Rupert - Rupert and the Wool Gatherers

  • 3 months ago


00:00If you'd like to make a leap, then sing along with me, R-U-P-E-R-T, Reapers! The one and only, Rupert's number one, what's the name? Reapers!
00:30Here you are, Filbert. This is the last one.
00:38This is the only time of the year I wish I had my house at the bottom of the tree.
00:44But think of all the snow you'd have to shovel from around your doorstep.
00:48Right you are, Rupert. And we're going to get a fair dose of it this winter. Just look at how big the hats are on these acorns.
00:58And I've never seen the caterpillars looking fuzzier. Sure signs of a harsh winter ahead.
01:04Oh, yes. You folk who live in the village don't take much notice. But out here, we live by Mother Nature's signals.
01:11Speaking of signals, mine are telling me it's time to go home and have something to eat.
01:17I'll bet you've worked up quite an appetite. And all I have to offer is a cheekful of acorns. Thanks again for your help, Rupert.
01:24You're welcome, Filbert. Have a good winter. Goodbye.
01:33That's odd. A bush wearing a sweater.
01:38Now this is a sign of a tough winter ahead. I wonder how it got here.
01:45And here's a jacket. This looks too big to belong to the same person.
01:50Hmm. I think the best place for these things would be Constable Growler's lost and found box.
01:57Imagine, they came right over the hedge as bold as you please and took it right off the clothesline.
02:04I think locking the scallywags up for a day or two would do them a world of good.
02:09Now, now. Did either of you actually see Freddy and Ferdy near your property at the time of the disappearances?
02:16Well, no. Not really. Oh, but it's just the kind of mischief you'd expect from those fox boys.
02:22At least you could come around and get some fingerprints or something.
02:26Sorry, sir. I'm afraid I can't start an investigation based on such shaky evidence.
02:31It could have been the wind that carried your clothes off.
02:36Good morning.
02:38My jacket.
02:40My sweater.
02:42My hero! Where did these items turn up, Rupert?
02:46I found them side by side on the common.
02:48Well, thanks to Rupert here, it looks like the case is solved.
02:52Solved? Aren't you going to arrest the culprits?
02:57I think I'd have a lot of trouble trying to arrest a gust of wind.
03:01Now, why don't we all go home and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day?
03:05I dare say there won't be many more like it before winter sets in.
03:08Thank you for gathering up those clothes, Rupert. You saved me a morning of paperwork.
03:13You're welcome, Constable Growler.
03:15If you need any other cases solved, just call me.
03:18I will, Rupert. I will.
03:21Oh, right now it sounds like someone's calling me.
03:25Constable Growler speaking.
03:28Your laundry... vanished, you say?
03:31Well, as a matter of fact...
03:33Oh, excuse me for just a second.
03:35Hello? Your favorite socks?
03:38In broad daylight?
03:40I don't blame you, sir.
03:42Yes, I'll look into it.
03:44Now, where was I?
03:46Yes, there have been some reports.
03:49Hello? Three pairs of flannel trousers?
03:55Uh-oh, I've lost my scarf.
03:58Oh, now I remember.
04:00I was using it to help Philbert pull acorns up the tree.
04:04I'd better go back for it.
04:06It's going to be a cold winter, you know.
04:16I'm... back again.
04:19Rupert, I knew you'd be back soon.
04:21I hung your scarf right over...
04:23Well, isn't that peculiar?
04:25I put it right here just a moment ago.
04:27I have a feeling someone else is preparing for a tough winter.
04:31And he's probably wearing a yellow scarf.
04:37Oh, really, Rupert?
04:39This scarf is long enough to wrap around you ten times.
04:43That's exactly how I want it. Thanks.
04:46Oh, don't be in such a rush, Rupert.
04:49There's still a tail hanging out the end.
04:52You don't want it to unravel.
04:54Don't worry, Mum. That's part of my plan.
05:00That boy. He always has a plan.
05:10Whoever's stealing the clothes won't be able to resist this scarf.
05:14And as soon as they take the bait, I'll catch them red-handed.
05:21Perhaps I'm using the wrong bait.
05:23After all, I've never gone fishing for clothes robbers before.
05:27Hold on! I've got a bite!
05:31Whoever's at the other end of this is very fast.
05:39I must be nearing the end soon.
05:45Ah. Some plan.
05:48All I've done is lost another scarf.
05:51Hey! I can't catch you.
05:54I've got a plan.
05:56I've got a plan.
05:58I've got a plan.
