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Erkenci Kus HD - Episode 12 (English Subtitles) EARLY BIRD
00:01:00Look me up. I'm not looking at you. Look at me. I don't want to look at you. Okay, I'll look
00:02:22Yes, I'm
00:02:24Samba napıyorsun bir gece ya sadece tek bir gece seni görmeden dayanamadım
00:02:35Gerçekten ciddi misin bu söylediğinde
00:02:37Ben dün gece uyuyamadım neden sana kal demedim diye
00:02:44Gitsek mi buradan hemen nereye fark eder mi
00:02:48Bir kez daha reddetmeyeceksin
00:03:23Geldin mahallemize güneş gibi doğdun Melahat abla söyledi dedi ki sanem işi bırakmış mahalleye dönmüş dedi
00:03:29Vallahi sevincimi nasıl yaşasam bilemedim ateş yakıp üstünden mi atlasam halaylar mı çeksem yemin ediyorum bilemedim
00:03:36Üstüme kurşun mu döktürsem
00:03:38Hoş geldin
00:03:40Niye taş atıyorsun
00:03:42Bilmiyorum ki saçma sapan hareketler
00:03:47Hoş geldin
00:03:57Nereye gittin gel buraya
00:04:03Arkadaşım ne yapıyorsun sen
00:04:05Manyak mısın niye taş atıyorsun ya
00:04:07Canım acıdı şu anda başıma geldi
00:04:09Kanıyor mu şu anda bak bakayım kanıyor mu
00:04:11Kanamıyor değil mi ya yarımsaydı
00:04:13Ya pekmezi baksaydı burada cevap ver bana
00:04:16Kardeşim ne yaptık
00:04:18Kendi mahallemizde komşumuzun camına taş attık
00:04:20O da yanlışlıkla sana geldi
00:04:22Ne bağırıyorsun ne sesini yükseltiyorsun
00:04:24Ne olay çıkarıyorsun bana
00:04:26Arkadaşım ben Sanem'in iş yerinden arkadaşıyım
00:04:28Tamam mı onu almaya geldim konum bu adresi gösteriyor
00:04:30Yok öyle bir şey yok
00:04:32Sanem hanım artık iş yerinde çalışmıyor
00:04:34Bıraktı dediler bize öyle bilgi geldi
00:04:36Artık kendisini ailesine çoluğa çocuğa verdi
00:04:38Ayrıca bu nasıl bir şirket
00:04:40Patronu ayrı gelir mahalleye
00:04:42Çalışanı ayrı gelir
00:04:45Yahu sana ne arkadaşım sana ne
00:04:49Sanem'si cc gelmiş
00:04:51cc mi gelmiş
00:04:53Ne alakası var ya
00:04:55Geçebilir miyim lütfen
00:04:57Aa temas yok ama temas yok geriliyorum ben temas olunca
00:04:59Bak sana da temas ettim sen de gerilirsin
00:05:01Hayır çok da gerilmedim
00:05:03Neden benim mahallem çünkü
00:05:05Git buradan nereye eriyorsun Sanem'in mahallesine
00:05:07Arkadaşım lütfen çekil önümden geçeceğim
00:05:09Yok haydi lütfen
00:05:11Bak hala temasta bulunuyorsun
00:05:14Ay cc senin ne işin var ya burada
00:05:16Buzo ne yapıyorsunuz
00:05:20Sen de tesadüfe bak
00:05:22Demek ki bugün görüşeceğimiz varmış görüyor musun
00:05:24Sanem nasılsın ne yapıyorsun selam
00:05:26Haydi aç kapıyı da seni işe götüreceğim
00:05:28İnanamıyorum ya
00:05:30Bu nasıl bir insan kim bu
00:05:44Yavaş biraz canım
00:05:46Devam devam
00:05:58Bilsem bir kaç kişiyi daha getirirdim yanımda
00:06:01Hop hop
00:06:13Emrecim ne düşünüyorsun
00:06:15Bence bir saniye dur
00:06:17Bir saniye çalışıyorum
00:06:19Affedersin ben seni çalışmanı bölmek istemem
00:06:21Cc'den de haber yok
00:06:23Bulamadı herhalde Sanem'in evini
00:06:25Ne yapalım o zaman
00:06:27Benim masanın üstünden Sanem'in çalışacağı dosyaları
00:06:29Buraya getirtelim
00:06:31Ben başka birine vermeye çalışayım işi
00:06:33Deren Hanım
00:06:35Siz masasının üzerindeki galineye ait ne var ne yoksa
00:06:37Can Bey'e gönderin demişsiniz
00:06:39Bende bütün dosyaları gönderdim
00:06:41Tebrik ederim
00:06:43Bravo size
00:06:45Söylenebilecek hiçbir şey yok artık
00:06:47Teşekkür ederim
00:06:55Ya Sanem sen ne inatçı kızsın ne demek gelmiyorum
00:06:58İstifa ettim gelmiyorum diyorum
00:07:00Bunda anlaşılmayacak ne var Cc
00:07:02Güzel kardeşim bey biraderim
00:07:04Neyi anlamıyorsun
00:07:06Kızcağız istifa ettim diyor
00:07:08İş hayatımdan elimi eteğimi çektim diyor
00:07:10Artık kendimi aileme vatfedeceğim diyor
00:07:12Neyi anlamıyorsun hey hey biraderim
00:07:14Hey hey ne ya
00:07:16Cc ne acaba bunun bir anlamı var mı
00:07:18Hey hey ile mahallemize girdin
00:07:20O yüzden ben de hey hey dedim ne fark eder
00:07:22Ya Zebo sen bir sussana be
00:07:24Zebo ne
00:07:27Haydi buyur
00:07:29Haydi buyur
00:07:33Deren Hanım arıyor açamam şu an açamam
00:07:35Ne diyeceğim açamam şu an açamam ben şu anda
00:07:37Ya Cc bir şey diyeceğim
00:07:39Şu Can Bey'e söyle
00:07:41De ki Sanem Bey işe gelmiyor de ya bu kadar basit
00:07:43Ayhan canım
00:07:47Canım Can Bey'in konuyla alakası yok
00:07:49Deren Hanım çağırıyor zaten Sanem'i işe
00:07:51Söz vermişti
00:07:53Üç yüz sayfa ezberlemiş onun özetini çıkaracaktı
00:07:56Dememiş miydin söz vermiştin demiştin
00:07:58Tamam dedim de
00:08:00Can Bey niye gitmedi ofise bugün
00:08:02Konumuzla şu an ne alakası var
00:08:04Senin niye gelmediğin asıl konu
00:08:06Can Bey patron
00:08:08İster gelir ister gelmez
00:08:10Açıyorum ben artık ya
00:08:12Alo efendim Deren Hanım
00:08:14Sanem'i buldun evet veriyorum tabi
00:08:18Ben tamam
00:08:20Sanem neredesin sen
00:08:22Hemen buraya geliyorsun
00:08:25Ben işlerini tek tek ödeteceğim sana ama dua et
00:08:27Çok acil işim var seninle
00:08:29Gelmek zorunda değilim Deren Hanım ben istifa ettim
00:08:31İstifa edersen et
00:08:33Çok da umurumdaydı
00:08:35Buraya gel işini bitir dosyaları teslim et
00:08:37Ondan sonra mümkünse bir daha hiç gelme
00:08:39Sanem şu işi yap bak
00:08:41Ne olur yap ne olur
00:08:43Kendini düşünmüyorsan beni beni düşünmüyorsan
00:08:45Ajansa ajansı düşünmüyorsan Can Bey
00:08:47Can Bey düşünmüyorsan Aziz Bey falan düşün ne bileyim
00:08:49Bir şeyler düşün yani
00:08:51Ben ne düşüneceğimi iyi biliyorum
00:08:55Evet Sanem geliyor musun
00:08:57Lütfen gelir misin derseniz
00:08:59Gelirim Deren Hanım
00:09:03Ben sonuçta istifa ettim
00:09:05Oraya gelmek zorunda değilim
00:09:07Lütfen gelir misin derseniz eğer gelirim
00:09:09Bir saniye hatta kal Sanem
00:09:11Sanem hatta kal
00:09:39Lütfen gelir misin
00:09:41Gelirim tabii Deren Hanım
00:09:43Sizi mi kıracağım
00:09:45Bu arada ofiste çalışmam evde çalışırım
00:09:49Nerede çalışacaksan çalış
00:09:51Zaten Can'ın evine gideceksin biz
00:10:00Can Can Bey'in evine git diyor
00:10:02Dosyalar Can Bey'in evindeymiş
00:10:04Git dosyaları al öyle çalış dedim
00:10:06Ben alırım seni gitmene gerek yok ben alırım tamam mı
00:10:08Yeter ki şu işi yap sen
00:10:10Yok yok sen hiç zahmet etme ben hallederim
00:10:12Yapacağım sonuna kadar yapayım bari
00:10:14Can Bey'in evine gitmek mi yük gelecek ya
00:10:20Sen hani Can Bey'i görmeyecektin
00:10:26Bir daha işe gitmeyeceğim zaten
00:10:28Görmeyeceğim yüzünü
00:10:30İki dakika göreyim bari
00:10:32Hazır bahanem de var
00:10:36Sen bu adamı biraz zor unutursun
00:10:48Resmen bitmiyor
00:10:50Kapatabilecek mi bu
00:10:53Kusura bakmayın benim pek anladığım işler
00:10:55Değil bunlar yani
00:10:57Neye karar versem
00:10:59Olsun Emrecim yine de bir fikrin vardır
00:11:01Sence hangi yolu takip edelim
00:11:03Var var
00:11:07Nerede benim organik şartlarım diyen
00:11:09Sorgulayan bir tavuk var karşımızda
00:11:11Bunun altına böyle bir müzik yapalım
00:11:13Tamam mı acı olsun
00:11:15Not et bunları
00:11:17Annenin ifadesini görüyoruz acı var
00:11:19Annesinden ayrılan küçük küçük
00:11:21Yumurtacıkları görüyoruz
00:11:23Yani bütün bunların hepsine
00:11:25Acı müzik yaz oraya
00:11:27Hiç sözünü bölmek istemiyorum ama
