Bonkers Episode 6 (Cartoon for kid) HD

  • 3 months ago


00:00Oh, alone at last. I've missed you, darling. I knew the prune juice diet could never keep
00:17us apart. Hush, hush, my sweet. We're together now. That's all that matters.
00:23Eww, smells like a guacamole stain.
00:28Smile, Mr. Seymour Chumsky of Porkchop Haven, North Dakota! You're on Candid Skunk!
00:37Yes, Mr. Chumsky, you thought no one knew you were cheating on your diet, but you were
00:43wrong, because this is the Skunky Skunk Show, and you can smell me!
00:50Heya, Seymour! Now I know why they call it a pair of pajamas. There's at least two of
00:55you in there! Brr, gee, ha!
00:59Oh, that smell.
01:02Oh, yeah? Well, with a nose like yours, anything would smell bad!
01:12Cut it out, Seymour! I'm the comedian on this show! Seymour! Seymour!
01:20Oh, Marilyn, baby, why do you keep watching that video of Skunky Skunk's last show over
01:26and over?
01:27Who wants to watch that boring old cooking show that's replaced him?
01:31Oh, Daddy, Skunky Skunk was my favorite.
01:36I always thought he was pretty obnoxious, even for a toon.
01:39He's just putting on an act because he's so insecure.
01:42What makes you so sure?
01:44Nobody knows insecurity better than a kid.
01:48Oh, now, Marilyn, don't you be upset about that nasty old Skunky show going off the air.
01:54You got a big birthday party coming up.
01:56Honey, why don't you put Marilyn to bed?
01:59Come on, Snuggle Bunny, let's hit the hay.
02:03I just can't believe Skunky disappeared right in the middle of a show.
02:07Oh, honey, take it from Daddy. Skunky's fine. It's just one of those weird toon publicity
02:12stunts. Hey, I'm a cop. I know about these things.
02:15Now, suppose you tell me what you'd like for your birthday.
02:18As long as it's not too expensive, I can get you anything.
02:23Just name it.
02:24I want Skunky Skunk to come to my birthday party.
02:29Sweetheart, how, where, who now?
02:32You're a cop. You know those things, don't you?
02:37Oh, yeah, sure. Absolutely.
02:40Oh, thank you, Daddy. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
02:46Bunkers, I'm going to regret this.
02:50I'd like you to do me a favor.
02:53You want me to do you a favor?
02:56Yeah, something like that.
02:58Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me to do you a favor?
03:03Oh, this is a spectacular day.
03:05Of course I'll do you a favor. Just ask me.
03:08All right, please.
03:10Don't climb up now. We're having a break-through here. We're bonding.
03:14Sit down and pipe down.
03:16Okay, I get it. No public displays of affection. I've got carried away.
03:20I'm only human, you know.
03:22Lower now for me, too. I can't hold that.
03:27Put that out.
03:29Right. Not a sentence, not a word, not a syllable, not a sound, not a people.
03:33So, what do you want already? Spit it out.
03:38Look, it's the simplest thing in the world.
03:40Be good practice for you in the missing persons type area.
03:43The perfect case for you, because you've got that toon pool, if you know what I mean.
03:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:49Find me Skunky Skunk.
03:52Can't do it. Wish I could. Got to clean out my desk.
03:59Will you come out of there?
04:01Can't. Too much to do. Place is a mess.
04:04I said come out.
04:10You know I'd do anything for you, Lucky, but Skunky Skunk?
04:13I'm going to say he's obnoxious.
04:15But when he was born, the doctor slept his mother.
04:17What are you talking about? The kids love him.
04:19Well, sure they do.
04:21Chaser is bread and butter. He has to be nice to them.
04:23Look, I promised Marilyn he'd be at her birthday party.
04:27She'll be crushed if he's not.
04:29Marilyn? Cute, sweet, adorable, little pudding Marilyn?
04:33Yeah, Marilyn.
04:35You didn't think I wanted you to find her for me, did you?
04:37He's a toon for crying out loud.
04:39I'll do anything for Marilyn. I'm on the job.
04:49That you, Dill? Yeah, it's me.
04:51Tell Marilyn Skunky's in the bag.
04:54Sure. She can invite the whole neighborhood.
04:59Thank you, thank you. I love you.
05:02You were a great audience.
05:05Another day, another souffle.
05:07Hope to see you all tomorrow. Bye-bye till then.
05:11That's a wrap, Mr. McScam.
05:13Glad that's over.
05:15Good, because I have a couple of things to ask you.
05:19Get lost, bub. No interviews on taping days.
05:25I knew I should have told him I was a police officer.
