Watch Air (Movie) English Dubbed

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00If you know where you've come from, and you know where you're headed, then you are not
00:00:15on a true journey.
00:00:17When you're on a true journey, you've long forgotten why you left in the first place,
00:00:22and you've no idea where you're supposed to go.
00:00:26At least, that's what I believe, now that I've been on the road so long.
00:00:32Everything that happens on a journey is a coincidence.
00:00:36Little dots of coincidences simply overlapping, and I just watch them go by.
00:00:43It's like I'm watching a play, and I'm the only one in the audience.
00:00:57So it was just one of those coincidences that I got off the bus in this town.
00:01:03Dumb luck, pure and simple.
00:01:06Another meaningless dot.
00:01:16Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:26Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:29Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:32Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:35Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:38Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:41Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:44Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:47Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:50Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:53Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:56Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:01:59Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:02:02Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:02:05Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:02:08Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:02:11Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:02:14Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:02:17Oh, hey, Misuzu, can you throw that back?
00:03:10I'm sorry, you want a summer project?
00:03:13Uh-huh, please.
00:03:15But, Kamiyo, you didn't come to school one day this year
00:03:18and now you want a research project?
00:03:21It's a lot to ask, you know.
00:03:25Well, I can see that, but I love it.
00:03:28You see, the summer...
00:03:31What about the summer?
00:03:33You see, last summer and the summer before that
00:03:37and the summer before that,
00:03:39whenever this time of year comes around,
00:03:41I get this feeling.
00:03:43It's hard to describe in words.
00:03:46I feel this passion inside of me.
00:03:48Like I can be reborn.
00:03:50Like everything can just start over.
00:03:55That's Misuzu Kamiyo.
00:03:57She's supposed to be in our grade,
00:03:58but she's been absent every single day this year.
00:04:00I mean, she hasn't even bothered to show up once.
00:04:03Well, lots of people do that, you know.
00:04:05Yeah, but it's weird that she's here on summer vacation.
00:04:10La, la, la, la, la, la.
00:04:14Your theme is going to be my town.
00:04:17It can be about anything to do with this city.
00:04:19It would be nice if you had some photos and sketches
00:04:21to illustrate your essay.
00:04:26I'd normally assign something like this to a small group,
00:04:29but I guess in your case, you'll be working alone?
00:04:33Right. So I guess the due date
00:04:35will be when school starts in September?
00:04:38Goodbye, then!
00:04:50Hey, you over there! Come here for a second!
00:04:53Would you guys like to see an awesome puppet show?
00:04:56Come behold the Mysterious Puppet Man.
00:04:59Just a hundred yen a head.
00:05:01Well, anything over ten.
00:05:02Let's get out of here!
00:05:03It's amazing!
00:05:04Hey, come on! Come back!
00:05:09I'm starting to think I'm hopelessly out of touch
00:05:11with today's youth.
00:05:20A long time ago,
00:05:22yeah, long before I started my travels,
00:05:25my mother would say to me,
00:05:27I can't even remember how many times,
00:05:29Listen to me, son.
00:05:31A girl is waiting for you up there in the sky.
00:05:35The sky?
00:05:38She is bound and unable to move,
00:05:41and she's crying for she is alone.
00:05:44We have come across many like her over the generations,
00:05:48but we have never been able to save them.
00:05:54In time, you will embark on a journey,
00:05:58and someday, somewhere, you will meet her.
00:06:02You and you alone have been given the power
00:06:05to save her.
00:06:10But listen, Yukito.
00:06:12You must live your life as you choose.
00:06:15If you do not wish to take on this responsibility,
00:06:18you may simply forget she ever existed.
00:06:23Look at this!
00:06:24Isn't it cool?
00:06:26It's a turtle! It's a turtle!
00:06:28You mean a turtle turtle?
00:06:36I suggest some time at the library.
00:06:39They should have plenty of materials on the town's history.
00:07:06It's a story from long, long ago.
00:07:09One that is still told in dim corners.
00:07:12One that the ebb and flow of time is not worn away.
00:07:16Somehow it has endured.
00:07:18It's strange and sad, this ancient tale.
00:07:22When the first winged woman was captured,
00:07:24she was with child.
00:07:26Her labor, when it came, was long and difficult.
00:07:30After the baby was born,
00:07:32it was taken away from its mother
00:07:34to a large estate in a village many miles away
00:07:36across the mountains.
00:07:39It's a story that will never be told again.
00:07:42It's a story that will never be told again.
00:07:45It's a story that will never be told again.
00:07:48It's a story that will never be told again.
00:07:51And the child of that winged woman
00:07:53was named Kanabi no Mikoto,
00:07:55but she was commonly called Princess Kana.
00:08:14Princess Kana was frequently alone,
00:08:17all by herself in a huge mansion.
00:08:20It was not uncommon for her to spend an entire day
00:08:23without speaking to another soul.
00:08:42Oh, man!
00:08:44Darn it all!
00:09:04Tell me you didn't see that.
00:09:06Kinda hard to miss.
00:09:08Yeah, I guess.
00:09:09So, uh, are you okay, or...
00:09:12Could you do me a favor
00:09:14and at least pretend you didn't see it?
00:09:16Hey, don't worry.
00:09:17I'm sure I'll forget about it in no time.
00:09:19Besides, you falling on your face
00:09:21isn't really any of my business.
00:09:23Right. That's good.
00:09:25Yeah, you're lucky to get hurt.
00:09:27Be careful.
00:09:33Keep practicing.
00:09:36Princess Kana? Princess Kana?
00:09:39Where are you hiding?
00:09:45Oh, there you are.
00:09:47Uraha, who is that?
00:09:51What are you pointing at, Princess?
00:09:53You see? Over there.
00:09:55That person.
00:10:06Oh, no. He's looking this way.
00:10:09Oh, him.
00:10:11He's a new guard,
00:10:12only recently appointed to be on duty here.
00:10:14He was sent from the capital
00:10:16by order of the Minister of the Right.
00:10:22Oh, it's nothing.
00:10:25Is there something you require
00:10:27of that manly, handsome person?
00:10:29That I, Uraha, quit it.
00:10:36And so it was that Princess Kana,
00:10:39who had always been alone,
00:10:41met the one and only friend
00:10:43she was ever to have in her life.
00:10:55Hey, what's with you kids, anyway?
00:10:58So, what happened to your little Gamera fella?
00:11:02So, what happened to your little Gamera fella?
00:11:05You know, your little turtle friend from yesterday?
00:11:11All right.
00:11:21Check it out, kiddos.
00:11:25He may not do anything really all that special,
00:11:29but he'll tumble for you
00:11:31or do a cute little poopie
00:11:33or a sad little poopie-poo.
00:11:42Fieldwork? What's that mean?
00:11:44It's a summer project I'm doing for school.
00:11:46It's like an investigative report.
00:11:49I have to do a bunch of research on this town.
00:11:52The history and ancient legends,
00:11:54stories about the founding, you know, stuff like that.
00:11:57That's why I have to learn how to ride a bike.
00:11:59This town seems pretty small, but it's actually really big.
00:12:02Most people your age already can.
00:12:04That's exactly why I need to practice.
00:12:06With practice, I'm sure I can learn to ride in no time.
00:12:09Why didn't you learn before?
00:12:11Well, I don't know.
00:12:18Hey, stop it.
00:12:20Come on. I'm just shooting pictures of the bridge.
00:12:26I'm not just taking a vacation here, you know.
00:12:28I understand.
00:12:30I'm working as hard as I can to make enough money to live on.
00:12:33That little puppet?
00:12:35That's the work you're talking about, right?
00:12:37I saw you this afternoon.
00:12:39I get ten here, a hundred there.
00:12:41It doesn't sound like much, but on some days it seems like a fortune.
00:12:44I'm here for your big summer festival.
00:12:46That doesn't start till next Sunday.
00:12:48Sunday? Wait, you're kidding.
00:12:50That's a whole week from now. That can't be right.
00:12:54Oh, man.
00:12:56Guess I'll be sleeping outside for a little while longer.
00:13:10I went to elementary school here until just after the third grade.
00:13:14They said there weren't enough students,
00:13:16so they closed it down and sent us to the other school across town.
