They Call Me Bruce (1982) Comedy

  • 2 months ago
A goofy Korean finds his life hopelessly complicated with people continually confusing him with Bruce Lee
00:00:44Running all the way to your home
00:00:48Breathing very hard like a car
00:00:52To your heart as you
00:01:01Watch out
00:01:04Boy do you dream dream what you can do as a man?
00:01:15Do what you imagine you can
00:02:00Go go
00:02:31But boy you can see anywhere you are you
00:02:38See about the heart of a car
00:02:43Into your song
00:02:50So go go
00:03:22Couldn't get a doctor
00:03:26Grandfather, please don't die. I
00:03:29Must go away for a while
00:03:33I'll make you proud of me when I grow up. I'll make lots of money
00:03:37Let me tell you grandson
00:03:40Money is not the most
00:03:43thing in life
00:03:45the most important thing is
00:03:49what brought
00:03:55If you die grandfather, there will be nobody to take care of me for America America
00:04:05Long time ago
00:04:07When I was a merchant marine
00:04:10In New York, I met the most beautiful lady in the world
00:04:19Fell in love with
00:04:28How can I find her here
00:04:39I don't know if she's still there
00:04:44If you find her
00:04:47Tell her I loved her. Yes
00:05:24Bruce I'd like us some more sauce, huh?
00:05:28Boss why do you keep calling me Bruce? I'm June the Bruce was the chair. I don't care champ or no champ
00:05:34I'm calling you Bruce. So when I call you Bruce, you are Bruce. So you understand besides you won't look alike anyway
00:05:44I'm gonna do that karate stuff real good. No, you can't even a chopper liver
00:05:56What's your secret dog meat
00:06:02But seriously folks I make the best spaghetti in the world with a special flour from mainland China
00:06:10You see five thousand years ago
00:06:13Chinese inventor noodle and
00:06:15Marco Polo came to China and took it back to Italy and it becomes spaghetti
00:06:21And I can even sing Italian song
00:06:55Rico how are you? My friend?
00:06:58One's on our capital you're looking well, I feel good
00:07:03Come join me in this feast. No, excuse me. I promise the wife Nicola dinner at home tonight
00:07:10Rico you brought me some
00:07:18You're gonna like this it's pure
00:08:10I have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law
00:08:18Damn it. What's the next line and the right to seek counsel? Oh, yeah. Thanks
00:08:22You have the right to an attorney if in the event you cannot afford one
00:08:27I'm available
00:08:40Many pardons, but we are lost. Where's Disney Rand? Do we look like Mickey Mouse?
00:08:54Hey get out of here
00:09:21Are you just
00:09:44Anymore I'm taking off this way
00:09:48Me too
00:09:50You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. He's out cold. You better give him mouth-to-mouth to make this bus legal
00:10:09We're losing a man to these a federal agent the busts we need the solutions and now we can bribe the FBI
00:10:16We'll give them our brand of cigars
00:10:19Dynamite, let's invest in bulletproof Gucci loafers. Hey, I got an original idea
00:10:28Let's just make them an offer that they can't refuse
00:10:31Hey, I got an original idea, let's just make them an offer that they can't refuse
00:10:46What do you meet the balls to think of this is a monkey business
00:10:50Maybe there's a leak in the system. You can't trust anybody. Can you be you're the one to know about the leaks?
00:10:57You got a big mouth and don't forget the big L. I'm the one in the power here
00:11:02Maybe that's our problem. You push it too far
00:11:09Call from a New York
00:11:17Do you have your man with you? Oh, yes a boss. I don't hear everybody's in here
00:11:29It's hard to believe
00:11:32You guys being defeated by a bunch of kung-fu clowns
00:11:39The next time you're on the job you think about your family
00:11:45One more mistake
00:11:49They'll be widows and orphans
00:11:52I'm going to make sashimi out of you
00:12:22The last fish that I'm going to eat
00:12:27The next meal will be you
00:12:32Copies the yes about sir. Don't worry a glassy in charge
00:12:42We gotta do something pretty soon we're gonna have a defense a fight in an hour
00:12:56Yeah, yeah
00:13:17What the hell is he doing making lunch
00:13:21Hi, boss. I'm making spaghetti for you
00:13:24You know the difference between Italian food and Chinese food know what five dollars per person
00:13:31To a phone a phone. I went school with him. His brother named Archie. I'm a wrong. I'm a wrong. I
00:13:40Don't know him
00:14:08Wake up
00:14:10Lady give that man his purse back. It's my purse
00:14:14He's a thief what you doing around here man and where you from and what you want
00:14:22My right foot I can knock out that knife with my left I can kick your nose
00:14:30With this hand I can poke out your eyes
00:14:34With this I can break your neck. Take a good look at my face. I am an oriental
00:14:45It's cool, bro, I don't want no trouble this time it's cool
00:14:50But next time it's gonna be me and you I don't want to see your face in this area again
00:15:21How many times I gotta told you I never touch you she means a goodbye, huh ten times
00:15:24I don't know if I'm coming or going
00:15:27What do you got in the back?
