Marta y Fina (Mafin) Parte 61-75

  • 2 months ago
Marta y Fina (Mafin) Parte 61-75
00:00:04¿Así está bien?
00:00:05Así está muy bien, sí.
00:00:11Siéntate a mi lado.
00:00:16Quiero darte una cosa.
00:00:31Es el anillo de boda de madre.
00:00:35El recuerdo del segundo día más bonito en la vida de tu madre y de la mía.
00:00:39¿El segundo?
00:00:40El primero fue el día en que viniste al mundo.
00:00:44Además, nuestra boda fue un desastre.
00:00:49El cura no atinaba a llamar a tu madre por su nombre.
00:00:51Bueno, la llamó Lucía, Adelaida, Delfina...
00:00:56Todo menos Adela.
00:00:57Todo menos Adela. Bueno, y luego a la salida...
00:01:01Luego cayó el diluvio universal y terminaron todos empapados hasta los huesos.
00:01:05Ya me lo contó.
00:01:07Menos mal que después del pastel le hicieron un hueco y pudieron bailar juntos suspiros de España.
00:01:11Sí, ese pasodoble le encantaba a tu madre.
00:01:15Lo bailamos tantas veces en nuestra vida.
00:01:19Tu madre sonreía como si estuviésemos en el mismo palacio de Sisi.
00:01:24Nunca dejó de sonreír, ni cuando el párpato ese le llamó Delfina, creo.
00:01:29Ni cuando cayeron chuzos de punta, ni cuando sabía que estaba enferma y que le quedaban pocos días de vida.
00:01:39Así era tu madre, mi Adela.
00:01:43Como un faro en medio de la oscuridad.
00:01:46Siempre dispuesta a ver el lado bueno de las cosas y hacernos disfrutar a ti y a mí de su presencia.
00:01:54Hasta el último suspiro, ¿te acuerdas?
00:01:57¿Cómo voy a olvidarlo?
00:02:00Yo era muy pequeña, pero no hay ni un solo día que no recuerde su sonrisa.
00:02:04Tenemos mucho que aprender de ella.
00:02:11Padre, ¿qué hace?
00:02:12Toma, quiero que lo guardes con el de tu madre.
00:02:14¿Qué? No, que no, no, no, no.
00:02:16Padre, usted no se va a morir, no se va a morir. ¿No lo ve? Que ya está muchísimo mejor.
00:02:20Sí, es verdad, estoy mejor que estos días, sí, pero sí que me voy a morir, hija. Es cuestión de pocos días.
00:02:27Que no, padre, que no. Usted tiene que seguir luchando. No se puede rendir. ¿Me escucha?
00:02:32Mira, Delfina, eso ya no depende de mí. Augusto no ha llegado mi hora.
00:02:37Y tú y yo debemos asumirlo de la mejor manera.
00:02:41Y creo que ahora, por fin, estamos en el camino.
00:02:46Que no, que no. Es que no puedo.
00:02:56¿Puedo hablar con usted de su momento?
00:02:58Sí, claro. ¿Qué ocurre, Delfina? ¿Tu padre no se encuentra bien?
00:03:03No, no, sí. Yo incluso le veo mucho mejor.
00:03:06Bueno, me alegro.
00:03:08El problema es que se le ha metido en la cabeza que su enfermedad no tiene solución.
00:03:12Y tengo la sensación de que se está dejando ir.
00:03:16Delfina, desde el primer momento hemos sido claros contigo. Su estado es muy delicado.
00:03:22Sí, ya lo sé. Pero también sé que mi padre es fuerte como un roble.
00:03:26Y si se cuida y toma la medicación necesaria, puede remontar, ¿no?
00:03:32Es que no se termina de creer que va a salir de esta.
00:03:35Por eso necesito que ustedes le hagan ver que si lleva una vida tranquila y pone todo de su parte, todo irá mejor.
00:03:41Ojalá el doctor y yo tuviéramos una varita mágica para hacer que esa recuperación fuera posible.
00:03:47Yo tampoco creía en los milagros, doctora. Pero nunca es tarde para empezar a hacerlo.
00:03:53No, es que mi padre lo es todo para mí, todo. Yo no sé qué haría sin él.
00:03:57Si él no está, yo... me moriría de la pena.
00:04:03Ayúdenme, por favor.
00:04:05Delfina, vamos a hacer una cosa. Voy a llamar a un buen amigo mío, un cardiólogo que es una eminencia, y le voy a pedir que estudie el caso de tu padre.
00:04:12¿Usted haría eso por nosotros?
00:04:14Delfina, no te quiero engañar. El pronóstico no ha cambiado. Dudo que el corazón de tu padre pueda soportar un episodio como el del otro día.
00:04:22Pase lo que pase, tienes que estar preparada para lo peor.
00:04:57¿Qué haces ahí?
00:04:59Delfina, ¿qué te pasa?
00:05:04Se muere, Marta. Se muere y no puedo hacer nada por evitarlo.
00:05:16¿Qué va a pasar conmigo cuando no esté? Es que no tengo a nadie en este mundo, Marta. Nadie.
00:05:24No digas tonterías.
00:05:28Es que ¿por qué se tiene que morir? ¿Por qué? No es justo. No es justo.
00:05:34Lo sé, no es justo. Pero piensa que tu padre ha vivido una vida plena. Y tú también lo harás.
00:05:42Yo no puedo hacer nada si no le tengo a mi lado, Marta. De verdad. Estoy sola. Por mucho que digas, estoy sola.
00:05:51Se me parte el corazón viéndote así.
00:05:55Si pudiese hacer algo, cualquier cosa para evitar tu sufrimiento, créeme que lo haría.
00:06:07Ya lo estás haciendo.
00:07:46Jaime, you are here. I was worried about you.
00:07:49I'm sorry about last night. I know we were supposed to have dinner, but there was a soap party and I stayed with the girls in the warehouse until they closed.
00:08:01I went to the canteen, but you weren't there anymore.
00:08:04Have you been here all night? I was wondering where you would be.
00:08:11Yes, I waited for you in bed until I fell asleep.
00:08:15Have you been working all night with some urgency?
00:08:20I was driving.
00:08:23Driving where?
00:08:25Nowhere in particular, I was just driving.
00:08:28If you want, we can do the same plan today.
00:08:31Which one?
00:08:32We'll have dinner together.
00:08:35Aren't you tired of lying?
00:08:40I saw you in the warehouse, Marta.
00:08:43I told you I stayed there because...
00:08:44I saw you with Fina.
00:08:46We work together.
00:08:49I already told you.
00:08:53What you told me is a bunch of lies that you made up.
00:08:57What really happened, I saw it with my own eyes.
00:09:01Are you lovers?
00:09:03What are you saying?
00:09:05Or are you kissing all your employees like this?
00:09:11I don't know what you think you saw, but Fina is going through a bad time and I'm giving her all my support.
00:09:16Marta, enough, please, enough.
00:09:19Don't you see you're making a mistake? How can you think that of us?
00:09:23Now it all fits.
00:09:26Let's say your tastes go for other losers, to put it in an elegant way.
00:09:33That's why our thing hasn't just worked.
00:09:37And it hurts, it hurts a lot.
00:09:40But at least everything makes sense.
00:09:43I'm not going to listen to this nonsense.
00:09:45Do you like women?
00:09:49And think about what you're going to say, because I'm starting to get tired of you treating me like an idiot.
00:09:58Since when do you know, Marta?
00:10:03I've never seen another woman before.
00:10:05I can't hear you.
00:10:08She's the only one.
00:10:12So it's true.
00:10:21In your absence, we got together a lot and something came up between us.
00:10:26I don't know if it's because of the time we spent together or because of the loneliness we both suffered.
00:10:30What are you insinuating?
00:10:32No, forgive me, don't misinterpret me.
00:10:35What I mean is that being with her alone,
00:10:40I discovered something that I had never just understood,
00:10:42but that somehow had always been part of me.
00:10:48I'm sorry, everything has been very fast.
00:10:52You've been lying to me all my life.
00:10:55Are you ready to hear the whole truth?
00:10:57What's the use if I am?
00:10:59Do you think this conversation has a backtrack?
00:11:09I always thought that what I felt for you was love.
00:11:15But when I fell in love with Fina, I realized it was something else.
00:11:20After all, it wasn't love.
00:11:24I don't know.
00:11:26It was admiration, affection, respect.
00:11:32What we call love,
00:11:35I discovered it with her.
00:11:40So everything you told me about the photographer,
00:11:43you were actually talking about Fina, right?
00:11:47The truth was too much,
00:11:49it was too much to tell you.
00:11:51Too much?
00:11:54Do you prefer that I found out like this?
00:11:57Forgive me.
00:11:59It's not something I've been looking for.
00:12:01I didn't want this to happen.
00:12:04You know how much this complicates my life.
00:12:07But sometimes things just happen without asking for permission.
00:12:12Sometimes love comes without warning.
00:12:18And as far as the warehouse is concerned,
00:12:20is it still alive?
00:12:24That was just a moment of weakness.
00:12:28Fina and I are no longer together.
00:12:34I want to fix our marriage.
00:12:37And leave all that behind.
00:12:39I don't believe you.
00:12:41Why would I lie to you now that you know everything?
00:12:45I want us to start from scratch.
00:12:47And I want to have that family, I want to have children.
00:12:49I want, I want, I want, I want.
00:12:55Do you want to love me, Marta?
00:12:58But if you haven't already,
00:13:01you'll never do it.
00:13:29I did get married in love with you.
00:13:31I'm sorry.
00:13:32Marta, please.
00:13:34Let me finish.
00:13:38I've always believed you were the woman of my life.
00:13:41Although some things didn't quite fit in between us.
00:13:44I came to think that if we lacked passion,
00:13:47it was my fault.
00:13:49Because I didn't give you what you needed.
00:13:52Or because I wasn't up to a woman as wonderful as you.
00:13:58I would have done anything to make you happy.
00:14:03And it hurts.
00:14:05It hurts a lot, Marta.
00:14:07All this time thinking that the problem was mine.
00:14:11And it turns out that the problem is you.
00:14:14You lied to me first, do you remember?
00:14:18I did it because I missed you so much.
00:14:22I tried to alleviate the pain that the absence of the woman I was in love with caused me.
00:14:27But you didn't do that.
00:14:30You threw yourself
00:14:33into the arms of an employee
00:14:35as if your husband didn't exist.
00:14:39I was also filling that void.
00:14:42And if you were willing to understand it when I told you,
00:14:45you can also understand it now.
00:14:47What you told me was a lie.
00:14:50The only thing that changes is that it wasn't with that photographer,
00:14:53but with another person.
00:14:54With another person.
00:14:56With another person.
00:14:58With a woman, Marta.
00:15:00Can you understand how humiliated I feel?
00:15:04Do you think it's not humiliating for me
00:15:06to have to explain how I am?
00:15:08I don't like to be ashamed of this.
00:15:14The only thing I can swear to you is
00:15:16that it won't happen again.
00:15:18Stop swearing at me.
00:15:20And please stop treating me like an idiot.
00:15:24Jaime, I want to stay by your side.
00:15:26I want us to continue with the future plans
00:15:28that we have been devising these days.
00:15:30That's not going to happen.
00:15:32What are you saying?
00:15:34I'm not going to bring a child into this world
00:15:36with someone who only wants to be a mother
00:15:38to fulfill what is expected of her.
00:15:41Suddenly there's nothing left of that wonderful woman
00:15:44you fell in love with.
00:15:46That wonderful woman
00:15:48was a fantasy,
00:15:50a hoax.
00:15:52The woman I fell in love with
00:15:54lied to me,
00:15:56even from him.
00:15:58That's very unfair for both of us.
00:16:06I've left everything to be by your side, Marta.
00:16:09And how do you pay me?
00:16:11By sleeping with another woman
00:16:13and lying to me?
00:16:15No, I...
00:16:17I've never lied to you.
00:16:19I've discovered who I am in your absence.
00:16:22Why did you let me sacrifice everything
00:16:24to be with you?
00:16:26Why didn't you stop me in time
00:16:28and tell me the truth?
00:16:30You're right, and I'm sorry.
00:16:33I tried to write you a letter
00:16:35and tell you everything,
00:16:39but I was a coward, and I'm sorry.
00:16:42I don't know what you would have said
00:16:44or what you would have done.
00:16:46Do you realize that exposing myself
00:16:48could ruin my life?
00:16:49I have to remind you of the world we live in.
00:16:51You've ruined my life.
00:16:54You think I'm not suffering, don't you?
