• 2 months ago
Lewis Kinney, an unemployed man, must recover ten million dollars from James Hatcher, the man who stole the money from the mafia and save Lise ( Beverly D'Angelo), who he might be in love with.
00:00:29It's about time mr. Banner
00:00:32I don't like waiting. Our deal is off Maranzella
00:00:37Look at this. What is this?
00:00:43Quite a sign of confidence. Mr. Banner using ink. I
00:00:51The King has graciously removed himself from the picture
00:00:55Without your assistance. So under the circumstances we want our 10 million back
00:01:02Of course, we'll pay you a little something for your trouble. You're very generous
00:01:06But look around you your friend. Mr. Hatcher has checked out
00:01:13So has your money
00:01:15Now look here Maranzella the CIA gave you that money for this operation and now the operation is canceled
00:01:20We want that 10 million. I would be pleased to give you back your money
00:01:27But I don't have it this isn't funny Maranzella
00:01:35Got a problem you got a problem. I
00:01:39Tell you what we do
00:01:41I'll put a couple of my boys on to this when they find Hatcher and the money we will turn them over to you
00:01:49Jimmy Hatcher and
00:01:54I can't go back to counting and justify 25% well 10 plus expenses
00:02:00You're on DG, what if we find him first?
00:02:08Mr. Banner a deal has been made we honor our commitments. We expect you to honor yours
00:02:17We have a break-in agreement
00:02:21It isn't the American way
00:04:03Well that wraps it up for this morning
00:04:05We certainly had our hands full earlier with all those problems
00:04:08But the traffic is thinning out now and I'm happy to say so is the fog along the coast
00:05:00Investigation is concerning the mysterious death of entrepreneur James Hatcher whose body was found yesterday are still in progress
00:05:08police refused to comment on rumors linking Hatcher to alleged underworld connections I
00:05:13Woke up with a hangover and the last thing I needed was more bad news
00:05:18What I did need was some fresh air and a job
00:05:21By trade I'm an accountant sent to Los Angeles by a venerable old English firm to
00:05:27Oversee the remnants of its crumbling Empire. I told them they should cut back the staff and streamline their operation and ended up
00:05:35Streamlining myself right out of a job
00:05:38It's one of the little perversities of the American system
00:05:41They drive on the right-hand side of the road, but they approach situations like mine
00:05:46They drive on the right-hand side of the road
00:05:48But they approach situations like mine with a particularly left-handed logic
00:05:53In order to find employment, I needed a work permit and in order to get a work permit. I needed a job
00:05:59my immediate prospects were somewhat ill-defined I
00:06:04Suppose that's why I allowed myself to become involved with the hatches
00:06:08Help me, please help me that girl down there. She's she's going to fall that girl there, please
00:06:20I'm no knight in shining armor
00:06:22But what the hell the girl was easy to look at and I hoped she'd respond to my winning personality
00:06:27Can we please leave now, I I just want to be alone
00:06:36I just want to be alone
00:06:54Can we please leave now, I I just want to be alone
00:07:03Young man, would you come here?
00:07:09Sorry about all this
00:07:12My son was buried today
00:07:15His car went over that cliff
00:07:17About two weeks ago. Do you think you could?
00:07:20Drive us home. Oh, I'll see that you're driven back and that you're properly reimbursed
00:07:30Properly reimbursed
00:07:32That was music to my ears. I wasn't making any time with the girl, but mrs
00:07:37Hatcher seemed friendly enough besides with a tank like that
00:07:40It meant she had money and if she had money she might need an accountant or know someone who did
00:07:58Leave her alone. Thank you. Pardon me. Leave her leave her
00:08:09Mrs. Hatcher don't bother mr. Kenny
00:08:12Mr. Kenny, this is Alex. You broke your foot skiing. She'd have waited for the snow
00:08:23She's not a bad girl really I liked her right off but very highly strung
00:08:30Ever since her brother died, she's been very difficult to reach. He was the only one that could really control her
00:08:37I'm afraid I've spoiled her over the years. I can't keep my eye on her anymore
00:08:42Alex has all he can do just looking after me
00:08:45Wouldn't be for very long
00:08:47Just until she gets over her brother's death
00:08:54What do you say mr. Kenny
00:08:57I'm usually hard to keep an eye on
00:09:00I don't have a work permit. That's very easily arranged
00:09:05Name your price seven
00:09:18Don't have a work permit
00:09:30She gave me a look that would freeze a volcano could have gotten more. Mr. Kenny
00:09:50Alex your concentration is all off. Oh my ego. Oh, so kata
00:09:59Don't tell me you learned kendo when you worked for a Japanese electronics firm
00:10:05No, actually for a Japanese textile company
00:10:09as an accountant
00:10:11as an accountant
00:10:14Would you like to go around? Oh, I'd love nothing better
00:10:18Unfortunately, I neglected to bring my armor with me when I came. How tall are you? Mr. Kenny?