00:15:29Or some noodles for Janelli. Oh
00:15:31Tutto bene, Maria
00:15:36For Janelli, huh?
00:15:38Say you look a little better. How about a beer?
00:15:41Hey, baby
00:15:44Hey check it out
00:15:55Hello. Oh, you look so beautiful. Are you from New York? No, but I am drinking a Manhattan
00:16:02Is that close enough to New York for you? No, I gotta go there. You see my grandfather had a dying wish
00:16:08And what was that to stay alive?
00:16:11He said I must go to New York find this woman
00:16:14My grandfather loved her
00:16:17She's gonna take care of me if she's still there
00:16:20My name's Anita. What's yours?
00:16:22They call me Bruce
00:16:24You mean like Bruce Lee? Yeah, who else then you must know kung-fu. Oh, yeah, I once stepped in it
00:16:34Hey, if you're looking for mr. Wright, I'm right here how about some tequila Sheila
00:16:43To tell you the truth, I'm glad you're here to protect me this guy scared me I
00:16:48Can take those guys out with one bare hand stick with me I'll teach yourself defense
00:16:57Hey egg roll
00:17:03My right foot I can knock out your face with my left I can kick your nose
00:17:10With this I can talk your eyes out
00:17:13With this I can break your neck take a good look at my face. I am an oriental I
00:17:22Challenge you sucker. I
00:17:27Gotta go to John
00:17:30Mexican beer
00:17:31I'll be back
00:17:34I'll be fair you guys
00:17:36Be prepared
00:18:13Be prepared
00:18:28If I was a half as good as you I could afford those guys in the bar and I would be with that girl
00:18:37Bruce you are the best
00:18:48Gotta eat more Mongolian beef
00:20:22I'm gonna be just like you
00:20:25With a hard training and proper diet. I'm gonna be as fast as you are and strong as Rocky
00:21:02If we are with the bear
00:21:21May I help you? Yes, I want to be like a Bruce Lee
00:21:26We will start you with a white belt. Oh, that's good Mikey
00:21:32Give him a key and a white belt
00:21:35All right, everybody stretch right
00:21:39Next to your right
00:21:41That's to your left twist
00:21:47Come in
00:21:54You must have the right spirit to guide you
00:21:58In a peace control
00:22:01In a peace control
00:22:06It's all mental. My grandfather was a mental patient
00:22:10My father was a mental patient and now it's my turn. Let me stress
00:22:16in a peace
00:22:19control and
00:22:24Excuse me
00:22:31Hello dojo studio
00:22:36What the hell you talking about you son of a bitch I'll sue you for every year you have you
00:22:49As I was saying you have to have control
00:22:54with control comes
00:22:58See the wall
00:22:59You can make a hole through the wall if you have concentration
00:23:04Try it
00:23:06You can do it. I'm not gonna try it you try it. I'm not gonna try it. I'm the master
00:23:13Let's get Mikey. He'll try anything
00:23:19Class do you think he can do it?
