WCW Monday Nitro March 25, 1996

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Hello, everybody, and welcome.
00:28We are live as live can get.
00:31Look out, here we come.
00:33WCW Monday Nitro.
00:37The only weekly live contest on the planet,
00:42and we are coming to you with, count them, three title matches.
00:47The WCW World Heavyweight title on the line,
00:50the U.S. title on the line,
00:52and the World Tag Team titles all on the line tonight.
00:57Let's kick it off.
00:58Let's talk about the Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
01:00defending his world championship against 7'4", 440-some-odd pounds,
01:06the Giant.
01:07How do you see it, man?
01:08Let me tell you, sports fans,
01:09finally a wedge is going to be driven into this alliance they had
01:14to end Hulkamania.
01:15I can't wait to see this one.
01:17Don't sit back in your chair.
01:18Get up on the edge of it, baby.
01:20What do you got to say about that, Mr. Brain?
01:23Well, I'll tell you exactly what I got to say about it.
01:25You know, I've been a fan of Ric Flair for a year.
01:27I've managed the man.
01:28I've helped him financially.
01:29I've done everything to boost this man's career.
01:32But I know what happened to him last night at Uncensored.
01:34I don't think he's 100%.
01:36This Giant coming off a big, big win over the Loch Ness.
01:39He's here.
01:40He's 7'4", over 400-some pounds.
01:42He can taste that title.
01:44Flair's in probably the biggest trouble he's ever been in his life tonight.
01:47He can taste the title, and he's big enough to eat it as well.
01:49Like I mentioned, the World Tag Team titles on the line,
01:52Sting and Luger.
01:53A lot of controversy about that tag team combination.
01:55They're taking on the American Males.
01:58Very interesting matchup indeed.
02:00Konnan puts the U.S. title up against Mr. JL.
02:03But another hot one.
02:04We're going to kick it off hot the way we always do.
02:07The Macho Man, Randy Savage.
02:09He is standing by, and he is ready to duke it out.
02:13And I mean duke it out.
02:15Looking for excitement?
02:16You'll find it.
02:17Snap into this one.
02:18Let's go to the ring.
02:21And if you were watching last night, sports fans,
02:25Macho, watch out for that jab, baby.
02:28Keep the front hand up.
02:30Bob, Weave, do whatever you need to do.
02:33But this man, the Belfast Bruiser,
02:36absolutely demolished the nose.
02:41And what we hear is the cheekbone of Steven Regal.
02:44I mean, he flattened it.
02:47Send Regal to the hospital with one of those European
02:50Uppercut Forearms, and I'll tell you what.
02:52Anybody that doubts the impact of that European Uppercut
02:55Forearm only needs to talk right now to one Steven Regal.
03:00I'll tell you something about Steven Regal.
03:02He took a beating last night at the hands of this man.
03:04I mean, Regal's face right now looks worse than Princess Di's
03:07tie that she smashed up.
03:08He took a beating, believe me.
03:10Well, you keep up with current affairs, don't you, baby?
03:12Yes, I do.
03:13I'm a very intelligent man, thank you.
03:15And here we go as we get ready to snap into the action here.
03:19The man who represents Shredden Gym.
03:22The man who was one half of the Mega Powers last night
03:27with Hulk Hogan.
03:28Hulk Hogan, by the way, had the Night of Nights,
03:31overcoming all odds, taking on the Dungeon of Doom,
03:36the Horseman.
03:38Guys crawling out of the woodwork with 27-inch arms.
03:43He lived up to the challenge, and Hulkamania continues
03:47to dominate the world of professional wrestling.
03:51Congratulations to Hulk Hogan, the Macho Man Randy Savage.
03:56What a tremendous night last night at Uncensored.
03:59Well, the Macho Man better be on his toes tonight,
04:02because here's one for you over there, Hernia.
04:04You know the Belfast Bruiser is undefeated in the WCW so far.
04:10I'm aware of that, and the name is Heenan.
04:12And I'm quite aware of what this man can do.
04:15And so is Savage.
04:16He doesn't sell anybody short.
04:18Let's see what kind of a Macho Man he is in there
04:20with the Belfast Bruiser.
04:22He earned that name, Bruiser.
04:24Coming up following this contest, you've got JL,
04:28a man who advanced in the WCW Cruiserweight Tournament,
04:31one of the first matches held on this continent,
04:34when he defeated Dean Malenko last night at WCW Uncensored.
04:38Now JL taking his wares to the ring
04:40and challenging Conan for the U.S. title.
04:44Conan over Eddie Guerrero last night
04:46in a very controversial match.
04:48I'm sure we have not heard the end of that one.
04:50I'm looking forward to the opportunity
04:51to talk to Eddie Guerrero.
04:52But right now, let's focus on the Macho Man,
04:55Randy Savage, and the Belfast Bruiser.
04:59Think about this.
05:00The Belfast Bruiser, a man undefeated here at WCW.
05:02You know what a feather in his cap it would be
05:04for him to knock off a guy with the caliber
05:06and the credentials of the Macho Man.
05:08And it can be done, because he's wounded.
05:10He's still hurt.
05:11It can happen anytime.
05:13Well, you're right about that, Weasel.
05:15If the Belfast Bruiser takes this match, baby,
05:18he's got to be considered
05:19one of the top contenders
05:20for the World Championship belt.
05:22And just like everybody's talking about,
05:23right here at WCW,
05:24the stars are coming out under rocks
05:27from all over the world.
05:28They want to be right here.
05:30You know, you talk about WCW,
05:31the C in WCW stands for commitment,
05:33a commitment to bring you
05:35the newest, youngest,
05:36most internationally recognized talent
05:38from all over the world.
05:39And they are all coming to WCW.
05:41Belfast Bruiser, one of them,
05:42he moves in for a quick kill.
05:43Unable to cover the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
05:45And I'll tell you what,
05:46if the Belfast Bruiser thinks
05:47he's gonna jump all over Randy Savage
05:49this quickly in the contest,
05:51he is sadly underestimating
05:53the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
05:54This guy is will, desire, guts, and action personified.
05:59A couple of elbows to the midsection here
06:00by the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
06:03Well, he doesn't need to run with this guy.
06:05Macho needs to go ahead and take him out,
06:07get up on that rope,
06:08drive that elbow,
06:09and get this match over with.
06:10He don't need to get his face turned into mush
06:13like Regal did.
06:14Well, it's gonna take him a while to do that
06:15because this man's prepared.
06:16I watched when Savage shot him off.
06:18It was a short tackle,
06:19he nailed Savage,
06:20covered him right there.
06:21He's here for business.
06:22He's not here to play in the ring with Mr. Savage.
06:24He knows what Savage is all about.
06:26I mean, world renowned,
06:27all over the world,
06:28everybody knows about Savage.
06:29And they're gonna know about the Belfast Bruiser.
06:31The Macho Man, Randy Savage,
06:32who will be traveling to Japan
06:34in the month of April.
06:36One of the WCW...
06:37Oh, and there's that uppercut forearm we talked about!
06:39There is the uppercut forearm
06:40that absolutely devastated
06:43the nose and the cheekbone
06:45of Steven Regal last night.
06:47And, I mean, Regal was sent to the hospital.
06:49Probably will have to go undergo reconstructive surgery.
