KIKORIKI Compilation new episodes cartoons for children

  • 2 months ago


00:31No, friends, it won't work like that
00:34Star is the core of the holiday
00:40here is not permissible
00:42better at all
00:47and again crooked
00:50what a beauty
00:52Yes, the guys can create, they can not without proper guidance, of course
01:00and the Christmas tree is of course good
01:03and what will be the entertainment?
01:06fireworks, fountains and gift exchange
01:11somehow all this is too traditional
01:14and not to hold us
01:16New Year's talent competition
01:21a great idea, is not it, friends?
01:24so I knew you would like it
01:27boys will be able to make a poster
01:29for the competition and build an open wall
01:31right here
01:33and the competition we will call
02:03you here what?
02:05already disassembling?
02:07or just folding?
02:09we are folding
02:11we are building
02:13in the sense of the stage
02:15so I'm not late
02:17here is my invitation
02:19to the competition
02:21local, international
02:23and my name is Shusha
02:27eat, eat
02:29it's all mine
02:31from the garden
02:33my mother salted it in the fall
02:35and I would think
02:37the main prize would be good to decorate with rhinestones
02:39pink for example
02:41and who is this?
02:43Shusha is my name
02:45a local came to the competition
02:49to the competition
02:51here is someone behind my back
02:53warmed up
02:56who did not warm me up?
02:58I will sing a song
03:00a song means
03:02well, well
03:06what did you just think about?
03:10poor thing
03:12came to the international competition
03:14and what will she see here?
03:16one and a half spectators in the hall
03:20and where, by the way, is this Shusha from?
03:23from Shusha
03:25or from Shushansky
03:27she says she came to conquer the capital
03:29well done
03:31deceived a naive girl
03:33let the dust into her eyes
03:35how will she be able
03:37to believe at least someone
03:39there is a way out
03:41we will arrange a hearing
03:43and then we will say
03:45that the data is certainly not bad
03:47but still need to learn
03:53do not worry, dear
03:55this is just a hearing
03:59why should I twitch?
04:01here are the notes
04:05I'll try to sing
04:09winter came to us
04:11and here
04:13the garden is falling asleep
04:17snow, snow
04:27this is even better
04:29than I could imagine
04:33the data is not bad
04:35but I'm afraid
04:37for international competitions
04:39it's too early
04:43I'll do without your contests
04:45and without your prizes
04:47with diseases
04:49with astrazy
04:52don't worry
04:54we'll get more
04:58well, what is it?
05:00why does no one believe Shusha?
05:04even my mother says
05:06that I'm not good at anything
05:10just sing
05:12and laugh under the photo
05:14I even wrote a song
05:16by myself
05:18and I just want to sing
05:21I don't need prizes
05:25Shusha, Shusha
05:29if you want it
05:31you can perform
05:33only without the contest
05:37thank you, my dear
05:39you need to study
05:41Barash will work on your text
05:43and Karych will study vocal
05:48I will try
06:20I think no one has any doubts
06:22today's winner
06:26oh, how unexpected
06:28I don't even know how to say
06:30thank you
06:32for your fair choice
06:34and now
06:36let's welcome
06:38our young gift
06:42outside the contest
06:45ladies and gentlemen
07:15as if falling asleep
07:17falling asleep
07:19the first snow
07:35falling asleep
07:37falling asleep
07:47falling asleep
07:59There were yellow trees
08:01red grass
08:05blue air
08:07a bright man
08:10but the movement
08:12was not skillful
08:14the whole world
08:16was painted white
08:18this is the first
09:28Well, in general, here
09:30we congratulate
09:32the winner
09:34oh, I see
09:36It's not a contest. It's your prize.
09:40Here you go. I haven't changed my mind yet.
09:44Come on, fireworks.
09:52By the way, happy new year!
09:55Yeah, happy new year!
10:06Snow, snow, fall asleep.
10:29Alinka, Alinka...
10:32Oh, you are so beautiful!
10:35Alinka, my little pumpkin is born!
10:42Bite me!
10:48Are you a bear?
10:50A bear? And who are you?
10:53I'm also a bear, but a little one.