00:23:22You see they don't think you can do it and I don't think you can do it either you ask for it
00:23:43It's all in the key, ah
00:23:46It's all in the key, ah
00:23:49When you key, ah, you must bring all energy from your body into one focused point
00:23:58Now you try it
00:24:15You know
00:24:17Memorex get out of my place
00:24:19You are hopeless. I must learn to be mental. You are mental
00:24:25But I'm paying you to teach me. I'll refund your money
00:24:29Change your clothes and get out
00:24:45You're very good, let me see. It's a natural for me. I do that all the time when I make a noodle. Oh
00:25:22Will return your stick take them home and practice in your closet
00:26:12These eggs fresh hey, this is a stick-up man heads up you hurry up with the money. Come on. Don't do nothing stupid
00:26:46No, no, no wait wait did not him he's not the robber he's the robber
00:26:52You should have seen this guy's fantastic
00:26:55kung-fu technique
00:26:58Unbelievable, but he's so fast
00:27:02And powerful, I'm telling you this guy is Bruce Lee
00:27:09You even look like Bruce Lee
00:27:12With a proper training and diet. Can you strike that karate pose for the cameras with the sticks over your head, please?
00:27:18Get that cherry
00:27:23Bruce Lee look-alike put on a dazzling a show of kung-fu and
00:27:29Eyewitnesses said that the gunman had never had a chance
00:27:33against the martial arts hero
00:27:39Ciao boss. I got the good news. No, I got the great news. You don't have to worry about any more trouble
00:27:46I got a guy who's gonna fix everything from now on I got a new delivery
00:27:53They call him Bruce
00:27:55master of kung-fu
00:28:06Because the guy in the paper
00:28:09Hey, man, I don't care what the people say you'll still Bruce II. What are you looking at?
00:28:14Bruce II you're nothing but jive man. I can kick your ass any day of the week kick my ass any day
00:28:20Oh, I'm busy all week. Yeah, you're a phony man. You don't even know kung-fu get back
00:28:31What do you say to this
00:28:34If you must fight
00:28:37Fight dirty kick him in the groin
00:28:40Hit him with a rock fire off his nose
00:28:45But most of all
00:28:48Use your brain not fist
00:28:54Oh, you're fantastic
00:28:57Who taught you that master Cho? Oh, what a coincidence. I study on the master Cho, too
00:29:03Did you know the martial art code?
00:29:05it says
00:29:07Pupils study on the same master must never fight. Yeah for real, huh? Yeah
00:29:13And now it's too bad I can't beat you up what cold
00:29:20Yeah, I don't study for master Cho I study for master tongue, oh, that's great then you two can fight
00:29:28And I personally think master Cho is ten times better than master tongue. My master's better than master Cho
00:29:55Hey look, he's got nunchucks in his pocket. Well, let's go check him out
00:30:06You got a permit to carry those nunchucks?
00:30:11You don't need no permit for this. That's a lethal weapon. You're under arrest. Wait a minute. Wait, wait a minute
00:30:22These are my chopsticks
00:30:28I'm just a big eater
00:30:42Chopstick lickin good
00:31:00Sure hope this is gonna work
00:31:03You hope it better work or the boss of bosses is gonna make a sashimi out of us
00:31:08Hey, you can count on me boss. I'm not gonna let you down
00:31:14Remember Freddy, you're the only one I can trust. I can't trust the Big Al anymore
00:31:19Yeah, well, there have been rumors going around
00:31:21What that the big island thinks he's gonna be boss of the western coast. That's a sneaky bastard
00:31:26They'll never get to my job, but never listen boss. Nobody can tear down a reputation like yours
00:31:31You're a good boy Freddy
00:31:33You've always been a loyal trusted a servant of a la familia
00:31:38When you get the back of him of this job, I'm gonna promote you
00:31:41You're gonna be my consigliere
00:31:47You're gonna sit in a big Al's a seat the other end of the table
00:31:51I hope I don't have to sit on his lap sit on his lap
00:31:55You make a joke. Yeah
00:31:57People say I got the no sense of humor
00:32:11Hurry up. I don't want to miss a Hollywood the squares
00:32:15Florence and remember Bruce about anything. Oh, all right. Yeah
00:32:23Make sure this place is locked up
00:32:26Because of this stuff is worth millions of dollars or not. Yes, sir. That's it, huh?
00:32:55Put the barbells down I gotta talk to you
00:33:00Look at you you've been eating too much pasta take that tie off and get down here and work out with me
00:33:07Put those goddamn things down I got the plan set up. I hope this plan is better than the last one
00:33:15If you want to be boss on the west coast
00:33:18Killing Pete's dog isn't gonna do it. You know that poison was meant for little Pete
00:33:23How was I supposed to know the dog like cigars?