00:13:20Oh, yeah?
00:13:22I loved this place. I really did.
00:13:34Where to next?
00:13:36And so it was that Princess Kanna, who had always been alone,
00:13:41met the one and only friend she was ever to have in her life.
00:13:57They say this cave is where Yao Bikini was locked away for years.
00:14:01Who's Yao Bikini?
00:14:03She was the winged woman, Princess Kanna's mother.
00:14:12I guess that's enough research on the town for today.
00:14:15Thanks for everything. You really helped me out a lot.
00:14:18Hey, you don't need to thank me.
00:14:20I just expect you to keep your promise, okay?
00:14:23Here's your ramen, sir.
00:14:25And your rice. And your potstickers.
00:14:28Are you sure I can have the potstickers, too?
00:14:31Go ahead. Eat.
00:14:35Oh, wow. I guess you were really hungry, weren't you?
00:14:38I haven't been able to make much money recently.
00:14:41But there are lots of beaches and amusement parks around here where people gather,
00:14:45so I bet you could go there and make tons of money.
00:14:48Well, basically.
00:14:50I don't really like people, so I tend to avoid crowded places.
00:14:54You know, whenever that's possible.
00:14:56Oh, yeah?
00:14:58Especially chummy families where the parents and kids get along.
00:15:02Makes me sick.
00:15:04And they have those really fake smiles.
00:15:06You know what I'm talking about. The parents and the kids.
00:15:09I mean, they'd never smile like that at home.
00:15:12I don't want them watching my show.
00:15:14But a festival is better.
00:15:16I don't know. I...
00:15:18But I always felt like people at a festival are more connected.
00:15:22That their laughter is actually sincere.
00:15:24So that's it?
00:15:26That's what makes them okay?
00:15:30That's all? Just sincerity?
00:15:33Well, yeah. What do you care, anyway?
00:15:38For your information, I've never met anyone who truly is sincere.
00:15:43For your information, I've never met anyone who truly is sincere.
00:15:47It doesn't exist.
00:15:49Everybody's fake in one way or another.
00:15:56Well, thanks for the ramen, rice, potstickers.
00:16:00I appreciate it.
00:16:05I have to do more research at a bunch of places around town tomorrow.
00:16:09Yeah, good luck with that.
00:16:13I can't just sleep outside for a whole week.
00:16:29Wait! Wait! Wait!
00:16:37Here, take this. You can drink some juice on the bus.
00:16:43And, you know, I was thinking...
00:16:45Well, if you don't have anywhere else to stay,
00:16:48you can come stay at my house with me.
00:16:51Here, juice.
00:17:13We're here!
00:17:15This is my house!
00:17:17Look out! Look out! Look out!
00:17:34Oh, hey, Misuzu. How's it going?
00:17:38Oh, hey, Misuzu. How's it going?
00:17:41Are you all right, Mom? Have you been drinking again?
00:17:47We've been over this before.
00:17:49You shouldn't ride your bike when you've been drinking.
00:17:51You should call a cab instead.
00:17:53Okay, okay, okay.
00:17:55I'll leave the new shampoo and conditioner over here by the sink.
00:18:00So, uh, who's your friend?
00:18:02I already told you. His name is Yukito Kunisaki.
00:18:06Mom's always the last to know when daughter gets a boyfriend.
00:18:09He isn't my boyfriend!
00:18:11I only just met him today.
00:18:13He's been helping me with my research for this summer project I'm doing for school.
00:18:16This is the third time I've explained that to you!
00:18:21He's not too bad looking, though, right?
00:18:35My, aren't you handy.
00:18:37It's so nice to have a big, strong man around
00:18:39to keep up with all the repairs we need in this place.
00:18:42This is just a temporary fix.
00:18:45I have to get some wood, some plywood, and some tools to fix it right.
00:18:49You can stay here as long as you like if you don't mind sleeping in the shed.
00:18:53I'll go back to the house and get you a blanket and some sheets.
00:18:56You mean I can stay?
00:18:59Make you nervous to be living with two extremely hot ladies?
00:19:02Uh, no.
00:19:04Now tell me the truth. Have you kissed her yet?
00:19:09My precious little girl, Misuzu.
00:19:12No! I haven't done anything!
00:19:15What the hell's wrong with you?
00:19:19Come on in when you're done. I'll make you some tea.
00:19:33Like the blowing wind.
00:19:35Unaffected by anything.
00:19:41I was supposed to be on that kind of journey.
00:19:44But instead, I met a girl named Misuzu
00:19:47and her crazy mother, Haruko.
00:19:52I'm not naive enough to think my life is really going to change.
00:19:56After a few years,
00:19:58I'm not naive enough to think my life is really going to change.
00:20:01After a few more towns,
00:20:03these people probably won't be anything but a faded memory for me.
00:20:07And this ugly premonition will be gone once and for all.
00:20:12That's what makes them okay?
00:20:14That's all? Just sincerity?
00:20:19You believe it, you imagine it,
00:20:21and eventually all you find is pain.
00:20:24It's stupid.
00:20:29The Next Day
00:20:34How are you this morning, Yugi-chan?
00:20:37I want to know if you can help me with my project again today.
00:20:40Your breakfast is waiting for you.
00:20:46So long! I'm off to go bring home the big ol' bacon, kiddos!
00:20:53She's like a bat out of hell.
00:20:55What was that?
00:20:57Oh, well, she rides really fast.
00:21:00Pyong! Super fast!
00:21:02Never mind.
00:21:05I guess so. Whatever you say.
00:21:08Let's go get some breakfast.
00:21:14Mama's really something.
00:21:16Every morning she goes to sell fish at the fisherman's co-op.
00:21:19Then in the afternoon she goes over to the farmer's market and mans a produce stand.
00:21:23And then at night she's a supermarket cashier.
00:21:26Man, that's a lot of jobs.
00:21:38How wonderful!
00:21:40That is an owl.
00:21:41Could that be...
00:21:52Oh, Rulia, you have such a wonderful and beautiful power.
00:21:57Thank you, but I am no match for you, Princess Kana.
00:22:00What? Are you telling me that you know?
00:22:03You know about me?
00:22:05It's no secret.
00:22:07You have the power of the gods, Kana.
00:22:10You know, but you...
00:22:12No, no, no!
00:22:14Everybody despises me because of this ridiculous power.
00:22:17I can't even take a single step outside this estate because they hate me so much.
00:22:22I'm not even allowed to...
00:22:31Then, since you already know about me,
00:22:34have you heard about my mother as well, Saruya?
00:22:38I've heard she's a prisoner, too.
00:22:40I've heard she's locked up in a cave somewhere over the mountains.
00:22:44I've never even met her.
00:22:49I'm sorry, Princess Kana.
00:22:56What is it?
00:22:59Come on, what are you laughing at?
00:23:01Say this, and now we've returned to the seaside for our second day of research.
00:23:06That's retarded. Why the heck would I say that, huh?
00:23:09Why the heck would I say that, huh?
00:23:11Let's go.
00:23:12Let's go!
00:23:15I remember thinking that morning,
00:23:17this is day two with Yukito,
00:23:19who might turn out to be the one and only friend in my life.
00:23:22And it started out pretty well.
00:23:24I can't remember ever having been so happy.
00:23:27We'd just met, but I felt like I've known him forever.
00:23:32But the princess knew all too well
00:23:35about the awful curse placed upon the winged people
00:23:38she would never be able to forget.
00:23:45Do it again! We want to see it again!
00:23:48What's wrong with you goofballs?
00:23:54It doesn't matter that you love him.
00:23:57It doesn't matter how deeply you love him.
00:24:00If you confess your love, the flame of your life will burn out
00:24:03and you will die before the next moon rises.
00:24:07That was the awful curse.
00:24:09The curse of all the winged people.
00:24:14What's wrong with that thing?
00:24:18Before the next moon.
00:24:31Is that Suzu Kamiyo?
00:24:33Hey, Kamiyo, is that you?
00:24:37So what are you doing up here?
00:24:39Are you planning to research the shrine for your summer project too?
00:24:42Huh? Oh, yeah.
00:24:44Well, okay. Good luck, I guess.
