Maxton Hall Episode 6 (2024) in English Dubbed | Germany Romance Movie

  • 2 months ago
Maxton Hall (2024) Episode 6 English Subtitles
Ruby, a sharp-minded scholarship student, stumbles upon a hidden secret at Maxton Hall. James, the haughty millionaire heir, is bent on keeping her quiet, but their ensuing conflict kindles an unexpected connection.
00:11Statistics show that Olympic medalists follow three rules
00:14when preparing for their competitions.
00:19Get enough sleep.
00:24Meticulous preparation.
00:25And avoid distractions at all costs.
01:01For centuries, Nobel Prize winners, heads of state,
01:04writers and scientists have been educated here.
01:07Soon, I could be one of them.
01:13My future awaits behind these walls.
01:16I've been waiting for this day for years.
01:19Finally, it is here.
01:26Hey. Hi.
01:28Hi. Hey.
01:30Um, this is... Jude.
01:35Hi. Hi. Lynne, hi.
01:56I hope I don't fudge this up.
01:58As if. You could puke in Professor Muller's bin
02:00and he'd still beg you to come.
02:02Didn't your mum have a class with him?
02:04Apparently, you do actually have to put in some work to earn your place.
02:08Yeah. Won't be easy. Let's go.
02:17We'll go in, get our offers and then we're done.
02:20Easy as that.
02:22For those I haven't met yet, I am Jude.
02:25I'm a second year in St Hilda's College here at Oxford
02:27and I'll accompany you through the entire application process.
02:30In the first interview, all the professors want to test
02:32your critical thinking and see how well you can develop a position
02:36on a topic.
02:37In the second one, they want to see how you work under stress
02:39and if you crumble.
02:40Then, in the third one, they want to see how you can
02:43get a job in the industry.
02:45And finally, in the fourth one, they want to see how you can
02:47get a job in the industry.
02:49They want to see how you work under stress and if you crumble.
02:52Then, in the third and final interview, it's all about you.
02:54To see if you really fit in here at Oxford.
02:56Out of all three, this is the big one.
02:59The first round of interviews starts in 45 minutes.
03:01That means you have plenty of time to go through your notes,
03:04maybe have a bite to eat.
03:05You're nervous, but you've made it this far.
03:07That means Oxford wants you.
03:10The only thing you must make sure to do is stay out your own way.
03:13I'll call your name. All good?
04:02Ruby Bell, St Elders.
04:30Good luck.
04:47No need for nerves.
04:49You'll be fine.
04:55Were you not nervous?
04:57Nervous? About ten times more than you.
05:00And they accepted me anyway.
05:03I'll see you later.
05:09Thank you.
05:30Miss Bell, so glad you accepted our invitation.
05:33Thank you. It's my pleasure.
05:35Super. Then let's carry on.
05:38For a couple of years now,
05:39the New York Times has published an opinion piece
05:42which claimed that the British monarchy was a wasteful anachronism.
05:46Can our system exist in its duality?
05:49Can the monarchy and parliamentary democracy continue side by side?
05:53Or do you think we should become a republic?
05:57I believe the question can be approached from either side.
06:00On the one hand, one could argue that the monarchy offers stability,
06:03at least symbolically.
06:05On the other hand, the amount of money spent financing
06:08this individual institution must be called into question.
06:11And bearing in mind that other countries worldwide
06:14are clearly striving without it.
06:16Please, do carry on.
06:19The market is based on speculation,
06:21on the fact that the future is not very reliable, as we know.
06:24We wish it were.
06:25So profit is generated in the here and now.
06:27And a business with a successful model makes use of this to improve turnover.
06:31Thank you, Mr Beaufort.
06:33The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
06:36I remember your father was top of his class at Ballyhol.
06:40He was likely to head of everyone with his knowledge and ambition.
06:43How did it go? You say first.
06:46I think it went pretty well.
06:48It was amazing having so many things to discuss.
06:50I mean, Plato came up and Moliere...
06:52At least they didn't give you mean stares.
06:54The professor in my interview had such a bushy monobrow
06:56that he spent the whole time looking like an angry Mr Bean.
06:59I just couldn't stop looking at it.
07:01He must have been aware.
