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Marta and Fina - Mafin - Suenos de Libertad -Part 1
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00:00You can leave the boxes behind the counter if you want. Carmen will put them later.
00:13Come here.
00:26Mrs. Marta, I would like to speak to you for a moment.
00:30You tell me.
00:33I know that my behavior the other day was not exemplary.
00:39I'm glad you noticed.
00:42But if you allow me, I don't think I deserve Ferdinand to see me.
00:47You already made that clear.
00:50If you don't have anything else to tell me...
00:52Why are you so hard on me?
00:55Is it because of what Petra suggested about me?
01:01Yes, I don't know why I'm asking you. I know it's because of that.
01:04Cina, this conversation ends right now.
01:06No, Mrs. Marta, this conversation...
01:07We have to have it now because we should have had it a long time ago.
01:11Because I, no matter what they say about me, I'm a good worker.
01:15And I've tried very hard to do it right.
01:18So if you're going to fire me for that nonsense, do it now.
01:21But don't punish me.
01:23Don't tell me I'm a bad worker.
01:25Listen to me, Cina. Leave him.
01:30We all know that you are severe.
01:33But just as well.
01:36And you should keep being so because you're an example for all of us.
01:41You're telling me how to do my job.
01:43Between Carmen and you, I don't know what I'm going to do.
01:45But don't you realize that we all admire you?
01:48That you're the woman we all want to be.
01:51I don't know a single girl, not a single one, who wouldn't change for you.
01:54A woman capable of managing herself in a world of men without anyone making her a shadow.
02:00I myself would like to be like that.
02:02And that's why it hurts twice as much for you to tell me I'm not doing my job right.
02:05No, ma'am. It's not fair because it's not true.
02:11Anything else?
02:15You tell me.
02:18I can dress however you want me to.
02:21And I can behave however you want me to.
02:27But I'll never be someone else.
02:30And it's fair that you know that.
02:34And I won't bother you anymore.
02:59I love you.
03:29I love you.
03:35Mrs. Marta.
03:39I wanted to talk to you.
03:42I called you because I have something important to tell you.
03:48I've been thinking about it and I don't think I've been completely fair to you.
03:55You can leave the warehouse and go back to your job.
03:59I need you as a dependant.
04:03Thank you.
04:04Thank you very much, really.
04:07Just be patient.
04:09As always.
04:11I'm sorry.
04:13Just be patient.
04:15As always.
04:17You won't have a problem.
04:19The incorporation is immediate.
04:21So take off that coat and go back to your uniform.
04:24Right now.
04:30What a morning.
04:31It's been a success.
04:33You've done a great job, Fina.
04:35Thank you very much.
04:42Thank you.
04:49You don't deserve the treatment I've given you these days.
04:52Mrs. Marta, you don't have to apologize.
04:55Let me admit when I'm wrong and this time I've done it.
04:59Sometimes the business can do it and it gets the most demanding version of me.
05:04I'm sorry.
05:05Well, it's normal.
05:07Business is the most important thing in your life.
05:10Now it is.
05:12Although no one expected me to be part of it.
05:16Everyone expected me to get married and take care of the family when I left the boarding school.
05:20But then I got married and my husband left.
05:23Which is normal, because you know he works as a doctor in a bridal shop.
05:26But you were living abroad for a while, weren't you?
05:28With Mr. Jaime.
05:32Let's say that after the first year I got tired of being at home making socks.
05:36So I went with him when he was assigned to Niza.
05:40I even thought about starting a business there.
05:43Yes? Perfume business?
05:45It would be obvious, wouldn't it?
05:47Well, no.
05:49At that time I was much less pragmatic than now.
05:53A pastry shop.
05:57Strange, isn't it?
05:58No, no. It's just that it's...
06:01It's what I've always wanted to have.
06:03If I had my own money, I would have already set it up.
06:09Well, when I was little, my father would take me to the Café Libertad to drink Swiss coffee.
06:14And I imagined myself as an adult doing something as delicious as that.
06:20I loved it.
06:21And it would make so many people happy.
06:25I'm fond of my mother.
06:27And I liked her so much that she convinced the Swiss owners to teach her how to make them.
06:31You don't know how delicious they were.
06:34I liked them so much that for my birthday, instead of an apple pie, I would order a mountain of buns.
06:39I know.
06:43Well, I was little.
06:45And, obviously, it wasn't her birthday, but...
06:48Her mother would look at me with those sweet eyes and she would always save one for me.
06:54I didn't know.
06:56If I'm not being indiscreet, her birthday wasn't because of that...
06:59Tomorrow, precisely.
07:02Yes, it sounded familiar to me.
07:05Well, let's leave it.
07:07These are just memories.
07:10My mother hasn't been here for a long time.
07:12And now I work here.