00:24:47So, uh, who else is in your group, Kamiyo?
00:24:50You are so bad. You know she's by herself.
00:24:53I know.
00:24:55I know.
00:24:57Hey, hurry up.
00:24:59Are we taking pictures or what?
00:25:03It's getting cloudy.
00:25:05You gotta hurry if we want to catch the light.
00:25:07Oh, right. Thanks.
00:25:09Wait up.
00:25:11What's going on?
00:25:13He's her partner.
00:25:15Yeah, but he's hot.
00:25:17And she's Ms. Suzu.
00:25:19So then how did I wind up with you two?
00:25:23It's funny.
00:25:25Every time I've come to this shrine,
00:25:27there's been a total downpour.
00:25:29You know, I went to sleep right here in this room
00:25:31the first night I got off the bus.
00:25:33I didn't think I'd be back here again.
00:25:40Hey, Kamiyo.
00:25:42Hey, Suzu.
00:25:44Hey, Suzu.
00:25:46Hey, Suzu.
00:25:48Hey, Suzu.
00:25:51My classmates.
00:25:53Those girls from today,
00:25:55I think they think you're my boyfriend.
00:25:57Funny, huh?
00:26:09Oh, man.
00:26:11They're never coming down out there.
00:26:13Hey, is the doctor in?
00:26:15It's Ruko Kamiyo.
00:26:17Someone's here for you.
00:26:19She's had a record of her temperature every day this week.
00:26:22And her calorie intake, too.
00:26:24What about her sleep?
00:26:26All the sleep stuff is on the next page.
00:26:28Just approximate numbers, of course.
00:26:32You wouldn't believe how much she hates
00:26:34getting her temperature taken.
00:26:36Has she been complaining about any symptoms lately?
00:26:38No, ma'am.
00:26:40But she's never been one to complain.
00:26:44It's really amazing how much pain
00:26:46that kid can put up with.
00:26:50Is it really as serious as I think?
00:26:52I believe what she has
00:26:54is more advanced than I'm equipped to handle.
00:27:00I'll write you a letter of referral
00:27:02to the university hospital.
00:27:04She needs to be examined somewhere
00:27:06with the proper facilities.
00:27:08No, doctor, please.
00:27:10Please listen. I want you to see her.
00:27:12I'll just bring her in next week.
00:27:14I'll tell her it's a regular checkup.
00:27:16She knows you. She'll be more comfortable with you.
00:27:18Explain everything to her first.
00:27:20I'd consider seeing her.
00:27:22I can't. I can't tell her.
00:27:34This painting isn't in any of the reference books I checked out.
00:27:48Don't you have anything you'd like to wish for?
00:27:50I've never wished for anything before,
00:27:52so why bother starting now?
00:27:54I brought some lunch for us,
00:27:56just a few sandwiches and a little juice.
00:27:58I made them before you woke up this morning.
00:28:00They look pretty good.
00:28:02Yeah, they're kind of my specialty.
00:28:06I started with nori, roast pork, bamboo shoots,
00:28:08and topped it off with a fish cake.
00:28:16I topped it off with a fish cake.
00:28:18It tastes like ramen.
00:28:20It's really great.
00:28:22Glad you like it.
00:28:24You wouldn't think they're stuck together would taste good.
00:28:26Yeah, it's not bad.
00:28:30So, what did you wish for back there?
00:28:34It looked serious, whatever it was.
00:28:40What's up with these super thick juices
00:28:42you're always giving me?
00:28:44What makes them so good is that they're really sweet
00:28:46and really thick.
00:28:52You know what I wished?
00:28:54I just stood there and thought,
00:28:56please take care of my mother.
00:28:58That was my wish.
00:29:00What did you mean by that, Ms. Suzu?
00:29:02I don't know.
00:29:04That's just what I felt at the time.
00:29:06It's funny that I had a completely different wish
00:29:08in mind when I went up there.
00:29:10It's kind of weird.
00:29:14Just because.
00:29:16I mean, usually it's someone who's dying, isn't it?
00:29:18When someone's dying, they ask the gods
00:29:20to take care of the people they're leaving behind.
00:29:38The legend of the winged people.
00:29:40They were, you know,
00:29:42people who had wings.
00:29:44And it's said that this shrine was built on the site
00:29:46of the mansion where their princess,
00:29:48Lady Kana, was held captive
00:29:50for most of her life.
00:29:52Your legend sounds a bit far-fetched to me.
00:29:56I guess there are legends about them all over Japan.
00:29:58But this shrine is supposed to be the most famous one.
00:30:04There's no way people can fly.
00:30:06Yeah, but...
00:30:08Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could?
00:30:12Fly away!
00:30:18We could fly high above the clouds!
00:30:20And we could see far and wide!
00:30:22Look! Mama's waving up at me!
00:30:24And Yukito's drinking that sweet,
00:30:26thick juice again.
00:30:28The stuff he says he doesn't like.
00:30:30I'm glad you're having fun.
00:30:32But in the end, the winged people
00:30:34weren't able to fly through the skies freely anymore.
00:30:36Everybody was afraid of their powers.
00:30:38So the emperor of the time
00:30:40ordered that they all be captured and imprisoned
00:30:42for the rest of their lives.
00:30:46The albikuni, who had gained eternal life
00:30:48by eating the flesh of the mermaids,
00:30:50was thrown into a dark cave that would become her prison.
00:30:52Her newborn daughter,
00:30:54Princess Kana, was taken,
00:30:56sent away to the Sakura Mansion,
00:30:58which was located here.
00:31:00They were constantly watched by legions of guards,
00:31:02and the two of them were never allowed
00:31:04to meet face-to-face or fly.
00:31:32I have never been able to leave this mansion.
00:31:34But there's a place I'd like to go someday.
00:31:36I would like to see the ocean.
00:31:38The ocean that lies beyond the forest.
00:31:40There's only one path to the shore,
00:31:42and there are a few farmhouses along the way,
00:31:44so we could easily make the journey.
00:31:50That's the way!
00:31:52Stand down, and let us pass!
00:31:54I don't want to die!
00:31:56I don't want to die!
00:31:58I don't want to die!
00:32:00I don't want to die!
00:32:02Stand down, and let us pass!
00:32:04I am second lieutenant of the palace guard.
00:32:06By the authority of the minister of the right,
00:32:08I command you.
00:32:10We're only going as far as the ocean,
00:32:12and then we shall return immediately.
00:32:14That's all.
00:32:16I myself will go with her as her guard.
00:32:18There shall be no problem with that.
00:32:20We cannot allow it.
00:32:22Even if you were the minister of the right himself,
00:32:24we could not give you permission
00:32:26to take that girl outside of these walls.
00:32:28We are under strict orders
00:32:30to keep the princess here.
00:32:32For what reason?
00:32:34Any creature bearing wings isn't human.
00:32:36She's an abomination
00:32:38that distorts men's vision.
00:32:40Should anyone attempt to free her,
00:32:42we are under imperial orders
00:32:44to take their head.
00:32:46Without hesitation.
00:32:48Is that enough reason for you, Ruya?
00:32:50Imperial orders?
00:32:52That's right.
00:32:54Directly from the emperor.
00:32:56You got that?
00:32:58I will kill every last one of us
00:33:00to be branded a traitor.
00:33:08Good evening, General Medicine.
00:33:10Oh, hello.
00:33:12Could you tell me, is the professor in?
00:33:14Oh, yes. My name's Hijiri Kirishima,
00:33:16one of his old classmates.
00:33:22Hey, pops.
00:33:24It's pretty hot out there today.
00:33:26Not as hot as my usual, but double up the sake.
00:33:28Sure thing, sweetie. Good to see you again.
00:33:32Yes, it's the young girl I spoke to you about
00:33:34the other day.
00:33:36Yes, from unknown causes.
00:33:38That's right.
00:33:40I've been having her mother bring in data
00:33:42on her vitals every week.
00:33:44I've been noticing that they seem to be getting worse,
00:33:48Exactly. It's like her energy
00:33:50is draining away just a little bit at a time.
00:33:54Unfortunately, the patient
00:33:56won't even consider hospitalization.
