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Erkenci Kus HD - Episode 23 (English Subtitles) EARLY BIRD
00:00:30I'm gonna
00:00:36The kitchen she left me
00:00:45I'm been to get you
00:00:50Anlatacaksın da ne olacak
00:00:52O zaman bencilik olmayacak mı adam kendi kardeşinden nefret edecek senden nefret edecek çekip gidecek hayatı kararacak ama bencilik değil mi
00:01:00Sırf kendi vicdanını rahatlatmak için adamı üzeceksin
00:01:03Aslında beni bir tanısa tanısa sever
00:01:06Seni sever senem
00:01:08Adam seni tanıdıkça sevecek senem
00:01:11Aklından at artık şunları ya adama sadece sevgini ver adam hak ediyor bunu bak o kadar uzun zaman peşinden koştu ki
00:01:18Tamam takmayacağım artık bunları
00:01:20Gerçekten emre beye inanamıyorum
00:01:23Nasıl bu kadar vicdansız olabiliyor kardeşe nasıl böyle şeyler yapabiliyor ya
00:01:27Senem ikide bir bana emre zülfesinden bahsetme dövesim geliyor
00:01:30Tamam be
00:01:32Benden başka herkes sinirli burda da
00:01:38Oo ihsan hoşgeldin
00:01:40Hoşgeldim aysuncum hoşgeldim
00:01:42Sana bir sürprizim var elimde boş gelmedim üstelik
00:01:44Bu ne böyle
00:01:46Bu mahalledeki bütün dükkanların kiraları
00:01:48Valla ne çabuk ihsan ya
00:01:50Çok mutlu ettin beni valla
00:01:52Mutluluk güzel şey tabi ya
00:01:54Keşke bende artık mutlu olabilsem
00:01:56Olursun tabi canım ne olacak
00:02:00Ne oldu
00:02:06Ya senin bir derdin mi var Allah aşkına
00:02:08Var ya
00:02:10Nişanlımdan ayrıldım
00:02:12Hiç duymadık ne oldu nasıl oldu öyle
00:02:14Neyse boşver ya
00:02:16Dur dur ne oldu anlat bakayım şunu
00:02:18İnsanı meraktan öldürme ya ne oldu Allah aşkına
00:02:20Gönlümü başkasına kaptırdım aysun
00:02:22Başkası mı
00:02:24Belki sen de herkes gibi ayıplayacaksın ama
00:02:26Ne yapayım gönlümün fermanı dinlemiyor ki ya
00:02:28Ay yok canım niye ayıplayayım
00:02:30Sonuçta sevmek kötü bir şey değil
00:02:32Değil mi ya
00:02:34Ya bir sen anlıyorsun beni iyi ki varsın ya
00:02:36Zaten hep sen vardın
00:02:38O bakkalı devre aldığımda da bir sen gelip alışveriş yapıyordun benden
00:02:42O raflardan indirdiğimiz çamaşır sularını
00:02:44Bana parayı öderken gülümsemeni falan
00:02:46O günden beri çıkmıyor aklımdan aysun
00:02:52Ay ben senin payını vermeyi unuttum
00:02:54Kusura bakma
00:02:56Ay ne kusuru aysuncuğum
00:02:58Ben seni beklerim
00:03:00Sabahtan akşama kadar beklerim
00:03:02Sıkıntı yok
00:03:04Benim o %10'luk şeyi bu seferlik %15 yapalım mı ya
00:03:06Malum nişanı atınca masraflar biraz arttı
00:03:08Yapalım bakalım
00:03:12Sen de sağol güzellik
00:03:14Çok teşekkür ederim
00:03:16Neyse ben artık gideyim
00:03:18Daha arka mahalledeki dükkanların kiralarını getireceğim
00:03:20Sağolasın oğlum güzellik
00:03:26Ne yapıyorsunuz ya
00:03:28Bu ne bu neşe
00:03:30Hava çok güzel değil mi
00:03:32Çok tatlı bir hava
00:03:34Böyle sanki güzel bir şeyler olacakmış gibi
00:03:36Evet evet
00:03:38Biraz sakin değil mi
00:03:42Evet evet
00:03:44Huzurlu bir gün gerçekten
00:03:51Ne oluyor ya
00:03:53Ne oluyor
00:03:55Hadi gelin
00:03:57A a
00:03:59Düğün mü var ya
00:04:01Koş koş
00:04:13Mahalleli ben geldim
00:04:15Vatanî görevimi yaptım da geldim
00:04:19Arslanlar gibi geri döndüm de geldim
00:04:21Hasretim çok
00:04:23Şu anda benden mutlusu yok
00:04:27Hoş geldin
00:04:29Hoş geldin
00:04:31Aç koynunu ben geldim
00:04:37A a
00:04:393 gün oldu nasıl döndü kaçtı mı acaba
00:04:41Yemin ediyorum kaçmıştır bu
00:04:43Kesin kaçmıştır
00:04:45Ne oldu acaba
00:04:47Kimleri görüyorum
00:04:49Hoş geldin
00:04:533 gün kaldı zaten
00:04:55Hoş bulduk
00:04:57Hoş geldin
00:04:59Allah'ım kimleri görüyorum
00:05:01Sanem'cim gerçekten askerlik hayatında
00:05:03Yazdığın mektup söylediğin sözler
00:05:05Beni ayakta tuttu
00:05:07Yok ben yazmadım yani
00:05:09Üçümüz yazdık ben sadece bir cümle yazdım
00:05:11O da inşallah rahat geçer o cümle bana ait
00:05:13Ha işte ben o cümleyi okudum
00:05:15Yazarken de bana bir tane haber geldi
00:05:17Meğer benim 3 böbreğim varmış
00:05:19Hadi buyur
00:05:21Dediler ki sen bize sivilde lazımsın çık git
00:05:23Ha sen çüreğe çıktın
00:05:25Ne çürüğü oğlum armut mu topluyoruz biz burada
00:05:27Fazladan organın var dediler
00:05:29Vatana millete bu organınla faydalı ol dediler
00:05:31Ben de faydalı olmak için
00:05:33Fazladan böbreğimi bağışlıyorum
00:05:35Neden organ bağışı
00:05:37Hayat kurtarı
00:05:41Bir de bu Ayhan kızına devamlı diyorum
00:05:43Düşüyorsun devamlı diyor tuvalete gideceğim
00:05:45Meğer benim 3 böbreğim varmış ben günde 1 ya da 2
00:05:47İkinci de öyle yani gece zorlarsa
00:05:49Muzo muzo yeter artık
00:05:51Değil mi sen hoş geldin
00:05:53Bak mahalleliyle kucaklaş davul zurna seni bekliyor
00:05:55Biz sonra konuşuruz
00:05:57Çaya bekliyorum kardeşim her zaman geliyorum
00:05:59Ama önce işlerim var askerliği de aradan çıkardığıma göre
00:06:01Artık sırada ne var izdivaç diye düşünüyorum artık
00:06:03Ne diyorsun sen ya
00:06:05Niye saçma sapan konuşuyorsun
00:06:07Ha saçmalama dedin aklıma geldi dur
00:06:09Sana da cevabı
00:06:11Bir mektup yazdım
00:06:1367 sayfa
00:06:15Kendimi sade şekilde ifade etmeye çalıştım
00:06:17Sade diyorsun
00:06:19Sen bunu okurken ben mahalleyi bir dolaşayım
00:06:21Çünkü mahallede Muzaffer'i özledim
00:06:25Dur davulcu davula üşenme
00:06:41Şaka gibi ya
00:06:4367 sayfa diyor
00:06:47Naber Osman
00:06:49Ayhan mutlama mı var
00:06:51Yok ya zeberjet askerden döndü de uzun hikaye
00:06:53Merhaba Can iyiyim iyiyiz
00:06:55Bizim işimiz var Ayhan'la biz gidelim
00:06:59Konuşalım biraz
00:07:25Sahil'e de geldik
00:07:27Ya elindeki kağıtlar neydi yol boyunca da bahsetmedin
00:07:29Zeberjet mektup yazmış
00:07:31Zeberjet mektup değil roman yazmış bence
00:07:33Senin böyle mektuplaşma huyların var mı
00:07:37Bana da yazarsın belki
00:07:39İstersen sana yazarım tabi
00:07:41İstemez miyim senden gelecek mektubun yolunu bile gözlerim
00:07:45Bir şey söyleyeceğim
00:07:47Bu sabah ben
00:07:49Biraz kaba davrandım sana
00:07:51Kusura bakma
00:07:53Yani bu müzik meselesiyle ilgili
00:07:55Asıl sen kusura bakma
00:07:57Ben söylemeliydim sana
00:08:01Bir derdin var ya bana söylemediğin
00:08:03Biz her şeyi birlikte çözebiliriz
00:08:05Biliyorsun değil mi
00:08:07Eğer istersen bana anlatır mısın
00:08:09Güveniyor musun bana
00:08:11Evet ama şimdi söylemek istemiyorum
00:08:13Belki daha sonra
00:08:15Tamam ama kendini de üzme olur mu
00:08:17Beni de çok üzüyorsun böyle davranarak
00:08:21Söz mü
00:08:25Ben seni çok mutlu olmanı istiyorum
00:08:27Ben çok mutluyum senden
00:08:29Bende öyle
00:08:31Bir de bir şey daha var
00:08:33Bu bizim böyle gizli saklı buluşmalarımız var ya
00:08:35Baktan bir geldiler
00:08:37Yani tamam ofistekileri anlıyorum da
00:08:39Annenlerden niye biz bunu saklıyoruz
00:08:41Annenler niye
00:08:43Yani zamanı geldiğinde eninde sonunda
00:08:45Söyleyeceğim onlara da
00:08:47Valla ben seni eninde sonunda mı biliyorum
00:08:49Belli ki sen söylemeyeceksin
00:08:51Annen nasıl olsa benim fanım
00:08:53Bayılıyor bana ben gideceğim onunla çözeceğim bu işi
00:08:55Halledeceğim yani
00:08:57Halledeceğim derken tam olarak
00:08:59Halledeceğim gideceğim diyeceğim
00:09:01Biz Sanem'le sevgili olduk diyeceğim
00:09:03Bunların hepsini söyleyeceğim
00:09:05Tam daha oturtamadım kafamda tam daha düşünmedim yani
00:09:07Biraz orası doğaçlama olacak
00:09:09Ben onları biraz köpürteceğim babalayacağım
00:09:11Bakacağım yani ben halledeceğim
00:09:13Can nereye gidiyorsun şu anda olmaz ama
00:09:15Can olmaz annemler olmaz
00:09:17Can şu anda olmaz
00:09:21Can saçmalama
00:09:23Ben söyleyeceğim diyorum zamanı geldiğinde
00:09:25Lütfen öyle bir şey yapmanı istiyorum
00:09:29Kim o
00:09:37Niye geldin sen Nihat
00:09:39Ben getirirdim yemeğini
00:09:41Kim duruyor dükkanda
00:09:43Ramin'in kardeşine bıraktım
00:09:45Hem geleyim seni göreyim
