When I Was Hospitalized, My Assigned Nurse Turned Out to Be My Arch-Rival Badass Girl

  • 3 months ago
When I Was Hospitalized, My Assigned Nurse Turned Out to Be My Arch-Rival Badass Girl
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Naoto Maeda, 24 years old, just a regular construction worker.
00:05Life's one big mystery, you never know what's coming your way.
00:11You wait!
00:13Watch out!
00:14Man, am I done for?
00:22My whole body's all banged up and aching like, jeez.
00:27Those were the days, back in high school when I was shining bright.
00:31In my mind, flashed the memories of the time when I had the most thrilling youth.
00:37Back then, I was a total badass.
00:39They even called me, the baddest boss around.
00:43But that title of the baddest wasn't just mine.
00:47So, you dared to show up, huh?
00:51Who do you think would be scared of you?
00:54Glad I got to hear those words from you.
00:57Standing right before me was Erika Mori, the queen of the ladies' gang.
01:02The other baddest boss in town.
01:04Our territories overlapped, so we often settled things with our fists.
01:08Today's the day we settle this once and for all!
01:14You think I'd lose to the likes of you?
01:16Get ready for some ground kissing action, cause I'll be serving it hot!
01:22That's my line!
01:23However, before we could settle things, graduation came.
01:27We went to different colleges and drifted apart, since we both moved away from our hometown.
01:33Bring it on!
01:34I ain't backing down, punk!
01:36Wait, where am I?
01:38A hospital?
01:39Was I okay after all?
01:41I gotta admit, I'm one tough SOB.
01:45Or maybe I'm just really lucky.
01:49That's a lively first word right there, buddy.
01:52Who are you?
01:53Nice to meet you.
01:54I'm Akira Kudo, the doctor in charge.
01:58Then tell me, what happened to that kid?
02:01The kid's alright, thanks to you taking the hit.
02:05He only got a few bruises.
02:07Thank goodness.
02:09But in return, your arm got all busted up.
02:13Busted up?
02:14How about we call it a complex fracture.
02:17You'll need some rehab.
02:19Because of your arm, and the accident, you'll be in the hospital for a while.
02:24Got it.
02:26Then rest up for now, cause I'll be back later.
02:30Yeah, cool.
02:32Hospital again, huh?
02:33This makes it the second time, I think.
02:36Was the last time when I got into that fight?
02:40Maybe that's why I saw all those flashbacks.
02:44Sorry to bother you during your rest.
02:49Nice to meet you.
02:50I'm Erika Mori, the nurse taking care of you.
02:53Uh, wait a sec.
02:58You again?
02:59Hold up.
03:00You're the patient?
03:01How the hell did this turn into such a happy twist?
03:07Happy twist?
03:09What on earth are you even saying?
03:11Uh, well.
03:13Ha, I get it now.
03:15A surprise attack, or a set up?
03:18You came here to settle the score from that day, huh?
03:21Fine, bring it on.
03:22I'll take whatever you got.
03:24What the?
03:25Who do you think I am?
03:27Ain't you the lady's boss?
03:30Not anymore.
03:31I'm a nurse now.
03:33You're supposed to be an angel in white.
03:36More like a devil in disguise, ain't ya?
03:38I see.
03:39You wanna prolong your hospital stay, huh?
03:44Just kidding.
03:47You yap so much, it means you're fine after all.
03:51But hey, even if your mouth's all good and lively, your arm's still messed up.
03:57Take it easy, okay?
03:59So, it means I'm your nurse from now on.
04:02Nice to meet you.
04:04Sure thing.
04:05Well, I won't just obediently sit still though.
04:10Can't let my body get all twisted from lying around.
04:13Let's take a stroll or something.
04:15Oh my, how do I get to this place?
04:19Even with the directions, it's so confusing.
04:22What should I do?
04:24Hey, Granny.
04:26What's going on?
04:27Oh, I got lost.
04:29I wanna get my blood drawn, but I can't find the place.
04:33I've been wandering around, but I'm getting tired.
04:37Blood draw?
04:38Oh, it's at the end of the second floor.
04:41But yeah, it's pretty confusing.
04:43I'll take you there.
04:45Come on, get on, Granny.
04:48Oh, um, your arm?
04:50This ain't no big deal.
04:52Just get on already.
04:53No need to hold back.
04:55Come on, hop on.
04:56Thank you.
04:58That lady looked happy.
05:00It's all about doing a good deed every day.
05:03I did a good thing, right?
05:06What do you mean I did a good thing right?
05:08I told you to keep quiet and behave.
05:11Whoa, it's there!
05:14Stop treating me like a ghost!
05:17Ghosts have more charm than you.
05:20You're picking a fight, huh?
05:23Nah, just kidding around.
05:25Ah, anyway, thanks for helping that old lady, I guess.