00:10:23Six foot. That's perfect
00:10:27And a bit follow me
00:10:30The late mr. James Hatcher had obviously led a reclusive and solitary life and clearly enjoyed life's simple pleasures
00:10:39casual casual casual
00:10:45Excuse me for asking but did mr. Hatcher like dressing while he was lying down
00:10:54You can change now, mr. Kenny, I'm sorry
00:10:57Excuse me for asking again, but him
00:11:00What line of business was he in laundry? He was in the laundry business. He must have cleaned an awful lot of dirty shirts
00:11:09Now, mr. Kinney
00:11:19You're very good, mr. Kinney not too bad yourself, mr. Hatcher
00:11:39So we call it a draw
00:11:41We can call it a draw if you stop calling me miss Hatcher
00:11:45My name is Lise
00:11:48You can call me Kenny
00:11:50I like the way you say it
00:11:53I've been driving for years mother. That's why I hired. Mr. Kinney. Let him drive for my sake darling, please
00:12:09Live long in Los Angeles then miss
00:12:12All my life. I thought your mother said you were from Boston. She's not my real mother. I was adopted
00:12:20Mr. Kinney the speed limit is 55
00:12:23Don't worry miss. We are indeed well within it. She played me for dumb. So I played along
00:12:30Sometimes it's easier that way it leaves room for surprises
00:12:34And I wondered if I wasn't in for a few surprises of my own
00:12:38This shouldn't let people like that on the road. That guy drives like a madman
00:12:42Where we can we should brought the other car. Where are we gonna put the girl?
00:12:46Excuse me, miss, but I think we are being bloody followed
00:12:50Could you lose them Kenny in that case miss?
00:12:53I'm the one who's gonna lose them. I'm gonna lose them
00:12:56I'm the one who's gonna lose them
00:12:58I'm gonna lose them
00:13:00I'm gonna lose them
00:13:02I'm gonna lose them
00:13:04I'm gonna lose them
00:13:06I'm gonna lose them
00:13:08I'm gonna lose them
00:13:10Kenny in that case miss I must insist that you put on your safety belt
00:13:31Nice work Mario
00:13:40Hello. We're gonna borrow the lady for a little while. Oh, really?
00:14:56Think I'm going to try Brody a what a Brody
00:15:05That's the Brody
00:15:10It's the handbrake
00:15:18Give me the truck
00:15:58Got that news what the brakes don't work the brakes don't work the brakes won't work
00:16:28What happened you blew it
00:16:44Suppose you learn to drive like that when you work for Ferrari as an accountant
00:16:51It figures
00:16:56If you had known my son you would understand how much this terrifies me
00:17:02Can you think of anything that might have invited this?
00:17:04My son was involved in some rather questionable business and you think
00:17:11That's a girl. Maybe he had an enormous influence on her sometimes
00:17:16Frightening influence, but I I don't know how involved she was in his affairs. Even though I'm sure it was quite innocently
00:17:26But why are you confiding all this in me?
00:17:28Because I need your help
00:17:33I'm dying. Mr. Kinney
00:17:39Unfortunately, Lee's
00:17:42Still feels there's hope. She's found the Morrow Clinic in Quebec City
00:17:47And you want me to keep an eye on these? How could I refuse?
00:17:51Mr. Kinney, I
00:17:56It would be a good idea
00:17:59To move to my house in Lake Arrowhead very soon
00:18:09It would be a good idea
00:18:12To move to my house in Lake Arrowhead very soon
00:18:16I think that would be very very wise man
00:18:19And if I might make the suggestion we should do so with as little
00:18:23Fanfare as possible
00:18:34I'll have a full transcript ready for you in the morning
00:18:38I'll have a full transcript ready for you in the morning
00:18:50It's definite Lake Arrowhead tomorrow
00:18:54Alive Hatcher is alive
00:18:57Help me out Hatcher good
00:19:00Hatcher is alive. I heard him talking on the telephone. We should have tapped the phone before
00:19:03Hatcher is alive. I heard him talking on the telephone. We should have tapped the phone before
00:19:06Oh my god, you stink so bad. I can't believe it. Get away from me
00:19:10Never mind how I smell, please. They're going to Lake Arrowhead. I know where it is
00:19:14What are we gonna do with those guys?
00:19:17Where are we gonna put them?
00:19:21I made sure we weren't being followed on the trip to Lake Arrowhead
00:19:25But I still felt uneasy. Too much was going on and too little being said about it
00:19:29Then Alex played his hand
00:19:30Take a left at that road up there
00:19:36Got the Sten?
00:19:37Is that loaded?
00:19:39What about the shotgun?
00:19:40You don't need the shotgun
00:19:41I want the shotgun
00:19:51You don't have to go so gun crazy. We got other guys here to help us out
00:19:54Why did you hire those guys? I wanted to do it
00:19:56They're just here to back us up, to help us. Marenzilla does not want Hatcher to get away
00:19:59And you don't think I can handle it?
00:20:02I don't remember going on this road before, Alex
00:20:05It's a new road, Mrs. Hatcher. They just put it in last year
00:20:09They're going to ruin these hills with all these new roads
00:20:13I studied the map, ma'am. And the road indeed was there, but the map was four years old
00:20:20Take my word for it, Mr. Kenny. It is a new road
00:20:30You climb the stairs without falling all over yourself
00:20:32Look, my mother told me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
00:20:35Don't say anything at all. I apologize for my rudeness
00:20:38Try not to shoot Hatcher
00:20:55These guys that you hired, are they good?
00:20:58They're the best in the business
00:21:04That's far enough
00:21:12Why are we stopping here, Alex?
00:21:14Will someone tell me what's going on?
00:21:18Why don't you tell them, Alex? Please be patient
00:21:24You want some earplugs?
00:21:26Oh, God
00:21:31Seen anything?
00:21:33Not yet
00:21:55What's going on?