00:09:47Hemde böyle birkaç bir şey atıştırayım dedim
00:09:51Yoksa sen
00:09:53O marifetli ellerinle
00:09:55O güzel parmaklarınla
00:09:57İçli köfte mi hazırlıyorsun sen
00:09:59Bu gece özel
00:10:01Bu gece özel mi
00:10:03Bizim için her gece özel değil mi
00:10:05Bu gece yani öyle de
00:10:07Bu gece daha özel
00:10:11Yani bu içli köftelerle
00:10:13Parmaklarınızı yedireceğim diyorsun he
00:10:15Hadi hayırlısı
00:10:17Ben ellerimi yıkayayım geleyim olur mu
00:10:25Hatırlamıyor vallahi
00:10:39Böyle bir şey yapamazsın
00:10:41Öyle bir şey yaparım ki
00:10:43Can bir saniye
00:10:45Can olmaz
00:10:47Annemlerle konuşamazsın
00:10:49Valla öyle bir konuşurum
00:10:51Lütfen izle
00:10:53Bir şey söyleyeceğim
00:10:55Konuşmam gerekirse ben konuşurum zaten
00:10:57Sana mı kaldı söylemek
00:10:59Tabii ki bana kaldı ayrıca bu ilişki ikimizin ilişkisi
00:11:01Ha ben söylemişim ha sen söylemişsin
00:11:03Olmaz olmaz öyle kalplerine iner
00:11:05Vallahi patladanak söylenmez
00:11:07Ben öyle patladanak söyler miyim ya
00:11:09Alıştıra alıştıra söyleyeceğim
00:11:11Olmaz olmaz
00:11:13Önce bir konuşalım bir strateji belirleyelim lütfen
00:11:15Ya strateji falan yok
00:11:17Bastım vallahi de bastım
00:11:19Sen ne yaptın
00:11:21Vallahi bastım
00:11:23Ne yapıyorsun ya bütün komşular
00:11:25Sana bakıyor iyice rezil ediyorsun ya
00:11:27Tamam önce o zaman o zaman içeri girelim
00:11:29Bir çay içelim sonra çıkalım olur mu
00:11:37Can Bey hoşgeldiniz
00:11:39Ama en sonca anda kalmıştık
00:11:41Benim sizinle konuşmak istediğim çok önemli bir konu var
00:11:43Nihat abi de evdeyse
00:11:45Tabii tabii evde buyur Can buyur
00:11:47Buyur buyur Can
00:11:49Ya sen rahat ol o iş bende
00:11:51Ben böyle yapıyorum
00:11:53O iş bende diyor
00:11:55Şirkette bir problem oldu herhalde anlamadım
00:12:01Nihat abi merhaba nasılsın
00:12:03Hoşgeldiniz Can Bey evladım
00:12:05Yemek mi yapıyordunuz yanlış bir zamanda gelmedim umarım
00:12:07Yok ben bazı kıymet bilmezlere içli köfte yapıyorum da
00:12:11İçli köftenin değeri nasıl bilinmez ya
00:12:13Benim en sevdiğim yemeklerden
00:12:15Ay ikram ederdim ama akşama kadar dinlenmesi lazım
00:12:17Valla Can Bey evladım
00:12:19Mevki Bey'imin yaptığı bu içli köfteyi yersen
00:12:21Hayata boyunca unutamazsın
00:12:23Öyle mi diyorsunuz ya akşama
00:12:25E şansımıza gidelim ne yapalım
00:12:27E sen de gel birlikte yiyelim akşama
00:12:29Tabii tabii bekleriz buyurun gelin
00:12:31Seve seve
00:12:33Ben sizi şimdi hiç rahatsız etmeyeyim o zaman
00:12:35Biz böyle apar topar geldik
00:12:37Sanem'in size anlatmak istediği çok önemli bir konu var
00:12:39Çünkü çok acil
00:12:41Efendim hiç burada sıkışmayalım
00:12:43Burada tıkılı kalmayalım
00:12:45Dışarıda hava dar daha ferah
00:12:47Ben açayım kanatları
00:12:49Nihat abi siz şöyle buyurun
00:12:51Mevki Hanım siz de buyurun böyle
00:12:53Can Bey
00:12:55Gel Mevki Hanım gel
00:12:57Ben de şöyle yanınıza ilişeyim
00:12:59Sanem sen de eğer istersen tabii oturabilirsin
00:13:01Geleyim ben de oturayım
00:13:03Bir şeyler hazırlayayım mı içer misiniz
00:13:05Çok sağ olun zahmet olmasın
00:13:07Yavaş yavaş kalkalım mı Can Bey
00:13:11Oturun ne anlatacaksan da anlat kızım
00:13:13Efendim ben konuya hemen bir giriş yapayım
00:13:17O gün hani kayalıklarda geldiniz bizi o şekilde gördünüz
00:13:19Siz de hatta baya bir gözünüzü diktiniz
00:13:21Yanak dediniz böyle
00:13:23Yanağımda ruj lekesi vardı
00:13:25O asla asla mankenin falan değildi
00:13:33Ben her şeyi yanlış anlamışım aslında
00:13:35O kadar da bağırdım patronuma
00:13:37Ayıp ettim
00:13:39Özür diledim
00:13:41Sana ne çocuğum sana ne
00:13:43Bana ne
00:13:45Yok yok Merkü Bey
00:13:47Ben doğruyu söylemek gerekirse merak ettim
00:13:49Kim öptü
00:13:51Sanem öptü
00:13:55Sanem mi öptü
00:13:59Sanem öptü
00:14:03Ne diyor çocuğum Can Bey
00:14:05Sen de bunu bana o kadar rahat söylüyorsun ki
00:14:07Kızın öptü diye öyle mi
00:14:09Evladım senin ağzından çıkarın
00:14:11Kulağın duyuyor mu ya
00:14:13Burası benim evim benim bahçem
00:14:15Sen gelmişsin benim karşıma
00:14:17Tövbe estağfurullah
00:14:19Sen ne diyorsun evladım ya
00:14:21Ya ben şöyle konuyu toparlayayım
00:14:23Nasıl desem
00:14:31Dayanamadı da öpüverdi gibi
00:14:35Dayanamadı da öpüverdi gibi bir şey oldu
00:14:37O şekilde evet
00:14:41Bunun daha fazlası da var galiba öyle mi
00:14:47Çünkü öptü
00:14:51Sizin bilmediğiniz
00:14:53Bilmeniz gereken
00:14:55Yani bilseniz iyi olur dediğim
00:14:57Sanem ve ben
00:14:59Can Bey
00:15:01Aileme ben izah edeyim
00:15:03Çünkü benimle ilgili bir konu
00:15:11Şirkette stajyer
00:15:13Metin yazarı oldum ve kayalıklarda
00:15:15Can Bey bana bunun haberini verdi
00:15:17Bende bir coşku
00:15:19İçim içime sığmıyor
00:15:21Bir şeyler oldu bana
00:15:23Bende o coşkuyla beraber
00:15:25Evet yanağından bir coşku
00:15:27Küçük bir buse
00:15:29Evet buse kondurdum doğrudur
00:15:31Baya iyi
00:15:33Efendim yani
00:15:35Benim hayatımda öyle
00:15:37Mankenlerle takılmak yok efendim
00:15:39Bir tarafından öptürmek falan gibi
00:15:41Dejenere şeyler
00:15:43Asla yok
00:15:45Benim hakkımda yanlış şeyler düşünmenizi
00:15:47Yanlış fikirlere kapılmanızı
00:15:49Hiç istemem
00:15:51Seninle ne ilgisi var ki çocuğum
00:15:53Kabahat bizim çocuğumuzda
00:15:57Değil mi
00:16:05Seni severiz yoksa bizi maşallah
00:16:07Sağ ol
00:16:11Ooo kaç oldu saat
00:16:13Şey saat kaç olmuş
00:16:15Bizim artık
00:16:17İşimizin başına dönmemiz gerekiyor değil mi Can Bey
00:16:19Sen bir kal
00:16:21Sonra gidersin bir kal sen
00:16:23Sizle geleyim dimi bende
00:16:25Aslında gelse evet iyi olur
00:16:27Çok yoğunluk var
00:16:29Çok faydalı yararlı olur yani bizim için
00:16:31Tamam Mevkube tamam
00:16:33Madem Can Bey çok yoğunluk varmış
00:16:35Öyle söylüyor
00:16:37Gitsin bakalım
00:16:39Biz o zaman
00:16:41Metin yazar oldum kolay değil
00:16:43İş yükleri çok şey oldu benim
00:16:45Can Bey diyordum ki o yeni firmanın diyorum
00:16:47Kocaman bir afişle mesela
00:16:49Bu kız beni delirtecek Nihat
00:16:51Nereden nasıl davranılacağını bilmiyor
00:16:55Ama hep sen
00:16:57Sen şımarttın bunu sen yüz verdin bu çocuğa
00:16:59Allah Allah ben niye şımartıyorum Mevkube
00:17:01Ben mi dedim ona git adamı yanağından öp diye
00:17:03Üstelik anne sen değil misin
00:17:05Sen çekeceksin kızını kenara konuşacaksın
00:17:07Ben niye konuşuyorum
00:17:09Anne olan sensin Allah Allah
00:17:11Allah'tan akıllı uslu bir adamdı
00:17:13Anladı tabi bizim kızın deli olduğunu da
00:17:15Düzgün çocuk sonuçta akıllı uslu
00:17:17Ya Allah Allah sen demedin mi bu çocuk çapkın diye
00:17:19Biz bu kızı bundan kurtaralım diye
00:17:21Arada baya baya başka şeyler de söyledin
00:17:23Allah Allah ne çabuk unuttun
00:17:25Unuttun değil mi unuttun
00:17:29Asıl sen kendi unuttuklarına bak
00:17:3130 sene evveline bir git
00:17:33O günden bugüne yavaş yavaş bir gel
00:17:35Düşün bakalım hangi gün neyi unuttun
00:17:37Hangi gün neyi unuttun bir düşün
00:17:39Ben de gideyim içli köftemi yapayım
00:17:41İçli içli ağlayayım kaderime yanayım
00:17:43Zaten benim kaderim bu
00:17:45Unutkan kocalarla uğraşayım deli çocuklarla uğraşayım
00:17:47Bıktım ben ailenin hafızası mıyım ben
00:17:49Ben neyim ben
00:17:51Yeter be yeter
00:17:53Çocuklar deli koca unutkan
00:17:55Yazık bana
00:17:57Allah Allah Mevki Bey
00:17:59Neyi unuttum ki ben
00:18:03Sanem biner misin
00:18:05Binmeyeceğim otobüse giderim ben
00:18:07Sanem bak 5 saniye içerisinde
00:18:09Bu arabaya binmezsen gider
00:18:11Melahat Hanım'a sevgili olduğumuzu söylerim
00:18:13Annen de gider ondan öğrenir tamam mı
00:18:15İyice rezil edersin kendini
00:18:17Yapamazsın öyle bir şey
00:18:19Lütfen izle
00:18:21Ay canım
00:18:23Hoş geldin Melahat abla
00:18:25Ben öyle sizle sohbete geldim
00:18:27Çok tatlı sohbetiniz var börek de var mı