00:11:29Bizim zaten bir şarkımız var ya
00:11:31Hani müşteri de bayılıyor
00:11:33Biz bir senedir
00:11:35Aynı temayı kullanıyoruz
00:11:37Bir de tavuk ve yumurta
00:11:39Satıyoruz ya biz
00:11:41Ürünle o kadar duygusal bağ kurmasak mı acaba
00:11:45Anladım tamam peki
00:11:47Ya dediğim gibi ben pek anladığım işler değil
00:11:50Eren sen karar ver
00:11:52Toplantı bitmiştir arkadaşlar
00:11:54Ben de şunları toparlayayım bakacağım
00:11:56Sonra niyahi kararı veririm
00:11:58Ben şunları da alayım
00:12:00Teşekkür ederim
00:12:02Hadi kolay gelsin
00:12:04Biri bana bir espresso
00:12:06Yapabilir mi acaba
00:12:08Mümkünse double olsun
00:12:10Zest gibi olsun
00:12:12Ah can
00:12:14Ah can beni düşürdüğün hale bak can
00:12:20Şoldur abi
00:12:26Şoldur abi
00:12:30Yeter abi bugün ben bırakıyorum
00:12:32Hadi devam ya devam
00:12:40Şoldur abi
00:12:44Bu yaptığın boks değil abi
00:12:46Tamamen şartayları kapattın
00:12:49Bırakalım artık yoksa kendini sakatlayacaksın
00:12:51Hem sana bir şey diyeyim mi derdin neyse böyle çözemeyeceksin
00:12:53Ben kaçar
00:12:55Hadi eyvallah
00:13:45Bu ne ya böyle bir şey olamaz
00:13:50Boks yapıyordum da
00:13:52Ne oldu bir şey mi var
00:13:54Dosya var
00:13:58Deren hanım dosya bırakmış buraya
00:14:00Onların arasına benim dosyam da var onu almaya geldim
00:14:02Anladım sen işi bırakmamış mıydın
00:14:06Bıraktım ama son bir iş kaldı
00:14:08O da yarım kalmış Deren hanım aradı rica etti
00:14:10Onu bitireceğim
00:14:12Yarından itibaren de işe gelmeyeceğim
00:14:14Abim hiç seni bırakmadı
00:14:17Kendine bak
00:14:19Kendine bak istersen
00:14:21Başıma ağrı girdi
00:14:25Siz bundan sonra benim yüzümü görmeyeceksin
00:14:27Dediniz ya ben şey yapmayayım istiyorsanız hiç
00:14:29Yok Sanem sen
00:14:31Yanlış anladın bana bak anlamında değil
00:14:33Yani dosyalara bak anlamında
00:14:35Eğer bana bakmak istiyorsan bana da bakabilirsin
00:14:37Ama galiba
00:14:39Bakmak istemiyorsun
00:14:41Yani dosyalara bakabilirsin
00:14:43Tamam ben
00:14:46Dosyaları alayım o zaman hiç rahatsızlık vermeyeyim size
00:14:58Dosyalar burada sen halledersin
00:15:00Ben duşa giriyorum çok terledim
00:15:12Yemin ediyorum
00:15:14300 500 çok şükür
00:15:16Çok şükür
00:15:20Merhaba çocuğum
00:15:22Dükkanımızda kimleri görüyorum
00:15:24Anneciğim öncelikle hoşgeldiniz
00:15:26Yeniden geldiğinize göre ayaklarınızla alışmış dükkanımıza
00:15:28Öyle görüyorum
00:15:31Safran şurubu mu vereyim
00:15:33Osmanlı şerbeti mi söyleyeyim
00:15:35İyi misin çocuğum sen nereden bulacaksın bunları
00:15:37Allah Allah
00:15:39Neyse hadi
00:15:41Al şunları iade kafi
00:15:43Ne oldu Nihat babam beğenmedi mi
00:15:45Estağfurullah ne alakası var canım
00:15:47Bunlar benim bütçemi aştı da
00:15:49Ödeyemeyeceğim ben bunları
00:15:51Ondan iade etmek istiyorum
00:15:53Aa yok hayır iade almıyoruz
00:15:55Prensip gereği iade alamıyoruz
00:15:57Biz kimseden iade alamıyoruz
00:16:00Hiç kimseden alamıyoruz
00:16:02Merak etmeyeyim çocuğum
00:16:04Şu anda çok yanlış bir noktaya gittik
00:16:06Hayır öyle demek istemedim
00:16:08Siz herkes olur musunuz
00:16:10Siz bizim baş tacımız kıymetlimizsiniz
00:16:12Ama burası da bir vergi levhası olan işletme
00:16:14Geri iade alamıyoruz
00:16:18Al çocuğum hadi iade al
00:16:20O zaman iade gibi değil de
00:16:22Sizin için bir esneklik yapalım anneciğim
00:16:24Değişim diyelim
00:16:26Olsun bakalım
00:16:29Kızları alın kendinizi alın
00:16:31Her şeyimiz var çok şükür
00:16:33Değişim gibi yapalım para iadesi olmaz
00:16:44Neredeydin sen
00:16:46Sakin her şey yolunda tüm bilgi bende
00:16:48Ne bilgisi
00:16:50Ne oluyor ya sen nasıl bu kadar sakinsin
00:16:52Ya insan her şeyi çözünce
00:16:54Tamam mı bazı şeyleri bilince
00:16:56Böyle bir olgunluk geliyor Gülis
00:16:58Sen de bir gün bu duyguyu yaşarsın
00:17:00Sanem'i ikna ettim
00:17:02Can Bey artık evden çalışacak
00:17:04Benden okeyi al
00:17:06Bir ajansın Ceycey varsa sorunu yok demektir
00:17:08Hadi bana yorgunluk kandisi
00:17:12Geldiğini neden haber vermiyorsun
00:17:14Deren hanım sakin olun
00:17:16Şimdi geldim zaten her şey yolunda
00:17:18Ceycey sen olan bir şeyin farkında mısın
00:17:20Metin yazarları grafikerler
00:17:22Hepsi darmadağın oldu
00:17:24Emre işleri iyice karıştırdı
00:17:26Yok kaos var Ceycey kaos
00:17:28Sen çok seversin
00:17:30Deren hanım ben ne yapabilirim
00:17:32Kahve yap bana kahve
00:17:34Deren hanım daha öğle saati
00:17:36Bugün beşinci kahveniz
00:17:38İsterseniz daha fazla içmeyin
00:17:46Ne oluyor bu kadına ya
00:17:48Göz göbekleri falan büyümüş sanki
00:17:50Kafeyinden zıp zıp zıplıyor burada
00:17:52Pimpon topu gibi daha kahve diye bağırıyor
00:17:56Hatice sen döndün mü
00:17:58Döndüm hayatım
00:18:00Dükkanı muhatfak bekliyorum ne güzel yakışmış
00:18:02Muzaffer ben bunları iade edeyim
00:18:04Daha sonra geleceğim çocuk
00:18:06Tamam bir de üstünüze deneyin bir bakın
00:18:10Oo Mevki bey hayırdır
00:18:12Yine alışverişe mi geldin
00:18:14Yo öyle
00:18:16Hayırlama şey ettim ben
00:18:18Dün açılışta hayırlı olsun dedin
00:18:20Her gün hayırlı olsuna mı gelinirmiş
00:18:22Hayırdır inşallah
00:18:24Hayırlı olsunun günü mü olurmuş
00:18:26Bugün olur yarın olur yarın öbür gün bizde gideceğiz
00:18:28Hayırlısıyla Sanemlere gidip Sanem'i isteyeceğiz belli ki
00:18:30Talip oldum ailenin en küçük kızına
00:18:32Hayran oldum mahallenin benim müthiş kızıma
00:18:34Boş zamanlarımda da mani yazıyorum inşallah
00:18:36Nasıl olmuş
00:18:38Yani boş boş oturuyorsun dükkanda değil mi
00:18:40Onu anlıyorum ben
00:18:42Allah'tan işin patronu geldi de
00:18:44Senin de eve gitme vaktin geldi çocuk
00:18:46Nasıl patronu geldi kızım
00:18:48Aramızda böyle mi konuştuk
00:18:50Hani patron koltuğunda ben oturacaktım
00:18:52Ayrılırsa ki ayrılacak
00:18:54Ona kim bakacak benim gibi bir civan mert bakacak
00:18:56Allah aşkına kafalı yara
00:18:58Açtın iç çamaşırcı dükkanını
00:19:00Şimdi adam adama içinde mi oturacaksın
00:19:02Ayıp denen bir şey var
00:19:04Tamam senin hatırın için bugün gidiyorum
00:19:06Hesap makinesini anlayıp evden çalışayım bari
00:19:08Ooo steril hanım
00:19:10Bakıyorum patronluğa soyundunuz
00:19:12Üç beş kez on beş kez yirmi kez
00:19:14Evi süpürüp silmekten vazgeçtin de
00:19:16Dükkanda mı duracaksın
00:19:18Mevki sen bu işleri bilmezsin
00:19:20Çalışan kadının derdinden ancak çalışan kadınları anlar canım
00:19:22Sen şimdi yapacağın evdeki işleri düşün
00:19:24Dolmanı sar
00:19:26Payans derdlerini parla
00:19:28Olmadı fırçala
00:19:30Hadi canım
00:19:32Senin çok işin var benimde öyle
00:19:34Hadi görüşmek üzere
00:19:42İş kadınıymış
00:20:10Şimdi gidersen bir daha göremeyeceksin Can Bey'i
00:20:12Gitmem lazım ama artık benim
00:20:14Biraz uzat
00:20:16Bir şey bul bir bahane
00:20:18Ya ne diyeceğim ki
00:20:20Ben evinizde mi kalmak istiyorum diyeceğim
00:20:22Ayrıca sen benim kafa sesim misin
00:20:26Ben gerçekten kafayı yiyorum galiba şu anda
00:20:28Kendi kendime konuştuğum yetmiyormuş gibi
00:20:30Bir de kafa sesimle konuşuyorum
00:20:32Sen bilirsin bir daha göremezsin bak
00:20:34Aman benim aklıma hiçbir şey gelmiyor
00:20:36Ne söyleyeceğim
00:20:48Sen söyle o zaman
00:20:52Ya söylesene ne yapayım
00:21:02Bir saniye Can Bey