10:56I'll live here with you. My name is Stepanidz.
11:01Baby, your...
11:09Take care of the girl for the summer.
11:12She loves nature very much.
11:15We ask for your kindness. We are always glad.
11:19What's your name?
11:28Well, how is it at home?
11:31Yes, everything is fine. It's warm in summer and cold in winter.
11:35And how is your brother doing?
11:39My sister.
11:41Thank you. Mom is fine. She sends her regards.
11:46Thank you, thank you. It's nice when relatives don't forget.
11:52They make gifts from time to time.
11:58Bye, bye, bye, bye!
12:01Go to bed soon!
12:21What are you doing here, Kopatych?
12:25My niece came to see me yesterday.
12:29Her name is Stesha.
12:31Oh, here she is!
12:33This is Aunt Savunia.
12:35And this is Stesha.
12:37Hello, Aunt Savunia!
12:39Hello, Stepanidz!
12:42Nice to meet you.
12:46Oh, what data!
12:49Yes, it will be a real champion!
12:53Do you think so?
12:56Hedgehog, every serious secret society has its own secret headquarters.
13:03Are we a serious society?
13:05Well, pretty serious.
13:08So we need a secret headquarters. And it will be here.
13:13Is it necessary for this headquarters to be so high?
13:20No one will find it this way.
13:27How did you get here?
13:30I climbed a tree.
13:32This is impossible!
13:34Our tree is impregnable.
13:37How else is it possible?
13:39You grab the front ones, push off the back ones and climb in.
13:44Who are you?
13:46I am the bear of your niece.
13:51He did not say that he had a niece.
13:55He is modest.
14:00However, feathers and clouds.
14:03No matter how bad the weather is tomorrow.
14:06So, what do we have here?
14:09Oh, you are clean.
14:12And what is this?
14:14Ah, a secret headquarters.
14:17How lovely!
14:19And there we have, of course, a mole, a hedgehog and a bamboo panda.
14:27A bamboo panda?
14:30And who is this one with a pipe?
14:34Ah, this is Losyash, our scientist.
14:37If you know how to approach him, you can always play with his computer.
14:41He has a computer?
14:44No, it's time to go home.
14:48Hedgehog, don't you remember what she said?
14:51You grab the back ones, push off the front ones.
14:55Krosh, don't even try.
14:58So, the habitat area is in the mountain forests of China,
15:02in the Indochina and on the island of Kalimantan.
15:05In the middle lane, the bamboo panda is not found.
15:09Not found.
15:21Move over, Hedgehog.
15:23But I'm clean.
15:25I just swept up last week.
15:28Last week doesn't count.
15:31This week you start a new life.
15:35Moisture cleaning twice a day.
15:38Children, Hedgehog, this is not a rag.
15:42They don't grow in the trash.
15:46And what kind of flower is this, Stesha?
15:51This is a bamboo, Hedgehog.
16:05Good morning, Stesha.
16:08I planted your bamboo in the garden.
16:11But I planted it in the mountains.
16:14And now I'm thinking, maybe it would be better to plant it in the lowland?
16:21Bite me, bee.
16:24Help yourself, Hedgehog.
16:28What a nasty thing.
16:41Oh, hello, guys.
16:43My respects, you are our family.
16:46And what do these woods mean?
16:49Here, see how I planted it.
16:53Hedgehog, the child has nowhere to play because of your botanics.
16:57The girl must develop.
17:00She needs a place for games.
17:02It's all right now.
17:04But this bamboo grows faster than I have time to cut it.
17:10Children grow faster than any bamboo.
17:19Oh, how I used to live without you, Stesha.
17:24By the way, when are you going back home?
17:28I haven't decided yet.
17:30Well, stay a little longer.
17:32And your bamboo has grown.
17:36That's right.
17:38My bamboo has grown.
17:41So this plant is a solution to the problem.
17:44You are not long-sighted.
17:48And I told you, Hedgehog,
17:50Rabbits do not climb trees.
17:53Well, unless they are looking for trouble.
17:56I almost did it.
17:58I just got a little confused.
18:00It turned out that it was necessary to grab the front ones,
18:02and push back the rear ones.
