Smeshariki Top 10 best 2D series 2006 cartoon collection

  • 2 months ago


00:00and finally about the weather today the thermometer reached a record low
00:25minus 41 degrees of frost
00:27the elders will not remember such frosts
00:30you will not envy those who do not have hot tea at hand today
00:35and now listen to the lunar sonata of Beethoven
00:38what a cold! where does she take us in such a frost?
00:42maybe it won't be interesting there?
00:44well, if Lasiash said it would be interesting, then it will be interesting
00:50well, if Lasiash said
00:52what is the hedgehog digging there?
00:54you are not already here, wait, and I will hurry him now
00:57oh baby, only you hurry up, otherwise it's cold
01:02I'm in a hurry! one leg is here, the other is there!
01:14Christmas tree needles!
01:16what are you stuck here?
01:18yes, yes, I'm here now
01:22come on faster!
01:23Nyusha is waiting there!
01:24will freeze!
01:44and here we are already!
01:45hello Nyusha
01:49something is wrong with Nyusha
01:58Nyusha, don't worry, we'll warm you up now
02:20nothing works, like a frog
02:23she needs to be defrosted in the house
02:26at room temperature
02:28I read it in a book
02:30about dumplings
02:32and one!
02:33come on, come on, come on!
02:34come on, come on, carefully!
02:35you, Nyushka, don't worry
02:37we'll drag you home now
02:39and defrost you!
02:40come on, hold it tight there!
02:43why are you hitting her with your head?
02:44turn around!
02:46turn around!
02:47not with your feet!
02:49come on, come on, come on!
02:51you broke her leg!
02:53it's a pigtail!
02:54oh, what a pigtail!
02:56come on!
03:48where is Nyusha?
03:51maybe she warmed up and left?
03:55no, hedgehog
03:56she didn't leave
04:00it's over
04:05it's not over
04:08what are you doing?
04:10a little more
04:11a little more
04:12and we'll go to Losyasha
04:14we'll go to Losyasha
04:15he's a chemist
04:17he'll come up with something
04:20Losyash is an astronomer
04:22astronomer, agronomer
04:24what's the difference?
04:25he'll come up with something anyway
04:27just don't worry
04:34well, Nyusha, we're here
04:37everything will be fine now
04:40Losyasha! Losyasha! Open up!
05:06what are you doing?
05:09what is it?
05:11they all...
05:16all froze!
05:21what are you doing?
05:24what do you have here?
05:29where have you been?
05:30I told you it would be interesting here
05:36hello, my friends
05:38in a hurry
05:39very, very glad
05:41that you still came
05:43to my exhibition
05:44of ice sculptures
05:50our Losyash
05:51is engaged in ice sculpture
05:54you would have seen
05:55what a portrait he made of me
05:57you would have never distinguished
05:58a real one from me
06:00we didn't
06:02and now, my friends
06:03I invite you for tea
06:05let's go inside
06:10why are you standing?
06:12are you frozen?
06:34ice sculpture
06:56he calculated the speed
06:58of the sun's wind
06:59all night long
07:01of course you'll get sick
07:03when there's only wind in your head
07:09it hurts
07:10it's all right
07:11you are so caring
07:13don't bother
07:15a little bit
07:16it's an influenza
07:22exactly, influenza
07:24I knew one doctor
07:26of science
07:27he was told all the time
07:28O-R-Z, O-R-Z
07:30and then
07:32it turned out to be influenza
07:39now it hurts
07:40it's all right
07:42I didn't mean to
07:44you were told
07:46don't bother
07:51dear lamb
07:52sit here
07:54Losyash needs
07:55all our attention
08:03help me
08:04what is it?
08:12put it back
08:14it's for the sick
08:31don't bother
08:33or you'll get sick
09:01just a little bit sick
09:03a little bit sick
09:08not good, not bad
09:10just a little bit sick
09:12a little bit sick
09:16come on!
09:17the sooner the ice opens
09:19the sooner spring comes
09:21and we'll help you
09:29why did you get in there?
