The Secret Show 2x05 Victor of the Future

  • 2 months ago


00:00Hello, you cutesy-wootsy, lovely, squidgy little bunny friends.
00:09Sweet little Granny here.
00:11Welcome to the Fluffy Bunny Show.
00:15Shall we sing our song?
00:20Fluffy, Fluffy...
00:21Oh, dear.
00:22Oh, what are you doing fumbling around in the dark, dear?
00:27Sorry, sweet little Granny, but we need this time slot for very secret reasons.
00:33What's this?
00:35Get that out of the way.
00:36Get that over there.
00:43The secret show!
01:09Ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
01:13Ba-da-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-da
01:24What is that thing?
01:27That should hold it!
01:29Maybe not!
01:37Activate defense code melon!
01:49Hmm, I wonder where Victor and Anita are.
01:51Hmm, who knows?
01:53Lateness can be a terrible risk to security.
01:56And, as you know, I take security very seriously.
01:59That is why my name is changed daily.
02:02And today, you may call me...
02:14It's not as funny when you're on your own.
02:18There you are!
02:26Got it!
02:27What is it?
02:28We don't know.
02:30Let's open it and find out, nibbly-nobbly-knock-knees!
02:34You missed it!
02:37You missed that bit.
02:48But what? How? Who? When? What? Who?
02:51Victor! It's you! Only older!
02:54You should never have seen me!
02:56This invisibility suit is totally untested and highly dangerous.
03:01I am Victor of the future.
03:04But that's my jacket. And my moustache.
03:07Uh, right.
03:09Where was I?
03:10Ah, yes! My briefing. I have a very important mission.
03:15Oh, yeah. Sure.
03:16Oh, yes. Get comfortable.
03:19That's my mantrapiece.
03:20I know.
03:21Oh, uh, right.
03:23In the future, we take security very seriously.
03:26That is why I am no longer known as Victor Volt.
03:29My name is now changed pandimensionally.
03:32And in this time zone, you may call me...
03:34Wait for it.
03:36Jet Strong.
03:37Jet Strong? I don't believe it.
03:40I get nibbly-nobbly-knock-knees, and he gets Jet Strong!
03:45Oh, but it's not fair. I want a name changer like that.
03:50There isn't a moment to lose. It will start in ten seconds.
03:53What will?
03:54I can't tell you.
04:06Yes. Now listen carefully. This is very important.
04:10To save yourselves, it is imperative...
04:14Oh, no.
04:16My clock!
04:18Jet! Victor! I mean, me!
04:20Victor! Is Victor still alive?
04:22Yes, he's still alive. He... I mean, me... I mean, I... He's out cold.
04:27The base is under attack. It looks like the Floaty Heads.
04:31Oh, no. Not the Floaty Heads.
04:33Victor, you try and bring yourself around.
04:35Professor Professor, you analyze the invisibility suit.
04:38I'll coordinate the defense of the base.
04:40And nibbly-nobbly-knock-knees, um...
04:43I'll fix the mantelpiece.
04:45Jet Strong, wake up! We need you!
04:49We have it now, Spock.
04:59At last. My collection of galactic headquarters is complete.
05:04The fool's set.
05:06Tock will be so jealous.
05:15Fascinating. I'm clever now.
05:18But in the future, I'm a genius.
05:21Oh, I wonder what this does.
05:27It's me!
05:32Hello, me. I couldn't resist storing away in the suit.
05:37Check out the pointy stick of the future.
05:41It's amazing. I can't wait to invent that.
05:46So, did Victor knock himself out with the clock yet?
05:50Yes, Spock.
05:52Have we been taken into space by the Floaty Heads yet?
05:55Yes, it just happened.
05:57Oh, goodie. Then I haven't missed the exciting bits.
06:02Professor Professor, bring your face closer to the screen.
06:08So I can laugh in it.
06:11Are you behind this, Doctor Doctor?
06:14Yes. I sold your base to the Floaty Heads for a milkshake.
06:22They're big collectors, you know. Strike a hard bargain, too.
06:33We've got to free the base before it reaches the Floaty Head planet.
06:37Victor, Anita, Professor Professor wants you in airlock 10 now.
06:43Victor, Anita, say hello to me of the future.
06:47Oh, boy.
06:48Oh, wait. This is a good bit.
06:52You could have warned us.
06:54What was that?
06:55A meteor.
06:57Now go. I have invented these spacesuits for you. Very cool.
07:01They're totally untested and highly dangerous.
07:08So, Spock, did you collect another one of your alien bases?
07:13Yes, Tonk. And it's the best one ever.
07:18I just need to shrink it down and shake out all the bugs.
07:30Come on, we need to get closer.
07:39How come they only hit me?
07:41Look ahead, Victor. We've got to take out that tractor beam generator.
07:45Aim, fire!
07:57It didn't work.
07:58The bugs are attacking. Return fire.
08:08Hey, how come they only hit me?
08:10Our weapons aren't any use.
08:12What about this?
08:25Yes! I did it!
08:27Good work, guys. Firing base retros now.
08:31Victor, hold on!
08:38Take that, floaty head!
08:41Return fire!
08:42Be careful. That base is only worth something if it's in mint condition.
08:47Follow that base.
08:55They're still following.
08:57Wait a minute. You're from the future. What do I need to destroy the alien spacecraft?
09:02Sorry, can't tell you.
09:04What? Why?
09:05If I tell you, it will alter the time-space continuum.
09:10But surely a teeny tiny alteration wouldn't hurt the time-space continuum.
09:15Please, pretty please.
09:17Well, maybe I could help you a little.
09:24Is it this?
09:27What about this?
09:31Not even close.
09:34I can't shake them off. What's happening out there?
09:37I'm firing from gunport 4, but I need backup. Where's Victor?
09:46How about this?
09:47Ooh, getting much warmer.
09:54Initiating landing program.
09:56No need for that, Ray. I'll take us in.
09:59Are you sure, nibbly-nobbly-knock-knees?
10:01Oh, yes. It's all coming back to me now.
10:09We seem to be coming in a little fast.
10:11Just look and learn, Ray. This is how we did things in my day.
10:18Perfect. I hope you're taking notes.
10:24This had better work.
10:28Why is Victor standing on the roof with a bag of potatoes?
10:31I told him that if he threw a potato at the alien craft, then he'd destroy it.
10:39Oh, he believed me!
10:47He's made an old man very happy.
10:50Ah, maybe a bigger one.
10:55Yes! I got you! I did it! I saved the base!
11:00That base was in terrible condition.
11:03Certainly not mint.
11:05How will I ever complete my correction now?
11:09Connect me to Dr. Doctor.
11:12You again. What now?
11:14Is your base in mint condition?
11:16Of course it is. Why?
11:21No! Not my base! No!
11:28Let us now do swapsies with the wobbly-legged aliens of Kling!
11:38And so, another successful mission draws to a close.
11:42No, thanks to you two.
11:44You know, I have no idea what's going on.
11:47No, thanks to you two.
11:49You know, I have no idea why you guys came back from the future to help us.
11:53We did it all on our own.
11:55Nibbly-nobbly-knock-knees, would you mind using the other end of the mantelpiece?
11:59Never! I always stand here. This is my place.
12:02Go on, just for me. Then we'll be on our way.
12:05This goes against everything I hold dear, but if it means you'll finally leave, happy now?
12:12Well, I'm not.
12:18And that's why we came back. Farewell!
12:22Auf Wiedersehen!
12:27Oh, if they hadn't come back, I would have fallen with my mantelpiece.
12:35And now we can get back to business.
12:47Thanks for watching!