SRBI Tidak Ganggu Stabilitas Keuangan

  • 2 months ago
Bank Indonesia (BI) membantah tudingan keberadaan Sekuritas Rupiah Bank Indonesia atau SRBI memicu kondisi crowding out di pasar keuangan dan keketatan likuiditas perbankan saat ini.

Gubernur BI, Perry Warjiyo mengatakan, bunga tinggi yang diberikan bank sentral ini untuk SRBI membuat pusaran dana tersedot ke instrumen tersebut agar dana asing terus tertarik masuk.


00:00Yes, Bank Indonesia ensures that the security policy of Rupiah Bank Indonesia or SRBI is quite effective as one of the monetary instruments to maintain the stability of Rupiah.
00:11I think Bank Indonesia mentions policies such as making sure to attract capital inflow.
00:19Bank Indonesia ensures that the security policy of Rupiah Bank Indonesia or SRBI and other instruments such as SVBI and SUVBI
00:28will not interfere with the liquidity of the domestic financial system.
00:32The Governor of Rupiah Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjio, ensures that the instrument can accelerate the effort to deepen the money market and support the flow of foreign capital into the country.
00:42Perry says that by July 15, 2024, the position of SRBI instruments has reached 775.45 trillion Rupiah or increased by 16.3% per month.
00:52It means that in just a month, the position of SRBI increased to 108.9 trillion Rupiah.
00:59From that position, foreign ownership was recorded to reach 220.35 trillion or 28.42% of the total outstanding.
01:08The number of foreign ownership rose from last month's position, which was recorded at only 179.86 trillion Rupiah.
01:15775.45 trillion, data per 15 July SRBI.
01:22From 775.45 trillion, how much can attract the flow of foreign portfolio, which is held by non-resident, 220.35 trillion or 28.42%.
01:37So this encourages inflow, strengthens the exchange value of Rupiah.
01:44RBI ensures that liquidity is maintained so that it can continue to help the credit of banks continue to grow in the midst of the global economic pressure.