06:00I've got a plan.
06:02I've got a plan.
06:04I've got a plan.
06:06Hey! I don't believe it.
06:09That's Mum's nightie and Dad's waistcoat.
06:14Shh! Go away! Shh!
06:16Go away! Hey! Go away!
06:18Hey! Hey! Cut it out!
06:20Oh! Shh! Go away!
06:23Caught you at last, you...
06:28Rupert. Oh, am I glad it's you.
06:31I've been on the run since sunrise.
06:33Just look at me. I'll bet I've lost a bale of stuffing.
06:36Has it really been you taking everyone's clothes?
06:39It's not something I'm proud of, Rupert,
06:41but I didn't know what else to do.
06:43My friends have always given more than their fair share of wool,
06:47so I thought it would be all right to get some back for them.
06:50Here we are with a harsh winter just around the corner
06:53and some heartless wool rustlers
06:55are taking the sheep's only protection from the cold.
06:58Wool rustlers?
07:00And they aren't going to stop until the whole flock is clipped.
07:03I go to bed thinking my job is done,
07:06but when I wake up in the morning, more sheep have been sheared.
07:09Why hasn't Farmer Brown reported it?
07:12Farmer Brown is gone for the week, Rupert.
07:14He's at the county fair,
07:16and I certainly can't go wandering into Constable Growler's office.
07:21We scarecrows aren't supposed to be seen talking and walking about, you know.
07:25Don't worry.
07:27I'm sure I can explain things without giving away your secret.
07:33Oddbedod! I can't find Constable Growler.
07:36He's not in his office.
07:38This is terrible, Rupert.
07:41I don't want my friends to be left out in the cold.
07:44We can't let this go on.
07:46If we use our heads, we can put a stop to it.
07:49My head doesn't have much to offer.
07:51It's just full of stuffing, but I'm with you all the way.
07:55Rupert, that's very good.
07:58Thanks, Oddbedod.
08:00Hopefully this will help us find out who's been...
08:04Rupert? Who are you talking to?
08:06Dad! Uh, no one.
08:09Just talking to myself.
08:11Well, well, what do we have here?
08:14He's, uh, it's a scarecrow.
08:17I like the surprised expression you've captured on his face.
08:21Uh, thanks. I'm glad you like it.
08:24I've got something here that will finish him off nicely.
08:29Now, where is it?
08:33Aha! Here we are.
08:38That suits him to a T.
08:41Keep that if you like, son.
08:43Uh, thanks, Dad.
08:47Sorry, Oddbedod.
08:50That's all right, Rupert.
08:52Although I would have preferred a licorice stick.
08:54We had better get over to the meadow before sunset.
09:01This looks like a good spot.
09:05I can almost see every sheep through this knot hole.
09:08Shh! I think I hear something.
09:13Sounds like it's getting closer.
09:16Can you see anything?
09:18It's too dark.
09:23There he goes!
09:24After him!
09:35Are you all right, Oddbedod?
09:37I tripped on a root. Sorry, Rupert.
09:39I don't think we would have caught him anyway.
09:42He slipped into these trees.
09:45Open the door!
09:46Someone open the door!
09:55Hurry up! There's someone following me!
10:00Gotcha! Rupert, I got him!
10:03Well done, Oddbedod!
10:05Let's see who we're dealing with here.
10:07Get off me, you big oaf!
10:09It's an imp of spring.
10:12What's all the racket out...
10:15What are you doing here?
10:17We thought we were chasing a thief.
10:19A thief?
10:20I've never stolen so much as a button in my whole life.
10:23Someone has been taking wool from the sheep during the night.
10:26Rupert and I are trying to find out who it is.
10:29Winter's coming and the poor things will freeze out there.
10:32Step inside for a moment.
10:35We're making wooly long johns for our long, cold winter sleep.
10:41But all the wool you see here was gathered honestly.
10:44We only gather the little wisps that get caught on fences or thorn bushes.
10:48I've spent my whole life in that meadow.
10:50Why haven't I ever noticed you gathering wool before?
10:53We try to stay hidden.
10:55That's why we do most of our work at night.
10:57But we've seen you rambling around and talking to the sheep.
11:00You have? Uh-oh.
11:02Don't worry, we won't tell anyone.
11:05We have our little secrets, too.
11:07I'm glad wool rustling isn't one of them.
11:09We should be getting back to the flock to nab the real crooks.
11:13Sorry for disturbing you.
11:15That's all right, Rupert.