00:16:57Jaime, I live in fear
00:16:59of being discovered and exhumed.
00:17:01Of being humiliated, of being insulted.
00:17:04All for having loved someone
00:17:06supposedly wrong.
00:17:09You have no idea how hard it is.
00:17:13I've spent my whole life
00:17:15fearing I wouldn't be up to the task
00:17:17of the great Marta de la Reina.
00:17:19Fearing I wouldn't be good enough for you
00:17:21or that that was your father's opinion
00:17:23or that your brothers didn't consider me good enough
00:17:25to be Marta de la Reina's husband.
00:17:27No one has ever judged you in this marriage.
00:17:31It's never been the business of anyone
00:17:33but us.
00:17:35Do you think your father won't have anything to say
00:17:37when he finds out?
00:17:39My father can never find out about this.
00:17:41I'm afraid the truth always comes to light, Marta.
00:17:43What are you insinuating?
00:17:46What are you saying?
00:17:47Since when do you care what I say?
00:17:52You're threatening me!
00:18:05Yes, Marta de la Reina.
00:18:10Yes, Father.
00:18:12But it's urgent. Has something happened?
00:18:13Sure, I'm just finishing up a few things.
00:18:16Okay, I'll be there.
00:18:36Where are the others?
00:18:38This was supposed to be a family reunion.
00:18:40Do you know what this is about?
00:18:45My sister is just like you.
00:18:48Our father wants to meet us at home
00:18:50in the middle of a working morning.
00:18:53Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't take too long.
00:18:55I have a lot of work at the factory.
00:18:57Oh, you're already here.
00:18:59And Andrés?
00:19:01I thought you'd come together from the factory.
00:19:03I haven't seen him all morning.
00:19:05He's going to tell us everything.
00:19:06Sit down.
00:19:08Let's wait for Andrés to tell us everything.
00:19:12Let's be a normal family for once.
00:19:22I'm sorry I'm late.
00:19:24Don't worry, we haven't started...
00:19:26Whatever this is about.
00:19:28Father, what's going on?
00:19:30I don't know.
00:19:32I don't know.
00:19:33Father, what's going on?
00:19:35Have we done something wrong?
00:19:37I don't know.
00:19:39The launch of Anelos is going like silk.
00:19:41No, this meeting has nothing to do with work.
00:19:43I've realized that lately
00:19:45we've only met to discuss business matters.
00:19:49With all due respect, Father,
00:19:51are you asking us to leave our work halfway
00:19:54just to have a coffee as a family?
00:19:56What do you mean, just?
00:19:58Don't you think it's important
00:20:00to strengthen ties with your brothers?
00:20:01What are we going to talk about?
00:20:03About time?
00:20:05If you think it's an interesting topic,
00:20:07I have no problem with it.
00:20:15It's been a beautiful morning
00:20:17to talk about nothing.
00:20:21How long has it been
00:20:23since we last got together
00:20:25just for the pleasure of being together?
00:20:28Let me think.
00:20:33Very well, let's talk about Andrés' departure.
00:20:35It's true that there won't be many more occasions
00:20:38for all of us to get together.
00:20:40It hurts your soul, doesn't it?
00:20:42As soon as Andrés leaves,
00:20:44the family will be left empty,
00:20:46which can only be filled on appointed dates.
00:20:48So let's take advantage of the fact
00:20:50that we still have him here, right, son?
00:20:52Actually, we'll be able to spend
00:20:54much more time together than you think.
00:20:56I'm not leaving.
00:20:58I'm not telling you to leave tomorrow.
00:20:59No, not tomorrow or for a long time.
00:21:02What do you mean?
00:21:04If this meeting is a farewell,
00:21:06we can't miss it.
00:21:08I'm staying in Toledo,
00:21:10without a departure date.
00:21:12Ah, Andrés, that wasn't the plan.
00:21:14Now it is.
00:21:18Andrés, we need someone
00:21:20to take care of the distillery
00:21:22for the band
00:21:24that we're going to build.
00:21:26You have to go.
00:21:29Can you tell Santo what this change is about?
00:21:31I've found someone who can do it
00:21:33even better than me,
00:21:35Emilio Herce.
00:21:37Emilio hasn't worked with us for years.
00:21:39I know.
00:21:41He left the factory
00:21:43because he found a job in Logroño.
00:21:45But I contacted him and he told me
00:21:47that he wasn't very happy
00:21:49with his financial conditions.
00:21:51Well played.
00:21:53I'm glad you're staying.
00:21:55And all this without consulting me?
00:21:57You can't make decisions unilaterally.
00:22:00It's my life.
00:22:02Of course I can.
00:22:04What did María say?
00:22:06She wanted to leave.
00:22:08This was a perfect plan for you.
00:22:10Actually, it was a perfect plan for you.
00:22:12It never was for me.
00:22:14It's over.
00:22:16Wait, Jesús.
00:22:18I'll wrap it for you as a gift, Mrs. Bernado.
00:22:25Good afternoon.
00:22:27Good afternoon, Mrs. Marta.
00:22:41Here you go.
00:22:43Thank you.
00:22:45Here you go.
00:22:47I wish you success with this gift.
00:22:49You'll see.
00:22:51Thank you. I'm sure my sister will love it.
00:22:57Good afternoon.
00:23:11What's wrong?
00:23:12What's wrong?
00:23:16Jaime saw us kissing.
00:23:22It can't be, Marta, it can't be.
00:23:24I was the one who kissed you.
00:23:26How can I be such an idiot?
00:23:28We're both responsible for this situation.
00:23:30I thought we were alone.
00:23:34What's going to happen now?
00:23:36What if he tells something?
00:23:38What if someone finds out?
00:23:39He ruined your life.
00:23:41What will he do? Will he say something?
00:23:43I don't know, but I've never seen him like that.
00:23:46He's a good man and he loves me.
00:23:49I've tried to convince him that you're not in love with me,
00:23:53nor am I in love with you.
00:23:55And that I'm not going to betray him again.
00:23:58That it was just a one-off story from the past.
00:24:04And that our relationship is over.
00:24:06And that he actually loves you more.
00:24:12Marta, I swear I won't put your life at risk again.
00:24:15I swear.
00:24:17Are you sure you're not going to say anything to anyone?
00:24:20It hurts a lot.
00:24:22But I don't think so.
00:24:24And I'm going to try to calm him down.
00:24:27In all this, look at the positive side.
00:24:30What positive side, Marta?
00:24:32What positive side?
00:24:33That the person who discovered us is a good man,
00:24:36unable to kill a fly.
00:24:38That even though he's furious right now,
00:24:41he's not like that.
00:24:43He's not vengeful, Fina.
00:24:46I hope you're right.
00:24:52Doctor, how did my father look?
00:24:56He's resting now. I gave him a morphine injection.
00:25:01But isn't that too strong?
00:25:03It's good that his heart doesn't change its rhythm.
00:25:06It's important that he continues his strict diet and absolute rest.
00:25:09Doctor, wait.
00:25:11What do you want?
00:25:13Can we talk for a moment?
00:25:15We don't have anything else to talk about.
00:25:17Doctor, what he saw was my fault, really.
00:25:19Marta has nothing to do with it.
00:25:21I don't need any explanation.
00:25:23What you're holding in your hands
00:25:25is an aberration.
00:25:27His wife broke up a long time ago because...
00:25:30Fina, your father is in the next room.
00:25:33He's resting.
00:25:35You don't want to make a scene, do you?
00:25:38All I'm asking is that what he saw...
00:25:42doesn't have an impact on his care.
00:25:45It's not my father's fault.
00:25:47Why are you getting on my nerves?
00:25:49I've never allowed anything personal to interfere with the professional.
00:25:51And I'll continue like this.
00:25:53Thank you.
00:25:55Above all, your father is my patient.
00:25:57And he doesn't have to pay for his daughter
00:25:59to ruin my life.
00:26:00Because that's what you've done, Fina.
00:26:02You've destroyed her.
00:26:13Father, why are you saying that?
00:26:15I have nothing to forgive him for.
00:26:17Yes, yes, daughter.
00:26:19I apologize
00:26:21for taking so long
00:26:23to understand your way of being,
00:26:25your way of loving.
00:26:27Be free, Fina.
00:26:28Love whoever you want.
00:26:33Thank you.
00:26:35I don't want the time
00:26:37to say goodbye to you.
00:26:39Don't think about that now.
00:26:43Come in.
00:26:48Good evening.
00:26:50Good evening.
00:26:52How are you, Isidro?
00:26:54Well, I can't complain.
00:26:56It doesn't hurt.
00:26:58It's like a blessing.
00:27:00I'm glad to hear that.
00:27:02The sedative I gave you is very effective
00:27:04for cases like yours.
00:27:06Well, I have news.
00:27:08I hope it's good.
00:27:10I've spoken to a colleague,
00:27:12a cardiologist who works at a hospital in London.
00:27:14They've just discovered a new treatment
00:27:16for heart disease.
00:27:18It's not a definitive cure,
00:27:20but it lengthens the patient's life
00:27:22and improves the quality of the time he has left.
00:27:24They've just confirmed
00:27:26that we can use it with Isidro.
00:27:29Father, you see?
00:27:31Not everything has to be bad.
00:27:33There's just one problem,
00:27:35and that is that the treatment is very expensive.
00:27:38What do you mean, expensive?
00:27:40Well, it doesn't matter.
00:27:42I'll pay whatever I have to pay.
00:27:44It doesn't matter.
00:27:46Even if I have to work hard.
00:27:48Well, even if you work hard.
00:27:50It's an experimental treatment.
00:27:52It hasn't been marketed yet.
00:27:54And when I say it's expensive,
00:27:56it's very expensive.
00:27:58That treatment isn't meant for me.
00:28:10Come on, Father.
00:28:12Go live with little kids, even if it's...
00:28:16No, no, no.
00:28:18I don't feel like it anymore.
00:28:20You don't have to be at work anymore.
00:28:22There are much more important things.
00:28:24I've been thinking about how to get money for the treatment.
00:28:29Don't think about that, daughter.
00:28:31Besides, we could never get the money to pay for it.
00:28:34Not at all.
00:28:36But how can you say that, Father?
00:28:38I, just to enjoy you for a week or two more,
00:28:41I'd do anything.
00:28:43Daughter, don't fight against the impossible.
00:28:45We all have our expiration date,
00:28:47and I...
00:28:49I wouldn't be the same as before.
00:28:51Oh, you don't know that.
00:28:53I've remembered that Mother left us those little lands,
00:28:55the ones she had with Uncle Rafa.
00:28:57Yes, yes.
00:28:59But with my uncle, I rented them out
00:29:01to the restaurant in the square, remember?
00:29:05For four miserable bitches.
00:29:07Well, at least it's their fault.
00:29:09Well, I thought we could offer to sell them.
00:29:11I'm sure they're interested, and then I can squeeze a little.
00:29:13But it's worth nothing.
00:29:15Well, what they give us, welcome wax,
00:29:17leave it to me.
00:29:19I'm also going to the bank,
00:29:21and there I'm going to ask for a loan,
00:29:23ask for the maximum,
00:29:25and I'm going to ask for a loan.
00:29:27Fina, no.
00:29:29Don't get into loans.
00:29:31Now we have two salaries.
00:29:33But when I'm gone,
00:29:35how am I going to leave you there in debt
00:29:37with such a large amount?
00:29:39Well, if he's going to leave me,
00:29:41I'll stay the way I have to, Father.
00:29:43And for his peace of mind,
00:29:45I'm going to tell him that treatment
00:29:47will give him more time to live.
00:29:49Maybe he'll go back to work and everything.
00:29:51You've heard what the doctor said, haven't you?
00:29:53Well, then you'll know
00:29:55for sure, more time to live and better.
00:29:58So I think that between one thing and the other,
00:30:01we can pay it.
00:30:03It's really not worth it.
00:30:05Father, listen to me carefully.
00:30:07I'm going to get that money out of under the rocks.
00:30:09And you just have to take care of recovering.
00:30:13Come in.
00:30:20Good morning.
00:30:22Good morning, Doctor.
00:30:23Good morning.
00:30:34How is he?
00:30:36Sleeping like a log.
00:30:38And does he have an appetite?
00:30:40He has just had a couple of sips of the milk.
00:30:42And if he has to eat it,
00:30:44it's the only way to restore strength.
00:30:46Yes, now I'll have a drink.
00:30:48That's better.
00:30:50And have you thought about
00:30:51the treatment of Dr. White?
00:30:54In how to pay him, you mean?
00:30:57I'm not so sure I want to do it.