07:15You can still make your dreams come true.
07:18She's happy in the store.
07:21Now she is.
07:24But if I think about it...
07:28I've never really been able to decide about my own life.
07:33The Queen's last name means a lot to me and I've always done what everyone else expected of me.
07:36Even if I didn't like it.
07:39Well, if you didn't like it...
07:41It didn't go wrong.
07:44Well, imagine if I had done something that I really liked.
07:48How to put it in the store.
07:53I'll leave you.
07:54We both have things to do.
07:55Of course.
08:02Oh, Mrs. Marta.
08:15It's a letter for my husband.
08:18I was thinking about visiting him or spending a few days in Naples.
08:21With my husband so far away...
08:23It makes me forget that I'm a married woman.
08:40Oh, Carmen.
08:42The customers are going to line up.
08:43Why are you serving them?
08:44Look, look.
08:46Shut up, Carpinama.
08:47Obviously, fine.
08:48Come on.
08:49That's the price of fame.
08:52Good afternoon, Mrs. Marta.
08:53Hello, Mrs. Marta.
08:55What do you want us to do with that?
08:57It's for you.
09:03They're sweets.
09:05I know that yours is to drink them with hot chocolate,
09:07but you keep them and then you have a snack in the canteen.
09:09Yes, man.
09:10With the good taste they have, I don't expect to eat it in the canteen.
09:13I eat it like this.
09:14I hope they're good.
09:15I made them.
09:16Oh, mother.
09:21Go to the canteen.
09:22I don't want a customer to come in and see you eating here.
09:25Of course.
09:30Thank you very much.
09:31They're very good.
09:32Well, I have to confess something.
09:35Let's say that Vina has helped me a lot.
09:38Her secret is safe with me.
09:54Well, I'll leave you.
09:56Of course.
09:58Thank you for...
10:00For this delight.
10:07The sweets were very good.
10:09Well, yes.
10:10Well, come on.
10:11That wasn't Mrs. Marta.
10:13Please, when have you seen her like this?
10:15I don't know why you say that.
10:17Mrs. Marta has always been a very cheerful woman.
10:20But you're the one who suffered the most.
10:22Let's see, she had something new, huh?
10:24Because she looked like a special shine in my life.
10:28So pregnant?
10:29Yes, pregnant.
10:30Of the Holy Spirit.
10:32Her husband is a doctor at the Merchant Navy.
10:34Oh, well, then I don't see him.
10:38Hi, Elena.
10:40Is Mrs. Marta here?
10:41Yes, yes, come in.
10:43Thank you.
10:50Can I come in?
10:51Yes, of course.
10:52Close the door.
10:56Carmen will not have taken her feet off the floor again.
10:58Because what happened before has been inadmissible,
11:00no matter how modern it is now.
11:01No, no, no.
11:02I'm very sorry about what happened before.
11:04It was all the fault of a misunderstanding.
11:07Bad love.
11:09If I told her.
11:10But if I do, Carmen will kill me.
11:12And Claudia too.
11:13Both involved.
11:15It has to do with Tasia again.
11:18How do you know?
11:20I try to stay informed.
11:22Within my duties there is also the care of my workers,
11:26especially you.
11:28The fact is that there is someone else involved.
11:32And Carmen has felt very betrayed by that someone
11:35for not telling her anything.
11:37Come on, you've seen yourself in the middle without eating or drinking.
11:41It is that with friends you never know where loyalty is.
11:44I'm sorry.
11:46Sometimes I envy the relationship you have.
11:51But don't worry.
11:53Carmen is still a very valuable worker for us.
11:55She is impeccable and I will not take any reprisals this time.
11:59If that's what you were worried about.
12:01Or can I do something else for you?
12:03For me? No.
12:05Well, yes, actually, yes.
12:08I came to give you this.
12:11It's for me.
12:13It's your birthday.
12:15You remembered.
12:18Of course.
12:19Thank you.
12:22It's not a big deal, I hope you like it.
12:25But I made it with a lot of love.
12:28But it's wonderful.
12:30You did this in one night.
12:34Do you really like it?
12:35A lot.
12:36A lot.
12:37I've always liked to embroider and sew.
12:40I'm terrible at it.
12:42But you're very good at cooking.
12:44That's why I thought you'd like to have your own apron.
12:49It's a very nice detail.
12:51Thank you.
12:57Do you want to try it on?
12:59Of course.
13:01I hope it helps you.
13:07Thank you.
13:21I'm sorry.
13:22Am I bothering you?
13:24Not at all, Elena.
13:26In fact, you came in time to tell me how I look in the apron.
13:33Everything looks good on you.
13:35Today is your birthday.
13:37Really? Congratulations.
13:39Do you want me to book a special place to celebrate it with the family?
