• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Occuparsi di equilibrio fra il tempo passato a lavorare e il tempo personale è un tema centrale. Ci siamo occupati dei caregiver, dei genitori, di tutti i ruoli che le persone assumono all'interno di un'azienda e di come l'azienda e la politica possano rispondere alle loro esigenze. Ci sono i presupposti per fare in modo che si possano fare dei passi in avanti e che il lavoro venga visto come uno strumento per migliorare le condizioni di vita delle persone”. Così, il vicedirettore di Adnkronos, Fabio Insenga, durante il nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’, a Palazzo dell’informazione in occasione della Giornata mondiale della Popolazione.


00:00We have dealt with issues that are central to politics, to economic policy, but also to people's lives.
00:12Because dealing with work, with the balance between time spent working and personal time is a central issue,
00:20because we have dealt with caregivers, with parents, with all the roles that people take on within a company.
00:28And how the company can respond to their needs, and how politics can respond to their needs.
00:34We have asked a lot of questions, as we are used to, and we have obtained very concrete answers.
00:41And there are the prerequisites to ensure that, from this point of view, we can move forward,
00:47and that work is seen as a tool to improve people's living conditions,
00:53whether they are single people, parents, or caregivers.
00:58Politics has to do its part.
01:00Relevant requirements have emerged, both in terms of investment resources, and in terms of policies to be implemented.
01:09The answers we have obtained tell us that something is moving,
01:13and that the perception that there are problems and opportunities
01:18linked to a better use of time, both at work and off work, is on the right track.