00:34:02So, what do you think he did next?
00:34:04What? He who?
00:34:06Handsome Tsuruya, of course.
00:34:08He wanted to take Princess Kanna to the sea,
00:34:10but was stopped by the palace guards.
00:34:12Oh, who knows?
00:34:14I don't care what that ancient little pansy did.
00:34:16You're funny, Yukito.
00:34:18Quit that stuff, okay?
00:34:20Little giggles aren't cute.
00:34:22Oh, no.
00:34:24That ain't cute either.
00:34:30After their run-in with the guards,
00:34:32Ruya made it his mission to visit
00:34:34Princess Kanna every day
00:34:36and tell her about the outside world.
00:34:38He told her the wonders of the capital city,
00:34:42He told her unusual stories
00:34:44he had heard on his journeys.
00:34:46He did his best to make lonely
00:34:48Princess Kanna feel better.
00:35:00Hey. What's the matter?
00:35:06I'm just... I'm okay.
00:35:14What happened to you?
00:35:18And then Princess Kanna said,
00:35:20let's go home.
00:35:24She told Ruya,
00:35:26let's go home.
00:35:44I'm home, guys!
00:35:46Ruyu, I'm home!
00:35:48You here?
00:35:50You're already in bed?
00:35:52This is a lot earlier than usual, huh?
00:35:56Dang. I have to take your temperature.
00:35:58I already did.
00:36:00Look on the vanity.
00:36:04You're such a good girl.
00:36:06I'm sorry. I'm so sleepy.
00:36:08Oh, please. Don't apologize for being tired, honey.
00:36:10I understand. You get some rest.
00:36:12I'll see you in the morning, okay?
00:36:16Yukito hasn't had any dinner yet.
00:36:18I'm on it.
00:36:24Fix this thing, too,
00:36:26which I've been putting up with this stupid door for years.
00:36:28Ow! Ow!
00:36:32I hear you haven't eaten yet, huh?
00:36:34Well, no, I haven't.
00:36:36Let's go to that ramen and karaoke place.
00:36:38Oh, that's right.
00:36:40You're new to town.
00:36:42Well, there's a place right up here
00:36:44where you can eat ramen.
00:36:46I'm not really much of a singer.
00:36:48Can you sing a little?
00:36:52Yeah, you will be.
00:36:54I'm not much of a chef.
00:36:56You sure your stomach can handle my cooking?
00:37:02Might as well.
00:37:04Gotta keep you company.
00:37:14By the way, Freeloader...
00:37:18How old are you?
00:37:20Don't you remember?
00:37:22You like to drink, right?
00:37:26Oh, good.
00:37:28Then we're gonna be friends.
00:37:30We're all responsible adults,
00:37:32don't you think?
00:37:38This will put some hair on your chest, huh?
00:37:40You know what?
00:37:42I think I'm gonna drink
00:37:44straight through to morning.
00:37:54Do me a favor.
00:37:56Be a good friend to her, would you?
00:37:58She's a good girl, isn't she?
00:38:00Different, but good.
00:38:06I drank too much.
00:38:08Just forget whatever I said, okay?
00:38:20Is there...
00:38:22Is there something wrong with Misuzu?
00:38:24There's nothing wrong with her.
00:38:28Nothing at all.
00:38:38Well, I'm off to work.
00:38:42Drive carefully!
00:38:44No fighting, you two!
00:38:46Oh, the weather lady says
00:38:48it's supposed to rain all day today.
00:38:50So I guess I might as well take a break
00:38:52from doing fieldwork today, right?
00:39:00Be gone.
00:39:04Be gone.
00:39:07If you're taking the day off,
00:39:09I think I'll just go back to bed.
00:39:11What about your breakfast?
00:39:14I'm not really hungry.
00:39:16Man, I've got a killer hangover this morning.
00:39:22Jeez, Haruko's such a drunk!
00:39:38It's you again.
00:39:51We didn't wake you, did we?
00:39:53Whoa, hey!
00:39:55There's a crow over on your shoulder there!
00:39:57Yeah, he's a crow.
00:39:59And he's also a friend of mine.
00:40:01This is Sky, Yukito.
00:40:06I haven't seen him since spring.
00:40:08He just popped in to see me a little while ago.
00:40:10Sweet of him to surprise me like that, huh?
00:40:13I wonder if he was busy raising
00:40:15a nest of cute little crow babies.
00:40:20So I guessed right, huh?
00:40:26So long!
00:40:29Bye-bye now! Come visit me again!
00:40:39Sky really is something, isn't he?
00:40:41And he's even a good flyer.
00:40:43He can fly higher than any crow I've ever seen.
00:40:48But of course I might just be thinking that
00:40:50because he's such a nice bird.
00:40:52He's strong, though.
00:40:54Did you notice how strong he is?
00:40:56Someday he's going to take me with him.
00:40:58He promised me.
00:41:00He said we're going to go way up,
00:41:02above the highest clouds in the sky.
00:41:04He hasn't told me when just yet, but...
00:41:10Someday we'll go into the sky.
00:41:12And then I'll see...
00:41:14I'll see how amazing everything is.
00:41:18I'll see...
00:41:20everything clearly.
00:41:28You wanna play cards?
00:41:30I've got some in my room.
00:41:32I think I'm going out. I've got work to do.
00:41:34Really? Do you mean the puppet show?
00:41:36Yeah, that's right.
00:41:38But it's still raining.
00:41:40I don't think kids are going to come outside today.
00:41:42They'll come out as soon as the rain stops.
00:41:44But it's supposed to rain all day long.
00:41:46Yeah, well, maybe.
00:41:48So you're still going, then?
00:41:52Right. Then I'll go with you.
00:41:54I give up.
00:41:58You should throw up again.
00:42:02I'd hate to have that mother of yours
00:42:04kick my butt because she didn't think
00:42:06I was taking care of you.
00:42:08My mother?
00:42:10Haruko isn't my mother, silly.
00:42:12Well, I guess I should say
00:42:14she isn't my real mother.
00:42:16She's my real mother's big sister.
00:42:18You understand?
00:42:22Well, my real mother died
00:42:24when I was just a little girl.
00:42:26So Haruko took me in and stuff.
00:42:28Okay, so you and Haruko
00:42:30aren't really mother and daughter.
00:42:34So she gets drunk
00:42:36and you throw up.
00:42:38Well, whatever you two are,
00:42:40you've got a pretty interesting relationship.
00:42:42I'm glad I'm not related.
00:42:48Never mind all that.
00:42:50Look, I'm trying to tell you
00:42:52I'm at the end of my rope here.
00:42:56At any rate,
00:42:58you should probably prepare yourself too.
00:43:00Yes, that's right.
00:43:04But still,
00:43:06I love Haruko.
00:43:08Most of the time I think of her
00:43:10as my real mom.
00:43:16That night the rain finally stopped.
00:43:20And then, for the first time in a week,
00:43:22no, more like ten days,
00:43:24I was able to soak in a bath
00:43:26thanks to the Cameo family.
00:43:30Hey, Vagrant!
00:43:32Look who's home from work!
00:43:38Get out of here!
00:43:40What are you, drunk and crazy?
00:43:42Yeah, you got me begged.
00:43:44Come have a drink with me when you get out, Tiny.
00:43:46You wish!
00:43:50Oh, look, there's a ring around the moon tonight.
00:43:52Sure is pretty, huh?
00:43:56So, how was it today?
00:43:58Huh? How was what?
00:44:00How are you feeling? Did you take it easy like I asked?
00:44:02Mm-hmm. Sure did.
00:44:04I'm glad to hear it, honey.
00:44:06So, how's our little charity case doing?
00:44:08Hope he's been taking care of you while I'm at work.
00:44:14Hey, Misuzu,
00:44:16what do you think of this?
00:44:20I found it at the supermarket.
00:44:22It's just plain cotton,
00:44:24but it's got all your favorite dinosaurs on it.
00:44:26I was thinking I'd use it for your kimono
00:44:28for the festival this year.
00:44:30I think this'll be
00:44:32your summer festival victory kimono!
00:44:36That's right, victory, baby!
00:45:10They met in secret day and night.
00:45:12They yearned to be together.