00:22:26Careful. Just take it easy
00:22:55Jimmy, thank God you're alive
00:22:58I believe I am
00:23:02Get out and leave the keys
00:23:15Hello, mother
00:23:18You son of a bitch
00:23:21I'm sorry, Jimmy
00:23:23You son of a bitch
00:23:29Why, mommy, how accurate you always are
00:23:35Mr. Kenny, I presume
00:23:39Oh, I'm very pleased to meet you
00:23:44I think
00:23:53Hold it, hold it
00:23:54Do it
00:23:59Get down
00:24:23Where you are, Lise?
00:24:25But he's wounded
00:24:26Leave him alone
00:24:27He's still alive
00:24:29Now you need to be rectified
00:24:31Oh, my God
00:24:32This is the set up, my dear
00:24:33That young man was a part of it
00:24:34I suppose that's why they shot him first
00:24:36Good, Mr. Kenny
00:24:37Thank you
00:24:42All of you, friends
00:24:48Oh, my God
00:25:00That jeep's got a 50-caliber cannon mounted on it
00:25:03We haven't got a bloody chance
00:25:05So I see, but there isn't much we can do about it
00:25:08Yes, we should bloody surrender
00:25:10Good thinking, Mr. Kenny
00:25:14I've got an idea
00:25:15Come on
00:25:20I'll cover you
00:25:42I don't like being rude
00:25:44Do you fly?
00:25:46Well, I got you, don't I?
00:25:55Can you get it down?
00:25:57That's the easiest part
00:26:12Son of a bitch
00:26:43Let's get out of here
00:26:47Let's go
00:27:25Get driving
00:27:26Let go, let go
00:27:27Watch your back
00:27:37Where is he?
00:27:38Let's see
00:27:48Do it, Brody
00:27:49What the hell is that?
00:27:50Like we did in Venice
00:27:55Get him, get him
00:27:56I can't see him
00:27:58Give me a gun
00:28:07Okay, now you can see him, now kill him
00:28:10Get him, get him
00:28:11Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him
00:28:14Shoot him
00:28:18Shoot him
00:28:24We're losing power
00:28:35This is a rigid car
00:28:37Oh, I forgot
00:28:38Hold tight
00:28:46Hold tight
00:28:55I love you
00:28:59Thank you, Mr. Kenny
00:29:00I told you
00:29:01Getting it down was easy
00:29:10Oh, Kenny
00:29:12Can you help us?
00:29:18Come along, Mrs. Hatcher
00:29:20We're going to take you somewhere safe
00:29:39is dead
00:29:40I know that, mother, I can see that
00:29:42What did those men want?
00:29:44Well, they certainly didn't love me for my body
00:29:46Well, I think they did
00:29:47Tell me, James
00:29:48Here you go
00:29:49Tell you later
00:29:51Tell me now, James
00:29:53Well, it seems, mother, that they were about to kill me
00:29:56You see
00:29:57I got something that they want, and they want back
00:30:03If they can't find me, they're going to find you
00:30:04and use you to smoke me out
00:30:05And I can't have that
00:30:06James? Why didn't you tell us you were alive?
00:30:09Well, look around you, sweetheart. I think that's pretty obvious.
00:30:16Uh, Mr. Kinney.
00:30:28Guns. They give me a sort of allergy. Don't like them.
00:30:33I'm afraid the time has come for us to say goodbye.
00:30:39No! No!
00:30:41Stay out of the way, please.
00:30:43Fancy him, do you?
00:30:45He saved your life, James.
00:30:47Really? I don't seem to remember that part.
00:30:52Arrowhead is in that direction.
00:30:54It ought to take you a couple of days to walk there.
00:30:58Well, considering the alternative,
00:31:01a nice, long, brisk walk sounds lovely.
00:31:06I like your spirit.
00:31:15I'm sorry, Mr. Kinney.
00:31:17So am I.
00:31:19Do you know, I'm...
00:31:23I like looking after you.
00:31:25And you...
00:31:28Maybe with a tampon.
00:31:31Are you joining us, Lise?
00:31:33Go on.
00:31:34I hope so.
00:31:38Mr. Kinney!
00:31:40Thank you!
00:31:42Oh, God, you're welcome, Mom.
00:31:58Never got this evidence back.
00:32:02How are we?
00:32:10When you've been kidnapped, shot at,
00:32:12seen five men murdered in cold blood,
00:32:14crashed a helicopter,
00:32:16and lost your best girl all in one night,
00:32:18the only thing left to do is have a quiet drink.
00:32:21Fortunately, the bullets missed the bar.
00:32:37Hello, lads. Would you like a drink?
00:32:39Uh, brandy, whiskey, vodka, gin?
00:32:42Having a little trouble, I see.
00:32:44Flat tire, actually. Two flat tires, actually.
00:32:47Two, three, four, five.
00:32:49Jesus, World War III here.
00:32:51How'd you kill them all?
00:32:53How'd you do it, fella?
00:32:55Oh, it was easy. I just said, uh,
00:32:58and they all fell.
00:33:00This is no laughing matter.
00:33:02I know that. I didn't do it.
00:33:04Then how come you're the only one around here
00:33:06still sucking wind?
00:33:08I never thought of that.
00:33:10That's a good question.
00:33:12That's a good question indeed.
00:33:14It is.
00:33:20Adventure is not all it's cracked up to be.
00:33:23If anyone ever asks if you'd like to be a hero,
00:33:27take a piece of advice from me.
00:33:29Don't volunteer.
00:33:35Hello, Mr. Kinney.
00:33:37Hello, Mr...
00:33:47Mind signing this?
00:33:51What is it?
00:33:53It simply states that should you tell anybody
00:33:56I'm about to tell you,
00:33:58our government will prosecute you for treason.