00:18:29Çok tatlı bu var olmaz
00:18:31Kıymalı senin için
00:18:33Biz de gidiyorduk değil mi
00:18:35Gitme hep gidiyorsun ama
00:18:37Arabaya biniyorduk biz
00:18:39Ramo çay getir iki tane
00:18:41Tamam geliriz geliriz işleri halledelim gelelim
00:18:43Öyle mi evet
00:18:45Sen beni ayrıca ara
00:18:47Hadi hadi
00:18:49Ben de bindim
00:18:51Ben de bindim
00:18:53Ay çok tatlı bunlar ya
00:19:09Bana niye surat asıyorsun
00:19:11Konuyu değiştirme şimdi
00:19:13Nasıl söylersin bizimkilere Sanem beni öptü diye
00:19:15Şimdi bizim sevgili olduğumuzu bilmiyorlar
00:19:17Ama ciddi bir potansiyelimiz olduğunu anlasınlar
00:19:21Ya ben sana söyledim zaten söz verdim söyleyeceğim diye
00:19:23Tamam söz diyorsan
00:19:27Üç yaşında çocuk gibi azarladılar beni
00:19:29Sen bir de şimdi akşama gör
00:19:31Nasıl otuk çekecekler belli değil
00:19:33Ya bir şey yapamazlar ben de olacağım zaten akşam
00:19:37Sen baya
00:19:39Baya baya
00:19:41Evin taşınmaz eşyası oluyorsun farkında mısın
00:19:43Ne rahatsız mı oluyorsun
00:19:45Seninle ne alakası var benim derdim
00:19:47İçli köfte
00:19:49Hayır annemle babamın evlilik yıldönümü de ben o yüzden öyle söyledim
00:19:51Aaa onu iyi hatırlattın
00:19:53Ben o zaman gelirken şöyle
00:19:55Güzel çiçek yaptırayım
00:19:57Etrafındaki insanlar
00:19:59Beni gerçekten
00:20:01Delirtecekler ben bunu anladım
00:20:03Sen akşam kesin çaktıracaksın
00:20:05Annem akşam bizim sevgili olduğumuzu kesin anlayacak
00:20:07Yok ben çaktırmam ya
00:20:09Sen çaktırmazsan ben çaktırmam
00:20:11Böyle küçük oyuna abartılı hareketlere girme
00:20:13Ben ne abartacağım
00:20:15Ben senden emin değilim
00:20:17Annem de çok güzel yapıyor ya içli köfte
00:20:21Oğluşuma elçi ağzında çay getirdim
00:20:25Al bakalım
00:20:27Sen söyle bakalım şimdi akşama ne yemek istiyorsun
00:20:29Ay canım benim
00:20:31İnsan askerlik yapmaya görsün anacığım
00:20:33Yemek seçmeyi bırakıyorsun yemin ediyorum
00:20:35Aman muzu ya
00:20:37Allah Allah görende aylardır askerlik yapıyor sana
00:20:39Üç gün oldu daha sen gidelim
00:20:41Onda da daha birliğe seçilmeden
00:20:43Çürük olup gelmişsin
00:20:45Çürük mü bu ne biçim tabir kızım
00:20:47Diş miyim ben çürük ne demek
00:20:49Devletimiz milletimiz beni dışarıda
00:20:51Görevlendirmeyi uygun gördü
00:20:53Dedi ki sen yeteneklerini sivilde kullan
00:20:55Ay durun benim yakışıklım benim
00:20:57Ama anneciğim ne yapıyorsun
00:20:59Makas alıyorsun şu anda insan içinde
00:21:01Artık oğluşum falan yok
00:21:03Ben vatanî görevini yapmış bir bireyim
00:21:05Bundan sonra yiğidim aslanım boçum
00:21:07Çünkü neden
00:21:09Vatanî görevini yapmış
00:21:11Paşa hazretleri gelmiş
00:21:13Hoş geldiniz Muzaffer komutanım
00:21:15Neredesin be gözümüz yollarda kaldı
00:21:17İhsan Bey biraderim
00:21:19Derler adama bu nasıl bir destursuz giriş
00:21:21Ne işi var bunun burada
00:21:23Harbiden yine mi sen ya
00:21:25Yine mi mi bu devamlı bizim mahallede mi
00:21:27Demek ki ben gidince yine mahalleye çakallar tebelleş olmuş
00:21:29Bundan sonra çakal kardeşlerine de söyle İhsan Bey biraderim
00:21:31Muzaffer mahalleye geri döndü
00:21:33Muzaffer ayıp ediyorsun İhsan Bey
00:21:35Senin yokluğun
00:21:37Bütün o malımızın mülkümüzün
00:21:39Gelirlerinin idaresinde yardımcı oldu bize
00:21:41Çok ayıp ediyorsun
00:21:43Ne ne ne ne
00:21:45Böyle bir şey olabilir mi
00:21:47Benim borçluğumu çakal İhsan'la mı doldurdun anacığım
00:21:49Bir üç gün askere gittik
00:21:51Mahalledeki bütün dengeler mi değişti
00:21:55İşlerle alakalı bilgi vereceğim de
00:21:57İki dakika gelsin dışarıda konuşalım
00:22:05Vah vah vah
00:22:09Kızım hem vah vah vah
00:22:11Hem tüktü
00:22:13Üç gün askere gittim
00:22:15Askere gidince nişanlısını
00:22:17Başkasına kaptırmış yiğidolar gibi kala kaldım
00:22:19İşlere çakal İhsan mı çöktü
00:22:21Sadece işlere çökmemiş ki
00:22:23Başka şey
00:22:29Öksürük tuttu bir şey demedim
00:22:31Öksürük mü diyorsun
00:22:33Yaşam koşluğum öksürük mü diyorsun Ayhan
00:22:35Bana bir çözüm bul bana bir projeksiyonsun
00:22:37Bir plan yap
00:22:39O zaman şöyle yapalım
00:22:41Muzo dinle
00:22:43Sen burada yokken
00:22:47Ben önden gideyim de şey olmasın
00:22:51Bana yani
00:22:53Odama çay may bir şeyler artık ne olursa
00:22:55Sen odama gel yeter ya
00:22:57O zaman ben çay demleyeyim
00:22:59Beş dakikaya odanızda olurum
00:23:01Hayır diyorum hayır
00:23:03Ben hayır dediğim zaman hayır
00:23:07Romantizm olacak diyorum bitti
00:23:11Aksiyon olacak macera olacak
00:23:13Olmayacak diyorum olmayacak
00:23:15Deren hanım
00:23:17Acaba biraz daha sakin mi olsanız çalışanların içinde
00:23:19Romantizm olacak diyorum bitti
00:23:23Romantizm öldü
00:23:25Senin romantizm anlayışın
00:23:27Ananelerimizle birlikte toprak oldu yok oldu
00:23:29O yüzden aksiyon olacak
00:23:31Ne oluyor burada yine
00:23:33O videonun yeni tasarımıyla ilgili tartışıyoruz Can
00:23:35Öncelikle ben şunu açıklığa kavuşturmak istiyorum
00:23:37Bu projeden ailenin mi sorumlu
00:23:39Ben mi sorumluyum bence ben
00:23:41Sorumlu benim
00:23:43Nedir sorun
00:23:45Can aksiyon dolu bir kampanya yapmak istiyorum
00:23:47Çünkü gençlerimiz aksiyon istiyor
00:23:49Gençler romantizm istiyor canım
00:23:51Ama rica edeceğim Aylin'cim sen romantizm deme
00:23:53Çünkü senin ağzından çıkarken soluyor ölüyor o kelime
00:23:55Deren'cim romantizme ne oldu
00:23:57Beni zerre kadar ilgilendirmiyor
00:23:59Ben burada işimi yapmaya çalışıyorum
00:24:01Ve müşteri ne istiyor en iyi ben biliyorum Can
00:24:03Can Bey müşteriye sorsak
00:24:05Müşteriye sorsa olmaz Ceycey
00:24:07Yarım saat sonra toplantı odasına buluşalım
00:24:09Toplantıda seni çok bir sezeceğim
00:24:11Haberin olsun
00:24:13Vay aksiyon diyorsun
00:24:19Benimle geliyorsunuz derirtmeyin beni
00:24:21Tabiki sizinle
00:24:23Arkadaşlar dağılın sizde oturun
00:24:25Hadi çalışalım
00:24:27Ajans burası
00:24:29Ne oluyor ya
00:24:31Bir şey yok
00:24:33Ovida otomotiv var ya yeni bir araba modeli çıkarıyormuş
00:24:35Onunla ilgili reklam filmi yapılacak
00:24:37Genç kitleye hitap etmek istiyorlar
00:24:39Reklam filminin türü romantizm olsun aksiyon olsun onu tartışıyoruz
00:24:41Romantizm olsun
00:24:43Hemen gevşeme Sanem
00:24:45Şirket çatır diyor farkında mısın
00:24:47Bir yanda Deren bir yanda Aylin neler olduğunu görüyor musun sen
00:24:49Kankacım sen sakin olsana
00:24:51Gel benimle
00:24:53Şöyle güzelce bir çay kahve yapalım kendimize
00:24:55Sen biraz romantizmden bahset bana
00:24:57Ayhan'a anlatsana
00:24:59Ben sana canı anlatayım
00:25:01Yapma Sanem
00:25:03Zaten sinirlerim geçti
00:25:05Hadi Mevkube ben gidiyorum
00:25:07Sen de artık daha fazla düşünme şu öpücük meselesini
00:25:09Deşme artık şu konuyu
00:25:11Deşicem Nihat
00:25:13Ne demek adamın yanağından öpmek
00:25:15Hayır benim şu anda
00:25:17Başka şeyler düşünmem lazım
00:25:19Ona konsantre olamıyorum
00:25:21Aa ne düşünmen lazım ki
00:25:23Sen hiç hatırlamıyor musun hep bana sor Nihat çok güzel
00:25:25Benim kızın yüzünü görmem lazım
00:25:27Böyle gözlerinden duygularını anlamam lazım
00:25:35Kız senin telefon akıllı değil mi
00:25:37Görüntülü arama yapacağım da
00:25:39Zaten bu zamanda bir tek seninki akılsız kaldı
00:25:41Meleğata bak meleğata
00:25:43Bir şey dedik
00:25:45Pabuç kadar değil bir ton cevap veriyor
00:25:47Ver kızını
00:25:51Ay kız ne diyor
00:25:53Sen iki çay kap gel
00:25:55Şu rahmeten taze taze
00:25:57Neler anlatacağım ben sana neler anlatacağız
00:26:01Kız yeni havadisler mi var
00:26:03Tabi en yenisi
00:26:05Dur bekle ben geliyorum
00:26:07Ben de bir algılamam
00:26:09Tabi çok susulur
00:26:11Ya mesela
00:26:15Çiğ et seviyor
00:26:17Bir de çay çay içmeyi seviyor
00:26:19Sanem sus anlatma bana böyle şeyler
00:26:21Tamam kızma
00:26:23Ayağında lahmacun seriyor
00:26:27Meleğata abla niye beni şimdi
00:26:29Görüntülü arıyor ya