13:42Leave it, I don't know how to celebrate.
13:44I see.
13:45Well, I'll book the day for next year and I'll give you the rest of the compliments.
13:50Good luck.
13:52I'll leave you your mail.
13:54Have you seen the look on her face?
13:56She's in a bad mood.
13:58You can't even imagine it.
14:02I'm going back to the store.
14:03I can't leave those two beasts alone.
14:05No, please.
14:11Thank you.
14:23Thank you.
14:29This is so quiet.
14:31I guess there hasn't been a lot of noise this afternoon.
14:33Now I see the store is empty.
14:34But a car is coming and I almost have to ask for reinforcements.
14:40Mrs. Marta, I wanted to show you something.
14:47This jar is damaged.
14:50Do you see it?
14:53He must have hit himself when he took it out of the warehouse.
14:57Put it as a sample.
15:03Did I say something strange?
15:05No, no.
15:06A few days ago he would have accused me of being mean if I had broken it.
15:10No, really.
15:11I'm very sorry about the hardness with which I have treated you.
15:13That's it, that's it.
15:14We already talked about it and it's clear.
15:16Don't put it as a sample.
15:17Keep it to yourself.
15:19Are you serious?
15:24Let's see.
15:29How wonderful.
15:31I love all perfumes, but this one is magical.
15:35It's magical.
15:37Look, it depends on the person.
15:38You can notice more nuances or others.
15:48In you, the citrus stands out.
15:53In you.
16:04On the other hand, you smell sweeter.
16:13Well, how are you?
16:14It's your birthday.
16:15How did it go?
16:17I imagine you must have had a meal on condition with the family.
16:20Everyone is always very busy and I'm not very good at celebrating.
16:24Oh, what a shame.
16:26It should be a very special day.
16:27One of those that is celebrated to the fullest and remembered until the following year.
16:31Maybe next year.
16:33Why does he have to wait so long?
16:35He still has a long way to go.
16:39The truth is that I was thinking about going to an opera recital.
16:42Very good.
16:43Very elegant.
16:44It's just that the soprano is an old friend of the family and she sent me two tickets.
16:47The concert is tomorrow, but ...
16:49I don't know.
16:50Of course, he has to go.
16:51Yes or yes.
16:53Don't think about it.
16:55No, in this city it's not very good to see a woman going to certain events alone.
17:00Well, he doesn't have to go alone.
17:02He can invite his father or his brother Andrés.
17:07And you?
17:13Would you like to accompany me?
17:16It would be my way of thanking you for the detail you had with the front.
17:21The truth is that I've never been to the opera.
17:26Then don't even doubt it.
17:28When you hear those voices, you get something in here and ...
17:34and you can't breathe.
17:38Like when you fall in love?
17:41Something like that.
17:46Yes, yes.
17:49It's better not to comment on it with the rest of the workers.
17:53Don't worry.
17:54I wouldn't like you to think that there is a favorable treatment.
17:58No, no, don't worry, don't worry.
18:01It will be our secret.
18:16Come in.
18:18Hi, Fina.
18:19Have you seen Claudia?
18:20She should be in the store, but she has left her unattended.
18:23No, I haven't seen her, but if I want to, I'll look for her.
18:25No, don't worry.
18:26She must have gone to the bottled area or one of the warehouses.
18:30Well, what do you think?
18:34Do you like it?
18:35It's nice, isn't it?
18:37You are different.
18:39It was my mother's.
18:40The truth is that I loved it when I saw it on.
18:42And I have fixed the lace a little
18:44and I have twisted a part that was loose, but it has been like new.
18:48You shouldn't have the uniform by now.
18:50Ah, yes, yes, right now I change and go down to the store.
18:53But I wanted to try it on to see if it was suitable for this afternoon.
18:58Fina, this afternoon's thing won't be possible.
19:01We won't be able to go to the concert.
19:04Ah, why?
19:06Has it been suspended?
19:08No, no, it hasn't been suspended.
19:10It's because of the dress, isn't it?
19:11It's not elegant enough.
19:12Ah, what nonsense.
19:14In fact, it's very nice.
19:16It's just that I'm waiting for a call from Jaime.
19:18You see, yesterday he was calling me to congratulate me on my birthday
19:21and we couldn't talk and my father told me to call him without fail.
19:24And I would find it very ugly not to be there.
19:27He's my husband.
19:28And after the sacrifice he's making, spending so much time away at the high seas,
19:31the least I can do is...
19:33is answer a call.
19:34I'm his wife.
19:35Of course.
19:36Obligations are the first thing.
19:38But I thought I could postpone them for an afternoon.
19:43Well, I'm afraid it won't be possible.
19:45Of course.
19:46I'm sorry if I bothered you with my comment.
19:49But if you don't mind, go change and go to the store.