05:28Hello? Anybody out there?
05:38Fall apart. Is that you?
05:40That's me all over.
05:42What are you doing here?
05:43I'm the official television studio janitor.
05:46I empty the wastebaskets, wash the floors,
05:49and take the blame for missing articles.
05:51Sounds horrible.
05:53Finally got tired of law enforcement, huh?
05:55Had to get back to those cream pies and angels, right?
05:58Actually, I'm trying to find Skunky Skunk,
06:01but he's dropped right out of sight.
06:04If you heard what I heard, you wouldn't be surprised.
06:09What have you heard?
06:11I don't spread rumors,
06:12especially the kind that scare me to pieces
06:14when I think about them too long.
06:17You better tell me what it is,
06:19so I won't accidentally bring it up in conversation.
06:21Oh, yes, you might be right. I hate surprises.
06:24Okay, okay, okay.
06:26It seems that old Skunky Skunk might have killed somebody.
06:31Skunky Skunk killed somebody?
06:34Skunky Skunk killed somebody?
06:40I knew this would happen if I told you.
06:43I'm sorry if I...
06:52I love Sir Flan.
06:54Come on, Fall Apart, talk the bunkers.
06:56How do we find out if this happened or not?
06:58Well, whenever I need to know anything,
07:00I hear it through the grapevine.
07:03Yes, we have no shame.
07:07Lucky, I've got good news.
07:08I know where Skunky Skunk is.
07:10Good work, where?
07:12Nowhere. He's missing.
07:13Am I making progress or what?
07:15That's the good news.
07:17What am I going to tell Marilyn?
07:18You call this doing me a favor?
07:20But Lucky, I'm still tracking down leads.
07:23I'm going to hear it from the grapevine right now.
07:25Call you when I know anything definite.
07:29I'm going to entrust the happiness of my little girl
07:31to the future raisins of America.
07:34I better pull the plug on this extravaganza
07:37before it gets any more out of hand.
07:44Skunky's going to make this the best birthday I ever had.
07:48And you're the best dad I ever had.
07:51Oh, honey, it's nothing, really.
07:54So, when's he coming?
07:58Well, you see, honey,
08:00tunes aren't exactly tuned into time as tightly as we are.
08:03But he'll be here, won't he?
08:05Oh, he'll be here, I guarantee it.
08:07In fact, you better invite some more kids.
08:11We want to play this occasion upright.
08:12Thanks, Daddy.
08:14I'm going to invite the whole school.
08:19This isn't working out quite the way I planned it.
08:23So exactly how do we go about this?
08:25Whatever you do, don't touch him.
08:29I'm looking for Skunky Skunk.
08:31What do you know about him?
08:33Skunky Skunk?
08:34Black with a white stripe down the middle?
08:36No, that's a highway.
08:37I heard he insulted one contestant too many.
08:39Yeah, had to bury him.
08:40So Skunky had to dig a hole of his own and pull it in after him.
08:43So why hasn't anyone heard about this, the Cops of the Media?
08:46Well, it seems a certain Chet McSkam,
08:48who I will not name, covered it up.
08:50Why would he do that?
08:52Maybe because they were best friends.
08:55Or maybe because it was all a mixed scam to get rid of Skunky and have a cooking show.
09:00So which is it?
09:02Take your pick.
09:04Yeah, whatever keeps you out of a jam.
09:08You guys are no help at all.
09:11Come on, fall apart.
09:12Hey, what is this?
09:14Sour grapes for sure.
09:15That'll teach you to question a vine before it's time.
09:21Wait till Lucky hears about this.
09:24What do you mean you can't find him?
09:28But look at the good side.
09:29We got a missing person case we actually might be able to solve.
09:32It may even turn out to be a murder mystery.
09:35Somebody's gonna get zapped, all right.
09:37I promised Marilyn that skunk would be at her party.
09:40Yes, we can't let Marilyn down.
09:42I've got an idea.
09:43What is he doing here?
09:45Come on, Lucky, you know fall apart.
09:48Knowing him and having to share space with him are two different things.
09:52Now what's this idea of yours?
09:53He'll be here in a minute.
09:59Oh, no, no, no, you can't do that.
10:06Toots has got to find Skunky for us.
10:09Toots is one of the world's great sniffers.
10:11He can find anyone or anything, anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
10:18I don't know why I didn't think of this before.
10:20It sure brilliance.
10:21Nothing is gonna stop me now.
10:23Marilyn will get her wish if it's the last thing I do.
10:26Skunky skunk, you're mine.
10:34Okay, bonkers, you come up with a good plan.
10:36I knew you would.
10:37That's why I put you in charge of this investigation.
