• last year


00:00Juana, I'm serious, look, I love you so much.
00:07What I feel for you is too much and I love you so much
00:10that I have a lot of love for you.
00:12David, stop, please.
00:14But I'm not doing anything wrong.
00:16I know, but look, David, I don't like to play crazy.
00:23What do you mean?
00:24I know you love me a lot and you really don't know how much I appreciate
00:28everything you do for me,
00:30but we both know that I have feelings for Gabriel
00:34and I don't think this situation is fair to you.
00:36Juana, things change.
00:40There are friends who love each other,
00:43who support each other and who take care of each other,
00:48What do you mean unconditionally?
00:49I mean that I'm willing to take care of you, Juana, to protect you.
00:52I'm not asking you for anything in return.
00:54Well, it's not like you're going to kick me and I'll be happy, right?
01:00Love is not chosen, but it can't disappear either, Juana.
01:05The love I feel for you exists and it's not going to be erased or go away
01:09because you don't feel the same as I do.
01:14You are a very special person, David.
01:20Well, that's why I'm so angry with Gabriel,
01:23because he keeps getting you into situations that risk you
01:27and that bother you and all the time he risks you and risks you.
01:31Anyway, I'd rather not talk anymore.
01:34We'll leave it at that.
01:36No, tell me.
01:38I feel like you wanted to tell me something else.
01:40I don't understand that the most important thing here is you,
01:44not what he needs from you.
02:16No, no, Pepito, how do you think?
02:18My silence is not your fault, son.
02:21No, on the contrary, I am very grateful to you and your friends,
02:23because if it hadn't been for you,
02:25we would never have left that witch party.
02:27Witches, right?
02:28And now we're out of our minds, huh?
02:30Very bad.
02:31Really, it's for the good of my little boy Nicolas.
02:33I hope that old witch can't adopt him.
02:36No, son, don't worry.
02:38After the little number they did today,
02:40I'm sure they'll adopt him.
02:42Oh, yes.
02:43Look, this boy is all wet.
02:45You know what?
02:46I think we should go.
02:48I'll take Pepito to Uncle's house.
02:50Let's go, son, let's go.
02:52See you later, fine.
02:53See you later, thank you.
02:54Excuse me.
02:56Hey, where are your brother Felipe and Yadira?
02:58He brought Juan's motorcycle and stayed with Yadira outside.
03:02Hey, who was this girl with Nicolas?
03:05I don't know.
03:06I don't know.
03:07I don't know.
03:08I don't know.
03:09I don't know.
03:10Hey, who was this girl who made all the trouble?
03:13The one who was with your brother.
03:15Yes, he introduced her to me.
03:16Look, but he told me that he was an executive at the brewery.
03:18But who knows when and where he met her.
03:21You know that's why he pretends to be alone.
03:25I was very clear with you, Yadira, from the beginning.
03:28Or are you going to deny it here, my face?
03:30I told you, let's see, but I don't want any commitments with anyone.
03:34Oh, you don't want commitments with anyone, but with her, yes, right?
03:37This girl is a lot like you, handsome.
03:40With her, you're not even going to hit a gum.
03:43Well, that's it, right?
03:44Stop it, leave it like that.
03:46Besides, he has a very tough name.
03:49It sounds like flip-flops.
03:50Let's see, Yadi, that is, that I am with Enriqueta,
03:52it doesn't depend on you or anyone else.
03:54Stop it.
03:58What does Felipe have to do with Juan's uncle?
04:00Or is there a policy that says we can't get along with the relatives
04:03of the people who work in the company?
04:05Or yes, Ines?
04:06No, let me know, right?
04:08The point is that I don't know you, Enriqueta.
04:10You have always been very strict with the rules,
04:12with the rules, with the protocols,
04:14and now it turns out that in public you are part of that scandal
04:17with that guy and the woman he brought.
04:19Carlos, I can't control what people do, okay?
04:21And if you allow me, I have to go.
04:24Hey, hey, I'm coming with you too.
04:30In addition, allow this current to enter your sister's house.
04:34What barbarity.
04:35And I, suddenly I am the crazy one, right?
04:37I am the crazy one in front of everyone,
04:39making up that these two have a romance.
04:42Do you know what your dad is?
04:44He's a damn disgusting liar.
04:46Can I talk?
04:47It wasn't necessary for you to get like this, Mom.
04:50And you, and you judge me, Manuel, because you are on his side.
04:53Because he probably forced you, right?
04:56He ordered you to bring me here to this house
04:58so that he could stay with that stupid girl at the event.
05:02Mom, Dad left alone.
05:08It happened that you had a party for yourself,
05:10and not for Nicolás and the kids.
05:11Of course not, I made the party for everyone, including Nicolás.
05:14It was his birthday, I adore him.
05:16You adore him?
