Bonkers Episode 11 (Cartoon for kid) HD

  • 3 months ago


00:00Bunkers! How about acting like a cop for a little while? Now be quiet! We're on a stakeout!
00:18Crazy, huh?
00:30Bunkers! Now what are you doing?
00:32Trying to avoid catching pneumonia.
00:34Well, try acting less like a toon and more like a cop, will ya? And please, be quiet!
00:40Okie dokie!
00:41Look, the suspect we're after always strikes at midnight, so just try and curtail your toon enthusiasm till then!
00:49Be quiet!
00:50Until midnight? Piece of cake! No problemo, not to worry!
00:54By the way, did I forget to mention that tonight our suspect is a little early?
01:02Why didn't you say something before?
01:04Because you said to be quiet, remember? And I quote,
01:07BE QUIET!
01:11I got it! I got it!
01:18Bunkers! Why do you do things like that?
01:22Sorry, Lucky, it's a toon thing. Relax, partner. You're just tense. A little neck rub, that's what you need.
01:30Maybe I do need a little relaxation. And with the family gone this weekend, that's exactly what I'm gonna get.
01:41This is more like it. No work, no worries, and best of all, no bunkers.
01:52Who's there?
01:54Cantaloupe who?
01:55Cantaloupe, tonight, Dad's got the car!
01:58Hello, Lucky! Miss me?
02:03Does that answer your question?
02:08Hey, since you're still a little tense, maybe you're just lonely and in need of my charming company.
02:13I am not lonely. I just want to relax and watch some ball games at peace, kay?
02:18But wait, there's more! In addition to my charming company, if you act right now, we'll throw in an adorable toon hamster at no extra charge!
02:25I don't want a toon hamster!
02:28But Lucky, he's a friend! A friend of a friend, actually, who really needs a place to stay!
02:33Absolutely not!
02:35His name is Tiny, and he's very polite, he scrubs behind his ears, he always wears deodorant, he's friendly, kind to children, and he's a comparison shopper!
02:43All right, all right already!
02:45That comparison shopper thing gets him every time!
02:48Actually, I was just trying to shut up Motormouth a little.
02:52Besides, how much trouble can a nitty-bitty hamster be?
02:57Now what?
02:58Go away!
03:00I have a feeling my weekend is about to be ruined.
03:07Lucky, meet my friend of a friend of a friend, Tiny! Tiny, meet Lucky Pacow!
03:11Don't worry, he's just a little tense.
03:14Pleased to meet you.
03:17You didn't tell me Tiny was huge!
03:20Did I forget to mention that?
03:22Well, you know what they say about toon memory.
03:24What's that?
03:25What's what?
03:27Oh, jeez, I'm ever so sorry.
03:30I can't. My wife's gonna kill me when she gets so bonkers.
03:34You brought him here, do something!
03:38Where are you going?
03:39To the store for more pretzels.
03:40I don't need more pretzels!
03:41You do now!
03:43Would you be so kind as to help me up?
03:47And for this, I had to suffer through the police again.
03:53Oh, dear, I'm so sorry.
03:56I'll just sit here and stay out of your way.
04:04Oh, dear, oh my stars, oh heavens, I'm stuck.
04:08Oh, dear, oh my stars, oh heavens, I'm stuck.
04:17Wait, that's an antique!
04:23Oh, dear, now you're really angry.
04:26I'll just skedaddle upstairs out of your way.
04:32This calls for a little police psychology.
04:36Tiny, I won't hurt you.
04:39Really, I like you, Tiny.
04:41I'm not angry.
04:43Really? You like me?
04:46I can come down?
04:48Well, okay.
04:58Would it be terribly inconvenient for you to get me more chips?
05:03Stinkly, yes, but I'm not about to risk you moving from that chair.
05:08My homeowner's policy doesn't cover hamster damage.
05:15Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, cartoons, oh boy!
05:21Did you see that, folks? The play of a lifetime!
05:27No dip?
05:29How about some yogurt?
05:31Pillow and hot water bottle for my bad back?
05:34Oh, let's see, um, some lotion would be nice.
