Peppa Pig en Español - Capitulos Completos - Recopilacion 104 - Capitulos Nuevos - Nueva temporada

  • 3 months ago


00:00La princesa con sueño.
00:07Es de noche. Peppa y George se van a la cama.
00:15Buenas noches, Peppa y George.
00:17Mami, papi.
00:19Si, Peppa.
00:20No tengo nada de sueño. ¿Me contáis un cuento?
00:24Pero a lo mejor George si lo tiene y quiere dormirse ya.
00:27¡George! ¿Quieres que nos cuenten un cuento? ¡Di sí!
00:33Está bien, pero solo os contaré un cuento, ¿de acuerdo?
00:37Papá os va a contar un cuento, pero tenéis que prometer que os dormiréis.
00:42¡Lo prometemos!
00:47Creo que os voy a contar el cuento de la princesa con sueño.
00:52¿Ese cuento es bueno? Me parece que es un poco aburrido.
00:56¿Qué va a ser aburrido? Es muy bueno.
00:59¿De qué va? ¿De qué va? ¿Sale una princesita?
01:02Peppa, si no paras de hablar, papá no puede empezar a contarlo.
01:06Lo siento, mamá. Solo dime si sale una princesita en el cuento, papi.
01:12Sí, sale una princesita en el cuento.
01:20La princesa con sueño.
01:23Érase una vez, una princesita que vivía en un castillo.
01:28Se llamaba la princesa con sueño.
01:32Papi, ¿por qué se llamaba así?
01:35Ya llegaremos a eso.
01:37¿Era guapa la princesa con sueño?
01:39Sí, era muy guapa. Le encantaba mirarse en el espejo.
01:44¡Oh, qué guapa soy!
01:46¿Vivía alguien más en el castillo?
01:48Eh, pues...
01:50También vivían en el castillo el pequeño príncipe,
01:55la reina mami,
01:57y el rey papi.
01:59Eso es. Todos vivían en el castillo.
02:02¿Tenía una barriga muy gorda el rey papi?
02:04Pues claro que no. Era muy guapo.
02:07Como yo.
02:10A lo que iba.
02:12Como yo.
02:15A lo que iba. También había un dragón.
02:20¿Un dinosaurio? Ah, sí, sí. No era un dragón. Era un dinosaurio.
02:25Cerca del castillo vivía un dinosaurio grande y fiero.
02:37Bueno, ahora que me acuerdo el dinosaurio no era tan fiero, Papa Pig.
02:43Sí, es verdad, George. El dinosaurio era muy bueno. Comía mucha hierba.
02:55¡Papa Pig!
02:57¡Uy, perdón! Hacía de dinosaurio.
03:00Papi, what is the name of the princess with a dream?
03:07Now you will know.
03:09The sun began to fall, the moon and the stars came out, and everyone fell asleep.
03:23But the one who had the most sleep was the princess with a dream.
03:31Peppa, are you sleepy?
03:34No, Papi, I'm not sleepy at all.
03:40But there is someone who is.
03:43George, wake up, you're going to miss the end of the story.
03:48Maybe you're not sleepy, but the princess with a dream was.
03:52From looking in the mirror all day long, she was exhausted.
03:57I'm going to take you to bed.
04:02Good night.
04:05The princess with a dream had so much sleep that she fell asleep right away.
04:16Thank you very much for the story, King Papi.
04:19You're welcome, Queen Mammy.
04:22Our little prince and our little princess liked it.
04:47I'm Peppa Pig.
04:48I'm Peppa Pig.
04:50This is my little brother, George.
04:53This is Mamma Pig.
04:55And this is Papa Pig.
04:58Peppa Pig.
05:09Mamma Pig has framed a picture of Peppa and George.
05:13We should hang this beautiful picture on the wall.
05:17I'll take care of it.
05:19I'm the house DIY expert.
05:22Are you sure you can do it?
05:24Of course, you just have to nail a nail and hang the picture.
05:28Very good.
05:29I'm going to Grandpa and Grandma Pig's house.
05:33See you later.
05:35And make sure you don't break anything.
05:38Who, me?
05:43Papi, can we help you hang the picture?
05:46You can look.
05:48That way you'll learn how to do it properly.
05:51First, I need a meter.
05:55And a pencil.
06:02Here I'm going to nail the nail.
06:05Don't break the wall, Papi.
06:09Now I need a hammer.
06:11Now I need a hammer and a nail.
06:14Step aside and watch how an expert works.
06:17Papa is going to nail the nail to the wall.
06:22Don't break the wall, Papi.
06:25What a silly thing, Peppa.
06:29Go, eat some bread.
06:32This wasn't planned.
06:34The wall is full of cracks.
06:36Oh, Papi.
06:38In the end you broke the wall.
06:40It's just a crack.
06:42The picture will cover it.
06:44That's it.
06:46You can still see the cracks, Papi.
06:50I'm going to fill the cracks.
06:52I'm going to nail the nail.
06:54Don't break anything else, Papi.
06:56What a silly thing, Peppa.
06:58A little more.
07:04Oh, Papi.
07:06Now you broke the wall.
