• 3 months ago
When I Showed My True Strength to Save this Former Delinquent School Nurse…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Light Aoki, a high school senior. My peaceful high school life is about to end in a year, or so it should, but my luck ran out right at the very end.
00:11Alright, brace yourself, nerd!
00:15Aw man, I got hit!
00:17You're such a klutz, man!
00:20Sorry sir, I got a little scraped up, so I'm going to the nurse's office.
00:25He's Sharao Yabasugi, also known as the boss of the bad boys in our class.
00:31I've already caught his attention, and I've been living like this ever since.
00:36But I'm not gonna clap back. I'm even grateful for this.
00:41I can bounce out of here sooner or later, and above all else.
00:46Excuse me!
00:48Please come on in! Wait, it's you again! So what's the injury of the day?
00:54That's right, cause I get to see my crush, Ms. Lisa.
00:59Oh, a little scrape, huh? Alright, show me.
01:03Ever since I spotted her at the spring welcoming ceremony, I've been totally into her. No way I wouldn't be, she's stunning at 21!
01:12Are you even listening?
01:14Oh, yes, sorry.
01:17I'll disinfect it, so come closer. It might sting a bit, but hang in there.
01:25Her gaze is both cold and warm! It makes all the pain go poof!
01:32Hmm? Didn't sting?
01:35Nope! Please disinfect some more!
01:38Are you tough or just plain weak? So, did you get into trouble again?
01:44Sharao, right? As an educator, it might not be right, but sometimes, fighting back could be fun, you know?
01:51Oh, haha, that's just not my style, I guess.
01:56Can't exactly say I'm thrilled about it, since I get to see her.
02:01Well, if you get injured, I'll patch you up, though.
02:05You know, I like strong guys.
02:08Ugh, even if she says that...
02:13Alright, you're good to go. If it hurts again, come back.
02:19Geez, at least your responses are lively.
02:23Afterward, I kept visiting the nurse's office from time to time.
02:27I had decided not to get too close to anyone in high school, but the truth is, it got kinda lonely.
02:34The nurse's office with Ms. Lisa, who was always there for me despite her exasperation, became my oasis.
02:42Well, time to head to the nurse's office.
02:47Alright, Ms. Lisa, I'll be back.
02:49Oh, hey there, nerd.
02:52You hurt?
02:54Huh? Me, the boss of this place, getting hurt? No way, dude.
03:00Then why are you here?
03:03Hey man, I heard you've been hitting up the nurse's office a lot.
03:07You're going there for that hottie, right? Better quit it.
03:12My feelings aren't gonna be swayed that easily.
03:15Alright, time to get back on track.
03:21What should I do?
03:25Someone, help me.
03:27This is... time to dig a little deeper.
03:31I had a hunch that something was going on between Charao and Ms. Lisa, so I decided to investigate on my own.
03:39It seemed like Charao was entering the nurse's office every day towards the end of lunch break.
03:46That guy who always has his posse around is going solo.
03:51There's definitely something up.
03:54Guess it's time to pull out all the stops.
03:58Secret technique. Keep it simple. Infiltration.
04:05I successfully sneaked in while she was absent. Now all that's left is for Charao to show up.
04:13Hey, so did you think about?
04:16He's here.
04:18Heard it from my senior about your past, Ms. Lisa.
04:23If you don't want these photos getting out, you better do what I say.
04:29Cut it out already.
04:31What's this?
04:34Well, this is your last chance. I've already made tons of copies, you know.
04:40He's gone. Whatever it is, she's being extorted for sure.
04:45What should I do from here?
04:48First, I don't want her to find out.
04:53Wait, is she coming over here?
04:56Why should I? Finally becoming a teacher and this happens.
05:04Why are you here?
05:07Sorry, I fell asleep and somehow wound up in here, I swear.
05:13This isn't some first episode of a reincarnation manga.
05:18So, Ms. Lisa, about those photos.
