Sueños de libertad - 96

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Sueños de libertad - 96
00:30Personnel vuestra negativa ya puedo llamar la abuela
00:33Papá no me dejo cuando yo creo que mejor todavía me ha gustado tenerte cerca y
00:39Que me he sentido muy cómodo en esa relación que manteníamos
00:42Yo también hasta que conocí la verdad
00:44Lo único que te puedo decir es que andrés y yo estamos preocupados por ti
00:48Yo sé dichos a la saciedad que estoy bien estoy moviendo mis hilos para que te puedan ofrecer
00:52El destino que elijas es que yo no le he pedido que haga eso por mí
00:55Antes de colgar me ha confesado que no puede dejar de pensar en mí y a ti no te parece raro
01:01que alguien se enamore de mí un valentín maría
01:10Que es lo que le quita el sueño a damián de la reina
01:15Pues que va a ser lo de siempre la fábrica
01:28Los de libertad
01:30Vivir de otra manera
01:33alas para volar
01:35donde el alma quiera sueños de libertad el corazón no espera está pidiendo otra
01:46Sueños de libertad aunque el pasado duela volver a comenzar
01:52amar a quien yo quiera
01:54Gritarles mi verdad vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:17Sueños de libertad
02:24Sueños de libertad
02:39Buenos días
02:42Qué haces aquí tan temprano
02:45No has dormido nada verdad has estado toda la noche de aquí para allá
02:50Pero no ha sido molestado es que estaba pendiente de mi madre me preocupa
02:57Como está
02:58pues le acabo de mirar la atención y la tiene bien pero ella está como
03:02como intranquila no sé
03:04Bueno supongo que la pobre mujer en su estado pues tendrá días buenos y días menos buenos
03:10sí lo sé pero se supone que para eso está aquí no para que los días malos sean los menos posibles
03:14Esas flores
03:16Las escogí ayer para ella
03:18Las estoy limpiando para subirse las entro un rato
03:20Si quieres se las subo yo y así la saludo
03:24Seguro que le encantan
03:26De nada mujer
03:28De todos modos creo que deberías dormir más
03:30Te recuerdo que tú también estás convaleciente
03:32No yo ya estoy mucho mejor
03:34Y además me siento mejor
03:36Me siento mejor
03:38Me siento mejor
03:40Me siento mejor
03:42Mucho mejor
03:44Y además no me importa pasar todo mi tiempo con mi madre
03:46Ese es otro de los motivos por los que está en casa
03:50Pero tienes que cuidarte más Begoña
03:52No sé
03:54No creo que tengas que estar
03:56Desviviéndote de esta manera en sus cuidados
03:58Jesús es mi madre
04:00Sí es tu madre
04:02Pero no creo que sea necesario
04:04Estar levantándote cada dos horas para ir a verla
04:06Como tampoco creo que era necesario
04:08El anular la cena de anoche
04:10No sé solo por estar con ella
04:14Ya veo por donde vas
04:16A ti lo que te molesta
04:18Es que vele por alguien que no seas tú
04:22Pero que no estoy hablando de mi estoy hablando de ti
04:24Vaya eso sí que es una sorpresa
04:26Te lo digo en serio Begoña
04:28Yo entiendo que te preocupes por tu madre
04:30Faltaría más
04:32Pero tenemos un médico en casa
04:34Y si vives pendiente del más mínimo síntoma
04:36En su estado
04:38Es que me da igual Jesús
04:40Me da igual porque esa vida de la que hablas
04:42Me la ha dado ella
04:44Y cuidarla me parece la mejor manera de agradecerse
04:46Y yo te aplaudo por ello y por eso la traje a esta casa
04:48Pero para cuidarla como se merece
04:50Primero debes cuidarte tú y no lo estás haciendo
04:52Es que no la entiendo
04:54Tanto te molesta que haya anulado esa maldita cena
04:56Y dale con la cena pero que no es por eso
04:58Y lo sabes
05:00No lo sé Jesús no lo sé porque contigo nunca sea que tenerme
05:02Escúchame Bego
05:04El destino me ha dado una segunda oportunidad
05:06Y yo voy a compartir mi vida con mi madre
05:08Y ni tú ni una cena ni mil noches en vela
05:10Van a impedir que lo haga
05:12Así que apúntatelo en la agenda
05:14Begoña no te vayas
05:26Te estás vistiendo
05:28¿A dónde te crees que vas?
05:30Se supone que tienes que estar haciendo reposo
05:32Por favor, ¿le parece poco reposo el tiempo que he estado posturado en este colchón?
05:36Lo importante es que no vuelvas a caer enfermo
05:38Y para eso tienes que tomarte las cosas con calma
05:40Me encuentro muy bien Damián
05:42Y con ganas de disfrutar de la vida
05:44Si me quedo un minuto más en esta habitación caigo en una depresión
05:48Tú nunca has sido de quedarte todo el día mirando a las musarañas
05:50Por favor, no me diga eso
05:52Que el tiempo que he pasado esta semana en esta cama
05:54Las he visto a todas
05:56Incluso les he puesto el nombre propio
05:58Genio de figura Isidro
06:00Sí señor
06:02Espero que sea de aquí a mucho tiempo
06:04Eso esperamos todos
06:06Y parece que gracias a Dios va a ser así
06:08No, no Damián
06:10No sé qué te importancia
06:12Gracias a Dios, a los doctores ingleses
06:14Y a usted que ha corrido con todos los gastos
06:16Sin duda es
06:18El dinero mejor empleado de mi vida
06:22Gracias otra vez
06:24Y siento decirle que tampoco se borran mi sueldo
06:26Porque estoy dispuesto
06:28Para trabajar en cuanto usted disponga
06:30¿En serio quieres volver a trabajar ya?