00:34:00I can't even get a bloody work permit.
00:34:02How can they prosecute me for treason?
00:34:04Don't you want to know why you're here?
00:34:06Oh, I'd love to know why.
00:34:08Sign it.
00:34:10God bless you.
00:34:16You know who Mr. Highpoint is, don't you?
00:34:22Do you know who James Hatcher is?
00:34:24We've met.
00:34:26Mr. Highpoint and Mr. Hatcher have some money
00:34:28which belongs to us.
00:34:30Ten million.
00:34:32Several years ago,
00:34:34we initiated an operation.
00:34:36James Hatcher was part of that operation,
00:34:38entrusted with the hiring
00:34:40and payment
00:34:42of a certain organization.
00:34:46Don't tell me. Let me guess.
00:34:48And you gave him
00:34:50the ten million?
00:34:53We are all mortal, Mr. Kinney.
00:34:55We make mistakes.
00:34:57I've heard rumors to that effect.
00:34:59We wanted Mr. Hatcher to launder the money.
00:35:01Are you familiar with the term, Mr. Kinney?
00:35:03I'm familiar with the process.
00:35:05It is illegal.
00:35:07To that end,
00:35:09Mr. Hatcher was to set up a number of dummy companies.
00:35:11And he never delivered
00:35:13the money.
00:35:15Very good.
00:35:17As far as we know,
00:35:19the money is still being laundered
00:35:22by Mr. Hatcher's network of dummy companies.
00:35:24Let me guess again.
00:35:26The names and addresses of which
00:35:28are only known to him.
00:35:32Oh, I like this game.
00:35:34So, where and when
00:35:36our ten million dollars will reappear,
00:35:38only Mr. Hatcher knows for sure.
00:35:40So, before that happens,
00:35:42we want to know who Mr. Highpoint is
00:35:44and where he has our cash.
00:35:46I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you,
00:35:48Mr. Kinney.
00:35:51I'd like to know on what charges I'm being held.
00:35:53They're non-specific at present.
00:35:55But I'm sure if you come up
00:35:57with the right answers,
00:35:59they could be made non-existent.
00:36:01Otherwise, come up with a hundred thousand dollars
00:36:03that your bail has been set at.
00:36:05A hundred thousand dollars?
00:36:11Excuse me.
00:36:15I'd like to believe
00:36:17that you can't really do this to me.
00:36:20Mr. Kinney, we are the CIA.
00:36:22We can do anything.
00:36:24I was afraid
00:36:26you were going to say that.
00:36:32God bless you.
00:36:38You killed four men in cold blood
00:36:40and you don't know who they were.
00:36:44Was it four? Really?
00:36:46Oh, that had to be self-defense.
00:36:48Bastard. And the man in your corvette?
00:36:50We auditioned him for the part.
00:36:52You killed him, too?
00:36:54Oh, how do I know, baby?
00:36:56I never even met the man.
00:36:58That was always Alex's part.
00:37:00Alex always did what you told him to do.
00:37:02Yeah. I'm going to miss old Alex.
00:37:04It's so hard to find good help these days.
00:37:13What's going on?
00:37:15You just got bailed.
00:37:17Who raised you?
00:37:19Your connection.
00:37:21Oh, why do I keep forgetting my connection?
00:37:23God bless you.
00:37:25You, too.
00:37:31Somebody just sprung.
00:37:34Somebody just sprung, didn't he?
00:37:39Well, at least I'm out in the fresh air again.
00:37:41I just hope and pray
00:37:43I haven't picked up that man's cold.
00:37:45I thought they let me out
00:37:47and they'd follow me to Hatcher,
00:37:49but the joke was on them.
00:37:51And these men.
00:37:53I had no idea where I was going
00:37:55or how I was going to get there.
00:37:57But I've got to find Lee's, haven't I?
00:37:59And I've got to find her quick
00:38:01before somebody else finds me.
00:38:04Mr. Hatcher's got too many friends for my liking.
00:38:06And they're the type who always drop in
00:38:10Lord, help me!
00:38:18What are you going to do with the knife?
00:38:20I'm going to cut your sleeve.
00:38:22I can't bear to watch this.
00:38:24It'll cost me a week's salary.
00:38:26Let me roll his little sleeve up.
00:38:28You don't need the knife.
00:38:30No, I want to do this.
00:38:33Can't bear to look.
00:38:35Can't bear it.
00:38:37I don't like needles.
00:38:39Have a nice sleep.
00:38:41It's most considerate of you.
00:38:56All right, come on.
00:38:58Come on.
00:39:00Bonjour, Mr. Hatcher.
00:39:02Je veux que vous transportiez Madame directement à la clinique
00:39:04et que vous l'inscriviez sous son nom.
00:39:06Appelez-moi immédiatement si elle recevait des visiteurs.
00:39:08Je serai au Château Frontenac pendant toute la semaine.
00:39:10Je comprends parfaitement.
00:39:12Ah, oui.
00:39:14Je savais très bien que vous comprendriez.
00:39:18One more thing.
00:39:20She's under sedation. I want her kept that way.
00:39:24Where are they taking me?
00:39:26The Moreau Clinic, Mother.
00:39:31It's too late for that now.
00:39:33I want to stay with Lise and with you.
00:39:35Yes, but we're going to come see you every day, huh?
00:39:37Won't we?
00:39:41Oh, look, Mother, you're going to die unless you have this operation.
00:39:43Give it up, James.
00:39:45Give what up?
00:39:47This business of yours.
00:39:49Oh, I intend to. Very soon.
