Bonkers Episode 23 (Cartoon for kid) HD

  • 3 months ago


00:00This is a briefing, so I'll be brief. I have an announcement of utmost importance, very
00:11urgent. I have here somewhere, positively critical, to take care of that parking ticket.
00:17Absolutely crucial. Inspected by number 14, you know my advertisers...
00:22Take the brakes, don't you understand? No wonder the house payment bounced. Downright
00:28momentous. You are hereby summoned. Is this what you're looking for, sir? This
00:33one marks important announcement? That could well be it.
00:37Pickle, is that you? Yes, Pickle, sir. I'm in disguise, sir. Under
00:43cover work. Perceptive of you to recognize me, sir.
00:47Uh-huh. Well, as I was saying before you interrupted...
00:51I'm sort of on the chilly side of Nippian here. Mind if I turn up the heat?
00:58This is Fireball Frank, an explosives expert with a short fuse. He's threatened to blow
01:05up our entire city unless we pay him an even billion in unmarked bills. After taxes that
01:12amount to thousands of dollars. The FBI almost caught him, but... Excuse me, my ears are
01:20popping. Now, this is Agent Tolson, who was kidnapped by... Does anyone else hear that?
01:26Hear what, sir? Couldn't hold out till break time. Control that appetite, man. Don't let
01:32it control you. Say, boss, I just noticed...
01:37Later. And remind me to pick up some butter.
01:40Mr. Fireball says we must meet his demands within 48 hours, or two days, whichever comes
01:46first. Now, let's get out there and get that bean. And drive carefully, there's a chance
01:50of showers. I know something that could help you break
01:53this case wide open. And you always say a cop checks his lead.
01:57Well, you have a point. Not a good point, though, so I will ignore it.
02:01But this could make your career, Lucky. For once, your wife and daughter would be proud
02:06of you. I seriously doubt it. What do you mean, once?
02:10Forget it, don't even answer that. Just go away. I can't take any more of this. I spent
02:14most of my life getting injured and or being made a fool of by you.
02:19There you go again. Just keep a safe distance from me, please. Any place in this time zone
02:24is too close. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to find this felon and get the
02:29promotion I deserve. And I am going to do it alone.
02:33What are you trying to say? As they say in cartoons, scram.
02:38Now I understand. He's worried because this case is dangerous. And he doesn't want me
02:43to get hurt. What a guy. Sometimes I think he cares too much. But I still have something
02:51to tell him.
02:54Ha ha!
02:58Agent Tolson filed his last report as he was pursuing Frank to this rooftop. There could
03:03be some shred of evidence up here. And I really have to quit talking to myself so much.
03:12Hey, Lucky!
03:18So, what are you doing? At the moment, I'm falling.
03:25Is there a problem?
03:26No, thanks. I already have one. Didn't I tell you to go away?
03:31All right, boss.
03:32But not yet. Help me. And then go away.
03:35Okay. Wait. There's something I've been trying to tell you.
03:38Is this really the time? Seize the moment, I always say.
03:42You never know when you get in a horrible accident.
03:44Now quit wasting the few seconds I have left and tell me.
03:51Not till you say I can help you.
03:52All right, all right. You can help.
03:55What about Frank likes firecrackers and chili peppers?
03:58That's it.
03:59That's it?
04:01A 30-story wall would be less painful than this.
04:04Hardly anyone eats firecracker chili peppers.
04:07Six more fingers and I'm pavement pudding.
04:10And there's only one market in this city that sells them.
04:12What? Really? Why didn't you tell me sooner?
04:15I've been trying since...
04:16Yeah, yeah, you're fine. Never mind. Give me a hand.
04:27Now, if you'll pardon me, I have to check out this lead.
04:31But Buzz, you said I could help.
04:33I lied.
04:37Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, nothing removes stains faster than this stuff I've got here.
04:42It's on sale today only.
04:44Does it work for real?
04:46Why, this amazing product removes stains that only a dog can hear.
04:49It's... What are you doing here?
04:53And you need a much better disguise.
04:55You've got you written all over you.
04:57Did you see that? You almost blew my cover.
05:00You made me lose my temper right in front of...