06:32Bueno no lo digo hoy mismo evidentemente
06:34Ni que despida inmediatamente
06:36A mi sustituto
06:38Pero usted ya me entiende
06:40Bueno ese no es problema Isidro
06:42Tassio ya
06:44Ha vuelto a su antiguo puesto en la fábrica
06:48Ese pequeño desencuentro
06:50Ha ido a mayores
06:52Intenté convencerle de que estoy encantado
06:54De tenerle de chofer
06:56Y que valoraba mucho
06:58Los momentos que estábamos pasando juntos
07:00Y ni así lo puedo convencerle
07:02Incluso le pedí disculpas
07:04Por haber estado ausente en su vida
07:06Y le di una ayuda económica
07:10¿Le dio dinero a Tassio?
07:12Sí, el suficiente para que pueda vivir
07:14Desahogadamente con su familia
07:16Los próximos años
07:18¿Y cómo reaccionó? ¿Se lo tomó bien?
07:20Cuando vio el sobre lleno de billetes
07:22Se quedó de piedra
07:24¿No le dijo nada?
07:32Ese chico es bastante orgulloso
07:34Lo sabe, ¿verdad?
07:36Sí que lo es
07:38¿Y Isidro crees?
07:40¿Crees que hice bien?
07:42¿Que hice mal?
07:46Para usted el dinero tiene el valor que tiene
07:48Eso Tassio lo sabe
07:50Yo soy
07:52Yo soy más de su condición, ¿me entiende?
07:54Puede que ese gesto
07:56Él no lo entendiera
07:58¿Qué quieres decir?
08:00Que puede haber pensado
08:02Que estoy intentando comprarle por los años perdidos
08:04Pues puede que lo viera, sí
08:06El dinero es algo frío
08:08Sin cariño, sin
08:10Sin reconocimiento
08:12Que tengo la sensación de que es lo que está buscando
08:14Isidro, yo a ese chico le puedo dar lo que le puedo dar
08:16Apenas nos conocemos
08:18No esperará que le presente ahora a la familia
08:20Así por las buenas
08:22Yo ese dinero que le di
08:24Fue con buena intención
08:26Ahora va a tener un hijo
08:28Y quería tener con él un detalle
08:30Bueno, pues si lo acepto, sí
08:32Puede que lo entendiera, sí
08:36La que no para de hacer preguntas es digna
08:38Y creo que en eso tienes tú bastante que ver
08:44¿Qué quieres saber?
08:46¿Qué va a ser?
08:48Pues el gran secreto que tú le dijiste
08:50Que oculto
08:52Damián, usted sabe que aprecia mucho Digna
08:54Lo sé
08:56Y también sé que cuando uno está en lo que cree
08:58Que es su lecho de muerte
09:00Y te lo digo por experiencia, dice muchas cosas
09:02De las que luego se arrepiente
09:04Por eso no te lo tengo en cuenta
09:06Mire, yo nunca quise ponerle a malas con Digna
09:08Pero entienda que me sentí obligado
09:10A advertirla
09:12Pero si yo no estoy a malas con Digna
09:14¿Qué va?
09:16De hecho me ha abierto su corazón de una manera
09:18Que no lo había hecho nunca
09:20¿Y eso le molesta?
09:22No, al contrario, me hace sentir bien
09:24Esa cercanía, hasta me ilusiona
09:26Bueno, entonces ¿cuál es el problema?
09:28El problema es que
09:30Hay algo que la frena
09:32Y ese algo
09:34Me temo
09:36Que tiene que ver
09:38Con ese gran secreto
09:40Que cree que oculto
09:44Pues eso tiene una solución
09:46Es sencilla
09:48Sea sincero con ella
09:50Sobre todo si ese secreto
09:52Que oculta
09:54Tiene que ver con
09:56Con lo que a ella más le atormenta
09:58Su hijo, Valentín
10:04Hay cosas que es mejor guardar
10:06En una caja y tirar la llave
10:08Porque sacarlas a la luz
10:10Solo puede causar dolor
10:16En la tienda de donde has salido
10:18Me han confirmado que te apellidas
10:22Y que no eres prima de María
10:24Sino su sirvienta
10:28Veo que te has tomado muchas malestias
10:30Para humillarme
10:32No, Gemma, yo no quiero humillarte
10:34Yo solo quiero decirte que me gustas tal y como eres
10:36Gemma, te acabo de decir
10:38Que no me importa que no seas de alta alcurnia
10:40Tanto investigar y no has descubierto
10:42Lo más importante
10:44Que soy una mujer casada
10:46Ya ves que lo nuestro no puede ser
10:48Así que por favor, deja de seguirme
10:50Gemma, Gemma, ya, ya
10:52Ay, perdón
10:54Ay, lo siento, por favor, que desastre
10:56No, no, no pasa nada
10:58Déjame que te ayude
11:00Voy enseguida a la cocina por una balleta y un poco de jabón
11:02No, no, no hace falta
11:04Mira, si ya casi está
11:08No hay de que
11:10Yo soy bueno con las manchas de vino
11:12Yo soy bueno con las manchas de vino
11:14Así que si me necesitas, avísame
11:20Cariño, ¿cómo estás?
11:22¿Qué tal? ¿Has pasado la noche?