00:33:31What's your plan this time Rover, you know, I love you just before you get slapped
00:33:43Had enough you really know how to hurt a guy. Thanks darling
00:33:52Your brothers and sisters are being killed for their ivory shut up and listen to me if I'm boss on this coast
00:33:58You'll be right there alongside me. Do you'd like that power? Wouldn't you?
00:34:03Why'd you have to kick me you didn't have to kick me oh, I'm sorry poor baby
00:34:09Look the boss of bosses is going to exterminate little Pete if one more job gets busted. I know little Pete's plan
00:34:16They're setting up Bruce's a delivery stooge you fella Bruce
00:34:19Switch the coke whenever you can before they get to New York
00:34:22Okay, little Pete will be River Moss and I'll be boss to the west coast
00:34:31Mean we will be the boss on the west coast
00:34:49You're a hero I saw you in the papers you're very brave
00:34:54Where'd you get your black belt? Oh, I got my black belt in the Orient
00:34:58It was easy only written test. Do you have a girlfriend? I'm a sex object
00:35:04Every time I ask girls sex they object
00:35:09Well, could I be your girlfriend
00:35:12Listen I'll give you this necklace
00:35:17Go steady, okay
00:35:26Now as long as you wear this I'm not gonna make love to another man me neither
00:35:38I got a new job for you new job
00:35:41I'm giving you a raise from now on you get the minimum wage. What are you gonna do boss?
00:35:48Listen and I tell you
00:35:50Your spaghetti recipe. It's a famous. I told all of my friends all around the country about your Chinese and noodles
00:35:56And they're very anxious to get this special flower
00:36:00So I'm gonna send you to New York
00:36:03New York
00:36:05More money and going to New York. You gotta learn about America. This is a one great the country
00:36:12When do I start? Well, you gotta answer to your parents when I say so
00:36:17How long does it take to fly to New York that's better wait a minute they're not so fast
00:36:21First you gotta stop at a different cities
00:36:24If you don't deliver the flower to all of my friends
00:36:28You never get to New York
00:36:30Understand I finally get to go to New York Freddie. He's gonna show for you Freddie
00:36:37my chauffeur
00:36:39Why do we want to fly fly
00:36:42Honey you fly you see nothing about the one you drive, but you get to know this beautiful country start the back
00:36:50Bruce what do you get at the necklace? I never seen that on you before
00:36:53Oh this it was a gift from a new girlfriend. Yeah, when you get the backer from your trip
00:36:58And maybe you get the married, huh? Oh, I love get married, but I hate to give up my girlfriend
00:37:03Oh, so tell us about your girl. Oh, she's beautiful
00:37:07sexy legs
00:37:09Really big eyes. Yeah. Yeah. Did you touch anybody? I mean you didn't have a you give you give it you get easy
00:37:16Animale she hugged me. Yeah, and she was moaning. Yeah
00:37:25Scratch my back kissing my eye
00:37:28Kissing my nose. Yeah breathing in my ear. So was she good
00:37:34I'm not sure. I don't kiss him
00:37:39This is serious now Bruce could lead us to the head of this drug ring and you guys know it now
00:37:44We've got to do whatever it takes to get him to New York
00:37:47breathing in my ear
00:37:57Be sure to deliver all of the flower and I never let it out of your sight or else you never get it to New
00:38:05Freddy he's gonna keep an eye on you. Right the Freddy. That's right. We're not gonna let you down boss
00:38:08Oh, I want to capture this morning. Say Kim cheese
00:38:12No, no, no, no pictures
00:38:16Just to remember to never let the flower out of your sight
00:38:19Huh? All right. Your first stop is Las Vegas. Enjoy yourself, but don't gamble unless a Freddy shows you how to do it
00:38:26I never gambled before I can't even say Brad check. Goodbye. So wrong. Ciao. Ciao
00:38:36Remember driver carefully onto the road. We can't afford the accidents or tickets, huh? Good boy
00:39:21Look at these places
00:39:26My grandfather once had a suite there
00:39:35Sorry, hi listen up
00:39:38Boss of bosses thinks he can deliver powder in my town without kicking in. He's crazy
00:39:43I want you should get little Pete's delivery man and kill him if you have to but bring that powder to me
00:39:53These are the guys you kill
00:39:55Intercept the cocaine before it gets to the Las Vegas connection
00:39:59Waste them before they leave town
00:40:03Be a pleasure boss. Oh
00:40:06And would you remind me to call my mother on Tuesday?
