Indef: Rata-Rata Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Hanya 5%

  • 2 days ago
Ekonom Senior Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), Didin S Damanhuri menilai, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam 10 tahun pemerintahan Jokowi jauh di bawah ekspektasi. Kondisi ini diperkirakan, akan mempengaruhi target pembangunan manusia ke depan, di era Jokowi rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi hanya 5% sekalipun perlambatan pada era covid-19 dapat diredam.


00:00Economy Senior Indep Didin Damanhuri evaluated the rate of economic growth in 10 years, the government of Jokowi far below expectations.
00:13This condition is expected to affect the target of future human development.
00:17In the Jokowi era, the average economic growth is only 5%, even if the delay in the COVID-19 era can be reduced.
00:24According to Didin, economic growth in the Jokowi era should be more positive.
00:29However, the growth of labor force is not able to be used to drive better economic growth.
00:35So in the end, non-optimal economic growth has an impact on the existing development target.
00:41According to Didin, there are two sectors that must be the main focus if you want to create a more optimal economy.
00:48The agricultural and industrial sectors are sectors that must be developed by the government in order to maximize economic growth in the future.
00:58Well, 5% economic growth is good, but not better than the previous era.
01:04This has consequences.
01:06So if I repeat, Mr. Jokowi is an average of 5%, Mr. SBY is an average of 5.7%, in the time of President Soeharto, it was an average of 7%.
01:19Well, this affects the quality of economic growth, and it affects humanity.
01:25It affects the purpose of the RPJMN and the purpose of development in a...