18:04I just realized it late.
18:06In my opinion, not bad.
18:15That's what I need!
18:17Thank you.
18:18Only these curtains need to be changed.
18:23This kettle to remove.
18:25And this rug.
18:29Are you sure, my friend, that she is your niece?
18:33Maybe she got something wrong?
18:35For example, she made a mistake with the door?
18:38No, I'm sure.
18:44How can you be so sure?
18:48Oh, Hedgehog, you don't understand this.
18:52You never had nephews.
18:57This is blood, strength.
19:00And then she looks so much like my dear brother.
19:05I mean, my sister.
19:09We'll have to live in this village, Zina.
19:14Make order, arrange everything as it should be.
19:18Boring, you say?
19:20That's what we need to do to make everyone happy.
19:24Hello, Hedgehog.
19:26I brought you some bamboo.
19:29You can plant it somewhere here.
19:34Bamboo can't be planted near the house.
19:37You won't get rid of it later.
19:40Now you see, Zina.
19:43They are so small.
19:45They will disappear without me.
19:57Oh, what a smell!
20:00Oh, what a smell!
20:25How did the Olympic Games come about?
20:28At first, there were no games.
20:31If someone was strong, agile and fast,
20:34he just took what he needed from the weak, clumsy and slow.
20:39But, as a rule, the strong, agile and fast
20:43was even stronger, agile and fast.
20:47And so on forever.
20:49It was terribly tiring for everyone,
20:51especially those who were smart, but weak and slow.
20:54And then they came up with the idea
20:56that once every four years all the wars stop,
20:59and the strongest, agile and fast
21:02gather in one place,
21:04as it was called at Mount Olympus,
21:06and compete with each other for the Olympics.
21:09And the weak, clumsy and slow
21:11look at them, rejoice and reward.
21:14And so it was until everyone got tired of going to the same place.
21:18They wanted to diversify.
21:21And then they decided that the city and the country
21:24where the Olympic Games are held
21:26make them with their own strength, with their own athletes.
21:29And the rest just watch.
21:31But to make it interesting to watch,
21:33they pretended that all the athletes
21:35did not come from the same place, but came from different countries.
21:38Now, untrained you are mine.
21:41It is clear why I have gathered you all here.
21:44For mutual development.
21:49One, two, three,
21:53four, five.
21:56Mutual development is waiting for us ahead.
21:59We are entrusted to hold the next Olympics.
22:04And who will compete?
22:07We will compete with each other.
22:09And the rest of the world will watch,
22:12cheer and worry.
22:15But we are not enough.
22:17And there are a lot of Olympic sports.
22:20Each will take several types of sports.
22:25Personally, I am ready to participate in all.
22:36Come on, hedgehog, come on, come on, come on.
22:39I can not perform in gymnastics.
22:42This is obvious.
22:45Do not forget.
22:46You still have to compete in swimming,
22:48trampoline, sports walking and horseback riding.
22:51But we do not have horses.
22:53What will I ride?
22:54No, you will ride on your own,
22:56just instead of a horse.
22:58And I will manage you.
23:00I think Karich and Savunia are not our competitors.
23:05Do you want to participate in wrestling?
23:12Barash, let's jump from a ten-meter tower.
23:15No, no, no.
23:19We have a great honor
23:22to hold the Summer Olympic Games.
23:26Let you not be confused by the absence of guests in the stands.
23:30With the help of thousands of satellites,
23:33millions are watching us now.
23:36In our modern century,
23:38you do not need to go anywhere and push in the crowd.
23:42Technology has reached such heights
23:45that soon you will not need to move at all.
23:48Are they watching now?
23:51They will turn us on when the Olympics begin.
23:55When do you want to tell them the truth?
23:57The truth is that sometimes
23:59it is very difficult to make us move.
24:02The music for the opening is ready.
24:04This is my best music.
24:16The first moment, the first breath,
24:18the first step, the first laugh,
24:20the first dream.
24:24Your run, your jump,
24:26your jump, your success
24:28is all that height.
24:33You are one on one with your own dream,
24:37divided by one
24:39finish line,
24:41finish line.
24:45Finish line.
