Sharky & George - 12. b) Die Unsichtbaren

  • 2 months ago


00:30San Francisco, San Francisco, the city of singing.
00:39Everywhere in the seven seas, known as the metropolis of nightclubs.
00:44And many popular singer-songwriters perform in several clubs in one evening.
00:50Boss, there's Honey Blondie, the popular nightclub singer.
00:54Okay, get her.
00:56Yes, boss.
00:58Get her out of here!
01:05The Invisible
01:10Good evening, Chorale!
01:12Another nightclub singer has disappeared without a trace!
01:15She was caught red-handed! Good evening, Chorale!
01:18They say that my scales are soft
01:21But that my heart is hard
01:23That's mean
01:25They say that my blood is cold
01:28Though my flesh is tender
01:30That's mean
01:32When I was a small fry, I fell for a stinker
01:36Hook, line and sinker
01:39So when they say that my heart is hard
01:43And my blood is cold
01:45It means just this
01:48That my heart is broken
01:50And I want a token of true love
01:54She's just wonderful!
01:56Yes, a real artist, George.
01:59You say it, I'll go behind the stage.
02:01Good, I'll wait here.
02:03Mr. Ober, an Algenwasser, please.
02:12Oh, no!
02:15I have sea roses for you, Marlene.
02:19Shut up!
02:20What's going on here?
02:22Get out of here!
02:26George, why are you lying here on the floor?
02:29I'll tell you, but you won't believe me.
02:35What? George saw how you caught Marlene?
02:39George, the only fish in the lake
02:41who is smart enough to cross my plans?
02:44Actually, he didn't see us.
02:46What, what?
02:49Get out of my sight and come back when you have George.
02:52Otherwise, you fish will remain invisible for the rest of your lives.
03:00Georgie, do you think I'm crazy?
03:02No, George.
03:03You're not crazy.
03:05You're completely normal.
03:06My best friend.
03:09There's George, yes.
03:11Listen, I'm telling you, I saw her.
03:13I didn't really see her.
03:15I saw that you couldn't see her.
03:17What? Ouch!
03:19Calm down.
03:20I'll get you a glass of sweet water.
03:22Stay here and don't move.
03:24I'll be right back.
03:25I know it sounds crazy,
03:27but I know exactly what I didn't see.
03:32Sharky! Sharky!
03:34I think we have something.
03:38George, I can't see you anymore.
03:45Why didn't you bring Sharky with you?
03:47Well, they didn't say anything about that.
03:50Shut up, you stupid fish.
03:51You'll get Sharky on the spot.
03:53You know very well that he will never rest until he has saved George.
03:56George was so thoroughly lost,
03:58as if he had dissolved into water.
04:00I decided to look for clues there,
04:03where everything started.
04:05In the bar to the last Bismarck herring.
04:08An old water.
04:10Boss, there's Sharky.
04:12You are my first guest today.
04:14And probably the last one.
04:15If Marlene doesn't sing, no one will come.
04:17It's a misfortune.
04:19Do you know who also disappeared without a trace?
04:21My old friend George.
04:23Maybe you saw him.
04:24Oh, Marlene, you angel.
04:26Where did you disappear to?
04:28I'll tell you a secret.
04:29We can do it without you.
04:31I asked you something, man.
04:34Oh, my God, oh my God.
04:40Wow, how crazy.
04:42Look, there.
04:44Get out of here, stupid fish.
04:46With my own eyes,
04:47I saw that there was no one.
04:49If there was no one,
04:51why was there such excitement?
04:53So you saw something that was gone,
04:56like this, like this.
04:58I guess you poor you have a nervous day,
05:01or you are crazy.
05:02I'm supposed to be crazy? If there's someone crazy here, it's you, Dr. Qualle!
05:07Crazy? Me?
05:10Look at this and then tell me I'm crazy!
05:14Here you go!
05:22The bar singer!
05:23Yes, the bar singer. I discovered a secret through her.
05:28No one else would have been able to do it.
05:31But I discovered it. I, the genius scientist Dr. Qualle.
05:36It is, dear George, the secret of invisibility.
05:46Ah, I see. Am I crazy or not?
05:51I found out through bar singers that they have to stand in the limelight.
05:57And why? Because otherwise they become invisible.
06:00A special substance on their skin makes them invisible as soon as they don't sing in front of others.
06:05The rest is simple, George.
06:07It's just a matter of washing down this special substance from their skin.
06:11Of course, with a special method that I invented.