19:52And go see if you can find Claudia.
19:54She's going to hear me.
20:10I'm coming, just a moment.
20:37Instead, you smell sweeter.
20:47What's wrong?
20:48I made a mistake.
20:50It's not right.
20:52I didn't want to...
20:53What didn't you want?
20:56That I was sick.
20:58That I don't want...
20:59That you don't want what?
21:01That you're going to think I'm crazy and right.
21:05Do you still want to come to the concert with me?
21:09Has your husband called?
21:11But he's right.
21:12Sometimes you have to put aside your obligations and...
21:15and live.
21:16Of course.
21:17But since I saw her so convinced about cancelling the concert that I...
21:19Well, now I'm convinced that we should go.
21:28You're not going to pick up.
21:34Perfumerías de la Reina, tell me.
21:38For me?
21:43It's from the headquarters, they say I have a visitor.
22:14It's been a long time, hasn't it?
22:18But I didn't know you were here.
22:21No, no, no, of course, of course, I'm glad.
22:26To eat today?
22:29But you're in La Colonia.
22:31I'm sorry, I'm working and I can't talk.
22:34But we'll see each other in a while, right?
22:37Yes, yes, yes, no, I'm fine.
22:41I'll see you there.
22:46That's it.
22:49Sorry, I got a call at work.
22:52It's okay, woman.
22:53Especially if it's to receive good news, as it seems to be the case.
22:56Yes, she's a friend who lives in Paris and is visiting.
22:59Paris, nothing less.
23:00Yes, it was quite a surprise.
23:03It seemed so.
23:05She must be a very good friend if she comes from so far away to see you.
23:07Well, she doesn't come to see me, she comes to see the family,
23:10but we are very good friends.
23:14Or at least we have been.
23:17So she's from Toledo.
23:18From Fuensalida.
23:20In fact, she worked here at the factory.
23:23We met here.
23:24So maybe I know her. What's her name?
23:28Esther Pérez.
23:31I don't remember.
23:32It's normal.
23:33She was working only a few months in a packaging company.
23:36I'm sure she has a lot to tell me about Paris.
23:39We have to eat in the canteen.
23:41Well, there are only ten minutes left for your turn to eat, so...
23:45Go ahead, I'll cover you and I'll check the boxes.
23:47Yes? Oh, well, thank you very much.
23:50I'm sure she has a thousand stories to tell me.
23:52I'm sure she has a thousand stories to tell me.
23:55Paris doesn't leave anyone indifferent.
23:59The truth is that she was very brave going to live there,
24:01to pursue her dreams.
24:04You know, why don't you take the whole afternoon off,
24:07so you're with her?
24:08No, no, no, no, no, no.
24:10I can't do that.
24:12It's my turn and it wouldn't be fair for my colleagues.
24:14I'm looking for someone to cover you, go with her.
24:17I'm going to eat with her for a while and then I'll come.
24:20As you prefer.
24:21Come on, what are you waiting for?
24:23Yes, I'm coming.
24:27Mrs. Marta,
24:29what time are we meeting?
24:31What do you mean?
24:33To go to the recital.
24:35Well, I thought that with your friend's visit,
24:37you might prefer to take advantage of the afternoon to...
24:39to chat with her.
24:40No, no, no.
24:41I would understand.
24:42No, no, no, no, no.
24:43Not at all.
24:44It's been a long time since you've seen us, it would be normal.
24:47Don't worry, I'll be there.
24:49Besides, I...
24:51I really want to go.
24:53Well then, I'll see you...
24:56at the Teatro de Rojas at nine o'clock.
24:58Perfect. Do you want us to go together?
24:59No, better not.
25:00No, of course.
25:01No, no, no, I'm saying this because at five o'clock I have to go to Toledo to look at some stores.
25:04Yes, yes.
25:06I'll see you there, what do you think?
25:07I think it's great.
25:10Aren't you going to wait for your Parisian friend?
25:20Good afternoon.
25:35Mrs. Marta, what time are we meeting?
25:38What do you mean?
25:40To go to the recital.
25:42Well, I thought that with your friend's visit you might prefer to take advantage of the afternoon to...
25:46to chat with her.
25:47No, no, no.
25:48We are not talking about that.
25:50If we don't meet, it's normal.
25:53Don't worry, I'll make sure it happens.
25:56Besides, I...
25:58I really want to go.
26:02Well then, I'll see you...
26:05at the Teatro de Rojas at nine o'clock.
26:07Perfect. Do you want us to go together?
26:08No, better not.
26:09No, of course.
26:10No, no, no, I'm saying this because at five o'clock I have to go to Toledo to look at some stores.
26:13Yes, yes.
26:14We'll meet there. What do you think?
26:16I think it's great.
26:18Thank you.
