Premiere of movie "Nicolas", a film on president Maduro's life

  • 3 months ago
Special Envoy Yunus Soner with the details of a movie on the life of Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro had its premiere in Caracas, Venezuela. The film, titled Nicolas, describes different stages in the life of the current president and candidate in the elections. teleSUR


00:00A movie on the life of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro had its premiere in Caracas,
00:05Venezuela, on Sunday, July 14.
00:07The film, titled Nicolás, describes different stages in the life of the current president
00:12and candidate in the elections.
00:14Our special envoy Juno Zuner with the details.
00:18The Teresa Carreño Theater in downtown Caracas.
00:21Hundreds of people are waiting for President Maduro.
00:24An exciting moment for them.
00:26They are going to confront the subject of their work.
00:34I believe that the most important thing in this film titled Nicolás is that perhaps
00:38we can find in it, and in this beautiful book by Ana Cristina Bracho the traces of how an
00:51appropriate time, a painful time for this country, the 30 years of the 60s, 70s and
01:0480s, could build not only a powerful social and political movement, but also an honest
01:16leader, a leader with a great sense of ethics and morals, a humble leader, a true revolutionary
01:36The biopic is based on the book of Ana Cristina Bracho and it will be distributed to the entire
01:41population both in print and digitally.
01:45We had decided to approach facts that were proven or that we could confirm either because
01:49the president himself has expressed them or because we had testimonies from people who
01:53lived through those stages with him.
01:57The movie tells in six chapters Maduro's life from childhood through his youth and first
02:02political activities ending with Comandante Chávez pointing him out as the next leader
02:06of the revolution.
02:08It was made by the Movimiento Futuro collective.
02:34Like many who contributed to this film, the lead actor, whom Maduro at the ceremony declared
02:38his official double, is not a professional actor but an engineer.
02:43He says it was a great experience and a great challenge.
02:47The origins of Nicolas Maduro's humanity comes from his struggle, from his social struggle,
02:53his trade union struggle, from his love for sports.
02:56The values that forged him without a doubt the values needed to lead a nation are reflected
03:01in the film and they are the ones that formed Nicolas Maduro as a humble president, as president
03:07with solidarity principles.
03:09The spectators reacted during the screening.
03:12Sometimes they shouted Viva Chávez, sometimes they applauded when romantic situations between
03:17Nicolas and his later wife Celia Flores were shown.
03:24I cried, I remembered our ever-present Chávez.
03:27It was a very beautiful film, a movie that shows the reality of our country, what has
03:31been happening for years and let's hope that from now on we continue in revolution, in
03:36the process and with President Nicolas Maduro.
03:43The movie was completed in just one month.
03:46The six chapters will be presented one every day on the networks.
03:49The president himself, present in the theater, invited to watch them.
03:53But his emphasis was on the future.
03:56If life has been good, intense, strong, but beautiful, what is to come will be more beautiful.
04:12This is called hope, this is called certainty.