10:39In the police business, foresight is what separates the sheep from the sheepdogs.
10:45Wow, I didn't know they got stuck together.
10:48Give me the leash.
10:50I don't think that's such a good idea, Lucky.
10:53What are you talking about? Who's in charge here?
10:55Oh, you are, Lucky.
10:56I respect that Tootster can get kind of excited and you not being a toon.
11:00Excited? Excited is good.
11:02I can appreciate excited.
11:03Keeps us loose and alert.
11:05Give me the leash.
11:06You're right.
11:07Sorry you made me make a big deal out of it.
11:09That's okay, bonkers.
11:10Don't ever be afraid to speak up.
11:13And I can't toon get crazy?
11:16Don't you just love him?
11:22Knew it was a mistake giving him the leash.
11:25Tried to warn him.
11:27You're right.
11:32Amateur night in Dixie.
11:35That's a good one.
11:36Okay, now don't move.
11:38We don't want to go down the nasty hole, do we?
11:40I'll hold!
11:47Careful of your gutsy move.
11:49Better follow what's left of him.
11:57Lucky, are you all right?
12:01Of course I'm all right.
12:03Easy as pie.
12:05Nothing like the excitement of a chase.
12:07Good boy. You can go home now.
12:09There's cold pizza in the fridge.
12:13What are you letting him go for?
12:15We haven't found Skunky.
12:17Oh, yeah?
12:18Take a snifter.
12:20Do you smell something really bad?
12:23All together now.
12:24Deep breath.
12:27Hey, you!
12:33Is that you?
12:34You are so dumb that when you have a brain storm,
12:37it's a light drizzle.
12:39That's Skunky all right.
12:40I'd recognize those insults anyway.
12:42All right, Skunky.
12:44Come out in the name of the law.
12:46All right, okay. You caught me.
12:48Lock me up.
12:49Throw away the key.
12:50Hide away my radiant personality in the dark of a prison cell.
12:55Skunky, that's our job.
12:57Now, the most important thing we have to know is...
13:01will you come to my daughter's birthday party?
13:04I don't do personal appearances.
13:06I come off too cute and cuddly and pushy and ruin my reputation.
13:09Besides, someone's trying to kill me here.
13:12But I thought you were on the run because you killed someone.
13:15Yeah, that too.
13:16All in all, it seems like a good idea to stay away from public gatherings, don't you think?
13:21Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and disappoint the sweetest little girl in the world.
13:28But boss, what about Skunky?
13:30It's your case now. You handle it.
13:33Oh, Lucky, you know I'm no good with that logic stuff.
13:36I'm a toon.
13:37You're a cop, but you can do this.
13:39Before anyone can be blamed for a crime...
13:42He has to get caught?
13:43No, we did that.
13:44He has to get a lawyer?
13:46No, that's the worst thing you can do.
13:48Before anyone can be blamed for a crime...
13:50We have to have proof that a crime took place.
13:53I knew you could do it. See ya.
13:56What's he talking about?
13:58And the first thing we're going to do is pay Seymour Chumsky a visit.
14:03Chumsky? But he's dead.
14:05Is he?
14:06There's only one way to find out for sure.
14:13Marilyn, there comes a time in every little girl's life...
14:18When she learns that the world just isn't on her side.
14:21I can't say that. That's too brutal.
14:26Yes, Daddy?
14:27Oh, hi, honey.
14:29What's new?
14:31Oh, I have some great news.
14:33The TV stations heard we were having Skunky here for my birthday...
14:36And they're all sending camera crews. Isn't that wonderful?
14:43Excuse me, baby. Daddy has to answer the phone.
14:47Was that you, Bonkers?
14:48Never mind that. Whatever you do, don't lose that skunk.
14:51Now, where are you? I'm coming right down.
14:53You're where?
14:54The Hollywood Cemetery, Lucky.
14:56We're going to see if old Chumsky is still sleeping.
14:59Okay, boss. See ya.
15:00Lucky's coming down to help.
15:02Maybe we should wait for him.
15:04No way. Let's get this thing figured out before anybody messes it up.
15:08Honeygut, it's nice to have someone around who's a bigger target.
15:12There he is.
15:14Oh, my goodnesses.
15:17Consistent, isn't he?
15:19A padlocked coffin?
15:21How do we get it open?
15:23I can handle this.
15:24Sometimes having an ear that locks and unlocks comes in handy.
15:28So, open it.
15:30I unlocked it. Why don't you open it?
15:32Skunky's body. Let him open it.
15:34I'm not going to open it.
15:35All right, all right.
15:37Let's all open it together.
15:42Ready? On three.