06:53And the Macho Man, Randy Savage, now,
06:54reversing the offense.
06:55He is going after the Belfast Bruiser,
06:57who is begging for mercy.
06:59Well, you can beg all you want.
07:00That won't do any good with Savage.
07:02The Macho Man all over the Bruiser.
07:04The Bruiser...
07:06Man alive!
07:07Did you see the velocity?
07:09That clothesline took the Bruiser down,
07:12and now, Bruiser out of the ring.
07:14The Macho Man, Randy Savage, all over him.
07:17Well, let me tell you,
07:18the one thing Macho...
07:20Oh, my gosh!
07:21Oh, my gosh!
07:22Savage is down.
07:23I was fixing to say,
07:24the one thing Macho has going for him
07:26is that was a big match
07:27with the Belfast Bruiser last night over Regal.
07:30You know, maybe he went too far,
07:32and he's gassed out,
07:33and Macho has a chance to take him to the limit.
07:36The Macho Man, Randy Savage, is hurt.
07:38He is staggered outside of the ring,
07:40and the Belfast Bruiser now continuing the attack,
07:43drapes him over the top of the guardrail.
07:45The fans egging the Macho Man, Randy Savage,
07:47on supporting him,
07:48but he is hammered, holding his jaw.
07:51This man just got his bell rung like Big Ben.
07:55Well, he certainly did.
07:56And Savage, Belfast has got to learn this.
07:58He's not gonna beat that man
07:59on the floor.
08:00He's got to get Savage back in that ring.
08:02And you mess around with Savage on the floor,
08:04he'll pick up those ring steps.
08:05He'll turn the ring over on you.
08:07The Macho Man, Randy Savage,
08:08now turning his back on a Belfast Bruiser,
08:10hammered on clubbing forearm
08:12right between the shoulder blades,
08:14sends the Macho Man down.
08:15And now the Macho Man
08:17busted again into that ring post,
08:19and as you notice,
08:20the Bruiser using that bad arm
08:22as a leverage point here,
08:24taking the Macho Man one more time
08:27into over the top of the rails
08:29and out onto the floor.
08:32Well, another point,
08:33you know, Macho's part of the Mega Powers
08:35that were in that cage last night.
08:37Maybe he's spent.
08:38Maybe he doesn't have anything left.
08:40It looks like the Belfast Bruiser's
08:41taking it to him a little bit here.
08:43Well, Savage is a very, very funny man
08:45to wrestle in that ring.
08:46He can be out of gas totally,
08:48but if he can smell fumes of any kind,
08:50the man is still dangerous.
08:51Very dangerous.
08:52He won't give up.
08:53He's very hard to pin.
08:54One and two,
08:55and the Macho Man Randy Savage
08:57digs down deep,
08:58comes up with a kick out
09:00and a right hand to the top of the head.
09:02The Macho Man Randy Savage
09:03now takes a boot to the side of the head,
09:04fires back with a right of his own,
09:06eats a forearm to the back of the neck,
09:07and again fires to the midsection
09:09of the Belfast Bruiser.
09:10And you hear this crowd,
09:11they are into the action here.
09:13Oh, sports fans,
09:15if you love action,
09:16if you love brutalization,
09:18and I'm worried about this
09:19Belfast Bruiser about that.
09:20He's not in this just to wrestle.
09:22He's in here to maim and crutch.
09:24Well, he knows what he has to do.
09:26Where he comes from in Ironman,
09:27it was survival.
09:28They had to fight for everything
09:29they wanted all their life,
09:30and he realizes that's how it is.
09:33And the Macho Man Randy Savage
09:35taking advantage of excellent timing there.
09:38Oh, no.
09:39And here it comes.
09:40Here it comes.
09:42Get out of the way.
09:43That's what we've been waiting for, baby.
09:45He loads it.
09:46He pulls the trigger.
09:48And he is right on target.
09:52The cover.
09:53The win.
09:54The Macho Man Randy Savage
09:57chalk up another win.
10:00Well, they're going to another family in Ireland now
10:04after watching that.
10:07I'll tell you something.
10:09I thought it'd be toe-to-toe a little more, but...
10:12Let's see if we can get another look at this.
10:14Brought to you by 1-800-COLLECT,
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10:18Just dial 1-800-COLLECT
10:20from any phone to any phone
10:22and save some macho money.
10:24Savage gets the 1-2-3 here
10:26with that big elbow off the top rope.
10:28Got the win.
10:29Hit him right in his cabbage and...
10:31Did you see him bounce off that?
10:33Did you see him bounce off that ring
10:35like he was a rubber ball?
10:36That was beautiful.
10:37Did you see how high he got in the air?
10:39Brought to you by 1-800-COLLECT.
10:41Step into another win for the Macho Man Randy Savage
10:45right here on Nitro.
10:46And coming up next,
10:47JL, Conan, the U.S. title on the line,
10:50the World Heavyweight title on the line,
10:52the tag team titles on the line,
10:54and a whole lot more.
10:56Man, you see the size of Harlem Heat lately?
10:58They're huge, man.
10:59Good God.
11:00I know. I'm sick of it, too.
11:02So, Stan.
11:04What did Luger say?
11:05I'll tell you, but nobody else, all right?
11:08What did he say you and me
11:09joined the Shake Your Booty Tour, huh?
11:11Hey, what's wrong?
11:12What's your sign?
11:14We know how to get the dirt.
11:16Call 1-900-909-9900.
11:20$1.49 per minute.
11:21Kids, get parent's permission before calling.
11:24All right, fans.
11:25Welcome back to more exciting action,
11:27a very explosive Monday night here on TNT
11:30as I welcome the WCW heavyweight champion of the world.
11:34Let's hear it.
11:35Give it up for the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
11:40Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
12:11Oh, my, my, my, Miss Elizabeth, woman.
12:17Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
12:18I got a ton of things to talk to you about
12:20later on tonight here on Nitro.
12:22A ton of events as a result of what happened
12:24last night in Tupelo.
12:25You're gonna be facing the 7'4", 446-pound giant.
12:30On hand me, woman.
12:32Me, Gene.
12:34Tonight, we slay a real live,
12:40walking, talking, fire-breathing giant.
12:45And I want to assure the world,
12:48before it's all over,
12:50I will look down at the giant and say,
12:54brother, ask yourself this,
12:57what's causing all this?
13:02I got the whole world in my hands.
13:07I got the whole...
13:08It's not easy being a Nature Boy.
13:11Me, Gene, look.
13:13We got world title belts.
13:15We got woman, oh, woman, won't you marry me now?
13:19And we have Macho Man's former better half
13:25now with the Nature Boy.
13:28All right, Ric Flair,
13:29before we go any further,
13:30they have been calling the hotline all day long.
13:33Folks want to know what happened last night
13:35at Uncensored.
13:36You got KO'd,
13:37and I think it was quite intentional
13:40by Lex Luger.
13:42I not only got KO'd
13:44for the first time in a couple months.
13:47You see, I've been flying so high.
13:49Me, Gene, I really haven't looked at Luger.
13:53I really haven't looked at the package for what he is.
13:57And that is a man that wants to be where I am.
14:02Me and Gene could look in a woman, brother.
14:04I can't help myself sometimes, Nate.