05:17You adore him and you keep lying to him that we are going to adopt him,
05:19and you know it's not true.
05:20Gabriel, you wanted a son.
05:21No, I was always clear with you.
05:23I didn't want to adopt Paula.
05:25Perfect, but you have no other way of being a father, or do you?
05:30You yourself said that that girl,
05:31infected by mistake, didn't show up.
05:33That you left her there to look for her, or what?
05:35You lied to me.
05:37Tell me the truth.
05:38Anyway, I'm going to end up knowing everything.
05:40Can you calm down, for God's sake?
05:43A little empathy, both of you.
05:45They are friends, first of all.
05:47Stop saying that, we are not friends.
05:49No, of course not, because you and Juana are friends.
05:51We are not married.
05:53That's why before the party, I brought you the divorce papers.
05:56Because this marriage is over.
06:01Did you sign the papers before the party?
06:03No, I didn't even see them, Camila.
06:05No, but you can see them now because your party is over.
06:08So please check them, sign them.
06:10So that this nightmare is over.
06:15I would like to kill him.
06:16Let's see, calm down.
06:18Did you see how Juana left with David?
06:21I think she understood perfectly that she has nothing to look for with Gabriel.
06:24Things are getting out of hand.
06:26Camila, what are you saying?
06:28I don't even know why I'm listening to you.
06:30Juana shouldn't have been here, and neither should you.
06:33See how my parents are, because of you.
06:35Let's see, no.
06:37I have absolutely nothing to do with that, Paula.
06:39For God's sake.
06:40Your mom is looking for a culprit because you know perfectly well that this marriage has never worked.
06:45Not even a sign of affection.
06:48That's precisely why I wanted to have a perfect marriage.
06:52But everything started to fall apart when Gabriel got cancer.
06:55Because we stopped traveling, we stopped going to events.
06:58And when he recovered, I thought that finally, finally we were going to go back to being that jealous couple for everyone.
07:06And that's when he got that stupid obsession of wanting to have a son.
07:09Damn it!
07:13Why do you want to continue with Gabriel, huh?
07:15It looks like you hate him.
07:19No, Camila.
07:21No, Camila.
07:22You don't hate what gives you status, what gives you prestige, what gives you an economic position.
07:28You hate the one who can take it away from you.
07:30And that's Juana.
07:31And I do hate her.
07:39I think Paula is wrong.
07:40She's very wrong.
07:41Well, it never crossed her mind that you were going to ask her for a divorce.
07:43Oh, it's very easy to say that.
07:44It didn't cross my mind that I was going to get cancer.
07:47And that life was going to change me.
07:48And that Paula was not going to be with me in those difficult moments.
07:51In those days, I told you.
07:53But you insisted on defending her by saying that it was not easy for a woman like her.
07:57I know.
07:58But to this day, I can't believe she wasn't with me.
08:00I always had that resentment.
08:01And then, that she wasn't empathetic in the dream of wanting to be a father?
08:06That's why when Juana appeared, everything changed.
08:08Let's see, what would have happened if you got Juana before knowing that she was going to have a son of yours?
08:12Would the same thing happen to her?
08:13What I feel for Juana was long before that.
08:16Well, I think I'd better go.
08:18Just one thing, Daniel.
08:21What you just told me, only you know.
08:25Did you tell her?
08:57What's up, Gabriel?
08:59Hi, David. I'm looking for...
09:02Are you with Juana?
09:04Yes, she's here in my apartment with me.
09:06Gabriel, look, don't stop taking her to events where people don't get tired of humiliating her.
09:12Look, I brought her to my apartment.
09:15I found her in the garden. She was very bad.
09:18I need to talk to her.
09:19No, you're not going to talk to her, Gabriel.
09:21She fell asleep.
09:22I'm going to turn off your cell phone so you don't bother her.
09:56How long did I sleep?
09:58Don't worry, you were dead.
10:00Hey, thanks.
10:03Seriously, for...
10:05For taking me to that party, for...
10:08For bringing me here to your house.
10:11For making me feel safe.
10:13Hey, well...
10:15I keep a job in marketing.
10:17I have to know how to promote myself.
10:19I am David Ayala.
10:22You'll always be safe with me.
10:26Like this, or can you try...
10:28I think that's it.
10:29Sensual lips, right?
10:30Yes, that's the final touch.
10:31I am David Ayala.
10:38But seriously.
10:40In these moments, you don't know how important it is to me.
10:44Well, that's it.
10:45To feel safe.
10:46To feel that...
10:48That I know where I stand.
10:50To feel full of doubts at every moment.
10:54Thank you.
10:55Do you feel full of doubts with Gabriel?
10:58With Gabriel I feel...
11:00A million things.
11:03Yes, I don't know.
11:05The truth is that everything that happened at the party between Paula and him was...
11:10Very strong.
