
47:00Education fails to humanize humans.
47:03The value of humanity is diminished.
47:06In the Quran,
47:07the whole Quran
47:09is an education of humanity
47:11that gives value.
47:13What can we ask of everyone
47:16to ensure that
47:18every education,
47:20every curriculum,
47:21every subject,
47:23needs to have the value of the Quran
47:27so that it can be understood.
47:29What's even more interesting,
47:31the Quran tells in a form
47:33that is so interesting
47:35and so great
47:37because it is one of the best stories
47:39in the history of mankind.
47:41So the story of Prophet Musa
47:43can actually draw attention
47:45to the younger generation,
47:47to the masses,
47:48to the society,
47:49so that we can build value,
47:51build character
47:53through the stories
47:55that are told in the Quran.
47:58education must be based on the Quran
48:00with stories that build character,
48:03build value.
48:04Thank you, Dr.
48:05and I hope that
48:07this is an initiative
48:09that we can support together,
48:11that we try.
48:13It's not like today we can do it,
48:15tomorrow we can't.
48:16But this is the struggle of Prophet Musa.
48:18The great Prophet Musa
48:20that we have been waiting for years
48:22and we pray for,
48:23for example,
48:24those at home,
48:25those in our studio,
48:26in our capacity,
48:27our children's school,
48:29or we can whisper
48:31to the relevant parties
48:33so that the value of the Quran
48:35that Dr. said a moment ago
48:37is part of the daily food
48:39so that we don't repeat
48:41the history of the Bani Israel
48:43which part of it
48:45is not a story,
48:46but even condemns
48:48those who do good.
48:49Complaints, he knows.
48:50But it turns out
48:52that it's not a group
48:54that was raised,
48:55that was helped by Allah SWT.
48:57We pray at the end
48:58with Al-Fadhil,
48:59respected Dr. Zulkifli,
49:01so that our country
49:03and this world
49:04take the Quran
49:05as a message
49:06to God.
49:07With Dr. Zulkifli.
49:08Thank you.
49:09May peace be upon you.
49:10We pray, Dr.
49:11a little at the end
49:12as a closure.
49:15I seek refuge with Allah
49:17from the accursed Satan.
49:18In the name of Allah,
49:19the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
49:20O Allah, our Lord,
49:21bless the Quran Time program
49:24for today.
49:25Open the doors of the hearts
49:27of all of you,
49:28the Malaysian people,
49:29to receive blessings
49:30and to give understanding
49:32about the Quran.
49:33O Allah, our Lord,
49:34shape and plant our hearts
49:36so that our hearts
49:37are close to the Quran.
49:39Ameen, Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.
49:41Ameen, Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.
49:43Ameen, Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.
49:45Ameen, Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.
49:47Ameen, Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.
49:49Hopefully, today's prayer
49:51together with
49:52respected Dr. Zulkifli Hassan
49:54as a senator,
49:56our welcome today
49:57is a tradition
49:58and also accepted
49:59by Allah SWT
50:00and it is
50:01as one of
50:02our sincerity
50:04with the Quran
50:05and we invite you
50:06to join us
50:07in the movement of the Quran.
50:08You can contribute
50:09and at the same time
50:10contact the number
50:11on the screen.
50:12Maybe there are
50:15that we need
50:16to work together
50:17to hold
50:18awareness programs
50:19and take
50:21on how
50:25the value
50:26of the Quran
50:27and hopefully,
50:28if not today
50:29it changes,
50:30but one day
50:31this country
50:32and this world
50:33will take the Quran
50:34as a guide
50:35and the fall of sin
50:36is given
50:37by Allah
50:38so that we
50:39will meet again
50:40on the next episode.
50:41I would like to thank
50:42the respected
50:43Dr. Zulkifli
50:44and hopefully
50:45we will be together
50:46again on
50:47My Quran Time.
50:48And to all of you
50:49at home,
50:50please continue
50:51to be with us
50:52on the next episode
50:53of My Quran Time
50:54Quran Salan
