Begini Tantangan Sektor Logistik

  • 3 months ago
Potensi logistik di kawasan Asia Pasifik diakui masih sangat besar, namun potensi sektor logistik menghadapi beragam tantangan yang cukup berat. Saat membuka kegiatan tahunan FIATA-TRAP 2024 di Nusa Dua Bali, Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin menyebut, beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi sektor logistik di kawasan Asia Pasifik, di antaranya adalah fluktuasi nilai tukar dan konflik geopolitik terjadi di kawasan Eropa dan Timur Tengah.


00:00The logistical potential in the Asia-Pacific region is admittedly still very large,
00:04but the potential of the logistics sector is facing quite a number of challenges.
00:08At the opening of the annual event of the Federation of International Raid Forwarders Association
00:14Region Asia-Pacific or VIATARRAP 2024 in Nusa Dua Bali,
00:20Vice President Maruf Amin mentioned
00:22several challenges faced by the logistics sector in the Asia-Pacific region,
00:26including the fluctuation of trade values and geopolitical conflicts
00:31in the European and Middle East regions.
00:34According to Maruf Amin, various innovations carried out in the logistics sector
00:38are very important to minimize various negative impacts of global dynamics.
00:44The effort to continue to grow the logistics sector in the water is also important,
00:48considering that the logistics sector contributes significantly
00:52to the growth of Indonesia's economy.
00:56To address these challenges, efforts to increase efficiency,
01:01innovation, digitization, and collaboration in the logistics sector must continue to be pushed.
01:09At the national level, the role of the logistics sector as one of the supporters of economic growth
01:15continues to increase.
01:17In 2023, the logistics sector's contribution to domestic products
01:24will reach Rp 1 trillion.
01:28This contribution is expected to be even greater
01:32with the optimization of this sector's potential
01:36and supported by the Government's commitment and efforts
01:41to accelerate the development of logistics infrastructure.