00:26:31Kesin annem
00:26:33Annem böyle aklı sıra beni teftiş edecek ya
00:26:35Ben gidiyorum o zaman
00:26:37Benim çünkü giyinme laf ediyor
00:26:39Ben de çekemem öyle şeyler
00:26:41Kırılıyorum sonra
00:26:45Efendim anneciğim
00:26:47Sanem konuşmamız lazım
00:26:49Ne oldu ne yaptım ben yine
00:26:51Konuşmayayım konuşmayayım diyorum ama dayanamayacağım
00:26:53Çocuğum sen niye öpüyorsun Can Bey'i yanında
00:26:55Manyak mısın sen
00:26:57Anne bir anlık sevinçle
00:26:59Bir anlık coşkulu öptüm dedim ya
00:27:03Ne diye patronunu öpüyorsun
00:27:05Yakışıyor mu sana bu
00:27:07Hiç yakışmıyor babacığım
00:27:11Asıl bana yakışmıyor kızım seninle böyle konuşmak
00:27:13Asıl bana yakışmıyor
00:27:15Ya Sanem akıllı kızdır ne yaptığını bilir diyorum ama
00:27:17Olacak şey mi bu
00:27:19Bak Can Bey'i de zor durumda bıraktın şimdi
00:27:21Tamam bir daha yapmayacağım
00:27:23Tamam yapma bir daha yapma
00:27:25Yapmayacağım dedim ya babacığım
00:27:27Hadi benim işe dönmem gerekiyor
00:27:33Hadi aramayın artık ne olur
00:27:37Valla bana Türk konuşuyorsun falan diyorsun ama
00:27:39Maşallah Nihat sende pürpür gibi şakadan yani
00:27:41Bir konuşacaksın
00:27:43Pir konuşacaksın Mevki Bey
00:27:45Ağırlığını koyacaksın
00:27:47Öğren bunları artık benden
00:27:49Gurur duyuyorum ben sende de
00:27:51Bir de hatırlaman gerekenleri hatırlasan süper olacak
00:27:53Ney be
00:27:55İçmez miydiniz Nihat Bey
00:27:57Bakkala yetişmem lazım afiyet olsun size
00:27:59Hadi bakalım
00:28:01Dökül dökül
00:28:03Ay benim yakışıklı minnoşum
00:28:05Bir tanem benim ya
00:28:09Aslanım kaplanım koçum yiğidim be
00:28:15Artık sana yumuşamak yok
00:28:17Çünkü sen çakal ihsanla iş yaptın
00:28:19Yahu bu adamın adı çakal ihsan zaten
00:28:21Çakalın anlamı belli
00:28:23Türk dil kurumuna göre
00:28:25Üç kağıtçı düzenbaz madrabaz insan
00:28:27Şimdi ben ne anlatıyorum
00:28:29Ya oğlum
00:28:31Benzetme yapacaksın benzetme
00:28:33Çakalı ihsanı çakala benzetceksin
00:28:35Ondan sonra oradan kendimi çok fena benzetirim onu ya
00:28:39Sinirim bozuk benim yemin ediyorum o çakalı ihsanı da benzetirim
00:28:41Oğlum burada yoktun ne yapayım
00:28:43Adamcağızdan yardım istedim
00:28:45Çakal filan da deme adama canım ayıp bir şey
00:28:47Allah Allah ya
00:28:49Oldu olacak gelsin cici babam olsun
00:28:51Allah Allah ne ayıp şey
00:28:55Gerçekten çok kötü bir örnek verdim
00:28:57Lafın nereye gideceğini bilemedim
00:28:59Ağzımı hayıra kendimi bayıra açayım
00:29:01Benimde bu sinirimi bir tek şey paklar
00:29:03Sanem'i güzelce istemek
00:29:05O nerden çıktı öyle
00:29:07Hayır itiraz istemiyorum anacım
00:29:09Akşam gidiyoruz Sanem'i istiyoruz
00:29:11Alıyoruz çıkıyoruz
00:29:15Tamam peki
00:29:17Ayhan'cım yürü
00:29:19Aysun teyzeciğim görüşürüz
00:29:25Emre Bey
00:29:27YRT Holding için istediğiniz bütçet asabları
00:29:31Benden söylemeden getirdin demek
00:29:35Teşekkür ederim
00:29:37Bu da Ovidon'un fokus grup çalışmasının bilançosu
00:29:39Benden istediğiniz başka bir şey yoksa ben çıkıyorum
00:29:43Bir iki dakika otur lütfen
00:29:55Geçen gün çıktığımız yemekten beri gerginsin
00:29:57Fark ediyorum
00:29:59Yo değilim
00:30:01İşimi yapıyorum
00:30:03Yani yapmaya çalışıyorum en iyi şekilde
00:30:07Seni uzun zamandan beri iyi tanıyorum değil mi
00:30:11Sen benim bu şirkete en güvendiğim çalışanımsın
00:30:13Ben o yüzden götürdüm seni oraya
00:30:15Ailemden bile gizlediğim şeyleri seninle paylaşıyorum
00:30:17Tamam senin için zor bir durum olabilir
00:30:19Yeni bir durum olabilir
00:30:21Bunların hepsini anlıyorum
00:30:23Ama bütün bunlara alışman lazım
00:30:27Emre Bey anlıyorum
00:30:29Ama ben bu şekilde çalışmaya alışkın değilim
00:30:31Yani haddime aşı olmak istemem ama
00:30:33Yanlış geliyor bana
00:30:35Bak Leyla
00:30:37Sende kimsede olmayan bir ışık var
00:30:39Eğer kendini geliştirmek istiyorsan
00:30:41Bu işlerin nasıl yürüdüğünü öğrenip
00:30:43Böyle davranman lazım
00:30:47Tamam mı
00:30:53Konuyu kapattığımıza göre
00:30:55Eski halimize geri dönelim
00:31:01İzninizle ben çalışmaya döneyim
00:31:07Ah be Muzo
00:31:09Ben senin en yakın arkadaşın değil miyim
00:31:11Beni birazcık dinlesen
00:31:13Size bu hayatta sen hemsiyle ortak bir küme yok
00:31:15Kızım bu nasıl laflar ağzın çeksin
00:31:17Böyle bir laf olabilir mi
00:31:19İmajımı yenilemem gerek
00:31:21Benim sadece Candivit'i geçmem gerek
00:31:23İmaj olarak onun önüne geçmem gerek
00:31:25Yeneceğim seni Candivit
00:31:27Bak bu konuda haklısın
00:31:29Senin değişmeye ihtiyacın var
00:31:31Senin yenilenmeye ihtiyacın var
00:31:33Ve evet odaklanarak tek tek
00:31:35Bence bu işi çözebiliriz
00:31:37Hadi inşallah
00:31:39Unutmuş meleği
00:31:41Evdeki yıldönümümüzü unutmuş
00:31:43Ben anlatmaya çalışıyorum ama
00:31:45Böyle dönmem bakıyorsun atıma
00:31:47Ben de ne yaptırıyorsam saçlarımı
00:31:49Kendi kendime halleniyorum işte
00:31:51Sanki anlayan var da
00:31:53Yoksul öyle bir şey Mevkibem
00:31:55Nihat Beyciğim unutmaz seni
00:31:57Tanımıyor muyuz kaç yıldır adımı
00:31:59Daha neler
00:32:01Bak şimdi
00:32:03Biz ne yapalım biliyor musun
00:32:05Senin saçlarını şöyle bak
00:32:07Buradan alalım bu tarafa doğru
00:32:09Aşağıları da diyorum ki maşa yapalım
00:32:11Yok yok maşa yapmayalım
00:32:13Biz bütün kafaya maşa yapalım
00:32:15Ne dersin
00:32:17Kızım zaten benim saçım dalgalı
00:32:19Sen niye maşa yapıyorsun benim saçımı
00:32:21Bak demin dedin ya
00:32:23Şöyle alacağım dedin
00:32:25Burayı al yüzümün şekli çıksın
00:32:27Edalı edalı havalı havalı bir fön çek
00:32:29Böyle değişik olsun her zamankinden
00:32:31Öyle bir saç yap ki
00:32:33Görür görmez özel bir gün olduğunu anlasın
00:32:35Görür görmez anlasın da
00:32:37Senin bu kadar uğraşmana üzülmene gerek yok ki
00:32:39Ben giderim Nihat Bey'in yanına
00:32:41Böyle çaktırmadan
00:32:43İstemem ben öyle şey hayır
00:32:45Kendi hatırlarsa ne hala
00:32:47Yoksa yok
00:32:51Biz bu hallere düşecek karı koca mıydık
00:32:53Nolduk biz soğuduk mu birbirimizden
00:32:55Okey mi dönüyoruz biz acaba
00:32:57Bittik mi biz
00:32:59Mevki ben ne alakası var
00:33:01Yoktur öyle bir şey canım arkadaşım
00:33:03Aa Aslı
00:33:05Gel yavrum gel buraya
00:33:07Sen şimdi Mevki ablana şöyle
00:33:09Telgili güzel bir kahve yap
00:33:11Biliyordum vazgeçtim şey yap sen
00:33:13Geçen gün biz papatyalığı kuruttuk ya
00:33:15Sen şimdi onları böyle kaynar suya koy
00:33:17Dinlendir biraz getir
00:33:19İyi gelir benim arkadaşıma
00:33:21Rahatlar sinirleri böyle
00:33:23Gerginliği gider hadi bakalım
00:33:25Durumun papatyalık diyorsun yani
00:33:27Valla bittik biz ya
00:33:29Bittik gerçekten bittik biz
00:33:33Mevki be
00:33:37Niye böyle kendini bırakıyorsun arkadaşım
00:33:39Sen papatyalık kocanı tanımıyor musun
00:33:41Unutulma böyle şeyleri
00:33:43Tamam artık yeter ağlamak bitti dön bakayım sen buraya
00:33:45Hadi bakalım
00:33:47Ben şimdi var ya
00:33:49Sana öyle bir saç yapacağım ki
00:33:51Bırak Nihat Bey'i
00:33:53Kız bütün mahalle anlayacak bir şey olduğunu
00:33:55Yap kız Melihat
00:33:57Öyle güzel olayım ki böyle arzu endam edip
00:33:59Bakkala doğru yürüyeyim kocam beni bir beğensin
00:34:01Oh çok heyecanlıyım
00:34:09Can Bey çayınızı getirdim
00:34:13Hanim ben etrafta kimseyi göremiyorum
00:34:15Ne demiştik etrafta kimse yokken
00:34:17Can Bey denirse bana ne yapıyordum
00:34:19Can çayını getirdim
00:34:21Kendine de alsaydın birlikte içerdik
00:34:23Yok artık karşılıklı çay mı içecektik bir de
00:34:31Çayını getir
00:34:33Çayını getir
00:34:35Çayını getir
00:34:41Bir şey söyleyeceğim
00:34:43Böyle olmayacak ben dayanamayacağım
00:34:45Sürekli seni arıyor gözlerim
00:34:47Sürekli seni düşünürken duyuyorum kendimi
00:34:49Ben de öyle
00:34:51Ben sürekli kendi kendime konuşuyorum
00:34:53Biri duyacak da deli sanacak diye çok korkuyorum
00:34:57Can Bey yok
00:34:59Ne oluyor?
