Blackstar [OV] (1981) - s01e12 - The Crown of the Sorceress

  • 2 months ago


00:00John Blackstar, astronaut, is swept through a black hole into an ancient alien universe.
00:18Trapped on the planet Sagar, Blackstar is rescued by the tiny Trobbit people.
00:23In turn, he joins their fight for freedom against the cruel Overlord, who rules by the
00:33might of the Power Star.
00:35The Power Star is split into the Power Sword and the Star Sword.
00:41And so, with Star Sword in hand, Blackstar, together with his allies, sets out to save
00:46the planet Sagar.
00:53This is his destiny.
00:55I am John Blackstar.
00:57The meeting with the wood sprites went well, Blackstar.
01:13Their promise to aid in the fight against the Overlord will make our forces even stronger.
01:17I can hardly wait for us to get back to the Sagar tree and tell Balkar.
01:32It looks like that lady could use some assistance.
01:35Sorry, Gossamer, but we're going to have to make a little detour.
02:05Hey, uh, this has gotten off to a bad start.
02:14Now, let's say we just sit down and talk things out.
02:17Stay out of matters that don't concern you.
02:20Whoever you are, protect me from this monster.
02:24Blackstar, look out!
02:26Blackstar, look out!
02:57I guess he decided to, uh, clean up his act.
03:07You fight well.
03:09Who are you?
03:10John Blackstar.
03:12Blackstar, I have heard much of you.
03:16I am Princess Talina.
03:18The Overlord held me prisoner in his castle, but I have escaped.
03:23Escort me to my kingdom in the west, and my people will help you to defeat the Overlord.
03:28That's the best offer I've had all day, Princess.
03:31It's a deal.
03:32Gossamer, continue on to the Sagar tree and tell Mara and Balkar where I've gone.
03:36I'll be back as soon as I can.
03:43Oh, well, I guess I'll have to keep myself company the rest of the way home.
03:48Say, what's that?
03:53Why, it's a jewel.
04:09Can I hold the rift? Can I? Can I?
04:11No, you can't. You'd only lose it.
04:13No, I wouldn't.
04:15Yes, you would.
04:16Now, let go before I make you into troubled stew.
04:19Yes, you would.
04:20Now, let go before I make you into troubled stew.
04:23Let go, I said.
04:25Let go of that dark goody.
04:26Let go.
04:29It's a jewel.
04:36Very strange.
04:38I've never seen such a jewel.
04:40I don't like the looks of it.
04:42We'd better give this a thorough examination.
04:50And to this kettle of smoking brew, add the hair of a tiger roo.
05:08With smoky magic strong and vast, unknown jewel, reveal your past.
05:28I am a jewel from the crown of Karn.
05:32With demon powers, all be warned.
05:35I serve the crown, and the crown serves she
05:40who wears the crown for Devil Tree.
05:47That looks like the crown Princess Talina was wearing.
05:51Hmm. I've never heard of this Princess Talina.
05:55She went with Blackstar to her kingdom in the West.
06:00And I know of no kingdom in the West.
06:03There's something fishy going on around here.
06:17This could be trouble, Trobbits.
06:19Gossamer, you'd better lead us back to that swamp where you found this.
06:24And where you last saw Blackstar.
06:26The road to your kingdom is a mighty rough one, Princess.
06:29That's why I needed your help, Blackstar.
06:32But I think we're almost through the storm.
06:34Think again, and look up ahead.
06:37A devil storm.
06:38And we're headed right for it.
06:41The crown!
06:44Hold on tight, Princess.
07:14Because this elevator's going down.
07:16I can only reach it.
07:17Got it.
07:18Now let's get out of here.
07:19Say, I hate swamps.
07:20Oh, it's not so bad.
07:21Look at that lovely pond.
07:22I could sure go for a swim right about now.
07:23I think running would be a better idea.
07:24Oh, no.
07:25Oh, no.
07:26Oh, no.
07:27Oh, no.
07:28Oh, no.
07:29Oh, no.
07:30Oh, no.
07:31Oh, no.
07:32Oh, no.
07:33Oh, no.
07:34Oh, no.
07:35Oh, no.
07:36Oh, no.
07:37Oh, no.
07:38Oh, no.
07:39Oh, no.
07:40Oh, no.
07:41Oh, no.
07:42Oh, no.
07:43Oh, no.
07:44Oh, no.
07:45Oh, no.
07:46Oh, no.
07:47Oh, no.
07:48Oh, no.
07:49Oh, no.
07:50Oh, no.
07:51Oh, no.
07:52Oh, no.
07:53Oh, no.
07:54Oh, no.
07:55Oh, no.
07:56Oh, no.
07:57Oh, no.
07:58Oh, no.
07:59Oh, no.
08:00Oh, no.
08:01Oh, no.
08:02Oh, no.
08:03Oh, no.
08:04Oh, no.
08:05Oh, no.
08:06Oh, no.
08:07Oh, no.
08:08Oh, no.
08:09Oh, no.