07:04How did the first round go? All good?
07:06Good, yeah.
07:07I'd say you could both benefit from a little bit of a break.
07:09I'm sure you'll be fine.
07:11All good? Good, yeah.
07:12I'd say you could both benefit from a little downtime.
07:15It's an IA, Oxford-style.
07:28I present to you the world-famous Terp Tavern,
07:32a pub frequented, among others, by the lovely Liz, Oscar
07:35and the Iron Lady, who became the UK's Prime Minister.
07:46There's some seats over there.
07:48Come on.
07:55Who do we have here?
07:57Looks like they're getting on well.
08:06And here it is.
08:08Speciality of the house and an absolute must for every Oxford visitor.
08:13Cross Keys.
08:16I've got the same after today.
08:17Someone suggested I drank water instead.
08:20Here, try this one.
08:21Whiskey that's 18 years old.
08:26What's up?
08:29I'm sorry.
08:37Here's something I've heard.
08:39The barkeepers are made to agree not to share anything they see
08:41when they stop working here.
08:43Is that for real?
08:46First time I tried it, that's exactly the same face I made.
08:48And at the end of the evening, I run back to campus
08:51singing Falling Over in all half-naked.
08:52OK, I'll skip that experience if that's possible.
08:55And we'll save it for when you're a student here full-time.
09:16Oh, my God!
09:22It's good stuff.
09:24Yeah, but good.
09:31I'm going to get some fresh air. Can I have my bag?
09:43Hey, man, you're being too obvious.
09:50Look who's talking.
10:00I like the girls' fight.
10:16Are you OK?
10:20I hope that's a rhetorical question.
10:23Are you nervous about the interviews?
10:25Doesn't matter about the interview result.
10:28There's no way I can go to Oxford now.
10:32What do you mean?
10:36You've beaten me this year for top marks in our class twice already.
10:44If you need something, I'm here for you.
10:46I'm not going to let you down.
10:47I'm not going to let you down.
10:49I'm not going to let you down.
10:51If you need something for your period...
10:53I don't have a period at the moment.
11:06Is it, um...
11:07I know it's crazy to think about.
11:13I've never been in love with anyone like I am with him.
11:17With the baby, too.
11:20Got to love hormones.
11:24There's great programmes for mothers at Oxford.
11:26I read about them when I was finding out about scholarships.
11:31Jacinda Arden became a mother while she was running a whole country.
11:40I know we don't know each other.
11:44But I saw you at the school.
11:46I saw you at school all the time.
11:48How you've persevered whilst everything was going on.
11:53Lydia, if there is anybody I know who can do it, it's you.
12:10It's becoming clear why my brother can't get over you.
12:13You make it seem like everything is possible.
12:16No matter what a shitty illusion that is.
12:20What did he say to you?
12:25Tell me it's not obvious he's suffering.
12:31He was the one that left me.
12:33Sometimes the greatest testament to love is to let someone go.
12:37You escaped
12:39Cos I ate
12:41Cos I ate
12:45Cuz fear in my head
12:47Has been there
12:49For too long
13:11ā™Ŗ It's too cold because I am too cold ā™Ŗ
13:17ā™Ŗ So cover your toes with a jacket in your bones ā™Ŗ
13:21ā™Ŗ With a blanket out ā™Ŗ
13:26ā™Ŗ I'm trying, I'm just trying to be brave ā™Ŗ
13:32ā™Ŗ Ooh, I'm just trying to be brave ā™Ŗ
13:40ā™Ŗ Ooh, is somebody water this place as rain down the middle? ā™Ŗ
13:54ā™Ŗ I'll be coming back for you ā™Ŗ
14:02ā™Ŗ Ooh, oh, oh, whoa ā™Ŗ
14:09ā™Ŗ And I'll be coming back for you. ā™Ŗ
14:16ā™Ŗ Ooh, oh, oh, whoa. ā™Ŗ
14:25My Olympic score after one day in Oxford,
14:28Sleep, zero. Distraction, ten.
14:32Great score, Ruby Belle.
14:38You're perfect. There's nothing to worry about.
14:41You'll be superb.
14:42How many people are in this room?
15:04If we take direct perception as a discussion starting point, as in Gibson's model, I would
15:10say that I perceive two entities in the room other than myself.