09:31you'll catch a cold
09:33that's good
09:34what's so good about it?
09:36what's so bad about it?
09:38everyone cares for you
09:39treats you
09:40worries you
09:41feeds you with raspberry jam
09:46I think he's already sick
09:48and crazy
09:49we need to save him
09:51how nice to get sick
09:55the sooner the ice opens
09:57the sooner spring comes
09:59and we'll help you
10:01raspberry jam
10:03treats you
10:05worries you
10:07feeds you with raspberry jam
10:10not good, not bad
10:12just a little bit sick
10:15a little bit sick
10:19not good, not bad
10:22just a little bit sick
10:24a little bit sick
10:29how nice to get sick
10:34everyone will tolerate you
10:39and get out of the disease
10:41everyone becomes kinder
10:44and pump the ship
10:46raspberry jam
10:48not good, not bad
10:51just a little bit sick
10:53a little bit sick
10:58not good, not bad
11:00just a little bit sick
11:03a little bit sick
11:09I think
11:12I'm sick
11:14and I'm not
11:16it's okay
11:17we'll get home now
11:19and everything will be fine
11:29what happened?
11:31you don't seem to be well
11:34no pleasure
11:56hold him!
11:58this is definitely an influence
12:00just some kind of epidemic
12:0220 injections
12:04and they are like new
12:07need to find out if he has recovered
12:1120 injections
12:15eat your own raspberry jam
12:21not good, not bad
12:24just a little bit sick
12:26a little bit sick
12:40a little bit sick
12:46some people are lucky
12:48they have such abilities
12:50they see through the walls
12:52they move objects with their eyes
13:01not fair
13:03terribly unfair
13:05because I feel that I am an extraordinary girl
13:08and I don't have extraordinary abilities
13:12it's stupid
13:33smells like a burn
14:11it's some kind of a miracle
14:13an unknown phenomenon of nature
14:15Nyusha, you are unique
14:19a person with extraordinary abilities
14:39Nyusha, I've been looking for you everywhere
14:41and here you are
14:43maybe we should go for a swing?
14:46I can't
14:49don't ask, you won't understand
14:52we are unique
14:55it's hard to understand people with extraordinary abilities
14:59we are so extraordinary
15:19as always
15:21when you are ready to save the world
15:23no one dares to do it
15:33so, what happened here?
15:38a tree fell
15:40during a night storm
15:45so, go away
15:57that's all
16:01Nyusha, thank you
16:12why are you running away?
16:14I helped you
16:16we will come later
16:18when will you run out of charge?
16:37Kopatysh, what's wrong?
16:40I already know
16:41if you need anything, don't hesitate
16:43take it
16:44a watermelon
16:46I don't want anything
16:48just calm down
16:49I beg you, calm down
16:51why are you all running away from me?
17:06Vasya, what's that on you?
17:09a special suit
17:11electricity doesn't pass
17:13you can feel completely calm
17:15come in
17:18here, I sewed the same one for you
17:22do I have to wear it all the time?
17:26of course not
17:28only when you go out
17:30or if someone comes to visit
17:32and when you are alone, you don't have to wear it
17:34I don't need any suits
17:37I don't need anyone
17:43I used to think
17:45when you have extraordinary abilities
17:47there are a lot of people around you
17:49but it turns out the opposite
17:51I have to wear some kind of suit
17:53I'd better learn how to sew
18:01it's me, Barash
18:03sorry for not inviting you
18:08how lovely
18:29poor thing
18:30does it hurt?
18:32no, everything is fine
18:35even a little pleasant
18:51I have to admit
18:53that despite the abundance of fat food
18:55Maslenitsa is my favorite spring holiday
19:00but doesn't the figure spoil from pancakes?
19:04ran for 30 kilometers
19:06and you're in shape again
19:09and now, honey
19:11you need to turn the pancakes
19:13with a light and precise movement
19:15shake the pan
19:17and one
19:21oh, I missed a little
19:23it's ok, it's ok
19:25it's not bad for the first time
19:34don't get out of shape!
19:36hands up!