24:49A new start, a new fight,
24:51a new risk, a new score,
24:53a new dream.
24:57Your run, your jump,
24:59your jump, your success
25:01is all that height.
25:06And now everything around has frozen for a moment,
25:10only your victorious cry flies over the earth,
25:14your victorious cry,
25:18your victorious cry.
25:24Oh, sport, you are the world,
25:28Oh, sport, you are the world.
25:33Burn, burn, your flame.
25:41Oh, sport, you are the world,
25:45Oh, sport, you are the world.
25:49Burn in yourself
25:53my heart forever.
26:00The Olympic Games are open!
26:11They will find out anyway.
26:13No one will find out anything.
26:17You want everyone to appreciate
26:19how good I am,
26:21and how good you are.
26:23But you understand that sometimes
26:25a fairy tale should remain a fairy tale,
26:27and the heroes are in the shadows.
26:29Have you prepared all the sets of awards?
26:32All of them.
26:33Look how happy they are.
26:36Oh, sport, you are the world.
26:41Oh, sport, you are the world.
26:54Oh, sport, you are the world.
26:58Oh, sport, you are the world.
27:02Burn, burn, your flame.
27:10Ospor, you are peace, Ospor, you are peace,
27:19Your flame is burning, burning.
27:27Ospor, you are peace, Ospor, you are peace,
27:36Take my heart forever.
27:58Ha! Ha! Ha!
28:04Listen, this is really an Olympic record!
28:07Are you crazy? Phenomenal!
28:11It's a pity that no satellites are looking here, and no one sees it.
28:16What do you mean, no one sees it? Come here, everyone!
28:20They say that no one is looking at us!
28:23It seems that we did all this in vain!
28:26How is it in vain? Look at yourself!
28:30You have become real athletes!
28:33Each of you has mastered several types of sports.
28:37You are multidisciplinary!
28:41And I'm naive, and I really believed that we were holding the Olympics.
28:48There is nothing funny here! Who gave you the right to deceive?
28:54We wanted to arrange a holiday for you, a fairy tale!
28:57A fairy tale? So no one saw my record, right?
29:02Why no one? We saw it!
29:05Gentlemen, sport is peace!
29:11Ungrateful! You will see how this Olympics changed your life!
29:16No one will believe that you led a passive, completely unsportsmanlike lifestyle before it!
29:22We made you move!
29:25Deceivers! Deceivers!
29:29Gentlemen, athletes! Catch them!
29:33How far do you think this race is?
29:38I think it's a marathon.
29:41Thank God that no one saw my shame in gymnastics!
29:53The Olympic Games in Moscow
29:57The Olympic Games in Moscow
30:02The Olympic Games in Moscow
30:07The Olympic Games in Moscow
30:12The Olympic Games in Moscow
30:17The Olympic Games in Moscow
30:37Hey, hedgehog, where were you looking?
30:40No problem, I'll get it now!
30:44Well done, Pandy!
31:06Great, Pandy!
31:10Come on, come on! A little more!
31:13Here, here, here!
31:15Hedgehog, you can't go with us!
31:23Great, Pandy!
31:25Hedgehog! Hedgehog!
31:28Hedgehog doesn't like such things!
31:40My friend, where is your friend Krosh?
31:44Did he get sick by any chance?
31:47He got sick with this, what's his name...
31:52You are confusing something, my illiterate friend!
31:56There is no such disease as Pandy!
31:58There is Vitryanka, there is Vodyanka, there is...
32:01Flickering arrhythmia!
32:04There is Pandy!
32:06There is Pandyanka!
32:08It's when you don't want to play with anyone but Pandy!
32:11Ah, I see, well, that's not deadly!
32:15It depends on whom!
32:17For me, at least die a hedgehog and be born a panda!
32:20Well, why such extremes?
32:23To die!
32:24It's enough to drink a panda serum!
32:28Hedgehog, please tell us more about this place!
32:36Why all this nonsense at all?
32:39Please, it's very important!
32:42Well, okay, okay!
32:44Here is the panda serum!
32:48Yes, nothing special, a simple composition!
32:52Here, 30 drops for a glass of milk!
