Venezuela, electoral campaign continues ahead of presidential elections

  • 3 months ago
*Pres. Maduro denounces hate campaign led by the Far-Right
*Pres. Maduro held meeting with workers and entrepreneurs
00:00We go live now to our special envoy, Junos Soner, in Caracas.
00:04Junos, hello, welcome to From the South.
00:05What is the latest information ahead of the July 28th presidential election in Venezuela?
00:14Good afternoon, Pablo, from here, Caracas, Venezuela,
00:17and good afternoon to all our viewers on Telesur English.
00:21The campaign is continuing.
00:23Yesterday, on Wednesday, the president and candidate for re-election,
00:27Nicolás Maduro, has held a huge meeting in the Estadio Monumental Simón Bolívar,
00:33which is a baseball stadium, a huge one here in Caracas,
00:37with the working class representatives from the Bolivarian Socialist Trade Union.
00:43Here, the president proposed to introduce a new law,
00:47a special law against the blockade for the working class.
00:52That includes, among other topics,
00:54the construction of 3 million houses for the working class in the next years,
01:00in addition to the 5 million that have been constructed by the state in the recent years.
01:05It includes also the introduction of a new digital bank that provides easier access
01:12to credit for the working class and the amplification of a digital health family system.
01:19In addition to that, the president also traveled yesterday in the evening to the state of Lara,
01:24where he held another rally,
01:26in addition to the hundreds of rallies he has been doing throughout the country as well.
01:32Today, he is expected to meet the representatives of small business owners here in Caracas
01:38and we expect him to make here additional new proposals
01:41regarding the economic situation and future of this sector of society,
01:47once he gets re-elected, if he gets the vote, of course.
01:51On the oppositional side, there are also rallies and activities,
01:54but one is noteworthy especially.
01:57The candidate of the extreme right, Edmundo González,
02:01has invited representatives of the Partido Popular from Spain,
02:06an extreme right-wing party, to watch over the elections of July 28.
02:11Now, this has caused some criticism in the government here in Venezuela.
02:16William Castillo, who is the vice-minister responsible for policies against the blockade,
02:22called this invitation outside of law or, let's say, illegal,
02:27because, Castillo stated,
02:29only the National Election Council has the authority
02:33to invite international watchers to attend the election process.
02:37So, this is going to be another hotly debated topic here today.
02:41We expect both sides, government candidate Nicolás Maduro,
02:46as well as opposition candidates, to hold more activities and rallies throughout the day
02:50and we will continue accompanying them throughout the day
02:54when they hold their rallies or press conferences.
02:57This is for the time being the situation here in Caracas.
03:00Generally speaking, everything is advancing calmly.
03:03There are already signs of election posters and campaigns on the streets.
03:07We see a lot of posters on the streets, a lot of publicity.
03:12We saw more from Nicolás Maduro, but also some opposition candidates
03:16have put up their posters calling the voters to vote for them.
03:24Thank you, Yunus, for these latest updates on the Venezuelan panorama before the elections.