11:26No, no, no te acerques
11:28Me he pasado la noche tosiendo
11:30No termino de recuperarme
11:34Saludemos a Jaime y...
11:36No, no, no
11:38Un buen café y unas pastas, seguro que se me pasan
11:40Bueno, Felipe, entre tiempo
11:42Bueno, pues acaso, voy a ver si todavía está en casa
11:44No, no, no, de verdad que no
11:46Pero María, que no cuesta nada decírselo
11:48No me digas que tienes miedo a los médicos
11:52No, no, no, claro que no
11:54Pero Jaime no está para estas cosas
11:56Tiene mucho trabajo en el dispensario
11:58No hay que molestarle por una tontería así
12:00Tonterías, María, pero si estás embarazada
12:02Yo noto mi cuerpo
12:04Y sé que no es grave
12:06De verdad, se me pasará pronto, no insistas
12:08Se acerca no te cae nadie
12:10Mira, hacemos una cosa
12:12A ver cómo paso el día hoy
12:14Y si por la noche no me encuentro mejor, pues llamamos al doctor, ¿te parece?
12:16De acuerdo
12:18Pero la mínima y mínima fiebre, avísale
12:20Sea lo que sea
12:22Te lo prometo
12:24No se preocupe, que yo cuido de ella
12:26Gracias, Gemma
12:28Yo ahora tengo que irme
12:32María, conmigo puedes ahorrarte el paripé y la tos
12:34Que sé que estás perfectamente
12:38Gemma, ya sé que es muy pueril la excusa
12:42¿No sabes la vergüenza que me da haber llegado a este extremo?
12:46Ayer tuve que fingir
12:48Me siento tan culpable
12:50De verdad, solo espero
12:52Que tus mentiras no se vuelvan en tu contra
12:54Como me ha pasado a mí
12:56¿Estás pensando en acudir a la cita?
12:58La verdad es que...
13:00Gemma, que ese hombre es un loco
13:02¿No le tembló el pulso para llamar aquí?
13:04Es un sinvergüenza saber lo que quiere de ti
13:06Pues precisamente eso es lo que me tiene más escamada
13:08Que necesito averiguarlo, María
13:10Gemma, te tiene donde quiere
13:12No te das cuenta
13:14Y te digo yo que ese hombre no trama nada bueno
13:26¿Y Joaquín?
13:28¿No sospecha nada?
13:30Claro que no, por Dios
13:32No ha dicho nada
13:34Gemma, ¿cuánto tiempo piensas seguir ocultándose?
13:36Por favor, María, deja de agobiarme
13:38Y si hablamos de ocultar cosas al marido
13:40Pues tampoco eres ejemplo de nada
13:44Pues por eso te lo digo, Gemma
13:46Porque yo ya no estoy a tiempo
13:48De dar marcha atrás con toda esta locura
13:50Solo necesito quedarme embarazada
13:52Cuanto antes
13:54Pero tú estás a tiempo de que esto quede en nada
13:56¿Por qué no aprovechas la oportunidad?
14:00Quizás tengas razón, está bien
14:06No tengo hambre
14:08Subo arriba
14:10Estaré todo el día en el dormitorio
14:12No solo tengo que fingir delante de Andrés
14:14Sino delante de toda la casa
14:36Carmen, ¿Tú sabes dónde está la sala de baño?
14:40¡Carmen! ¡Por Dios!
14:42¿Que si sabes donde está la sala de baño?
14:44¿Un momento?
14:52Here they are.
14:53They could have been hiding.
14:56What's wrong?
14:58The student from Valencia says she's arrived.
15:02Are you okay?
15:03Yes, I am.
15:05Estasio is fine.
15:07And that?
15:08What's wrong with him?
15:10Well, I don't know. Claudia is very weird.
15:12I'm just telling you that she has left the job of driver with Don Damián.
15:16Don't tell me.
15:17But besides, if suddenly we go from one day to another.
15:21Did he explain to you why?
15:23He has given me reasons, but they have sounded like excuses.
15:28I don't know. What did he tell you, Carmen?
15:31That it wasn't a job for him.
15:33And that he wants to break up with everything.
15:35With the company, with the factory, with the job, with everything.
15:38But how is that going to be, Carmen?
15:39He promised me he was going to take care of the boy.
15:41Yeah, well, I told him.
15:42That he's about to be a father and that it's not an adventure.
15:46Very well said, Carmen.
15:49If he doesn't like the job as a driver, well, let him get his job back at the factory.
15:54What did he tell you?
15:56At least yesterday he went to talk to Joaquín to ask for another job.
16:02But I don't know, Claudia.
16:03This morning he got up like a monster.
16:05He told me to move on.
16:07That he wanted to be alone to think.
16:10Think about what?
16:12Well, I don't know.
16:14Claudia, if it's for the life of a married man.
16:17That he misses his hangings and his bachelor stuff.
16:21No way.
16:22If you've been married like who says two days.
16:24Yeah, but like he's always been a virgin diva.
16:27Well, maybe now every day he finds the same boring.
16:32Look, I don't know, Claudia.
16:33All I know is that he has me with open arms.
16:35No, I'm not surprised, Carmen.
16:44Are you crazy?
16:45How dare you call the house of the queen?
16:47Because I couldn't wait any longer.
16:49I need to talk to you.
16:50Well, tell me what you have to tell me and leave me alone.
16:53I have to get back to my work quickly.
16:56Gemma, would you like to be the lady you've been all this time?
17:00Without having to pretend?
17:02But what do you say?
17:04Come with me, Gemma.
17:06Let me give you the life you deserve, by my side.