00:21:04Tamam tamam görüşürüz
00:21:08İyi misin
00:21:10Can Bey ben gidemedim kaldım burada böyle
00:21:16Bu dosyalar sizin mi size lazım mı
00:21:18Evet benim bana lazım neden
00:21:20Bana da lazım çünkü çalışmam lazım benim
00:21:22Ofiste var kopyaları
00:21:24Ofise gidemem
00:21:28Çünkü benim Deren Hanım'la aram iyi değil bir de
00:21:30Şimdi herkes soracak neden istifa ettin diye
00:21:32Ben uğraşmak istemiyorum
00:21:34E tabi sen mantıklı bir gerekçe söyleyemeyeceksin
00:21:36Tıkanacaksın tabi haliyle
00:21:38Evet büyük olasılıkla
00:21:40Aynen çok doğru
00:21:42O zaman ben bir kopyalarını çektireyim evine yollatayım
00:21:44Evde olmaz
00:21:46Çünkü benim bilgisayarım yok
00:21:50Çok soru soruyorsunuz Can Bey
00:21:52Bakkalda bilgisayara ihtiyaç duymuyorum çünkü
00:21:54Dijital ortağım falan bana göre değil
00:21:56Ben acaba burada mı çalışsam
00:21:58Sizi rahatsız etmeden sorun olur mu
00:22:02Evet evet şu köşede
00:22:04Sesim de çıkmaz
00:22:06Sanem sen ne yapıyorsun
00:22:08Dün geceden suçluluk falan mı duyuyorsun yoksa
00:22:10Ama suçluluk falan duymuyorum
00:22:12Duymuyorsun o zaman ne yapıyorsun nedir
00:22:14Niye buradasın niye geldin
00:22:16Ben yine seni anlayamıyorum
00:22:18Yine çözemiyorum seni
00:22:20Haklısınız çok
00:22:22Garip oldu böyle ben gideyim en iyisi
00:22:26Bırakır mısınız beni
00:22:28Çok özür dilerim kusura bakma
00:22:30Ben yine istemeden farketmeden kabalık etmiş olabilirim
00:22:34Burada istediğin kadar kalabilirsin
00:22:36Hiç sormana bile gerek yok
00:22:38Burada çalışabilirsin
00:22:40Yok gerek yok gerçekten ben gideyim
00:22:46Gitme lütfen
00:22:48Sen şuraya geç
00:22:50Ben bilgisayarı getiriyorum
00:22:52Geç yani geç
00:22:54Geç bir geçtiğini göreyim lütfen bir geçer misin
00:22:56Tamam madem o kadar ısrar ettiniz
00:22:58Geçmiyorsun ama hala
00:23:00Tamam Can Bey geçiyorum
00:23:08Ne oldu
00:23:10Yine benim aklıma geldi ne oldu
00:23:12Evet hadi geçmiş olsun Engin'cim
00:23:14Akşam revans yaparız
00:23:16Sağ olasın
00:23:18Burası iyi çalış
00:23:20Nihat hadi sen eve git ben duracağım artık bakkalda
00:23:22Neden ne oldu bir şey oldu
00:23:24Sanem'e mi kızdın gene
00:23:26Yok canım Sanem işe girdi niye kızayım
00:23:28Sen eve git ben duracağım bak
00:23:30Bugün toptancı falan gelecek mi
00:23:32Yok gelmeyecek de
00:23:34Sen niye kızdın
00:23:36Gelmeyecek mi
00:23:38Yok gelmeyecek de sen neden eve gitmiyorsun
00:23:40Haa Leyla'yı özledin sen
00:23:42Evde sıkılmayayım bunalmayayım dedin
00:23:44Geldin bakkalda oturayım şöyle biraz oraya bakayım
00:23:46Biraz da buraya bakayım aa kafamı dağıtayım dedin
00:23:48Değil mi
00:23:50Ben iş hayatını özledim Nihat
00:23:52İş hayatını mı özledin
00:23:54Mevki Bey sen hiç çalışmadın ki
00:23:56Senin hiç iş hayatın olmadı ki neyi özledin sen ya
00:23:58Ne oluyor Mevki Bey gene bir şeyler oluyor sana
00:24:02Hadi ben ne diyorsam onu yap sen
00:24:04Aa bak istersen sahilde dolaş yürüyüş yap
00:24:06İstersen evde dinlen
00:24:08Aa olmadı şey Osman'a git
00:24:10Dükkanla muhabbet edersiniz hadi
00:24:12Hadi Nihat hadi
00:24:16Ne oluyor Mevki Bey bak ben hiçbir şey anlamıyorum
00:24:18Bu huyların azalacağını böyle kırk yıl geçtikce
00:24:20Daha da tamam yapmaya başladı çoğalmaya başladı bu huy
00:24:22Ne oluyor Mevki Bey
00:24:26Osman iyi diyorsun yani
00:24:28İyi diyorum
00:24:30O zaman bakkal sana emanet
00:24:34O zaman bende Osman'a emanet
00:24:36Hadi selam
00:24:46Sanem Hanım buyurun çayınız
00:24:48Aa çok teşekkür ederim Can Bey
00:24:50Bu da bilgisayarınız
00:24:52Çok sağ olun ben de böyle oturuyorum
00:24:54Zahmet oldu size
00:24:56Otur otur
00:24:58Ben içerideyim
00:25:00İçerideyim de seslenebilirsin bana
00:25:06Şey tabi dosyaları alayım
00:25:08Kalemi de vereyim
00:25:10Sağ olun
00:25:30Profil fotoğrafı seçmek zor ya
00:25:42Ayhan'cığım ne yapıyorsun kolay gelsin
00:25:44Ne yapayım çalışıyorum sen ne yapıyorsun
00:25:46Niye geldin ki sen dükkanda niye değilsin
00:25:48Dükkan işleri çok başka gelişti
00:25:50Sorma anam dükkana çöktü
00:25:52Yemin ediyorum çakmak hacılar gibi
00:25:54Dükkanı hacıladı
00:25:56Tespih aşırtır gibi patron koltuğuna oturdu
00:25:58Biz saçı açaydık hiç çamaşırcı olmadı
00:26:00Ya Mulo ya
00:26:02Ya arkadaşım
00:26:04Ben sana yaşam koçluğu yapıyorum
00:26:06Değil mi he
00:26:08O kadar öğüt veriyorum falan
00:26:10Bunlar nereye gidiyor
00:26:12Acaba diyorum sen kötü bir yaşam koç musun
00:26:14Hani kendimi sorguluyorum
00:26:16Hayır estağfurullah
00:26:18O zaman gideceksin o dükkana
00:26:20Açacaksın o kapıyı alacaksın ananı karşına
00:26:22Sütkenleri şöyle bir kenara atacaksın
00:26:24Diyeceksin ki ana ana bu dükkan benim ya
00:26:26Sen bu dükkanı mora boyadın
00:26:28Ayhanla bizim burada emeğimiz var diyeceksin
00:26:30Yemin ediyorum doğru söylüyorsun
00:26:32Çok pis gaza geldim şu anda
00:26:34Anamı karşıma alacağım
00:26:36Diyeceğim ki ana ana o tangalarda
00:26:38O dükkandaki sütgenlerde
00:26:40Oradaki transparan kombinezonlarda
00:26:42Benim alın terim var diyeceğim
00:26:44Yüzüne karşı söyleyeceğim
00:26:46O dükkanı gideceğim el mi yaman ben mi yaman
00:26:48Hadi bakalım
00:26:50Aferin be helal olsun yürü be
00:26:56Ne oldu
00:26:58Belli bir yaşın üstünde kadın
00:27:00Kendi fark etmese de belli bir yaşın üstünde kadın
00:27:02Üzülmesin diyorum
00:27:04Boşver kızım hevesini alsın dükkanı boşaltsın
00:27:06O zamana kadar da ben sessiz sakin burada oturayım
00:27:08İnternetin başında oturayım
00:27:10Sana da yardımım dokunur belki
00:27:12Al ver şu bilgisayarı
00:27:14Allah Allah Muzo ya
00:27:16Ayhanca.com var ya benim sitem
00:27:18Onunla ilgili bir şeyler yapıyorum
00:27:20Kız keşke Muzo.com'u da yapıştırsak
00:27:22Sanal aleme fırtına gibi giriş yapsak
00:27:24Hem de bu iç çamaşırcı mit çamaşırcı onunla uğraşmasak
00:27:26Anamı da sanal aleme soksak
00:27:28Bir daha oradan çıkamasam mümkün mü
00:27:30Ya şöyle yapabiliriz
00:27:32Ben internet sistemi bitireyim bir
00:27:34Ondan sonra seninkini açabiliriz
00:27:36Bence mantıklı çünkü dükkan için falan da işe yarayabilir yani
00:27:38Tamam bedava yapmam ver bakayım şunu
00:27:40Nasıl para istiyorsun meblağ istiyorsun şu anda
00:27:42Bu nasıl bir kalpazanlık kızım
00:27:44Sıfıra basma hayır şu anda çarpma işlemi yaptın
00:27:46Birazcık çıkarma yap bir de bölme yap
00:27:48Bir tane bölme yap
00:27:50Yemin ediyorum yine artıya bastın şu an
00:27:52Sana arkadaşım dedi miydi
00:27:56Aa 60 TL
00:27:58Benim için uygun bir ücret kabul ediyorum
00:28:02Şurada olacaktı
00:28:54Ceycey ne yapıyorsun
00:28:56Yaşam koçumun internet sayfasını
00:28:58İnceliyorum şu anda
00:29:00Ayhanca.com sana da tavsiye ederim
00:29:02Aha yeni
00:29:04İncelemeler gelmiş
00:29:06Fotoğraf koymuş
00:29:08Sen ve yaşam koçu
00:29:10İlginç hayırdır sen
00:29:12Kimseden tavsiye almazsın kim bu yaşam koçu adı ne
00:29:14Ayhan Işık
00:29:16Ayhan Işık
00:29:18Bu ya Ayhan Işık
00:29:20O kız çok tatlı baksana
00:29:22Sitesi de bu görüyor musun
00:29:24Ne kadar şirin
00:29:26Burada kanatları var
00:29:28Neyse sen bana bir kahve koy
00:29:30Ben de yaşam koçuma bir mesaj atayım
00:29:32Ay tamam
00:29:48Ne güzel oldu
00:29:50Sadıçı da artık
00:30:05It's over, there's no other way out.