19:39oh, the pancakes are probably ready
19:42and we are doing this little thing
19:45I'd like to ask
19:47by the way, since ancient times
19:49Maslenitsa is the most important symbol
19:51of fertility and fertility
19:55no doubt
19:57it's easier to imagine Maslenitsa without pancakes
19:59than without Chuchel
20:01let's go get the pancakes
20:03yes, let's go
20:10I'll just fix it a little
20:13I also understand something
20:15in art
20:19well, now it's completely different
20:32pancakes! pancakes! pancakes!
20:36calm down!
20:38the pancakes are coming
20:56with a light movement
20:58and one
21:10who wants strawberry jam?
21:14and me!
21:18and where is Barash?
21:20he loves pancakes with strawberry jam
21:26it's okay
21:28we'll leave him a couple of these pancakes
21:32and still
21:34what should we do with this Chuchel?
21:36well, at the end of the holiday
21:38so that the harvest and the harvest itself
21:40was good
21:45great tradition!
21:47how fun!
21:49so what are we waiting for?
21:51the holiday is almost over
21:53it's time to make the tradition
21:59dig, dig
22:03I will have such a harvest this year
22:18couldn't you wait a little?
22:21it was the most important symbol of Maslenitsa
22:25it would be better if you ate all the pancakes
22:28than to spoil our holiday like that
22:31no, it would definitely be better
22:41oh, the first rain this year
22:46well, what's up?
22:48why are you bothering me, bee?
22:50everything is wet
22:52and I have a lot of firecrackers and firecrackers left from the new year
22:56let's blow this Chuchel!
22:59so, in fact, it will even be more fun
23:02why not?
23:04although, according to tradition, it should be burned
23:07but progress does not stand still
23:13maybe we should blow with a hair dryer
23:16to make sure that this cord is some kind of flimsy
23:20you will see, it will tear off as it should
23:24the next day
23:32I don't understand
23:40quite a stupid joke
23:43lamb, we almost ...
23:46I didn't want to
23:48I just wanted to fix his eyes
23:51and it fell apart
23:53I didn't want to spoil the holiday
23:57didn't want to spoil the holiday?
24:00and if you burned with Chuchel
24:02is this a holiday?
24:04come here to me
24:09now I'll get him
24:11let's forgive him
24:13he has already endured
24:15now, now I will forgive
24:18ten times in one place
24:20how could you do it so easily?
24:30Buda, stop!
24:34I was kidding
24:38come back!
24:40you misunderstood us
24:43there are still pancakes left
24:45so what now?
24:47there will be no harvest
24:49there will be no harvest
24:51there will be no harvest
24:53you misunderstood us
25:19how could we forget that he invited us to visit?
25:22it's ... it's a horror
25:24but you know how he will be happy to see us now?
25:29Pin, my friend!
25:31I missed you so much!
25:50my hedgehog is already three years old
25:54hedgehog, come here!
25:56what are you doing there?
25:58I'm coming
26:20what is this?
26:22this is Bibi
26:24meet Bibi
26:26this is Cross
26:29take him away
26:30don't shout like that!
26:32you scare him
26:35he is small
26:37but soon he will learn everything
26:40I doubt it
26:49I understand if you made a vacuum cleaner
26:51or another useful thing for the house
26:53but what is the benefit of your Bibi?
26:55to make it is not for the benefit
26:57but for what?
26:58just so that it is not boring
27:02he made a toy for himself
27:04well, well
27:06stop doing nonsense!
27:18stop doing nonsense!
27:19you'd better find a wrench
27:22take it
27:23give it to him
27:33well, tin can!
27:35you'll get it from me now!
27:39cast iron!
27:44and this?
27:46light bulb
27:47where should I put it?
27:50into electricity
27:51well done!
28:02I don't understand anything in this myself
28:05go to Pin
28:06he will teach you
28:19see it?
28:40oh Bibi
28:47Oh, my God!
29:03He is bored with us.
29:06Yes, yes, he needs new knowledge.
29:10And all that we could give, we have already given him.
29:25No, no!
29:28What is that?