11:12I felt like...
11:16Like I was getting between two people who have shared a life.
11:21Juana, if I wanted to take advantage...
11:24Of the situation and all this...
11:26I would continue to speak badly of Gabriel, but...
11:28I'm not like that.
11:31The truth is that Gabriel and his wife are not so well, let's say.
11:35And for a long time.
11:38Well, thank you for telling me.
11:39And here we are right now.
11:41The confessions.
11:44The truth is that at first, when Gabriel became interested in you,
11:47I thought it was because you were pregnant.
11:49You know he's obsessed with having a baby and...
11:53Well, you're pregnant and...
11:56The truth is, yes.
11:57It always made me...
12:00Well, I don't know.
12:01It's a little weird.
12:04I think that definitely the way I got pregnant
12:07is how I ended up connecting with him, right?
12:09Since he found out that there was no man in the equation...
12:13That's it, that's it.
12:14What kind of idiot leaves you alone and with that responsibility?
12:20The thing is that there is no man.
12:25At all.
12:30What do you mean there's no man? I don't understand.
12:33I got pregnant because I went to a meeting at the gynecologist.
12:38And there they had to inseminate a woman.
12:42But by mistake they inseminated me too.
12:51Stop chasing me!
12:55I respect the police a lot.
12:56I know you're doing your job, but this is an emergency.
12:59Don't you see me?
13:00Don't you see me?
13:01Hey, are Felipe and Jenny really making fun of us, Salvador?
13:05What do you mean?
13:06What do you mean what?
13:07I came to tell you that the lady has the emergency to see you.
13:09Well, they're laughing at us.
13:11And since we're not doing anything, we're going to get drunk.
13:13I'm telling you.
13:15Arrest her.
13:17Leave us alone, please, Pacheco.
13:18You see?
13:19Leave us alone.
13:21Close it, close it.
13:23Yadira, go ahead, please.
13:27I don't understand what's wrong with you.
13:28A bucket of cold water fell on me with Felipe's liar.
13:31What do you think?
13:32He's eating another girl.
13:34Just like his sister, Jenny.
13:38They're eyeing each other.
13:41Look, Yadira.
13:42I don't know very well what your problems are with Felipe, but...
13:46You take care of him and you.
13:48And I'll take care of Jenny and me.
13:50No, but they're still the same.
13:52They seek love like this.
13:53The easy way.
13:54Those who surrender like this.
13:55The easy way.
13:56But if you and I are VIP,
13:57we're premium.
13:58We have to find a way to show the bravos
14:00that they can't make fun of us.
14:02That's why I say.
14:03Because we're VIP.
14:05You take care of yours.
14:07I take care of mine with Jenny.
14:09The one who doesn't move, loses.
14:11I already have a plan.
14:13We're going to make them jealous.
14:16What do you mean?
14:17Look, we're going to pretend that you and I are dating.
14:19And look,
14:20because of this,
14:21when they find out,
14:22they're going to die of jealousy
14:23and they're going to run
14:24and they're going to make fun of us,
14:25so much that the whole neighborhood is going to find out.
14:29Well, Nata,
14:30a lot of houses, a lot of gardens,
14:31a lot of luxury.
14:33But I had never been to such a disastrous party.
14:36And what do you know about Juana?
14:37Well, I talked to David
14:38and he told me that she was in her apartment,
14:39that my daughter fell asleep
14:41and that in a little while I'll bring her to the house.
14:43Well, Nata,
14:44I mean, no one understands women.
14:46I mean, having David's good guy
14:47who takes care of her,
14:48there she is,
14:49looking at the blond guy.
14:50Oh, look,
14:52despite the humiliations,
14:53it's good that we went to that party.
14:55Because now we are sure
14:56that Juana is in danger.
14:58But we were already sure of that, boss.
15:00Well, just look at the face
15:01of the wife there
15:02and the intolerable of the father.
15:06No, those people
15:07look like they don't have a soul, mom.
15:08And he's not going to get tired
15:09of destroying my daughter.
15:11And you and I,
15:12in a little while,
15:13we're going to eat a chicken, son.
15:14Apart from this one, already?
15:15What happened?
15:16Oh, boss, already.
15:18What did you do, bro?
15:19Oh, I ended up super soaked.
15:21The party was a tremendous relaxation.
15:23How barbaric.
15:24Oh, yes, but don't worry.
15:25I'll lend you some clothes right now.
15:26Thank you.
15:27It's up there in my room.
15:29Hey, Inés,
15:30do you think they have realized
15:32about the whole show
15:34that the alleged girlfriend of Felipe did?
15:37Well, I would lie to you
15:38if I told you no.
15:40But I don't think
15:41that girl is his girlfriend.
15:43He only had eyes for you.
15:45And by the way,
15:46I saw them leave
15:47from under the table.