00:30:08Serap sister comes too, she comes three times a day.
00:30:10Ms. Deren, we've prepared these.
00:30:12There's this, there's this, there's this.
00:30:14Is it done?
00:30:15It's done, multiply it.
00:30:17The meeting room will be prepared.
00:30:19You're still standing here.
00:30:20Why didn't these images go?
00:30:22Look, I'm telling you, we're going to be disgraced.
00:30:24This office is also like a fire place.
00:30:28Oh dear, oh dear.
00:30:30You found the perfect day to not come to work.
00:30:32Ms. Deren, I talked to the chickens.
00:30:34They're here.
00:30:35Should I stall until Mr. Can arrives?
00:30:37I told you that Mr. Can wouldn't come.
00:30:39Are you going to stall forever?
00:30:41Okay, Ms. Deren, what should I do?
00:30:42You tell me, I'll do it.
00:30:43Everyone, gather in the meeting room.
00:30:45And bring my phone.
00:30:46And coffee for me.
00:30:47Ms. Deren, that's enough.
00:30:49You're going to have anxiety from drinking coffee.
00:30:58You're going to have anxiety.
00:31:05I'm bringing your phone.
00:31:07She's having anxiety.
00:31:08She's having it from the beginning.
00:31:25Can, the chickens are coming.
00:31:27We haven't chosen the designs yet.
00:31:29We haven't decided how to present the campaign.
00:31:31They're on the way.
00:31:32They'll be here soon.
00:31:33Okay, Deren, calm down.
00:31:35Send it to me.
00:31:36I sent it.
00:31:37Didn't you see?
00:31:38Don't you check your e-mails?
00:31:40How can a person live without checking their e-mails?
00:31:45Deren, your voice sounds weird.
00:31:47Okay, hang up.
00:31:48I'll call you right away.
00:31:52Did she hang up?
00:31:53Did she hang up on my face?
00:31:55Did she hang up on my face?
00:31:57Sanem, I'm sorry, I know you're working.
00:32:00I need a computer.
00:32:02I need to look at something.
00:32:03I got a call.
00:32:04The charger is dead.
00:32:05I just plugged it in.
00:32:06You can go if you want.
00:32:07No, you sit.
00:32:08I'll look there.
00:32:11Go ahead.
00:32:12Okay, thanks a lot.
00:32:19Come on, it's dead.
00:32:20The charger is dead.
00:32:27Thank you.
00:32:33The cable doesn't reach.
00:32:35What should we do?
00:32:37Let me show you.
00:32:39Like this.
00:32:42Yes, it reaches there.
00:32:44It connects here.
00:32:46What should we do now?
00:32:47Let's plug it in here.
00:32:50You're right.
00:32:51It makes sense.
00:33:00It worked.
00:33:02You did a good job.
00:33:04Because of the light...
00:33:06...it wasn't visible on the screen.
00:33:08It was blinding.
00:33:09It's better here.
00:33:10The shadow is clearer.
00:33:13It's better here.
00:33:18I need to look at the e-mail.
00:33:32I'm sorry.
00:33:33I'm sorry.
00:33:34I'm sorry.
00:33:35I'm sorry.
00:33:36I'm sorry.
00:33:37I'm sorry.
00:33:38I'm sorry.
00:33:39I'm sorry.
00:33:40I'm sorry.
00:33:41I'm sorry.
00:33:42I'm sorry.
00:33:43I'm sorry.
00:33:44I'm sorry.
00:33:45I'm sorry.
00:33:46I'm sorry.
00:33:47I'm sorry.
00:33:48I'm sorry.
00:33:49I'm sorry.
00:33:50I'm sorry.
00:33:51I'm sorry.
00:33:52I'm sorry.
00:33:53I'm sorry.
00:33:54I'm sorry.
00:33:55I'm sorry.
00:33:56I'm sorry.
00:33:57I'm sorry.
00:33:58I'm sorry.
00:33:59I'm sorry.
00:34:00I'm sorry.
00:34:01I'm sorry.
00:34:02I'm sorry.
00:34:03I'm sorry.
00:34:07Can that be?
00:34:12I feel numb from sitting.
00:34:14I need a break.
00:34:21Rahmi send 2 bottles of tea to the hot water for 10 minutes.
00:34:23I've found you in the jungle.
00:34:25How did you get there?
00:34:26Got in.
00:34:28Take care.
00:34:29I found you in the middle of nowhere.
00:34:30What's up, girl?
00:34:31Listen, girl.
00:34:32Let me order two coffees and we'll talk.
00:34:34I don't drink coffee.
00:34:36You don't know.
00:34:37She bought a coffee machine from the shop.
00:34:39She gives it to everyone.
00:34:40Oh my God.
00:34:42Is it a coffee machine for a laundry girl?
00:34:43Yeah, she bought it.
00:34:44It's a machine like a robot.
00:34:45She gives examples of all the coffees in the world.
00:34:48She's doing a show.
00:34:49Oh my God.
00:34:50Did the water of Turkish coffee come out?
00:34:53Yeah, it did.
00:34:54The whole neighborhood is there.
00:34:55The whole neighborhood is there?
00:34:58Wait a minute.
00:35:00Sit down.
00:35:00Don't go anywhere.
00:35:01Come on, hurry up.
00:35:02Okay, my God.
00:35:05Sister Serap.
00:35:06Try the cappuccino.
00:35:07Thank you, my dear.
00:35:08Enjoy it.
00:35:09You'll love it.
00:35:10Yes, our caramel macchiato is ready.
00:35:14You're a student.
00:35:15You need energy, don't you?
00:35:16It's beautiful.
00:35:20What are you doing here?
00:35:21Are you having fun in the middle of the street?
00:35:23Oh my God.
00:35:24Come and sit down, Mevkime.
00:35:26Aysun is making us a nice coffee.
00:35:29She bought a machine.
00:35:30She bought a machine?
00:35:32What are you doing here?
00:35:33Are you making fun of a student at this age?
00:35:35Are you here to have fun?
00:35:36They said there was free coffee, so we came.
00:35:38What can I do?
00:35:39I'm a student after all.
00:35:40Oh, Mevkime, welcome.
00:35:42Let me serve you coffee, dear.
00:35:44Leyla's life goes by in a flash.
00:35:46You know it goes by in a flash.
00:35:48Look at me, the milkman Telil Aysun.
00:35:50I'll make you a doll out of those milkmen.
00:35:53You'll love it.
00:35:54I'm a 26-year-old grocer.
00:35:55I can spend the whole day on you.
00:35:57Look at me.
00:35:57You come to the grocery store in the evening.
00:35:59Cakes, pastries, sherbets, teas.
00:36:01There's everything.
00:36:02You know I'm good with my hands.
00:36:04So you come.
00:36:05We'll come.
00:36:06You come too.
00:36:07I'm you.
00:36:09Don't drink too much.
00:36:09It'll cause a seizure.
00:36:10Don't trust this machine.
00:36:14Nerem, I did the corrections.
00:36:16I went over the visuals.
00:36:17You can use these while I'm doing the presentation.
00:36:20No, I'm not coming.
00:36:22I trust you.
00:36:23You'll handle it.
00:36:24Come on.
00:36:27Sanem, you can take the computer.
00:36:28I'm done.
00:36:31Where do you write novels?
00:36:33Excuse me?
00:36:34You said you don't have a computer.
00:36:35Where do you write novels?
00:36:36I write in a notebook.
00:36:39With a pen and paper.
00:36:41It sounds more poetic to me.
00:36:43But I don't write anymore.
00:36:44I gave up.
00:36:47I can't be a writer.
00:36:49I don't want to write anymore.
00:36:53No way.
00:36:54Why did you give it to me?
00:36:56I can't give it up.
00:36:57Mevki gave it to me.
00:36:59Mevki, where are you?
00:37:02You're leaving the grocery store.
00:37:03This is our bread and butter.
00:37:04I'll ask you, Nihat.
00:37:06I'm a businesswoman.
00:37:07I know my responsibilities.
00:37:08I'm a strategist here.
00:37:10She's a strategist here.
00:37:12What are you doing, Mevki?
00:37:13There's a party at the grocery store tonight.
00:37:16I'm waiting for you.