06:16The substance is not only washed down, but also compacted.
06:19So it can be added to further processing.
06:22And you will never guess what it is.
06:25No, of course not.
06:26It is a destination.
06:27This is how the substance we need is obtained.
06:31And now watch out, we're coming to the climax.
06:34The liquid is directed to a funnel and sprayed from there.
06:41And now I'm going to show you how to handle it.
06:44Watch out!
06:48See? Not to be seen anymore.
06:51This substance will make me the Lord of the Fishnets.
06:54The ruler of all seven seas.
06:56Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
06:59Doc, just look what happened.
07:01How can you dare under my eyes without Sharky?
07:05Where is your failure?
07:06We're working on it, Doc.
07:08We followed him to the last bite mark.
07:11Right, Boss?
07:12That's right.
07:13And then?
07:14Then he dropped a glass of algae water over me.
07:16And then I became visible again.
07:18The barman thought I was a ghost.
07:21Algae water, huh?
07:23What a failure.
07:24I have to find a countermeasure.
07:26Good, you stay here with me.
07:28And you two hurry up.
07:30I finally want to have Sharky.
07:33So George was missing.
07:35Nobody had seen him.
07:37However, if someone had seen him, he would not have disappeared.
07:40It was a confusing case.
07:47All right.
07:49Now I have made you visible again with algae water.
07:52And now we turn to the newly developed countermeasure.
07:59Doc, Doc, just look.
08:01This is funny.
08:02Neptune's Triangle.
08:04Don't move from the spot.
08:05I'll get something else.
08:07This is a funny game.
08:10Good, you should do that.
08:13This is getting funnier and funnier, Doc.
08:18How embarrassing.
08:21This is funny, Doc.
08:24Can I join you?
08:25Get out of here, you slug.
08:28There, now we have the reward.
08:33I don't see you anymore.
08:35George got rid of himself.
08:37Move, Dr. Fish.
08:40Thank you.
08:41I have to be able to see him.
08:48Dr. Squirtle, we have Sharky.
08:50Sharky, tell this idiot to stop.
08:55This is better.
08:57Dr. Squirtle, what an unexpected turn.
09:03I could have sworn I came here alone.
09:06I have to lie in the algae water.
09:07I want George to be visible.
09:16Hey, Sharky.
09:17What is it?
09:19Here, for me.
09:20Catch them.
09:21Who, Doc?
09:24By Neptune, Sharky is gone.
09:28I'm the big sprayer and...
09:32He's killing my nerves.
09:34Give me the syringe.
09:35No, that's mine.
09:38Sharky, listen.
09:40I want to kill them both.
09:42Once and for all.
09:43Tell me, Doc.
09:45George, would you please tell me what's being played here?
09:48Not now, Sharky.
09:49Just play along.
09:50Play along?
09:51I can't even see him.
09:54Attention and spray.
09:59Hey, I haven't sprayed yet.
10:06You sandworm.
10:08Stop it.
10:11This is getting boring.
10:13I'm sorry.
10:14I'll find another show.
10:17Okay, Sharky.
10:18To a new one.
10:27I can't see you, pink fatty.
10:29I'll get you.
10:41Why did the three of them disappear?
10:44I got rid of him, boss.
10:47Okay, get out of here.
10:48That's the way.
10:51Get out of here.
11:01Are you okay, Sharky?
11:04Dr. Kvalle, he wants to escape.
11:07Yes, yes.
11:14I'm coming back for revenge.
11:17What was that?
11:18A garage door opener as a spray?
11:22George wanted to show me the connection.
11:25You see, sometimes seeing is not seeing.
11:28I tried really hard, but I couldn't see that.
11:41Because you goons, you cheaters.
11:43Sharky is fast and he stays the winner.
11:46Robber, swindler, healer, thief.
11:49George will give you all hell.
11:52Sharky and George
11:55on a gangster hunt in the sea.
11:58Sharky and George
12:00no trap is too heavy for them.
12:09Sharky's brain is big as a whale
12:12and George's sense is great.
12:15If he tries something bad
12:18the duo will hunt him down.
12:21Sharky and George
12:24on a gangster hunt in the sea.
12:27Sharky and George
12:29no trap is too heavy for them.
12:38In the sea you stay fresh
12:41healthy and lively like a fish.
12:44The salt water is fine.
12:47Who needs air and sunshine?
12:50Sharky and George
12:52on a gangster hunt in the sea.
12:55Sharky and George
12:58no trap is too heavy for them.