00:45:14And slowly,
00:45:16very slowly,
00:45:18Princess Kanna fell in love,
00:45:20seemingly forgetting about the terrible curse
00:45:22placed upon her.
00:45:24Even though it meant that her life
00:45:26would come to an end, too.
00:45:30even if my very life
00:45:32were to shatter into pieces,
00:45:34each shard would yearn for you
00:45:36until the end of time.
00:45:40love you.
00:45:52And so Princess Kanna uttered the words
00:45:54that would bring the curse down upon her.
00:45:56It didn't matter how deeply
00:45:58she loved, or whether she was
00:46:00loved in return.
00:46:02The words were forbidden, and would bring
00:46:04nothing but pain and ruin.
00:46:12I said to that fisherman guy,
00:46:14I said,
00:46:16you catch a lot of fish in your nets,
00:46:18but did you know that it's because a lot of them
00:46:20want to get caught that they don't want to live anymore?
00:46:22And his eyes sort of popped, and he said,
00:46:24there are fish like that out there?
00:46:26I told him, of course there are.
00:46:28Lots of creatures have a death wish, you know.
00:46:30It's not just humans
00:46:32who want to die, no.
00:46:34I told him, I figure it's at least ten percent
00:46:36of any population. Human, fish,
00:46:38whatever, everybody wants to die,
00:46:40you know.
00:46:44Come on,
00:46:46freeloader, laugh with me, will ya?
00:46:52I hear that you're not really your mother.
00:46:56I found this prescription
00:46:58in one of the kitchen cabinets.
00:47:02It says, Masuzu Kamiyo
00:47:04take daily with meals.
00:47:06The cabinet was full of them,
00:47:08and everyone was untouched and unopened.
00:47:10If she needs medicine,
00:47:12why isn't she taking it?
00:47:14I don't know.
00:47:16What kind of answer is that?
00:47:18Nothing helps anyway, not even the doctors know what's wrong.
00:47:22The only thing we know for sure
00:47:24is that she's getting worse no matter what we try.
00:47:28Those prescriptions,
00:47:30they're just tranquilizers and vitamins
00:47:32to ease our minds.
00:47:34And because she knows they don't work.
00:47:40I never should have taken her in the first place.
00:47:42It's so painful.
00:47:50Masuzu, she really seems to like you.
00:47:54She seems to be smiling a lot more lately.
00:47:56More than I've seen in a while, anyway.
00:48:04be nice to my girl.
00:48:06Make her see
00:48:08how good it is to be alive every day.
00:48:22The sea must have been
00:48:24miles and miles away.
00:48:26But that night,
00:48:28I could hear the sound of the waves.
00:48:30Like I was sleeping right on the beach.
00:48:36I couldn't help thinking
00:48:38I may have found
00:48:40the girl my mother predicted.
00:48:42The girl who was locked up
00:48:44and crying
00:48:46and all alone in the world.
00:48:48You and you alone
00:48:50have been given the power
00:48:52to save her.
00:48:56It's just a load of garbage.
00:48:58I don't have any special powers.
00:49:00And even if I did,
00:49:02you know what I'd do with them?
00:49:14No, wait.
00:49:26Don't leave me.
00:49:28Please don't go.
00:49:42Hey. Which way again?
00:49:44Wake up, Mrs.
00:49:46Mrs., yeah?
00:50:04Are you okay?
00:50:06My hat. Can you get it?
00:50:16I'm sure you're okay.
00:50:18You fell...
00:50:20You know, you felt kind of funny back there.
00:50:22Oh, that?
00:50:24That's just because I fell asleep.
00:50:26And then I tried to run all of a sudden.
00:50:28If you're that tired,
00:50:30maybe you should go home and get some rest.
00:50:32I can't.
00:50:34We didn't get any research done yesterday.
00:50:36Maybe you've got a fever.
00:50:38You do feel a bit warm.
00:50:40Really, I'm okay.
00:50:56Isn't that the same school from the other day?
00:51:00Misuzu, stop running.
00:51:02Take it easy, all right?
00:51:04Just slow down.
00:51:12I kind of like it whenever
00:51:14you call me by my name, Yukito.
00:51:18Something about it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
00:51:20If you want to,
00:51:22you can start acting more like my boyfriend.
00:51:30Let's see.
00:51:34I guess I'll take a shortcut.
00:51:48Well, well.
00:51:50Just what do you think
00:51:52you're doing out here, young lady?
00:51:54When I was in the fourth grade,
00:51:56I buried something under this tree.
00:51:58Something very precious.
00:52:00I told myself I would dig it up
00:52:02when I turned 20.
00:52:06I'm no good with ages,
00:52:08but I can't say you're younger than that.
00:52:10Well, my circumstances
00:52:12have changed my plans a little.
00:52:16Besides, they're planning on
00:52:18tearing the school down pretty soon.
00:52:20And if they cut down the ginkgo tree,
00:52:22I won't have my landmark anymore.
00:52:24Never mind about the tree.
00:52:26Tell me what you meant about that circumstance thing.
00:52:30That's it.
00:52:38You see,
00:52:40years ago,
00:52:42I took the mementos of my mother.
00:52:44Not Haruko, but my real mother.
00:52:46I took all the pictures and letters and things
00:52:48and I put them in this tin
00:52:50and I buried it under this tree.
00:52:52After my mom died
00:52:54and Aunt Haruko took me in,
00:52:56it took me a while.
00:52:58You know, to get used to living with her.
00:53:00I came to love her.
00:53:02No, I told myself I had to love her,
00:53:04even as a kid.
00:53:06I was trying to forget Mother.
00:53:08It was really hard.
00:53:10But I knew that she would want me to move on
00:53:12and not waste away thinking about the past.
00:53:14I told myself that
00:53:16when I was all grown up,
00:53:18if I still wanted to see my mother,
00:53:20well, I could just dig up the tin
00:53:22if I wanted to.
00:53:26But you wanted to see her again
00:53:28before you were all grown up, didn't you?
00:53:32I can understand that.
00:53:34From what I've seen,
00:53:36your Aunt Haruko,
00:53:38she hasn't exactly been able to fill the void
00:53:40that your mother left behind.
00:53:44But for whatever it's worth,
00:53:46I'm sure she's trying.
00:53:50That's not why I'm here.
00:53:52I just realized that Haruko is my real mother
00:53:54and that's why...
00:53:56that's why...
00:53:58that's why I don't need these memories
00:54:00of her anymore.
00:54:06it's all right because I found someone.
00:54:10I found someone new to love.
00:54:14I want to be with you, Yukito.
00:54:28Princess Kanna!
00:54:30Princess Kanna!
00:54:32Are you okay? Why were you screaming?
00:54:34It hurts.
00:54:36My whole body feels like
00:54:38it's being stabbed by needles.
00:54:40She just suddenly began crying
00:54:42in agony.
00:54:44Feel her skin, Araha. She's burning up.
00:54:46It'll be all right.
00:54:48Please don't worry.
00:54:50This is just my punishment for speaking
00:54:52those words.
00:54:54I was expecting this.
00:54:56There is no greater proof
00:54:58of my love for you than this
00:55:00that I'm willing to lose my life for...
00:55:02for it.
00:55:29Hey, Misuzu?
00:55:34She's already gone to sleep.
00:55:36Did she...
00:55:38Did she really have a fever earlier today?
00:55:40Not just a fever.
00:55:42She threw up a couple of times, too.
00:55:48Thank you for calling to let me know.
00:55:50I tried calling you right after lunch.
00:55:52That was six hours ago.
00:55:54I know. Thanks again.
00:55:56You selfish bitch!
00:55:58You should have come home when I called!
00:56:00Are you her mom or not?!
00:56:04I can't take this anymore.
00:56:28Are you awake already?
00:56:32I'm sorry.
00:56:34What do you have to be sorry about?
00:56:36Well, for...
00:56:38for this weird illness, I guess.
00:56:44it's so strange.
00:56:46It affected everything.
00:56:48I mean, I've never had any friends,
00:56:50you know?
00:56:52I think this is the reason.
00:56:54Don't you see?
00:56:56When I find somebody I really like,
00:56:58that's when things start to fall apart.