14:06Luger, for the air,
14:09for the costly air
14:11and judgment you made last night,
14:15you now, my friend, are on that long list
14:19of people that are not gonna be able to style
14:24and profile with the Nate Chivar.
14:27All right, I thank you, Elizabeth.
14:29You are looking...
14:30Liz, who is more man,
14:33me or Lex Luger?
14:35Oh, you, Ric.
14:39Oh, woman!
14:41Who's got a better body,
14:43me or Lex Luger?
14:45You, champ.
14:47I'll go with the gals.
14:48I don't mind telling you.
14:49I thank you very much,
14:50the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
14:51We'll see him later in the hour.
14:53Giant, get ready.
14:55Let's get you back to the ring.
14:58Well, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
15:00never at a loss for words.
15:01And did you see Elizabeth?
15:04Miss Elizabeth standing there
15:06with the Macho Man, Randy Savage's money.
15:10I mean, you got Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
15:12rubbing the fact that he has got
15:15Savage's ex-wife on his arm.
15:18She has got Savage's money in her hand.
15:21And I'll tell you what,
15:22the Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
15:24he is not shy at all about bragging it up.
15:26No, he isn't.
15:27He's always been that way.
15:28And you know Savage as well as I do.
15:30He's in the back here watching her.
15:31He's in the seats here someplace.
15:33He's beside himself.
15:34He's not a normal person.
15:35You know that.
15:36And to rub it in his face...
15:37That's a mistake.
15:39That could be a big mistake
15:40that could backfire in a big way.
15:42I've got two misconceptions here.
15:44According to the court systems,
15:46that's half of his money
15:47and the Nature Boy thinks
15:48he's got a better body than Luger?
15:50That man is deluded.
15:52Well, you heard Elizabeth
15:53say it a few weeks ago.
15:54She not only wanted half of everything
15:56he had from when they were married,
15:58she feels that she deserves
15:59half of everything he's ever going to make.
16:02She wants half of his dreams.
16:04She wants half of everything
16:05he's ever going to have
16:06because in her opinion,
16:07he wouldn't be anywhere without her.
16:10What do you call a woman
16:11with $2 million?
16:15Conan making his way to the ring.
16:18The U.S. champion
16:19about to defend that title
16:20against J.L.,
16:21a man who was on a roll
16:23at least as late as last night
16:25when he defeated Dean Malenko
16:27in the first match
16:31here in the U.S.
16:32for that cruiserweight title.
16:34Also want to talk about last night.
16:36You know,
16:37we found out that Brian Pillman
16:40at the very...
16:41I mean, literally at the 11th hour
16:43contacted WCW and said,
16:45hey, I don't want any part
16:47of anything to do
16:49in terms of Kevin Sullivan.
16:51I don't want to be on his team.
16:53I don't want to be in his main event.
16:54So the loose cannon continues
16:57with his unpredictable ways
16:58and I think that that could bring about
17:00a whole lot of tension
17:01between the Horsemen,
17:02Kevin Sullivan,
17:03the Dungeon of Doom,
17:04and that whole group
17:05because I tell you what,
17:06nobody there is cooperating with anybody
17:09and Pillman,
17:10the loosest cannon of them all.
17:13It could cause a lot of friction
17:14also with the Horsemen
17:15and the Dungeon,
17:16everybody else should mention.
17:17I mean, Pillman right now
17:18is being fitted for a straitjacket.
17:19The man's totally nuts.
17:21He don't know what he's going to do.
17:22I don't know what he's going to do.
17:23No one knows what he's going to do.
17:24Yeah, he should have lived up to his commitment.
17:25That's one thing he should have done
17:26and right now,
17:27Konnan living up to his commitment
17:28as the U.S. champion.
17:29He is going after JL.
17:31JL there with some pretty intricate offense.
17:33Head scissors takeover.
17:35And another
17:36and he takes Konnan right off his feet.
17:38This is the advantage.
17:39JL being the smaller of the two men,
17:41utilizing his speed,
17:43his quickness,
17:44his ability to work all over the ring
17:46against the power
17:47and probably the ground game here
17:49of Konnan.
17:50Although Konnan has the ability to go aerial
17:52when he needs to.
17:53And what a victory for JL
17:55if he could beat Konnan.
17:56I mean, Konnan is the first man
17:57I think ever to come here to WCW.
17:59Mexican heavyweight champion,
18:00United States champion.
18:02Mr. JL got a tremendous win last night.
18:04He's in that cruiserweight finals
18:06or he will be, I imagine,
18:07the way this man's going.
18:09What a feather in his cap
18:10to beat a man like Konnan.
18:11Nice quick go behind by Konnan
18:12into a front face lock.
18:13Reverse turn in there by JL.
18:15JL now on the receiving end of a short arm drag.
18:17Kick to the top of the chest.
18:20And Konnan using the arm,
18:22holding onto that arm,
18:25Oh, nice move!
18:26JL, though, so quick.
18:28He's got the balance of a...
18:30Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on.
18:32We're getting the word now.
18:34The macho man, Randy Savage,
18:36ballistic in the back.
18:39But hold on.
18:42Security and a number of people
18:44standing around back in the locker room area
18:46all over the macho man
18:48as he is trying to get his hands
18:49around the neck of the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
18:54We're hearing he's kicking down the door, Mongo.
18:56What do you guys expect?
18:57I mean, you can only push a man so far.
18:59You mess with his pride
19:00and you mess with his bank account?
19:02I don't think so.
19:04I think we should get a camera back there.
19:05I'd like to see what's happening.
19:06You know, Savage just can't go around
19:08kicking in people's doors
19:09thinking he's on cops
19:11and thinks he can walk in
19:12and push people around.
19:13That's that man's privacy.
19:14That's Ric Flair's room.
19:15Just because he's jealous
19:16and he lost his old lady
19:17because he wasn't smart enough
19:19and now she's got all his money
19:20and then Flair's gonna have his money.
19:23All right, hold on, Bobby.
19:24They're telling me they're gonna try
19:25to get a camera back there,
19:26but from what I understand,
19:27they are trying to restrain Savage.
19:28They are trying to get him out of the building.
19:30I know the macho man, Randy Savage.
19:32They better have the National Guard here
19:34because this guy, once this guy goes off,
19:37there's no stopping him.
19:38And right now, it is Conan all over JL.
19:40We'll try to keep you updated
19:41on the situation with the macho man
19:43and Ric Flair in the back
19:44as we go on.
19:45Nice fireman's carry takeover
19:47into an armbar by JL.
19:49JL trying to keep the action on the ground here.
19:51That surprises me, Bobby.
19:52Well, not really surprised me
19:54because he knows he has to wrestle his style.
19:56He's not gonna let Conan
19:57get him involved in wrestling his style.
19:59He wants to keep it his way.
20:01Well, all it takes is one little ding on the head
20:03and when you get dizzy, baby,
20:04you forget all about these movements.
20:06Look at this.
20:07This is a wrestling fan's dream, baby.
20:09This match has got more movement
20:11than a Swiss watch.
20:12Full Nelson.
20:13Nice counterarm drag takeover by JL.
20:16JL ducks under the clothesline
20:17and spinning elbow drops Conan
20:20right in the center of the ring.
20:21Conan in trouble,
20:22but JL put everything he had into it
20:24and he may have gotten hit on the back of the head.