11:16I only wish there was something we could do to help.
11:22Oh, no!
11:23They've done it again!
11:25I hope we're not too late.
11:33Whoever is doing this certainly doesn't waste any time.
11:37It looks like they got the rest of the flock this time.
11:40Come on, come on, get your tails up the ramp.
11:45You wait here and guard the sheep.
11:47I'm going over for a closer look.
11:50Time for a haircut.
11:53It looks like some kind of mobile workshop.
11:56Keep them coming.
11:58It looks like some kind of mobile workshop.
12:01Keep them coming, Charlie. I want to finish them off tonight.
12:05Looks like that's the last of them, Louie.
12:08Hold on, there's a straggler over here.
12:12Come on, come on, don't be shy.
12:15Hey, what kind of hoodwinking is this?
12:18What do you think you're doing here?
12:20I was about to ask you the same question.
12:22Why don't you come and have a little talk with Louie?
12:25I bet he'll have lots of questions.
12:27And you better have the right answers.
12:30Let me go.
12:31Rupert should be back by now.
12:37No, no, stay, stay.
12:40You can't come, stay.
12:46Oh, all right, you can come, but you have to be quiet.
12:50I don't like it when little snoopers come nosing around and interrupt my work.
12:54Taking wool that doesn't belong to you isn't work, it's stealing.
12:58Let's see you shear a hundred or more sheep a night.
13:01Then we'll see if you still think it ain't work.
13:03I don't know what you're making such a big deal about.
13:06Their wool will grow back.
13:08Not before winter.
13:09No one shears sheep at this time of year.
13:12Exactly why there happens to be a shortage of this stuff.
13:15Why don't you relax and look on the bright side?
13:18We could be taking mutton chops instead.
13:23We have to be at the harbor before dawn.
13:25But first we'd better make sure our little friend here didn't bring any other uninvited guests.
13:30Okay, Louie, I'll have a look around.
13:33Let me go.
13:35Not till we make it to Newcastle, snooper.
13:38If you're a good boy, I'll put you on a train back to Nutwood.
13:41If you're a good boy, I'll put you on a train back to Nutwood.
13:44But if you continue to annoy me, you'll be walking home.
13:56All right, don't move a muscle, buster.
13:59We've already grabbed your friend, so don't try anything silly.
14:05I got you, you lanky bag of...
14:07I'll be a monkey's uncle.
14:09You made a straw.
14:12Where's Charlie?
14:14Likely wandering around lost in the dark.
14:21I thought I told you no funny business.
14:25What are you doing out here?
14:27Sitting down on the job, eh?
14:29I just tripped over something.
14:32Quit your lollygagging.
14:34We'd better get over to the hideout.
14:36Mr. Nosy back there, we're running behind schedule.
14:39Let's get out of here on the double.
14:42Move it!
14:45Oh my gosh, they're kidnapping Rupert.
14:53No, sit.
14:55Bad sheep.
15:00Come on, then.
15:07I can't reach.
15:10I know you just want to help, but please, please be quiet.
15:37There it is.
15:38Take it slow when you turn in.
15:41I'll leave the sharing to you, you leave the driving to me.
15:53They've stopped at that abandoned farm.
15:56Now I have a chance to catch up.
15:58Excuse me, girls, coming through.
16:01What's this?
16:03I don't believe it.
16:04That little troublemaker's disappeared.
16:07Now we don't have to pay for his train ticket.
16:09You knucklehead.
16:11He's likely halfway to Nutwood by now.
16:13And once that little snooper squeals on us, the cops will be swarming here in no time.
16:18We'd better get a move on.
16:21I've got to stop them.
16:24Let's get the van loaded and get out of here on the double.
16:27Start with this pile over here.
16:30Oh, no!
16:36Well, well.
16:38Look who dropped in.
16:40Hey, Louie, Louie.
16:41Let's get him to load all the sacks of wool while we sit back and have a tea break.
16:46I'm not going to help a couple of thieves.
16:48We don't have time for tea breaks.
16:51Start loading up.
16:52And as for you.
16:57He's not in here.
17:00They're going to hear you.
17:02Why don't you hang around for a while, snooper?
17:07Hey, do you hear that?
17:10It sounds like a sheep.
17:12I know a sheep when I hear one.
17:14What are they doing here?
17:15Maybe they're looking for him.
17:17Go outside and have a look around.
17:20Come on.
17:21Come on.
17:22Get out of the road.
17:24Oh, just a scare...
17:26Say, you're that straw man from down the lane.