00:40:24Heard a lot about your boss
00:40:27Masha lots and your special flower here
00:40:30You want me to cook for you? No, we got our own recipe for this flower
00:40:36Why don't you two guys and sit at the table? Oh
00:40:43You guys must be thirsty after such a long hot trip
00:40:47Yeah, mr. Willingen bring my friend's ice-cold beer, you know anything about gambling gambling I
00:40:54Met a woman who made her husband millionaire by gambling. Really? Yeah, but he was billionaire before
00:41:05I'm gonna teach you how to play Brat Jack. Yeah, if you want another card
00:41:10You go like this. Okay, if you don't want another card, then you go like that. All right, do what I do
00:41:16You got it, okay
00:41:18No, no
00:41:20Cut the cards, sir. Just cut the cards
00:41:36Listen maybe this guy is just a wet noodle. You know what I mean? But me I'm a cage tiger
00:41:46I'm always attracted to men with big bucks
00:41:51Let's go tiger. Yeah, you were dressed. I thought you were just the chauffeur, but he's the show
00:41:57chauffeur, are you crazy? I
00:42:00Yeah, but you got great dice
00:42:35Are you having bad luck this machine only know how to eat
00:42:39Must be constipated here
00:42:42Try this one for good luck
00:42:45You look so beautiful you from New York, sweetie, I'm from Ohio
00:43:03Look at all this money
00:43:07I'm gonna be millionaire. Thank you grandfather
00:43:20No target, what am I gonna do? I got an idea
00:43:40What are you
00:43:51How would you like to go to a party with me sugar party I love party whose party your party I
00:44:00Have no party
00:44:02I'll make you a party. Oh, that must be surprised by
00:44:29Call me a doctor
00:44:34You're not bleeding thank God that knife never touched you then call me a banker
00:44:44Impianto eviscer. I'm and on a row la donna
00:45:18Listen to that
00:45:20You must be having a good time
00:45:23That's my partner Bruce
00:45:25Well, sounds like you found something wild me. I'm just as wild as any girl in this town
00:45:39You gotta give me more time hands up and now we're in the bonus round
00:45:45I'll listen don't have your friend. Give you a few tips. He must be incredible
00:45:51In fact, if he ever has the time I'll give him a discount
00:46:22What happened
00:46:28Are you sick or something?
00:46:44There are more girls coming
00:47:03Why am I glad we're out of that soon didn't you learn anything in Vegas, it's your biz Sammy Davis jr
00:47:14Will you take off those rings? They look ridiculous. Come on, take them off. Take them off
00:47:29Oh God the cops, all right, don't make trouble
00:47:43Just doing Frank's mantra his way
00:47:51All right, be cool be cool you cool I'm cool you're cool I'm cool
00:48:03Wanna show me your driver's license
00:48:05If you guys keep taking it away, how is he supposed to show it to you?
00:48:10Is that this car registered?
00:48:12No, this car all this mobile
00:48:16Wanna show me your registration. Oh, yeah, right registration right here
00:48:22You speeder sign right there sign your Libra put down Libra
00:48:33What do you want drugs no, I believe he's you shut up that's groovy
00:48:42Shiny boy got a funny mouth. Mm-hmm
00:48:46What you got in the bag? What is?
00:48:50This is famous Chinese flower the best recipe making noodles
00:48:55You should try some of this
00:48:58It's from mainland China
00:49:00Here taste it
00:49:03One yet told me
00:49:05but the loneliness I
00:49:10Hate Chinese food half hour later. You hungry again. That's a good
00:49:26Get it
00:49:28Boy you look like an illegal alien you got yourself a green card. No, I got blue car
00:49:34Well, I guess that's it. How we better be going. Thank you very much. Have a nice day
00:49:40and as a token of our friendship, I
00:49:44Want you to have this?