20:27I believe he got hit on the back of the head.
20:30I'll tell you something about Conan.
20:31He's worried now.
20:33He took this man like this, Mr. JL.
20:35I don't know if he's heard a whole lot about this man.
20:37JL's on a roll, man.
20:38He is on a roll from last night.
20:40He certainly is, and Conan's aware of it right now.
20:42And Conan snuck by Eddie Guerrero
20:44with a very controversial low blow
20:47that a lot of people are still talking about
20:49and I'm sure Eddie Guerrero wants to talk a lot about.
20:51You know, Eddie Guerrero and Conan, good friends,
20:54but, uh, that-
20:56Man, did he nail him!
20:57He's got him here.
20:58He took-
20:59Oh, he nailed him!
21:01Well, it's a good thing he doesn't have any hair on his head
21:03because I would have took it right off.
21:04Cover! Cover!
21:05One, two, and Conan grabs the ropes,
21:07and I believe he may have not only gotten his bell rung,
21:10he may have blown out a knee there.
21:12And that took a lot out of Mr. JL also.
21:16Well, that just shows you
21:17the competition in this league, baby.
21:19JL's willing to do those high-risk maneuvers
21:22just to get this man out.
21:23Well, we talked about JL on his roll,
21:26winning the first match in the U.S.
21:28last night at Uncensored
21:29in the Frisbee Tournament.
21:31Want to update you, in Japan,
21:33Psychosis, Liger, and Benoit advancing cover.
21:37Advancing in Japan
21:38in this very crucial Cruiserweight Tournament
21:41taking place in both Japan and the United States.
21:44And we will have more information for you
21:46on the developments in the WCW Cruiserweight Tournament
21:49next week right here on Nitro.
21:51Also next week here on Nitro,
21:52Hulk Hogan is back on Nitro next week.
21:55You'll see him cover.
21:56Two count there.
21:57Two count there.
21:58You'll see him in action with the Booty Man
22:00as they get a shot at the Taskmaster
22:02and Arn Anderson.
22:03That, after last night at Uncensored.
22:06Mark it on your calendar.
22:07That's a match you want to check out
22:09live here on Nitro.
22:10Cover, one, two.
22:11Nick Patrick in position.
22:14Look at this.
22:15I don't know what you call that move.
22:16There were so many legs there and so many feet
22:18and so many arms going inside, inside,
22:20and out, upside, down.
22:21I don't know what you call a move like that.
22:22You call it.
22:23Well, Eric, you were talking about Hulk Hogan.
22:25I want to get back to that baby.
22:26That man's been on a tear.
22:27When is he going to get a championship match?
22:30He deserves it, and when he does,
22:32he'll be the champion again.
22:34Body slam by Konnan,
22:36who is showing some signs of fatigue.
22:38Konnan now changing direction in midstream.
22:41That can cost you,
22:42and it is going to cost him now.
22:44Never second guess yourself.
22:46Did he get the middle rope?
22:49He cracked his coconut big time.
22:51Had the presence of mind to hook the leg.
22:53That was over the rope.
22:54One, two.
22:55That was a slow count.
22:56That, I have to admit, if I was J.L.,
22:59I would appeal that call right there because...
23:02It looked to me like Nick Patrick was looking around
23:04to see if Konnan's feet were on the ropes
23:06and hesitated there.
23:07If you're looking at the shoulders, count them.
23:09A little bit of hesitation on the part of Nick Patrick,
23:12but like in any sport,
23:13a referee's decision is final.
23:16Tremendous move there.
23:17One, two, and three by Konnan.
23:20I have to hand it to Konnan to get up out of that DDT
23:23like he did.
23:24The man must have a head like a cinder block.
23:27Oh, look at it.
23:29What'd you call it, a ripe melon?
23:30With ears?
23:31Konnan, the reigning Mexican champion,
23:34the current U.S. champion,
23:35the man who is making his presence felt big time
23:40here at Nitro WCW with a big boy's plan.
23:44Here's a look at the U.S. champion in action, Bobby.
23:46Look at the power of this man.
23:47Picks Mr. J.L. up.
23:49Just drives him in that match.
23:50Look at this.
23:51Almost bends him in half.
23:52Look at this move.
23:53I don't know what you call this.
23:54He just slams the man as hard as he can to the floor,
23:57to the mat, and gets the one, two, three.
23:59I think Mr. J.L. was ahead on points,
24:01but that don't matter.
24:02We might as well call that the buenos noches move, baby,
24:05because it was good night for J.L.
24:07All right, coming up next,
24:09it is going to be the Booty Man taking on Disco Inferno.
24:12We are going to try to update you on the situation
24:14with the Macho Man Randy Savage and Ric Flair.
24:17The WCW world title still on the line tonight
24:20in the main event.
24:21Don't leave us now.
24:27All right.
24:28Welcome back, and we are live.
24:30The only live wrestling program each and every week
24:33right here on TNT.
24:37And we have got another tremendous crowd on hand
24:40checking out the action where the big boys play.
24:43Hey, right off the bat,
24:44I want to say hello to a couple of guys
24:47that have written in to us every week.
24:49They have a Nitro Party.
24:51That's right.
24:52Everybody get together on Monday night
24:55and check it out.
24:56WCW Monday Night Show.
24:57Kenny McDade over there in North Carolina.
24:59Gary Wilkins in Pittsburgh.
25:02Have a good time.
25:03Stay out of trouble.
25:05Whatever you do.
25:06Look at this.
25:07Look at this.
25:08He's got Diamond Dallas' diamond rings on.
25:10I bet he bought them, Chief.
25:12Well, I know Diamond Dallas had to pawn them.
25:15That's the rumor I get.
25:16So he must have gone to a pawn shop, picked them up.
25:18This guy's still trying to pawn.
25:20He's talking about pawning.
25:21He's trying to pawn off these Disco Fever CDs to everybody.
25:26This guy is, I tell you what,
25:27he's living in his own little world.
25:29Well, he's giving them away now.
25:30He just handed that one to the ring announcer.
25:33And what a match made in heaven, boys.
25:35The man that instigated the Shake Your Booty Tour
25:38against the Booty Man.
25:40We'll see who's got the booty tonight.
25:42The Booty Man, who defeated Diamond Dallas Page
25:47last night and took it all.
25:49And I mean took it all.
25:52The Booty Man.
25:53And the crowd really reacting here to the Booty Man.
25:57And I'll tell you what,
25:58every week this guy looking better and better and better.
26:03He is in excellent condition.
26:05He is all offense and he is focused.
26:08I'll tell you how dangerous this man is.
26:10Hogan sent him to the Dungeon of Doom as a spy.
26:13For one year, he lived like a rat.
26:15He did everything he had to do.
26:17He's nothing but a lying, cheating spy.
26:20He sabotaged Kevin Sullivan, all for Hulk Hogan.
26:24Well, that's just what you would say, wouldn't you?
26:28Well, that's exactly what happened.
26:29That's why he said that.
26:30The Booty Man now giving us a look here at...
26:36He's giving us a look, all right.
26:38He's giving me a little bit more of a look of Israel
26:41than I normally care to see.
26:43But there's no accounting for taste when it comes to Taylor.