17:29Well, you're not going to fool me with that scarecrow get-up.
17:32There's somebody hiding under all that stuff.
17:36There's nothing but straw.
17:40Come on.
17:41Come on.
17:42Come on.
17:43Come on.
17:44Come on.
17:45Come on.
17:46Come on.
17:47Come on.
17:49Come over here.
17:52Good sheep now stayed.
17:55Get off me!
17:58Let me up!
18:00Now, what's he got himself into?
18:05Get him off!
18:06They're heavy!
18:07Charlie, will you quit goofing off?
18:08We've got work to do.
18:10Come on, then.
18:12Get off him!
18:16Now I know why the sheep are here.
18:19I think we're a team now.
18:21I'll have you down in a jiffy, Rupert.
18:23He's a living, breathing scarecrow, I tell you.
18:26Oh, stop your gibberish.
18:28You've wasted enough time as it is.
18:30Maybe he's, what do you call it?
18:32Disenchanted or something.
18:39Get off of me!
18:40You need some poop!
18:49You get off!
18:51Did it work?
18:53Now's our chance.
18:54We'll let the air out of their tires.
18:59Look out!
19:00Let me up!
19:05Won't the air come out any faster, Rupert?
19:07Never mind.
19:08Even if we only manage one tire, it will slow them down.
19:16Now you really got something to howl about, Snooper.
19:19Take him inside, Charlie.
19:21With pleasure, Louie.
19:26That's the last one, Louie.
19:28All loaded up and ready to roll.
19:30I hope you two are comfortable up there,
19:32because I won't be making my anonymous call to the Nutwood police station till tomorrow.
19:38That is, if I remember.
19:42Let's step on it, Charlie.
19:43We got a boat to catch.
19:45So long, Snoopers.
19:49Thanks for trying, Rupert.
19:51We almost have those wool rustlers rounded up.
19:53Yes, though I'm not sure who can stop them now.
20:00What's that?
20:02It's the Imps of Spring.
20:04Are we glad to see you.
20:06Well, I said I wish we could help, so here we are.
20:09But how did you find us?
20:11A scarecrow running down a country lane in the middle of the night,
20:14followed by a herd of strangely dressed sheep is pretty hard to miss.
20:18And luckily, very easy to follow.
20:22Too late for the sheep, I'm afraid.
20:24It's a pity you weren't here an hour ago.
20:26As a matter of fact, Rupert, we were.
20:32It's the stolen wool!
20:34Every time those crooks brought a sack of wool out to the van,
20:37we emptied it and filled it with straw.
20:39All they've got away with is a van load of scarecrow stuffing.
20:54A perfect fit.
20:56You'll be warm as toast all winter.
20:58All right, who's next?
21:00The case of the missing wool has been solved,
21:02and with a happy ending.
21:07Look, Rupert, she has something for you.
21:11My scarf! Thank you.
21:14I wouldn't want to go through winter without this.
21:16Yes, I hear it's going to be a bad one.
21:34THE END
22:04THE END
22:28Hi there! Face here.
22:30Hey, look! There's one potato.
22:33One, two potatoes.
22:37Three potatoes.
22:42Four potatoes.
22:43One potato.
22:44Two potatoes.
22:45Three potatoes.
22:46Four potatoes.
22:48Now it's time for another visit from Count and Carl.
22:52Right here on Nick Jr.
22:58When counting gets you in a snout,
23:01give a yell for Count and Carl.
23:04He'll count your numbers one by one.
23:07He won't stop counting till he's done.
23:11He knows all the numbers.
23:14He's Count and Carl.
23:16Count and Carl!
23:23It's the counting communicator with a message from...
23:27She's having trouble counting.
23:29That's all right.
23:30I've brought along the number four.
23:36Now that you know how to count to four,
23:37let's go help Samantha.
23:39Come on.
23:40We're on our way.
23:45I think we'll go this way.
23:50Count and Carl at your service.
23:52And I've brought along the fabulous number four.
24:02Hello, Samantha.
24:04Hi, Count and Carl.
24:05Today is Queen Millie's birthday.
24:07Well, happy birthday, Queen Millie.
24:11Please join us.
24:12Thank you.
24:15I'm having a bread and bread jam party for her.
24:18But I need your help.
24:20I don't know how many guests to invite.
24:22What do you think?
24:24Well, why don't you invite four guests?
24:28That's a great idea, Count and Carl.
24:31But I don't know how to count to four.
24:33That's okay.