00:35:07Ne oluyor Cece?
00:35:29Ne oldu buna?
00:35:41Toplantı varmış Can Bey
00:35:43Toplantı salonunda sizi bekliyoruz dedi
00:35:45Öyle mi? Tamam
00:35:51Havayı oksitlemeden tane tane
00:35:53Anlat bakalım derdin nedir sana
00:35:59Biraz konuşalım mı?
00:36:01Olmaz konuşamayız Emre Bey
00:36:13Ah Mevku Bey'e bak
00:36:25Ne haber Nihat?
00:36:27Geçiyor mu kocacığım?
00:36:29Yani işte bildiğin gibi Mevku Bey
00:36:31Öyle çok gelen giden olmadı ama
00:36:33Şükür Allah'a işte bir iki kişi geldi
00:36:39Allah Allah
00:36:41Hayırdır Mevku Bey?
00:36:43Sen pek bir hareketlisin bugün
00:36:45Her zamanki halim
00:36:47Yok yok
00:36:49Bugün ayrı bir güzellik var sende Mevku Bey
00:36:51Bugün başkasın ya bugün çok güzelsin
00:37:03Mevku Bey
00:37:07Ellerin mis gibi içli köfte kokuyor
00:37:09Deme ya
00:37:11Mevku Bey sen iki dakika dur ben hemen eve gideyim geleyim
00:37:15Bir dakika bir dakika
00:37:17Nereden çıktı şimdi bu?
00:37:19Niye gidiyorsun?
00:37:21Belki iki laf edecektik şurada
00:37:23Eskiden böyle miydi?
00:37:25Bakamazdın böyle uzun uzun
00:37:27Sonsuza kadar sürüsün isterdin ne oldu şimdi?
00:37:29Ya Mevku Bey
00:37:31Böyle burnuma burnuma geldi canım çok çekti
00:37:33Ben iki dakika gideyim hemen gelirim
00:37:35Yemin ediyorum içli köfte kadar
00:37:37Kıymetim varsa benim
00:37:39Yemin ediyorum
00:37:41Şu modelle bile olmadı ya
00:37:45Evlenme yıldönümüm benim ya
00:37:47Niye olmuyor?
00:37:51Rezil oldum
00:37:55Sonsuza kadar
00:37:57Sonsuza kadar
00:37:59Sonsuza kadar
00:38:01Sonsuza kadar
00:38:03Sonsuza kadar
00:38:05Sonsuza kadar
00:38:07Sonsuza kadar
00:38:09Sonsuza kadar
00:38:11Sonsuza kadar
00:38:13Sonsuza kadar
00:38:15Sonsuza kadar
00:38:17Sonsuza kadar
00:38:19Sonsuza kadar
00:38:21Sonsuza kadar
00:38:23Sonsuza kadar
00:38:25Sonsuza kadar
00:38:27Sonsuza kadar
00:38:29Sonsuza kadar
00:38:31Sonsuza kadar
00:38:33Sonsuza kadar
00:38:35Sonsuza kadar
00:38:37Sonsuza kadar
00:38:39Müşterinin o vidonun yeni arabasını alabilmesi için
00:38:41Ürünle bağ kurması lazım Derenciğim
00:38:43Artık gençler için önemli olan şey
00:38:45Heyecan, adrenalin, aksiyon
00:38:47Romantizm gibi gereksiz şeylere girmeyelim
00:38:49Bence çok banal
00:38:51Bence tam tersini düşünüyorum
00:38:53Bu kadar genç insanın
00:38:55Müşteriyle bağ kurabilmesi için
00:38:57Bizim romantizmden ilerlememiz gerekiyor
00:38:59Çünkü bizim fokus grubumuzu
00:39:01Genç çiftler oluşturuyor
00:39:03Ne yapıcaz biz çift çift bunları dağdan mı atıcaz yani
00:39:05Senin macera anlayışında ne zaten
00:39:07Ben çok merak ediyorum
00:39:09Tamam arkadaşlar yeterli
00:39:11Ben hepinizi yeterince dinledim
00:39:13Soru şu
00:39:15Bu yaş gençlere aşkı ve ürünü anlatırken
00:39:17Macera mı romantizm mi
00:39:19Oylamayasın diyorum macera diyenler
00:39:23Aklı başında 8 kişi çıktı buradan
00:39:25Romantizm diyenler
00:39:35Çabuk oy ver
00:39:37Ben duymadım ki
00:39:39Romantizm mi macera
00:39:417 oy romantizme
00:39:43Romantizmi seç
00:39:45Kaldır elini kaldır
00:39:47Benim aklım fikrim romantizmdi
00:39:49İşte bu kadar
00:39:51O zaman hem macera hem romantizm
00:39:53Olmaz ki öyle ikisi aynı anda
00:39:55Olmaz ikisi bir arada olmaz
00:39:57Olur fokus grubu toplayın
00:39:5918-25 yaş arası 6 çift bulun
00:40:01Sizde çalışırken 2 ayrılın
00:40:03Maceracılar ayrı çalışsın romantikler ayrı çalışsın sonuçları görelim
00:40:05Tamam biz bulalım fokus grubu da
00:40:07Biz nerde yapıcaz bu çalışmayı
00:40:21Çarpışan arabalara binelim
00:40:23Evet çarpışan arabalara binelim
00:40:25Çok merak ediyordum da
00:40:27Arkadaşlar yarın lunaparkdayız
00:41:01Telefon çalıyor
00:41:07Efendim baba
00:41:11Ben annene dünyanın en güzel hediyesini vermek istiyorum
00:41:13I want to write a poem. What am I going to do?
00:41:15Dad, what happened? Why did your phobia get worse again?
00:41:18Yes, it did.
00:41:19God, what do you mean my phobias got worse again?
00:41:21Have you ever been caught in the rain of tomatoes while you were waiting for the applause at the school ceremony?
00:41:29I mean, a similar situation happened to me, of course.
00:41:34No, sir. No, yours is not counted.
00:41:36There are no things that come from the past.
00:41:38You are considered a writer now.
00:41:40The script you wrote was chosen among thousands of applications.
00:41:43Such a movie was shot once.
00:41:45No, you are good enough.
00:41:47Don't give up. Don't give up. Forget it once.
00:41:49Okay, okay, dad. What are you going to do?
00:41:52That's exactly what I did to you, my daughter.
00:41:55Sanem, my mother is preparing a lot in the evening.
00:41:58I haven't written three lines yet, my daughter.
00:42:00It doesn't work. What am I going to do?
00:42:01Okay, dad. I trust you. You can do it.
00:42:04Well, I was going to ask you to write it, my daughter.
00:42:07What do I know about poetry? I'm not a poet, dad.
00:42:10I mean, the important thing is not that I write, it's your writing.
00:42:14My mother has been saying that if you write a poem for me one day, I will believe your love for me.
00:42:19It's not because she expects a beautiful poem anyway.
00:42:21It's because she wants you to face this monster inside you.
00:42:26So you say I don't write.
00:42:27I can't write, dad. I'm sorry.
00:42:29Look, you sit down, turn on some nice music, okay?
00:42:32Sit down, get yourself in the mood, you'll write, I'm sure.
00:42:35Well, let's try it that way.
00:42:38See you at dinner, girl.
00:42:40Okay, dad. I trust you. I kiss you a lot.
00:42:42Me too, me too.
00:42:51Did you get it?
00:42:52Got it.
00:42:53Send me your ideas.
00:42:58Now let's talk about what's romantic about Luna Park.
00:43:02There's a romantic cotton candy in Luna Park.
00:43:04There's a revolving cabinet, a horse ant, Maytab, Hawaiian flowers, they're there.
00:43:08Then there's boxing.
00:43:11Even his lovers go to him.
00:43:13For example, a girl hits a boxer, he gets a low score.
00:43:16The man hits slowly so that the girl wins.
00:43:18They get engaged to something, they give the bear or something.
00:43:20Love and happiness.
00:43:23I've never been to Luna Park.
00:43:25That's why I said we're always on the train, I know from there.
00:43:28You've never been there?
00:43:30But we're going now, Ceycey, don't worry.
00:43:33Okay, what else is a romantic idea?
00:43:36I say let's bring a famous singer to sing romantic songs.
00:43:40I'm sorry, what budget do you have? Do you have money?
00:43:42A lot.
00:43:43Note down what comes to your mind and bring it to me, okay?
00:43:47We are so-called student writers.
00:43:49Of course, no one writes to us.
00:43:52I'm telling you the general concept now.
00:43:54There are six couples going to Luna Park together.
00:43:57They have the most romantic moments of their lives.
00:44:00Then they get in their romantic cars and rush home.
00:44:05This is our concept.
00:44:07By the way, I'm waiting for Metin from Metin Writers for advertising.
00:44:10Sanem, you will also work.
00:44:12I will use whichever I like.
00:44:14You can't find more romantic than me right now.
00:44:18I believe you.
00:44:20By the way, don't show anything to your family and team.
00:44:24Otherwise, they will steal our ideas.
00:44:29You are always with me.
00:44:31You are always with him.
00:44:33Don't exaggerate.
00:44:58I'm sorry.
00:45:11What's going on, Deren?
00:45:12Can, we need to talk about Aylin.
00:45:14Really? Let's talk.
00:45:18Aylin has to leave this agency.
00:45:20You don't know Aylin enough.
00:45:23Because you weren't here.
00:45:24I'm telling you, this woman is a devil.
00:45:28Look, do you see how you look at us?
00:45:30Do you see?
00:45:35What do you want me to do, Deren?
00:45:36The movie we're working on wants her as an advisor.
00:45:38I'm just telling you to be careful.
00:45:40Open your eyes wide.
00:45:41Look, if you pay attention to Aylin's looks, her behavior, her every move,
00:45:45then you'll understand what I mean, Can.
00:45:50As long as you're comfortable.
00:45:52Do you want me to make you coffee?
00:45:53No, I don't want coffee.
00:45:55Because you can't get away with coffee this time.
00:45:57I messed up last time.
00:46:00I owe you a drink.
00:46:02Okay, we'll figure something out.
00:46:03Okay, let's figure it out.
00:46:05We'll create an opportunity soon.
00:46:08I'll remind you.
00:46:10See you.
00:46:11See you, bye bye.
00:46:16Mr. Harun will be here soon, sir.
00:46:18Is that so, sir?
00:46:19Regards, sir.
00:46:20Mr. Harun also...
00:46:22What kind of relationship is this, girl?
00:46:24You go into what you call a barber,
00:46:26you get your hair and beard cut in 15 minutes,
00:46:28you spend 15 liras, that's what a barber is.
00:46:30You're telling me to start over,
00:46:33and you're talking like a barber.
00:46:35But is that possible?
00:46:36Would you look at this?
00:46:38You call this a barber.
00:46:40This is the hair design center.
00:46:43Besides, don't act like this.
00:46:45Because if you act like this, you can't finish Can.
00:46:48Okay, sorry.
00:46:49I'm putting myself in your safe hands.
00:46:51You won't put yourself in my safe hands,
00:46:52you'll put yourself in Mr. Harun's safe hands.
00:46:54He's on his way.