15:49No, no, no.
15:50Not at all.
15:52I went to the table
15:53and then Felipe found me.
15:55And once he found you,
15:57why did they stay there for so long?
16:02Oh, girl.
16:04I can't lie to you.
16:06Let's see,
16:07when I have Felipe close,
16:08I don't know,
16:09it's like he's taking me to another planet.
16:11He takes me out of my comfort zone.
16:13Well, I think it's super cute.
16:15But why not,
16:16instead of rejecting him,
16:17you give him a chance
16:18to come into your life
16:19and let things flow.
16:21Maybe it's the love of your life
16:23that has knocked on your door.
16:28Come on, let's go to my room
16:29and I'll lend you my phone.
16:32I mean, I thought
16:33there were two ways
16:34to get pregnant, right?
16:35One, well,
16:36being in love,
16:37wanting to have a child,
16:39and well,
16:40having a child, right?
16:42And two,
16:43a passionate woman
16:45who didn't take care of herself
16:46and messed up
16:47and got pregnant.
16:48But me,
16:49I had to be original.
16:51So, virgin and pregnant,
16:55no one else.
16:57No one else.
16:58Yes, well, look,
16:59what can I tell you.
17:01you're telling me
17:02that Gabriel already knows all this, right?
17:05And he,
17:07what did he tell you
17:08when you told him?
17:10That he's awesome, right?
17:12That he's one in a million,
17:14One in a million.
17:15It's literally
17:16one in a million.
17:19another woman
17:20tells you that
17:21she got pregnant
17:22the same way
17:23you got pregnant,
17:25it's probably you.
17:27Juana Bravo.
17:31Something like that.
17:34Well, look,
17:35forget it.
17:36I'll take you home.
17:38you know what?
17:39I think I'd rather walk.
17:41a little bit.
17:42Clear my mind.
17:43It'll do me good.
17:48thank you very much, David.
17:50Seriously, seriously.
17:51It's nothing.
17:52Thank you.
17:54I'll help you with
17:55your things.
17:56Don't worry.
17:57There you go.
17:58I'll put it here.
17:59All good.
18:00Thank you very much.
18:01Let me know when you get home.
18:03Get some rest.
18:04Be careful.
18:17Okay, honey.
18:18Be careful.
18:20It's Juana.
18:21She's coming this way.
18:22That's great.
18:23How did you feel her?
18:25What do you mean?
18:26Juana is like Mrs. Josefina.
18:28When the storm comes,
18:29she's like a thunderstorm.
18:31As soon as she gets here,
18:32we have to talk to her,
18:33all three of us.
18:34And get her away from Gabriel
18:35and all that toxic world.
18:37Speaking of the toxic world
18:38of the blondes,
18:40can you explain to me
18:41who was the girl
18:42who started
18:43the scandal
18:44with Yadira?
18:46Her name is Enriqueta Valés.
18:49Isn't she beautiful?
18:51She's the most beautiful woman
18:52I've ever seen.
18:54Well, after you, of course.
18:56I'm just going to ask you
18:57to do me a favor.
18:58Don't go out with your
18:59Domingo 7,
19:00because I have a lot of work
19:01creating these
19:02jobs for Juana.
19:06Take care of yourself, son.
19:07I taught you that, didn't I?
19:09It's fine like this, Mom.
19:14I'm sorry, Dad.
19:15She left.
19:17David, I need to tell you something.
19:19She left.
19:20Check it.
19:23Look, I don't know if she left
19:24because she knew
19:25you were coming
19:26or because she finally
19:27could rest
19:28and what she wanted
19:29was to think,
19:30but she left.
19:33How is she?
19:35Is she sick?
19:36Of course she's sick.
19:38She's sad,
19:39disappointed, tired.
19:42That party was a trap for her.
19:45Paola made her feel like
19:46a piece of trash
19:47and you let her, Gabriel.
19:48It was to celebrate Nico.
19:50Besides, it was a way
19:51to help the orphanage
19:52that she also helps.
19:53What really happened
19:55is that they taught Juana
19:56a world that she will never
19:57be able to be part of.
19:58I mean, only in photos, right?
19:59But Juana and I
20:00have a world in common.
20:02Of course.
20:03But that world
20:04that you have in common,
20:08what you have in common
20:09is a son.
20:13It's true.
20:16The woman
20:17who was inseminated by mistake
20:18is Juana.
20:19How do you know?
20:21In one of her suffocations,
20:22Juana told me
20:23that they got confused
20:24with a woman
20:25and after that,
20:26it wasn't very difficult
20:27to make the connection,
20:28don't you think?
20:29You didn't tell her
20:30that I could be the donor.
20:31Of course not.
20:32What I don't understand
20:33is why you didn't tell her,
20:35Because I was caught by surprise.
20:36Because we already had
20:37something in common.