00:39:51Don't involve her, James.
00:39:53I promise.
00:39:55Don't involve her!
00:39:57I promise!
00:40:01I want to go with you, James.
00:40:07You can see her later.
00:40:09We've got business to attend to.
00:40:11Get in.
00:40:34It's imperative that we move everything ahead three days.
00:40:38Can you accommodate that?
00:40:43I'll meet you in Toronto on the fifth.
00:40:59Come on, get everything over here!
00:41:03Shake your legs!
00:41:05Come on, move it! Move it!
00:41:07We ain't got all day, you know?
00:41:09Come on, we want to bury him before he dies!
00:41:12Hey, Mac.
00:41:14Come on, give us a hand with this.
00:41:24Now, where's the funeral?
00:41:26What funeral?
00:41:28What's it to you?
00:41:32Hey, come on!
00:41:42So, uh, that somebody you know in here?
00:41:46He was a great man.
00:41:48And a good father.
00:42:12Welcome to New York, Mr. Kinney.
00:42:30Where is he?
00:42:34Mr. Jimmy Attenborough.
00:42:36You didn't bring me all this way in a coffin
00:42:38just to ask me that.
00:42:40You want a cup of coffee or something?
00:42:42Your throat seems a little dry.
00:42:48You worked for his mother, didn't you?
00:42:50For a while, yes.
00:42:52And you never met the man?
00:42:56Yes, I have. I met him.
00:43:00Well, that's, you don't mind me saying,
00:43:02very easy for you to say.
00:43:04Oh, yes.
00:43:06It's what you English call peachy.
00:43:09Um, excuse me, Mr. Maranzella.
00:43:11How do I fit into all of this?
00:43:13Bear with me for a moment, Mr. Kinney.
00:43:15I will get to that.
00:43:17But first, I tell you a little story.
00:43:19A couple of years ago,
00:43:21this Mr. Jimmy Hatcher makes contact to us.
00:43:23He wants us to do a job for him
00:43:25for the, um,
00:43:27company he represents.
00:43:29The CIA?
00:43:31Oh, you know already.
00:43:33So, we get a contract
00:43:35to do a job.
00:43:38What kind of job?
00:43:40A hit.
00:43:42A hit?
00:43:44A big hit.
00:43:48What's he saying?
00:43:52Bloody hell.
00:43:54I thought he was an ally
00:43:56of the United States.
00:43:58I know, it's terrible, it's disgusting
00:44:00the way they treat their friends,
00:44:02but business is business.
00:44:04Anyway, after all of this,
00:44:07the guy goes and gets himself
00:44:11Well, I never heard.
00:44:13How bloody thoughtless of him.
00:44:15Where is he now?
00:44:17Who knows? Who cares?
00:44:19But no hit, no deal.
00:44:21And now, they want the money back.
00:44:23And I want the man.
00:44:25Mr. Jimmy Hatcher
00:44:27gets a little greedy.
00:44:29He takes the money
00:44:31and he sends it back to the laundry.
00:44:33He wants to keep it
00:44:36to himself.
00:44:38I don't know where he is.
00:44:42Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:44We are friends, Mr. Kinney.
00:44:46I am the man who put up
00:44:48100 G's just so you could
00:44:50see New York.
00:44:52Those CIA clowns would have
00:44:54kept you on ice for good.
00:44:56And all I am asking, Mr. Kinney,
00:44:58is that you find
00:45:00Mr. Jimmy Hatcher for me.
00:45:02Maybe it will come to you soon,
00:45:04I hope so, because you have
00:45:06one week to find him.
00:45:10the ones with business to settle
00:45:12will be you and me.
00:45:14Okay? Okay.
00:45:20Give Mr. Kinney
00:45:22a little expense money.
00:45:36I could find
00:45:38happy bloodiness.
00:45:40And Falco and Santino
00:45:42are going to take you out to
00:45:44Bloomingdale's to get you
00:45:46some new clothes.
00:45:48You can't go around like that.
00:45:54I want something in tweed.
00:45:56I want something in tweed.
00:45:58How much is it?
00:46:02There's no way we're going to
00:46:04spend $500 on a suit.
00:46:06Right, I feel comfortable in tweed.
00:46:08That's not the point.
00:46:10Let me wear what I want to wear, for God's sake.
00:46:12Why don't you get something in nice cotton?
00:46:16Oh, I think you've gone too far
00:46:18this time. He didn't really mean that.
00:46:20What about something in a nice,
00:46:22tactful apology?
00:46:24He's sorry.
00:46:26Gentlemen, the tweeds are this way,
00:46:28if you will follow me.
00:46:30I'm sorry. Get your hands off me.
00:46:32You all right?
00:46:44They awake up in four hours
00:46:46with thundering hangovers.
00:46:50You shouldn't have left our protection,
00:46:52Mr. Kinnick.
00:46:54Now, let's see.
00:46:56What is it you want?
00:46:58The tweed, right?
00:47:00Forget about the tweed.
00:47:02Now, I've had it with your damn nonsense and bloody games.
00:47:04Where is he, Mr. Kinnick?
00:47:06Where is he exactly?
00:47:08I don't bloody exactly know where he is.
00:47:10But what I do exactly know is this,
00:47:12that if you and them keep following him,
00:47:14some innocent people are going to get hurt.
00:47:16No, innocent people get hurt every day.
00:47:18It's an unavoidable fact of life.
00:47:20Oh, I like unavoidable things.
00:47:29Oscar Dulles.
00:47:31Oscar Dulles.