00:30:59Oh, Father, really, huh?
00:31:01Isidro, that's the first thing I had to decide.
00:31:03If he decides to reject it, there's no point.
00:31:06Keep in mind that it is a personalized treatment.
00:31:08You have to ask him and prepare him.
00:31:10That will take time.
00:31:12And since time doesn't run in our favor,
00:31:14I'll tell him. Go ahead, ask him.
00:31:16Once we ask him, we should pay him.
00:31:18Don't worry about that.
00:31:19I'll do whatever it takes.
00:31:21I said no.
00:31:23No, Doctor.
00:31:25I won't leave my daughter
00:31:27for a few more months
00:31:29and I don't know in what conditions.
00:31:31Can you assure me
00:31:33that I will be able to live more or less
00:31:35the life I had before?
00:31:37It will get better, right?
00:31:39I'm afraid I can't assure you
00:31:41one thing or another.
00:31:43You see, daughter?
00:31:45No, I think
00:31:46it's time for me to go.
00:31:48No, no, no.
00:31:50It's not worth playing with fate
00:31:52because it won't work.
00:31:54And doesn't it seem like a sign from heaven
00:31:56that the doctor has come with a possible treatment?
00:31:58That's putting honey in your mouth for nothing
00:32:00because we have no money to pay for it.
00:32:03Isidro, the final decision is yours.
00:32:06But you advise him to fight, right?
00:32:10That doesn't belong to me, Inferno.
00:32:13What I can tell you is that I hope
00:32:14you make the decision freely
00:32:16and that you don't feel pressured.
00:32:18I'm very clear about that.
00:32:20I don't want it.
00:32:26Are you sure?
00:32:30Well, then I can only accept your decision.
00:32:33Thank you.
00:32:35I assure you that I will do whatever I can
00:32:37to avoid any suffering these days.
00:32:39That's it.
00:32:41That's all you have to say.
00:32:42Don't listen to him.
00:32:44Do him a favor and ask for the treatment.
00:32:46Fina, don't be silly.
00:32:49The decision is your father's, Fina.
00:32:51And no one else's.
00:32:57I'll see him later.
00:33:00Thank you, doctor.
00:33:09And this is the doctor who is supposed to watch
00:33:10for the health of his patients?
00:33:19What did the doctor say?
00:33:22As you can hear.
00:33:24That, above all, he will respect his decision
00:33:27and that he will do everything in his power
00:33:29so that he does not suffer before he dies.
00:33:32Daughter, I understand your father.
00:33:36That treatment is very expensive
00:33:38and he doesn't want to leave you with that debt
00:33:40behind your back.
00:33:42But that's the only reason.
00:33:44Because he wants to live.
00:33:50It's not much what I have,
00:33:52but you can count on all my savings.
00:33:55And if I tell the boys,
00:33:57they will also collaborate.
00:33:59No, really worthy.
00:34:01Thank you very much, you are very good.
00:34:03But it is such a high amount
00:34:05that I could only get it by asking for a loan
00:34:07from the bank.
00:34:11I can't tell you anything
00:34:13because I would do exactly the same
00:34:15that you are doing.
00:34:17So move what you have to move.
00:34:20And I'll talk to your father
00:34:22to see if I can get him to agree.
00:34:25We'll listen to you.
00:34:27My girl.
00:34:33Any news?
00:34:35She's resting there.
00:34:38I would like to see her.
00:34:41I fell asleep just now.
00:34:44Stay here chatting for a while
00:34:46and then come in.
00:34:48It will make you very happy.
00:34:51And see if you encourage this girl
00:34:54who is very worried and very sad.
00:34:57I'm going to do my things.
00:35:03Yes, tomorrow.
00:35:07If you need me, you know where I am.
00:35:09Thank you, aunt.
00:35:17How are you?
00:35:19Well, desperate.
00:35:21Especially because my father has rejected
00:35:23the experimental treatment.
00:35:25I suppose you have already talked to your husband.
00:35:27Yes, he told me it was very expensive
00:35:29and that since you couldn't know for sure
00:35:31the result,
00:35:33you decided not to try it.
00:35:35And you believed him?
00:35:37Yes, I told him.
00:35:39If there is another version,
00:35:41I would like to know it.
00:35:43Jaime put honey on our lips
00:35:45and told us about that English experimental treatment
00:35:47and then he told us about the cost, of course.
00:35:49It's outrageous, I think.
00:35:51Outrageous that I am willing to pay.
00:35:53And so I told him.
00:35:55But as soon as my father refused,
00:35:57Jaime withdrew
00:35:59and accepted his decision without discussion.
00:36:01Can you believe it?
00:36:03Your father has the right to ...
00:36:04A little.
00:36:06I even saw coldness in his eyes.
00:36:09No, I can't give you the reason there.
00:36:11Why? If you weren't there.
00:36:13I understand perfectly well that he is your husband
00:36:15and that he has the obligation to defend him.
00:36:17But what happened, I'll tell you.
00:36:19And what happened?
00:36:22That he doesn't forgive me.
00:36:25What are you talking about?
00:36:27I have to tell you, really.
00:36:29He doesn't forgive me our kiss
00:36:31and that's what's happening
00:36:32and that's why he's going to sentence my father to death.
00:36:34You can't be serious.
00:36:36Of course I'm serious.
00:36:38And I hope you understand now why I'm so bad.
00:36:40Because my father is going to die right now
00:36:42and it's going to be my fault.
00:36:44No, that's not true.
00:36:58What are those two laughing at?
00:37:00They've climbed the ladder like two teenagers.
00:37:06What? What's going on?
00:37:08We can't let Isidro die
00:37:10if it's in our hands to save him.
00:37:12Whatever it takes.
00:37:14Naturally, I haven't thought of anything else
00:37:16since I came in that there is hope.
00:37:20Jaime, we wanted to talk to you.
00:37:22About Isidro's treatment.
00:37:24I'm afraid I don't have good news.
00:37:26Isidro can't afford the treatment
00:37:28and what's worse, he doesn't want to undergo it.
00:37:30You don't want to say much.
00:37:32What happens is that he's very proud to ask for it.
00:37:35He doesn't want his family to owe him
00:37:37the rest of their lives for him.
00:37:39I've talked to him and I think he's worried about other things.
00:37:41But what did he say exactly?
00:37:43Obviously, money is important,
00:37:45but I think what really worries him
00:37:47is not knowing if the treatment will be effective in his case.
00:37:49But what will he know if he's not a doctor?
00:37:51Well, he asked me my opinion
00:37:53and obviously I had to tell him the truth.
00:37:55No one can assure an optimal result.
00:37:57My cardiologist colleague told me
00:37:59that the treatment can prolong the patient's life
00:38:01for about a year,
00:38:03in the best of cases,
00:38:05and alleviate the symptoms a bit.
00:38:07But he could lead a normal life.
00:38:09No one knows that.
00:38:11Maybe yes or maybe no.
00:38:14And I want to tell you that I understand Isidro's position.
00:38:17I don't know what sense it makes to fight against nature
00:38:20by putting patches and more patches.
00:38:23Please, how can you save him that way?
00:38:24It's not cold, Marta.
00:38:26It's my opinion as a doctor and it's what I think.
00:38:28But Isidro is not that old
00:38:30and he has a daughter.
00:38:32He loves life.
00:38:34He also has the right to decide about his future.
00:38:36Well, not in all cases.
00:38:38There's a daughter here who has a lot to say.
00:38:40She's the one who has to say the most.
00:38:42I don't understand why you're behaving like this.
00:38:45Behaving like what?
00:38:47What are you insinuating, Marta?
00:38:49So why did you offer him a treatment?
00:38:51I was looking for a treatment
00:38:52under the rocks.
00:38:54And now that I have it,
00:38:56if my patient decides to reject it,
00:38:58I have no choice but to accept it.
00:39:00Is that clear?
00:39:02I don't see it that way.
00:39:04And do I have to disrespect you?
00:39:06Please, don't fight.
00:39:08I'm going to make the decision.
00:39:10Call your colleague
00:39:12and tell him we want the treatment.
00:39:14I'll take care of all the expenses.
00:39:16And if Isidro still refuses?
00:39:18I'll solve that by talking to him seriously.
00:39:21Have you heard my father?
00:39:26I'm going to call Dr. White.
00:39:33Thank you, Father.
00:39:41Raise your hand.
00:39:43What a big head you are.
00:39:45I've already told you, I don't want anything.
00:39:47Make an effort.
00:39:48Even if it's just to see your daughter happy.
00:39:50And I'm not saying it just for the food.
00:39:52That treatment is not the panacea.
00:39:54It's a possibility.
00:39:56And if you're saying it just for the money ...
00:39:58Yes, that's another one.
00:40:00I'm not going to leave my daughter with a debt of that caliber.
00:40:02And what are you going to leave her with?
00:40:04With a feeling of guilt
00:40:06for not doing everything possible to save you?
00:40:10we will help you pay what you need.
00:40:13We will do everything in our power to help you.
00:40:15We will do everything in our power.
00:40:17I promise you.
00:40:19Well, what I needed to hear.
00:40:21All indebted for life
00:40:23so that I suffer a little more time.
00:40:25I'm going to take care of your treatment
00:40:27and there's nothing else to talk about.
00:40:29Above my corpse too.
00:40:31Can you tell me that?
00:40:33Because it's already in charge.
00:40:37Dina, would you mind leaving me alone with Isidro?
00:40:39Of course not.
00:40:41Listen to him.
00:40:46Why are you doing this to me?
00:40:48I've talked to my son-in-law
00:40:50to take care of everything.
00:40:52As soon as he comes, you take the medicine
00:40:54and you're going to do everything possible to get well.
00:40:56I have a foot in the other neighborhood
00:40:58and I'm almost happy.
00:41:00Look, you're stupid.
00:41:02If you don't want to do it for yourself,
00:41:04you do it for your daughter, or for Dina, or for me,
00:41:06that we want to continue fighting with you.
00:41:08I don't want to fight with you.
00:41:10I don't want to fight with you.
00:41:12I don't want to fight with you.
00:41:13I don't want to fight with you.
00:41:15Don't you realize that this is my way
00:41:17of corresponding to your loyalty
00:41:19and your friendship of so many years?
00:41:21You don't owe me anything, Damir.
00:41:23Well, I know that between real friends there are no debts.
00:41:25But if you continue in your thirteen,
00:41:27you will have to accept my order as one more employee.
00:41:32Because we don't want to do without you,
00:41:34so you're going to do what I tell you and that's it.
00:41:36And poor you, how you fail us.
00:41:39I want you by my side for at least another ten years.
00:41:41Ten years.
00:41:43We have many things to share.
00:41:53Marta, I have something to tell you.
00:41:55Yes, I have already found out, apparently.
00:41:57My father has turned out to be more stubborn than yours.
00:41:59Well, blessed stubbornness.
00:42:01He saved my father's life and then he gave me mine back.
00:42:04Marta, I can't believe it.
00:42:07Well, I want you to know that I'm going to give your father his last penny back.
00:42:11No, he doesn't want any return,
00:42:13just that your father gets well.
00:42:16I know that you have had a lot to do with all this.
00:42:20And I also know that you must have had a hard time with your husband.
00:42:25Lately we are used to arguing, so nothing happens.
00:42:29I'm sorry to have put you in this situation.
00:42:31Don't worry.
00:42:33No, of course I'm worried, Marta.
00:42:35I don't even want to think about the damage I could do to you
00:42:37if it went through his head.
00:42:38Well, you know ...
00:42:40I already told you that Jaime is not spiteful.
00:42:43Maybe he never had a reason to be.
00:42:46But now maybe he does, right?
00:42:49My husband would never try to hurt me.
00:42:52I know him.
00:42:54He also said that what we had was not going to influence the deal with my father.
00:42:57And you saw what happened with the treatment.
00:42:59Do you really still think he was trying to get revenge on us when he spoke to him?
00:43:03What do you want me to tell you, Marta?
00:43:08In any case,
00:43:10right now we live on the edge of an abyss.
00:43:14And we have to be prepared for the worst.
00:43:17I won't allow it.
00:43:20I will bow my head
00:43:22and I will be the model wife that he and everyone expects from me.
00:43:25Do you think that will be enough?
00:43:27It will have to be enough.
00:43:30But listen, so that doubts or jealousy don't come back to Jaime's head,
00:43:34what happened in the warehouse can never happen again.
00:43:44For the good of both of us,
00:43:47we should
00:43:49keep our distance.
00:43:57It will be for the best.