32:55For eating rice cake!
33:08Are you serious?
33:10You look great!
33:12Is it okay that I look just like you?
33:17You ask, it's cool!
33:21Panda serum!
33:24Here, here!
33:32Well done, hedgehog!
33:41No, hedgehog, making friends with a girl is like eating unwashed carrots!
33:45You never know what will happen to you the next moment!
33:48Where do you think this panda is now?
33:52Blood, have you seen my glasses?
33:57I found them, hedgehog!
33:59Oh, well done, Pandy!
34:18Don't put it in!
34:20Phew! Where there are more than two, there is a rumor!
34:23Hedgehog, you still won't understand!
34:26Do you want to eat my nuts?
34:28Thank you!
34:30Eat, I'll follow you!
34:39Panda serum!
34:46And you, blood!
34:50Follow me, follow me!
34:58Panda, baby, be a friend!
35:01I'm not a panda!
35:03Okay, okay, Pandy!
35:05Pandy, it's me!
35:07Blood, I found him!
35:09Wait a minute!
35:12What's going on here?
35:17How can I help you?
35:19You see, Hedgehog, braids are not relevant anymore!
35:23For health, what's it to me?
35:25And the pink color is not at all in the spirit of the latest novelties of the season!
35:28Don't you find it?
35:30Yes, how should I know?
35:32In general, I decided to change the image!
35:35To the panda, be kind!
35:37So, so, this is here!
35:39And like this!
35:43Couldn't you explain to me, my treacherous one,
35:47since this time it has become out of fashion to be yourself?
35:51Since then?
35:53How did it become so easy to be someone else?
35:56It means so!
35:58The one who wants to become a real panda
36:01must learn a few rules!
36:04Firstly, nothing superfluous!
36:07Secondly, everything necessary!
36:10I don't want to! Let me go!
36:12Don't be capricious, baby!
36:14Otherwise you will not become a real panda!
36:17Well, more or less decent!
36:21I did everything as you ordered!
36:24I like this one more!
36:27Marash, Nusha is the one on the right!
36:32Nusha, I love you so much!
36:34And now we start our course of a young fighter!
36:37How to become a panda!
37:26What are you doing?
37:28Are you really a panda?
37:30I won't eat this crap!
37:33Butterfly! Butterfly!
37:35My butterfly!
37:39You know, Lasyash,
37:41you really like my new look!
37:43But fashion does not stand still, does it?
37:46Don't say that!
37:48It's a severe punishment!
37:50You won't have time to let go of your horns,
37:52like in the fashion of a bald man!
37:56So maybe you can pick something new for me?
37:58With pleasure!
38:00Let's start with a model row.
38:02Here, for example.
38:04I recommend.
38:06Practical, not flashy,
38:08but with some zest.
38:10Well, if only the hair were softer
38:12and the look more expressive.
38:14I understand.
38:16Not your style.
38:18Then I suggest this one.
38:20Bold, bright, with a challenge.
38:22The ears are too long here,
38:24and the legs are short.
38:26And the hoof.
38:30Very relevant!
38:32Yes, but it's somehow closer
38:34and the color is similar, although...
38:36Stop! Wait!
38:38Back, back, back!
38:40Here! I want this one!
38:42With a bow.
38:44Oh, model, what a great choice!
38:46This is exactly what you need.
38:48A little bit here,
38:50this one, like this,
38:52a drop, this one,
38:54and here.
38:5630 drops of serum
38:58for a glass of castor oil.
39:00And you, like a real nyusha,
39:02and don't forget to eat with soap.
39:04Castor oil?
39:06With soap?
39:08What do you want?
39:10Beauty requires sacrifices.
39:20Oh, the pandas are grazing.
39:22Probably to the rain.
39:24Are you all to me,
39:26pale-faced brothers?
39:30Then please.
39:40You are so unusual.
39:44You also look very...
39:48Oh, hedgehog!
39:50It's good that you're back, hedgehog!
39:52It's a pity
39:54that we had to eat soap.
39:58Well, to get back on our feet.
40:00He didn't offer us
40:02to eat soap.
40:04Didn't offer?
40:06That's because
40:08every fool can become a hedgehog.