00:57:02My body or my head would start aching,
00:57:06and I'd have trouble breathing
00:57:08or get sick to my stomach.
00:57:12That's why I could never really get close to anyone.
00:57:16But with you, it was different.
00:57:18I love you more than anything in the world, Mom.
00:57:20I'm always thinking about you
00:57:22and trying to make you proud of me.
00:57:24When I think about how much I love you,
00:57:26there's still pain, but with you,
00:57:28I can bear it.
00:57:30It's easy to love you.
00:57:34You're the one I love most of all.
00:57:38I don't want you to have to bear the pain from this.
00:57:40You just go ahead and hate me.
00:57:42I'd rather have you hate me
00:57:44than have to watch you hurting like you are right now.
00:57:46Just think of me as being scum of the earth.
00:57:48Can you do that for me, honey?
00:57:50Just think of me that way.
00:57:52Tell yourself I'm nothing but a good-for-nothing loser, okay?
00:57:54Because that's exactly what I am.
00:57:56Oh, come on, Mom.
00:57:58You know I can't do that.
00:58:00Misuzu, please try.
00:58:02Don't worry, Mom.
00:58:04It's okay.
00:58:06What do you mean, sweetheart?
00:58:08I mean, I finally made up my mind.
00:58:12You see, I finally realized
00:58:14that it's much harder to bear heartache
00:58:16than it is to bear physical pain.
00:58:18What are you saying?
00:58:20I am never going to shy away
00:58:22from caring about all the people I love ever again.
00:58:46It started raining again
00:58:48just before dawn.
00:58:50I was already having trouble sleeping,
00:58:52and the rain seemed to be intent
00:58:54on keeping it that way.
00:59:00The rain continued for two full days
00:59:02until dawn,
00:59:04the day of the festival.
00:59:16Those two days
00:59:18gave me time to make my final decision.
00:59:20Would I become the wind
00:59:22and keep moving,
00:59:24or just be another
00:59:26wounded traveler?
00:59:28This decision,
00:59:30it was big,
00:59:46The low-pressure area
00:59:48coming in with the typhoon
00:59:50is approaching.
00:59:52Heavy rains are expected
00:59:54from Kyushu to the Tokai district.
00:59:56You just got something to eat
00:59:58a second ago, huh?
01:00:00You're not being sneaky
01:00:02when you slam the refrigerator door like that.
01:00:04Well, I was kind of hungry,
01:00:06so I thought it would be fine.
01:00:08Isn't it about time you headed to work
01:00:10at the fish market or something?
01:00:12With heavy rain,
01:00:14and a typhoon,
01:00:16they're not going to need me to work for a while.
01:00:20Misuzu's still running a fever.
01:00:24I thought I might have heard your voice out here.
01:00:26No, no.
01:00:28Oh, no, Misuzu.
01:00:30You should get back to bed.
01:00:32Hey, it's good to see you.
01:00:36Come here.
01:00:38Come in my room.
01:00:40I want to talk to you alone.
01:00:46Sorry, Mom, but I'm kicking you out.
01:00:56you're still running a fever, aren't you?
01:00:58Shouldn't you, you know, maybe get some rest?
01:01:00Ta-da! Found it.
01:01:02Here you go.
01:01:04I wanted you to have this, Yukito.
01:01:06What is it, exactly?
01:01:08It's a keychain with a dinosaur on it.
01:01:10It's been my favorite thing in my whole collection.
01:01:12That thing? Are you serious?
01:01:14Yeah, since I was just a little girl.
01:01:16And this. Take this, too.
01:01:18Here. It's called the Easy to Learn Dinosaur Book.
01:01:20If you take the time to study it,
01:01:22you'll be a dinosaur expert
01:01:24in three shakes of a triceratops tail.
01:01:26Where did you ever get the idea
01:01:28I wanted to be some big-shot expert on...
01:01:34Would you...
01:01:36kiss me, please?
01:01:41Oh, it's okay, Yukito.
01:01:43Someday you'll want to, and then...
01:01:45and then...
01:01:47you'll see what I see.
01:01:51How about some...
01:01:53What the heck's going on in here?
01:01:55Okay, I guess you're just
01:01:57seriously playing some cards, then.
01:01:59You want some juice?
01:02:01You know, it can't be very good
01:02:03for her to sleep that much.
01:02:11The rain continued
01:02:13hour after hour,
01:02:15and I tried to spend the next two days
01:02:17pretending like nothing had happened,
01:02:19but I couldn't help thinking
01:02:21that if this good-for-nothing guy
01:02:23had a little more courage,
01:02:25well, both Misuzu and I
01:02:27might have felt a whole lot better.
01:02:31While I was listening to the rain
01:02:33for those two miserable days,
01:02:35I wasn't thinking about anything
01:02:37other than you, Misuzu.
01:02:40You are more beautiful
01:02:42than anything I've met
01:02:44in my entire life.
01:02:46You're so sweet and gentle,
01:02:48and you've moved my soul
01:02:50more than any other girl could.
01:02:52You're mysterious,
01:02:54you're blinding,
01:02:56and your voice is calming,
01:03:00almost making me forget
01:03:02my restless wandering.
01:03:04You're so sweet,
01:03:06and you're so gentle,
01:03:08almost making me forget
01:03:10my restless wandering ways.
01:03:12I want to hold you.
01:03:14I want to wrap my arms around you
01:03:16and never let go.
01:03:18But I'm sorry.
01:03:20I'm so sorry.
01:03:30And then,
01:03:32the day finally arrived.
01:03:38The day finally arrived.
01:03:58That day,
01:04:00spurred on by the sound of the fireworks,
01:04:02I left the Kamio household behind.
01:04:04I left the Kamio household behind.
01:04:08I left the Kamio household behind.
01:04:14Misuzu, lookie here.
01:04:16It's ready. I finally finished
01:04:18your victory kimono.
01:04:22Oh, that's great.
01:04:33So how are you feeling today?
01:04:35Um, I'm okay.
01:04:37In that case, you want to try it on?
01:04:39Sure do.
01:04:47Where did that
01:04:49exceptionally beautiful young lady
01:04:51come from, huh?
01:04:53I want to show someone.
01:04:55Let me guess.
01:05:01Hey, Yukito!
01:05:17What's the matter, Misuzu?
01:05:19Aren't you two going to the festival?
01:05:23I thought that you and Yukito...
01:05:31has gone away for good.
01:05:33That son of a bitch.
01:05:45Hello? This is Keisuke.
01:05:53Wait just a minute. I thought we agreed
01:05:55it wouldn't be until after the festival.
01:05:57I'm sorry, but I just thought
01:05:59the sooner the better.
01:06:01Yes. Yes, I'm right in the neighborhood.
01:06:03And it was...
01:06:05And it was then that Sir Ruya
01:06:07apologized to Princess Kanna.
01:06:09Forgive me.
01:06:11Here you are, weakening by the day.
01:06:13But I have been called back
01:06:15by the Minister of the Right.
01:06:17I have to leave for the capital
01:06:19first thing tomorrow morning, Princess Kanna.
01:06:21I promise I'll return to you
01:06:23as quickly as I can.
01:06:25And so,
01:06:27Princess Kanna,
01:06:29who knew she only had a little time left,
01:06:31placed her waning life
01:06:33on the line.
01:06:35I decided to fulfill her dream.
01:06:37The sky.
01:06:39The endless sky.
01:06:41Just once,
01:06:43I'd like to spread my wings
01:06:45out wide.
01:06:47To spread my wings and fly.
01:06:49My wings will carry me
01:06:51along the wind
01:06:53and glow white in the sunshine.
01:06:55And I'll be free
01:06:57to soar over the mountains.
01:06:59Then I can finally meet
01:07:01the mother I've never seen.
01:07:19Miss Suzu,
01:07:21I've packed a few of your things for you.
01:07:23It's a shame you won't be able to see the festival,
01:07:25but you have to go out now.
01:07:27I'll send anything else you need later on.
01:07:31It's been a long time, Miss Suzu.
01:07:35You're all grown up.
01:07:37You look even more like your mother than I expected.
