• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Ritengo che il Work-life balance sia uno dei principali obiettivi del welfare aziendale. Le misure di conciliazione legate alla flessibilità dell'orario e, più in generale, alla conciliazione vita - lavoro e tutti i servizi di welfare tesi al coinvolgimento e al benessere delle persone, sono la leva più importante che le imprese hanno per essere più sociali, competitive e attrattive sul mercato”. Così, Laura Bernini, responsabile settore welfare pubblico e privato Confcommercio-Imprese per l'Italia, in occasione del nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’, a Palazzo dell’informazione, in occasione della Giornata mondiale della Popolazione.


00:00Today we talk about work-life balance, but also about welfare, because I believe that
00:08work-life balance is one of the main objectives that the corporate welfare wants to pursue,
00:12that it intends to realize. The measures of conciliation related to the flexibility of
00:19the schedule, more generally to the conciliation life-work, more generally to all welfare services
00:24and more generally to the involvement, to the well-being of people, are the most important levers
00:31that companies have to be more social, competitive and attractive on the market.
00:36I would say that we start from the quality of the work environment, to arrive at training
00:42and re-qualification paths, to initiatives of integrated health care, complementary
00:49training, promotion of healthy lifestyles, attention from this point of view to the most
00:54fragile figures, to the disabled, to the children, to the women, who tend to have more
01:01discontinuous careers, to the elderly, and we talk a lot about silver economy in this sense.
01:05Welfare and work-life balance must be aimed at achieving all these objectives.
01:11I must say that in all the tables of comparison in which we have the opportunity to express ourselves,
01:16on the occasion of the legislative monitoring, we make it clear that the corporate welfare,
01:20starting from the contractual one, must be more strengthened, structured and consolidated.
01:27Our contract, the recent renewal of our contract, the bilaterality system that has always
01:33supported it, the multi-pillar welfare system, which are always part of our system,
01:38go in this direction.