15:15And so, the answer I would like to give is three?
15:20The error is normal.
15:22How many people are in this room?
15:24Try again.
15:37You okay?
15:49Seemed like you weren't okay.
15:50It's all good.
15:52I just wasn't in the mood to party.
15:55It's just all the stress.
15:56I'll be so relieved when it's all over.
15:58You know, when we can pick up where we left off, hmm?
16:01Back at home and enjoy this last year of freedom.
16:05I guess we don't know how lucky we are at Maxton Hall.
16:08We're all just working our arse off to get here.
16:11For what?
16:12Just sit around the ball and learn, surprise?
16:16Hey, dear.
16:22What did you say?
16:27I was talking about being back home where everything's normal, at least for another
16:35Does change always have to be something bad?
16:40Probably depends on the change, I guess.
17:02How did the interview go today?
17:04I think I can safely say I blew it.
17:07I shouldn't have got so drunk yesterday.
17:13Did you know that freesias symbolize trust?
17:19You know that I...
17:21I thought with Kesh I'd do that.
17:23That whole backing off then.
17:25He would have enough head space to make his mind up and decide if he wanted it.
17:29Instead, he's trying to conform to the views of everyone else and especially his parents.
17:34Messing with Camille, I don't understand that.
17:36It's as if he has no idea how to treat others, let alone himself.
17:43And so all I can think is that I just should never have let him go.
17:49For fuck's sake, I just shouldn't have let him go.
17:53But I suppose you had no choice.
17:56Yeah, it's a simple fact.
17:59It's fight for something or give up.
18:01You always have a choice.
18:03I just don't get why people are so scared shitless of being their true selves.
18:23I'm going to hide in the last row and sleep off my hangover.
18:34Sorry, were you going to sit down?
18:36No, it's fine.
19:04Okay, welcome along to the students' question and answer session.
19:08I got some of my classmates to come here by lying to them about there being snacks and drinks involved.
19:13Most of them are now feeling incredibly hungry and terribly betrayed,
19:16but I hope they will still answer some of your questions.
19:19Let's go.
19:22How strenuous is the coursework here, really?
19:25Do you still have time for a personal life?
19:28Well, I would say that compared to other unis, it's certainly more intensive.
19:31So, yeah, there's still time for a personal life, don't worry.
19:34But that bit's up to you.
19:38Any more questions?
19:40Do you have a lot of contact with the students in the other colleges in Oxford?
19:44Or is the day-to-day routine very separate?
19:46I just want to know if I have to say goodbye to the bestest friend I could hope to meet.
19:50It's true, the colleges are usually quite independent.
19:53So if you've got two students, but one is at Balliol, for example,
19:56and the other one is here at St Hilda's studying,
19:59they might not interact that often.
20:01Sure, Balliol's Oxford's elite college.
20:03Yeah, that's an example of what someone from Balliol would say.
20:06Many thanks. Anybody want to follow that?
20:08What's your average score?
20:10Sorry, what?
20:11I'm just asking to make sure you're competent to prepare us to study here at Oxford before I sign up.
20:16Let's hear from applicants better informed.
20:19They're the questions I want to hear
20:21instead of wasting time with your unqualified comments and unnecessary contributions.
20:25What's your problem?
20:26I just think how scary it is, how little time it's taken for you to sound like him.
20:29Like who?
20:30Your father.
20:34Okay, would you two like to...
20:35Just keep it shut, you clown.
20:37Leave him alone.
20:38What, am I ruining a little date you're having here?
20:40Why did you come here?
20:41Everyone knows you want to go to oh-so-fancy Balliol.
20:44But don't make out you made the choice.
20:46It's your strategy.
20:47You have to push everyone to the edge to elevate yourself,
20:50to pretend you're superior so that no one notices that you're a coward
20:52who'd rather be a marionette for everybody instead of standing up for what you really want.
21:32These last few weeks you've been ignoring me the best you can do it.
21:35Keep doing that forever.
21:40And what if I say that you're right?
21:44I'm living for others all the time.
21:45I do unforgivable things, lying and hiding what I really feel,
21:49but you can't judge me for that because I do all of it for you.