00:44:02Come on.
00:44:04Come on.
00:44:25Like this. Like this, father.
00:44:27Like this.
00:44:30It's so nice, daughter.
00:44:31It's so nice to see you.
00:44:33If I get to know you, I'll start with the estertores.
00:44:36Can you pass me a little water?
00:44:40that humor of yours from Estibador de Puerto.
00:44:42I didn't even want to hear about the treatment two days ago.
00:44:46Come on, come here, big head.
00:44:48Have you had anyone to go out to?
00:44:52Thank you.
00:44:53Just tell me one thing.
00:44:55What did Don Damián tell you to convince you?
00:44:59you know that it would be very selfish of me not to accept it.
00:45:03And since he's my friend,
00:45:05I had to be up to the challenges
00:45:08and let myself be loved by those who love me.
00:45:10Well, of course.
00:45:12We're going to have to put a statue in the very Plaza Zocodover.
00:45:16Yes, where we have to sign.
00:45:18Father, listen to me.
00:45:22Now, as soon as the treatment arrives,
00:45:24you have to follow all the doctor's instructions.
00:45:27Especially Dr. Borrell's.
00:45:29And what about Dr. Berenguer?
00:45:32Don't you trust him?
00:45:34Let's just say I trust her more.
00:45:36But if he's such a good doctor?
00:45:38He'll be as good a doctor as you want him to be.
00:45:40But the one who convinced him to try the treatment wasn't him.
00:45:43It was Don Damián.
00:45:45Don Jaime has always been very honest with me.
00:45:47Yes, Father, but in his condition you don't have to be honest,
00:45:50you have to be insistent.
00:45:52And he wasn't.
00:45:55But hey,
00:45:56the important thing is that you want to heal.
00:45:58No, I'm not going to heal, daughter.
00:46:00You know that.
00:46:02Father, please.
00:46:04Don't be so cynical.
00:46:06That's why we have Dr. Berenguer.
00:46:08But stop making fun of that man.
00:46:10All he's done is listen to me.
00:46:12Father, stop seeing the bad side of things.
00:46:15Give him a chance.
00:46:17And that's what I'm going to do.
00:46:19I'm going to save the few forces I have left
00:46:21so as not to disappoint you.
00:46:23Disappoint us?
00:46:24And above all, to live a little longer
00:46:26to thank you,
00:46:30Digna, Damián,
00:46:32all the people who love me.
00:46:35I would like him to do it a little bit for you,
00:46:38but hey, you can't have everything.
00:46:44My father.
00:46:46Do you know what I love you?
00:46:50Let's see, tell me how much.
00:46:55Here's Tobi.
00:46:57All you have to do is be with your father.
00:47:00I know, but it's hard for me to leave you alone
00:47:02with all the fuss there is.
00:47:04Nothing, Claudia and I get along great.
00:47:06So good to see you, then.
00:47:08Sorry I'm late.
00:47:10Fina, how is your father doing?
00:47:12Fine, well, he's more excited.
00:47:15In fact, we are waiting for a treatment
00:47:17that they are using in England.
00:47:19But hey, he's out there, how wonderful.
00:47:21Yes, I'm sure my father will recover.
00:47:22He's a manly man.
00:47:24Oh my God, Fina, really.
00:47:26Your father is a great person.
00:47:28And I'm not going to lie,
00:47:30the truth is that he has become
00:47:32a great friend for me.
00:47:34Claudia and I prayed for him last night.
00:47:37You are helping me so much.
00:47:39Calm down.
00:47:41Well, we have to celebrate this.
00:47:43Let's toast.
00:47:45I'm going to bring some glasses
00:47:47and I'm going to call Claudia
00:47:49so she can stop by.
00:47:51The surprises of life, huh?
00:47:53You had already made up your mind
00:47:55that your father was leaving.
00:47:57And look.
00:47:59Yes, it's like a miracle.
00:48:01I just hope everything goes well.
00:48:03Of course.
00:48:05Why won't it go well?
00:48:07Well, between you and me, Carmen,
00:48:10I ...
00:48:12I don't trust Dr. Berenguer anymore.
00:48:16Well, everyone says he's a very good doctor.
00:48:17Besides, it was his idea, wasn't it?
00:48:19The treatment.
00:48:21Yes, yes.
00:48:23He's a good doctor, but ...
00:48:25something has happened.
00:48:32Well, he caught us
00:48:34loving each other and kissing in the store.
00:48:42I know.
00:48:44Oh my God, what's going to happen to you?
00:48:46At the moment, I've made it clear
00:48:48that I've ruined his life.
00:48:50But I haven't said anything to anyone.
00:48:53Oh my God, oh my God.
00:48:55With a moment of weakness, I swear.
00:48:58And now I'm very afraid
00:49:00that I'll pay for this with my father.
00:49:02What do you think?
00:49:06What do I know?
00:49:09If he's giving us illusions
00:49:11to hurt us more later.
00:49:13That would be very twisted, huh?
00:49:15Look, Carmen.
00:49:17If that treatment doesn't get to Toledo,
00:49:19I'll die.
00:49:21I'll die.
00:49:23And so will my father.
00:49:26Well, it's normal that you're afraid,
00:49:28but don't think about weird things.
00:49:30Now, be with your father.
00:49:34No, no, no.
00:49:36Let's see if you end up with Marta right away.
00:49:38Well, that's where we are.
00:49:41In fact,
00:49:43Marta has decided
00:49:45to become an exemplary wife.
00:49:48And I...
00:49:56I can't take it anymore.
00:49:58I'm high, Carmen.
00:50:00I can't take it anymore.
00:50:02I really can't.
00:50:04I don't know how I'm going to forget him.
00:50:10I think that when my father
00:50:15I'll have to leave here
00:50:17and forget him forever.
00:50:21Let's see.
00:50:23Let's each have a drink.
00:50:25Let's toast.
00:50:27Claudia is already married.
00:50:29Very good.
00:50:31So as soon as she comes,
00:50:33let's toast to the good news,
00:50:35as it should be.
00:50:37Of course.
00:50:39To Isidro.
00:50:40To Isidro.
00:50:42To Isidro.
00:50:52What are you doing here?
00:50:54Are you coming to recriminate me again
00:50:56for doing my job?
00:50:58You know that if I have something to say, I say it.
00:51:00Yes, yes, of course you do.
00:51:02It's clear that last night you didn't have much to tell me
00:51:05because you didn't tell me the word
00:51:07and this morning you left without saying a word.
00:51:08Are you taking revenge on Zina through Isidro?
00:51:11Is that what she told you?
00:51:13Look, let me be, I don't know why I'm asking.
00:51:16I know you haven't forgiven me yet for what you saw
00:51:19and that you're hurt, I understand.
00:51:21But it would be horrible
00:51:23for you to play with a man's life
00:51:25just because of your hurt pride.
00:51:27But what kind of person do you think I am?
00:51:29Well, I don't know, I've never seen you like that.
00:51:31It's just that my wife had never slept with an employee.
00:51:33Forgive me if I'm not as open and understanding as I should be.
00:51:36Please forgive me.
00:51:38I understand that you are making the same decisions
00:51:40that you would make if Zina were simply Isidro's daughter.
00:51:43If she had never been my lover.
00:51:45Would you mind not repeating that word?
00:51:48What's wrong with you?
00:51:50I like to call things by their name,
00:51:52especially if they are feelings
00:51:54that no one should be ashamed of, no matter how much it hurts you.
00:51:57Of course I'm hurt, Marta.
00:51:59Of course I'm angry.
00:52:01But I would never do anything you're insinuating.
00:52:06Look, right now I don't know what hurts me more.
00:52:08That you've fallen in love with that girl.
00:52:11Or that you think I'm a monster
00:52:13capable of putting someone's life in danger out of spite.
00:52:16I know.
00:52:18Forgive me, you're right.
00:52:20Forget it.
00:52:22How can I forget it, Marta?
00:52:24Let Zina think about it, I understand.
00:52:26She doesn't know me, but you do.
00:52:28I'd rather we didn't talk about her.
00:52:30She's suffering.
00:52:32We can talk about whatever you want, Marta.
00:52:34What matters is that you are calm,
00:52:36that Zina is calm,
00:52:38and that you won't tell anyone.
00:52:40That's all that matters to you.
00:52:42There are many things that matter to me.
00:52:44I'm not one of them.
00:52:46Am I interrupting?
00:52:50Can I come back later if that's the case?
00:52:53No, Luz, I was leaving.
00:53:01I'm like a boat drifting away.
00:53:04I thought letting go would be best for both of us.
00:53:08But I can't find the way to Buen Puerto.
00:53:11If I don't...
00:53:16No, no, please, I'm sorry.
00:53:18I didn't mean to interrupt.
00:53:20You wanted something.
00:53:24I came to listen to Alparte on the radio,
00:53:27but I can do it in my room.
00:53:29No, no, you don't have to.
00:53:31I've finished.
00:53:33I see that diary is important to you.
00:53:35I guess you have the freedom in it that you don't have in real life.
00:53:40Is it a reproach?
00:53:42No, no, no.
00:53:50Those pages know you better than I do.
00:53:54They hold feelings that I can't even imagine.
00:53:58Your true self.
00:53:59Your true self.
00:54:02Maybe that would be the solution to our problems.
00:54:07That one day you'd read it when I didn't realise
00:54:11and you'd understand how I feel.
00:54:13Well, it's not my style, you know me.
00:54:16But I must confess that a few days ago I was tempted to do it,
00:54:20but I finally discarded it.
00:54:27Well, I don't know, I guess
00:54:30it would be too painful.
00:54:32I know I've done things very wrong with you,
00:54:37but I've never wanted to hurt you.
00:54:41And I still love you, Jaime.
00:54:44I see.
00:54:47Yes, well,
00:54:49as you love your father
00:54:51or your brothers,
00:54:53that kind of love sustains us more than ever.
00:54:55Before you continue, I think it's important that you know something.
00:54:59Fino and I have decided to cut all contact.
00:55:06I didn't ask you to do that.
00:55:08I know, but it's best to keep our distance.
00:55:11Especially now that I've made up my mind.
00:55:16I want to save our marriage.
00:55:19I want to be happy by your side.
00:55:25that's impossible, Marta.
00:55:27You're in love.
00:55:31I know I can be a good wife.
00:55:34And I want to have a family with you, I want to have children.
00:55:38You know I always get everything I set my mind to.
00:55:45I can be that ideal wife.
00:55:49Would you do that?
00:55:55Think about it.
00:55:57The only thing I'd ask in return
00:56:01is that you forget all this
00:56:03and that you don't tell her or me.
00:56:08Do you really think I'd be able to do that?
00:56:13But you can't live in fear.
00:56:15I want to be safe.
00:56:19I think it's best for us
00:56:22to leave her out of all this.
00:56:23So this whole conversation was for that reason.
00:56:26I feel every word I've said to you.
00:56:31I want our relationship to work.
00:56:33Look, Marta, I thought I was prepared for this conversation,
00:56:37but I obviously rushed it.
00:56:39If you don't mind, we'll talk later.
00:57:07She was on the phone, sorry.
00:57:09Anything new?
00:57:11She was a good girl.
00:57:13She called to see if we knew anything about Isidro's medicine.
00:57:16Well, I called Guaid's lab first thing in the morning.
00:57:19He said he'd left for Madrid, then Toledo.
00:57:21So we'll have to wait.
00:57:23It's harder for Isidro to work.
00:57:27It's very hard to resign yourself to not being able to do anything.
00:57:30The medicine gets to where it gets.
00:57:32It's not in our hands.
00:57:34How's the maid?
00:57:41Well, my head is killing me.
00:57:43I guess so much tension doesn't help.
00:57:46Is it because of Isidro?
00:57:48Or is there something else?
00:57:49There's something else.
00:57:51I didn't get to hear the conversation.
00:57:54But this morning,
00:57:56the atmosphere between you and Marta was very tense.
00:57:59Well, it's clear that between Marta and I,
00:58:02there's tension and we don't have our best moment.
00:58:06So you told her about the tumour?
00:58:08No, no.
00:58:10If before it seemed difficult, now it seems impossible.
00:58:13That's a very serious statement.
00:58:15Believe me, Marta and I have been together for years.
00:58:17We're in the limelight.
00:58:19So much pessimism can be due to your illness,
00:58:22or to Isidro.
00:58:24Sometimes the personal gets infected with the professional.
00:58:27Marta is in love with a woman.
00:58:34Yes, I put that same face.
00:58:37At first, I didn't believe it.