20:38We already had a friendship
20:39and suddenly I find out
20:40that she is the mother
20:41who is expecting my son.
20:42It was unusual.
20:43Do you know what is unusual?
20:44You are going crazy
20:45but not because of her,
20:46because of your son.
20:47And that's what is wrong.
20:48That's not true.
20:49I already felt something
20:50before I found out
20:51that she was my son's mother.
20:52I asked you a thousand times
20:53if you were telling me
20:54that it was a friendship,
20:55that it was just a friendship.
20:56It's weird, isn't it?
20:57Just when you found out
20:58the truth,
20:59that feeling changed.
21:00Of course not.
21:01Admit it.
21:02Of course not.
21:03You are doing with Juana
21:04the same thing
21:05you did with Paula,
21:08putting your selfishness
21:09on top of everything.
21:12You found out
21:13that you were supposed
21:14to have a son with Paula
21:15and what happened?
21:16We talked a thousand times.
21:17Your relationship changed with her.
21:18You are doing the same thing
21:19with Juana.
21:20What's wrong with you?
21:21You make me look like
21:22I'm a selfish monster,
21:23a narcissist.
21:24And I'm not like that.
21:26Even though Paula
21:27couldn't give me a son,
21:28I was always involved
21:29in everything.
21:30And you know it.
21:31She was the one
21:32who separated us.
21:33Think whatever you want.
21:36But I want you to know
21:37that Juana is not alone.
21:39I'm going to defend her.
21:40Even if it costs us our friendship.
22:11I love you.
22:12I love you too.
22:41I love you.
22:42I love you too.
23:11I love you.
23:12I love you too.
23:44¿Está usted bien?
23:47¿Necesita algo?
23:50Gabriel no se da cuenta
23:51que somos una pareja ideal.
23:54Que juntos deslumbramos el mundo.
23:58Y por su ceguera
23:59estoy a punto de perderlo.
24:02Es que si tal vez
24:03usted dejara de hacer
24:04lo que está haciendo
24:05con el modelo ese,
24:06perdón, pero señora,
24:07yo no creo que engañándolo
24:09vaya a recuperar a don Gabriel.
24:25Si tú le dices
24:27a alguien lo que me acabas de decir,
24:29te juro que te mato.
24:32¿Me oíste?
24:33Sí, señora, perdón.
24:43Les quería pedir una disculpa.
24:45Yo sé que los trataron muy mal
24:46en la casa de los rubios.
24:49Es que es mucho dinero
24:50y poca educación.
24:52Eso describe a esa gente.
24:54Y la esposa de Gabriel
24:55nos echó unos ojotes.
24:56¿Qué tal?
24:57Eso es lo de menos.
24:59No, es importante.
25:00Yo también me sentí muy mal.
25:03Y por eso me fui sin despedirme.
25:05Me sentí harta,
25:07cansada de la situación.
25:09Ya no aguanté los maltratos.
25:12Y pues les quería decir
25:13que ustedes tenían razón.
25:15Que yo no debí de haber regresado
25:17a trabajar a la cervecería.
25:20Y yo no creo que Gabriel
25:22sea una mala persona.
25:24A ver, en verdad,
25:25yo no creo que sea
25:26una mala persona.
25:29no quiero estar
25:30en medio de una pareja
25:31que aunque estén mal,
25:32pues la realidad
25:33es que siguen casados.
25:35Así debe de ser.
25:37Nosotros habíamos pensado...
25:39Entonces, ma,
25:44solo les quería decir esto
25:45para que estén tranquilos
25:47de que yo tengo
25:49muy clara la situación.
25:51Y aunque probablemente
25:53esté perdiendo
25:55la oportunidad de hablar
25:56y la oportunidad de ser feliz,
25:58de conocer el amor,
26:00pues es lo mejor.
26:02Entonces me voy a apartar
26:04de Gabriel.
26:07Bueno, me voy a meter
26:08a descansar.
26:10Ch, ch, ch, ch.
26:12Usted se me queda ahí.
26:14¿Por qué tenemos tan mala suerte
26:15las mujeres de esta casa
26:16en el amor, eh?
26:18No más en esta casa.
26:19Pero yo tengo de culpa, ¿no?
26:20No, tú tienes de atrez.
26:22Tú eres ojo alegre, mijo.
26:24Y luego no piensas.
26:25No, tú.
26:27Todo se paga en esta vida, mijo, eh.
26:29Ándele, usted sí, dale.
26:32¿Qué me va a dejar esta mansión?
26:37Un departamento en Cancún.
26:40Una generosa pensión.
26:44La casa.
26:50No, si yo lo que quiero,
26:52lo que quiero es a él.
26:53Lo quiero a mi lado.
26:55No quiero esas miserias.
26:57Lo quiero a él
26:59con todo lo que eso representa.