17:08I'm a married woman, Ernesto.
17:12And with your class and your position,
17:14could you have any good family girl at your feet?
17:17But I don't want anyone but you.
17:19But don't insist.
17:21I really don't understand how he could hit you so hard
17:23for a nobody like me.
17:25I really don't understand.
17:26Love is not understood.
17:28Love is lived.
17:31You're not fooling me, are you?
17:33I brought you this. You left it in the kitchen.
17:35Thank you, my love.
17:36Whenever I feel like it,
17:37in the end I have to ask Claudia for money for the coffee.
17:40Well, I have to go. I have to work.
17:44I'm sorry, my son.
17:45I want to tell you something.
17:47Well, tell me.
17:48Look, I know there's a lot left for the baby to be born and all that,
17:52I had thought that...
17:54I had thought that...
17:55I had thought that...
17:56I had thought that...
17:57I had thought that...
17:58I had thought that...
17:59I had thought that...
18:00I had thought that...
18:01I had thought that...
18:02I had thought that,
18:03vertex if you don't mind,
18:04that Mateo is the one who will baptice him...
18:07Yes, he's going to stay here
18:09at the factory with Don Agustin.
18:13I think it's fine. I have no problem.
18:17Well, I was just asking,
18:18because I don't know if Don Damien is going
18:20to kill him if he isn't the Don Agustin
18:22he's in charge of.
18:23Don Damien can say whatever he wants.
18:25At the end of the day, he won't be the godfather.
18:28But how will you throw that out of the window, Tassio?
18:31Look, he's getting angry for a reason.
18:33Well, I don't want my son to get together with a millionaire and a hypocrite.
18:37Son, look, let's see if it makes it clear to you, because until yesterday you were defending him to death.
18:41Until yesterday? You said it.
18:43Carmen, I'm fed up with people with money who go around the world as if we owe the rest of their lives.
18:56Have you seen him?
18:58He looks like someone else.
19:00Of course, Carmen.
19:02I don't know what he's gotten himself into.
19:07I'm going to the warehouse for a moment.
19:13Why are you telling me that?
19:15If you know who I am, why am I going to deceive you?
19:17Because I'm deceiving you.
19:22If you want to have an option with me, you'd better confess.
19:26You also have something to hide, don't you?
19:28Why are you telling me?
19:30Well, maybe I've exaggerated a little something.
19:33What things?
19:35Let's see, if I can take you to parties with girls who come out of the cake in a sequin suit,
19:41or if I can take you for a walk in convertibles, it's because...
19:45Because what? Don't you dare to shut up now.
19:49Because I work in a luxury car dealership.
19:52And sometimes I go home to some rich guy to take him to a model to try it on.
19:56What? So...
19:59The convertible you took me to the party in?
20:03It was for Mr. Gómez de Mayoral to try it on.
20:06I designed it to match the party.
20:12Wait a minute.
20:14And the watch?
20:16The watch you gave me, where did it come from?
20:19I borrowed the watch from the Gómez de Mayoral's house.
20:25My God.
20:26He gave me a stolen jewel.
20:28Calm down, woman.
20:30I'm sure they have so many expensive watches that they didn't even need it.
20:35The same ones that the queen will have.
20:38I'm sure.
20:39No. No, no, no, no, no.
20:41Ernesto, no, please, no.
20:44Woman, with what we like about you and me, luxury and good life,
20:48we could take advantage of the fact that you work there to live like a married couple.
20:53Let's see if I'm getting this right.
20:56You're telling me to help you steal at my lord's house?
21:00Well, that sounds very ugly.
21:04I'm just saying that I want the best for you, Gemma.
21:06And if the best is at the queen's house, then...
21:10why not take advantage of it?
21:12But would you really be able to drag me with you to commit a crime?
21:17Well, don't get offended, okay?
21:20I'm sure that many of those suits and shoes that you liked to wear with me
21:24weren't exactly your thing.
21:27Ernesto, I'm not a thief.
21:30Well, you've stolen my heart.
21:35Don't call me again.
21:37Don't come near me. Is that clear?
21:39Never again.
22:01Good morning.
22:05How's your neck?
22:07Much better. I slept well.
22:10I'm glad.
22:11And you? How's it going with Dr. Rocha?
22:16Good, good, I guess.
22:18I would have preferred not to have to go, but well...
22:22Are the tests very hard?
22:24Yes, I don't know.
22:25He did some tests to see my sensory abilities and my reflexes and...
22:29Let's see. Jaime.
22:31Very good.
22:34Good, doctor.
22:36And then he did some radiological tests
22:38and we ended up with an analysis that left me practically without a drop of blood.
22:42So I had a great time.
22:44Don't tell me that Dr. Berenguer is afraid of needles.
22:47No, no, no.
22:48Only the ones that point towards me.
22:51And then in the x-ray I was also very nervous, I don't know.
22:54Look, I don't know what it looks like as a doctor, but as a patient I'm a disaster.
22:58You're exaggerating.
23:00No, I mean it.
23:02Sometimes we are so focused on the patients that...
23:06that we forget about our own health.
23:09I'm not going to take your word for it.
23:11You're right.
23:12Look, a doctor is perfectly capable of dealing with anything
23:15that comes to the consultation every day
23:17and does what is necessary to save the patient.
23:19But when it's your turn to be the patient...
23:21It's as if we were convinced that because we are the ones who save lives,
23:25they will never have to save our truth.
23:28Yes, I don't know.
23:29Don't you think so?
23:30Of course I do.
23:32And well, I don't know.