00:49:47You want us to have this yeah, and there's a plenty more we'd come from
00:49:58I show me in that give it I believe tiny boy offering us a bribe kind of looks like
00:50:06Get out of the car
00:50:09Out of the car now
00:50:22Could you help me I think I've got a slow leak in my rear tire
00:50:30I'll be more than glad to help you out, ma'am. You say you think you've got a slow leak, ma'am
00:50:35Well, I don't know anything about cars, but I do know about practically
00:50:41Everything else. I bet you do get the hell in the car. I'm hip get in the car
00:50:54Give them some chloroform and I put them in the patrol car that you buy some time
00:51:30Was once run over by a Toyota Oh
00:51:33What a feeling look we can't waste much time, you know, the cops will be on our neck any minute now, yeah, that's got it
00:51:44Attack attack
00:52:01Cowboy seems like you got yourself in a heap of trouble there partner, or did you just marry a cop?
00:52:07Excuse me. Yeah, do you happen to know a blacksmith or somebody around who can get this?
00:52:11Bracelet off my friend. I'll do better than that for you. Hold your arm out straight there
00:52:24Happy trails
00:52:39Wow Bruce that takes care of the use the delivery another job is over now. It's a maritime
00:53:12What's your pleasure cowboy
00:53:16Saki light. We don't got no sake light. All we got is sake natural. I
00:53:24Come all the way from California and the only thing you got is sake natural
00:53:31It ain't bad I'm surprised
00:53:43Like to drink and punch people
00:53:47Like to drink and punch people
00:53:51Like to drink and punch people
00:53:55Like to drink and punch people
00:53:59Like to drink and punch people out
00:54:02Well, I like to drink and eat sushi
00:54:05Susie Susie's my girl. Oh, you like sushi like I like sushi. Yeah, I like Susie. I had sushi last night
00:54:13You should eat sushi in the morning sushi in the evening sushi for supper time. Then you wouldn't be so fat
00:54:25What's your name Wong or dog
00:54:30They call me Bruce Bruce no, bro
00:54:37I'll tell you what Bruce. I'm gonna put bruises all over your body
00:54:46If you can't this pebble from my hand then you are ready
00:54:54Grandfather there is big bird over your head
00:54:59I'm not gonna fall for that
00:56:57Punching doggy
00:57:09Let's get out of here
00:57:21Anybody drunk? I want to arrest somebody. Hey guys, let's wait till they throw up here. I hate to clean up the jail
00:57:32Don't just stand there arrest somebody are you guys shut the hell up?
00:57:38Any women? I thought he was but step it hasn't it's time to steal the furniture. We wouldn't be in there
00:57:44What are you looking at?
00:57:45Haven't you seen a guy in a jail before you're lucky. He's iron bars in the way. I'll finish you punks off another time
00:57:54When I get out of here, I'm gonna squash your face, Bruce
00:57:59Hey, this food sucks. How about some mashed taters?
00:58:10Serve real food fat things
00:58:13I don't have to take that from you. I got an idea. Why don't I make my famous Chinese noodles?
00:58:18Well, my favorite dish is moo goo guy. Your favorite dish is some young guys. I
00:58:23Have a very special flower right here in my back
00:58:42Let him go in and cook in the jail kitchen
00:58:50You got my go away what I don't think this is a good idea pretty face stay out of this
00:58:54Look you don't understand. This is very expensive flower. We can't afford to waste it
00:59:01Don't be selfish God. Take me to the kitchen
00:59:20Would have you an astronaut the more I inhale the more sick and tired I get your face
00:59:38Let's go get just some real
00:59:45Will you excuse me for a moment?