27:09No, no, no.
27:11Yo nunca te daré el divorcio.
27:13Nunca te daré el divorcio.
27:15Siempre vas a estar encadenado a mí
27:17porque tú eres mío.
27:19Mío, mío, mío.
27:24Mi bebé.
27:37¡Que te largues!
27:38No escuchas, oje.
27:39No eres bienvenida aquí.
27:41Tú me dijiste que me iba a venir.
27:42Permiso, mi amor.
27:43¡No le permites la entrada a este imbécil!
27:54¿Qué onda, Camila?
27:58¿A qué soy bueno?
28:00¿Por qué tanto misterio?
28:02Necesito que me lleves a ver a mi mamá ahora mismo.
28:21¿Estás bien?
28:22¿Mi cabeza?
28:27¿Tú estás bien?
28:32El tipo se ni siquiera separó.
28:35¿Qué te pasó?
28:36Estabas ida.
28:38No, estaba ida y sigo ida.
28:41¿Tú de dónde saliste?
28:43Vine a atender un robo de vehículo.
28:46Pues bendito el que se robó el coche
28:47porque si no, yo no estaría contándolo.
28:51Sí, bendito sea el señor.
28:54Bueno, o mis ángeles que siempre me mandan alguien
28:56para cuidarme.
28:59Ahora que lo dices,
29:01quizás esa es mi misión en la vida.
29:04Ser tu ángel de la guarda y no lo sabíamos.
29:09Gracias por salvarme, Salvador.
29:15¿Sabes qué?
29:16Eso, mi cuidador.
29:18Porque si sabías que las mujeres de mi familia
29:20tenemos una maldición de la mano.
29:23Así que mejor así, mira,
29:24de lejecitos hasta para allá.
29:26A ver, párame.
29:27Ay, ay, ay.
29:29Ay, ay, ay.
29:30¿Estás bien?
29:35Cuando vi que te iban a atropellar
29:36por un momento se me fue el alma y...
29:41Yo creo que estoy...
29:42Shh, shh.
29:44No lo digas, no lo digas, no lo digas.
29:47De lejecitos.
29:48Así de lejecitos.
29:50Así es mejor, ¿ok?
29:52De lejecitos, ¿ok?
30:02Vamos a América.
30:05Esta noche tenemos que ganar.
30:09Tresero, papi.
30:11Ódeme más.
30:12Tresero, pues vaya.
30:14¿Sabes qué?
30:15Vi la luz prendida y dije,
30:17vamos a pasar a ver nomás por si las flies, ¿no?
30:20¿Cómo te fue con el guateca del Nico?
30:22No, fue todo un relajo.
30:24No, es que se nos pega Yadira
30:25y yo estoy aquí sumando puntos con Enriqueta.
30:27Vas a tener dos novias, papi.
30:31Por favor.
30:32Yo vi en internet
30:33que un batillo tenía así una novia,
30:35otra novia,
30:36y andaban todos la manitas y broncas,
30:38digo, igual, ¿no?
30:39No, no digas tonterías, de machis.
30:42No, hubieras visto a Yadira,
30:43se le puso,
30:44no, se le armó de jamón a Enriqueta,
30:46le dijo que era mi novia
30:47y no sé qué tantas cosas.
30:49No, que llegara Enriqueta y le digo,
30:50no, yo estoy solterito,
30:51Yadira está loca, no le hagas caso.
30:53Digo, por suerte me creyó.
30:54Ah, pues sí,
30:55ya te la echas a la bolsa de Enriqueta, ¿no?
30:57Eso espero.
31:00Ódeme más.
31:01Vamos con las novias del chip.
31:05Son de un motor.
31:07Son de un motor.
31:29¿Quién anda ahí?
31:31¿Quién está ahí?
31:32Soy yo, doña Jesús, el Reni.
31:34¿El Reni?
31:36Me sacaste un susto,
31:38qué bueno que viniste.
31:39Oye, ¿no has visto a la gata?
31:40Porque la dejé abierta en la puerta
31:42para que entrara a comer,
31:43pero hace días que no se aparece.
31:45Uy, no, doña Jesúsa,
31:47esa gata es bien malagradecida.
31:52¿Y de sus hijos qué ha sabido?
31:56El pobre de mi chamaco
31:57sigue encerrado en el reclusorio.
32:02¿Y de la Camila?
32:03No me hables de ese ingrato.
32:06Parece ciega, pero tengo entendimiento.
32:08Yo sé lo que es la traición.
32:11Tanto la quise.
32:12Su hermano daba la vida por ella
32:14y se dio la media vuelta y se fue.
32:18Vergüenza le damos.
32:30¿Qué es esto?
32:33¿Qué es esto?
32:44Esto es lo que pienso
32:45de tu propuesta de divorcio.
32:50Es que lástima porque no es negociable.