30:14Oh, Pin! Pin! I missed you so much!
30:25Dad, I'm fine.
30:29Your Bibi.
30:31Say hello to Hedgehog.
30:44Hey, Hedgehog!
30:51Ha! It's not in vain that I brought him up.
31:16Why do I need this masquerade?
31:18It's a tradition for me too.
31:21A decent animal has no reason to hide his physiognomy.
31:26Well, well, well.
31:28Well, in principle, not bad.
31:31I need to see what others have come up with.
31:36Listen, no one will recognize us in the robot costumes.
31:39Everyone will think that this is an invasion of aliens from space.
31:43They will be a little scared, and then...
32:07Here's the first place for your costumes!
32:13Well, you're a typical alien.
32:21I don't want to be an alien anymore.
32:24Well, wait a little.
32:25You need to get used to the costume.
32:27And if you want, we'll quietly see what others have.
32:29And you will understand that we have no competitors.
32:35But if I dress up as a rabbit, and Crash himself will be on the masquerade,
32:39then there will be two rabbits, and they will confuse us all.
32:43My dear, that's the point.
32:46That Crash will put on some kind of costume and will not look like a rabbit.
32:52Or maybe I should make an elf costume?
32:55Or at least a firefighter?
32:57And then the rabbit is somehow not festive.
33:01Very festive.
33:03Of course, everyone will say,
33:05Oh, you're a real rabbit!
33:07How did you do it?
33:12Or do you want to do something incomprehensible?
33:15Some kind of space alien.
33:18And then explain to everyone what kind of costume you have.
33:23But really, how to understand that this is an alien?
33:28Well, you can hang a sign on your chest.
33:33Then why do you need a costume at all?
33:36Let's just hang signs.
33:37Alien number one and alien number two.
33:41I have an idea!
33:43We'll make costumes of a boar and a moose,
33:46and let them be rabbits.
33:48But we'll make costumes that are no different from the real ones.
33:52Horseshoe to horseshoe!
34:02Horseshoe to horseshoe!
34:19Well, what are you doing?
34:21Put it on?
34:25I think so.
34:29Oh, now it's okay!
34:31To be honest, it seems to me that a masquerade suit
34:38should be beautiful.
34:40I have nothing against Kopatych,
34:42but maybe we'll choose a character by outfit.
34:48I came up with it!
34:50I came up with everything!
34:52I came up with it!
34:54I came up with it!
34:57What kind of suit do you have?
35:01Very unexpected!
35:09You made me dress up as a modest rabbit,
35:12but you chose a bright and beautiful suit.
35:16It's not friendly.
35:21Nobody makes you.
35:23Nobody makes you.
35:25Make yourself a suit, whatever you want.
35:35I think everyone is ready.
35:40Now they'll be surprised.
36:04Oh, two more originals.
36:11Where did the girls do the manicure?
36:18What a number!
36:23What a number!
36:51What's wrong with you?
36:52I'm fine.
36:53I'm just a little tired of the suit.
37:04You have a lot of fun here.
37:20There are days when the whole world lies before you like a delicious cake.
37:25Everything becomes clear and understandable.
37:27No secrets and riddles.
37:29And this feeling of knowledge overwhelms you as if...
37:32as if...
37:33And you need communication.
37:35Because if you don't tell all this wisdom to someone immediately,
37:39you can just burst.
37:43Come here right now!
37:45Do you know that a samovar starts with a C and ends with an R?
37:49That if you pour not plain water into it, but sparkling water,
37:51your tea will be sparkling?
37:53That it is better to touch a hot samovar in a headlight?
37:56So as not to get burned.
38:06Go, go, go!
38:17Oh, great!
38:18That's what I need!
38:19Where did you get it?
38:21It doesn't matter.
38:36What are you doing?
38:38I'll show you how to use it!
38:40Hey, hey!
38:41Don't interfere!
38:57So you want to make a clown costume!
38:59You said it right away.
39:01You are very lucky.
39:02I'll tell you how to make the funniest clown costume.
39:05Do you know that there are three types of clowns?