23:35My situation is what it is and...
23:37and in these circumstances it's not very pleasant for me to be the patient.
23:43This is yours.
23:44Mom, I don't know, it's just that...
23:47I didn't think this could happen to me.
23:50Well, this is going to be another stage of your life.
23:54You think so?
23:56The important thing is that the results are positive
23:59and that the tumor is remitted.
24:01Mom, I'm satisfied that it stays as it is.
24:04And that the pills relieve me a little and...
24:06and that's it, I don't aspire to more.
24:09Well, you have to aspire to the maximum.
24:12Well, that's easy when it depends on you.
24:15When it's not in your hand, it's hard to grab on to something.
24:21But hey, you have to be optimistic.
24:23And in conclusion, what do you think of Dr. Rocha?
24:25Do you see any improvement?
24:27He hasn't wanted to give me his diagnosis until the results are out.
24:30He's very cautious.
24:32You know how doctors are.
24:35That prudence inspires confidence.
24:37Yes, me too.
24:40Like you.
24:48What's wrong?
24:49Why are you looking at me like that?
24:52Listen, it's hard for me to talk about my illness.
24:56But I must admit that it relieves me when I share it with you.
25:00I'm very glad.
25:04For me, it's also liberating to be honest with you without having to hide anything.
25:09With all the cards on the table.
25:13You know I'm here for whatever you need, right?
25:17I say the same.
25:20And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
25:24Well, time to get to work, right?
25:30By the way, what are you planning to eat today?
25:34Well, I'm staying.
25:38I'm staying with a pumpkin and an egg that I have in the fridge to make an omelette.
25:42A great plan.
25:44And how would you like me to join that gourmet party?
25:53You're more than welcome.
25:56Are you two okay?
26:04Okay, perfect.
26:07And now I'm going to see Evaristo to see how he's doing with that ugly haircut.
26:18Excuse me.
26:20I'll see you downstairs.
26:22See you later.
26:29See you later.
26:33Gemma, please, wait.
26:35Leave me alone.
26:37I don't want to know anything about a swindler like you.
26:39But why are you so hard on me?
26:41Haven't you swindled me too?
26:44Yes, you. You've let yourself be loved.
26:46You've allowed me to have illusions.
26:48I can see that you were just trying to take advantage of what I could give you.
26:51Stop playing dumb. You're not in love with me.
26:54You just want to deceive me.
26:56I swear I'm not, Gemma. Please, believe me.
26:57Listen to me, Ernesto.
26:59All these evenings we've spent together in Madrid have been great.
27:03But don't get it wrong.
27:05Because from flirtatiousness to love, there's a good stretch I've never taken.
27:09Especially not now.
27:13None of us have been honest.
27:15But we can do it now with what we feel.
27:19Yes, Gemma, this is love.
27:21Enough! I have true love at home with my husband.
27:23He drinks the winds for me, he loves me as I am.
27:25Whoever he was,
27:27he would give everything I have to become Joaquín Medina.
27:32How do you know his name?
27:34How long have you been spying on me, for God's sake?
27:37A while.
27:39A long time.
27:41Yes, Gemma, I admit it.
27:43But I had to know everything about you, and you've helped me so little that...
27:46You're crazy.
27:48Worse than I thought.
27:50What do you really want from me?
27:52Isn't it clear enough?
27:54That you ally yourself with me to enter your men's house.
27:59Don't force me to force you, please.
28:03Let go of me.
28:05Let go of me or I'll scream, I warn you.
28:07Scream, Gemma, come on, scream.
28:09We're going to start a scandal.
28:11A lot of people know you here.
28:13Not as many as you'd like, but I'm sure your husband will get there.
28:16And the same thing will happen to you if you don't help me get into that house.
28:20I'm not going to take two minutes to tell your husband how well we've had it in Madrid.
28:25With kisses included.
28:28And why do you think he's going to believe you?
28:31A stranger before me, his wife, the one he adores.
28:34Test me.
28:36I'm very convincing.
28:38Besides, I can tell him a lot of details, right?
28:40Because I can tell him about the parties, I can tell him about the concerts.
28:45I can tell him about that beautiful watch I gave you with all my love.
28:50What do you say?
28:52We're a team, aren't we?
28:54Let go of me.
28:56Animal, look what you've done.
28:58I'm sorry, Gemma, let me help you.
29:01Don't follow me.
29:03Or I swear I'll call the Civil Guard.
29:05I swear.
29:11Well, whatever it is, it has a solution.
29:15So don't worry.
29:17Well, I'll see you at the parish on Sunday.
29:27What are you looking at with all that face?
29:30I'm sorry, Mateo, I'm not used to it.
29:32Or should I call you Father Mateo?
29:34Well, don't let yourself be impressed by the sotana, come on.
29:38I'll always be Mateo to you.
29:40I'm sorry, I'm laughing.
29:42But I'm really happy for you.
29:44Because I know you've fulfilled a dream.
29:46Who was going to tell us, huh?
29:48When we were going around the world,
29:50walking together in this courtyard.
29:52Of course.
29:54And how much progress we've made since then,
29:56and how good we are now.
29:58For my part, yes.
30:00I hope for yours too.
30:02Of course.
30:04And more knowing that now we're going to have you around the neighborhood.
30:08that will be seen, because I'm not convinced at all.
30:11Why is that?
30:12Because Mr. Agustín is trying to sell me
30:15that pastoral life is better out of here.
30:17We're all here.
30:19No, no, yes, it's clear, I see his intentions.
30:21He wants to get me out of the way.