05:34Well, you know, when I really look, you're kind of cute.
05:38It's the first time I've seen you smile like that.
05:41Normally, it's all tough guy smirk or grin, so I didn't notice.
05:46What are you talking about saying weird stuff?
05:51I'm just stating the facts, ain't I?
05:55Well then, let's get back to your room.
06:01No wandering around.
06:04Watch out!
06:07You okay?
06:10I'm fine, but...
06:14You alright?
06:15Did you get hurt anywhere?
06:17Um, well...
06:19Hey, you listening?
06:25You're such an idiot!
06:29And you say that after I just saved you?
06:32Thanks for saving me.
06:34There, you're being honest now, huh?
06:38What's up with her?
06:40During lunch time.
06:42You haven't finished eating yet?
06:44It's hard to eat with my left hand.
06:46I guess so.
06:48I'll do it for you then.
06:51C-come on!
06:52You don't have to do that!
06:53What are you saying?
06:55At this rate, you won't finish eating any time soon.
06:58Don't be shy, just eat.
07:00Here, open wide!
07:02No way!
07:03Don't need it!
07:04Quit whining!
07:05Just eat up without complaining.
07:08Take that!
07:10How is it?
07:12Surprisingly tasty.
07:15Hospital food's actually good nowadays.
07:20You know what?
07:21You're cute when you smile.
07:25S-shut up!
07:29Giving in, huh?
07:30Ugh, just eat and stop saying weird stuff!
07:36Another time.
07:37Hey, it's cleaning time!
07:39Strip down!
07:41Why are you yelling?
07:43You said to strip down!
07:45Ugh, that's not what I meant!
07:47Come on, hurry up!
07:50Still kept it, huh?
07:52This one?
07:54The one from when you protected me.
07:56You worrying about it?
08:00It ain't your fault or anything.
08:05The scar on my back that Erika worries about is from our high school days.
08:10On the day we decided to settle things with a one-on-one fight, another gang interrupted.
08:16We teamed up right then, thinking we wouldn't make it out otherwise.
08:20We managed to survive, but when Erika was thrown, she landed near some wood.
08:25I instinctively shielded her and ended up with a big scar on my back.
08:30Glad you didn't get hurt.
08:32It'd be a real pain to have a scar before getting married, you know?
08:35Now don't.
08:37But seriously, you...
08:39You could've gotten hitched by now, you know?
08:42Find yourself a good guy and settle down already.
08:45Mind your own business!
08:47With all the commotion, our hospital life is lively and full of banter.
08:51No boring days.
08:53Though the distance between us has changed, our bond remains comforting.
08:58One evening, on a certain day...
09:01Sometimes it's nice to come out here.
09:03You can breathe fresh air and feel good.
09:06Wait, is that...
09:08Hey, what are you doing?
09:10You don't look so good.
09:12No, Toh. It's nothing.
09:14Ain't nothing, huh?
09:16You suck at pretending, Erika.
09:18If you can vent, then vent.
09:20Holding it in just makes it harder.
09:24You know...
09:26Relationships with people...
09:28Interactions with patients...
09:31It's not going well.
09:33And the other day I made a mistake.
09:36It was super dangerous.
09:38The little things just piled up and now it's like this.
09:42There's so much to complain about.
09:46But feeling pathetic and down like this?
09:49You're not pathetic.
09:52I mean, you're handling people's lives with your job.
09:55That's amazing.
09:56So don't badmouth yourself like that.
10:00Don't deny your hard work.
10:02And if it's tough, it's okay to cry, you know?
10:06I'm not watching, so don't hold back.
10:09No, Toh.
10:14There, let it out, let it out.
10:16Once you feel better, you'll be fine.
10:25Thanks for everything.
10:27Why are you acting all formal?
10:30It's embarrassing to cry like a kid, okay?
10:32Oh, you were cute though.
10:35Ugh, shut up already!
10:37But seriously, thanks.
10:40I really appreciate you being here for me.
10:43You're totally dependable.
10:47Why do I get all fluttery from your smile?
10:51Since that day, I can't help but notice Erika more and more.
10:55She's just taking care of me like always, but...
10:59What the heck is this heart-pounding feeling?
11:02Could it be?
11:04You're doing great with the rehab.
11:08A little too surprised there?
11:10I-I was just lost in thought, that's all.
11:15You know, even while lost in thought, you're still doing the rehab properly.
11:21Keep up the good work.
11:23Y-yeah, thanks.
11:25Well, I'm heading back to work.
11:29What did I do?
11:30Can't believe I realized it.
11:32Aw, man.
11:34I'm totally falling for her.
11:38Once I'm aware I've fallen for her, I can't even look at her normally.
11:42Darn it.
11:43Why is my heart racing?
11:45Hey, Naoto.
11:48You're acting all weird, aren't you?