00:37:17I'll come.
00:37:18I love parties.
00:37:20I love parties.
00:37:22What party, Mevki?
00:37:24The 26th anniversary of our grocery store.
00:37:27Trust my business intelligence.
00:37:29All this is to increase sales.
00:37:31Well done, girl.
00:37:33I'm proud of you.
00:37:34Thank you very much.
00:37:35You're a great businesswoman.
00:37:37Thank you.
00:37:38What kind of intelligence is this?
00:37:39Well done.
00:37:40Okay, thank you.
00:37:42That's enough, Melek.
00:37:51Nice to meet you.
00:37:53Welcome, Mr. Berk.
00:37:54Welcome, Mr. Oguz.
00:37:55Mr. Berk.
00:37:57Mr. Berk.
00:37:58Nice to meet you.
00:37:59Mr. Oguz.
00:38:01Nice to meet you.
00:38:02How are you?
00:38:03Fine, thank you.
00:38:04How are you?
00:38:05Thank you.
00:38:06Thank you.
00:38:07Isn't Mr. Can here?
00:38:08My brother had a little business.
00:38:09I'll take over your meeting instead of him.
00:38:10All right.
00:38:11We're ready.
00:38:12Let's go.
00:38:13Let's go.
00:38:14Let's go.
00:38:15Let's go.
00:38:16Let's go.
00:38:17Let's go.
00:38:18Let's go.
00:38:19We're ready.
00:38:20Let's go.
00:38:21Of course.
00:38:22Let's go.
00:38:25The more we are ready with you, the more my father's company...
00:38:49Salem, don't do it.
00:39:05Don't do it.
00:39:18Salem, don't do it.
00:39:19Do it.
00:39:21I don't understand, Mr. Can.
00:39:22I wanted to say...
00:39:23Don't work like this.
00:39:24Even if you're hungry, you'll get sick.
00:39:25You'll get sick.
00:39:26You'll get sick.
00:39:27You'll get sick.
00:39:28You'll get sick.
00:39:29You'll get sick.
00:39:30You'll get sick.
00:39:31You'll get sick.
00:39:32You'll get sick.
00:39:34You'll get sick.
00:39:36You'll get sick.
00:39:39Can I order something from Tosmas Kolay on the phone?
00:39:43I'm a bit short. This place is too cramped for me.
00:39:46Should we go somewhere more open and airy?
00:39:54I got you.
00:39:56I'm short on money.
00:39:59I'll go then.
00:40:01I'm done anyway.
00:40:03I guess it's too much for you.
00:40:06I guess it's too much for you to go somewhere like this.
00:40:10Excuse me?
00:40:12I mean...
00:40:15Sanem, if you want to go, you can go.
00:40:19I want to go.
00:40:23Where are you going?
00:40:25To drop you off. I mean, to the door.
00:40:27To drop you off at the door. With your permission.
00:40:39Thank you so much for everything. It was great working with you.
00:40:43You're welcome, Sanem.
00:41:09You won't see my face again. You don't have to quit your job.
00:41:35I know.
00:41:37But I don't want to work anymore.
00:41:40I love my job, but...
00:41:42I can't keep working there anymore.
00:41:47I couldn't get over you.
00:41:50You were like a complicated wedding to me.
00:41:56Have a nice day, Mr. Can.
00:41:59Have a nice day.
00:42:06Have a nice day.
00:42:36I love you.
00:42:54Hello, Aunt Mevkube.
00:42:56Hello, Ayhan. Welcome.
00:42:58What are you doing? What's all this?
00:43:00There's a ceremony in this neighborhood.
00:43:02There's a competition. There's a struggle.
00:43:04It's like a cold war. Don't you know?
00:43:06You don't understand.
00:43:08I don't understand. We don't have a strategy.
00:43:10No tactics.
00:43:12Why did you call me?
00:43:15Come here.
00:43:20Is Sanem okay?
00:43:22Look, if there's anything you haven't told me...
00:43:26Good. Sanem is fine.
00:43:28As far as I know, as you know, Sanem has gone to work.
00:43:33I don't know anything else.
00:43:34I mean, I don't know anything else.
00:43:39Again. Are you sure?
00:43:41Okay, so there's nothing wrong. Everything is fine.
00:43:44Aunt Mevkube will be very angry.
00:43:46Then she'll kill us.
00:43:48No, let's not say this. Let's hide this.
00:43:50Let this be open. Let this be closed.
00:43:52You hid it. There's nothing.
00:43:54So why am I getting suspicious?
00:43:56Why does it seem like you're mixing things up with me?
00:43:58Look, this bright pair of eyes is confusing me.
00:44:01I'm getting suspicious right now.
00:44:04What does it have to do with you, Aunt Mevkube?
00:44:06Come here.
00:44:08I'm always with you.
00:44:10Are you fighting?
00:44:12Look, I'm always with you, okay?
00:44:14I'm going from side to side now.
00:44:16But where am I going?
00:44:18To apply my war paints.
00:44:20And you want me to be ready for war.
00:44:25Well done, girl.
00:44:27Look, I made very nice gifts.
00:44:33Ms. Aylin.
00:44:35I brought the payment chart you asked for.
00:44:37I marked the places where we need to make an urgent payment.
00:44:40But our money in the safe is not enough to make a payment.
00:44:43Are you going to send it to the company from your own account?
00:44:46How can we do it?
00:44:48No, we can't do that this time.
00:44:50You take your time. I'll find a way.
00:44:54Okay, you can go.
00:44:56Okay, Ms. Aylin.
00:45:03Ah, Sister Serap.
00:45:05You made me wait.
00:45:07Yes, I made you wait.
00:45:09Look, don't be late.
00:45:11He'll be here in 20 minutes.
00:45:13You made a reservation.
00:45:15Won't I come?
00:45:17You won't.
00:45:19I'll leave these and come right away.
00:45:21Good luck.
00:45:23Don't be late.
00:45:25I'm waiting.
00:45:27We'll have a lot of fun today.
00:45:29Uncle Nihat.
00:45:31Is Aunt Mevkube having a day?
00:45:35It's the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the grocery store.
00:45:38It's something like that.
00:45:40What are those jars?
00:45:42These are Mevkube's traditional sherbets.
00:45:44There are all kinds of spices in it.
00:45:46It's very tasty when it's cold.
00:45:48It looks so good.
00:45:50I hope it suits us better.
00:45:52You can't ask Aunt Mevkube anything.
00:45:54She gets angry as soon as you ask.
00:45:56Did she look at us?
00:45:59Be natural, Osman.
00:46:05Uncle Nihat, I can't move.
00:46:08Is she trying to say something?
00:46:12Guests will come soon.
00:46:15There will be a lot of women.
00:46:18Don't just stand there.
00:46:20Get out of here.
00:46:22My dear Nihat.
00:46:24Let's go to the store.
00:46:25Let's go to the store.
00:46:27I'll spend the day at your store.
00:46:29Uncle Nihat, you were losing your finger the other day.
00:46:32Leave the meat business to me.
00:46:34Okay, okay.
00:46:39Let's go.
00:46:41How good is this relationship, Uncle Nihat?
00:46:44I guess so.
00:46:46I hope you find a beautiful girl.
00:46:49You'll have a long, peaceful marriage.
00:46:52I hope so.
00:46:58Akif, how are you?
00:47:00I'm fine. How are you?
00:47:02Dad, I'm so bored.
00:47:04I'm about to lose my mind.
00:47:06If it's okay, let's go to Boğaz.
00:47:08I gave up.
00:47:10Boğaz is crowded now.
00:47:12There's a place by the river. Let's go there.
00:47:14Okay, let's go.
00:47:16I'll ask you something. Is it about Sanem?
00:47:18Yes, it's about Sanem.
00:47:20What did you do to her again?
00:47:22Isn't she a shame?
00:47:23Akif, what are you talking about?
00:47:25How do you know that Sanem is upset?
00:47:27Okay, okay. Let's go. You'll tell me.
00:47:30I'm not here to talk.
00:47:32Okay, okay.
00:47:34See you.
00:47:37Why would I upset Sanem?
00:47:39What does it have to do with her?
00:47:46Give it to me. I'll drink from it.
00:47:50It's so good.
00:47:51Thank you.
00:47:53Bon appetit.
00:47:55Now, sherbet is made from different flowers, fruits and spices.
00:47:58You know, these are our great wealth in Anatolia.
00:48:00For example, this is iron Indian sherbet.
00:48:02This is subiye.
00:48:04Subiye is made from hemp seeds.
00:48:06It's a very laborious process, but it has a flavor.
00:48:08It's really amazing.
00:48:10Wait, let me treat you to this iron Indian sherbet.
00:48:12Let me see.
00:48:17Oh my God.
00:48:18Wait, let me give you a hand.
00:48:20You put it on top of it.
00:48:22Don't do that.
00:48:24Do it when you're not used to it.
00:48:28Look, you're eating homemade bread now.
00:48:31Healthy, healthy.
00:48:33It's very good.
00:48:35Well done.
00:48:37Give me a glass.
00:48:39I'll drink from it.
00:48:41What was it? Subiye?
00:48:43Believe me, it's very laborious.
00:48:45It's so beautiful.
00:48:46Girl, it's so beautiful.
00:48:48Mevki, look at me, I want one of these.
00:48:50They're all beautiful.
00:48:52We're going to do it in my shop, okay?
00:48:54Okay, come on, Melihat.
00:48:56Come on, you haven't made yourself a plate yet.
00:48:58Come on, make it.
00:49:00Thank you very much.
00:49:02Look at the sterilization.
00:49:04One curiosity, one curiosity, one curiosity.
00:49:06Look, look, look, look, look.
00:49:12The woman is left alone there.
00:49:14It's like she's out of her mind.
00:49:16Come on, Melihat, come on.