21:52I don't get you.
21:54Forget it.
21:56Try just talking to me instead of all these stupid riddles.
21:59You make me feel like I've lost it.
22:00You've already made me lose it.
22:01Do you have any idea what it's doing to me, how it feels to sit near to you,
22:04to keep hearing your voice every day, don't you?
22:06Such a fantasist.
22:07You can't just embarrass me in front of all of your friends,
22:09blow me out and then say that I have no comprehension of it.
22:23I can't do it, Ruby.
22:27Forgive me, OK?
22:29Explain why you've come here.
22:31Why are you bothering with me?
22:32Because I...
22:34You don't know what you want from me or what you want from anybody
22:37because you know shit!
22:49I know exactly what I want.
22:52Then put up a fight for it.
22:56All my life, nobody's been interested in what I want.
23:01Not true.
23:05I'm more than interested in what you want.
23:44Did you actually start to believe someone like me
23:47would be interested in a girl like you?
24:07What's the matter?
24:23I apologise.
24:25What for?
24:31What is all this?
24:34Mum and Dad both said I'd changed, according to them, because of you.
24:41My dad saw you as a danger to his plans.
24:43And he was right.
24:45He'd sworn he'd been able to destroy you, he told me.
24:47Made me promise to end it.
24:48I knew I couldn't protect you from him.
24:50You deserve to have someone protecting you.
24:52I should be able to.
24:53My family should welcome you with open arms, everyone else as well,
24:56but I can't offer you that.
24:57All I can offer are problems that I'm not even dealing with very well.
25:01So maybe you should have said that.
25:09It is not your job to decide what I can cope with.
25:12I just wanted to look after you.
25:15I'm not scared of him.
25:21What makes you say that?
25:27You don't know what he's capable of.
25:31I don't want...
25:32I won't be able to...
25:40Enough messing about.
25:42I'm not going to do it.
25:44I'm not going to do it.
25:46I'm not going to do it.
25:47I'm not going to do it.
25:48I'm not going to do it.
25:49Enough messing about.
25:51Enough lying.
25:53Do you promise?
26:10What are you doing?
26:13The thing couples do when they trust each other.
26:17Well, BFF isn't quite right.
26:20How can someone have such a high IQ and then use phrases like BFF, I wonder?
26:26Do you really think now's a good time to be rude again?
26:29I'll be anything you want.
26:31Friend, BFF.
26:47I love you.
27:18I love you.
27:26I love you.
27:47I love you.
27:48I love you.
27:49I love you.
27:50I love you.
27:51I love you.
27:52I love you.
27:53I love you.
27:54I love you.
27:55I love you.
27:56I love you.
27:57I love you.
27:58I love you.
27:59I love you.
28:00I love you.
28:01I love you.
28:02I love you.
28:03I love you.
28:04I love you.
28:05I love you.
28:06I love you.
28:07I love you.
28:08I love you.
28:09I love you.
28:10I love you.
28:11I love you.
28:12I love you.
28:13I love you.
28:14I love you.
28:15I love you.
28:16I love you.
28:17I love you.
28:18I love you.
28:19I love you.
28:20I love you.
28:21I love you.
28:22I love you.
28:23I love you.
28:24I love you.
28:25I love you.
28:26I love you.
28:27I love you.
28:28I love you.
28:29I love you.
28:30I love you.
28:31I love you.
28:32I love you.
28:33I love you.
28:34I love you.
28:35I love you.
28:36I love you.
28:37I love you.
28:38I love you.
28:39I love you.
28:40I love you.
28:41I love you.
28:42I love you.
28:43I love you.
28:44I love you.
28:45I love you.
28:52Is this James Beaufort, the waterbedbreaker sex instructor?
28:55Remember I told you it wasn't a waterbed.
29:08I never want to leave.
29:10Not today.
29:11Not tomorrow.
29:12Not a month more.
29:13I thought you didn't want to go to Oxford.
29:15I'm not talking about Oxford University.
29:22I'm talking about being here.
29:27Sometime tomorrow the world will catch up with us.
29:41You have just as many opportunities as everyone else.
29:45You must take hold of them, James.
29:46You have just as many opportunities as everyone else.
30:11Whenever I'm at a loss or unhappy, I make lists.