05:03Fireball Frank.
05:04Stop in the name of the...
05:29Quick, hang a lift.
05:30Lift, lift, lift, lift.
05:32Frank, Frank, Frank.
05:34Frank, Frank, Frank.
05:40How lucky you're ever right.
05:43I lost him, along with any hope of getting a promotion.
05:46Shh, Buzz, don't whine so loud. Look over there.
05:52Got the chili peppers. Now for the bombards.
05:56I'm going in after him.
05:58Over my dead body.
06:04Is that okay if I listen to the radio while I wait?
06:13It's finally here. My ticket to the top.
06:15The first moment of the first day of the rest of my life.
06:18This is gonna be a blast.
06:21Let's go.
06:49Becky? Becky?
07:02I still can't believe he's gone.
07:04Gone to that big squad car in the sky.
07:07Ah, bonkers, my fine tune.
07:10I'm planning a memorial service to commemorate the cherished memory of...
07:15Oh, you know, that chubby guy. Pickle, was it?
07:18Pickle, sir.
07:19Don't tell me he's dead, too.
07:26Oh, bonkers, you really miss him, don't you?
07:28Lucky was the best.
07:31Lucky in it all. Lucky in everything.
07:34Except it cost luck.
07:36I was working on the eulogy. I thought I'd run it by you.
07:40Officer Pickle was a big man in more ways than one.
07:45He wasn't just tall, he was fat, too.
07:49That's so beautiful!
07:55That's the reaction I was looking for.
07:57He must have been something.
07:59Oh, he must have. He was a rock.
08:02Always giving 110%.
08:04You never saw Lucky having a bad day.
08:07He sounds wonderful.
08:09Except Mondays. It could be a little grumpy then.
08:11But hey, who likes Mondays?
08:13Perfectly understandable.
08:15And, of course, Wednesdays. You know, over the hump day, you get edgy.
08:18Well, I wish I'd have known better.
08:20Yes, Fridays were all right. You know, you'd be really burned out for the week.
08:24Hamsters, all.
08:25Tuesdays, Thursdays, ooh, crapshoot.
08:28You'd just cross your fingers and hope this mood wasn't too foul.
08:31Yes, well, he was fortunate to have a partner like you.
08:34Yes, he was.
08:36Say, is that Pickle's shoe?
08:39It's all I have left of him.
08:42Well, you suppose I could have it?
08:44You know, it'd be nice if we had something to put in the ground.
08:47This may not be the time to discuss it, sir. He's a little upset.
08:50Oh, of course. Perfectly understandable.
08:53Perhaps I could have just one of the laces?
09:05I almost had all the parts.
09:07Then you came barging in.
09:10It's a wonder we didn't get blown to pieces.
09:13Now I have to get more bomb stuff.
09:15Thank you very much. It's just my life wasn't hard enough.
09:19I, uh, guess you fellas in the Bureau have a plan for every situation, right?
09:24That's correct.
09:25I knew it. Maybe even one like this, huh?
09:28Correct again.
09:29So, uh, what is it?
09:31Can't divulge that information.
09:33Oh, of course not. I knew that. I knew that.
09:35But say, I don't know, a guest. Wink, wink, huh?
09:38I bet you'd let me know then, huh?
09:44Okay, um, what if we get a message?
09:48I mean, I could write on this can and take it out the window. How's that?
09:51Can say yes and can say no.
09:53Oh, sure. I get it.
09:55Oh, you guys. Wink, wink.
10:35My, my, look at the cans.
10:38Say, I should save this scrap aluminium for the war effort.
10:41Anything to help my Uncle Sam and Aunt Mayne.
10:46You fixed Lucky's all-time favorite meal.
10:54Fall apart? When a recipe calls for a can of peppers, it doesn't mean a can of peppers.
11:00This would be the cook's day off.
11:02You have a cook?
11:03No, but if I did, this would be the day off.
11:06El Pey-oke-lay.
11:08Hmm, important, eh?
11:10What? That is a classified police code.
11:13Roughly translated, it means help Lucky, followed by today's date.
11:19Miranda, that means he's not completely dead.
11:23Where'd you get this can?
11:24Over there.
11:27Hey, there could be more messages.