07:10Do you think Mummy will notice?
07:12Yes, I'm afraid she'll notice.
07:17Hurry up, George.
07:20Where have they gone?
07:23Papi, see you later.
07:28The wall needs to be fixed when Mummy Pig comes back.
07:34A brick, please.
07:37First, Papi covers the hole with bricks.
07:51That's it.
07:54Then, Papi spreads plaster on the bricks.
08:00It was a piece of cake.
08:03And finally, he paints the wall.
08:07It's like new.
08:09The wall is fixed.
08:13But look at the mess they've made.
08:15What a mess.
08:17We have to clean it before Mummy comes back.
08:19Quickly, Papi bathes Peppa and George.
08:22Then, Peppa vacuums.
08:25And Papi picks up the tools.
08:32Mummy Pig has arrived.
08:36Mummy is here!
08:38We have to hide.
08:40Nothing has happened.
08:47What have you been doing?
08:53Yes, I see.
08:55I see you haven't done anything.
08:57I thought you were going to hang the photo.
08:59With so much activity,
09:00Papi has forgotten to hang the photo.
09:04I'm not an expert,
09:06but I'm sure it's not very difficult.
09:11That's it.
09:13Yes, it wasn't very difficult.
09:15When you tried it, Papi,
09:17it seemed very difficult.
09:19Shh, Peppa, don't tell anyone.
09:31I'm Peppa Pig.
09:33This is my little brother, George.
09:35This is Mummy Pig.
09:37And this is Papi Pig.
09:40Peppa Pig.
09:45Peppa and her family go to Uncle Pig's house,
09:48Aunt Pig and Cousin Chloe.
09:50You'll see how Uncle Pig falls asleep after eating,
09:53as always.
09:55Peppa and her family go to Uncle Pig's house,
09:58Aunt Pig and Cousin Chloe.
10:00Papi, you shouldn't talk about your own brother like that,
10:03especially in front of the kids.
10:05It's true.
10:07Uncle Pig eats too much,
10:09he always falls asleep,
10:11and he starts snoring, like this.
10:17Peppa, George,
10:19forget what I said about Uncle Pig.
10:21Okay, Papi.
10:26Peppa and her family have arrived
10:28at Uncle and Aunt Pig's house.
10:30Hi, Aunt Pig, hi, Uncle Pig.
10:34Hi, everyone.
10:36Hi, how are you, Big Brother?
10:38Uncle Pig is Papa Pig's Big Brother.
10:40Aunt Pig is Peppa and George's cousin.
10:42Hi, Aunt Pig.
10:44Hi, Peppa.
10:46Hi, George.
10:48I want to show you something.
10:50Wait for us.
10:52Look, I have a puppet show.
10:55My dad gave it to me, he made it.
10:59I made two puppets.
11:01This is Chloe.
11:03Hi, I'm Chloe Pig.
11:08And this is my dad.
11:10Uncle Pig.
11:12Hi, Peppa.
11:14I'm Uncle Pig.
11:16Aunt Chloe,
11:18can we make George and I puppets?
11:23Chloe paints the puppet's eyes.
11:27I paint his mouth.
11:31My name is Peppa.
11:34George, what puppet do you want to make?
11:37A dinosaur.
11:39A dinosaur?
11:41George always says dinosaur all the time.
11:44Very good.
11:46A puppet of a dinosaur.
11:48Chloe makes George a puppet of a dinosaur.
11:51Sharp teeth.
11:53And that's it, a fearsome dinosaur.
11:58To the table.
12:00Let's go.
12:02After eating, we'll do a play in the theater.
12:07Aunt Pig has made spaghetti to eat.
12:12The spaghetti are delicious.
12:16The best in the world.
12:18It's obvious that you're brothers.
12:20You're all the same.
12:23What do you mean?
12:24We don't look alike at all.
12:28Peppa, George and I
12:30are going to make a puppet play.
12:34Let me know when you're ready.
12:38Puppets, how fun.
12:40Can I eat more spaghetti?
12:42Can I eat more too?
12:47The show is about to begin.
12:54Hi, my name is Chloe.
12:56And I'm Peppa.
13:00A dinosaur.
13:02I'm very scared.
13:07You're doing great.
13:09I'm Uncle Pig.
13:12Hi, Uncle Pig.
13:14Hi, Peppa.
13:16He's just like you.
13:18I think I've got a bigger belly.
13:21I really like the food.
13:25Uncle Pig, are you going to sleep
13:27and snore like you always do?
13:31What do you mean?
13:33Daddy says that after eating
13:35you sleep and snore a lot.
13:46You're right.
13:48That's how I snore.
13:50Daddy Pig,
13:52you shouldn't have said that about Uncle Pig.
13:54I don't think Daddy Pig
13:56or Uncle Pig heard you.
13:58Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig
14:00have fallen asleep.
14:02How can you tell they're siblings?
14:05What's going on?
14:07When is the show going to start?
14:19Peppa and George are in the swings with their friends.
14:23Candy Cat and Pedro Pony
14:25are playing on the bridge.