00:46:56Welcome, Mr. Harun.
00:47:13How do I look?
00:47:14I mean...
00:47:21How do I look?
00:47:22I mean...
00:47:52This is it.
00:47:53Thank God, this is it.
00:48:07Here you go.
00:48:08I wrote my essay.
00:48:09Bring it to me.
00:48:10I'm very hopeful of you.
00:48:11And I'm very hopeful of myself.
00:48:22This is a disgraceful thing.
00:48:24How did you write such a bad thing?
00:48:26Is there any romanticism in cookery?
00:48:28This is not romantic at all.
00:48:29Go write this from the beginning.
00:48:30I don't understand.
00:48:31What didn't you like?
00:48:32If there was a place to be liked,
00:48:33go work on it.
00:48:34Tear it up.
00:48:35If there is a breathless beginning,
00:48:36this is a disaster.
00:48:39I think you're being prejudiced.
00:48:41I'm about to scream right now, Salim.
00:48:43Do you want to hear it?
00:48:45I'm about to cry, too.
00:48:46Don't cry, go write.
00:48:49I'm about to cry, too.
00:48:50Don't cry, go write.
00:48:51Yes, ma'am.
00:49:05Girl, what happened?
00:49:06Are you surprised?
00:49:07Slow down.
00:49:09I think Nihat has a secret surprise for me inside.
00:49:13I'm going in quietly.
00:49:14I'm going to look at it without blinking.
00:49:18I'm going in.
00:49:19I'm going in.
00:49:47I'm going in.
00:50:03You can take this off, too.
00:50:04Okay, then.
00:50:09How is it going?
00:50:11I was going to ask you for something.
00:50:13I wrote something like this for Lula Park.
00:50:15Can you read it?
00:50:23It's funny, isn't it?
00:50:24Are you serious?
00:50:28Did you write this?
00:50:30I'm curious.
00:50:31It's so bad.
00:50:32It's really bad.
00:50:33It's really, really, really bad.
00:50:35Where did the romance with Kukla come from?
00:50:38I guess you want to get your revenge.
00:50:39Focus group.
00:50:40What is it?
00:50:41You don't understand my brain at all.
00:50:45I think you should take this.
00:50:46Burn it.
00:50:47Throw it away.
00:50:48Write it again.
00:50:49Write it again.
00:50:52Because I'm thinking.
00:50:56Yes, sir.
00:50:57Let's go.
00:50:58Let's go.
00:51:16You're always thinking about the stomach, aren't you, Nihat?
00:51:19Don't think about me all the time.
00:51:20Don't think about me.
00:51:22You forgot, didn't you?
00:51:24You forgot.
00:51:26Oh, my God.
00:51:27Was this going to happen to me too?
00:51:30I'm sorry.
00:51:31I'm sorry.
00:51:32I'm sorry.
00:51:33I'm sorry.
00:51:34I'm sorry.
00:51:35I'm sorry.
00:51:36I'm sorry.
00:51:37I'm sorry.
00:51:38I'm sorry.
00:51:39I'm sorry.
00:51:40I'm sorry.
00:51:41I'm sorry.
00:51:43I hope it's erased from the calendar today.
00:51:45I hope it's not scattered again.
00:51:52Can you ever forget such a thing?
00:51:54Is this forgettable?
00:51:56Our happiest day.
00:51:58Exactly 30 years ago.
00:52:00You, me, we were.
00:52:02We put our heads on the same pillow.
00:52:05Can you forget such a thing, Mevki?
00:52:09But you don't give me a break.
00:52:11You're always after me.
00:52:13I guess we have some preparations for ourselves.
00:52:15We have some surprises.
00:52:16But you don't leave me alone.
00:52:17He's always after me.
00:52:18He's always after me.
00:52:19I thought you forgot.
00:52:20I'm sorry.
00:52:21I'm sorry.
00:52:22I don't know.
00:52:23I'm so sorry.
00:52:24Oh, Mevki.
00:52:25Can you ever forget such a thing?
00:52:28Is this forgettable, Mevki?
00:52:29We spent exactly 30 years with you.
00:52:32I'm jumping, aren't I?
00:52:34I'm always jumping.
00:52:37I'm sorry.
00:52:53Why did you call me?
00:52:57I love her.
00:52:58She's my favorite.
00:53:01What happened?
00:53:02Are you throwing down the authors of the un-creative texts?
00:53:04Of course not.
00:53:05What's on your mind?
00:53:07I don't know what's on my mind right now.
00:53:11I don't know.
00:53:12I want to know what's on your mind.
00:53:15I mean, why are we still in the middle of this mess?
00:53:19Why don't you just spit out what's on your mind?
00:53:23Should we talk openly?
00:53:24I mean, when the right time comes, one day...
00:53:28You say one day.
00:53:29You say it's not today.
00:53:33I mean, I want these issues to be solved as soon as possible.
00:53:38I'll tell you something.
00:53:40I don't want to be rude, but love is different.
00:53:43I swear by the texts I wrote.
00:53:45I think the texts I wrote were very good, but you may be right.
00:53:49Love is different, work is different.
00:53:51It's nice to stand behind it.
00:53:53Look, I'm going to give you life-saving advice.
00:53:55Are you ready?
00:53:56I'm ready.
00:53:57It's coming.
00:53:58Be yourself.
00:54:00Be comfortable.
00:54:02Write whatever comes to your mind.
00:54:03You'll see the difference.
00:54:05You're killing me.
00:54:07How am I going to write a text?
00:54:09Anyway, I'll go before anyone sees me.
00:54:10Before you go, give me a kiss on the way.
00:54:14Come on.
00:54:25You want me to hug you.
00:54:28That's fine.
00:54:31It saves the day.
00:54:32There's no miracle left, right?
00:54:36Because I'm in trouble.
00:55:00I'm in trouble.
00:55:01I'm in trouble.
00:55:02I'm in trouble.
00:55:03I'm in trouble.
00:55:04I'm in trouble.
00:55:05I'm in trouble.
00:55:06I'm in trouble.
00:55:07I'm in trouble.
00:55:08I'm in trouble.
00:55:09I'm in trouble.
00:55:10I'm in trouble.
00:55:11I'm in trouble.
00:55:12I'm in trouble.
00:55:13I'm in trouble.
00:55:14I'm in trouble.
00:55:15I'm in trouble.
00:55:16I'm in trouble.
00:55:17I'm in trouble.
00:55:18I'm in trouble.
00:55:19I'm in trouble.
00:55:20I'm in trouble.
00:55:21I'm in trouble.
00:55:22I'm in trouble.
00:55:23I'm in trouble.
00:55:24I'm in trouble.
00:55:25I'm in trouble.
00:55:26I'm in trouble.
00:55:27I'm in trouble.
00:55:28I'm in trouble.
00:55:29I'm in trouble.
00:55:30I'm in trouble.
00:55:31I'm in trouble.
00:55:32I'm in trouble.
00:55:33I'm in trouble.
00:55:34I'm in trouble.
00:55:35I'm in trouble.
00:55:36I'm in trouble.
00:55:37I'm in trouble.
00:55:38I'm in trouble.
00:55:39I'm in trouble.
00:55:40I'm in trouble.
00:55:41I'm in trouble.
00:55:42I'm in trouble.
00:55:43I'm in trouble.
00:55:44I'm in trouble.
00:55:45I'm in trouble.
00:55:46I'm in trouble.
00:55:47I'm in trouble.
00:55:48I'm in trouble.
00:55:49I'm in trouble.
00:55:50I'm in trouble.
00:55:51I'm in trouble.
00:55:52I'm in trouble.
00:55:53I'm in trouble.
00:55:54I'm in trouble.
00:55:55I'm in trouble.
00:55:56I'm in trouble.
00:55:57I'm in trouble.
00:55:58I'm in trouble.
00:55:59I'm in trouble.
00:56:00I'm in trouble.
00:56:01I'm in trouble.
00:56:02I'm in trouble.
00:56:03I'm in trouble.
00:56:04I'm in trouble.
00:56:05I'm in trouble.
00:56:06I'm in trouble.
00:56:07I'm in trouble.
00:56:08I'm in trouble.
00:56:09I'm in trouble.
00:56:10I'm in trouble.
00:56:11I'm in trouble.
00:56:12I'm in trouble.
00:56:13I'm in trouble.
00:56:14I'm in trouble.
00:56:15I'm in trouble.
00:56:16I'm in trouble.
00:56:17I'm in trouble.
00:56:18I'm in trouble.
00:56:19I'm in trouble.
00:56:20I'm in trouble.
00:56:21I'm in trouble.
00:56:22I'm in trouble.
00:56:23I'm in trouble.
00:56:24I'm in trouble.
00:56:25I'm in trouble.
00:56:26I'm in trouble.
00:56:27I'm in trouble.
00:56:28I'm in trouble.
00:56:29I'm in trouble.
00:56:30I'm in trouble.
00:56:31I'm in trouble.
00:56:32I'm in trouble.
00:56:33I'm in trouble.
00:56:34I'm in trouble.
00:56:35I'm in trouble.
00:56:36Please let me off.
00:56:37My father is very single.
00:56:41There are no other male employees here.
00:56:50She's a pilot.
00:56:54But you really are incompetent.
00:56:58Not like that. Not in that sense.
00:57:02Actually, I'd like to ask you for a favor.
00:57:04A small favor. A small favor.
00:57:07An idea. I mean...
00:57:09An idea.
00:57:12Are you moving?
00:57:14I'm not moving.
00:57:15I mean, I'm sorry, Sanem.
00:57:18I don't have time and I'm working in the park. You know that.
00:57:22Did I do that to you when you were working at the galley?
00:57:25You were crying all over the place, saying, idea, idea.
00:57:28You were writing nonsense here.
00:57:30Didn't I give you an idea?
00:57:32Thanks to me, didn't you choose that text?
00:57:35I need an idea.
00:57:38I'm in a very bad situation, you know?
00:57:42What sorry? And he's speaking English.
00:57:45I'm going crazy.
00:57:48Did I write you on the blacklist?
00:57:51I won't forget you.
00:57:55You come to my door, saying, idea, idea. You cry.
00:57:58And I say, idea, idea.
00:58:00Do you understand?
00:58:03I won't forget you.
00:58:11It's beautiful, guys.
00:58:25Let's go, Sanem.
00:58:49Brother, we can't use that.
00:58:50You were going to use that object for advertising, sir.
00:58:53What's going on? Why is everyone here?
00:58:54The phone is ringing. Wait.
00:58:56Get out of the way.
00:58:57Excuse me, Ayaan?
00:58:59What's up, JJ?
00:59:00What's up, Mehm, what's up?
00:59:01Ayaan, what's gonna happen?
00:59:03Everyone is on me again.
00:59:04Everything is on me.
00:59:05That way I'm carrying on with the company's responsibilities.
00:59:09If it doesn't work out, I'm in a mess, I'm screwed.
00:59:12Always like this.
00:59:14I'm not good.
00:59:14I'm not good at answering questions.
00:59:16I understand, you must be stressed.
00:59:19I called you for a coach trip.
00:59:22We haven't been doing it in a while.
00:59:23You look like you need it. Come tonight if you want.