11:29This one has writing on it.
11:31This one does, too.
11:32This one.
11:33This one, too.
11:34They all do.
11:35To whom I'm thinking.
11:38Got it.
11:39To whom it may concern, I'm being held prisoner in the...
11:42in the what?
11:44Where's the last can?
11:48I'm being held prisoner in the refrigerator after opening.
11:53That's terrible.
11:55Those things are torturing the poor soul.
11:58Oh, this is the only one without a message.
12:01We have to find him, but without the can, we can't, can we?
12:05Listen, Bonkers, why don't we try my boss, Sergeant Grady?
12:10Sir, Officer Pickel sent Bonkers a message.
12:13You don't say.
12:15From the great beyond?
12:17Did a shoe talk to you?
12:19Oh, don't be silly.
12:20It was this can.
12:25And if you want your budding career to blossom,
12:28stay clear of toons who talk to cans.
12:32We're going to find Lucky, and if he doesn't like it,
12:34well, well, well, that's just too bad.
12:37Let's get fellow practitioners where we found that can.
12:40Let's see.
12:41I was walking home, so I must have been heading down this street.
12:45What are you doing?
12:47That toon is getting too close!
12:49We've been all over the place, and we've gotten nowhere.
12:52Aw, why don't you just rest here for a minute?
12:54I'll handle this.
12:55For the last time, do you know where the cans were?
13:00If you hum a few bars...
13:03If I only knew where Lucky was.
13:06It's as if he was looking down at me, trying to tell me.
13:10Oh, we'll start again first thing in the morning.
13:13Are you going to be all right?
13:15Yeah. Thanks, Miranda.
13:17But if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for a while,
13:20to wallow in misery and self-pity.
13:22Poor little guy. His whole life is going up in...
13:32On Disney's Bonkers.
13:37Bonkers! You're okay!
13:40If you consider deep, bottomless black depression okay,
13:43then I'm positively marvelous.
13:45Except the very seat Lucky used to sit in.
13:48Boy, if these word-out springs could talk,
13:51the stories they would tell.
13:54Oh, no! His shoe!
13:56I've lost his shoe!
14:00Here it is. And here's your chili pepper can.
14:03Thanks, Miranda.
14:06Look at the way he put those silly hearts over the eyes.
14:09I'm in Observatory.
14:11You lousy little pudding-headed no-good.
14:17I'm taking you two along with me.
14:19I'll drop you off with him safely in international airspace.
14:25But wouldn't that be in the middle of the ocean?
14:27What? He can't swim.
14:29Freeze! You're under arrest!
14:31It's all over. End of the line.
14:33It's the big house for you.
14:34You're taking a trip up the river.
14:36Help me out here. I need some clichés.
14:38Hold this.
14:45I'll save you.
14:49And next time you pull a stunt like this, little mister,
14:52I'm gonna give you such a pinch.
14:54There. I've disarmed the bomb.
14:56Clever of me, no?
14:57No! It's armed and dangerous!
15:00Give me that thing before you blow us all to bastards.
15:03No, yours.
15:04You never listen to me and you take orders from a crook?
15:06I'll call for backup.
15:07No, you won't.
15:08Then I will.
15:09But I can't get it down until I'm just a strange static.
15:12That's the bomb. You set it to explode at 90 seconds.
15:15So make it stop.
15:18You asked me a joke, bomb.
15:19It can't be stopped once it's started.
15:21Here, Lucky, you try.
15:22No, you try.
15:23I already did.
15:24I don't want it, so you take it.
15:25You can have it.
15:26I don't want it.
15:27Don't give it to me.
15:28Do not give it to me.
15:29Will you stop doing that?
15:30I don't want to ever see this thing again.
15:34Well, what do you know?
15:35He finally did what I told him.
15:49The bomb! He blew up the bomb!
15:52He's mine!
15:53He's mine!
15:54No, me!
16:01I got him!
16:02I got him!
16:03No, I got him!
16:06Wonderful job, Bonkers.
16:08You followed police restraint procedures to a T.
16:11However, that is the wrong guy!
16:14It is not!
16:16He's a federal agent!
16:18He's a mad bummer, Lucky!