00:49:18Come on, you haven't made yourself a plate yet.
00:49:20Come on, you're left without food, come on.
00:49:22Well, ladies.
00:49:24We're celebrating the 26th anniversary of our Leyla Grocery.
00:49:26We're celebrating, we're celebrating.
00:49:28Well, we ate and drank, let's not play anymore.
00:49:30Let's play.
00:49:32The moon has bloomed a flower, how will it come?
00:49:36Will it pass through this love?
00:49:40Will it pass through this love?
00:49:44Will it pass through this love?
00:49:51I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire.
00:49:54So that's how it is, Mevki.
00:49:56This is just the beginning.
00:49:58See what happens.
00:50:00Don't deceive me.
00:50:02Don't lift me up from my sleep.
00:50:15Melih, aren't you going to talk?
00:50:21You called me, you said you were bored.
00:50:23You said I was about to lose my mind.
00:50:25You brought me here.
00:50:27If we weren't going to talk, why did you bring me here?
00:50:29Let's sit down, Akif.
00:50:31Sometimes people just want to sit down with a close friend.
00:50:37That's it.
00:50:39Okay, brother.
00:50:41Enjoy your meal.
00:50:42Enjoy your meal.
00:51:12Thank you for coming.
00:51:14See you at tomorrow's meeting.
00:51:16I think it was a very effective meeting for all of us today.
00:51:19We'll go over those topics again tomorrow.
00:51:24Love to everyone.
00:51:42Respect, greetings, see you.
00:51:45See you.
00:51:47I'm very pleased.
00:51:49I hope tomorrow's meeting will be positive.
00:51:51Because we're a little confused.
00:51:53I saw you confused about this campaign.
00:51:55Is our campaign ever ready?
00:51:58It just took a little time to prepare because it was a slightly detailed project.
00:52:03Okay, see you.
00:52:05See you.
00:52:06I'm stuck.
00:52:08What a difficult job, creative side.
00:52:10Things I never understood.
00:52:12I have a lot of work to do there.
00:52:14I would have come on top of it.
00:52:16You can't explain this company, traditional family company, institutional structure.
00:52:20Elah wants to see the boss in front of her.
00:52:22Mr. Aziz used to come in before.
00:52:24After that, Can.
00:52:26Why doesn't Can come to work, Emre?
00:52:28I don't know, Deren.
00:52:30Don't you know my brother?
00:52:32You look at him.
00:52:34He took his ticket and left.
00:52:36I don't know.
00:52:50Why did you open my head after this age?
00:52:55Did you see, Osman?
00:52:57You are unemployed in one day.
00:52:59Take care of your business in one day.
00:53:01Otherwise, you will wander around the neighborhood like me.
00:53:04Antirikot, dad.
00:53:08Osman, where was this animal, son?
00:53:10Right above the chest.
00:53:13I saw.
00:53:15By the way, Antirikot is famous in Ankara.
00:53:18At least eat it while Leyla is gone.
00:53:20Leyla is vegan, son. Don't you know?
00:53:23What is that?
00:53:25Vegan meatball.
00:53:27Look at the coincidence. Leyla was vegan too, right?
00:53:30Take it home while she is gone.
00:53:32She will like it.
00:53:34How can there be a meatless meatball, son?
00:53:37Among all these meat, why is it so...
00:53:41We are creating an alternative for the customer, Uncle Nihat.
00:53:44There are those who like meat and those who don't.
00:53:46Service is important.
00:53:48Don't frown like that, but it's really good.
00:53:50You should taste it too.
00:53:52No, no. I will eat it.
00:53:54I will take it to Leyla.
00:53:56How is Leyla, by the way?
00:53:57Is she having fun?
00:53:59She is having fun. I talked to her.
00:54:01She was very happy.
00:54:03She went to a very important seminar.
00:54:05Leyla has a dream of settling in France.
00:54:07She met a few French people there.
00:54:09So she was very happy. She was having fun.
00:54:11What do you mean? Will she settle in France?
00:54:13Right now?
00:54:15Son, how can she settle in France right now?
00:54:17Doesn't this girl work here?
00:54:19Is there a very important advertising agency there?
00:54:21She is aiming for that.
00:54:23I think she will get a job there.
00:54:25She told me. I don't understand such things.
00:54:28Are you okay, son?
00:54:30I'm fine, brother.
00:54:32There is a little thyme in the meatballs.
00:54:34That's why.
00:54:49I'm very sorry, Emre.
00:54:51Please pick up the phone.
00:54:53This has nothing to do with you.
00:54:54This has nothing to do with you.
00:54:56Let's talk once.
00:54:58Give me one more chance.
00:55:09If you want to impress a woman,
00:55:11surprise her with small and clever gifts.
00:55:16With small and clever gifts.
00:55:21Surprise her.
00:55:24Surprise her.
00:55:30Girl, you didn't eat anything.
00:55:32Are you okay?
00:55:34I'm fine, I'm fine.
00:55:36I'm a little bored, dad, but it will pass.
00:55:38Of course, it will pass.
00:55:40It will pass, but we are not used to seeing you like this.
00:55:42When we see you like this, we get sad.
00:55:44That's why.
00:55:46What happened, honey?
00:55:48Is it about work?
00:55:50Or is it about one of your jobs?
00:55:51Yes, it's about one of your jobs.
00:55:54Then don't go.
00:55:56Thank God, we are not in need of anyone.
00:55:59You can stay at home and rest.
00:56:02Or do you have to go when you take a loan from your job?
00:56:05Because of me.
00:56:07No, no, dad.
00:56:09That's not the case.
00:56:11I get along very well with everyone in the company.
00:56:13There's only one person I can't get along with.
00:56:15I've been dealing with Zabercet for years.
00:56:18I'm still dealing with him.
00:56:19Don't worry about me, I'll take care of it.
00:56:21Thank you, Mevki Bey.
00:56:23Enjoy your meal.
00:56:27I can't even stand to see the tea anymore.
00:56:29What's happening to me?
00:56:31Thank you, Mevki Bey.
00:56:33I'm going to get some air.
00:56:35Take it, kid, take it.
00:56:37Take it, take it, it'll be fine.
00:56:39It's a little early, kid.
00:56:41Relax, wait, it's not good.
00:56:43I hope it'll be fine.
00:56:45Okay, okay, don't worry about it anymore, Mevki Bey.
00:56:47She's a young girl.
00:56:49Mevki Bey.
00:56:51Mevki Bey.
00:56:53I mean, I'm saying...
00:56:57Can we meet again at the grocery store?
00:57:01No, I'm a businesswoman.
00:57:03Don't worry about it.
00:57:07I'm going to get out of here.
00:57:09Everything is fine at the grocery store.
00:57:11It's all clean.
00:57:13It's great.
00:57:20Why are you looking at me?
00:57:22Look at the paper, the questions are there.
00:57:24Did I look at you?
00:57:26Okay, here's the thing.
00:57:28You've been asking me everything since I was born.
00:57:31I'll fill this up.
00:57:33But I have a condition.
00:57:35If you fill it up with this form, it'll be like that.
00:57:37I'm your life coach.
00:57:39I need your information.
00:57:41What are you going to do with my form?
00:57:43But think about it this way.
00:57:45In this relationship, in the relationship of life coach,
00:57:46you'll know everything about me, right?
00:57:49For example, you'll know which ice cream I love.
00:57:52If you know, I should know too.
00:57:54Which ice cream you like,
00:57:56let's go and eat our favorite ice cream together.
00:57:58It's not a very complex thing.
00:58:00Oh, that makes sense.
00:58:02Because you're my customer.
00:58:04After all, the customer is always right.
00:58:06And since I'm already a positive person,
00:58:08and I have such new ideas,
00:58:10I mean, I'll fill it up.
00:58:12Why wouldn't I fill it up?
00:58:13That's why I chose you as my customer.
00:58:24What's this?
00:58:26What's this?
00:58:28Oh, you noticed.
00:58:30Actually, I was going to give this to you at the end of the day,
00:58:32but now that our relationship has started,
00:58:34the relationship of life coach,
00:58:36I thought I'd buy you a little gift.
00:58:38A gift?
00:58:41You know, I love gifts.
00:58:43What's in it?
00:58:45Come on, it's a surprise.
00:58:47Oh, this is my style.
00:58:49This is exactly what I'm going to wear.
00:58:51How did you know my style?
00:58:53Yes, because you're a style girl too.
00:58:55I mean, you're a free spirit too.
00:58:57That's where I got it from.
00:58:59Oh, that's great.
00:59:01Thank you so much.
00:59:03I mean, I can't stand it.
00:59:05Let me go and try these on.
00:59:07Okay, try it on.
00:59:09I was already wondering how it would look on you.
00:59:12Excuse me?
00:59:14It doesn't matter.
00:59:16What did you say?
00:59:18Let me see it on you.
00:59:22On me.
00:59:24On my foot.
00:59:26What kind of pervert are you?
00:59:28Are you a sock fascist or something?
00:59:30No, what does it have to do with it?
00:59:32I mean, positively.
00:59:34What positively?
00:59:36Are you kidding me?
00:59:38Did you buy me these socks to make fun of me?
00:59:39You have no good intentions.
00:59:41Okay, I can't study with you anymore.
00:59:43I can't live with you anymore.
00:59:45Let's take you like this.
00:59:49On my foot?
00:59:51Good intentions.
00:59:55Can you walk?
00:59:57So, when is our next class?
01:00:00Whenever I want.
01:00:02Whenever I'm angry.
01:00:04Because I have to return to my energy.
01:00:06Whenever I return to my positive energy, I'll let you know.
01:00:07Can you get out?
01:00:15Close the door.
01:00:19What a mess, what a failure.
01:00:21What an angry girl.
01:00:23What a great girl.
01:00:26I fell in love with her.