00:47:57This way.
00:48:02Where is he?
00:48:04Where's who?
00:48:06Check the back.
00:48:08Who are you?
00:48:12We paid that bill.
00:48:14Unlock it.
00:48:16Mother of flowers.
00:48:18Let's go.
00:48:32Welcome, sinners.
00:48:34Damn it all.
00:48:36Where are you, Mr. Kinnick?
00:48:38All right.
00:48:50Let's see here.
00:48:57What the hell?
00:48:59Where are you going?
00:49:01Got to be this way.
00:49:03It's got to be this way.
00:49:05This way.
00:49:09Get out of here.
00:49:16Come on.
00:49:30Excuse me.
00:49:32You wouldn't mind asking me in, would you?
00:49:34Oh, not at all.
00:49:36You were just thinking of going out to the hall to change anyway.
00:49:39Oh, right.
00:49:41Thank you.
00:49:43You're not obliged.
00:49:45Would you mind?
00:49:47I've got pickles.
00:49:51Thank you.
00:49:53Well, it's been fun.
00:49:55Carry on.
00:49:58Is it any time?
00:50:06A man answering Kinnick's description board at 955 Quebec City.
00:50:11Let's go.
00:50:17I remembered that Mrs. Hatcher was supposed to go to the Moreau Clinic in Quebec.
00:50:30I didn't know whether she'd be there or not, but it was the only lead I had.
00:50:34A white coat, a stethoscope, and a smile to the right nurse got me the room number.
00:50:38It looked as if my look might be changing.
00:50:48Look there.
00:51:00Mr. Kinnick.
00:51:06How on earth did you find me?
00:51:09Oh, with great difficulty.
00:51:11He has her with him, Mr. Kinnick.
00:51:16He's going to use her to finish that business of his.
00:51:21He'll destroy her as he's destroyed everything else in his life.
00:51:29I'll find him, Mrs. Hatcher.
00:51:32They're in Quebec City, at the Chateau Frontenac.
00:51:46Mr. Kinnick.
00:52:06That man.
00:52:09Who is it?
00:52:10Why, that's a chamber, madame.
00:52:13Is there any room service?
00:52:22Kinnick, it is you.
00:52:24Well, I'm not somebody else.
00:52:26How do you like my French?
00:52:28My beautiful, wonderful Englishman.
00:52:30Come on, we haven't got any time.
00:52:32Oh, I know.
00:52:35You can't stay, Kinnick.
00:52:37He'll be back any minute.
00:52:39You're leaving?
00:52:40We're flying to Toronto.
00:52:41Why Toronto?
00:52:42He's supposed to meet somebody there.
00:52:43He's supposed to give us something.
00:52:46I appoint.
00:53:04They've been making arrangements for a week.
00:53:06We're supposed to meet somewhere in Toronto.
00:53:10I missed you.
00:53:12I missed you, too.
00:53:13I said it first.
00:53:23Oh, hi.
00:53:26Oh, he just went up.
00:53:28What goes up has got to come down.
00:53:30When he does, come down on him.
00:53:35Well, in that case, you can call me Lewis.
00:53:42Now, isn't that sweet?
00:53:44What a darling name.
00:53:47So we meet yet again, Mr. Kinnick.
00:53:50Sorry, Lewis.
00:53:52It's always such a pleasant surprise.
00:53:55What a pity it has to be under such poignant circumstances.
00:54:00Oh, you bastard.
00:54:02You cold-blooded bastard.
00:54:04Now, now, now.
00:54:05Tut, tut.
00:54:06Leave her alone.
00:54:07She loves me.
00:54:08And, uh, they're on to you, you know, Hatcher.
00:54:11Oh, no.
00:54:12Are they really?
00:54:13Oh, yes, really.
00:54:14And, you know, you've made quite a few friends in your very short career.
00:54:19Oh, isn't that nice?
00:54:20You think they'll miss me when I'm gone?
00:54:22Oh, I don't think so.
00:54:24But they will hunt you down and run you to the ground.
00:54:27You know, it is so sad that you've turned out to be such a poor judge of character, Mr. Kinnick.
00:54:32You've got to realize, you see, that their tactics are not exactly what you might call brilliant.
00:54:37And it's a big world, Mr. Kinnick.
00:54:40And when they've worked it all out, if they ever do, I shall be long gone, sir.
00:54:44Long gone.
00:54:47Well, little sister, who's it to be?
00:54:49Him or me?
00:54:50He or I?
00:54:52You can't push me around anymore.
00:54:55You mean, this is goodbye?
00:54:57Oh, mais je déteste les adieux.
00:55:00What does that mean?
00:55:02Adieu, Jimmy.
00:55:04Jimmy, I never want to see you again.
00:55:08Very well, if you insist.
00:55:15I don't suppose, I mean...
00:55:17I mean, you're...
00:55:18You're not dumb enough to fall for that old, look out behind your back gag.
00:55:23But, uh...
00:55:25Look out behind your back gag.
00:55:55Well, who's...
00:55:56Whose bloody side are you on?
00:55:58Are you all right, Lewis?
00:56:00Well, come on.
00:56:01We've got to get him.
00:56:05Damn it.
00:56:07Stairs, go on.
00:56:11Bonjour, monsieur.
00:56:20Come on.
00:56:30Take the other elevator, please. This man is ill.
00:56:35Get an ambulance, quickly.
00:56:43You have to speak French here.
00:56:45What does that mean?
00:56:47What does that mean?
00:56:49Take your hands off.