26:47At least not as ring attire is concerned.
26:49I like that billboard, though.
26:52Monday Nitro Fever.
26:53There you go.
26:57Just goes fevered out.
26:58Missing with a bigger right hand.
27:00The Booty Man very quick takes...
27:03Just got right into the top turnbuckle.
27:07Let me tell you, I'm like the Booty Man ever since...
27:09Nice jab.
27:10I remember the first night on Nitro when he appeared
27:13and just cleaned the house on the Dungeon of Doom
27:16and the Horseman, baby.
27:17The Booty Man all over.
27:18Just go fevered out.
27:19Sends him up once.
27:20Drops him down again.
27:22And that'll slow you down in a...
27:24Oh, there she is.
27:26The Booty Babe.
27:28The what?
27:29The Booty Babe.
27:30She is out and she is looking...
27:33Pretty good.
27:35Pretty good.
27:36Looks like she's wearing a feather duster.
27:37Booty Babe.
27:38Gotta admit it.
27:39She's looking pretty good.
27:40Boy, you aren't kidding.
27:41I'll tell you.
27:42The only babe I know is up for an Oscar and it's a pig.
27:45Shame on you.
27:46Oh, look at this.
27:47A little inspiration here.
27:49These two seem to speak the same language.
27:51Oh, easy.
27:53Big right hand.
27:54Rubbing it for good luck and laying it on the...
27:56Excuse me.
27:57Laying it on Disco Fever.
27:58The Booty Man with an Irish whip.
28:00Knee right on the chin.
28:02Put it on the butt and hooks the leg.
28:04He got him.
28:05A little bit of inspiration here from the Booty Babe.
28:08And I'll tell you what.
28:10When it comes to visual stimulation and ring support,
28:16the Booty Babe is about as good as it gets.
28:19Oh, look at this.
28:20Look at this.
28:21Oh, and another zip lock by the Booty Babe.
28:23Oh, yeah.
28:24That might be all he needs to get himself over the top, baby.
28:28Because I'll tell you one thing for sure.
28:30I've got a little darling named Deborah.
28:32If somebody tries to get in between us,
28:34he better bring his sack lunch.
28:36Well, there's the Booty Man and the Booty Babe.
28:38She should get arrested for impersonating a lampshade.
28:41The man who put Diamond Dallas Page out of the sport of wrestling
28:45walks off with the former, and I mean former, Diamond Dallas,
28:49making his way back to the locker room.
28:50And we have got world tag team action coming your way.
28:54Luger and Sting against the American males.
28:56Ooh, look out.
28:58Coming up this Saturday night on TBS,
29:00the world television title on the line.
29:02Lex Luger takes on the shark.
29:04Sting gets into the ring.
29:05He'll be facing Dean Malenko, the man of a thousand holes.
29:08You're going to see the nature boy, Ric Flair, in action.
29:11Will he be the world champion?
29:12We'll find out coming up next.
29:14Earl Robert Eaton in action against the Belfast Cruiser.
29:17And the Giant, perhaps the new world champion against Big Bubba.
29:21The Giant and Ric Flair to do battle here tonight.
29:25But check it out.
29:266.05 Eastern, only on TBS.
29:32Saturday night with the American dream, Dusty Rhodes and Noah,
29:39Tony Schiavone.
29:41Did you know that?
29:42Did you know of that?
29:43I know of that.
29:44Schiavone's real first name, Noah?
29:47No one would give him another name.
29:49That's why.
29:50And here we go.
29:51World tag team title action on the line.
29:55The American males.
29:58Got it right.
29:59Mark Bagwell, I just found out a little while ago,
30:02Mark Bagwell has a movie opportunity coming up this spring.
30:08This guy going to be making his transition to the silver screen.
30:13We're going to be finding out more about that.
30:14Another Andy Sedaris action film.
30:17I know that you redid the Brady Bunch.
30:19Now he's going to play the part of Bieber Cleaver.
30:21Over the top ropes.
30:22This is a team that is finely tuned.
30:25They work together very well.
30:26I've got two things for you to look out for here, Heenan.
30:30Two words.
30:31Drop kick.
30:33Drop kick.
30:34Catch for it.
30:36Well, this is a very interesting match.
30:38You know, Sting's the man that broke Marcus Bagwell into this sport.
30:42Scotty Riggs looks up to Bagwell.
30:44Bagwell looks up to Sting.
30:46Sting partners the Luger.
30:47Very interesting.
30:48Yeah, this is a very interesting matchup indeed.
30:50The bond, the relationship between Sting and Bagwell,
30:54well documented.
30:56And Luger, look at this guy.
30:59I would say this is going to be a friendly, competitive match,
31:04except for that guy right there.
31:07He's a backstabber.
31:09I wouldn't trust him for one minute.
31:11I don't know what kind of lies he's been telling Sting,
31:13but obviously it's working.
31:15He high-fives the crowd.
31:19As soon as Sting is looking, he's high-fiving.
31:22Sting turns his back.
31:23He's got a scowl on his face.
31:25Well, that guy was going to shake his hand.
31:27The guy had dirty hands.
31:28I don't blame him.
31:29He's a two-faced piece of dirt is what he is by the look of things here.
31:32You mean the guy in the stands?
31:34No, Luger, look at him.
31:35Well, make it simple.
31:36Explain it to me.
31:37I don't know.
31:38Luger was doing fine.
31:39He was shaking everybody's hands.
31:40This guy's like the Sybil of wrestling here.
31:41He's got two personalities, depending on who's looking.
31:46All right, we've got this tag team matchup coming your way
31:50right after this timeout.
31:52Don't go away.
31:53The WCW World Tag Team titles on the line,
31:56and still to come, the World Heavyweight Championship
31:59between Flair and the Giant.
32:02This WCW magazine is really cool.
32:06In the April issue, the Road Warriors are back,
32:10and they've got something to say.
32:14And are Sting and the Total Package on a collision course?
32:18Plus, exclusive photos from the Clash of the Champions.
32:22Man, where do they get this stuff?
32:25Get your copy now on newsstands everywhere.
32:32All right, welcome back.
32:33We are live.
32:34The World Tag Team titles on the line,
32:36and you see Luger, who is not shy at all about showing off
32:40the World Tag Team titles, the World Television title,
32:43or any other title he can get his hands on.
32:45And Sting, one of the most unforgiving,
32:48understanding friends I think any human being
32:52could possibly have.
32:53This guy has the patience of a saint
32:55when it comes to Lex Luger.
32:57Well, look, there's his meal ticket.
32:59Give me a break.
33:01Meal ticket.
33:02Did you see that match last night?
33:04Sting and the team were a tag team to be reckoned with, baby.
33:08Sting ought to wake up and see and smell the stink on the roses.
33:13Ooh, another drop kick, and there it is.
33:15We predicted it.
33:16And, Mongo, you pointed out a very good point there.
33:19Sting and Booker T of Harlem Heat teaming up
33:22to defeat the Road Warriors last night,
33:24and I'll tell you what,
33:26Sting and Luger now go Harlem Heat a title shot.
33:30Very interesting development there.
33:32I think the important thing is this is the first time ever,
33:35ever, that the Road Warriors have ever lost a Chicago street fight.
33:39Let's take a look at the tag team picture here, Mongo.