05:37I don't know if you've got it.
05:39Oh, and I could use a good foot massage and, um...
05:42And that's the end of the game, ladies and gentlemen!
05:45And what an incredible game it was!
05:47That's it, I have had it.
05:50I'm gonna... I'm gonna...
05:52I'm so sorry.
05:54Don't be mad.
05:56I'm gonna...
05:58Send you upstairs, that's it.
06:00It's time for all good hamsters to be in bed.
06:04Yeah, I know, I'm a sap, leave me alone.
06:14Freeze, mister!
06:20All I wanted was a little rest and relaxation.
06:25Two days, no tunes!
06:27What are you doing here?
06:29Trying to sleep naturally.
06:30Why are you sleeping here?
06:31Who can sleep? Too much racket.
06:33Look, I don't care why you're here,
06:35because now you can leave and take your friend with you.
06:38Oh, mercy's sake, please don't fight on my account.
06:42I'll just pack my things and go.
06:46You realize that by kicking us out,
06:48you are definitely not winning any host of the year contest.
06:57Oh, finally.
06:59Henway, patient coming through!
07:02What happened to him?
07:04A gigantic, mysterious shadow crept up on us.
07:09And before I knew it, Tiny got clobbered.
07:12Sponge, it must be the guy who's been chasing after Tiny.
07:17What's a Henway?
07:1832 pounds.
07:19But I'm plump.
07:21Now, let me ask you something.
07:25Now, let me get this straight.
07:27Someone's after Tiny, and you brought him here for safekeeping?
07:32I'm guessing it's whoever belongs to that enormous shadow outside.
07:35Why didn't you tell me before?
07:38I forgot.
07:39Never mind.
07:40If there's a criminal lurking outside,
07:42this cop is gonna get him.
07:45I don't care how big he is.
07:48He's my favorite.
07:51I may have underestimated the problem.
07:56How could something that big move so fast?
07:59I didn't even get a look at the guy.
08:01We gotta get Tiny someplace where we'll be...
08:03I mean, he'll be safe.
08:05I still say, correct police procedure would be to lock him up in a nice cell
08:10for protective custody.
08:12I told you, locking Tiny is a thing about cages.
08:15It's a hamster thing.
08:17Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
08:20No one would ever look for me in a dumpster.
08:23Don't worry, partner. I've got an idea.
08:27Remember, bonkers.
08:28As the senior officer here, I'm the one in charge.
08:30I'm the one with the most experience.
08:32I'm the one who...
08:34needs a really good sleep-ass.
08:38Now the humongous mystery shadow has found the mistaken for Tiny.
08:43Although, Tiny's posture's much better,
08:45and his coat is definitely shinier.
08:47Right. Look, when I lure him out in the open,
08:49just make sure you're ready to nab him.
08:51Okay. Trust me. I got you covered, Lucky.
08:55That's what I'm afraid of.
08:58Move it, you big, fat, pale footy!
09:02Right, little mister.
09:03Didn't Mama Pickel warn you about jaywalking?
09:07I believe we may have just found Tiny's assailant.
09:10Or rather, he found us.
09:12He left without introducing himself. How rude!
09:25Gee, Lucky.
09:26Do you think Tiny's assailant did this, too?
09:30And I'd say we were just formally introduced.
09:39Poor Tiny!
09:41I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye!
09:43I feel so guilty!
09:45No, no. It's all my fault.
09:47I was supposed to protect him.
09:50Yoo-hoo! Up here! Up here!
09:52Oh, the junction was far too damp and untidy,
09:55so I kicked myself into this nice, clean hotel.
09:59Oh, Mr. Pickel, I used your credit card. I hope you don't mind.
10:03No, that...
10:05Get down here immediately!
10:21Oh, by the way, I maxed out your credit line, so...
10:26We have to figure out who's after Tiny.
10:29And the sooner, the better.
10:31First, we better clean you up.
10:33You're a mess.
10:34If only we had some clues.
10:36I mean, who'd want to hurt a tuned hamster?
10:39I wouldn't!