30:14It keeps me motivated and clears headspace.
30:18You're making a list for me?
30:20What would you have as your first point?
30:27I'd put sport.
30:31There's nothing better than a walk as the sun goes down.
30:34And when the sun comes up, that's also great.
30:37They're both as good as each other.
30:40And anything that has chillies in it.
30:42I'd be able to eat my way through everything in a Bangkok food hall.
30:45Like fried insects if you go.
30:47Yeah, exactly.
30:48And to read more.
30:50More reading.
30:53Come on, let's go and sit by the river.
30:56These are not life goals.
31:00Dreams are for everyone.
31:03Let me just make a wish.
31:05Which do you pick out of these two?
31:07I'm content when drawing.
31:13Make a wish.
31:25You forgot the most important thing.
31:42I love you.
32:08Miss Bell.
32:09Can you explain to me please?
32:10Why come to Oxford?
32:18Can I ask if you're familiar with the elephant metaphor?
32:25Generally the metaphor is used to describe a self-limiting set of beliefs.
32:30The fact that most people are capable of much more than they give themselves credit for.
32:35But I'm beginning to realize that I've tied myself to my future.
32:40And as a result, I didn't give the attention to many moments in the here and now that they deserve.
32:45James Beaufort?
32:47James Beaufort?
32:56I now know that it's the stops we make along the way that make up our actual lives.
33:03Our life in the here and now.
33:06And sometimes these very moments draw new exciting visions of the future for us in the sand.
33:31This is the voicemail of Cordelia Beaufort.
33:33Please leave a message after the tone.
33:36Hi mum.
33:38Hope you're doing well.
33:40I have something important to tell you.
33:43Don't worry though.
33:45It's good news.
33:50I miss you mum.
33:52Let's meet up.
34:04We realize that we are no longer afraid of our future.
34:07Because it is in the present that we decide if our dreams will come true.
34:11And if we will become the people we always wanted to be.
34:33Beep beep.
34:44It takes courage to think beyond the present.
34:48But sometimes it's another person's gaze that builds our future for us in a new light.
35:04I feel like I've arrived for the first time in my life.
35:07Hello? Anybody here?
35:10I don't want to fast forward or rewind.
35:12I want to be right here, right now.
35:29Come on, come on!
35:33It's tasty!
36:03Come on!
36:22Mr. Beaufort is waiting inside.
36:33Come on.
36:58Sit down.
37:03Sit down.
37:16I believe I said take a seat.
37:18Your mother has suffered a stroke.
37:23Where is she?
37:27Cordelia is dead.
37:37I'm sorry.
37:39I'm sorry.
37:41I'm sorry.
37:43I'm sorry.
37:44I'm sorry.
38:00I'm afraid I came away yesterday when they told me there was nothing more they could do.
38:04I finally had to leave the hospital.
38:08You didn't even call.
38:10Cordelia was so proud of your invitations to Oxford.
38:12I didn't want to affect your interviews.
38:17I already told you that keeping the investors happy is our top priority right now.
38:22We can't allow the value to collapse.
38:26Yes, I know that. Damn it, Gordon.
38:29Meredith needs to send a draft. It has to go out to her.
38:32James, don't.
38:34Yes, damn it, Gordon. I understand that.
38:36The position of artistic director will be filled as soon as the press release is out.
38:40James, don't.
38:41You fucking let her go.
38:44Stop it. Leave each other alone.
39:03Leave me alone.
39:11You sat in the car and you didn't have a single word to say.
39:17I'm so sorry, James.
39:34Every person deserves a world of possibilities.
39:41To dream their own dreams.
39:44To be who they want to be.
39:47And to love whoever they want.
40:10I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:13I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:16I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:19I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:22I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:25I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:28I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:31I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:34I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:37I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:40I see my future more clearly than ever before.
40:42Finally all the puzzle pieces are in place.
40:44All doors are open to us.
40:46We just have to walk through them.
41:11I'm on my last round, baby
41:15But you can make me change my mind
41:23I never asked to become famous
41:26But I guess, but I guess
41:28That's who I am
41:31I'm on my last round, baby
41:36Wave of words
41:42Wave of light
41:48Who will be first?