40:10And it's very hard to become a nyusha.
40:12Not everyone can do it.
40:14By the way, that's how it is.
40:16Hedgehog, what are you talking about?
40:18If you make a nyusha angry,
40:20you'll get all kinds of soap.
40:24Hello, animal!
40:26I was told that pandas
40:28are a disappearing species.
40:30But I didn't expect
40:32that much.
40:34Pandi, I'm so glad
40:36that you're the panda now.
40:38And I'm sorry
40:40that you're not a hedgehog anymore,
40:42but a hedgehog
40:44who is no longer a panda.
41:10you made a cart
41:12and wanted to give it
41:14to Karach on his birthday.
41:16You made it for a long time
41:18with love.
41:20And then you accidentally
41:22dropped a tree on it.
41:24A cactus.
41:26You fell on it yourself.
41:30A fridge.
41:36You dropped a fridge
41:38and broke a cart.
41:40And now you don't know
41:42what to do on Karach's birthday.
41:44Isn't it a bit sad
41:46that you didn't give it to him?
41:48You can't imagine
41:50how beautiful it was.
41:54But Karach
41:56doesn't know about it.
42:00And if he finds out,
42:02he'll only be upset.
42:04Of course.
42:06So there was no cart.
42:08What do you mean?
42:10And there was
42:12a wonderful set of constructors.
42:14You can make a cart yourself.
42:16And for your interest,
42:18some parts are broken
42:20and need repairing.
42:22The main thing is not what to give,
42:24but how to present it.
42:26And everything should have
42:28the right packaging.
42:32Oh, it's probably here.
42:34But why did I put it here?
42:36I didn't put it there.
42:38I don't know.
42:40It's broken.
42:42No, no, no.
42:44It's not here.
42:46Here it is.
42:48Here it is.
42:54What are you doing?
42:56It's a cool present.
43:02the cart should have worked.
43:04Don't be boring, Hedgehog.
43:08you took the piano
43:10from Hedgehog
43:12without asking
43:14to play some music,
43:16to ride,
43:18to speed up
43:20from the hill,
43:22but you couldn't
43:24slow down
43:26and hit a tree.
43:28Who did it?
43:34Thank you, Hedgehog!
43:36Thank you for freeing
43:38Hedgehog from this piano.
43:40He won't be
43:42sulking over it,
43:44rubbing his eyes with keys
43:46and will pay more attention
43:48to music.
43:56Hedgehog will rub his eyes
43:58with keys
44:00and give more attention
44:02to his friends.
44:04Thank you!
44:06Thank you!
44:08Well done, well done.
44:09I would never dare to do it myself.
44:11Thank you!
44:14You can pack it right,
44:16even broken piano.
44:26Now everyone can see your underwear.
44:55Everyone is looking at the sky and thinking about you.
45:00Oh, it's Owl's underwear!
45:03I'll go and visit her!
45:08And I'm not ready for anything!
45:11It doesn't matter!
45:13It's important that the hedgehog managed to catch
45:16your underwear on the rope
45:18with his snake
45:21and take it to a visible height.
45:28Thank you, hedgehog!
45:32You're welcome!
45:38Are you sick?
45:41No, it's just that something got into us.
45:46No, you're not!
45:48Listen, and you can get a complication!
45:51Hurry up to bed!
46:02He put a lot of effort into helping others
46:07and his body couldn't stand it.
46:12How can you stand it?
46:15He broke so many things!
46:18And the main thing is that everything is in our favor!
46:21Right, Pin?
46:23Yes, yes, of course!
46:36Crush, you have to help me!
46:38I'm absolutely healthy and I want to walk and play.
46:42They make me lie in bed,
46:45don't let me go anywhere and say that I'm sick.
46:48They somehow pack everything wrong.
46:52I tried!
46:56You see, if adults pack something,
47:00it's almost impossible to repack it.
47:04They take it seriously.
47:07Okay, then let's drop the masks.
47:12My grandmother was a doctor.
47:14We have so many recipes!
47:16And when I was little...
47:27I would like to apologize.