10:41I will never understand what goes on in a tune's mind.
10:45Understanding what goes on in a tune's mind.
10:48That's it!
10:49So, you say someone's after you?
10:51That's correct, thank you.
10:54Lay back on the couch, please.
10:57You are getting sleepy.
11:04You think any hoof would want to frighten you?
11:09Swiss cheese!
11:10A clue!
11:12The Belveteen Cheese Factory!
11:27I don't know what's crazier.
11:29A tuned clue leading to a cheese factory, or the fact that I'm going along with it.
11:35Look at all this cheese!
11:36My kingdom for a fondue fork!
11:39The mysterious shadow!
11:41It's bigger than I thought.
11:42Be careful!
11:44Now, where did it go?
11:45Anyone see it?
12:00I think he needs help.
12:01He would appear so.
12:02He's your friend.
12:03Friend of a friend.
12:04Well, I suppose I am the senior officer.
12:11The hammer!
12:12No, it's over on my side!
12:14You can stand up.
12:15It's only me deep.
12:18Thank you!
12:19Thank you!
12:20You saved my life!
12:21How will I ever repay you?
12:24You might start with a good breath mint.
12:26When you two get done playing with your food, we've got a criminal to catch!
12:43Eat the mysterious shadow!
12:44Hello, boys!
12:45Mr. Big's the name, and Hamster Chasin's the game!
12:48Mr. Big, is it you?
12:51I had no idea!
12:52I'm so confused!
12:55You know this guy?
12:56How could you do this to an old friend?
12:58Why would you want to harm me?
13:00Where did you get such a big shadow?
13:02Ha ha! Had you fooled with a shadow, did I?
13:04I got an all-sale.
13:05Enough with the talk! I'm gonna flatten you!
13:10Come back here, you all-around furball!
13:13I can't believe it!
13:15It's Mr. Big from the Mr. Big and Tiny Show!
13:18I love these guys!
13:20You know these guys?
13:21Yeah, but I didn't recognize Tiny.
13:24He looked a lot larger on TV.
13:25Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
13:29Ha ha ha!
13:31I haven't laughed this hard in years!
13:33They're great!
13:33I don't get it.
13:34A pipsqueak mouse chasing a big hamster?
13:37Is that supposed to be funny?
13:38Oh, yeah!
13:39Their cartoon show is the best!
13:41Ha ha ha!
13:47Ah! Ow!
13:48They were on the air for 12 years!
13:51Everyone was devastated when they retired.
13:53Oh, dear! Oh, I don't know! Oh, dear!
13:55Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
13:56I haven't had a job since he hung up his hat!
13:58He's gonna pay for it!
14:00Well, after 12 years, I was bored.
14:02It was nothing personal.
14:03I never meant for you to suffer.
14:07Oh, gosh, yes.
14:08I mean, you were my best friend.
14:11Honest? You mean it?
14:13Oh, I feel so much better.
14:15Unfortunately, chasing you is all I know how to do.
14:18And I do it so well.
14:19Freeze, or I'll put your career on ice, you squirrely rodent!
14:34That's it!
14:35I've had it with this toon business.
14:37I'm arresting both of them for being a public nuisance!
14:39Oh, please, Lucky, don't do that!
14:41They can't help themselves to toons!
14:44All they need is a break!
14:46Wait a minute! I've got an idea!
14:48We'll find them something else to do!
14:50We'll get them jobs!
14:52Jobs? Those two?
14:53Ha! Forget it!
14:55Just think how impressed and grateful Chief Knifty will be
14:58when you find a visionary way to rehabilitate toons!
15:02Yeah, that's true. He would be impressed.
15:05And I'd finally get that raise and that promotion!
15:08Well, Lucky, what do you think?
15:10No! No!
15:16Stop! Hold it, guys!
15:18We're finding you a new job!
15:25Let me rephrase that.
15:27Bonkers is gonna find you a new job.
15:30But, uh, Bonkers, I don't think we can make it in the real world.
15:33We have no skills.
15:35Has it stopped me?
15:36Listen, if you stick together like me and Lucky,
15:38you're bound to be successful!