00:59:26I can't, Ayhan. How can I come tonight? It's impossible for me to come.
00:59:29I work so hard. I have Luna Park shooting and they're all on me.
00:59:33A crazy person threw a stone at someone and there were 40 crazy people in the well.
00:59:38That crazy stone...
00:59:40I don't get it. I don't know what I'm saying. I can't get it out of my head.
00:59:43Does a crazy person throw a stone at a crazy person? I don't know.
00:59:45Anyway, I can't come.
00:59:47When I'm done, it doesn't seem like I'm done.
00:59:49I don't understand anything.
00:59:50You can't understand. I don't expect you to understand.
00:59:52People who don't live can't understand.
00:59:54You can't understand. That's why you can't understand.
00:59:57But I need you, Ceycey.
01:00:01For marketing.
01:00:02My website's ads are all over the place.
01:00:04You promised me you'd help me.
01:00:06I promised you, but wait a second. Let me look at my schedule.
01:00:10Let me look at my schedule.
01:00:11Yes. Yes, today is Sunday. Okay.
01:00:15I don't know. Bathroom, breakfast, office, tea, coffee.
01:00:20I have a 30-minute break in between.
01:00:21I have a 30-minute break when I leave in the evening. I'll drop by. Okay, Ayan?
01:00:24Okay, then. See you in the evening.
01:00:27Ceycey. Ceycey.
01:00:29Do you have the file I took to the archive room?
01:00:31What happened? Where is it?
01:00:33I couldn't find it. It's in the archive room.
01:00:34Don't ask me everything.
01:00:36You don't look at it. You ask me everything. That's enough.
01:00:43Give it to me. Here you go.
01:00:45I'm expecting something very nice this time.
01:00:47Absolutely. I think it's very good.
01:00:50I'm expecting something very nice this time.
01:00:52I think it's very good. I think it's very good.
01:00:54No, no. I think you should give up for today.
01:00:57I mean, because you're not very romantic.
01:01:01I mean, it's not possible. You can't do it. Don't force it.
01:01:05Pretty much.
01:01:12What happened? What happened?
01:01:14I fell asleep.
01:01:15What happened? Open your eyes. What happened?
01:01:17I fell asleep.
01:01:19Now, look.
01:01:21Now, you're doing this so that I don't look like I'm falling in love with someone else.
01:01:25Now, don't do it.
01:01:28You're so funny.
01:01:30You're so funny.
01:01:32You're acting so well, you know? You're acting so well.
01:01:39Why would I fall in love with you?
01:01:43I mean, if it's good, it's good. If it's bad, it's bad.
01:01:45You're still acting.
01:01:47It's so bad, Sanem.
01:01:49I mean, I'm confused, too.
01:01:51I mean, you're not romantic at all.
01:01:53At all?
01:01:55Not at all.
01:01:56You can't do it, Sanem. It's not possible, really.
01:02:01Okay, I'm going to do something for you to make you believe me.
01:02:03Thank you.
01:02:04Look, you see? I ripped it.
01:02:06I gave it to you like this.
01:02:09I mean, that's how it is in this agency, Sanem.
01:02:10I mean, if you're going to work in this agency,
01:02:12you're going to be the best in the agency, or like this.
01:02:15You're going to be used to looking at the trash.
01:02:18I can be romantic.
01:02:20I write romanticism, too.
01:02:22Romanticism with a doll would be great,
01:02:24but I think you don't get it.
01:02:26The first one I wrote was great.
01:02:27You spent it. It was great.
01:02:29You ripped it.
01:02:32See you in the evening.
01:02:41I'll come to you in the evening. See you.
01:02:47We had an argument a while ago.
01:02:48Yes. I mean, love is different, work is different.
01:02:52I'll tell you something, though.
01:02:54When you're angry, you become so sweet.
01:02:58I'm still angry, though.
01:03:00What do you mean, love is different, work is different?
01:03:03What kind of world is this?
01:03:06Is this the world of advertising?
01:03:09Oh, my God.
01:03:15Yes, Volkan, I chose your text.
01:03:17It's really successful.
01:03:18Well done. Congratulations.
01:03:20Guys, we can take it for today.
01:03:23Everyone can go home. Thank you.
01:03:26Thank you.
01:03:34I won't forget you.
01:03:46Don't give me ideas if you don't.
01:03:50What's going on?
01:03:50Nothing. I'm working with my friend.
01:03:53Come here. I need to talk to you.
01:03:54What happened?
01:03:54Come here.
01:03:55What happened?
01:03:58What's going on?
01:03:59What's going on?
01:04:00I mean, a lot of things are going on.
01:04:01I don't want to tell you, but you won't believe me.
01:04:03I'm right behind you. Tell me.
01:04:09Sanem, what are you doing?
01:04:10What kind of behavior is this?
01:04:12I'm being ridiculous, right?
01:04:14Yes, I'm doing very unbalanced things.
01:04:17I can't move with my logic.
01:04:19I really want to move with my logic,
01:04:21but I think love is against logic.
01:04:23I mean, love is trying to shake the logic.
01:04:25I'm sure.
01:04:26I want to do my job.
01:04:27I want to be an independent girl, but I can't.
01:04:30A smile.
01:04:32I'm losing my mind.
01:04:33Something is going on in my hand and in my foot.
01:04:36What are you saying? What are you talking about?
01:04:38I don't understand anything. What's going on?
01:04:40I'll give you a secret, but don't tell anyone.
01:04:43I hope it's a good one.
01:04:45Okay, give it to me.
01:04:48Can and I...
01:04:51I mean, Can and I...
01:04:54We're in love.
01:04:58Do you have a fever or something?
01:05:00Did your blood pressure drop?
01:05:02I don't think you know what you're saying.
01:05:04You're not well right now.
01:05:05You're not yourself. I don't think you know what you're saying.
01:05:07I know.
01:05:08I'm saying we're in love.
01:05:10We can even go to the cinema. We're that much in love.
01:05:13Sanem, don't be ridiculous. What are you talking about?
01:05:14Is this something that's going to happen?
01:05:16Okay, I know we had this dream,
01:05:17but looking at it from a realistic point of view,
01:05:19it's not something that's going to happen.
01:05:21Even if it did, it wouldn't go anywhere.
01:05:22Why wouldn't it? Why wouldn't it be something that's going to happen?
01:05:25Sanem, look, you're coming from different places.
01:05:30Mr. Can is already here today, and tomorrow he'll be there.
01:05:32He's a guy who's always wandering around.
01:05:34He'll leave tomorrow and go.
01:05:35And you're going to stay here as the grocer Sanem.
01:05:37No, I'm the intern Metin Yazar.
01:05:40Besides, Can's not going anywhere.
01:05:43Are you sure?
01:05:44Look, don't try to do something that's not going to happen, Sanem, please.
01:05:47Would you listen to me?
01:05:49This is not something that's going to happen.
01:05:51Besides, their lives and ours are not the same.
01:05:54They think they can do anything.
01:05:56I can do whatever I want.
01:05:58Why can't I?
01:05:59As long as my sister is a little positive.
01:06:01I'm positive. I'm actually speaking positively right now.
01:06:03If you really listen to me, I'm talking about your well-being right now.
01:06:07I really don't want to listen to anything.
01:06:08I don't want to think about anything.
01:06:10Grocer Sanem is going to save the world right now.
01:06:12Sanem, please don't.
01:06:15Because Grocer Sanem is going to bring down the world.
01:06:19Leyla, can you take a look?
01:06:23Can you send these to Yerete Holding's account?
01:06:25Of course, Mr. Emre.
01:06:27Brother, did you call Yerete Holding's business?
01:06:31Wow, where did you hear that from?
01:06:34Siyus called a little while ago.
01:06:36He's a senior in our high school.
01:06:37It's an incredible move.
01:06:38It's really an incredible move. I'm proud of you.
01:06:54Sanem, how are you?
01:06:57I'm fine, Ms. Aylin.
01:06:58We haven't been able to talk to you about the ring since this morning.
01:07:01I hope you don't feel bad about it anymore.
01:07:04I mean, I had to lie again.
01:07:07This situation really upsets me.
01:07:09Let's not talk about this anymore.
01:07:12Okay, don't worry.
01:07:13We won't talk about the ring again.
01:07:21See you.
01:07:34Hi, I was looking for Ceycey.
01:07:37Ceycey? She should be around here.
01:07:43You're Ceycey's...
01:07:44I'm a close friend of Ceycey's.
01:07:46Where is Ceycey's hometown, for God's sake?
01:07:49Is this our topic now?
01:07:53Your knitting is nice.
01:07:54I don't like your work.
01:07:56It's not nice, it's not good because you just did it.
01:07:59It's not nice, it's not good because you just did it.
01:08:01It's not nice, it's not good because you just did it.
01:08:04You should be more creative. I don't like it.
01:08:17What are you doing?
01:08:18What are you doing here?
01:08:23The whole village dreamed of you that night.
01:08:26They sent you this box.
01:08:32See you, Ceycey.
01:08:38See you.
01:08:45Wasn't your village somewhere far away?
01:08:48Where is this girl going now?
01:08:49What did they send you?
01:08:51What's going on?
01:08:52What's going on?
01:08:57Stop it!
01:08:58Stop it!
01:09:00What's in there?
01:09:10They look delicious.
01:09:11Let me take it.
01:09:13Let's open this box together.
01:09:15I can only show you what's inside.
01:09:17Because you're my closest friend.
01:09:20What if we open it now?
01:09:21Not now. Come on, let's go.
01:09:25Am I your best friend?
01:09:26Yes, you and Mr. Can are my best friends.
01:09:33Osman, Sanem is humiliating herself.
01:09:35You should see how she is at work.
01:09:37She's in love with Mr. Can.
01:09:40She didn't say anything when she said she was getting divorced.
01:09:41But now it doesn't seem like it's going to happen.
01:09:44Sanem needs to realize that.
01:09:47I'm talking to her, but she's not listening.
01:09:49Why don't you talk to her?
01:09:51Leyla, I can't talk like this.
01:09:53Osman, Mr. Can is not the kind of person who can have a relationship.
01:09:57He's not the kind of person who can get involved with someone.
01:09:59Sanem's heart is going to break again.
01:10:01You're in love with Mr. Emre.
01:10:03Why can't you have a relationship with Mr. Emre or Sanem?
01:10:06It's either a yes or a no. I don't know about that.
01:10:08At least she should try.
01:10:10She should try to be happy.
01:10:11Osman, Mr. Emre and I are not the same.
01:10:14Besides, Mr. Emre is not the kind of person I thought he was.
01:10:17He's been through a lot lately.
01:10:18Leyla, don't.
01:10:20I don't want to talk about him.
01:10:23My heart can't take it. Don't you get it?
01:10:29There's nothing I can say. I understand.
01:10:33Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at you.
01:10:35I couldn't even look you in the eye for years.
01:10:39I shouldn't have said it like this.
01:10:42I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have said it at all.
01:10:45Osman, I don't know what to say right now.
01:10:49I'm not expecting an answer.
01:10:51Leyla, I know we can't be together.
01:10:55I see you're in love with someone else.
01:10:57Osman, so why...
01:10:59I don't know.