30:23But I don't know, Claudia, I think there's something
30:25in what he's partly right.
30:27In what?
30:29Well, since I'm young, I'm starting,
30:31and I think I can be much more useful
30:33in other parts of the world.
30:35In other parts of the world, Mateo.
30:37That's so far away.
30:39Do you understand me?
30:40Yes, I understand you.
30:42But right now my priority is
30:44to help those who need it most.
30:46And who says we're not going to need you here?
30:51Has something happened?
30:55Well, come on, things happen everywhere here.
30:57Let's see,
30:59I don't want to miss anyone,
31:01but Mr. Agustín is not like you,
31:03he doesn't worry so much about others.
31:07Well, you're different.
31:10Yes, Mateo, you're kind,
31:12you're fair, you're calm.
31:14Besides, people love you and respect you.
31:17They also know you very well.
31:19They know they can trust you.
31:22If they have a problem,
31:24you'll be there for them.
31:26Because besides being a great priest,
31:28you've always been a great worker
31:30and a great partner.
31:32Claudia, please stop.
31:34You're going to make me blush.
31:36Look, you can dress however you want.
31:38But I'm not going to let you leave here so easily.
31:42Especially because I have a reason to.
31:44Let's see, what is that reason?
31:47I want you to baptize my son.
31:50You promised me and you won't leave, Rosita.
31:55Go to the dentist tomorrow
31:57so he doesn't have that cold.
31:59And don't forget to take an analgesic tonight.
32:08Please, do you have a moment?
32:10I'm sorry, I have a lot of patients.
32:12Just a second, please.
32:14I'll be honest with you.
32:16I don't want any more problems with Begoña.
32:18And you're going to bring them to me.
32:20I've already shared something I've discovered with you.
32:22But, well, I'm leaving.
32:24Wait, sit down.
32:26I hope you don't regret it.
32:32I've read Valentín's letter.
32:36So Begoña wasn't lying?
32:38It seems so.
32:40Wait a minute, where did you get it?
32:42You didn't bother Igna, did you?
32:44No one knows I read it.
32:46Only you.
32:48Do you think it's authentic?
32:50I think so.
32:52It comes from Brazil, at least the stamp is from there.
32:56What's going on?
33:08Valentín Merino.
33:38The stamp.
33:40Cristo de Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro.
33:43Yes, what's wrong with it?
33:45I found it familiar yesterday, I think I know why.
33:48My father has a collection of stamps.
33:51And I remember seeing it on the stamps page in Brazil.
33:55That stamp has been used for several years,
33:58but with different colours.
34:02It's not that strange.
34:04Thousands of copies are made of each issue.
34:06It could be.
34:10Don't you think it's a coincidence
34:12that my house had the same stamp as Valentín's letter?
34:15Do you think it could be the same stamp?
34:18I have no idea.
34:20But if my father's collection doesn't have the 1953 stamp,
34:24that would prove that the letter is fake.
34:37How's your routine?
34:39Very good, I can't complain.
34:41No, of course not.
34:43You have to stop working as a driver with Don Damián.
34:46We're dealing with that again.
34:48I'm just saying it was easier, less tiring and better paid.
34:52Look, Carmen, I've already told you I don't see myself as a driver.
34:55You have to be here and there all day,
34:56taking one and the other,
34:57you're alone, you don't talk about anything,
34:58and if you talk about something, it's about time, it's boring.
35:01I see.
35:02Because packing a product and taking it from one place to another
35:04has to be fun.
35:06I've already told you, I don't see myself as a driver.
35:09And this morning you tell me that I'm the one driving
35:11and you have to be alone to think?
35:13Yes, what's wrong?
35:14Think about what?
35:15About my things.
35:17Don't be annoying.
35:19I'm not annoying, I'm your wife,
35:21and I know you're hiding something from me.
35:24Don't be silly.
35:32Where did you get this?
35:34Where else?
35:35Where was it? From your locker.
35:37Look, Carmen,
35:39I don't understand what you're doing looking at my locker.
35:41My locker is my locker, my things are my things.
35:42And your future is my future, Tassio.
35:44And if you want us to leave this so we don't start from scratch,
35:46where Christ lost his hat,
35:47at least I want to know why.
35:49It's okay if you're my wife,
35:51but a little bit of respect, huh?
35:53Don't justify that you're flirting with my things.
35:56I wanted to surprise you.
35:58I thought you were starting to get tired
36:00of the routine and the marriage,
36:02and I wanted to leave you
36:03with a romantic note,
36:04so we could do something today.
36:06Something together?
36:07Yes. No, just for a walk,
36:08after work, down the ravine.
36:11But I got the surprise.
36:14Has Tassio come back as usual?
36:16And tell me the truth.
36:17Carmen, I swear I haven't.
36:19Where did you get the money from?
36:26Well, from a guinea pig I won.
36:30The one you play with Gaspar?
36:32Another one I play with myself.
36:35And why didn't you tell me?
36:37That's what people do when something like this happens to them.
36:41Because I was looking for the right moment.
36:44Carmen, I didn't want everyone to know
36:45that I'm going with so much money.
36:46I'm not everyone.
36:48I'm your wife.
36:49And that guinea pig thing is a Chinese story.
36:50I know you.
36:51Well, then stop asking me questions and harassing me.
36:53I have things to do.
37:01I have to go.
37:31I'm going to go.
37:50What are you doing here at this hour?
37:51Tassio's at the factory.
37:55What are you doing?
37:57Begoña, listen to me.
38:00It doesn't make sense for me to hide it from you.