00:58:39Then, I felt like a real idiot.
00:58:42And now, the only thing I feel is pain.
00:58:44A lot of pain.
00:58:46A lot of pain.
00:58:48It's understandable.
00:58:50I don't know what to do, Luz.
00:58:54I'd like to help you.
00:58:56But the only thing I can think of is
00:59:00to show you all my support.
00:59:04I don't...
00:59:06I don't know you that well, but...
00:59:10I know you'll decide what you decide.
00:59:14You'll be fine.
00:59:16That's not all.
00:59:19Marta has told me that she has decided to give up her love.
00:59:23Her love for you?
00:59:25No, for...
00:59:27the other girl.
00:59:30She wants to fight for our marriage,
00:59:33and she wants to start a family.
00:59:36The sacrifice.
00:59:38She has no choice.
00:59:41I'm very confused.
00:59:44What do you want?
00:59:46I don't know.
00:59:49I guess, at this point in my life,
00:59:51it would be easy to stay with her, as if nothing happened.
00:59:57What's the point of living a lie?
01:00:01If you refuse and do the right thing,
01:00:04you'll be making the sacrifice.
01:00:07I'll suffer, no matter what.
01:00:09I'll suffer.
01:00:14I don't know what to do.
01:00:16I'll let her go.
01:00:19I can only give you a piece of advice from a good friend.
01:00:22It's not too late.
01:00:25If you're not going to fight for Marta,
01:00:28let her go.
01:00:34That's what I said about Luis.
01:00:37And it worked.
01:00:40Sometimes sacrifices work.
01:00:49I need to get some fresh air.
01:00:52We'll talk later, okay?
01:01:10Don't be discouraged, Jaime.
01:01:13At this point, it's better if you don't speak clearly.
01:01:17Isidro's situation is serious.
01:01:20He only has a few hours left.
01:01:22One day, at most.
01:01:25And even if they've sent the treatment,
01:01:27no one can assure us that he'll be okay.
01:01:30I don't know.
01:01:32I don't know.
01:01:34I don't know.
01:01:36I don't know.
01:01:37Even if they've sent the treatment,
01:01:38no one can assure us that he'll make it in time.
01:01:44I suggest that you take advantage of every moment
01:01:46that he's conscious to be with him.
01:01:48To be with him.
01:01:51To tell him how much you care about him.
01:01:54To say goodbye.
01:01:56To say goodbye.
01:01:58But is there anything we can do?
01:02:00We can take him to the hospital,
01:02:01connect him to a respirator or something, right?
01:02:05Medicine can't do anything else for your father.
01:02:12Take advantage of every minute to be with him.
01:02:16Listen, Jaime, my child.
01:02:21It's also very important for us
01:02:26to tell him how much we love him
01:02:28before he leaves us.
01:02:31I'm going to get Damián.
01:02:32I promised I'd keep him in the loop.
01:02:36Thank you, Jaime.
01:02:54Oh, daughter.
01:02:56What are you still doing here?
01:02:58What are you still doing here?
01:03:00I could ask you that myself.
01:03:04Jaime has already made it clear
01:03:06that Isidro is in his last moments.
01:03:08I thought you'd prefer to be with him.
01:03:11I've done everything I could.
01:03:12Now we just have to pray
01:03:13for the medicine to arrive in time.
01:03:17That's why I prefer to be here
01:03:19entertained with work.
01:03:24Did Mateo ask for Isidro at today's mass?
01:03:28Nice gesture.
01:03:30I was also surprised not to see him there.
01:03:33In fact, he hasn't been to church for a long time.
01:03:35Are you afraid he'll laugh at me?
01:03:38Father, sarcasm is not necessary with me.
01:03:40I'm very focused on work.
01:03:42Just that, don't worry.
01:03:44My spiritual health is fine.
01:03:46But he has always found comfort in church
01:03:48in difficult times.
01:03:50Marta, let's finish before you tell me
01:03:52what you wanted to tell me.
01:03:54Come on, sit down.
01:03:58Today's mass was the first one
01:04:00that Mateo was offering.
01:04:04I had forgotten.
01:04:05And look how much I appreciate that boy.
01:04:07How did it go?
01:04:08There was never a filler.
01:04:11I guess all your former colleagues
01:04:13would feel a morbid curiosity.
01:04:16Whatever it was, the chapel was overflowing.
01:04:18And then people would be amazed
01:04:20commenting on how well he has done it.
01:04:22He also has the basement.
01:04:24I'm telling you,
01:04:25he connects with people
01:04:27and knows how to speak well.
01:04:29I'm very glad for the boy
01:04:30and for his family.
01:04:31His father is very proud of him.
01:04:33Let's say he has a natural gift to express himself.
01:04:37It's simple, but...
01:04:39but pleasant and interesting.
01:04:42Not like Mr. Agustín.
01:04:45Let's finish.
01:04:46I already knew there was something.
01:04:48So much for coming here to talk to me
01:04:50about priests and mass.
01:04:52Understand him.
01:04:53I've been putting up with him for many years
01:04:55just like he puts up with Mr. Agustín.
01:04:57He understands my detachment.
01:04:59Hey, you...
01:05:01Are you aware that there is
01:05:04a deviation here?
01:05:08A deviation here in La Colonia?
01:05:10Do you want to lower your voice?
01:05:12It's not about generating a collective hysteria now.
01:05:17Father, I can't deny that man is boring.
01:05:23And he causes antipathy to dangerous people.
01:05:25It's an old school.
01:05:27Well, maybe it's time to look for a replacement.
01:05:32According to that reasoning,
01:05:34I should also look for a replacement.
01:05:36Someone younger, less boring,
01:05:39who connects better with people.
01:05:41I'm not talking about age.
01:05:43Your experience is priceless
01:05:45and you have also been smart enough
01:05:48to know how to adapt to the times.
01:05:50And I don't understand Mr. Agustín.
01:05:53Mr. Agustín causes rejection,
01:05:55no matter how much I appreciate you.
01:05:57Those words sound very strong.
01:05:59Well, maybe they sound strong,
01:06:01but it's the general feeling.
01:06:03And today I was able to prove it.
01:06:05Go to the next mass and prove it.
01:06:08I will.
01:06:10Let's see if we're going to have a future bishop here.
01:06:13Or what? A bishop.
01:06:15A future Pope of Rome.
01:06:17I'm serious.
01:06:20Think about it at least.
01:06:22What you propose is not a priority, but...
01:06:27I'll think about it.
01:06:31Don't be late.
01:06:42Don't get me wrong.
01:06:44I'm aware that I've had a good life.
01:06:49I've been loved.
01:06:50I've been loved.
01:06:52God blessed me with the best of daughters.
01:06:55And I've had very good friends
01:06:58who have accompanied me on the way.
01:07:01That's the legacy you leave us.
01:07:05Your memory.
01:07:09We would have spent the money.
01:07:14But the mark of friendship
01:07:17always accompanies us.
01:07:20The feeling is the only consolation we have left.
01:07:26I don't say it to console you.
01:07:30I say it because I think about it.
01:07:34You are the best man I have ever met in my life.
01:07:40You haven't had much money.
01:07:43But joy and kindness.
01:07:48You have given us jobs.
01:07:51We've had good times.
01:07:54And bad.
01:07:57And I say it for myself.
01:08:00There were days when I couldn't get out of bed.
01:08:03But then you got up and moved on.
01:08:06Thanks to you.
01:08:09It doesn't matter if you're tired or sad.
01:08:13It's the order of death.
01:08:18You see?
01:08:21It doesn't matter if we're in a bad moment.
01:08:24You always, always
01:08:26wake me up with a smile.
01:08:30If it hadn't been for you and Damián.
01:08:36Don't get jealous.
01:08:41What's wrong, Isidro?
01:08:46Did I say something I shouldn't have?
01:08:48No, it's not that.
01:08:50It's not the time to talk about this.
01:08:52What do you mean?
01:08:53When is it going to be the time?
01:08:55Tell me what worries you.
01:08:57Look, Dina, I...
01:09:01I can't leave this world in peace
01:09:05without telling you about your brother-in-law.
01:09:08Good morning.
01:09:09No, Dina, I'm serious.
01:09:11You're so kind that you can only see the good in things.
01:09:16But Damián has a dark side.
01:09:19He's a man of his word.
01:09:21He's a man of his word.
01:09:24But Damián has a dark side.
01:09:27What do you mean?
01:09:29Listen to me and don't trust him.
01:09:32At this point,
01:09:34you've always encouraged me to fall in love with him.
01:09:37And now you're telling me that?
01:09:44You shouldn't do that.
01:09:47You shouldn't talk about someone like that
01:09:49without explaining the reason.
01:09:51You have to tell me why.
01:09:54Dina, I...
01:10:00Look, think about yourself when you have doubts.
01:10:03Think only about your happiness.
01:10:05Don't let it get to you.
01:10:07I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
01:10:09A secret couple isn't a couple.
01:10:12It's a deal.
01:10:17Dina, look at my daughter.
01:10:19Look at my daughter.
01:10:20Yes, yes.
01:10:21My daughter.
01:10:25My daughter.
01:10:42Good morning.
01:10:46I like seeing you like this.
01:10:47Like this?
01:10:51You don't make it easy for me, Father.
01:10:53Then I'll only be able to apologize.
01:10:56Come on, stop apologizing.
01:10:58It was a joke.
01:10:59No, no, no, daughter.
01:11:01I need you to forgive me.
01:11:04I think I've sinned for not being very affectionate with you.
01:11:09No, Father, but you've always been a lover.
01:11:11No, no, no, no, no.
01:11:13Your mother wasn't.
01:11:15She woke us up every morning with a kiss.
01:11:18And she said goodbye to us at night,
01:11:21reminding us how much she loved us.
01:11:26I want...
01:11:28I want to tell you something.
01:11:31Whatever it is.
01:11:35I want you to promise me something.
01:11:41Whatever it is.
01:11:44That you'll be brave.
01:11:48That you'll live as you wish.
01:11:51And that you'll love as you feel.
01:11:55Come on, Father.
01:11:56That you won't go through this life as a whore, daughter.
01:12:00Don't do it.
01:12:02That's enough, Nanu.
01:12:03Don't use force, please.
01:12:05Promise me.
01:12:08Promise me
01:12:10that you'll be happy
01:12:12no matter who you're with.
01:12:19I promise.
01:12:22I promise I will.
01:12:25I'm exhausted.
01:12:31Get some rest, then.
01:12:41Get some rest.
01:12:49Get some rest.
01:12:59Aren't you going to have breakfast at the dining room?
01:13:01No, no.
01:13:02I wouldn't eat anything now.
01:13:06I want to call Dr. White to find out where that damn shipment is.
01:13:09It hasn't arrived yet.
01:13:10They're going to tell you the same thing they told you yesterday.
01:13:13They can't take it seriously.
01:13:16I knew Isidro was sick,
01:13:18but I swear I never thought he'd rush to his death so much.
01:13:21Don't punish yourself.
01:13:22You've done everything you could.
01:13:29You haven't had breakfast at the dining room either.
01:13:33I'd rather wait here and see what...
01:13:41How is he?
01:13:42He's fine.
01:13:44He fell asleep a while ago.
01:13:49Well, I'll be inside.
01:13:51I'll leave you two.
01:14:04How are you holding up?
01:14:10Partly relieved.
01:14:12Because I've been able to say goodbye to him and...
01:14:16It's been very nice.
01:14:18I'm glad.
01:14:20We've remembered things from years ago
01:14:24and we've told each other how much we love each other, but...
01:14:30I'm going to miss him so much, Marta.
01:14:33It's normal.
01:14:35He's your father.
01:14:37He's much more than my father.
01:14:42When my mother left,
01:14:44he did everything for me.
01:14:52Now I'm so afraid he'll leave,
01:14:54being mad at me or thinking I'm not worthy of him.
01:15:01But if you had seen everything he said to me in there...
01:15:05What did he say to you?
01:15:07He encouraged me to be brave
01:15:10and live my life without fear, without fear.
01:15:13Marta, that's what I want to do.
01:15:17What do you mean?
01:15:20Well, I don't want to live without you by my side.
01:15:25I want you to be my woman.
01:15:27And I'm willing to face anything, anything to have you by my side.
01:15:34I'm honored that you want to keep your father's promise.
01:15:41But we both know there are things
01:15:44that can't be achieved by more will than one puts in.
01:15:50It's not will, Marta.
01:15:54It's love.
01:15:57Our love is not made for this world.
01:16:01It only exists in a place where feelings are not judged.
01:16:06And that only happens here.