15:50I can't believe it!
15:55What a waste of perfectly good cookbooks.
15:57Pard Chumsky really was trying to get rid of his eating habit.
16:00Yeah, and now he's trying to get rid of me, too.
16:04I wonder why.
16:05Well, that's pretty obvious, isn't it?
16:07It is?
16:09Obviously, McStam, the frustrated cook,
16:11Pard Chumsky, the frustrated dieter,
16:14with a promise of permanent leftovers
16:16if he'd get rid of the one toon in the way of McStam's premiere
16:19as television's most popular chef.
16:22Son of Pard, how'd you figure all that out?
16:25Hey, I'm a professional janitor.
16:27Cleaning up other people's messes is my business.
16:30Oh, I guess it all is pretty obvious.
16:33Oh, except for one little thing.
16:36Who is that?
16:38It's him! He's coming!
16:40Oh, please, you've got to get me!
16:41Please, please, please, please!
16:42Oh, I guess he's not going to get you.
16:46I guess we're going to get him first.
16:55Toons away!
17:06Hi, Lucky.
17:07Nice night for an ambush.
17:10You're a little lively for a dead guy.
17:13There's only one thing I want to know.
17:16Can you please come to my little girl's birthday party?
17:19Of course he is!
17:21That's how we're going to catch Chumsky and the guy who put him up to all this.
17:24We are?
17:25Mr. Big!
17:26The mind behind all this, who our friend Fallapart is going to lure into our little trap...
17:31Oh, my God! none other than the star of the show that replaced Skunky...
17:38The Chad McSkam show!
17:40Tune in next week for another celebrity recipe.
17:44Wonderful show, Mr. McSkam.
17:46Oh, shut up, you miserable...
17:47Too bad Skunky's coming back.
17:51What did you say?
17:54You and I are going to have a little heart-to-heart talk, push broom.
18:03Oh, Chumsky.
18:07If you want to keep your meal ticket, we're going to have to finish what we started.
18:11Skunky is not going to come back and kick my cooking show out of his time slot.
18:17Come, Skimore.
18:19We have a birthday party to attend.
18:23What do you mean Skunky's not coming?
18:26But Lucky, you told me never to put a star witness in danger.
18:30Oh, yeah, of course. We can't do that.
18:33What we need here is some chowder head in a skunk suit.
18:37I was hoping you were going to say that.
18:41Gosh, Skunky, you're much bigger than I thought you'd be.
18:45Um, well, that's, uh, because...
18:49It's a TV thing.
18:51The camera always puts ten hundred pounds on you.
18:54Everybody knows that.
18:55But he's not on camera.
18:57Get me out of this.
18:58Right. Come on, Skunky.
19:00Time to practice the famous skunky fly.
19:03Oh, now, what's a skunky fly thing?
19:05I told you on the roof.
19:09Um, are you sure about this?
19:12Not to worry. I took care of everything.
19:15Poor little Skunky.
19:17He's going to have an awful accident.
19:22Hey, you don't happen to have any pound cake on you, do you?
19:25So what? I mean, so what now?
19:28Just don't do anything till McStan gets here.
19:31That I can do.
19:34And again.
19:37Oh, dear. We've dropped the net.
19:39Whatever will we do?
19:47What a cop!
19:48You spotted him before I did.
19:50Lucky you're the best.
19:52Wow. Great distance, Skunky.
19:55Wait a minute. That's not skunky skunk.
19:58When toads get bumped, they have little birdies flying around their heads.
20:02I have them flying around my stomach.
20:05Oh, Lucky.
20:07Are you...
20:09Happy birthday.
20:12Oh, Daddy. You're such a kidder.
20:17You didn't have to go to all this bother.
20:20I can understand if Skunky's too busy to come.
20:23I'm a big girl, remember?
20:25You certainly are.
20:27Skunky said to give you this and apologize for not coming in person.
20:32You'll always be my favorite.
20:35Even though we'll never meet.
20:37Say, you're pretty warm.
20:40What am I talking about?
20:42It's just a dog.
20:45It's candy skunk.
20:48Skunky, it's you.
20:51You see, Lucky. It all worked out.
20:54You asked me to find Skunky and we found Skunky.
20:56And now Marilyn's happy.
20:57Anytime you need a favor, you know where to come.
20:59Anything at all. Just ask me. You got it.
21:00Anything in a row. Anything in a row.
21:01Just name it. Just name it. Just name it.
21:03Buggers, I'm going to ask you one more favor.
21:05Yes, yes, yes. What, what, what?
21:07Don't do me any more favors.
21:10Aw, Lucky. You old soppy, you.