00:56:51I'll break your...
00:56:55I'll break your...
00:56:56Break my what?
00:56:57Oh, okay. Okay?
00:57:01Oh, there he is. Hurry!
00:57:09Oh, I'm sorry!
00:57:11I'm so sorry!
00:57:12Why, did you get away from there?
00:57:14I don't know, sir.
00:57:15Are you going to be all right?
00:57:25Get away!
00:57:26Get a word up!
00:57:27And he's distracted!
00:57:28Oh, I'm sorry.
00:57:29What are you doing?
00:57:30I'm sorry. I don't mean it.
00:57:35That's what you're doing!
00:57:39Too far!
00:57:57I hope you know what you're doing.
00:57:59I'm afraid I don't.
00:58:12If you want your car, get out of the way!
00:58:15Get out of it!
00:58:19Hold it!
00:58:30What did you drive like a maniac for?
00:58:32You were driving and you distracted me with that car!
00:58:34You don't even know who was driving!
00:58:37You were driving the car!
00:58:39I was not!
00:58:46Get in!
00:58:59Get out of the way!
00:59:29Get out of the way!
00:59:53Get out of the way!
01:00:00Get out of the way!
01:00:02Go! Go!
01:00:06Go! Go!
01:00:59I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you.
01:01:29Do a brownie! Do a brownie!
01:01:59Do a brownie!
01:02:25Do a brownie!
01:02:45This is our operation, Maranzo, so just stay out of it.
01:03:05Here, you've got no jurisdiction, Mr. Banner.
01:03:07We are the CIA. We have jurisdiction everywhere.
01:03:11Oh? Tell that to the Mounties. You owe me a paint job.
01:03:18If I see you in Toronto...
01:03:23Hey, Tony! Hey, Falco Santino! What are you doing talking to those guys?
01:03:26Hey, come on, you! Come on, we go! We go! Come on!
01:03:32Hey! You, shrimp, out!
01:03:48Uh, where are we going to now?
01:03:52What street is that on?
01:03:57You're good boys. I'll get you a delicatessen, okay?
01:04:01Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
01:04:18You know something?
01:04:20Patcher's right.
01:04:24They'll never catch him.
01:04:27And if they don't catch him...
01:04:30They're going to come looking for me, because they want to scapegoat.
01:04:35And I'll fit the bill right and nicely.
01:04:38No. No, Lewis, I want to go somewhere. I want to go anyplace.
01:04:42Someplace where they won't find us.
01:04:44Oh, they're very good at finding people, but they're no bloody good at catching them.
01:04:48We find High Point, we find the money.
01:04:50Find High Point, and we find Hatcher.
01:04:59In preparation for landing, please extinguish your cigarettes,
01:05:02and place your chair and table in the upright position,
01:05:05and ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened.
01:05:08The temperature in Toronto is a lovely 80 degrees,
01:05:11and if you look out the windows on the left,
01:05:13you'll see the plant of the world's tallest free-standing structure.
01:05:17The world's bloody tallest structure. Wow.
01:05:21What are we looking for?
01:05:29High Point.
01:05:32They're meeting in Toronto. That's what Lee said.
01:05:36And this was High Point. What else could it be?
01:05:47I knew if I figured it out, Banner and Maranzella wouldn't be far behind.
01:06:09They were incompetent, but they weren't stupid.
01:06:12I could have used their help, but if Jimmy Hatcher saw a reception committee waiting for him,
01:06:16he'd never show his face. There'd be no Jimmy Hatcher, no $10 million, and no me.
01:06:21I had to send them on a wild goose chase. Boy, it's alone.
01:06:36They're here.
01:06:37All right. I'm on my way up.
01:06:40All right.
01:07:11Don't push.
01:07:32Come on, lady, open the door. Come on.
01:07:48Good day, Mr. Banner.
01:07:56I'll be letting everyone off at the indoor observation level.
01:07:59That's a height of 1136 feet or 346 meters above Toronto.
01:08:08Lace. Lace.
01:08:10They're on their way up.
01:08:12No, I'm afraid.
01:08:14Nothing to be afraid of.
01:08:15I'm not afraid for me. I'm afraid for you.
01:08:18Don't worry. Don't forget the Ferris wheel.
01:08:20I don't know. Who do I pick?
01:08:22A man with a briefcase, a big one.
01:08:28Go on.
01:08:30Lewis, if you get shot, killed, I'm never going to speak to you again.
01:08:35Well, just for that, you can call me Mr. Kinney again.
01:08:38Go on.
01:08:40Mr. Kinney.
01:08:42I love you.
01:08:44Go on.
01:08:53Oh, excuse me.
01:08:56I seem to have something in my eye.
01:08:58You do?
01:08:59The right one.
01:09:06Oh, I love your teeth.
01:09:11They're just so rectangular.
01:09:14Yes, I know.
01:09:17Your place or mine.
01:09:19I said, your place or mine.
01:09:24Have you got a car?
01:09:26Yes, I have a limousine downstairs.
01:09:28A limousine.
01:09:30Oh, you mad, impetuous fool.
01:09:32I've always wanted a limousine with a man who had teeth exactly like yours.
01:09:36What are they doing out there?
01:09:41The decoys.
01:09:42I'll find out, boss.
01:09:43Who's your dentist?
01:09:45Leave them.
01:09:46They're idiots.
01:09:48Let's go.
01:09:50Oh, no.
01:09:52Get the other one.
01:09:55Come on, come on.
01:10:00Get in.
01:10:04Why do you have your jacket on?