01:00:37Let's go.
01:01:08Sanem, why are you crying?
01:01:10I really don't understand.
01:01:12Why are you crying?
01:01:16Mr. Can, you...
01:01:20You misunderstood everything.
01:01:24Let me go.
01:02:38Our story is like a fairy tale.
01:02:41A man I love came to me.
01:02:43I've been longing for his face.
01:02:46A few steps forward.
01:02:48But this story is like a fairy tale, it doesn't end.
01:02:53He wasn't the bad king.
01:02:55I'm the bad one in the fairy tale.
01:02:58I'm the bad one.
01:03:00I'm the bad one.
01:03:02I'm the bad one.
01:03:04I'm the bad one.
01:03:05I'm the bad guy in the story.
01:03:08I didn't tell a lie to a man who hates lies.
01:03:36Who's there?
01:03:42Aylin? What are you doing here?
01:03:45I was waiting for Emre. I didn't want him to come home.
01:03:48I wanted to talk to him.
01:03:49Do you want me to call him?
01:03:50No, please don't.
01:03:51If he knows I'm here, he won't come.
01:03:53He doesn't answer my calls.
01:03:55Come on in. Why are you standing here?
01:03:57No, I don't want to bother you.
01:03:58Aylin, come on, for God's sake.
01:04:01The house is much nicer.
01:04:04Your father changed the decoration again.
01:04:06He would have changed it in 3-5 years.
01:04:09I don't care about those things.
01:04:31You look a little bored. Is there a problem?
01:04:38I'm still in love with Emre.
01:04:40Since my father fired me and Emre left me.
01:04:44I have such a problem.
01:04:46You still say.
01:04:48After all this time.
01:04:50Does Emre know?
01:04:51Of course he knows.
01:04:54He doesn't answer my calls. He always rejects me.
01:04:59So I came and stood at his door.
01:05:02When a person is in love, he can do such ridiculous things.
01:05:09My father fired me unjustly.
01:05:12I had no fault, but really.
01:05:15I didn't do anything to hurt my relationship with Emre.
01:05:17But in the end, I was both my job and my love.
01:05:23And of course your father has hatred.
01:05:26It's a little bit about stealing customers from our agency.
01:05:29So the story of being an agent.
01:05:33There is no agent, Can.
01:05:36I didn't steal customers from you.
01:05:39I got it.
01:05:40But everything is favorable in business life. You know that.
01:05:42All agencies are after each other's customers.
01:05:45Anyway, let's not talk about it.
01:05:50Now, should I call Emre or not? Don't you want to? Are you sure?
01:05:55I'm sure.
01:05:57Actually, I don't know what to say, but I came.
01:06:00On the one hand, I say it's ridiculous.
01:06:01Does it suit you to wait at the door at night?
01:06:04I say what are you doing?
01:06:06But after that, I can't do it without thinking about it.
01:06:10I think I'm going crazy.
01:06:12Do you understand?
01:06:14I don't like to cry.
01:06:22I should go now. It's late.
01:06:23It's you.
01:06:25Maybe Emre won't come.
01:06:29Can, you are a very good person.
01:06:34Thank you for listening to me.
01:06:37Good night.
01:06:39Good night.
01:06:58What are you doing?
01:07:02What are you doing with your computer?
01:07:05I was just browsing the internet.
01:07:08Let me see what you are doing.
01:07:09Give it to me.
01:07:13What does it have to do with France?
01:07:14What are you doing in France?
01:07:17What am I doing?
01:07:18I'm doing research about my profession.
01:07:20I'm trying to find out what's going on in the world.
01:07:22How can I improve my profession?
01:07:24You're trying to improve your profession.
01:07:26I researched about your profession.
01:07:29You can do it everywhere in the world.
01:07:30It's a universal profession.
01:07:32Is it the same for you?
01:07:33Can you do butchery?
01:07:34Is it allowed in France?
01:07:35No, it's not allowed.
01:07:36There is a butchery.
01:07:38They eat raw meat.
01:07:39It's cold.
01:07:40It's like minced meat.
01:07:42And there is a kind of cheese.
01:07:43Do you know what it is?
01:07:45No, I don't know.
01:07:46I'm very cold in France.
01:07:48Tell Leyla.
01:07:49She shouldn't go either.
01:07:53I wonder how France got into our lives.
01:07:58It's all because of Leyla, right?
01:08:00Ayhan, come on.
01:08:01It's time for you to sleep.
01:08:04I'm going to open a butcher shop in France.
01:08:06Come on.
01:08:07Bon appétit.
01:08:19You are so beautiful.
01:08:23I can't touch you.
01:08:34Why did you tell me to go?
01:08:43Because I don't want you.
01:08:57I don't love you.
01:09:00Why don't you understand?
01:09:02I don't understand you.
01:09:05Your look at me...
01:09:07...your touch...
01:09:10...your smile...
01:09:13...your touch...
01:09:15...your smile...
01:09:16...your touch...
01:09:21I don't love you.
01:09:26There is something else I haven't told you.
01:09:34...don't know me.
01:09:43Why do you say that?
01:09:44There is something I don't know about you.
01:09:47I don't want to tell you.
01:09:51I just want you to go.
01:10:15I fell asleep.
01:10:18Did you fall asleep?
01:10:20Are you happy?
01:10:21You didn't come to the company.
01:10:23Look at the time.
01:10:24I just came to finish my work.
01:10:25You can work upstairs.
01:10:27And you can sit here like a boss.
01:10:29It's so nice.
01:10:31You have a guest.
01:10:35He is drunk.
01:10:39Do you know who my guest is?
01:10:49What do you mean?
01:10:50Did Aylin come here?
01:10:52What did she tell you?
01:10:54She is miserable.
01:10:57She left me years ago.
01:10:59She is still not in love with me.
01:11:00She came to me suddenly.
01:11:02It's a joke, right?
01:11:04Aylin came to you suddenly.
01:11:07What's going on? I don't understand anything.
01:11:09She does whatever people do.
01:11:12She doesn't go to work.
01:11:14She comes to your door.
01:11:16She thinks about you day and night.
01:11:17She can't get out of her job.
01:11:19She thinks about you again.
01:11:20She sees you in everything.
01:11:23Talk to her.
01:11:25While my father hates you?
01:11:32Why do you care what others think?
01:11:35Why do you care?
01:11:36Do you still love this girl?
01:11:38Let's talk.
01:11:42If you want,
01:11:43if you don't want,
01:11:45go and tell her.
01:11:46Don't run away.
01:11:49Whatever your decision is,
01:11:51I am with you.
01:11:56I'll go and talk to her.
01:11:57Go and talk.
01:12:00Open the door.
01:12:03See you.
01:12:13I love you.
01:12:15I love you.
01:12:42I love you.
01:13:06Come in.
01:13:16Hello, Ceycey.
01:13:17I'm here.
01:13:18Come out.
01:13:19I brought the file.
01:13:20I don't want to go in.
01:13:21Don't go in.
01:13:22What happened to us?
01:13:23They'll lock us up.
01:13:25Half of the company is poisoned.
01:13:26What's going on?
01:13:27What poison?
01:13:28What quarantine?
01:13:29I don't understand.
01:13:30I don't understand.
01:13:31I don't understand.
01:13:32I don't understand.
01:13:33I don't understand.
01:13:34I don't understand.
01:13:35What poison?
01:13:36What quarantine?
01:13:43Did you call Mr. Can?
01:13:44I did.
01:13:45His phone was always off.
01:13:46He couldn't reach me.
01:13:47What am I going to do?
01:13:48What am I going to do?
01:13:49What am I going to do, Ceycey?
01:13:50You don't say anything.
01:13:52I don't know, Ms. Deren.
01:13:53I'm the bottom of the chain.
01:13:55I don't know.
01:13:56You'll know.
01:13:57I don't know either.
01:13:59I think I'm going crazy.
01:14:01And slowly.
01:14:02I might have gone crazy.
01:14:03I might have gone crazy.
01:14:04Everything comes at will.
01:14:06Everything comes at will.
01:14:09She's lost her mind.
01:14:10She's crazy.
01:14:11She's crazy right now.
01:14:12Ceycey, what's going on?
01:14:13Don't ask, Sanem.
01:14:14Don't ask.
01:14:15We're done.
01:14:16We're done.
01:14:17The people at the agency ate chicken yesterday.
01:14:18They're all poisoned.
01:14:19Graphic designers, customer representatives, scriptwriters.
01:14:20They're all in the hospital under intensive care.
01:14:21There's a meeting in a minute.
01:14:22There's no one to attend the meeting at the agency.
01:14:23Mr. Can.
01:14:24Did Mr. Can get poisoned too?
01:14:25What does this have to do with Mr. Can?
01:14:26Did I get poisoned too?
01:14:27Is this poison a disinfectant?
01:14:28I don't know.
01:14:29I don't know.
01:14:30I don't know.
01:14:31I don't know.
01:14:32Is this poison a disinfectant?
01:14:33Did I pass out or something?
01:14:34Because I'm dizzy, I have a headache, I'm buzzing.
01:14:35Ah, did I'm buzz?
01:14:36What happened?
01:14:37It seemed like I was buzzing.
01:14:38Am I green right now?
01:14:39Did I get poisoned?
01:14:41Ceycey, calm down.
01:14:42Take a deep breath.
01:14:43Let me help someone.
01:14:44Who should I help?
01:14:45Who should we help?
01:14:46Where's your coffee?
01:14:47My brain doesn't work before I drink coffee.
01:14:48Don't you know that?
01:14:49Ms. Deren, you're very tense.
01:14:50Should we cancel the meeting?
01:14:51What happens if we cancel the meeting?
01:14:53We're screwed.
01:14:54The agency's annual turnover will fall.
01:14:55Like dying.