33:41You've got the Steiner brothers are back,
33:43and they're back in a big way.
33:45You've got the Road Warriors here.
33:47You've got Sting and Lex Luger here.
33:49You've got the Nasty Boys here.
33:51You've got Harlem Heat here.
33:53You've got the heavy-duty tag team competition,
33:57probably the most heavy-duty Greek sport I've seen in 10 years.
34:01And you've got Hogan and Savage as a tag team.
34:04You've got the Blue Bloods.
34:06I mean, what's left of Regal's business.
34:08It might be a while before you have the Blue Bloods again.
34:10And now you've got Marcus Bagwell going after Luger.
34:13And Bagwell, probably one of the few people that can see through Luger.
34:19Sting just pulled Luger off Bagwell.
34:23Calm down, he's saying.
34:24Don't do it on the floor.
34:25There you go, Sting.
34:28Let Sting wrestle his own match.
34:29He don't tell you what to do.
34:30I mean, let Luger wrestle his own match, Sting.
34:32Keep your mouth shut.
34:33Learn something.
34:34Look at this.
34:35Look at this.
34:36A little bit of an argument going on here.
34:37No, that's strategy.
34:39Bagwell in again.
34:41And Luger backing into the corner.
34:45Now you know there's mutual respect there between Sting and Bagwell.
34:49I doubt it.
34:50I wish I was a lip reader.
34:51I'd like to hear what Luger and Sting are saying to each other right now.
34:55Looks to me like a little disappointment on the face of the Stinger.
34:59He did.
35:00Look at him shake his head.
35:02And you know Bagwell, he's a protege of Sting.
35:06They should know each other's moves, and this might be fun here.
35:10Bagwell in excellent physical condition.
35:13These guys have trained together.
35:15They've traveled together.
35:16They've spent time in the ring working on their moves together.
35:19You talk about two athletes that know each other like a book.
35:22This one is going to be good.
35:24This is going to be an exciting matchup here.
35:26The Stinger and Bagwell.
35:27Irish whip into the ropes.
35:28Sting stepping over.
35:29Comes off the ropes.
35:30Tucks under the leapfrog.
35:31Up and over.
35:32And a big back body drop.
35:34The student slams the teacher.
35:36Oh, yeah.
35:37In my playing days, baby, I had friends on the other team.
35:40You'd want to rub it in their nose.
35:42Even better.
35:43Just so you could have bragging rights when the game was over.
35:46Kind of heightens the competitive instinct here when you're in there with a buddy.
35:49And that's what you've got right here.
35:51Bagwell going after the scooter.
35:52Stinger able to reverse it.
35:54The more powerful of the two.
35:55Stinger now all over Bagwell.
35:57And these guys have a tremendous amount of respect for each other.
36:00This is just good old-fashioned competition between two top competitors here
36:07where the big boys play.
36:09Tag is made.
36:10And Bagwell acknowledging, well, you came out a couple moves better than me.
36:14You're the teacher.
36:15I'm the student.
36:16Here's to you, Sting.
36:17That'll get you nothing, pal.
36:18Stick that thumb in his eye.
36:19But you know what, Mongo?
36:20You remember that interview we did with Mike Ditka a while back?
36:23He says he talked to the team, the Bears, about being teachers and being students.
36:27He said, today we were the students, next time we're the teacher.
36:30Well, that may happen the next time Bagwell gets in there with Sting.
36:34Well, that's just what you said, baby.
36:36I think Bagwell forgot how powerful Sting was.
36:39I don't think he'll forget that lesson again.
36:41And I remember the other speak Ditka gave the Bears right before the Super Bowl.
36:44He said, remember, it's the guys with the ball we jump.
36:50You get him going on that Bear stuff, you could cause a real problem here.
36:53Trust me.
36:54I'm going to stick a pin in his eye in a minute.
36:56I've been in a tavern or two when people get on this Bears thing with Mongo,
36:59and it gets ugly real fast.
37:02I'm sorry.
37:03I apologize.
37:04Should have played for the Cubs.
37:07Bagwell, cover with Luger.
37:10And Luger in trouble here.
37:12Luger's got to get back and make that tag.
37:14You know, and one of the big questions coming out of last night's WCW Uncensored,
37:18those of you that watched it noticed hesitation
37:21when Lex Luger unloaded on Flair.
37:24He pulled back.
37:25He looked like he was going to let it go.
37:27He stopped, hesitated, and then delivered.
37:31What did it mean?
37:33Well, you saw that all wrong.
37:34You probably have a black TV.
37:35He's got two agendas is what he's got.
37:37No, he don't.
37:38He went to throw that punch.
37:39He stopped.
37:40Luger, Luger, Luger.
37:41Oh, he's taking it to Bagwell.
37:43All right.
37:44I'll tell you what.
37:45He is all over him.
37:46And Sting is looking very disturbed.
37:49This is going beyond competition here with Luger.
37:52This is personal.
37:53It seems to me like Luger is a little more incensed when he's in there with Bagwell
37:56than when he's in there with Bagwell as a partner.
37:59It seems like he wants to beat up Bagwell and stick it to Sting.
38:02That's how it looks.
38:03Scotty Riggs is just standing on the apron doing nothing.
38:06He don't want in there either.
38:08He looks a little insane when he's in there with Bagwell.
38:11This is tag team competition over there, Hernia.
38:14They can't get in the ring unless they're tagged in.
38:16Bagwell coming in here now.
38:18Bagwell with a cross body block with a little bit of forearm there
38:20right across the jaw.
38:22And Sting said, come on, Lex.
38:24Get up.
38:25Bagwell in trouble here.
38:26Scotty Riggs wanting to make the tag.
38:28Riggs, the freshman in, he's got a drop kick that'll take anybody off their feet.
38:32He wants in there.
38:34He is the precious of the two.
38:36And a tag is made to the Stinger.
38:38Tag made to Scotty Riggs.
38:40Scotty Riggs intercepting it with a hip toss takedown by the Stinger.
38:43Kick out.
38:44Riggs now all over Sting.
38:46And a body slam on Stinger.
38:48He gets about full of boot.
38:50Stinger in control.
38:51Stinger going after Scotty Riggs.
38:52Inside cradle.
38:54He may have dropped him on his head.
38:56May have dropped Stinger on his head.
38:57That'll slow him down.
38:58Irish whip coming off the ropes.
39:00Tucked into the clothesline.
39:01Scotty Riggs.
39:02Scotty Riggs all the way across the ring.
39:04Evening out with a cross body block.
39:07One, two, three.
39:09He got it.
39:10Did you see?
39:11Did you see, Bagwell?
39:13He wasn't going to come in there and knock off the man, Stinger.
39:17But did you notice something about Sting?
39:19How he ducked the clothesline.
39:20Scotty Riggs ducked his clothesline.
39:22He ducked it again.
39:23He kept picking up momentum.
39:24More momentum.
39:25More steam.
39:26I don't know about Sting.
39:28I don't know where he gets it from.
39:29Hold on.
39:30Let's see what we got here.
39:31It looks like we've got no problem.
39:34Sting says, hey, hand me my belt, will you?
39:37Luger wanting to walk off with it.
39:39Oh, come on.
39:41There you go.
39:42That's sportsmanship there, my friend.