14:30Susie Sid, Danny Dog
14:32and Rebecca Rabbit
14:34are going down the slide.
14:40Peppa is in the swing.
14:43Mommy, Mommy, push me, please.
14:46Peppa is in the swing.
14:47Mommy, Mommy, push me, please.
14:49Are you ready?
14:51Yes, I want to get very, very high.
14:57Push harder.
15:04George also wants to get on the swing.
15:07Now it's your turn, George.
15:10Hold on tight.
15:12I want to push George.
15:14But do it carefully, Peppa.
15:15Yes, Mommy.
15:17Hold on tight, George.
15:24Peppa has pushed George very hard.
15:26He doesn't like heights.
15:29Peppa, George is afraid of heights.
15:32I'm sorry, George.
15:36Let's play on the bridge.
15:41Hi, Susie.
15:43Hi, Danny.
15:45Hi, Peppa.
15:54You're doing it wrong.
15:56I'm going to show you how to swing here.
16:00Step back.
16:02Ready, set, go!
16:06Look at me.
16:08I'm like a bird.
16:15I can't get out of here.
16:17Peppa is stuck.
16:22It's not funny.
16:24She admits it's funny.
16:29We'll have to get you out of there.
16:32Peppa's friends help her get out.
16:39Thanks, everyone.
16:41George, do you want to get on the bridge?
16:45The bridge is too high.
16:47And George doesn't like heights.
16:54I'm sorry, George.
16:56Why don't we go to the slide?
16:58Yes, let's go to the slide!
17:02Peppa loves the slide.
17:04Everyone loves the slide.
17:06Mommy, Daddy, look at me!
17:08Ready, set, go!
17:24George wants to get on the slide.
17:26Are you sure, George?
17:28It's a little high.
17:30Okay, I'll help you get on.
17:36Wow, George thinks it's too high.
17:41It's okay.
17:43I'll get off with you.
17:45Daddy, you're too big for this slide.
17:48Nonsense, Peppa.
17:50I'm not that big.
17:52Ready, set, go!
17:58Daddy's stuck.
18:03It's not funny.
18:06Admit it's funny, Daddy.
18:10Maybe it is a little funny.
18:13We'll have to push you.
18:16Look at him.
18:33Daddy's belly is like an elastic bed.
18:38George loves to jump on Daddy's belly.
18:42George is no longer afraid of heights.
18:45Hey, no!
18:48Peppa Pig.
18:52Peppa Pig.
18:56Peppa Pig.
19:04Cleaning the bedroom.
19:08Peppa and George are playing in their room.
19:10playing in his room.
19:12Now, we'll play with the dolls and the dinosaurs.
19:19What's that?
19:21It's a horrible monster!
19:27It's a dinosaur!
19:29Help! Help!
19:33Help! Help!
19:36Daddy Pig is in the living room reading the newspaper.
19:39Mommy Pig is reading a book.
19:41Help! Help!
19:43What are they doing?
19:45Help! Help!
19:49Peppa, George, what's going on?
19:56Why is there so much noise?
20:06What's going on up there?
20:09Why is there so much noise?
20:11And so many things on the floor.
20:13Someone could trip and fall.
20:16Someone has already tripped and fallen.
20:19Oh, mother. Poor Daddy Pig.
20:21Come on, little ones, we have to pick up all this.
20:24But, Mommy, we're playing with the dolls and the dinosaurs.
20:28You'll play again when you've picked it up.
20:31But George has messed it up.
20:33Oh, yeah? Then this beautiful dress will be George's.
20:42Well, maybe some things are mine.
20:46Come on, I'll help George pick it up and Mommy Pig will pick Peppa.
20:50What if we play a race?
20:52The girls against the boys.
20:54Good idea. Let's see who picks it up first.
20:57Ready, set, go!
21:00We're winning.
21:02For a short time.
21:07Oh, what was that?
21:09Oh, Teddy, I was looking for you.
21:12Hurry up, put it in the toy basket.
21:16This is your place, that's it.
21:19Now these stories.
21:30I'll see what this is.
21:34It's true, it's a story about dinosaurs.
21:37It's George's story about dinosaurs.
21:43This is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
21:46Tyrannosaurus Rex.
21:49Very good.
21:53This is a Brontosaurus.
21:58That's it.
22:01And this is a Triceratops.
22:06Very good, George.
22:08George loves dinosaurs.
22:10Daddy, George, you're not picking it up.
22:14You're going to lose.
22:17Oh, yes, the race.
22:19Come on, George, put it in the toy basket.
22:24Daddy, you're very slow picking it up.
22:27Mommy and George, we're going to win.
22:29No, we're going to win.
22:33We're going to win.
22:36We won.
22:38We won.
22:40We all won.
22:42The room is in order.
22:46What a tidy room.
22:48We picked it up very well.
22:51Mommy, now that we've picked it up,
22:54can we play with the dinosaur and the doll?
22:57Yes, of course, you can keep playing.
23:02Where's Mr. Dinosaur?
23:10I found it.
23:15It's a dinosaur.
23:17Help, help.
23:19The room is messy again.
23:23Well, at least it's been tidy for a while.