08:10Oh, no.
08:11Oh, no.
08:12Oh, no.
08:13Oh, no.
08:14Oh, no.
08:15Oh, no.
08:16Oh, no.
08:17Oh, no.
08:18Oh, no.
08:19Oh, no.
08:20Oh, no.
08:21Oh, no.
08:22Oh, no.
08:23Oh, no.
08:24Oh, no.
08:25Oh, no.
08:26Oh, no.
08:27Oh, no.
08:28Oh, no.
08:29Oh, no.
08:30Oh, no.
08:31Oh, no.
08:32Oh, no.
08:33Oh, no.
08:34Oh, no.
08:35Oh, no.
08:36Oh, no.
08:37Oh, no.
08:38Oh, no.
08:39Oh, no.
08:40Oh, no.
08:47I mean you no harm!
08:58I am Thorg, ruler of the kingdom of Kanos.
09:01Kalina has stolen my kingdom and my people and imprisoned them in that crown she wears,
09:08the crown of Kaan.
09:09She told Blackstar she was a princess.
09:12She is a servant of the Overlord and High Priestess of the Demon Lands.
09:16Oh, the Demon Lands. But they are barren.
09:22The power of the crown will raise the demon hordes and they will destroy everything in their path.
09:30Thorg, do you recognize this?
09:32It is from the crown. Talena's spell may not work without it.
09:37We must catch up with them. But how?
09:39Like this.
09:46Mara, Thorg, Rip, Carpo and I will try to overtake Blackstar and Talena.
09:52The rest of you guard that jewel and get back to the Sagar.
09:58I hope your kingdom is friendlier looking than this place, Talena.
10:09We will be there soon, Blackstar. And you can see for yourself.
10:15Look, it's Mara and the Trommets. And they're with that creature that was chasing you.
10:20Listen to me. You have no memory of the past.
10:29You are completely under my power now.
10:35Destroy my enemies!
10:41It's Blackstar!
10:45Talena's enemies are my enemies.
10:59The End
11:05Everyone, grab hold of me.
11:11Now, if only my magic can slow our fall.
11:20By the Overlord, they won't interfere with my plans.
11:57Blackstar and Warlock are under some kind of spell.
12:00We must stop them.
12:02Yes, but how?
12:15And remember, Valkar told us to keep that jewel safe.
12:28Oh, the jewel!
12:33I'll get it.
12:44Almost got it.
13:07Oh, no.
13:09Gotta get that jewel.
13:29Rescued in the nick of time.
13:54We've got to capture Warlock.
13:56And those vines give me an idea.
14:02Try to catch me.
14:20Now to remove that spell.
14:27Well, where did that creature go?
14:29I must defeat him.
14:35Hurry, Mara. I can't hold him.
14:40Now it's for you.
14:46Mara, what are you doing here?
14:49Talina is evil. She put you under a spell.
14:52Speaking of Talina, it's time we dealt with her.
14:56Fools! It is I who will deal with you.
15:01Behold my demon seeds.
15:30Explain it to me, Mara.
15:33Guarding a lady home turns into a battle against a couple of very tough demons.
15:59Heed my word.
16:02Conjure up the demon horde.
16:05Join me in the demon land where we will rule.
16:10Now rise and stand.
16:15I don't understand it.
16:17The spell isn't working.
16:22A jewel is missing.
16:24I must have it.
16:26My final demon seed.
16:35Bring me that jewel.
16:37And don't let anything stand in your way.
16:50There's the Sagar tree. Straight ahead.
16:56What a relief.
16:58I thought we'd never get home with that jewel.
17:05What's that?
17:36He's gone.
17:37And so is the jewel.
17:46I can't keep this up for long.
17:50Let's see if we can turn things around.
18:03Mara, sword, now!
18:07Pour it on!
18:15That takes care of Talina's demons.
18:17Now let's take care of her.
18:37The missing jewel.
18:44Now the crown is complete.
18:52Talina, we've come to stop you.
18:54Then you have come too late.
19:00Demon fire.
19:02It will run wild.
19:12We must get the crown from Talina.
19:15Or the rebellion is done for.
19:17The fire climbs up into the sky.
19:19Too high to fly over.
19:20Then I guess I'll just have to go through it.
19:27Clock star, no!
19:32The demon fire must have finished them by now.
19:35Think again.
19:37Clock star, impossible!
19:40No one could have gotten through the demon fire.
19:43And I suppose no one can do this.
19:46The crown!
20:05The demons have returned to where they came from.
20:12And taken Talina with them.
20:26Now to set things right.
20:36Thorg's people will make powerful allies against the Overlord.
20:40Oh, by the way, Gossamer, Thorg asked me to give you this
20:43as a sort of thank you present for your help.
20:48A jewel.
20:49Thanks, but no thanks, Black Star.
20:52Gosh, I had enough trouble with the first one.
20:55Thanks, but no thanks, Black Star.
20:58Gosh, I had enough trouble with the first one.
21:25THE END