Attachment and Duty!!

  • 2 months ago
What is the difference between true Love and having worldly attachment? How can we truly understand the terms - Duty, attachment, love and true love for children?
00:00True love and worldly attachment, difference between two.
00:05See, you are attached with your children with worldly attachment, not true love.
00:14See worldly attachment is always reactionary.
00:17See how you get hate or anger with your kids, because you are attached with them.
00:26So when they don't fulfill your expectation, then you get the reaction of hate or anger
00:33and you shout.
00:36And your kids will also feel, see mom was so loving and why she changed like anything.
00:42And she changed for nothing, very small, small thing, you understand?
00:46So duties, love, true love and your attachment, worldly attachment, you get very, very clear
00:57understanding for them.
00:59See what you are doing, it is your duty.
01:03You are raising your children, you are all doing everything for food and their education
01:12and what they need, some games and this and that.
01:16You are giving everything to them, just your duty.
01:20But what you feel, that I am doing out of my love, no, it's not love.
01:27Suppose you tell your children that I have done so many things for you and you don't
01:31listen to Me, you don't respect Me, children will say, your parents also did the same thing
01:39for you.
01:40They don't know what on you you are doing.
01:42See, this is how we are leading them to go in their own thinking, never say to them that
01:47I have done for you.
01:48No, it's your duty.
01:49Every parent has this duty and this duty they are fulfilling out of their attachment.
01:58You are doing because you are attached with your children.
02:02So watch your attachment and find out you are doing your duties, not anything more.
02:09Children, very few children, they don't learn, otherwise they are doing.
02:17Still what are more expectations, see, where there is, this is very simple equation, where
02:24there is only attachment, expectations are always together.
02:31And when expectations are not fulfilled, it will react in anger or hate or anything.
02:37You understand?
02:38Though inside you are attached with your children, still these things come, and when these things
02:44come, then you feel bad, you get frustration, why I am so angry, why I am shouting like
02:50this, I don't want to shout my children, I must love them, but still this thing happens,
02:56even though you don't want.
02:58Why this thing happens?
03:00Because of this attachment, in root your worldly attachment is the cause, root cause is this,
03:07and then expectations and then hate and anger and all this thing comes.
03:12So watch this attachment.
03:14Suppose something, your son has done good thing, so the inside you watch, you will happy,
03:21see, you will happy not only thing, your heart will dance like anything, oh, my son, my son,
03:32my son.
03:33Then the same time you tell Jayshree, be prepared, your son will do something wrong, then you
03:42will depress, you will be angry, you will shout.
03:45See, this is the reaction of dancing, shouting.
03:49You understand?
03:51So check here only, try to control this level.
03:56So when this is going on, no, you appreciate, you tell how you did very good thing, but
04:01no dancing.
04:03This is all inner feeling, which is not required, this is all reactionary, this is all reactionary.
04:11So you can tell good words to your son, when he is doing something good, appreciate, oh
04:19yes, you have done very good, go ahead, very nice, everything you can tell.
04:28Because you take pride of your children, so much pride.
04:33So be prepared, when they do something wrong, then you are, opposite of pride you are going
04:42to get bad name, oh, Jayshree's son is doing this wrong and this and that.
04:49So this is all reaction, duality is always there.
04:52So this thing is going, don't take pride, he has done good, fine.
04:57He made good, he may do something wrong tomorrow, be prepared for that.
05:03So you get very good control over Jayshree's feeling, which is, which are all reactionary
05:11and which are missing your true love.
05:15So when he is doing, your son is doing wrong, that time also your love must be the same.
05:22Suppose that your son has done something wrong and you don't shout, on the contrary you
05:26say, don't worry, now take care, don't do it again, don't worry.
05:33With full of love if you say, then you will be, your son will be one for lifetime to you.
05:43He will have a high respect for you.
05:45When he is doing very wrong thing, still you are with your son and giving good guidance
05:53to your son.