05:24Oh, you've overheard our conversation, haven't you?
05:31It's fine. It might get exposed anyway.
05:35Really, you can't erase the past.
05:38Is that you, Ms. Lisa?
05:41Yup. It all started with a deteriorating family situation.
05:46I started skipping school, hanging out with a rough crowd in town.
05:50But I never got into any serious trouble with the police.
05:53That's kind of lame, you know.
05:55You're right.
05:57Even so, the school teachers treated me like a ticking time bomb.
06:02But there was this one school nurse, an older lady, who listened to me and cared about my problems.
06:10That's why I wanted to become someone who could help others too.
06:13I worked hard, studied, and left my hometown for this job.
06:18I see.
06:21But it turns out one of Charo's seniors from back then used to go to the same school with me.
06:28And he seems to find it amusing to hand out those old photos.
06:33So he's using that as leverage.
06:37Well, but the past is the past. It's true. I can't change it.
06:43That's not true. For me, this nurse's office is the only place I belong. My oasis.
06:53Thank you. But this is my problem, so you don't have to worry about it.
07:02I'm sorry, but I can't keep that promise. But I'll handle it from here.
07:07What's up, nerd? You called me out here for a reason, didn't you?
07:12I told you to come alone.
07:15I wanted everyone to see you go down.
07:19Fine, whatever. Wanted to talk about Ms. Lisa.
07:23Oh, did you find out some juicy stuff? Well, even if you're in love, that woman belongs to me.
07:31Without knowing her feelings?
07:35If you want her, then come get her.
07:38Wait, I didn't come here for a fight. Let's talk like men.
07:45Ms. Lisa, did someone call her because they were worried about the commotion?
07:50Oh, it's perfect.
07:53Ms. Lisa, I'm sorry I can't keep our promise, but...
07:58Let's see you get smashed.
08:02But you know, I really care about...
08:05Hey, wait, you need to move or...
08:09Hey, Charao, we were in the middle of a conversation.
08:13Wait, huh?
08:16Hey, Raito, what in the world are you?
08:21You little... again!
08:25Man, what should I do? But I made a promise to Grandpa.
08:30Cut it out! What the heck are you two doing?
08:34Charao, you again?
08:37Wow, it's the PE teacher, Gori.
08:40Let's bail.
08:42Hey, you guys, you embarrassed me, you freaking nerd. You're gonna pay for this.
08:49Phew, that was close.
08:52Hey, Raito, did you try to talk to Charao for me?
08:57Uh, yeah, kinda.
09:01You've got some surprisingly cool size, you know.
09:06But no fighting. Starting tomorrow, even if he messes with you, don't engage. I'll handle that thing, so...
09:16All right, but I doubt that'll calm down, Charao.
09:22But to my surprise, starting the next day, Charao stopped coming to school.
09:27Apparently, he got into trouble and ended up getting expelled, all because of me embarrassing him and him causing trouble in town to blow off steam.
09:36That resolved rather easily, but now there's another problem.
09:41I have no more excuses to go to the nurse's office.
09:46Uh, my stomach hurts.
09:49Try coming up with a better fake illness.
09:54Ah, well, you don't really need a reason to come to the nurse's office, you know.
10:02Come on, you told me that this place is like your oasis or whatever.
10:07She's too cute.
10:10Or should I check your stomach just in case?
10:14Oh, I'm fine now.
10:16After that, I kept finding reasons to visit the nurse's office.
10:21Ms. Lisa was still there to help, but it felt like we had become closer since that incident.
10:26However, those days passed by in the blink of an eye, and graduation was approaching.
10:33My excuses for fake illnesses have run dry. The only thing left is...
10:39Excuse me.
10:41Oh, what's hurting today?
10:44It's more like my heart. It kinda feels weird.
10:48What? Then you should go to the hospital.
10:52Oh, no, it's not like that. It races when I think about you.
10:58I'll probably just get laughed at again.
