Heineken indaga il “Rapporto tra generazioni nel mondo del lavoro”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Work life balance, formazione e flessibilità. L’azienda che gli italiani sognano dovrebbe saper valorizzare queste tre caratteristiche. L’attenzione al benessere prende il sopravvento sul guadagno: il tempo libero assume un valore fondamentale e dopo di lui, l’accento va sulla crescita delle competenze e quindi sulla formazione.

È quanto emerge dalla ricerca realizzata da Heineken Italia, “Rapporto tra generazioni nel mondo del lavoro”, condotta da AstraRicerche.


00:00Work-life balance, training and flexibility.
00:07The company that the Italians dream of should be able to value these three characteristics.
00:12Attention to well-being takes precedence over earnings.
00:16Free time takes on a fundamental value.
00:18After that, the emphasis goes on the growth of skills and therefore on training.
00:23This is what emerges from the research carried out by Heineken Italy.
00:27Relationship between generations in the world of work.
00:30Conducted by Astra Research on a sample of over a thousand workers
00:33to investigate the relationship between different generations
00:36that share the same working ecosystem.
00:39This research brings a common trait to these generations,
00:45which is that of the need for well-being.
00:47And I must admit that I am very proud of the fact that with Heineken
00:50we have started a very important path on the development of well-being,
00:56psychological, physical and mental,
00:58where we activate a whole series of initiatives for people,
01:02both in terms of education and awareness with webinars,
01:06but also and above all, let's say, factual.
01:09Last year we signed the Smart Working Agreement.
01:12We are one of the companies in Italy that has three days a week
01:15for people who can work from home.
01:18Not to mention a whole series of permits that also favor well-being.
01:21This is within a very concrete program
01:25that the company has been carrying out for a couple of years now
01:28and on which we invest every year with great emphasis
01:31both in communication and in the development of our people.
01:34In this sense, we have worked in recent years
01:38in developing the skills of our people,
01:41especially the leadership skills,
01:43because Heineken focuses on collective leadership.
01:46And this is an investment that, starting last year,
01:48we have already trained about 700 people.
01:51So it is also an organizational effort
01:53that aims at the well-being of the company.
01:56From the investigation emerges a key aspect.
01:58The exchange between generations is essential to generate value.
02:03But also to generate a better climate within the company,
02:06and therefore, in fact, a topic of well-being for the individual
02:08and for the corporate community.
02:10This is becoming more and more clear,
02:12and this research really shows us this topic.
02:14You have to work, because the workers expect
02:17that there is a company's attention to these issues.