15:41Right, partner?
15:47Oh, at last! A chance to relax.
15:50I so hope it's the end of the weekend.
15:52At least there's no work, no stress, and no toons.
15:59Scooch over, will ya?
16:01You're hugging the hammock.
16:04Bonkers! What a nice surprise!
16:07Wait, is something wrong?
16:09Why aren't you a tiny Mr. Big?
16:10Nothing's wrong.
16:11I got him a job.
16:12A job?
16:12Yes, a job.
16:13What kind of job?
16:14Oh, something easy.
16:16Painting, yard work, you know,
16:18all those general home fix-it-up jobs.
16:21Well, that's... nice.
16:24And we're giving Chief Ganifki a big discount!
16:29Chief Ganifki?
16:39I can't believe we let those toons work on Chief Ganifki's house!
16:43This is gonna cost me my job!
16:46Hey, it's not bad.
16:49It's not bad at all.
16:51You see, Lucky, you had nothing to worry about.
16:54Tiny and Mr. Big are doing a wonderful job.
16:57Well, I better get going.
16:59We have a big surprise for the Chief.
17:02Picking up the permit for his new petting zoo.
17:04Petting zoo?
17:06Bonkers! Wait!
17:09This manual labor thing stinks on ice!
17:11I'm bored out of my gourd!
17:13Oh, I have to admit, I do kind of miss the thrill of the chase.
17:17Yeah, the good old days.
17:21Let's do it!
17:38Come back here, Amsterdam brat!
17:42Oh, now look what you've done!
17:48Well, it's not how I would have remodeled, but to each his own.
17:52The Chief is gonna fire me when he sees this mess.
17:55I'm through. Kaput. My career's over.
17:58You know, I'm beginning to think this regular job thing isn't working out so well.
18:02Hey, maybe they'll just get tired and give up.
18:05That's kind of a toon thing, right?
18:07I mean, it's just a job.
18:09That's kind of a toon thing, right?
18:11I mean, getting tired, giving up, they can do that, right?
18:13I don't think so.
18:17Come on, move it. We gotta stop before they destroy the city.
18:20Come back here, you bust-mouthing Freeman!
18:23Oh, this is more fun than I remember.
18:27I've achieved visual contact with the renegade toons, sir.
18:31Not just toons, Chuck. Toon actors.
18:35And what do actors need most?
18:39No, good try, Lucky, but what actors need most is direction.
18:43Okay, boys and girls, we're rolling down here. Ready?
18:46Let's roll.
18:48Let's roll.
18:50Let's roll.
18:52Let's roll.
18:54We're rolling down here. Ready? Lights.
18:57And roll. Action.
19:00Okay, now, if you're okay, make a left.
19:06And stage left.
19:16Watch out.
19:29You really should see someone about your fear of heights, partner.
19:32Someday I gotta remember to get those seatbelts fixed.
19:35Wonderful, wonderful, it's lovely. And cut.
19:38Okay, people, this is your big scene. We're talking Academy Awards here.
19:43Penny, Mr. Big, when you run inside, I want you to give it everything you've got.
19:48Hold it!
19:50I've had enough of this toon business.
19:52This is police headquarters. You can't go in there, you're under arrest.
19:56Lucky, please, stick to the script.
19:59Okay, everyone towards the camera for that final close-up.
20:07And that's a wrap, folks.
20:10Oh, can we do it again? I think you shot my bad side.
20:14All right, what's going on here?
20:16Chief Kniff came.
20:18Which one of you is responsible for my house?
20:21He is.
20:22Well, then, I guess I should be thanking you for the top-notch job your boys did.
20:26My wife loved it.
20:28Quality is our middle name.
20:30Well, not legally.
20:32What are you in for, son?
20:36Oh, finally.
20:38No work, no tools, and no bonkers.
20:42Great news, Lucky.
20:44A big producer saw Penny and Mr. Big on the 6 o'clock news, and he's giving them a new show.
20:49I'm so happy.
20:51Now go home.
20:53I forgot the best part.
20:55The producer wants you to be the co-star.