11:51It's nothing.
11:53Come on, seriously.
11:55You never look at me.
11:58Why don't you look at me?
12:00Don't wanna say.
12:03What's with this childish response?
12:05Come on, show me your furs.
12:07I said I don't wanna!
12:09Geez, just chill out.
12:12What the?
12:15What are you doing?
12:18Uh, well...
12:20Oh, shoot.
12:21She's so close.
12:22I feel like I might end up kissing her or something.
12:28Uh, nah, it's nothing.
12:31Whoa, whoa, whoa!
12:33What am I thinking?
12:35Begone worldly desires!
12:37Begone worldly desires!
12:38Begone worldly desires!
12:40So, I ended up going around in circles like that every day.
12:45I can't keep my feelings locked up like this forever.
12:48With that thought in mind, I decided to pour my heart out to Erika.
12:53Where did Erika go?
12:55Oh, I see.
12:57It's really helpful having you around.
13:02That voice, is that Erika?
13:05Wait a sec, Doc?
13:07Seems real close with Erika.
13:10If it's like that, I don't stand a chance.
13:13Guess I never got to confess after all.
13:18That afternoon.
13:20What's up?
13:21You seem kinda down today.
13:24Ain't nothing, nothing.
13:26Quit bugging me.
13:28Just go back to your other duties.
13:30You're taking care of others too, ain't you?
13:32Jeez, that way of talking, you sound like such a wimp.
13:36If you've got something to say, just say it straight.
13:39I'm saying it's for your own good.
13:41Get a clue, you idiot!
13:43What the heck are you even saying?
13:47What are you two up to?
13:50Other patients are getting scared, you know?
13:55Come on, go.
13:57Look, just keep it chill with me, for real.
14:01No need to fuss.
14:02Now tell.
14:04This is the best way to step back.
14:06Honestly, Doc can make Erika happier than me.
14:10From then on, we only exchanged minimal necessary conversations when we met.
14:15Before I could honestly confess my feelings, the day of discharge was getting closer.
14:22Lately I've been such a mess.
14:24Is this okay?
14:26There's no way this is okay.
14:28Even if I know I might get turned down, isn't it better to convey my feelings?
14:33That's more manly, right?
14:35Pull yourself together, Naoto!
14:37Alright, let's do this!
14:40What are you up to?
14:43I was about to head out, but I saw you, so...
14:46You're almost out of here. Congrats.
14:49Bones will heal clean, but keep up with the rehab, okay?
14:54Well then, I've got somewhere to be, so...
14:57You know, Erika is pretty cute.
15:00What's this, out of nowhere?
15:02If she's that cute, I might as well try my luck.
15:06Huh? I thought you guys are going out.
15:09No, we're not dating or anything.
15:12I get a lot of attention from girls, so I have plenty of potential girlfriends.
15:17But for a wonderful girl like her, I might consider making her one of my girlfriends.
15:24What the... Are you kidding me?
15:26What? You like Erika too?
15:29Yeah, that's right. I like her a lot.
15:32That's why I backed off, thinking you'd make her happier than I ever could.
15:36I didn't think you were this kind of jerk.
15:40I won't let you have her. I'll make her happy, I swear.
15:45Yeah, I get it, but... Her response? From Erika?
15:50Huh? Oh, Erika?
15:53Hey, what are you saying?
15:56You... like me?
15:59Huh? What does that mean?
16:02What do you mean? I like you.
16:06I'm happy for you, Erika.
16:08Patients were saying you and Naoto might hook up, you know.
16:12Oop, I stuck my nose in, knowing you wouldn't mind.
16:15Wait, then that means...
16:18It's all a lie. In the first place, I'm a dedicated husband.
16:25So, the point is, you two better spill your feelings for each other.
16:30Well, yeah, so... I like you.
16:34Well, I... I've liked you for a long time too.
16:40But our circumstances stopped us from confessing.
16:44I was gonna confess after we sorted things out, but then you got hurt.
16:49I felt guilty, and thought I should just give up without saying anything.
16:56But when I saw you in the hospital, helping an old lady and all,
17:00my feelings for you came back.
17:03I like you, Naoto.
17:05I like you too, Erika.
17:07All good.
17:09And so, Erika and I successfully became a couple.
17:14After that, I got discharged without any issues.
17:17Surprisingly, Doc and I got along well.
17:20And before I knew it, we were hanging out like a big family, including his wife.
17:25When are you two getting married?
17:27Huh? M-marriage?
17:30Well, uh...
17:32I'm good to go whenever.
17:36Erika, I want to marry you. Be with you forever.
17:43This isn't the right mood for a proposal, so it's a downer, but...
17:48I'm all in for marriage.
17:50I like you so much, Naoto.
17:52I like you so much too, Erika.
17:55You two are seriously on fire.
18:06I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