39:44That's sportsmanship.
39:45Pass me the Pepto.
39:46It ain't the kind of sportsmanship Luger's got.
39:48You know, he's patting you on the back,
39:50looking for that soft spot to stick the knife in.
39:52I pat him on the back.
39:53It's only 12 inches from a kick in the rear.
39:56Coming up next, the WCW World Heavyweight Title on the line.
40:02The Giant against the Nature Boy.
40:04You can bet Hogan's watching this one.
40:07The WCW World Heavyweight Title on the line.
40:12The Giant, 7'4".
40:16Over 440 pounds, without question,
40:21the biggest of them all in the land where the big boys play.
40:27The man who is bigger than the world.
40:31Where the big boys play.
40:34The man who is bigger, probably, no,
40:38undoubtedly more powerful than anybody in the sport today
40:43has got his eyes set on the Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
40:47and the WCW World Heavyweight Title.
40:50That, your main event, here live on Nitro.
40:53I'll tell you something about Ric Flair.
40:56He's been to the mountain top 13 times.
40:58He knows what it's all about.
40:59But this time, he's got to wrestle the mountain.
41:02That's right.
41:03And he's got a lot more experience than anybody in this game.
41:06But that man standing right there is hungry.
41:09He's 7'4".
41:10He's well over 400 pounds.
41:12And Ric Flair, you better be lucky.
41:17He better bring some knockout drops into this ring.
41:20I think Mr. Flair has stuck his wrestling boot in his mouth
41:23signing up for this match.
41:26This man focused, relatively new to this sport,
41:32but without question a superior athlete.
41:35But he is facing, without question, the dirtiest player in the game,
41:42a man who is tormenting the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
41:49The very fact that he has his ex-wife
41:53and half of his money at his disposal,
41:56this guy is dirt, in my opinion.
42:01Look at him.
42:02But you can't take anything away from him.
42:05Not one thing.
42:06Look at this.
42:07Look at her.
42:08She's got a handful of the Macho Man's money.
42:11She's rich because of what she took from the Macho Man.
42:16Look at her.
42:17She's throwing it away.
42:18Throwing it out into the crowd.
42:21Just some more sand in Macho's eye.
42:23This is an insult added to insult.
42:27She is throwing away the Macho Man's hard-earned money.
42:31Look at this.
42:32The Macho Man.
42:33I saw him in the back.
42:34There's the Macho Man.
42:35He's going berserk.
42:38They are trying to get, Macho Man is trying to get to Flair.
42:42And probably, he is going nuts.
42:46Do you blame him?
42:48Hey, look at Flair.
42:49He's coming down to rub salt in those wounds.
42:51Listen to this.
42:55Woman slaps him while they are trying to control Savage.
43:01Hats off, Jim Duncan, Eddie Guerrero.
43:03There you see the money.
43:04And look at this.
43:05Sick, demented, twisted World Heavyweight Champion.
43:12I'll tell you what you got to do.
43:13Security here at WCW has to remove Savage from the building right now.
43:17He's got to be removed.
43:19See what Elizabeth did?
43:20Took that handful of money and threw it right in the Macho Man's face.
43:24She's as sick as Flair is.
43:27You heard her in that interview.
43:29I'm the reason the Macho Man, Randy Savage, is what he is today.
43:33Therefore, I deserve not only half of everything he had when we were married,
43:37half of everything he'll ever have.
43:39What kind of sick approach to a failed marriage is that?
43:44Oh, you don't think Bill will be where he's at without Hillary, do you?
43:47I mean, there's always a great woman behind every man.
43:51You know that.
43:53I'll tell you what.
43:54This thing's starting off with a bang here, Mongo.
43:56Another guy we got to say hello to.
43:57Jeff Kruger out in Coney, Wyoming.
43:59Having another Nitro party out in the Rockies.
44:02I'll tell you what.
44:03Nitro really taking on a life of its own here.
44:05Without question, the most watched wrestling program each and every week.
44:10We are making wrestling fans and making more of them as the weeks go on.
44:15We want to thank you for joining us here on Nitro.
44:18Look forward to seeing you here next week when Hulk Hogan,
44:21the man who is professional wrestling,
44:24steps back into the ring here live on Nitro.
44:28Always explosive action when Hulk Hogan shows up in the building.
44:33Look at this.
44:34Look at the size of this man.
44:37Flair's got the edge here.
44:38He knows how to intimidate.
44:39But maybe this giant can't be intimidated.
44:42Flair's got to be careful.
44:43Flair's got to be careful.
44:44This giant gets his hand around his neck.
44:46He's going to go up and take a giant ride
44:49and end up in that choke slam real quick.
44:52That's what I was fixing to say.
44:53He better get his running boots on and stay away from that choke slam.
44:57And that could be what he needs to do.
44:59The man is big, and a big man will tire easily.
45:03He needs to work him.
45:04All right.
45:05Now, I'm just getting word in the back.
45:06The macho man, Randy Savage, in handcuffs and being forced.
45:13I believe he is being forced out by the police and by security here.
45:18And look at this.
45:19Savage is gone.
45:21They're trying to keep him out of the building.
45:23In more ways than one.
45:25I agree with you there.
45:26Believe me.
45:27More than you know.
45:29This guy is as twisted as twisted gets when he gets upset.
45:34Look at it.
45:35The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, bouncing off the giant.
45:40What I couldn't believe is those ladies, and I use that term loosely,
45:43got up in the ring with the giant.
45:45I don't think he cares about gender.
45:47The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, has been in trouble with giants in the past.
45:55Most notably, that was a nice press, wasn't it?
46:01Oh, my goodness.
46:02It wasn't that long ago when he defeated a much bigger man in Vader
46:07to become the World Heavyweight Champion at Stargate in Charlotte.
46:10That a few years back.
46:11Flair looks like a dirt.
46:14Everybody thought Vader would have his way with the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
46:18But Ric Flair won that night, became the World's Heavyweight Champion.
46:24And he is still dominating the game here right now in WCW.
46:28You can't sell him short.
46:30That's right.
46:31He is the world champion, my friend.
46:33You've got to give him that.
46:35Look at him.
46:36He's heading for the locker room.
46:37Is he going back to the dressing room?
46:38He's trying to find a chiropractor, get his back in line.
46:43The giant now saying, uh-uh, world champ.
46:46You're going back to the squared circle.
46:49And there's nothing he can do about it.
46:51Look at this.
46:52With one hand, he picks Flair up, sets him over the top rope.
46:58Flair looks like he was going to launch a reverse knife head chop to the top of the chest.
47:03Tries to set the big man up in the corner.
47:05And nothing doing.
47:07Nothing doing.
47:08See, I thought he thought twice about that chop, but he went ahead and did it.
47:12And what kind of effect does it have on a mountain?
47:15I'll tell you what.
47:16Flair has got to feel like he is in the Redwood Forest right now.
47:20But I'll tell you something about Flair.
47:22I know, Ric.
47:23He's maybe letting the giant build up some false confidence.
47:27And when the giant thinks he's got Flair where he wants him, that's when Flair's going to eat him up.
47:32Want to remind you, fans, coming up this summer.
47:35Look at this.
47:36And you talk about a wild ride.
47:39That, my friends, is a drop.
47:42Part of his body was 10 feet in the air.