00:59:50And you have enough on that arm for a condominium in Florida
00:59:59You still got that M&L yeah, let's peel them and eat yeah
01:00:04And then we'll drive to Europe gotcha. Come on
01:01:04Must be a better way to get in your jeans
01:01:11Chicago is my town. Nobody delivers coke to my territory to a little piece guys are coming into town
01:01:18I want to get those guys. I want them killed
01:01:23How you gonna do it
01:01:26Well, um, we could uh, we could uh, we could uh,
01:01:31Well, um, we could uh, we could slit his throat from from here to here
01:01:40Or perhaps you're looking for something a little bit less bloody yeah, I
01:01:47Could throw a flying star between his eyes
01:01:59You just drown them slam-dunk
01:02:09Of course
01:02:10Maybe you're into a little torture first
01:02:14Mmm for that. We we have a whole new line of this year's
01:02:19eyeballs eyeballs and
01:02:23We have leather whips
01:02:37Heard Susie chapstick, that's for meat byproducts and that's a blue channel
01:02:42Pomeranian that's that's for people that stop on entrance ramps the freeways. It's your name's Toby
01:02:51People that's for non-dairy creamers
01:02:53And that's for
01:02:57Your name's Toby
01:03:08Of course there's always a castration
01:03:14Course if you want some more conventional method
01:03:19This gun and silencer is just dandy
01:03:39Hope everything is prepared for the arrival of my guest
01:03:43Look I want you to make him feel at home. He's a very important visitor
01:03:49Go all out
01:03:54Well Bruce, we're in Chicago one more delivery and we're on our way to New York
01:03:59My grandfather told me he had a friend in Scarborough
01:04:03Al Capone
01:04:05Never heard of him
01:04:07Who says arrived sir?
01:04:09Tell them to come in
01:04:17How do you folks welcome what is this
01:04:24Give me a hug. Oh sure. Oh, oh, of course. Welcome
01:04:46Another one Tony psycho this man don't worry got to go China
01:05:39Was a samurai warrior, but I gave it up you were a samurai warrior. Why did you quit union problem?
01:05:52Say you're a samurai warrior, but the fly is still alive, but that fly will never make a lover again
01:06:02After dinner, I'll give you a massage. Would you like that size? I like massage
01:06:08In fact my first of in America. I worked at massage parlor. They fight what for rubbing people the wrong way
01:07:10You know woman walk five feet behind the man American woman walk all over man
01:07:18You said you're going to give me I give both your now I really need it
01:07:36What are you doing doctor I'm fine down there pain is up here
01:08:10Wow, yeah
01:08:12It's me
01:08:13Common baby, you didn't screw up again. Did you I got the bag?
01:08:17I switched them they have the real flower and we have this stuff. Oh
01:08:23You're beautiful, baby and little Pete. He's gonna get the axe
01:08:33I want you to come back here right away and be careful. You're coming enough powder to get all of Chicago high
01:08:40Yeah, I'm so excited out finally our dreams are gonna come true
01:09:18What is he doing boss just checking your Chinese flower you don't need him I'm the real expert
01:09:29This is a flower
01:09:33Yes, sir, my test shows this is genuine flower
01:09:40And a very good grade I may add
01:09:45I'm not paying you to be a joker
01:09:49Now if your life depended on it
01:09:54And it does
01:09:56Do you swear that this stuff is flower?
01:10:00Sir I'm positive I
01:10:03I want you out of this room now. Yes, sir
01:10:15Ready ready ready
01:10:23You know what this means, don't you Freddy?
01:10:29How about
01:10:35Goodbye Freddy I
01:10:38Know what that means that means kiss of death
01:10:41I've seen Godfather movie, but I hate to tell you this boss
01:10:45You don't kiss as good as a Marlon Brando
01:10:48Now you're gonna kiss me too
01:10:50You shall die by my bullet
01:10:54Because that's as much as I can do for you
01:12:28Please help me there are gangsters after me
01:12:31Gangsters what happened? I can't explain. Would you hide me someplace?
01:12:52Now we're looking for an Oriental you seen him
01:12:55If you are referring to a particular person of the Asian Mongolian race
01:13:01They are not indigenous to this
01:13:05Propinquity, what the hell is she talking about?