32:53No importa lo que hagas
32:54o lo que me ofrezcas,
32:56no lo voy a aceptar
32:57y no voy a permitir que me dejes nunca.
32:58Pero si ya no hay amor entre los dos
33:00y tú más que nadie lo sabe.
33:03Que siempre me acusaste
33:04que entre Juan y yo había algo
33:06cuando tú fuiste la que me fue infiel.
33:09¿O qué?
33:10¿Piensas que no se lo delusionó?
33:17Pero por supuesto que eso es mentira.
33:19Seguramente Tania fue la que lo inventó porque...
33:21Tania no inventó nada.
33:22Hace mucho tiempo cambié
33:23las cámaras de seguridad de la casa.
33:26¿Te quieres ver?
33:34¿Ahí estás?
33:37Lo que pasó con Luciano
33:39fue tu culpa porque tú me abandonaste
33:41y de todas formas no te voy a dar el divorcio.
33:43Paula, merecemos ser felices.
33:46Deberías de darte una oportunidad con Luciano.
33:48Hace muy bonita pareja.
33:52Porque yo voy a rehacer mi vida
33:53y lo voy a hacer con Juana.
33:56Así que voy a agarrar mis cosas
33:57y voy a largar de esta casa.
33:59Así que voy a agarrar mis cosas
34:00y voy a largar de esta casa.
34:30No importa lo que hagas o lo que me ofrezcas.
34:32No lo voy a aceptar
34:33y no voy a permitir que me dejes nunca.
34:36Gabriel, por favor, aléjate de mí.
34:44Pues tu plan no funcionó, amiga.
34:46Todo lo contrario.
34:47Gabriel se fue a la casa, me abandonó.
34:49¿Sabes qué?
34:50Ya no me voy a quedar más tiempo callada.
34:52Le voy a decir que yo sé
34:53por qué persigue tanto a Juana.
34:55¿Y te dijo dónde buscarlo?
34:56¿Sabes dónde lo puedes encontrar?
34:59A ver, escúchame.
35:00Esto es una muestra
35:01de que tu plan no está funcionando.
35:04Lo que quería hacer
35:05era ahuyentar a la mujer
35:06que tiene el vientre el hijo de Gabriel.
35:08¿Pero de qué hablas?
35:09Y hasta me dijo
35:10que quería rehacer su vida al lado de ella.
35:12Sí, pero es que el plan
35:13no es que Gabriel deje a Juana,
35:15es que Juana deje a Gabriel.
35:18Ya, voy a renunciar a la cervecería.
35:20Pero les voy a dar unas semanas
35:21para que encuentren a mi reemplazo antes.
35:23Me parece muy bien, Juana.
35:25Bueno, pero de todas formas
35:26tengo que encontrar un trabajo.
35:27O sea, ya contábamos con ese sueldo
35:28y pues tampoco los voy a dejar así.
35:30Ay, mi amor,
35:31de mañana nos vamos a morir,
35:32no te preocupes.
35:33Ah, ya sé,
35:34pero tengo que apoyarme en esta casa.
35:35Buenas días, familia.
35:36Buenos días, mi amor.
35:37Oye, Chaparro,
35:38¿vas para la cervecería, no?
35:39No, no, no, no.
35:40No, no, no, no.
35:41No, no, no, no, no.
35:42No, no, no, no, no.
35:43Buenas días, familia.
35:44Buenos días, mi amor.
35:45Oye, Chaparro,
35:46¿vas para la cervecería, no?
35:47Yo voy,
35:48te voy siguiendo en el coche.
35:52¿puedo saber por qué?
35:56Porque voy a darle
35:57una sorpresa a Enriqueta
35:59y pues tengo que llegar
36:00antes de que lleguen todos.
36:01¿Enriqueta, Enriqueta Valdez?
36:04¿La licenciada Enriqueta Valdez?
36:06Ya, vámonos,
36:07después te cuento, vámonos.
36:08Vamos a estar ahí.
36:09Ay, mira, pues,
36:10estás guapo, mijo.
36:12Con razón, senor.
36:13Con razón traes esa camisita.
36:16Ya se le ve
36:17del color de los ojos.
36:18Sí, ¿verdad?
36:19Ahorita te corto el pantalón.
36:20Gracias, guipa.
36:21Suerte, mi amor.
36:28Sí, se puede, sí, por favor.
36:31Oigan, aprovechando
36:32que estamos los tres,
36:34me gustaría hablar con ustedes.
36:37Adelante, Gabriel,
36:38di lo que tengas que decir.
36:39Tú bien sabes
36:40que para nosotros
36:41es como un hijo.
36:43Muchas gracias, lo sé.
36:45Por eso necesito contarles
36:46de mi vida.
36:48He tomado la decisión
36:50y me voy a divorciar de Paula.