47:29When I, or rather Crush, said that I broke something,
47:33burned or destroyed it to make someone feel better,
47:37it was not true.
47:39Of course, I didn't do it to make someone feel bad.
47:43It just happened.
47:45But you have to admit that I'm not sick,
47:48and you say that I'm sick to punish me.
47:51How scary it is to lie!
47:54It's nonsense!
47:56Poor hedgehog!
48:14Hey, brother, a hole!
48:17Come on!
48:29I'm sorry, I accidentally...
48:34The hedgehog has changed a lot after the disease.
48:38Before, he broke everything and destroyed it to do something good.
48:43And now...
48:45How did you leave? It's pointless!
48:50I'm cruel!
48:54What do you want from me?
48:56These are children.
49:02Admit that you came to me on purpose
49:05to do something good for me,
49:08to make some positive sense out of it.
49:12No, I came by accident. I'm sorry.
49:17He doesn't care about us anymore.
49:24Stop provoking him!
49:29He's trying his best not to admit it.
49:33He's doing everything for you!
49:38No destruction!
49:40No accident!
49:42Everything for your own good!
49:59Why did he do it?
50:02He did it!
50:04How can you not understand that it was done on purpose?
50:14So that's what's going on!
50:21How did I not understand at once?
50:26Thank you, hedgehog!
50:33Thank you, hedgehog!
50:36Thank you!
50:41Always welcome!
51:03A few hours later
51:11It's a hedgehog!
51:13A barrel!
51:15A barrel!
51:17A barrel!
51:19A barrel!
51:21A barrel!
51:23You've been playing for half an hour.
51:26Now it's my turn.
51:30Here, take it!
51:36That's it!
51:37I'm out of fuel!
51:39It's your turn to run!
51:41Why is it always like this?
51:43It's my turn to run, and it's your turn to play!
51:55Look, Krosh!
52:06A wild boar!
52:09A wild boar!
52:27Did you see that?
52:29What did I tell you?
52:33I wonder what he's frying?
52:37What a freak!
52:39Anya, have you seen anyone today?
52:45Come back immediately!
52:48Be careful, my friend communicates!
52:57May I?
52:58I'll take it.
53:08A caravan!
53:10A caravan!
53:12A caravan!
53:14A caravan!
53:16A caravan!
53:18I think he wants to eat.
53:20He's asking for a caravan.
53:23A caravan?
53:25This is your people, a caravan.
53:29And your name is a caravan, right?
53:36A drunkard!
53:37That's not enough!
53:41A caravan!
53:43Okay, thank you for the plane!
53:46Let's go, Hedgehog, let's go from here until he's hungry!
53:57No, well, don't tell me, why did you bring him to the house, huh?
54:01Well, I couldn't leave him on the street.
54:04It's not convenient.
54:08Wait, drunkard!
54:22He's been on the street all his life!
54:24It's not convenient for him in the house!
54:26He's a savage, you know?
54:35A curious material for research.
54:39A savage in a civilized society.
54:42Yes, he's already completely tame.
54:45You'll see, relatives will come to visit him soon.
54:49These, what are they called?
54:54Well, yes, those cupcakes.
54:56You won't have a house, but a bread basket.
55:00Consomme with asparagus!
55:14You can't do that!
55:20Don't touch the hot stuff with your bare hands!
55:23Maybe he has fleas!
55:25Or some kind of tropical tick!
55:31He doesn't have any tropical tick!
55:36Do you hear me?
55:37I've built a house for your savage!
55:50Well, you can't keep him in the house with his dirty paws!
55:56This is the letter A, you see?
56:00And why are you messing with your savage?
56:03Maybe he needs to chew on grass?
56:06Or hunt for beetles?
56:12The volume of the skull is almost like that of intelligent creatures like you and me.
56:18With proper education, he could develop into a full-fledged mental personality.
56:25How many more beds do you have?
56:30He didn't say how many.
56:32Why do you need them?
56:34Well, if they don't belong to the vanishing species,
56:40then one specimen can be devoted to the needs of science.
56:50What do you mean, devoted?
56:54Let me explain.
56:57But what about science?
58:20Well, in fact, we saw something very sad here.
58:31And Confucius said,