01:16:09We could get excited for a few hours, a few weeks, a few months.
01:16:14But then reality would prevail.
01:16:17We could never be free.
01:16:20And what I'm telling you, you already know.
01:16:30Thank you.
01:16:35Fina, your father is in a coma.
01:16:38He has little time left.
01:16:43Thank you, Jaime.
01:17:11We're leaving, Fina.
01:17:14I'm very sorry that the treatment didn't take long.
01:17:18It's not his fault.
01:17:20I wish I had dealt with him much earlier.
01:17:22Really, Doctor, don't suffer.
01:17:25Now I know that I've done for my father everything that was in his hand.
01:17:28Don't doubt that.
01:17:35I'm sorry I didn't trust his intentions at first.
01:17:37No, no, please, let's not go back to that.
01:17:41Now I know that I only tried to respect my father's will.
01:17:47And that's what good doctors do.
01:17:51Fina, I only tried to be considerate with your father's wishes to leave with dignity.
01:17:55And that was my problem.
01:17:59That I refused to accept that he didn't want to keep fighting.
01:18:02Well, it's normal.
01:18:04I thought he was a coward.
01:18:07That he preferred to leave than fight for his life.
01:18:14I even thought he didn't love me.
01:18:17If he loved me, he wouldn't want to leave, right?
01:18:24But he does love me.
01:18:26He loves me a lot.
01:18:27Of course he loves you, Fina.
01:18:31You just have to see how proud he has always been of you.
01:18:34And me of him.
01:18:36For my part, it's all forgotten.
01:18:48I know I've hurt him a lot.
01:18:51And I know it's been hard for him to know that Marta and I...
01:18:53Fina, if you don't mind, I don't think this is the time to talk about that.
01:18:57Well, I think it's the perfect time.
01:19:01We're talking about life.
01:19:07I want you to know that I'm going to make it very easy for you.
01:19:11As soon as my father dies...
01:19:15I'll leave the factory.
01:19:21I don't have anything holding me back anymore.
01:19:26But I need you to promise me one thing.
01:19:32That you're going to make Marta happy.
01:19:35And that you're going to make her smile every day.
01:19:38Even if it's just a little.
01:19:41And that you're going to make her forget about me.
01:19:44Promise me.
01:19:50Is it what I think it is?
01:19:51The treatment has just arrived.
01:19:53I'm going to stop the balloon.
01:19:54Will it work at this height?
01:19:56I don't know, but we're going to try.
01:20:04It's not all lost, Fina.
01:20:06There's still a chance.
01:20:10Diane and Mateo will be on their way.
01:20:14I'll wait for them outside.
01:20:20He's moved.
01:20:21He's moved. He just moved.
01:20:22I swear.
01:20:23He just moved his hand.
01:20:24Doctors, please.
01:20:33The heartbeat seems stronger.
01:20:37And the pupils are reactive.
01:20:39That's a good sign.
01:20:40It's good, isn't it?
01:20:41It's good.
01:20:42He's fine, right?
01:20:43He's coming out of the coma.
01:20:45He's reacting to the medication.
01:20:46My son.
01:20:48I'm so happy, Fina.
01:20:54I'm going to tell my father.
01:21:09Have you seen my father?
01:21:10He's gone to look for Mateo.
01:21:15Please, if you see him, tell him that he doesn't need me to bring him.
01:21:19Isidro seems to be recovering.
01:21:23Of course you can tell him, but be careful.
01:21:27Thank you.
01:21:31It's incredible what medicine can achieve with a man who's gone.
01:21:35Well, and you.
01:21:36What you can't do, no one can.
01:21:39I hope that's true, but no.
01:21:40I can't solve everything.
01:21:45My thing with Fina is over.
01:21:47And we've decided to keep our distance.
01:21:49I'm 100% committed to ours.
01:21:54Do you mind if I sit with you for a moment?
01:22:05Look, from the first moment,
01:22:07since I knew I wanted to share my life with someone,
01:22:11I've always been clear that I didn't need an exemplary woman by my side.
01:22:16Just a woman who will love me.
01:22:20It turns out that life has a curious sense of humor.
01:22:24And it made me see reality.
01:22:29And the reality is that I've seen how you look at Fina.
01:22:33How you hug each other with your eyes.
01:22:37And you know what else has caught my attention?
01:22:41What you couldn't tell each other.
01:22:44What you couldn't do, that hug you couldn't give each other when Isidro got out of the coma.
01:22:52And that's when I realized
01:22:55that you would never look at me like that.
01:23:00The connection you have with Fina, you don't have with me.
01:23:04We have other things, Jaime.
01:23:06A look, Marta.
01:23:09You've told me everything with a look.
01:23:13And I've understood that your nature is what it is.
01:23:17And I have no right to force you to be someone you're not.
01:23:21I want you to be happy.
01:23:25But we can't be apart.
01:23:29So what do we do?
01:23:32Pretend that everything is still fine.
01:23:34Pretend that everything is still fine between us.
01:23:40Stay together, in front of others.
01:23:43Keep appearances.
01:23:46But with honesty.
01:23:50I would like to ask you to, from the inside,
01:23:53allow us to look for our own happiness.
01:24:00With love and respect.
01:24:04I'm willing to do it.
01:24:08Are you serious?
01:24:11Don't you think it's good?
01:24:15It's just that...
01:24:17I didn't expect it.
01:24:21What made you come to this proposal?
01:24:25I don't know.
01:24:28Maybe Isidro.
01:24:29Maybe Isidro.
01:24:32Or realize that life is too short to waste it being unhappy.
01:24:36It's true.
01:24:40Marta, I'm not going to oppose your relationship with Fina.
01:24:46If that's what you want.
01:24:47If that's what you want.
01:24:57If we don't have anything else to say, I'll go back to the pantry.
01:25:02I have things to do.
01:25:05I'll see you later at dinner.
01:25:18Thank you.
01:25:22Thank you.
01:25:39Father, please, don't sing. I'm going to cut it.
01:25:48Wow, that's it.
01:25:50Look how handsome you look.
01:25:52What a pleasure.
01:25:54I had forgotten the feeling of having someone else shave your head.
01:25:58I have a memory of when I was little and my mother shaved him.
01:26:02Your mother.
01:26:04No one had shaved me since then.
01:26:07And the truth is that today I feel a little older, you know?
01:26:11Why do you say that?
01:26:13Because when I shaved my father for the first time,
01:26:15I realized that he was no longer the one who had to take care of his son,
01:26:20but that now it was me who had to take care of him.
01:26:24Father, don't worry, he doesn't have to shave.
01:26:27And? In fact, I'm going to ask my mother to help me with my work.
01:26:32Are you serious?
01:26:34Why not? I haven't felt so good in a long time.
01:26:38For God's sake, Father.
01:26:40For God's sake, Father.
01:26:42That medicine has healed his body,
01:26:44but it has side effects on his head, which is like maracas.
01:26:50What a joy to see you out of the bedroom.
01:26:53Yes, it seems that the medication is working,
01:26:56although my daughter still doesn't trust me.
01:26:59Oh, Father, please, how exaggerated.
01:27:01Trust her.
01:27:03She knows what she's doing.
01:27:05Ah, Dr. Traura.
01:27:06The disembodied may be arriving.
01:27:10Isidro, how are you?
01:27:12I'm fine, boss.
01:27:13I see you're very well accompanied.
01:27:15Be patient.
01:27:16Soon he will recover his life.
01:27:18Three against one.
01:27:20We'll leave you.
01:27:22Come on, girl.
01:27:24Father, be careful, it's the first time you go out.
01:27:36How's it going between you two?
01:27:40What do you mean?
01:27:44Fina is still looking at me with suspicion.
01:27:48You haven't told her about our agreement, have you?
01:27:53I haven't told her anything because nothing will change between us.
01:27:57I don't understand.
01:27:59I think I'm not obliged to give you explanations.
01:28:02No, no, of course not.
01:28:04But I thought we could talk about our life.
01:28:06No, this was not in our agreement.
01:28:08So I would like my private life to continue being so.
01:28:11Wow, I didn't know it would bother you so much to talk to me.
01:28:14No, what bothers me is that despite everything I have to keep giving you accounts.
01:28:17Marta, I didn't mean to get into your business.
01:28:19Well, don't do it.
01:28:33Jaime, do you have a moment?
01:28:37I thought you wouldn't even want to see me.
01:28:40Sometimes I can be a little rude.
01:28:44But I would like to explain myself.
01:28:48Come with me, please.
01:28:53I don't like talking about Fina.
01:28:56I'm sorry I brought it up.
01:28:58No, it's not your fault.
01:28:59Look, I don't like talking about her because it's a dead end.
01:29:07Wait, I don't understand, Marta.
01:29:10Are you telling me that you are going to give up your relationship with Fina now that you have private life?
01:29:14Private life, you say?
01:29:16Yes, that was our agreement.
01:29:18I may have private life with you, but there's a whole world out there that I have to keep hiding from.
01:29:24Well, I'm afraid that doesn't seem to change.
01:29:29That's why I haven't told Fina anything.
01:29:32Our relationship is already settled, so it's for the best.
01:29:36No, Marta, I don't like hearing you talk like that.
01:29:39You are a fighter.
01:29:41A clandestine relationship always goes wrong.
01:29:44And how long would it take me to get overwhelmed in case they find us?
01:29:49Or to back out out of fear?
01:29:51Even worse, not to hurt her.
01:29:54And what are you going to do, really?
01:29:59It made me happy.
01:30:02And are you really going to give up those happy moments?
01:30:04Those moments were an illusion.
01:30:06No, what is an illusion is to believe that you are going to be happy rejecting the love of your life.
01:30:11Marta, I've seen how you look at her.
01:30:14I looked at you like that.
01:30:17I'm very sorry that everything turned out like this.
01:30:20Do you really want to give up everything?
01:30:23Our agreement was to be free to do whatever we wanted, right?
01:30:30Well, this is what I want.
01:30:34Okay, if you are so sure about it.
01:30:39I have to go back to the pantry.
01:30:50Thank you for listening to me.
01:30:53Thank you for trusting me.
01:31:14Gina, have you saved the lentils for Jaime and Joaquín when they come to dinner?
01:31:18I told you that I have made many and that I have left them at home for when they arrive.
01:31:21Good, then when this one is finished I can have another bowl.
01:31:24When you finish, I have made them for you.
01:31:27Father, it is necessary.
01:31:29What's wrong, daughter?
01:31:30It is that until yesterday her stomach only tolerated mashed potatoes and serum
01:31:33and now she is going to eat a piece of chorizo ​​so big.
01:31:36Oh, daughter, calm down.
01:31:37I have put a lot of lentils and a little bit of chorizo.
01:31:39It is not bad that someone is sorry for me.
01:31:41Father, if it's not because she doesn't eat, it's because I don't want her to feel bad.
01:31:44No, that's impossible.
01:31:45Gina's lentils can't hurt anyone.
01:31:48Come on, they are giving me life more than that English medicine.
01:31:52Oh, may God give you this dignified delicacy.
01:31:55They almost don't have salt.
01:31:57No, I'm already noticing it.
01:31:58But hey, what's going on here?
01:32:00You look like my mother, you here are my daughter.
01:32:02I would like to know what many men would do without their women, without their mothers and without their daughters, huh?
01:32:07They are what they are, some almonds.
01:32:10For me, as long as I have these lentils, I do what you want.
01:32:16Now we are going to toast.
01:32:19And if I'm going to put a little wine on it to toast for his recovery, a little wine.
01:32:25What remedy, but it's going to get wet just on the lips.
01:32:28Yes, daughter, just for that.
01:32:30Come on, let's toast.
01:32:34For the miracle that we have lived in this house.
01:32:41For Isidro.
01:32:43And let's continue to enjoy his company and his humor for many, many more years.
01:32:49For Isidro.
01:32:50And for you.
01:32:52And for my father.
01:32:55A moment.
01:32:56A moment that I also want to say something.
01:32:59I want to toast to the person I have been thinking about the most while I was lying in that bed.
01:33:06And to the one I love with all my soul and with all my heart.
01:33:09Especially now that he is less for chuchos.
01:33:12For my daughter Fina.
01:33:13For Fina.
01:33:14For you, Fina.
01:33:15And for health.
01:33:18Sorry, I didn't know you were eating.
01:33:20Marta, do you need anything?
01:33:22No, I came to leave the cup.
01:33:25Do you want to toast with us, Mrs. Marta?
01:33:27Yes, do you want to toast?
01:33:29No, I have to go back to the factory.