16:20No, he is my friend.
16:25Obviously, the stress caused him to identify with his abductor.
16:28It happens sometimes.
16:29Bonkers, he's right.
16:31Breathe on him.
16:40The toon?
16:41Busted fireball Frank?
16:43No, it was all Miranda.
16:44And Lucky.
16:45Mostly Lucky.
16:46I mean her.
16:47If they cheated just as much.
16:50Right down the middle.
16:51It gives me great pleasure to formally announce
16:54you are no longer a rookie.
16:56You are now a full-fledged junior officer.
16:59After a probationary period, of course,
17:01and no salary increase, so don't ask.
17:04What happened to those snap-on badges I ordered?
17:06And you too, Officer Wright.
17:11Since you and Bonkers did so well,
17:14I officially make you a team.
17:16That little toon will need a new partner now that you're dead.
17:19I'm assigning you both to Sergeant Grating,
17:22who can...
17:30While your tactics are somewhat unorthodox,
17:33you did save my life out there.
17:35How would you like to join the FBI?
17:37The FBI?
17:39I always knew J. Edgar had his eye on me.
17:42Mr. Hoover is no longer with us.
17:43We do not joke about Mr. Hoover.
17:45Oh, no, of course not.
17:46See, you misinterpreted me.
17:48And we don't contradict our superiors.
17:50Oh, never.
17:51I mean, always.
17:53I mean, you smell great.
17:55Really, wonderful clown.
17:57Oh, look, dirt on your shoes.
17:59I'll just get that for you.
18:14I'm awful glad you got your big break.
18:17We both knew a talent like mine wouldn't go unrecognized forever.
18:21Eleven years, yes, but not forever.
18:24No, I'm not going to cry.
18:26I'm not going to cry.
18:27Just because I'm...
18:29I'm losing the best friend I ever had.
18:35Oh, come on.
18:36We'll keep in touch.
18:37A card every Christmas.
18:39And I'll send you a Christmas card every day of the year.
18:44Toots can go with you to take care of you.
18:48I don't know about...
18:49If that's necessary...
18:53Yeah, okay.
18:55Thanks, pal.
18:56All good, all good.
18:57If Toots is going to take care of him, who's going to take care of Toots?
19:00I better go along, too.
19:01Yeah, yeah, tit for...
19:02This may be getting out of hand.
19:05Going to Washington, man?
19:06Suppose you could drop me off at Baltimore if it's not out of your way.
19:09Um, actually, it is out of my way.
19:11Kay, how about Guam?
19:13Kay, I'll just go to Washington.
19:15Always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.
19:26Good luck, Lucky.
19:29Thanks, Miranda, but, uh...
19:31I think you'll need the lock.
19:34So long, Bonkers.
19:36You'll have to come visit us sometime.
19:38Yeah, you can stay in my room.
19:40Bye, Bonkers.
19:41Bye, Bonkers.
19:42Bye-bye, Bonkers.
19:43Bye, I love you.
19:44Take care.
19:51See, I tell you what, uh...
19:54Why don't you, uh, keep this badge for me, huh?
19:57I, uh, won't be needing it now.
20:00Just one more thing to pack.
20:02Rusty, anyway, likely to give somebody typhus.
20:07Yeah, well, I guess this is, uh...
20:10That is to say, uh...
20:12In other words...
20:14What I mean is, uh...
20:16I'll see you around, Bonkers.
20:17Goodbye, Lucky.
20:20Look, Bonkers, I just want you to know...
20:23I'm going to do my best to fill his shoes.
20:26Oh, that's sweet.
20:28No offense, Miranda, but you just can't.
20:31Because Lucky had very large shoes.
20:33I understand.
20:34No, no, I mean big.
20:36The man had huge feet.
20:38Those were custom-made shoes he wore.
20:40I was, of course, only speaking figuratively.
20:44I want you in my office three seconds ago.
20:48Then again...
20:51Let's take 20 questions.
20:53Be quiet.
20:55You be quiet, too.
20:56Animal, mineral, or saxophone?
20:58I'm hungry, my stomach's got lots of tartar sauce!
21:01All of you be quiet!
21:05Are we there yet?