11:02Well, Raito, that...
11:05Might be love.
11:08Ms. Lisa? If you don't mind, I'm here for treatment.
11:13No, but you're quite the curious one, huh?
11:17Come on, you got into your top choice university, didn't you?
11:21There are plenty of young and cute girls in college, so you won't have time for me, you know?
11:27She'd never be interested in someone like me.
11:31After that, there were no dramatic developments, and high school graduation came.
11:37Influenced by my grandpa and Ms. Lisa, I decided to pursue occupational therapy in university.
11:44I aimed to become emotionally independent, and started living alone in a cheap apartment in the same town.
11:51Is there no Oasis in my life now?
11:54Aw, man, my goddess.
11:58Huh? You again?
12:01Yup, this kind of voice.
12:04No way!
12:06But that's impossible, right? Hearing voices now, too.
12:12Over here, up!
12:16What? Ms. Lisa?
12:20Hey there! What a coincidence, huh? I was really surprised.
12:25I am the one who's surprised!
12:29Anyway, my neck hurts, so could you come up here? I have a favor.
12:34Sure, I'd love to.
12:37So, I miraculously move to the floor just below Ms. Lisa's place.
12:42It seems like she sends most of her salary to her mother, since she caused a lot of trouble before, and lives modestly here.
12:50This is an unbelievable stroke of luck!
12:54Maybe I can get Ms. Lisa to take care of my personal life, too, if I play my cards right.
13:01And so, the favor is, well, come on in for now.
13:05Sure thing, whatever you need.
13:08Ugh, this place is a mess.
13:12I've always been terrible at tidying up, you know. Can you give me a hand?
13:17Uh, sure, but...
13:20Come on, I used to help you out a lot back in school, remember?
13:26You did, I'd be happy to help.
13:30But those clothes are... wow! Huh, what's this?
13:36Oh, this brings back memories! I've been looking for this.
13:41Wow, she really was a flashy girl, huh?
13:46Oh yeah, hold on a sec.
13:49She's in such a good mood, but what's she...
13:53Ta-da! How's this? Do I still rock it?
13:58What? You don't just rock it, you totally nail it, Ms. Lisa!
14:04By the way, since you've already graduated, you can just call me Lisa instead of Mrs. Lisa, okay?
14:14But in exchange, can you help me with the cleaning from now on?
14:19Of course!
14:21And so, I frequently visited Lisa's room, my miraculous oasis.
14:27Sometimes we ate together, and my feelings grew stronger, and I became even more determined.
14:33And also...
14:35698, 699, 700.
14:41I've never felt this motivated to work out before.
14:45Another 300 reps are nothing.
14:48Oh, the goddess is home. She must be tired from work.
14:53Huh? No way!
14:58Whoa there! But it's unusual for you to be drinking, and why the white coat?
15:05Today, I was out drinking with a school nurse who's my savior I talked about before, you know?
15:11She said I've been doing well, so she gave me this new white coat.
15:16Come on, you've already graduated, so you haven't seen me in this outfit for a while, right?
15:24Um, Frito?
15:27C-can you give me...
15:30Give you a kiss? Such a bold move!
15:37Aw man, water?
15:40Nom nom nom. Thanks!
15:44I've always thought about it, but taking care of someone isn't bad at all.
15:49About half a year passed, and both our meetings and my workout routine increased.
15:55One day, I started picking up Lisa after her work.
15:59She's still quite popular, huh? I used to be one of those guys back in the day.
16:05Oh! You came to pick me up? How sweet!
16:10Eww, I can't help but feel superior.
16:15By the way, even though you're in college, you're still seeing me all the time.
16:20Are there any girls you're interested in?
16:22There's no one I'm more interested in than you.
16:26Hey, it's been a while!
16:29Wah! Charao!
16:32You two still hanging out, huh? Well, it saves me the trouble of searching.
16:38What do you want now?