01:14:57We'll screw up.
01:14:58This is like the agency's annual turnover going down.
01:15:02I've been telling you for two years to be vegetarian.
01:15:05I see, Ms. Deren. Then let's do it this way.
01:15:07Let's tell the truth.
01:15:08Let's say the people at the agency ate chicken and got poisoned.
01:15:11Let's say the whole team got poisoned by chicken, CJ.
01:15:14Let's say they ate another brand and got poisoned because of it.
01:15:18Let's say the whole team got poisoned by another chicken
01:15:21because our team didn't like your brand.
01:15:23Another chicken.
01:15:26Another chicken.
01:15:27I'll bring your coffee.
01:15:31What are you doing there?
01:15:34Just as I guessed.
01:15:36It's a perfect situation for you.
01:15:37Keep going like this.
01:15:39Straight to the nose.
01:15:40Don't surprise me, okay, Sanem?
01:15:42Call Mr. Emre.
01:15:43The whole team got poisoned.
01:15:45Maybe he'll come to the office.
01:15:49You're doing a great job.
01:15:53Good morning.
01:15:54How are you?
01:15:55I'm fine now.
01:15:56I'm going to quit this job.
01:15:58I think it was good to see your family.
01:16:00Let's say it was good.
01:16:01Get off.
01:16:02I'm getting narrower when I see you.
01:16:04Get off.
01:16:05Stop, stop, stop.
01:16:07Okay, it's almost over.
01:16:14Yes, Sanem.
01:16:17What do you mean?
01:16:18How many people?
01:16:19Where are they?
01:16:20Okay, I'm coming.
01:16:21I'm going to the agency.
01:16:23The agents got poisoned by chicken.
01:16:25Stop, stop, stop.
01:16:27From which hospital?
01:16:28It's not a big deal.
01:16:29My client will send them home.
01:16:30They won't be able to come to work.
01:16:31I'm going.
01:16:32Who told you?
01:16:33Sanem called me.
01:16:35I didn't fire you.
01:16:36What are you doing there?
01:16:37Why don't you ask her?
01:16:38Why did you hang out with this girl?
01:16:40She brought a file to the company.
01:16:41How would I know?
01:16:42She's at the office right now.
01:16:44Do you understand?
01:16:45Yes, she's at the office.
01:16:46I'm going.
01:16:47Are you coming?
01:16:48Okay, don't come.
01:16:49Take a couple of barfixes.
01:16:50I'm going.
01:16:53You're ordering chicken.
01:16:54Poison yourself.
01:16:55You're the only one left.
01:16:56You poison yourself.
01:16:57Yes, friends.
01:16:58I'm expecting a very free study from all of you today.
01:16:59We're going to do a collective study that everyone will work on together.
01:17:00Sanem, are the guys ready?
01:17:01They're about to be ready.
01:17:02Ece, you're the graphic artist today.
01:17:03You're going to tell us about the graphics in the meeting.
01:17:05What was the kid's name?
01:17:08You're the script writer.
01:17:09But I'm not a script writer.
01:17:10I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:11You're a graphic designer.
01:17:12I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:13I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:14I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:15I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:16I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:17I'm a graphic designer.
01:17:27You're the script writer.
01:17:28But I'm not a script writer.
01:17:29I guess you know you're not.
01:17:30You must have read and written.
01:17:32Study, memorize, introspect, give a speech at the meeting as if it were your own idea.
01:17:36Any word from Volkan?
01:17:37He's still in the hospital.
01:17:38He says he can't get up.
01:17:39He wanted to come to the meeting.
01:17:42But if he comes and disturbs the meeting table.
01:17:45No need for a s trophy.
01:17:46It's not fine.
01:17:47It's disgusting! And you all are the root of my weakness!
01:17:50But it's my pleasure!
01:17:51It's my pleasure!
01:17:52But what am I going to do now?
01:17:54How am I going to manage the meeting without a customer representative?
01:17:57Where am I going to find a customer representative at this hour?
01:18:08No way!
01:18:09She's the only person who can track the history, goals, production and campaigns of her customers.
01:18:15No way!
01:18:16It happened!
01:18:18Good luck!
01:18:19Let's go!
01:18:44What's going on?
01:18:45Sanem, today you have to attend the meeting as a customer representative instead of Volkan.
01:18:54No, I don't think so.
01:18:55I'm done anyway.
01:18:58Take it.
01:18:59It's ready.
01:19:01I can't do it.
01:19:02You can.
01:19:03You can.
01:19:04You can memorize all the data.
01:19:05You've done it before.
01:19:06You can do it very well.
01:19:07Sanem, don't break us.
01:19:08There's a big crisis.
01:19:14Yes, she can do it.
01:19:17She's our representative.
01:19:20I can't do it because I don't want to.
01:19:30But I did it before.
01:19:37Dear Sanem, our agency needs you very much.
01:19:41Would you please attend the meeting?
01:19:46Of course, I will.
01:19:47Why wouldn't I?
01:19:53Stand in a corner.
01:19:54Don't comment until you're asked a question.
01:19:58Take it.
01:19:59Ms. Deren!
01:20:00Ms. Deren!
01:20:01Ms. Deren!
01:20:02It's a disaster.
01:20:03We're done.
01:20:04We're ruined.
01:20:05What could be worse?
01:20:12She's a good fighter.
01:20:22Who's that woman, Ceycey?
01:20:24She's the chicken patroness.
01:20:25She's the mother of all chickens in the country.
01:20:27She's a very stressed woman.
01:20:28She's very angry.
01:20:29I mean, when there's a crisis, it ends there.
01:20:32Or when she comes, it's a crisis.
01:20:34She's coming.
01:20:35She's coming.
01:20:36She's coming.
01:20:37She's coming.
01:20:38She's coming.
01:20:39She's coming.
01:20:40She's coming.
01:20:54Hello, kids.
01:20:56Thank you.
01:20:57Thank you.
01:21:02Ms. Remide, you've made a nice surprise.
01:21:05Let me kiss you.
01:21:07What surprise?
01:21:08There was a meeting.
01:21:09I came.
01:21:11One or two minutes ago.
01:21:14Are you ready?
01:21:15We're ready, ma'am.
01:21:16We're ready.
01:21:19My managers said their criticisms at yesterday's meeting.
01:21:24A voice inside me said,
01:21:26Get up, Remide.
01:21:27Go see Remide.
01:21:31We've been working with this agency for 40 years.
01:21:34After Aziz left, this agency was a little shaken up.
01:21:39I think it's gotten a little weird.
01:21:43No, sir.
01:21:44These are all rumors that the rival agencies have made up to wear us out.
01:21:49We've prepared a great campaign for you.
01:21:53Come on, then.
01:21:55Friends, to the meeting room.
01:21:56Ms. Remide.
01:22:02How are you, son?
01:22:03I'm fine, thank you.
01:22:04How's Aziz?
01:22:05He's fine, too.
01:22:06He went on a little trip.
01:22:07To the Mediterranean.
01:22:08I know.
01:22:09We keep in touch from time to time.
01:22:11Say hello to me.
01:22:12Yes, ma'am.
01:22:14Come on.
01:22:15Here you go.
01:22:16You can wait outside.
01:22:22Thank you very much.
01:22:23Good luck.
01:22:24Say hello.
01:22:25Good luck.
01:22:27Yes, sister.
01:22:29What are you doing, girl?
01:22:30Aysun has organized an event on the beach.
01:22:32I'm going to check it out.
01:22:33What event?
01:22:34I don't know.
01:22:35She said it was for the store's promotion.
01:22:38I'm coming, too.
01:22:39Come on.
01:22:41Yes, sister.
01:22:42We'll be back in two minutes.
01:22:43Okay, sister.
01:22:44Give it to me, girl.
01:22:45Would you like some?
01:22:46Here you go.
01:22:47Finally, let me introduce you to Ms. Remide.
01:22:50These are all the works you've done.
01:22:52I liked the idea of a chicken that only bothers its owner.
01:22:58The idea is very good, but it hasn't been implemented.
01:23:02Besides, I can't believe this idea came from you.
01:23:07It's like someone from a very local people found it.
01:23:13Whose idea is this?
01:23:15I don't want it if it's a scam idea.
01:23:17That's what I think.
01:23:19Oh, come on.
01:23:20Is that possible, Ms. Remide?
01:23:22We've been following your campaign closely.
01:23:25We know your sensitivity.
01:23:29Are you the only one talking in these meetings?
01:23:32Excuse me?
01:23:41Ms. Remide.
01:23:44My dear, my smart son.
01:23:46My beautiful son.
01:23:47Where did you come from?
01:23:49I was around.
01:23:50I'm a little late.
01:23:51I'm sorry.
01:23:52Are you okay?
01:23:53I'm fine.
01:23:54I'm sure our company has hired you.
01:23:56We hired you, right?
01:23:58Yes, of course.
01:24:01Yes, let's continue.
01:24:03Mr. Can, you can sit like this if you want.
01:24:06Thank you, Ms. Remide.
01:24:07Don't bother.
01:24:08No, don't bother.
01:24:21Go on.
01:24:24Go on.
01:24:25Go on.
01:24:26Go on.
01:24:27Go on.
01:24:28Go on.
01:24:29Go on.
01:24:30Go on.
01:24:31Go on.
01:24:32Go on.
01:24:33Go on.
01:24:34Go on.
01:24:35Go on.
01:24:36Go on.
01:24:37Go on.
01:24:38Go on.
01:24:39Go on.
01:24:40Go on.
01:24:41Go on.
01:24:42Go on.
01:24:43Go on.
01:24:44Go on.
01:24:45Go on.
01:24:46Go on.
01:24:47Go on.
01:24:48Go on.
01:24:49Go on.
01:24:50Go on.
01:24:51Go on.
01:24:52Go on.