01:11:02At first, I didn't know how to tell you.
01:11:06Then, being with you and looking you in the eye was enough.
01:11:16Don't do it. Don't be sad for me.
01:11:19I poured my heart out.
01:11:22I've lightened up. I can look ahead now.
01:11:31I hope you'll be very happy.
01:11:43Look, this is from here. Look and learn.
01:11:45Don't call me again after that.
01:11:47Did you see? Okay, you click this.
01:11:49Okay, it's done. It'll be in the ads.
01:11:51There's a search engine now. It's done.
01:11:56Ceycey, we went to a shop that sells tent stuff.
01:12:02Should we go there again?
01:12:04Why would we go there? I don't like camping.
01:12:06I stayed because Mr. Can wanted me to.
01:12:07I couldn't resist because he's the boss. I don't like camping.
01:12:09No, it's not for camping.
01:12:11We had a nice chat there.
01:12:13We talked sweetly.
01:12:15What chat? I don't remember anything like that.
01:12:17I don't want to remember anything like that.
01:12:19Ceycey, wait a minute.
01:12:20What do you mean, wait a minute?
01:12:22Maybe your feelings and my feelings are mutual.
01:12:31Look, it's like an electric shock.
01:12:35I'm on the edge of that electric shock.
01:12:40I don't know how to say it.
01:12:42I'm even shocking myself.
01:12:44Don't shock yourself or me.
01:12:53I'm in love with you.
01:12:54No, don't be in love. Where did that come from?
01:12:57You can't be in love. Don't be in love with me.
01:12:59I have hobbies, okay?
01:13:00I can't be with you.
01:13:02I can't be with someone who's never been in love before.
01:13:03I can't take this stress.
01:13:04For example, orange juice.
01:13:06I can't drink the first sip of orange juice.
01:13:08I'll spill it on the floor. I'll spill it on the floor.
01:13:09Then I can drink it. I'm obsessive, Ayhan.
01:13:11I'm obsessive. Stay away from me.
01:13:13Stay away from me.
01:13:15I'm losing my voice, Ece.
01:13:16I'm losing my voice. I'm losing my voice.
01:13:18I can't speak.
01:13:20Don't come near me. Don't come near me.
01:13:27No, Ayhan. No, Ayhan.
01:13:29You can't do this, okay?
01:13:30This can't happen between us.
01:13:32Don't come near me. No.
01:13:46Happy anniversary of our marriage.
01:13:48Happy anniversary.
01:13:49It's been exactly 30 years.
01:13:52You look so handsome tonight.
01:13:54May God protect you from evil eyes.
01:13:56You're beautiful, too.
01:13:58Always, in every way.
01:14:01It's been exactly 30 years.
01:14:04Hey, there's a family here. Is this okay?
01:14:06Of course.
01:14:06Look at them. They're staring at us without shame.
01:14:08But if we were two minutes late,
01:14:11you'd be kissing each other.
01:14:13Give it to me.
01:14:14Give it to me.
01:14:18Happy anniversary of our marriage.
01:14:21Come here.
01:14:23My dear daughter.
01:14:25You know what?
01:14:26I'm glad you got married.
01:14:27I'm glad you gave birth to us.
01:14:29Yes, I'm glad your mother gave birth to you.
01:14:31Daddy, this is my gift for you.
01:14:36Why did you bother, my dear?
01:14:41Did you know?
01:14:44Look at the button.
01:14:45It's the first letter of our names.
01:14:47Nihat, Mevgube.
01:14:48Thank you, my dear. Thank you so much.
01:14:52It's beautiful. It's beautiful.
01:14:56I'm sorry. I couldn't get you anything.
01:14:59Your presence is enough, my dear.
01:15:04Just kidding.
01:15:06I think I'm the best thing you've ever done.
01:15:09Thank you, my angel daughter.
01:15:11But you really spoiled us.
01:15:14Open it. Open it.
01:15:18Smart phone.
01:15:21Where did you find all this money, my dear?
01:15:24I didn't find it.
01:15:26You gave it to me so you could use it if you needed it.
01:15:29A lot of money in the envelope.
01:15:31I bought it with that.
01:15:32Well done. Well done, my daughter.
01:15:33Thank you, my dear.
01:15:34Let me kiss you, mom.
01:15:36We don't look for images in the middle of nowhere.
01:15:38Okay? Deal?
01:15:39We'll see how it goes.
01:15:45Hang up.
01:15:46Mr. Can is here.
01:15:49I'll go get the door.
01:15:53What is Mr. Can doing at your wedding anniversary?
01:16:05Thank you.
01:16:08Can I come in?
01:16:09Don't even ask.
01:16:11Thank you.
01:16:17You look beautiful.
01:16:18Thank you. For my anniversary.
01:16:35Thank you.
01:17:06Thank you.
01:17:31Mr. Mevki.
01:17:32I finally made it.
01:17:34I was able to write a poem for you after 30 years.
01:17:36To tell you how much I love you.
01:17:52Beauty of my home.
01:18:13My wife.
01:18:14Mr. Mevki!
01:18:18Your father is definitely the master of romanticism.
01:18:23Oh, my dear.
01:18:24I'll turn this into a frame.
01:18:25Then, shall we eat the meatball?
01:18:27Dad, thank you.
01:18:29What kind of talent is this?
01:18:30It's a pity.
01:18:31Let's eat.
01:18:33Let's eat.
01:18:34I came to your wedding anniversary.
01:18:36It's a little out of place.
01:18:37But I'll take three.
01:18:41Take it, son.
01:18:42Bon appetit.
01:18:43Bon appetit.
01:18:44You always have a place on our table.
01:18:46No problem.
01:18:47One day, there will be grooms in this house, right?
01:18:48We got used to it.
01:18:49We did that.
01:18:50Mom, what grooms?
01:18:52What are you talking about?
01:18:53Not grooms, but grooms.
01:18:56Mevki, let me take this.
01:18:57This is very nice.
01:19:08Your mother's favorite.
01:19:09She makes the best.
01:19:15Very good.
01:19:17I forgot something in the car.
01:19:19It's very urgent.
01:19:20I'll get it right away.
01:19:23What are you talking about?
01:19:24What grooms?
01:19:26I told you.
01:19:27You forgot what I said.
01:19:28Oh, my God.
01:19:31That's a nice meatball.
01:19:33Mom, hurry up.
01:19:35Son, wait.
01:19:36I'll catch up.
01:19:37Okay, slow down.
01:19:38How can I slow down?
01:19:40We have to leave now.
01:19:41The girl is sleeping.
01:19:42What time is it?
01:19:43We didn't even tell her.
01:19:44We should have called her.
01:19:46No, I told her.
01:19:47I said I'm back from the army.
01:19:48I said there's a wedding next.
01:19:49Besides, we're neighbors for 40 years.
01:19:50Are we going on a date?
01:19:52Let's knock on the door.
01:19:53Let's go.
01:19:54Let's take the girl.
01:19:55Let's go through the back door.
01:19:56If the garden door is open, let's go through there.
01:19:58It's a surprise.
01:19:59It's an incredible surprise.
01:20:00Let's go.
01:20:01Mr. Mevki.
01:20:02Eat your meatball, my dear.
01:20:06Let's wait.
01:20:07It would be a shame.
01:20:12Oh, my God.
01:20:21Enjoy your meal.
01:20:26How did you get in?
01:20:28What are you doing here?
01:20:29The garden door was open.
01:20:30I got in from there.
01:20:32I got to the kitchen from there.
01:20:33Then when I found the guests' slippers...
01:20:35...everything was very easy.
01:20:36I improved my style and attitude for you.
01:20:39I changed it.
01:20:40How did it happen?
01:20:47You weren't like this before.
01:20:48You won't be like this from now on.
01:20:50Why are you pushing?
01:20:51Yes, I'm pushing.
01:20:52What am I pushing?
01:20:57Your original is here.
01:20:58Here you are.
01:20:59Welcome, Mr. Divit, my brother.
01:21:02You got the flower suitable for your engagement.
01:21:05Who do you want?
01:21:06I hope you want Leyla.
01:21:08Because I bought flowers for Sanem.
01:21:10Besides, what kind of marriage is this?
01:21:12I swear, this is a competition.
01:21:15Are you making the market angry?
01:21:17What is this?
01:21:19I bought the flower for Ms. Mevki.
01:21:22I bought the dessert for Mr. Iyak.
01:21:23Thank you very much.
01:21:25You did it because Racon didn't know.
01:21:28You will give the dessert to the girl.
01:21:30Take it.
01:21:34What kind of a hand is that?
01:21:36It's rotten.
01:21:40What's going on?
01:21:41Who is this guy?
01:21:42We were just talking about you.
01:21:44I mean, the grooms...
01:21:47My nerves are broken.
01:21:49I swear, my nerves are broken.
01:21:55I'm sorry.
01:22:08Ms. Mevki.
01:22:13Be quiet.
01:22:14Ms. Mevki.
01:22:15Ms. Mevki, did you swallow the rings?
01:22:16Which rings?
01:22:19No, the rings are in my pocket.
01:22:20Which rings did I swallow?
01:22:25I shouldn't throw my ring away so quickly.
01:22:28You shouldn't throw my ring away so quickly.
01:22:30I didn't throw it away.
01:22:31No one knows.
01:22:32He didn't throw it away.
01:22:33No, he didn't.
01:22:34He might know that.
01:22:46This is going to be an important day, Mevki.
01:22:48Please pay attention to me, okay?
01:22:49Ms. Mevki.
01:22:51No, Mevki.
01:22:52What's going on?
01:22:53Get out of my way, Bevkibe.
01:22:55Bevkibe, hold on.
01:22:57You are going to raise her blood pressure.
01:22:59Today is a very happy day, Bevkibe.
01:23:02What is putting a ring in a meatball?
01:23:04For God's sake!
01:23:05Really, dad. She doesn't believe you.
01:23:07I wanted a surprise.
01:23:08Oh, Bevkibe!
01:23:09No, if there was a vegan meatballs instead of a meatball we could see them.
01:23:12But we couldn't see the meatball's inside.
01:23:15What are you doing in this car?
01:23:17Actually, what are we doing?
01:23:19What are we doing?
01:23:20Wait a minute.
01:23:21Open that window, I can't breathe.
01:23:22I don't know.
01:23:23Hang on, hang on!
01:23:25God damn it!
01:23:26If you can get your minds together, I'll ask you.
01:23:29Are you giving Sanem or not?
01:23:31We're giving!
01:23:34I'm relieved.
01:23:35I'm so relieved.
01:23:36Why did we take so long?
01:23:38Oh, God!
01:23:39Sanem, from now on, you're the sister of the world.
01:23:42Come on, it's cooler outside.
01:23:44Go get your car.
01:23:53Mom, I have a stomach ache.
01:23:56For God's sake, ask for some.
01:23:59Look at the position.
01:24:01It's the wrong position.
01:24:03What's wrong with you?
01:24:04Is this the way to your neighborhood?
01:24:07We're just getting started, but this is the rhythm.
01:24:10This is the habitat.
01:24:11Mom, please be yourself for a moment.
01:24:15You'll lose your car.
01:24:18Help me.