39:07White, black, red and...
39:11This is a diver's suit.
39:14A diver's clown?
39:15That's something new.
39:17I suggest we make a couple of wig hooks here.
39:21What are you doing?
39:22I want to look better.
39:23Go for a walk.
39:28Am I talking to a wall?
39:30I want to share my experience, knowledge and wisdom with you.
39:35If you want.
39:36What about you?
39:39Well, you asked for it.
39:42Instead of using my community with gratitude,
39:46you unauthorized underestimated it.
39:49I have to punish you.
39:52I declare you...
40:00You can think, you can think.
40:02It's not necessary to solve their problems.
40:04Now they will fill themselves with cones and immediately come running.
40:06Nyusha, tell me how?
40:07Nyusha, tell me what?
40:08But the train is already leaving.
40:10It's okay.
40:11But it will serve as a lesson to them.
40:13Next time they will not chop the dog on which they sit.
40:31It's strange.
40:33No one declared a boycott to me.
40:35On the contrary, I declared a boycott to everyone.
40:37And only I feel bad for some reason.
40:47Maybe they just didn't understand that they were declared a boycott.
41:00Go, go, go.
41:11I don't talk to you.
41:21Do you know why?
41:26Found it!
41:27Found it!
41:30But when I was very little,
41:32I was afraid of the dark.
41:35Do you know why?
41:36Because in the dark, everything starts to seem bad.
41:39What can you come up with?
41:41For example, a ghost.
41:44Scary, right?
41:46So, ghosts appeared when...
41:51Listen, it's rude.
41:53I'm telling you such things, and you...
41:56I also declare a boycott to you.
41:59I declare a boycott to everyone!
42:24Tell me honestly, did you declare a boycott to me?
42:27You don't talk to me, do you?
42:29Why don't we talk?
42:31We talk.
42:32We were just busy.
42:35Well, thank God.
42:37The clown costume is ready.
42:39Where are the pockets?
42:41And where will the clown put the cotton candy?
42:43Let me do it!
42:44I know how!
42:46I'll show you how it's done.
42:48I've read so much about clowns that I know everything about them!
42:51Did I tell you that there are three colors?
42:53Black, white, red.
42:55Why are you silent?
42:57I'm talking to you!
42:58Anyway, be quiet.
42:59Just listen.
43:00There are sad clowns and funny clowns.
43:02Funny clowns!
43:03I've seen a lot of them.
43:04They joke, and everyone finds it funny.
43:06Sad clowns never joke.
43:08They are almost always silent,
43:10but still everyone finds it funny.
43:23No one is talking to me again?
43:29And yesterday I decided to solder the circuits to the transistors.
43:34You remember, the old one.
43:36I thought, maybe it just doesn't work well.
43:39And that's why I don't hear anything from you,
43:42not on long waves,
43:44not on short ones.
43:47You, my dear,
43:49you are behaving improperly.
43:52Maybe I didn't raise you well,
43:54but you should give me more messages.
43:58I'm worried.
44:01Is it so hard to call?
44:03Dad, how are you?
44:05I'm fine.
44:08I miss you very much.
44:10Come soon.
44:14Did you come for the holidays?
44:23The iron is broken.
44:25Can you fix it today?
44:28You can't even imagine how smart and talented he has become.
44:32Every day he writes to me, calls me,
44:35and says,
44:36Dad, I miss you very much.
44:38I really want to come.
44:40But I can't.
44:41I'm very busy.
44:43Everyone needs me.
44:44Without me here,
44:45well, I mean there,
44:47And I say, OK.
44:49Study, work,
44:51be useful.
44:54It's good
44:55when you are so needed.
45:24My dear friend,
45:25I come to you to inform you
45:27that my Vitya has come to me.
45:32Oh, right, of course.
45:33Now I will cover the piano
45:35I mean the table
45:37and we will celebrate this.
45:40We apologize.
45:41Next time.
45:42We are very busy.
45:44Oh, my God!
45:45What is it?
45:46What is it?
45:48Did you recognize me?
