2024-25 విద్యా కానుక కొనుగోళ్లలో నిబంధనల ఉల్లంఘన

  • 2 months ago
Botsa Satyanarayana, Praveen Prakash Irregularities in Jagananna Vidya Kanuka?: ఆర్థిక శాఖ అనుమతిలేదు, క్యాబినెట్‌ అంగీకారం లేదు, చివరకు ముఖ్యమంత్రి కార్యాలయానికీ మస్కా వేశారు! ఒకట్రెండు కాదు 772 కోట్ల రూపాయల విలువైన కాంట్రాక్ట్‌ను టెండర్‌ లేకుండా పాత గుత్తేదారుకు, పాత ధరలకే కట్టబెట్టారు. ఈ బాగోతం భయటపడుతుందనే నాటి పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ ముఖ్య కార్యదర్శి ప్రవీణ్‌ ప్రకాశ్ వీఆర్ఎస్ తీసుకున్నారా? విద్యాకానుక సొమ్ములు నొక్కేసేందుకు నాటి మంత్రి బొత్స సత్యనారాయణ, ప్రవీణ్‌ ప్రకాశ్‌ ప్రదర్శించిన దొంగ విద్యలపై ప్రస్తుత ప్రభుత్వానికి ఫిర్యాదులు వెళ్లాయి.


00:00In the government of Vaikapa, Botsu Sathyanarayana, who worked as a minister of education, Praveen Prakash, who worked as the chief executive officer of the school education department, and some officials have taken the lead in the attack business.
00:14In the year 2024-25, the school education department was attacked by some officials.
00:20Praveen Prakash and Botsu Sathyanarayana, who worked as the chief executive officer of the school education department, and some officials have taken the lead in the attack business.
00:32There are allegations that the old officials have been repeatedly ordered by the old officials.
00:38Even if there are no suspicions, it is suspicious to give repeat orders to the new officials.
00:44Praveen Prakash is afraid that the decision will be ratified when it comes to the authority of Vaikapa again.
00:52Praveen Prakash is afraid that coming to the family authority will cause him trouble.
00:58That is why there is a discussion that Swachhanda has taken the post.
01:02Minister Lokesh has received a lot of criticism for this.
01:06Even if he knew that the school education department would have to provide education in the beginning of the school year, the minister did not care for the authorities of the department at that time.
01:14At that time, Ardhika Sekha Karidarshi Gulzar sent a letter to the school department, which was sent by the school department to buy without tender.
01:20He wrote his opinion clearly on that file.
01:23Botsu and Praveen Prakash did not care for it.
01:26While trying to bring it as a table item in the cabinet, Ardhika Sekha Karidarshi Raavath also complained.
01:33Ardhika Sekha Karidarshi Raavath wrote his opinion on that file and sent it back.
01:37He decided that it was not right to keep it as a table item.
01:40He did not get permission to send it to the chief minister's office for permission.
01:44But Minister Botsu and Praveen Prakash both refused to sign on their behalf.
01:49On January 10, the school books, workbooks, and the remaining 772 crore worth items were given a repeat order to the old employees.
01:58The school books and workbooks were tendered, the school book department director said.
02:04In the first days of the Vaikapa government's arrangement to send the contracts worth more than 100 crore rupees to the judiciary, Jagan made a big announcement.
02:13But he did not follow the judicial preview regulation on the tender of the school books worth 772 crore rupees.
02:20After the purchase of any item, it is normal to give a repeat order on the 2nd of every month.
02:26If the number of items in the market is less, the order should be given according to the reduced rate.
02:30If it increases, the order should be given according to the old rate.
02:33But the order in 2022 was cancelled in 2024.
02:37He did not include the reduced paper rate.
02:40Two experts on the issue of the school books were present at the hearing.
02:43This time, an expert from Rayalaseema, Vaikapa's Sanbhoothi district, was given a rebuttal.
02:48He is a married man.
02:50As a result, an ex-minister has been accused of collecting funds in the past.