38:05I've read Valentín's letter.
38:08What have you done?
38:10Begoña, I'm sorry.
38:12But I had to see it with my own eyes.
38:14Make sure it was a trap and that you and I know.
38:17Look, all I know is that you don't trust me.
38:20And I'm sure that to get away with yours
38:21you've bothered people who don't deserve it.
38:23If you say it for dignity,
38:24don't worry.
38:25You don't know the law.
38:27Only Luz knows.
38:31Luz swore she'd stop.
38:33And she did.
38:34I asked her for help and she didn't give it to me.
38:37She has nothing to do with all this.
38:39I'm here to check something.
38:41Andres, what do I have to do for you to stop?
38:43What do I have to do for you to understand?
38:45I understand that you're upset with me, but...
38:47Don't touch me.
38:48I understand that you're upset with me, but...
38:49Don't touch me.
38:53I've done so much to make you hate me
38:55and to make you despise the touch of my hand.
38:58Begoña, I've made a mistake again and I'm sorry.
39:01And I have no reason to admit it.
39:05Now I know that the seal on Valentín's letter
39:07isn't from my father's album.
39:11For a moment I thought
39:12that someone had forged it.
39:14But no.
39:16The collection is complete.
39:19Begoña, try to understand me.
39:22You've been acting in a strange way for weeks.
39:24You didn't even tell me you read the letter.
39:26Because I don't have the obligation
39:27to make you aware of everything that happens in my life
39:29and in my husband's.
39:31There was a time when you did.
39:33You did it.
39:41And they were ordered by year.
39:47How strange.
39:49There's one missing in 1953.
39:52Hi, Dad.
39:59What are you doing with those stamps?
40:01Julia is doing a job for the school.
40:04Yes, and it's about Brazil.
40:06The most characteristic thing is in these stamps.
40:17The most characteristic thing is in these stamps.
40:26have you saved the lentils for Gemma and Joaquín
40:28when they come for dinner?
40:29I've told you I've made a lot
40:30and I've left them at home for when they arrive.
40:33So when this one finishes, I can have another bowl.
40:35When you finish.
40:36I've made them for you.
40:38Dad, it's necessary.
40:39What's wrong, daughter?
40:41Until yesterday, her stomach only tolerated
40:43mashed potatoes and suero
40:44and now she's going to eat
40:45such a big piece of chorizo.
40:46Don't worry.
40:47I've put a lot of lentils
40:48and a little bit of chorizo.
40:50It's normal for someone to be sorry for me.
40:52Dad, it's not because she doesn't eat.
40:53It's because I don't want her to feel bad.
40:55No, that's impossible.
40:56Lina's lentils can't hurt anyone.
40:58Come on, they're giving me life
41:00more than that English medicine.
41:02Oh, may God give you this delicious meal, Lina.
41:06They almost don't have salt.
41:07No, I'm already noticing it.
41:09But what's going on here?
41:10You look like my mother,
41:11you here are my daughter.
41:13I would like to know
41:14what many men would do
41:15without their women,
41:16without their mothers
41:17and without their daughters, huh?
41:18They are what they are,
41:20That's it.
41:21For me,
41:23as long as I have these lentils,
41:25I'll do whatever you want.
41:27Now let's toast.
41:30And I'm going to put a little wine on it
41:31to toast for your recovery,
41:32a little wine.
41:36What remedy, bro?
41:37Are you going to wet your lips alone?
41:38Yes, daughter, just for that.
41:41Come on,
41:42let's toast
41:45for the miracle
41:46that we have lived in this house.
41:52For Isidro.
41:54And let's continue to enjoy
41:55his company and his humor
41:57for many, many more years.
42:00For Isidro.
42:01And for you.
42:02And for my father.
42:06One moment.
42:07One moment that I also want to say something.
42:10I want to toast
42:11for the person
42:12in whom I have been thinking the most
42:13while I was lying in that bed.
42:16And the one I love with all my soul
42:18and with all my heart.
42:20Especially now that Chucho is gone.
42:23For my fine daughter.
42:24For fine.
42:25For you, fine.
42:26And for health.
42:29Sorry, I didn't know you were eating.
42:31Marta, do you need anything?
42:33No, I came to leave it tied.
42:37Do you want to toast with us, Mrs. Marta?
42:40Yes, do you want to toast?
42:42No, I have to go back to the factory.
42:44But I'm glad of your recovery,
42:46how you burn it.
42:47I know, Marta.
42:48You are an angel like my daughter,
42:50who turns out to leave us today.
42:54Are you leaving?
42:59My father is already much better,
43:01so today I will return
43:03to my room in La Colonia.
43:08You know that in any case,
43:10you will always be welcome in this house.
43:15Thank you.
43:16Thank you.
43:25how good it is, for God's sake.
43:27My niece has been very strange lately.
43:30She won't be late for work
43:32to stay and toast.
43:33Leave her alone, Marta.
43:34She has always been very hers.
43:36Marta has always been very hers.
43:38But if you have something,
43:39you have a good heart, right, daughter?
43:41Yes, yes, she has it.
43:43Come on,
43:44invent something else,
43:45let's toast.
43:46No, you can't drink more.
43:47Just a little.
43:48Give me the bottle, I'll take it.
43:54We were going to eat at two,
43:55and it's almost three.
43:58We've run out of time.
44:00Don't worry.
44:02About eating together,
44:03it would be good, right?
44:04Yes, of course.
44:06Dr. Borrell,
44:07a little patience.
44:10With the afternoon we have?
44:12didn't you promise to bring something?