01:07:41I'm here because I want you to come live with me.
01:07:43It's a little far away,
01:07:45but there's a big hospital nearby,
01:07:47so maybe we can finally figure out what's wrong with you.
01:07:49In fact, they've got a bed reserved for you
01:07:51so they can start testing.
01:07:53From here on out, I'm going to be with you
01:07:55every step of the way, Miss Suzu.
01:07:57We're going to get you healthy, and once you're better,
01:07:59we're going to go visit your mother's grave.
01:08:03You know, I bet your mother would be glad
01:08:05you're coming to visit her after all these years.
01:08:07You remember how much you used to love her
01:08:09when you were little?
01:08:13Why don't you say goodbye to your aunt Haruko?
01:08:17My mother...
01:08:19She's my mom!
01:08:21I'm not really sick at all, am I?
01:08:23The doctor can't find anything wrong!
01:08:25She said there was nothing wrong with me, didn't she?
01:08:27Oh, honey.
01:08:29You need to tell them that!
01:08:31Tell that man! Tell him I'm not sick!
01:08:33I never was!
01:08:35Miss Suzu, I belong in this house with you
01:08:37because you're my real mother now.
01:08:39I don't want to go anywhere, Mom!
01:08:41I want to stay here with you forever!
01:08:43Please don't let him take me, Mom!
01:08:45Don't send me away! Please, Mom!
01:08:49Everything's fine, honey.
01:08:51I know that you're in pain.
01:08:53That's true, isn't it?
01:08:55And I know it must be hard for you to bear.
01:08:57But, Mom...
01:08:59You know that I'm not really your mother!
01:09:01I can't take care of you like a mother would!
01:09:07I called him, Miss Suzu.
01:09:11I'm tired of taking care of you!
01:09:13I can't do it!
01:09:19No, no, no...
01:09:21That's not true.
01:09:23This isn't happening.
01:09:31It's okay. Don't break down.
01:09:33It's for the best.
01:09:35You know it is.
01:09:37It all happened
01:09:39a little bit after noon.
01:09:41Of course, I only found out
01:09:43about it much later.
01:09:45How could I have known?
01:09:47There was no way
01:09:49I could have known then.
01:09:53This is the last stop, sir.
01:09:55You've got to get off here.
01:09:57Unless you want to go back the other way.
01:10:01There's another bus that can take you farther up the road,
01:10:03but it'll be a while.
01:10:05Just my luck.
01:10:07This is turning out like all my other journeys.
01:10:09Nothing ever goes as planned, does it?
01:10:11I wanted to get as far away from her
01:10:13as fast as I could.
01:10:15But now I'm only a couple of miles
01:10:17down the road.
01:10:19I guess I won't forget her
01:10:21as soon as I was hoping to.
01:10:23I mean, I'm still close enough
01:10:25to see the fireworks.
01:10:31I've heard stories about this festival,
01:10:33but it really is something, huh?
01:10:35I'm sorry.
01:10:37I know you wanted to go this year.
01:10:39Why don't we come back next year
01:10:41when we visit your Aunt Haruko?
01:10:45Yeah, it'll be great.
01:10:47Maybe we can even make a trip to the shrine, too.
01:10:49Right, Misuzu?
01:11:09Oh, my God.
01:11:11No way.
01:11:13Get out of here, you...
01:11:17Get away!
01:11:25Ah, just shut up.
01:11:27I don't feel anything for her.
01:11:29You got that, you stupid bird?
01:11:31I don't feel anything.
01:11:35You're not waiting to go further down the road, are you?
01:11:37We're running on the weekend schedule now.
01:11:39The other bus already made its last run
01:11:41a couple hours ago.
01:11:43What do you want to do?
01:11:45If you're going back to town,
01:11:47this is the last bus of the day.
01:11:49Well, that's pretty scary.
01:11:51Let's shift gears a little bit.
01:11:53I'm sorry to bother you,
01:11:55but I figured she might have gone back
01:11:57to your place or something.
01:11:59I've been looking everywhere,
01:12:01but I just can't find her.
01:12:03What? You lost her already?
01:12:29Yeah, that's right. What of it?
01:12:31The festival was the reason I came to this town
01:12:33in the first place.
01:12:35I came here to earn enough to tide me over.
01:12:37Work the crowd, then get the hell out.
01:12:39That was the plan.
01:12:41So I might as well
01:12:43make the most of this opportunity, right?
01:12:45Just because I got caught up
01:12:47in this weird...
01:12:49I don't know what to call this situation.
01:12:51They've complicated things.
01:12:53But if I take the girl
01:12:55out of the equation, poof!
01:12:57No more complications.
01:12:59Man, I'm gonna rake it in here.
01:13:07Let us pass!
01:13:09Get out of our way!
01:13:11To make her wish come true,
01:13:13Ruya attempts to help Princess Kanna
01:13:15escape and find her mother.
01:13:17But once again, they're stuffed at the gates.
01:13:39Come along now, Princess.
01:13:41We need to really get moving before their reinforcements arrive.
01:13:43Right, let's go.
01:13:45They knew there was nothing now.
01:13:47Nothing to hope nor to fear.
01:13:49Now that they were ready
01:13:51to give up their lives,
01:13:53the two even smiled as they approached
01:13:55the remaining guards.
01:14:03Hey, kids!
01:14:05Wanna see a show tonight?
01:14:07Good kids, bad kids, it doesn't matter!
01:14:09Come one, come all and see the big show!
01:14:11Watch the puppet dance
01:14:13and you'll be healthier, stronger!
01:14:15You're gonna laugh so hard
01:14:17your stomach will hurt!
01:14:19Just be sure and fill the hat before you leave!
01:14:21One, two, three, yippity-dee!
01:14:23Yowza, yowza, yowza!
01:14:25Thank you for your kind donation!
01:14:27Look at him go!
01:14:29Thank you!
01:14:31Thanks a lot! Thanks, I appreciate it!
01:14:33You guys are too kind!
01:14:35Oh, wow, thanks!
01:14:37Oh, man, I paid a total killing!
01:14:39Let's see, 4,000 bills.
01:14:41God knows how much in change...
01:14:51It's all my fault.
01:14:53I just abandoned her
01:14:55after all these years.
01:14:57Now she's gone.
01:14:59How could I have...
01:15:01What do I do now, Yukito?
01:15:03What do I do?
01:15:05This is no time to fall apart!
01:15:07You gotta find her! Get out there and look!
01:15:09No, you don't understand!
01:15:11I did look for her! I've been looking for hours, okay?
01:15:13I've been everywhere!
01:15:15She's just gone!
01:15:17We'll look again, as long as it takes.
01:15:19We won't rest until she's found.
01:15:21I'll look, too. We'll find her.
01:15:23You'll help?
01:15:25Of course. Because I...
01:15:27Because I abandoned her, too.
01:15:41I just...
01:15:43I just want to see your face again.
01:15:45Please, Missuzu.
01:15:51The two of them
01:15:53no longer had anything to fear.
01:15:59Now's your chance, Princess!
01:16:01You have to fly away from here!
01:16:03Fly as high as you can!
01:16:27Stop her!
01:16:29Shoot her down!
01:17:05I'm coming, Mother.
01:17:11Princess Kana...
01:17:13She tried to fly toward the Mother she had never seen,
01:17:15but her body was riddled with arrows.
01:17:17Every inch of her body
01:17:19was pierced by the guards' crude weapons.
01:17:23And as she struggled to bear the awful pain,
01:17:25Princess Kana called out...
01:17:31Kana! I can hear your voice
01:17:33and the sound of your wings!
01:17:37Fly to me, Kana! I'm here!
01:17:39I've been waiting for you!
01:17:41Come to me!
01:17:51My wings glide through the air.
01:17:55And now that I'm flying, I can go.
01:17:59I can go...
01:18:07There were many, many witnesses
01:18:09who viewed Princess Kana's flight that day.
01:18:11They watched a woman
01:18:13who had been shot through the heart
01:18:15and who should have long since
01:18:17taken her last breath.
01:18:19They watched as, instead of falling to the earth,
01:18:21she remained in the sky,
01:18:23floating among the clouds,
01:18:25and then feathers
01:18:27as white as snow
01:18:29began to fall upon the warriors below,
01:18:31and they fell for days and days.