45:50Did you miss me?
45:52Did you come to me?
45:54Well, let's go to me.
45:56Let's celebrate.
45:58There is no time.
46:00We need to discuss a lot of things.
46:02Discuss a lot of things.
46:12Tell me.
46:14I want to know everything.
46:16What did you have?
46:28What took you so long?
46:30Hedgehog and I made a great show for you!
46:34Hey! Hey!
46:36We are here!
46:42Let's dance!
46:50It's great!
47:12What did you have?
47:16Hedgehog and I made a great show for you!
47:18We made a great show...
47:20for you!
47:22That's great!
47:28We are here!
47:30What took you so long?
47:32Hedgehog and I made a great show for you!
47:34We made a great show...
47:36for you!
47:38That's great!
47:40Let's go!
47:42Hurry up!
47:56Now to the quantum tubes!
47:58This is a new crop, almost unbearable.
48:01You've worked this trick.
48:03It will be useful.
48:04Do you know how?
48:05I'm on the sand.
48:16You never told me
48:18what's going on with you.
48:21But it's okay.
48:22I can see that you are fine.
48:25Well done.
48:27But please, write down
48:29anything, even the schedule of the day.
48:36These are spare batteries for you
48:38to recharge in time.
48:43Don't forget your old pin.
48:47Remember that you are always welcome here.
48:50Well, go.
49:26I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
49:57to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm
50:01going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out
50:05of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
50:09to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of
50:13here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to
50:17get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
50:21I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
50:25you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm
50:29going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out
50:33of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
50:37to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of
50:41here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to
50:45get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
50:49I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
50:53you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
50:57I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:01you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:05I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:09you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:13I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:17you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:21I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:25you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:29I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:33you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:37I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:41you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:45I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:49you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
51:53I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
51:57you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
52:01I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
52:05you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
52:09I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get
52:13you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
52:17I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
52:47Unplanned load.
52:50Unplanned load.
52:54Unplanned load.
52:58Unplanned load.
53:02Unplanned load.
53:07What are you doing here, stupid rabbit?
53:10The two of us can't fly far!
53:13Why the two of us?
53:14Three of us!
53:15Unplanned load.
53:20My God!
53:21What have you done?
53:23Your weight is not taken into account!
53:25It flies to the moon!
53:27Now there is not enough fuel!
53:30Harry Potter, Shepard, Tenzi, Boomerang, Luke, Feinstein!
53:36Unplanned load.
53:38Unplanned load.
53:40Unplanned load.
53:42Unplanned load.
53:44Shut up!
53:45I'm tired of it!
53:49We need to go back.
53:53Let's make a couple of turns!
54:07What was that?
54:08What was that?
54:13Meteor shower!
54:20My God!
54:27Hold on!
54:38Unplanned load.
54:46I'll go out!
55:08Unplanned load.
55:26It's over.
55:38To be continued...
56:15Wake up!
56:17You need to open the window!
56:19You need to breathe!
56:39Board computer!
56:41Unplanned load.
56:43Unplanned load.
56:45The engine is broken.
56:48Unplanned load.
56:50We will not be able to return to the original start of the engine.
56:53Unplanned load.
56:57Board computer!
56:59Turn on the SOS signal!
57:08Unplanned load.
57:10Unplanned load.
57:12If someone does not hear the SOS signal, we are over.
57:23The engine cannot be repaired!
57:39Unplanned load.
57:41Unplanned load.
57:43Unplanned load.
57:45Unplanned load.
57:47Unplanned load.
57:49Unplanned load.
57:51Unplanned load.
57:53Unplanned load.
57:55Unplanned load.
57:57Unplanned load.
57:59Unplanned load.
58:01Unplanned load.
58:03Unplanned load.
58:05Unplanned load.
58:06Unplanned load.
58:08Unplanned load.
58:10Unplanned load.
58:12Unplanned load.
58:14Unplanned load.
58:16Unplanned load.
58:18Unplanned load.
58:20Unplanned load.
58:22Unplanned load.
58:24Unplanned load.
58:27Unplanned load.