44:14Yes, that's right.
44:15But trust me,
44:16I'm a man of resources.
44:18Well, more than resources,
44:20you should be a magician.
44:22Because, as I told you,
44:23in the fridge I only have
44:24an egg and a pumpkin.
44:29There you go.
44:30Bon appétit.
44:31There's my magic.
44:36Go ahead.
44:37Can I?
44:39Sorry for the delay,
44:40but I've got the avalanche
44:41of the second shift
44:42and I haven't been able to prepare
44:43what I asked for until now.
44:44No, don't worry.
44:45We're also up here,
44:46that's why I asked you for the food
44:47to go ahead.
44:48Well, you're my heroes,
44:49you know that.
44:50If I have a left hand,
44:51it's thanks to you.
44:52This is for you,
44:56this is for you too.
44:57Thank you.
44:58And keep the change.
45:00My goodness.
45:02I hope that what I've brought
45:03is up to the level
45:04of such a tip.
45:06plus two is worth two,
45:07because it gives me the feeling
45:08that the doctor eats an elephant.
45:09Well, the truth is
45:10that an elephant
45:11doesn't fit in my basket,
45:12but I've done the best I could
45:13and I've brought
45:14what Dr. Berenguer
45:15asked me to bring here.
45:16And until now,
45:17I eat whatever.
45:18Very good.
45:21And don't work so much,
45:23Thank you.
45:25Do you want some wine?
45:26Yes, please.
45:30I don't need the cutlery.
45:31No, no, no, no.
45:32I was helping you.
45:33One is yours,
45:34and the other is mine.
45:36And this one is for me.
45:38Let's see what our
45:39precious cantinero
45:40has brought us.
45:51Your squid hair.
45:53I'm sure it's not as good
45:54as the ones you eat in Atocha,
45:55but maybe you like it.
45:57Thank you.
45:59Let's see.
46:04Go ahead, please.
46:12It's as good
46:13as the ones in Atocha,
46:14I'm telling you.
46:16Well, now
46:17we just have to wait
46:18for the retreat.
46:19In fact,
46:21in the end,
46:22you're going to be a resource man.
46:24And with a little magic,
46:25don't forget it.
46:27Thank you for this surprise.
46:29You're welcome.
46:32The truth is that
46:33I wanted to share with you
46:34something more than medical reports
46:35and viruses.
46:37Me too.
46:39In the end,
46:41it has been a success
46:42to work together.
46:44Well, let's toast to that.
46:47To your health.
46:58Well, let's eat.
46:59It doesn't taste the same
47:00when it's cold.
47:01Come on.
47:06These are dahlias.
47:08And these are
47:09larguiruchos gladiolos.
47:14Anna, look,
47:15daisies, my favorites.
47:17I love daisies.
47:21She loves me, she doesn't love me.
47:23She loves me, she doesn't love me.
47:25She loves me.
47:27She loves me.
47:29As they always tell me,
47:30with this hairstyle,
47:31you're more handsome.
47:32Thank you, Begoña.
47:34Thank you.
47:37Hi, honey.
47:38Is your mother around?
47:40No, she's in Grandma's room.
47:42She's gone to get her medicines.
47:44Very good.
47:46Well, you go up too
47:47and get your things.
47:48I'll take you back to school.
47:49Let's go.
47:50I can't wait for Mom to come down.
47:52I don't want to leave Grandma alone.
47:55But she's so calm
47:56with the book.
47:57Nothing will happen to her.
47:58Come on, get in.
47:59Let's go.
48:00Let's go.
48:07Why did you kick my daughter out?
48:09Excuse me?
48:11Why did you kick my daughter out?
48:14I'm sorry, but she's not your daughter.
48:15She's mine.
48:17She's not your daughter, liar.
48:23do me a favor
48:24and don't get nervous.
48:26She's not your daughter.
48:28She's mine.
48:30She's not your daughter.
48:31She's my daughter.
48:33She's not yours.
48:34She's mine.
48:35Shut up.
48:36She's not yours.
48:37Shut up.
48:43go up and tell Begoña, please.
48:47Please, give her back to me.
48:48Don't take her.
48:49Please, please.
48:50Please, give her back to me.
48:51Don't take her.
48:52Don't take her.
48:53Please, please.
48:54She's not your daughter.
48:56She's my daughter.
48:57She's not your daughter.
48:59She's my daughter.
49:01The keys to the big house aren't here.
49:04They must be around here.
49:06No, the only place they could be is in my bag,
49:08and they're not in my bag.
49:09Calm down, woman.
49:10Maybe they got lost in Toledo.
49:13That man is evil.
49:16He scares me.
49:18So you also think he steals money?
49:21What are we going to think?
49:22That's right, if he doesn't say anything else.
49:25My mother told me you yelled at him.
49:27And I'm convinced that was the reason for his high blood pressure.
49:30But how can you think something like that of me?
49:32Because we both know how easily you lose your nerves.
49:35Aren't you happy, Mateo?
49:37I'd be happier if they promoted me for my own merits,
49:40and not for their excessive interest in taking me out of the way.
49:44I can't believe it.
49:46Do you mind if I take all this to take a look at it?
49:52What are you doing, idiot?
49:53What are you doing?
49:55If it's not going to pay you, at least it's going to light me a cigarette.
50:05Jaime, what's going on?
50:06What I have to do is find a way to get that woman out of the house.
50:10And as soon as possible.
50:12And as soon as possible.
50:14Don't rush it, son.
50:17Do you hear me?
50:19Trust me, Father.