01:18:35But then,
01:18:37when they looked up in the sky again,
01:18:39they were amazed to discover
01:18:41that the princess was nowhere to be seen.
01:18:43She had simply vanished.
01:18:47Are you sure?
01:18:49What makes you think that Masuzu would go to the shrine?
01:18:51I'm not sure, but one of our neighbors said
01:18:53he saw her going in that direction.
01:18:55He turned on the skylight, and he said he saw her
01:18:57slowly climbing these stairs.
01:19:01There's only one way in and out of the shrine.
01:19:03Keisuke said he'd be on the lookout for us.
01:19:05If Masuzu slips by us while we're inside,
01:19:07Keisuke will see her, and he'll let us know.
01:19:09Who is that Keisuke guy, anyway?
01:19:11He's Masuzu's father.
01:19:13You mean he's the one who forced you
01:19:15into his car in the first place?
01:19:17Yes, but there's more to it.
01:19:19There you are, Haruko.
01:19:21Oh, hi, Keisuke.
01:19:23I'm supposed to be home to take a call
01:19:25from the office tonight, so I'm gonna have to head out.
01:19:27Uh, hey.
01:19:29Who are you?
01:19:33You'll do more good there, anyway.
01:19:35If you want to go home, you don't need an excuse,
01:19:37miserable bastard.
01:19:43Oh, God. Who was that guy?
01:19:45Huh? What you talking about?
01:19:47I don't see anybody but us out here.
01:19:51I'm no good at this, Mom.
01:19:53I'm better at being what I always aimed to be.
01:19:55Just a scrap of paper
01:19:57being blown about by the wind.
01:19:59I'm no good at dealing
01:20:01with people.
01:20:03And that's why...
01:20:05why I've stayed away for so long.
01:20:09I'm just not made for that.
01:20:13It is within you.
01:20:15Listen to me.
01:20:17You are the only one with the power.
01:20:21You are so
01:20:23far and free
01:20:25where there
01:20:27are no
01:20:33far and free
01:20:35the answer is
01:20:37so if
01:20:41can try to
01:21:01I can't just watch you.
01:21:03I can't just watch you fade away.
01:21:05Because I...
01:21:07I love you too much for that.
01:21:21I love you.
01:21:23I love you.
01:21:25I love you.
01:21:27I love you.
01:21:29I love you.
01:21:31I love you.
01:21:33I love you.
01:21:35Then what?
01:21:37What happened next?
01:21:39It started raining again.
01:21:41As soon as the festival was over
01:21:43it rained like it would never stop.
01:21:45But beyond that
01:21:47it's hard
01:21:49it's hard to talk about
01:21:51everything that happened next.
01:21:59Haruko and I decided it would be best to take
01:22:01Masuzu to the hospital after all.
01:22:03Her fever wasn't going down
01:22:05and she seemed to be getting weaker
01:22:07day by day.
01:22:09But in the end
01:22:11I think we both knew
01:22:13that the doctors couldn't help her.
01:22:15We couldn't
01:22:17help her there.
01:22:23Can you cut my hair?
01:22:27Oh, that's right.
01:22:29We're taking you to the hospital tomorrow.
01:22:31It'll be easier to manage if it's shorter, huh?
01:22:43Are you still feverish?
01:22:47Still, it's not so bad.
01:22:51I wonder if the weather will clear up.
01:22:53They say it should stop raining this afternoon.
01:22:57I want to go to the beach.
01:23:05Hey, Yukito.
01:23:09I can hear your heartbeat
01:23:11when I sit like this.
01:23:13Thump, thump.
01:23:15I'll never forget
01:23:17how you were on that day.
01:23:19You were strangely light.
01:23:21It was like I was
01:23:23carrying a little child.
01:23:25This is perfect.
01:23:27Put me down here, Yukito.
01:23:33Are you all right, Masuzu?
01:23:35Do you want us to take you back home now?
01:23:37No, I'm all right.
01:23:39It feels good to be in the wind and sun.
01:23:43go stand over there.
01:23:45Huh? What?
01:23:47You mean over here?
01:23:49Yeah, that's perfect.
01:23:51Just stand over there.
01:23:53You too, Yukito.
01:23:55Go stand
01:23:57over there by Mom,
01:23:59please, Yukito.
01:24:01Like this?
01:24:03Is this what you want?
01:24:05Mm-hmm. Yeah.
01:24:07It's perfect.
01:24:09Just stay where you are, Yukito.
01:24:11Don't move a muscle.
01:24:13What on earth are you trying to do,
01:24:17I'm gonna reach my goal.
01:24:21What goal?
01:24:23It's for my...
01:24:25my happiest summer ever.
01:24:27Because you're
01:24:29my real mom. My favorite.
01:24:31My favorite person in the whole wide world.
01:24:33And because I...
01:24:35I got to meet Yukito.
01:24:37I met him this summer, too.
01:24:39He's my second favorite person.
01:24:41Second, huh?
01:24:43You, too.
01:24:45We're the finish line.
01:24:47We're what?
01:24:49What do you mean, finish line?
01:24:51What are you talking about?
01:24:55No. No, please don't move.
01:24:57I still...
01:24:59I still have time to reach my goal.
01:25:01It'll be... It'll be the last time
01:25:03I want
01:25:05to reach you.
01:25:07Masuzu, you've been trying so hard.
01:25:09You can't quit on us now.
01:25:11You were too tired for school, but you still wanted to go.
01:25:13You've always done your best,
01:25:15no matter how lonely you were.
01:25:17You can't just give up now.
01:25:25Hey, Yukito.
01:25:29It's okay, isn't it?
01:25:31It's okay.
01:25:33I'm fine.
01:25:35I'll reach my goal
01:25:37just one more step.
01:25:41When I reach
01:25:43my goal...
01:25:47Thank you
01:25:49for everything.
01:25:51Thanks, Mom.
01:25:53Thanks, Yukito.
01:26:09You've got it wrong.
01:26:11This isn't the finish line.
01:26:13This is where everything is just beginning for you.
01:26:15Do you hear me?
01:26:17This is where everything is supposed to start
01:26:19because now we're all a family
01:26:21from this moment.
01:26:23From now on.
01:26:25Isn't that... Isn't that right?
01:26:57As for me,
01:26:59where to now?
01:27:01I don't know.
01:27:03Where on earth would I want to be?
01:27:05If you really want to know,
01:27:07maybe you should ask Masuzu.
01:27:11Because I got a feeling
01:27:13she's gonna be with me
01:27:17no matter where I end up.
01:27:33the edge of a dream
01:27:37The boy
01:27:41When he
01:27:43lets go
01:27:45far away
01:27:47to the roots
01:27:49of the wind
01:28:01is blown
01:28:09The picture
01:28:11I began to draw
01:28:13behind my eyelids
01:28:15is hazy
01:28:19Even if I rub it
01:28:21with my palm
01:28:23The kindness
01:28:25I saw one day
01:28:27is gone
01:28:31I'm just
01:28:33looking at
01:28:35my own
01:28:43The singing voice
01:28:45that disappeared
01:28:47in the morning
01:28:49I've been
01:28:51listening to it
01:29:01In the morning
01:29:03in the sunlight
01:29:05a sad
01:29:07song is
01:29:21my life
01:29:23so many
01:29:29have dreams
01:29:31that I
01:29:33could fly
01:29:35Like a
01:29:37bird so
01:29:39wild and free
01:29:41Where there
01:29:43are no
01:29:51the endless
01:29:53blue if
01:29:57came true
01:30:03In my
01:30:05heart of hearts
01:30:07I know
01:30:09I have
01:30:11been there
01:30:13once before
01:30:17my eyes
01:30:19and in a
01:30:21moment's time
01:30:23I would find
01:30:25the joy I
01:30:29If dreams
01:30:37Oh how
01:30:39gracefully I
01:30:43Through the clouds
01:30:45into the
01:30:49To a place
01:30:51that's right
01:30:53for you
01:31:03came true
01:31:17came true
01:31:23came true
01:31:29came true
01:31:35came true