36:54Y me voy a venir
36:55a vivir aquí.
36:57Perdona que te lo diga, Gabriel,
36:58pero eso no es algo
36:59que nos asombre a Tomás y a mí.
37:01Mujer, por favor.
37:02Está bien,
37:03a ella nunca le ha caído bien Paula.
37:05En todo el tiempo
37:06que estuvo contigo
37:07solo vino un par de veces
37:08a la hacienda
37:09y todo le chocaba.
37:11Ella es una mujer de ciudad,
37:12a ella le gustan los lujos,
37:13es así.
37:14Y nada que ver contigo, hijo.
37:17¿Te imaginas
37:18que hubiera sido ella
37:19la que se hubiera quedado aquí
37:20encerrada en plena tormenta
37:21y sin luz?
37:23¿Ve qué linda se ven
37:24todas las velas?
37:26Dan esta luz cálida,
37:30Sí, y te relaja.
37:33Lo sé,
37:34lo sé todo
37:35como más íntimo.
37:41Ay, mujer,
37:42puras vergüenzas contigo,
37:43en serio.
37:45Gabriel sabe
37:46que lo quiero mucho
37:47y además siempre he sido
37:48sincera con él.
37:49Me encanta.
37:52¿Qué te pareció, Juana?
37:53Me gusta.
37:56Esa muchacha es otra cosa,
38:02Es justo
38:03el tipo de muchacha
38:04que te conviene,
38:07¿Cómo te atreves
38:08a llamarme
38:09para venir a hablar
38:10a casa de mi hija?
38:11Me atreví
38:12porque a mí no me importa
38:13lo que usted piense o diga.
38:15Yo sí soy amiga de Paula.
38:17Puede venirme
38:18a insultar las veces
38:19que usted quiera
38:20con tal de ayudarla.
38:21Y no sé si usted sepa,
38:22pero ella está muy nerviosa.
38:24No se puede quedar sola.
38:27Hola, buen día.
38:28Buenos días.
38:29Buenos días.
38:31Bueno, si quieres aquí,
38:32yo ya me voy
38:33porque yo ya sé
38:34dónde está.
38:35No, sí tengo que dar acceso.
38:37Viene conmigo.
38:38Buenos días.
38:41Muchas gracias.
38:44Sí, sabes,
38:45no te vayas a meter
38:46en problemas, por favor.
38:47Hombre, ¿cómo querés chaparra?
38:52Buenos días.
38:53Buenos días.
39:05Tú eres el tío
39:06de una empleada
39:07de la cervecería
39:08y no nos deberíamos
39:09de volver a ver.
39:11¿Es en serio?
39:22Inés, buenos días.
39:26Pues, avergonzada.
39:29Sí, pero ¿sabes qué?
39:30Ya lo pensé
39:31y no voy a arruinar
39:32tantos años de carrera
39:33solamente porque
39:34tus hormonas están
39:35fuera de control.
39:38Sí, te veo en la oficina.
39:51Buenos días.
40:05Tranquila, mi vida.
40:06Vas a ver,
40:07todo va a estar bien.
40:09Las cosas se acomodan.
40:11Dale tiempo.
40:13Mi amor, hija,
40:14¿qué tienes?
40:16Estoy bien, papá.
40:17Estoy muy bien.
40:18Todo mi mundo
40:19se desmorona
40:20por culpa de Juana.
40:21La odio, la odio
40:22con toda mi alma.
40:24Pero todo bien.
40:25No te preocupes,
40:26todo bien.
40:29Te voy a traer tu té, corazón.
40:30Tranquila, bonita.
40:32No sé cuáles son las razones,
40:34la verdad,
40:35pero Gabriel se fue de su casa.
40:38Y lo único que hace es repetir
40:39que odia a Juana,
40:40la fotógrafa.
41:02Aquí tienes, Juana.
41:03Gracias, Lucas.
41:04Que tengas un bonito día.
41:34¿hasta qué consigo hablar contigo?
41:36Pues estoy aquí en la cervecería.
41:40yo sé que la fiesta de Nico
41:41fue un desastre.
41:42En verdad,
41:43lo menos que quería
41:44es que tú
41:45y tu familia
41:46se sintieran humillados,
41:47en verdad.
41:48Lo siento muchísimo,
41:49me tienes que creer.
41:50Pues sí te creo, Gabriel,
41:51pero eso no cambia nada.
41:52No, no, no, no.
41:53No, no, no, no.
41:54No, no, no, no.
41:55No, no, no, no.
41:56No, no, no, no.
41:57No, no, no, no.
41:58No, no, no, no.
41:59No, no, no, no.
42:01Lo que sí cambian las cosas
42:02son que
42:03me fui de la casa.
42:04Hablé con Paula
42:06y le dije que no podíamos vivir juntos.
42:30Get us