01:10:06Well, I was going to take it off.
01:10:07Well, take it off now.
01:10:11I mean, you're really...
01:10:16How are we going to get out of here?
01:10:17Okay, just relax.
01:10:18Take it easy.
01:10:23Madman, where have you been all my life?
01:10:25I was in a business meeting upstairs and I was just...
01:10:27Business meeting?
01:10:29I love men with power.
01:10:31Straighten up now.
01:10:32No, no, no.
01:10:33Leave it.
01:10:34Leave it.
01:10:35Leave it.
01:10:37I love it like that.
01:10:38You do?
01:10:39It's so animal.
01:10:40It's so savage.
01:10:42So Tarzan.
01:10:47No, no, no.
01:10:48Not here.
01:10:49Not here.
01:10:50Not here.
01:11:09It's right over there.
01:11:14Get out of here.
01:11:16Go away.
01:11:26Get out of the way.
01:11:27Get out of the way.
01:11:29We're winning.
01:11:35Just look out.
01:11:36Nice view.
01:11:38Oh, God.
01:11:39Waiting for something.
01:12:00I think I need some air.
01:12:16So do I.
01:12:20Keep your eyes on the goddamn road.
01:12:25I know this sounds like a cliche, but my wife doesn't understand me.
01:12:31Oh, my husband doesn't understand me either.
01:12:34You're married?
01:12:37He's a tackle for the L.A. Rams.
01:12:45He's a brute.
01:12:47Is he in town?
01:12:51He's following us.
01:12:56Oh, no.
01:13:02He's in town with the team?
01:13:05Oh, my God.
01:13:12Yeah, come on.
01:13:16Come on, you guys.
01:13:17Let's move it.
01:13:18All right.
01:13:19Get him out, get him out, come on!
01:13:20This is no play around, come on!
01:13:21Get him out of the car, come on!
01:13:22There, I'll blow your head off!
01:13:23Come on, come on, come on, come on!
01:13:24Yes, yes, yes, yes, we have him!
01:13:27I'll go to the trunk.
01:13:28Don't hit me in the face, huh?
01:13:39I think we'd better get out of here.
01:13:40No, no, not yet.
01:13:41Why not?
01:13:42There's something important.
01:13:45High point, high point.
01:13:46Don't make any sudden movements.
01:13:48Where is it?
01:13:50The 10 million.
01:13:51Look, I've got a wife and two children.
01:13:53Where is Hatcher?
01:13:54Look, I've never played around in my whole life, I swear.
01:13:56I've never done anything like this.
01:13:57You are a clown, you don't know anything.
01:13:59Where is he, Miss Hatcher?
01:14:01I haven't the slightest.
01:14:14Come on, get in!
01:14:16Come on, get in!
01:14:20Well, get me a valium.
01:14:42Okay, wash a little, the window.
01:14:44Where's he going?
01:14:45Let's get out of here, it's Hatcher.
01:14:47All right, go, go!
01:14:48Which way, which way?
01:14:49Come on, we've got to get out of here.
01:15:06Excuse me.
01:15:15Somebody get a doctor!
01:15:16Somebody get a doctor!
01:15:22Quick, we've got him, we've got him, we've got him!
01:15:29Okay, here, look, we're coming to the window.
01:15:31We're coming to the window, we're coming to the window.
01:15:45Come on!
01:15:53Hey, who the hell are you?
01:15:54You can't come in here!
01:16:07I swear to God, this thing is locked!
01:16:09Mr. Joe, come on, get out of here.
01:16:10All right, just a moment.
01:16:11It's okay, it's just locked.
01:16:12Come on!
01:16:14Which way did he go?
01:16:15Look on your left.
01:16:18Thank you.
01:16:20Run, run, run!
01:16:21Which way?
01:16:22I'm going that way.
01:16:23We'll go around the other way.
01:16:24What is wrong with you?
01:16:25If we follow the light, we won't die!
01:16:26If we follow the light, we won't die!
01:17:35It's okay, there's a door around the other side.
01:17:37I'm going that way.
01:17:38It's okay, there's a door around the other side.
01:17:40I'm going that way.
01:17:41I'm going that way.
01:17:42I'm going that way.
01:17:43It's okay, there's a door around the other side, I'm sure!
01:17:45Come on with that!
01:17:46I'm doing okay, will you don't push me, all right?
01:17:48Okay, okay.
01:17:49Don't lurch it, don't lurch it!
01:17:51I'm not lurching, I'm not lurching!
01:17:53You did that, you lurched!
01:17:54Believe me, believe me, this thing is very safe!
01:20:13Come on, let's go.
01:20:43Come on, let's go.
01:21:13Come on, let's go.
01:21:43I'm coming.
01:21:49You know, Mr. Kinney, I hate goodbyes.
01:22:13Well, believe it or not, that's the end of my story.
01:22:22And I'm right back where I started.
01:22:24Except I'm in love with the bird with very expensive tastes.
01:22:29Hatcher's pushing up daisies.
01:22:31This time, there's no mistake about it.
01:22:34The CIA got the ten million.
01:22:36Maranzella got his ten percent.
01:22:38And the two goons got their deli.
01:22:41And I got the girl.
01:22:43Nice and neat, just like in the movies.
01:22:49Oh, you're safe and sound and absolutely beautiful.
01:23:00I have two tickets for the Ferris wheel.
01:23:03Shall we?
01:23:06Listen, if I marry her, I might get me world permit.
01:23:15And in case you're interested, we lived happily ever after.
01:23:35THE END
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