47:45Man, Flair was wishing he had a hang glider on after that one.
47:49Or a parachute.
47:50Want to remind you, coming up this summer, a brand new event here in WCW.
47:55Never been done before, but we're getting known for that.
47:58Pay-Per-View coming your way August 11th.
48:02WCW Hogwild live from the grandfather of them all, the Sturgis Harley Rally.
48:10250,000 of your favorite Harley riders and you only on Pay-Per-View.
48:15That's going to be a big one.
48:17That coming your way in August.
48:18Mark it on your calendars now.
48:19Did you see that?
48:20He called him like a baseball player catching a puff fly.
48:24And look at this.
48:25This monster making his way to the top rope.
48:29Oh, my gosh.
48:31He's going to put a hole in the map.
48:33Look at this.
48:34He goes airborne.
48:35He goes airborne.
48:36The biggest man I've ever seen coming off that top rope.
48:39Boy, they look like the spruce goose trying to land.
48:42I'll tell you what.
48:43If Flair had not rolled out of the way, they'd have had to mop him up.
48:50Nothing doing.
48:51You cannot hurt this monster.
48:54Did you see the balance out of a 440 pound man over 7 foot tall on that top rope?
49:00This guy can do it all.
49:02And he goes over the top rope.
49:04See, Flair set him up.
49:07I told you, get your running boots on and get away from that big man
49:10and let him hurt himself.
49:11I'll tell you what.
49:12Elizabeth, she is concerned.
49:14And what is this?
49:15For the piano wire?
49:18This man throwing in what appears to be wire cord going around the neck of this giant.
49:25There is only one way to take this big man down, and that is to choke him down.
49:30I mean, this man dove at Ric Flair in the corner, went over the top rope,
49:33and landed on the floor and still got back up on his feet.
49:36Maybe you're going to have to use a wire.
49:37Maybe rope.
49:38Maybe hang him off a horse.
49:39You can't take him down.
49:41This is a guy that checks in weighing in about a quarter of a ton.
49:44It's moving like Eddie Guerrero, for crying out loud.
49:47When you see him, that's why he's got those women around.
49:49The dirtiest player in the game.
49:51They distracted the ref, and he cut off a little oxygen to the giant's brain.
49:56He's got it again.
49:57He reaches back into the tights, and he is going for the choke.
50:02He is going for the choke.
50:03The dirtiest player in the game doing it the way that only he can do it.
50:09A choke hold.
50:11And you notice the ladies, how they had a little chit-chat with the referee.
50:14They have a right to do that.
50:15They're on the floor.
50:16I don't see anything wrong with it.
50:18The giant's still on his feet.
50:21Thumbs to the eyes by the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
50:25And the big man is down.
50:27He's at his knees, and he's almost as tall as Ric Flair.
50:29Firing away now, right and left.
50:31The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, the World Heavyweight Champion, fighting for that title.
50:35But with one hand, after a series of about eight blows, the giant just—
50:40Oh, did you see that?
50:42Just palms him and sends the World Heavyweight Champion down to the mat.
50:48Oh, and a—
50:50Oh, he took him down.
50:53This is lower than low.
50:56I was wondering when he was going to start going for those soft spots.
50:59The eyes, the groin, and we mean the groin muscle, sports fans.
51:05The giant is down.
51:07I don't think Flair can use the figure four on this man.
51:10I think his legs are too big, and they're too long.
51:12I don't think Flair can slap it on him.
51:14Flair had better be careful.
51:16And now you see the woman again with the cord.
51:20And I don't think she wants to wrap that thing around the giant's neck.
51:23She could take a ride all the way across the arena if he reaches back and grabs a hold of her.
51:29And she is giving it all she has.
51:32But stay tuned. The giant's tied up a bit.
51:38That's ugly.
51:40I'm just in awe about how Ric Flair, what a masterful technician he is in the ring with a man that big.
51:46Well, his game plan is coming into fruition here.
51:50It's three-on-one, my friend.
51:52And that's just what he needs against this man.
51:54The giant seizes an opportunity and sails the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
52:01Now you got a figure.
52:03The giant, seven-foot-four.
52:05By the time he reaches up there, it's still too large.
52:09I think he's had enough. He's had enough of this.
52:11Look at this. He's going for the chokeslam.
52:13This is all good.
52:14Flair knows it.
52:15Oh, no. Come on, Ric, do something.
52:17If he gets him up in the air, it's over. It's over.
52:19He's out.
52:21Blanching like a tree.
52:23And you've got Miss Elizabeth.
52:25What is she gonna do?
52:27She's gonna try to protect Ric Flair.
52:30Here's Anderson.
52:31Anderson with the chair across the back.
52:34Kevin Sullivan takes it from him.
52:36Sullivan takes it from him, but the giant,
52:39oh, he seizes Kevin Sullivan with a chair.
52:41He's saying, I didn't do it. I didn't do it.
52:43Arn did it.
52:44The giant says, hey, smoking good.
52:47He chokeslammed his mentor.
52:49You talk about dissension.
52:51And Arn's having a good time.
52:53Well, he was.
52:55Arn was laughing it off, and now he sees
52:59Look at those balls around his neck.
53:01He sees himself going for a ride,
53:03but he sees Anderson down.
53:05Jimmy Hart in.
53:07You've got Flair down.
53:08You've got Taskmaster down.
53:10You've got Anderson down.
53:12You've got Roman and Liz going nuts.
53:14And look at Jimmy Hart.
53:15There's the referee.
53:16He's calling for the disqualification, baby.
53:19You have got bodies thrown all over that ring
53:23and one teed off giant.
53:26Not a good thing.
53:29Kevin Sullivan is out.
53:31Jimmy Hart.
53:32Arn Anderson is out.
53:35They're all out.
53:37You talk about a turn of events here.
53:41The giant.
53:43Look at that mug.
53:44Maybe on.
53:47This is interesting.
53:48I'd like to know what this is.
53:50It is a no contest.
53:52It's no contest.
53:53It is no contest.
53:55You saw it.
53:56The giant.
53:57He turned around.
53:58It was Arn Anderson who hit him in the back with a chair.
54:00The giant turns around.
54:01All he sees is Kevin Sullivan,
54:03who took the chair away from Arn Anderson.
54:05It's a literal smoking gun.
54:07The giant that takes it upon himself just to lay everybody out.
54:10And you notice how Arn Anderson looked over and was laughing.
54:13Well, next week, Arn Anderson and the Taskmaster
54:15are going to team up against the Booty Man and Hulk Hogan.
54:18How are they going to work?
54:19I don't know.
54:20I don't know.
54:21A whole lot of friction going on here, Mongo.
54:23A whole lot of friction.
54:24I just can't believe that.
54:25It turned into five on one,
54:27and the giant walks out of the ring,
54:29and everybody else is splattered all over the arena.
54:31I'd like to know what's going through the giant's mind right now
54:33because he's just turned his back on everybody
54:35that he's been supporting for a whole long time.
54:37Remember, The Immortal Hulk Hogan here live next week on Nitro.
54:42We'll have more on the Macho Man, Randy Savage, this incident,
54:46and a whole lot more.
54:48For Bobby Heenan, Steve Mongo, McMichael, I'm Eric Bischoff.
54:50See you next week.