Laymon Hicks - Some People Are Just Like Birds

  • 3 months ago
Dr. Laymon Hicks was stunned when an unlikely moment bonded him with a young man who was caught stealing. What happened? And how did a simple distraction almost lead to a tragic ending?


00:00I mean, I've never seen anything like it before.
00:02So I'm at the beach, I'm having a great time.
00:04Students are coming up to me, telling me about their goals and dreams in life.
00:07When I happen to notice this young man walking towards me who had on long sleeves.
00:13And as he's walking towards me, I'm thinking to myself,
00:16What a fool.
00:20Who wears long sleeves to the beach?
00:24And then I remember, I'm a sir and you have on a suit.
00:27So he walks up to me, he tells me about the fact that his mom or dad are getting a divorce.
00:31He tells me about the fact that he got caught stealing.
00:34That he was hanging around the wrong crowd.
00:36Now people have told him that he'll never be anything in life.
00:38I said, you know what, let me stop you right there because I used to steal too.
00:43When I was in the fourth grade, I used to walk into our school library,
00:46take a book off the shelf, put it in my pants and walk out.
00:51Who steals free stuff?
00:54This guy.
00:56And who steals books?
00:59So I tell him, it's okay, you got this, pick yourself back up.
01:02So he walked up, I walked up.
01:03Now, I'm talking to my new group of friends.
01:05We're standing in line.
01:07When I happen to notice and begin to feel this warm spot on my arm.
01:18A bird had decided to crap on me.
01:25Y'all laughing?
01:27Oh, I was mad, like how dare you bird?
01:30How dare you crap on my brand new suit?
01:34But I heard this voice that said, layman, that is a distraction.
01:39So I cleaned the crap off.
01:42I went back to doing what I was supposed to do.
01:44Talking to students, having a great time.
01:46And I happen to see that young man again, the one with the long sleeves.
01:50And I looked at him.
01:52And I say, you, you can do it.
01:55And I walked off.
01:57I say, you, you can do it.
02:04I was on my way home, back to Florida.
02:06Checking my email for the very last time before the flight attendant said, turn your cell phones off.
02:10But I received an email from a young man named Jacob.
02:13And in that email, it said this, it said, layman, you saved my life.
02:17So if you don't remember me, when I came up to talk to you, I had on long sleeves.
02:23It was to hide the cuts.
02:26I had been trying to kill myself.
02:29He says, layman, you told me that I can do it.
02:31He says, no one has ever told me that.
02:33And for that, I say thank you because you saved my life.
02:36And right then at that moment, I began to get teary eyed.
02:41And I thought to myself, you know, where would Jacob be today?
02:46Had I allowed that bird to distract me from doing what I was supposed to do that day?
02:53Where would he be?
02:55Some people are just like birds.
03:01They only come into your life to crap on you.
03:07It's true.
03:08Whatever you do, you're not good enough.
03:10Whatever you say, it's not good enough.
03:12You're dumb.
03:13You're fat.
03:14You're stupid.
03:15You're ugly.
03:16Your dreams mean nothing.
03:17You'll never be who you want to be.
03:18That's what some people will say to you.
03:20But today, I'm going to ask you one important question.
03:24Who or what's holding you back?
03:28The reality is that every single one of you are the bomb and never, ever let anyone tell you anything differently.
03:34You have a goal, go get that.
03:35You have a dream, go get that.
03:37Yes, there will be people who talk about you.
03:40Who tell you that it's not possible for you.
03:42Yes, there will be people who talk about you behind your back.
03:45But the reason why people talk about you behind your back is because you're standing in front of them.
03:51And as you're standing in front of them, never lose sight of the goal, the dream, the vision that you have for your life.
03:57And the people that talk about you will always be behind you.
04:00Stop giving power to people that do not have it.
04:04What or who is holding you back?
04:10You got a goal, go get it.
04:12You have a dream, go get it.
04:18Don't let anyone stop you.
04:39You got a goal, go get it.