01:33:31But I'm glad of your recovery, like the one you burn.
01:33:34I know, Marta.
01:33:35You are an angel just like my daughter, who turns out to leave us today.
01:33:41Are you leaving?
01:33:47My father is much better now, so ...
01:33:49My father is much better now, so ...
01:33:52Today I will return to my room in the colony.
01:33:55Of course.
01:33:59You know that, in any case, you will always be welcome in this house.
01:34:06Thank you.
01:34:07Thank you.
01:34:16How good he is, for God's sake.
01:34:18My niece has been very strange lately.
01:34:21She won't be late for work to stay and toast.
01:34:24Leave her alone, Marta. She has always been very hers.
01:34:27But if you have something, you have a good heart, right, daughter?
01:34:30Yes, she does.
01:34:32Come on, invent something else, let's toast.
01:34:35No, you can't drink more.
01:34:37Just a little.
01:34:38Give me the bottle that I take it.
01:34:48To be continued ...
01:35:18To be continued ...
01:35:48To be continued ...
01:36:18To be continued ...
01:36:48To be continued ...
01:37:18To be continued ...
01:37:48To be continued ...
01:38:18To be continued ...
01:38:21To be continued ...
01:38:24To be continued ...
01:38:27To be continued ...
01:38:37I could go pick up the paperwork, Rosa.
01:38:39Thank you.
01:38:40Thank you.
01:38:46Marta, can I talk to you for a moment?
01:38:52Is your father okay?
01:38:54Yes, he's fine.
01:38:56I just need to ask you something.
01:39:02Do you love me?
01:39:05Why is this question now?
01:39:07Well, I've talked to your husband.
01:39:10Why didn't you tell me that you had a pact so that each one could make their own life?
01:39:13I don't know why Jaime had to tell you anything.
01:39:15Well, because he wants to help us.
01:39:16Help us?
01:39:17Of course.
01:39:18Marta, he's doing it for you.
01:39:19He's doing it for us.
01:39:20I don't know why you're so reluctant.
01:39:21He hasn't done me any favor, much less telling you.
01:39:24Marta, I don't understand you.
01:39:28I refuse to be condemned to live from the outside in.
01:39:32To be constantly intimidated.
01:39:34Because they discover us.
01:39:36Why? To live an average life.
01:39:38Because that's what we would do.
01:39:39To live an average life.
01:39:40It's what you want.
01:39:41The last time you didn't settle for the crumbs.
01:39:45Before everything about your husband appeared, we were willing to do it.
01:39:49Or not.
01:39:50What has changed?
01:39:54To see disappointment in Jaime's eyes.
01:39:57And to live all his initial resentment.
01:39:59And that he's the best person I know.
01:40:01So imagine if my family, the company workers, found out.
01:40:05We would go to jail.
01:40:06The idea terrifies me.
01:40:07Well, I'm willing to go through all that.
01:40:10I'm afraid we'll hurt each other.
01:40:13Not to meet your expectations, besides.
01:40:16Not to give you what you need again.
01:40:19Marta, why are you so determined that everything has to go wrong?
01:40:22Why can't you just look ahead, without thinking about tomorrow?
01:40:26There is only today.
01:40:28That's a nonsense more typical of novels than real life.
01:40:31Well, we should learn to live like they do in novels.
01:40:34And what do we do? Do we run away in a white corset?
01:40:36Marta, please, don't laugh at me.
01:40:38I'm just trying to make you see.
01:40:39No, no.
01:40:40The only thing I see is that you're giving me excuses, and excuses, and excuses, and more excuses.
01:40:43And that can only mean one thing.
01:40:46And that is that you don't love me.
01:40:49At least be brave.
01:40:50And tell me to my face.
01:40:53Look at me and tell me.
01:41:02How can I not love you if you are already part of me?
01:41:04If I live to see you.
01:41:07If I feed on remembering your hugs and I'm going to sleep thinking of your smile.
01:41:12If I haven't told you about Jaime before, it's because I couldn't even imagine myself with you.
01:41:18I think I don't know how to be happy, I've never been.
01:41:20That's it, that's it.
01:41:21Marta, I don't want you to tell me anything else.
01:41:23I don't care about anything else.
01:41:26All you needed to know, you've already told me.
01:41:39You don't know how much I've missed this.
01:41:45Marta, living in the middle is also living.
01:41:48And that's what we're going to do.
01:41:50Without fear.
01:41:53You and me together.
01:41:55Do you remember?
01:41:59You and me.
01:42:10Come in.
01:42:13Are you also coming to do the ophthalmological test?
01:42:18Have you told Fina about the pact we reached?
01:42:27I know you told me not to meddle, but ...
01:42:30It was very difficult for me, but that's how it is, knowing what you feel for each other.
01:42:36I don't know, what do you want me to tell you?
01:42:38Well, now I'm the one who wants to tell you something.
01:42:43Thank you.
01:42:46Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
01:42:48Thank you for marrying me.
01:42:51I don't know, I thought it was a total incoherence.
01:42:55Your words didn't match what your eyes were saying.
01:42:59I guess it's hard to hide, although we should try harder.
01:43:04Does that mean that Fina and you ...
01:43:09Well, I'm glad you finally decided to leave behind what prevented you from giving you a chance with her.
01:43:13It was fear.
01:43:15A logical fear, in all circumstances.
01:43:17You don't know what it was like to hide all this.
01:43:22To live in secret.
01:43:24You are Marta de la Reina.
01:43:26The safest woman I know.
01:43:27No, you know that a large part of that security is just a facade.
01:43:30And if anyone knows it, it's you.
01:43:32I feel safe when I follow the steps that others mark me,
01:43:35when I know that I am doing what others expect of me.
01:43:38But when it comes to being myself or fighting for what I want,
01:43:42to enjoy life ...
01:43:44I don't know.
01:43:46I panic.
01:43:48Marta, life is sometimes a challenge.
01:43:52And it's hard.
01:43:54Sometimes we get carried away by inertia.
01:43:57Even if we know it's not what we want.
01:44:00And it's not what makes us happy.
01:44:03That's why I couldn't face talking to Fina.
01:44:06I was afraid of the real possibility of being happy.
01:44:10I'm not used to it.
01:44:14I'm very sorry I was part of that problem.
01:44:18In the end, you ended up being part of the solution.
01:44:23I will thank you all my life.
01:44:26I want us to continue having each other when we grow old.
01:44:33Well, you're going to start a new stage now.
01:44:36And you're going to do very well.
01:44:46Luz, come in, come in, please.
01:44:48I'm Marta. Sorry, I didn't call.
01:44:50No, don't worry. We were talking about everything.
01:44:52By the way, the postman saw me coming up
01:44:54and gave me one of your letters for the dispensary.
01:44:57It seems important. It's from the General Hospital of Madrid.
01:45:01Yes, these are the results we were waiting for.
01:45:04Results of what?
01:45:06A consultation we did with a specialist
01:45:09about an operator from the factory.
01:45:11An unusual case.
01:45:12If it's important, open it now.
01:45:15No, no, no hurry.
01:45:17No, no, no hurry.
01:45:21Well, I'll let you work.
01:45:23Let's see if we can get good news for the operator.
01:45:28And if not, remember that we will support you
01:45:31in whatever is possible.
01:45:33I'm sure that good man will appreciate your words.
01:45:48Is everything ready?
01:45:51It seems so.
01:45:54You don't know how sorry I am for Mercedes.
01:45:56What a miserable life.
01:45:58And now that she had a little hope,
01:46:00she has to go back to that place.
01:46:02It's a shame, yes.
01:46:03But what other option do we have?
01:46:05She's a sick woman and needs special care.
01:46:08And that sanatorium is a good place.
01:46:10But it's a place where her daughter won't be.
01:46:13A place she hasn't chosen.
01:46:16At this moment I realized how lucky we are.
01:46:20We still keep our heads above our shoulders
01:46:22and we have the will to choose what to eat
01:46:24or how to dress.
01:46:26Others can't say the same, can they?
01:46:32take good care of your wife.
01:46:35Begoña needs all the help she can get
01:46:37to get through this.
01:46:39That's why I'm going to accompany her to the sanatorium.
01:46:41I'll be back at the factory at noon tomorrow.
01:46:43What do you mean you're not coming back?
01:46:45Now you have to be where you need to be.
01:46:47No, don't look at me like that.
01:46:50There are no big responsibilities at the factory today.
01:46:53The most important thing is that Rosa is leaving
01:46:55and we have to find a replacement.
01:46:58We knew it was something temporary.
01:47:01Well, this time it doesn't last long.
01:47:03Let's see, finding a new secretary is not an easy task,
01:47:07but leave it to me.
01:47:09Okay, but don't hire anyone
01:47:11until I give you a good look, okay?
01:47:13Don't worry.
01:47:18We're ready.
01:47:27It's been a pleasure to meet you.
01:47:31Take care.
01:47:34Thank you.
01:47:38See you soon.
01:47:50How did you wake up today?
01:47:51How did I wake up?
01:47:53At seven in the morning I wanted to go for a walk
01:47:55in the garden of the lords.
01:47:56Oh my God.
01:47:57Did your father fix your heart or did he put it in a bag?
01:48:02Oh, friend, what a joy to see you laugh like that, really.
01:48:04Thank goodness you had a good time.
01:48:07But as they say, God squeezes but doesn't drown.
01:48:12In the end, everything has been fixed.
01:48:15And when I say everything,
01:48:22Miss, do you have something to tell me?
01:48:34Don't tell me you fixed it with Marta.
01:48:37But when?
01:48:41Oh, Carmen, please.
01:48:42Don't give me that look.
01:48:44No, no, I just remembered Dr. Berenguer.
01:48:46Oh, no, no, no.
01:48:47Dr. Berenguer is no longer a problem.
01:48:49He and Mrs. Marta have reached an agreement
01:48:51so that each one can make their own life.
01:48:54How modern, isn't it?
01:48:56Well, practical, rather.
01:48:58Since they have to live in front of the gallery,
01:49:01well, what less than to do it in the most honest way possible,
01:49:04without cheating.
01:49:06Man, that without cheating is cheating everyone, come on.
01:49:10But not themselves, that's the fundamental thing.
01:49:14Man, it's a little hard for me to understand these things so modern,
01:49:18but I'm the one who doesn't have so many looks.
01:49:20Excuse me.
01:49:21I remind you that your husband and your friend
01:49:23are going to have a child together.
01:49:25You take it as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
01:49:28You too, right?
01:49:30I guess it's easier to understand what happens to one,
01:49:33than what happens to others.
01:49:36Why don't we have no choice?
01:49:37Well, yes.
01:49:38Why don't you take your time, bitch?
01:49:42How has Merciles been?
01:49:45With his doctors, he will be much better attended.
01:49:49I couldn't have put up with another scare like the one he gave us.
01:49:52It was a disgust, I know.
01:49:54Well, changing the subject,
01:49:56we already have a secretary.
01:49:59I've already called the best secretariat academy in Toledo
01:50:02and another one in Illescas,
01:50:03and they're going to do a pre-selection
01:50:04with the best students who have passed through there.
01:50:06You could also have done a selection in person, right?
01:50:08You could have done it too.
01:50:09Whenever you want.
01:50:10No, no, no.
01:50:11What do you know about me?
01:50:12I don't know anything about you.
01:50:13I don't know anything about you.
01:50:14I don't know anything about you.
01:50:15I don't know anything about you.
01:50:16Whenever you want.
01:50:17No, no, no.
01:50:18We know your criteria.
01:50:19What are you insinuating?
01:50:21At the end of the day,
01:50:22I assure you that you will have someone there in the secretariat sitting.
01:50:24Let's see if it's true.
01:50:25But have experience, please.
01:50:27And, if possible, references.
01:50:29We can't waste time selecting them.
01:50:31Don't worry.
01:50:34Hey, Marta.
01:50:36And this,
01:50:37this from here, from the newspaper España Hoy,
01:50:39like this, with double underline,
01:50:40what is it?
01:50:41Yes, what he has pointed out to you
01:50:42is that they have called
01:50:43because they want to make a report to the company
01:50:45with photographs, interviews and those things.
01:50:49I see.
01:50:50But that's national press, right?
01:50:52And when would it be?
01:50:54Well, we haven't specified dates.
01:50:57In fact, I've been quite dodgy.
01:50:58I told them I would call them when I was clear
01:51:00to see if we decided.
01:51:02And why did you do that?
01:51:04Because in recent times
01:51:05our family has been through a lot.