01:13:08She said there's no rice peddlers in this neighborhood
01:13:13They don't mind if we look around
01:13:15Do you have a search warrant? I know my rights. I happen to be a law student at NYU
01:13:23Yeah, lady
01:13:26This is our search warrant
01:13:43You'll get reimbursed in hell lady
01:13:53Stop it. You got something to hide
01:14:06I'll tell you where he is. Well, why didn't you say he's in the back room? Here's me. It's okay
01:14:55Asked and it will be given you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you
01:15:10What are you searching for I want to be here you're in the wrong line sister
01:15:20God gave us his love and the Catholics gave us bingo. Hallelujah
01:15:28What are you searching for sister
01:15:30I'm looking for a man. Tell us about him. Was he in your heart? No, he was in my car
01:15:39He is
01:15:41Everywhere we go and we call him Jesus
01:15:44Everywhere we go and we call him Jesus. Oh, I call him Freddy
01:15:51Why don't you turn around and share your experience with us
01:15:57Brothers and sisters
01:16:00It all started when I was a kid. I
01:16:03was raised by my grandfather and
01:16:07We didn't have no clothes. No food
01:16:10He was so poor one time burglar broke into house we robbed him
01:16:17But seriously folks today people are so
01:16:23Not materialistic
01:16:27Money is not the most important thing in life. The most important thing in life is broad broad
01:16:40You cannot say blasphemous things in this holy church
01:16:45Repent, but did I do something wrong?
01:16:48Mooney Mooney Mooney
01:17:30Say blood
01:17:32Give me five. Yo mama get down. What you mean? Yo mama
01:17:39Wait a minute. I know where you coming from, but you gotta get it together do like I do say blood
01:17:46Say blue
01:17:55What's happening what's happening
01:17:58Say what's your name? Say food. They call me Bruce
01:18:06What's yours I'm Curtis
01:18:09Curtis this fool be Freddy Curtis. It's a pleasure. I want you to know y'all run very fast
01:18:15We know that. Yeah, so what's your problem, man?
01:18:19There's some dudes chasing us all over and they're from our fear
01:18:27So what you need is some protection right all
01:18:33Come with us
01:18:50What are these stuff in this room, it's electronic gadgets
01:18:57That's an electric chair, yeah
01:19:04Must be Curtis
01:19:19Hi Bruce, hello
01:19:22You look familiar
01:19:24May I come in?
01:19:27Thank you
01:19:30Don't you recognize me I met in gene Ellie's bar. Oh
01:19:38She's the lady who gave me this necklace
01:19:48Look I'm a federal agent. Oh
01:19:50my god
01:19:52The necklace I gave you was an electronic microphone. We've monitored all your conversations. We know your locations all over the country
01:19:58Oh my god
01:20:01Can't you say anything but oh my god, they used you Bruce. You were their stooge
01:20:08You weren't delivering flour you were delivering cocaine drugs Bruce drugs
01:20:16Oh my Buddha
01:20:20I've been delivering drugs. Oh
01:20:26Forgive me
01:20:28Bruce I was gonna tell you but you know, I took an oath
01:20:37Don't blame Freddy if he'd said anything they would have killed him and you I
01:20:45Took an oath to for Bruce Lee
01:20:50Now I have disgraced him
01:20:53You can still make up for everything get an amnesty for Freddy. I need your help
01:21:02Now you want me to be your stooge
01:21:05If we can catch these guys, we can stop the entire distribution of all the drugs in the underworld
01:21:12When we do that, we can find your lady. I need your help Bruce. I
01:21:18Must help you
01:21:21That's all there's to say
01:21:35Here we go
01:21:41Now I'm glad to see that you decided to make up for your
01:21:46unhealthy mistake
01:21:48Where is it if we give it to you now, you'll kill us
01:21:54You're already a dead man
01:21:56Now Bruce, I guess you better give it to me
01:22:00You see
01:22:01You're braver than I thought
01:22:05Hey, where is it?
01:23:09Hope you like the food in wood cow, otherwise that I have to bring Chinese noodles for you
01:23:22Want you to have this
01:23:26So I'd always know where my best friend is
01:23:30You make me laugh, you know, you always make me laugh
01:23:49Oh, come on driver, let's go, huh
01:23:54You think there's a bar around here or something on the way maybe
01:24:01Not even there
01:24:12Well, according to this that's the lady
01:24:16That's the lady no darling that's the lady
01:24:29My grandfather was right
01:24:31She is the most beautiful lady in the world. Your grandmother meant America
01:24:37America will take care of you
01:24:45Bruce don't forget the most important thing in life
01:25:00You won't have to run anymore
01:25:02Winner with a heart of a car
01:25:20Now that you have grown to a man
01:25:24Do you feel a certain surprise?
01:25:28Living maybe hard