16:41Don't tell me you forgot. Thanks to you two, I got expelled in the first place.
16:47Sounds like you're holding a grudge.
16:51You bet I am. But thanks to that, I'm the top dog of my crew now.
16:56I've mastered all kinds of fighting techniques.
17:00From now on, I'm gonna take over this town.
17:04And to kick things off, I'm gonna beat you down and claim that girl for myself.
17:10He's gotten bigger in both size and attitude. Guess I've got no choice but to settle this.
17:18Hey, Raito. Maybe you don't have to-
17:21I got it. If he's gonna interfere with us, then I'll take him on.
17:29Hmph. What can you do? You haven't changed at all.
17:34Wait, Raito!
17:36Don't stop me, please.
17:38It's not that. As an educator, I think I should stop this, but I have something to say.
17:43If you get hurt, I want to be the one to heal you, forever from now on.
17:51What's with all this yapping?
17:53Oh, yeah, right. You're gonna be my girl, so you gotta quit your job, right?
17:58Well, I'll help you out with that, too.
18:02If all of us in the crew storm the school, it's bound to cause a problem, right?
18:09Thanks, Lisa. But there's just one thing.
18:13I won't get hurt, and neither will you.
18:18Oh, he took off his glasses and is ready to surrender.
18:24It's quite the opposite.
18:27Come on, man. If you want it so badly, you'll take it by force, right?
18:32I'll crush every one of you.
18:35R-Raito? Seriously, who are you?
18:39Look at his eyes. Isn't that...
18:42Yeah, it's gotta be... the Silent Flash!
18:47No way! Is that the legendary from middle school?
18:53Yep, back in the day. I was quite a well-known street fighter until middle school.
18:59It all started because of my martial artist grandpa, who had been teaching me anatomy and martial arts since I was a kid.
19:06Maybe because of that influence, during middle school, I was constantly getting into fights, seeking strength above all else.
19:14However, around the time when I was fed up with my lame nickname, the Silent Flash, my grandpa fell ill.
19:22Right before he passed away, he said to me,
19:25Don't clench your fists until you understand why you use your power.
19:30I was planning to hide my powers and my true self until I understood the reason.
19:36We can't win this!
19:39Let's bail!
19:41Hey, guys! Did you forget the cash I gave you?
19:45But I finally get it, grandpa.
19:48Well, whatever. No holding back. Brace yourself.
19:53The reason to use my power is...
19:56To protect someone important.
20:00What? He's stopping my full power with one hand?
20:05You've trained, but you can't beat me with power meant to hurt someone.
20:10What the heck is this? I can't move my body!
20:14Listen up. Tell everyone who knows Lisa.
20:17If they want to get close to her, they'll have to go through me.
20:21Eek! Eek! Spare me!
20:26Man, this guy always runs away so fast.
20:30Raito, you're such a strong guy. You didn't even need my help.
20:36Sorry. Maybe I was running from my own past.
20:41No, you're really facing it head on now.
20:44But you know, I've been getting all the help recently.
20:47And even if I'm not around...
20:50No way.
20:52There's something only you can cure and heal.
20:57It's the sickness called love.
20:59I'll protect you forever, Lisa. So please, stop my heart from racing.
21:07But it might be tough, you know.
21:12Cuz I'm gonna keep making your heart race forever.
21:18So let's have some fun, The Silent Flash.
21:22It's embarrassing, so don't call me that.
21:25Afterward, I never saw Charao and his crew in the city again.
21:30On the other hand, after graduating from college, I became an occupational therapist,
21:36carrying on my grandpa's studies in anatomy.
21:39Of course, Lisa continues to take care of someone at school as the nurse.
21:45Here you go, darling. Here comes the plane.
21:49Mmm, your cooking is the best in the world.
21:54Oh, stop it. Say more.
21:58At home, she's my super sweet wife.
22:03Hi, it's me, Mel.
22:07Thanks for watching my channel.
22:09I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too.