01:51:07And I don't think it's wise to get a journalist
01:51:09to ask questions
01:51:10that may create bad publicity for us.
01:51:12But what are you saying, Marta?
01:51:13Are we going to take advantage
01:51:14of free publicity for all of Spain?
01:51:17Jesus, they're not only interested in the company.
01:51:20So what?
01:51:21They want to make a report about us,
01:51:23the Reina family.
01:51:25You know, a report that is pure gossip
01:51:27to open a section of social echoes.
01:51:31They would make us interviews,
01:51:33photographs of us,
01:51:35of the house, of the alcoves.
01:51:38Well, but can we control
01:51:39what is said and what is not?
01:51:41I suppose so.
01:51:43But I think it's too much exposure, Jesus.
01:51:45Don't you see, Marta?
01:51:47As you said,
01:51:48our family has been through a lot.
01:51:50And the few times
01:51:51we've been in the press as a family
01:51:53have been because of events
01:51:55that have almost destroyed our lives.
01:51:57But with this,
01:51:58with this now,
01:51:59we can show ourselves as who we are.
01:52:01As a large family of united businessmen,
01:52:03despite everything we've lived through.
01:52:05I don't know.
01:52:07Although maybe it's a way
01:52:08to open a new chapter.
01:52:11Record it with fire, sister.
01:52:13We are a united family
01:52:14and that's what we're going to give them.
01:52:16Well, what about the united family
01:52:17makes me laugh.
01:52:19It's true that maybe
01:52:21it would be a way
01:52:22to make good publicity
01:52:25and gain ground to the competition.
01:52:27No, the competition.
01:52:28Floral has never done anything like that.
01:52:30We will be the first.
01:52:31And those who come after us,
01:52:32they will regret it.
01:52:34Let's go.
01:52:39Let's do it.
01:52:40Yes, you convinced me.
01:52:41That's it.
01:52:42What's your name?
01:52:43What's the journalist's name?
01:52:44I don't remember.
01:52:45It's written here.
01:52:52Rodolfo Ramírez?
01:52:54Do you know him?
01:52:58This is bingo.
01:53:00We met once in Madrid
01:53:02at the casino,
01:53:03at an event.
01:53:04Well, let's leave it there.
01:53:05Oh my God.
01:53:06Well, beyond the casino,
01:53:07do you think he's a professional journalist?
01:53:10Well, yes.
01:53:11But more than anything,
01:53:12I think he's a guy
01:53:13we can bring to our turf
01:53:14and get a report
01:53:15that will put us on a pedestal.
01:53:18Take care of calling him
01:53:19and I'll take care of the secretary.
01:53:20At your service.
01:53:21That sounds good.
01:53:26Good afternoon, ma'am.
01:53:28How can I help you?
01:53:31Vera, I...
01:53:35I like the perfume you're wearing.
01:53:37Do you sell it here?
01:53:39I can find everything I like
01:53:40in this store.
01:53:42Perfumes, soaps, make-up,
01:53:44and everything else.
01:53:45Whatever I want.
01:53:47How do I know I can trust you?
01:53:50Ma'am, you can trust me.
01:53:52I have very good taste.
01:53:56Are you alone?
01:53:58Carmen is in the warehouse.
01:54:00And Claudia?
01:54:01Is she better?
01:54:06I read the doctor's report
01:54:07and it says
01:54:08extreme exhaustion.
01:54:10I didn't even know it was a disease.
01:54:12Much less that she couldn't
01:54:13ask for a leave.
01:54:15if Dr. Borrell says so.
01:54:19It's clear.
01:54:20When one thing doesn't happen,
01:54:21another thing happens.
01:54:22There's a woman who's really sick.
01:54:23But a while ago,
01:54:24I went to her room
01:54:25and she told me she was
01:54:26a little better.
01:54:27Will she come tomorrow?
01:54:28No, no.
01:54:29The doctor said
01:54:30she has to rest
01:54:31a few more days.
01:54:34And you're going to have to take care of her?
01:54:36Well, Carmen and I
01:54:37have to take turns
01:54:38bringing her food
01:54:39to see if she needs anything.
01:54:41Why do you say that?
01:54:43Because I want to escape with you.
01:54:46To Madrid.
01:54:48I can
01:54:50and I want to.
01:54:52Well, we're going to have to wait
01:54:53a few more days
01:54:54to see if she recovers
01:54:55little by little.
01:54:56Not one more.
01:54:57For God's sake.
01:55:00Weren't you in the warehouse?
01:55:03Yes, but I went to the dock
01:55:04for a moment
01:55:05to see if I could see Tassio.
01:55:07And nothing.
01:55:08He wouldn't have come by
01:55:09while I wasn't there, would he?
01:55:11Well, no one has seen him.
01:55:13He took the afternoon off
01:55:14without telling me or Pío.
01:55:22Perfumerías de la Reina?
01:55:24Mrs. Romero?
01:55:25I'm Marta de la Reina.
01:55:26I don't know if you remember me.
01:55:30Claudia isn't in the store
01:55:31because she's sick.
01:55:36No, no.
01:55:37It's nothing serious.
01:55:38It's just that the doctor
01:55:39at La Colonia
01:55:40has recommended
01:55:41that she rest for a few days.
01:55:43No, no.
01:55:44Nothing serious.
01:55:45I'll tell them
01:55:46to call her as soon as they can.
01:55:48Thank you.
01:55:51Claudia's mother,
01:55:52who I don't know.
01:55:53Claudia's mother,
01:55:54who didn't know
01:55:55she was sick.
01:56:03Is Mrs. López-Casas' package ready?
01:56:06Let's see.
01:56:07Yes, it's this box.
01:56:09She asked for four boxes
01:56:10of women's rings
01:56:11for her daughters and daughters-in-law.
01:56:12Is the package for Mrs. Vera Martínez
01:56:13from Valladolid important?
01:56:15the one with the baby-sitting cases.
01:56:17I think she must have had a hard time
01:56:18because she asked for a lot.
01:56:21So the package
01:56:22is not closed yet?
01:56:23No, I was going to close it right now.
01:56:24Okay, we're going to add
01:56:25some lavender soaps
01:56:26as a gift.
01:56:27She's an excellent
01:56:28and very loyal client.
01:56:30And what do you think
01:56:31if instead of that
01:56:32we put a couple of lipsticks
01:56:33so that she can continue
01:56:34to feel beautiful
01:56:35after the pregnancy?
01:56:36As an indirect.
01:56:37I love that indirect.
01:56:41Well, I can also be very direct
01:56:42if I propose to her.
01:56:52Oh, Marta.
01:56:54I'm dying to kiss you.
01:56:58On the neck,
01:57:00on the cheeks,
01:57:03on the lips.
01:57:05Well, I would still be more direct.
01:57:08Because if a sailor
01:57:09drives me crazy in your mouth,
01:57:13I need a mother to run away from.
01:57:23Good morning.
01:57:24Good morning.
01:57:26Mrs. Marta, has she already
01:57:29Thank you for blowing me off.
01:57:31That's it.
01:57:34What a bad time I've had.
01:57:36Hi, Tassio.
01:57:37Hi, good morning.
01:57:38I got the message
01:57:39that Carmen was looking for me
01:57:40and I don't know if you know
01:57:41where she could be.
01:57:42Ah, well, she took the opportunity
01:57:43to go see Claudia
01:57:44or she'll be having
01:57:45a coffee in the canteen.
01:57:46Okay, thank you.
01:57:47Well, I'll keep looking for her.
01:57:52This can't be happening.
01:57:54We can't let the guard down.
01:57:55I'm losing my heart.
01:57:56He's using us well
01:57:57to trust us.
01:57:59Marta, you're right,
01:58:00but I'm looking at you
01:58:01and I can't continue.
01:58:02This is what we have to avoid.
01:58:04We only have one day.
01:58:05This is going to be impossible.
01:58:06I know.
01:58:07Marta, we'll be careful.
01:58:08I promise.
01:58:13Marta, what's going on?
01:58:14This isn't a game.
01:58:15I know.
01:58:16I know it better than anyone.
01:58:18And even if the person
01:58:19who finds us
01:58:20is a relative
01:58:21or an acquaintance
01:58:22it could be our end.
01:58:23But look at my father.
01:58:24He's the closest example
01:58:25and he's capable.
01:58:28Not just because
01:58:29he changed his mind
01:58:30about us
01:58:31but because of a much more
01:58:32real consequence
01:58:33like going to a women's prison.
01:58:34Marta, please,
01:58:35don't think about that now.
01:58:37But how can I not think about it?
01:58:38It's inevitable.
01:58:40We live in the country
01:58:41we live in.
01:58:42We can't change that
01:58:43right now.
01:58:46I promise you
01:58:47nothing bad will happen to us.
01:58:49I promise you.
01:58:51No one will separate us.
01:58:54Promise me.
01:58:56I swear.
01:59:01we'll have to be more careful
01:59:02so we don't have to
01:59:03use a tab as an excuse.
01:59:06Even if it's a martyrdom.
01:59:09For us
01:59:11and for Jaime
01:59:12who has been very generous.
01:59:17We'll get rid of each other
01:59:18in that escape.
01:59:20That's it.
01:59:22Go on.
01:59:35Jesus, what a mystery.
01:59:37Son, tell us the news.
01:59:38You're making us sick.
01:59:41We'll wait for Marta
01:59:42to call
01:59:43and I don't like to repeat
01:59:44things 20 times.
01:59:46I'm sorry.
01:59:47It was Jaime.
01:59:49He arrived later
01:59:50and had to stay in the pantry
01:59:51taking care of an emergency.
01:59:53I'll tell him.
01:59:55Are we all here?
01:59:57Don't leave us
01:59:58with any more intrigue.
02:00:03It turns out
02:00:04that the newspaper
02:00:05España Hoy
02:00:06contacted Marta
02:00:07and this afternoon
02:00:08I spoke to them
02:00:09to close a topic.
02:00:11Are we going to appear
02:00:12in the newspaper?
02:00:13What do they want exactly?
02:00:15You or me.
02:00:17Thank you, sister.
02:00:18It seems
02:00:19they're very interested
02:00:20in doing
02:00:21an intimate portrait
02:00:22of the Queen's family.
02:00:24What does that mean?
02:00:25It means
02:00:26interviews for all of us,
02:00:27photos for all of us,
02:00:29photos of the house,
02:00:30photos of the company.
02:00:32The idea is
02:00:33to transmit
02:00:34an image
02:00:35of a united
02:00:36and solid family.
02:00:37An example
02:00:38for society.
02:00:40Are we going to appear
02:00:41in the social echoes?
02:00:43The truth is
02:00:44it would give us
02:00:45some visibility
02:00:46for all of Spain.
02:00:47But as long as it's
02:00:48something serious
02:00:49and not frivolous.
02:00:50These things
02:00:51have to be frivolous.
02:00:52It's the grace.
02:00:53People from AP
02:00:54will love to see
02:00:55how we live.
02:00:56I had my reservations
02:00:57at first.
02:00:59it can be
02:01:00a great publicity
02:01:01for the company.
02:01:02And if the article
02:01:03is made with good taste,
02:01:04even the brand
02:01:05of the Queen
02:01:06can acquire
02:01:07a certain prestige.
02:01:09Those reports
02:01:10are only made
02:01:11by the royal families.
02:01:12It's because of the Queen,
02:01:15I admit
02:01:16you were funny, brother.
02:01:18They have the idea
02:01:19of opening
02:01:20a new section with us
02:01:21and from there
02:01:22they will bring out
02:01:23every week
02:01:24the most influential families
02:01:25in this country.
02:01:27Are you sure about this, son?
02:01:29Of course I am.
02:01:30It's a great opportunity
02:01:31for the family.
02:01:32And you, father,
02:01:33what do you think?
02:01:34I don't know.
02:01:35Advertisements, but...
02:01:37Listen to me, father.
02:01:39It's an opportunity
02:01:40to show ourselves
02:01:41as a great exemplary family
02:01:42in front of all of Spain.
02:01:44Let's go.
02:01:46Let's go.
02:01:50All right.
02:01:51We'll do it.
02:01:53be very careful.
02:01:54This type of journalist
02:01:55digs dirty traps
02:01:56all the way down
02:01:57to the bottom of the rocks.
02:01:59Go ahead with the report.
02:02:02They will come tomorrow
02:02:03to do an inspection,
02:02:04but they haven't confirmed
02:02:05if they will also do
02:02:06the interviews
02:02:07and the photos tomorrow.
02:02:08But, well,
02:02:09be prepared for anything.
02:02:11I'm so nervous.