‘A Dead Person President’: Watch Tucker Carlson’s Sensational Speech At RNC 2024| Watch

  • 3 months ago
Tucker Carlson made a triumphant return at the Republican convention, 15 months after his Fox News firing. His unscripted monologue echoed his former show's style, featuring off-color jokes and warnings of potential tyranny if Trump loses in November. Despite organizers' efforts to present a softer image of Trump, Carlson touched on controversial topics, including veiled remarks about Biden's age and allusions to election fraud theories.

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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome journalist, author, and American citizen, Tucker Carlson.
00:09So fun!
00:12Thank you!
00:16Oh, this is wild.
00:21Thank you!
00:23I've been...
00:26Good to see you!
00:28Thank you!
00:31I feel like I know about half the people in the room.
00:36This is wild.
00:38What are you doing?
00:40Justin Welk!
00:42Thank you guys!
00:48Can I just say, Peter Navarro is back.
00:51Welcome to Peter Navarro.
00:53Suffering the fate that has happened to so many who are friends with Donald Trump.
00:57Thank you for having me.
00:58I have...
01:02I have been to many conventions. I have never been to a more fun convention
01:07or a convention with better vibes.
01:11They literally let Navarro out of prison.
01:14First of all, thank you.
01:16This feels a lot different from what I thought it was going to feel like.
01:21I can't hear you, but I know it's something good.
01:29So, I watched the video of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania about 15, 50 times.
01:38I think I was one of about 8 billion people around the world who watched it.
01:42And the more I watched it, the more it struck me that everything was different
01:47after that moment. Everything.
01:50This convention is different. The nation is different. The world is different.
01:53Donald Trump is different.
01:55When he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied, and put his hand up,
02:01I thought at that moment, that was a transformation.
02:05This was no longer a man...
02:08Well, I think that. I think it was divine intervention.
02:11But the effect that it had on Donald Trump,
02:13he was no longer just a political party's nominee,
02:17or a former president, or a future president.
02:20This was the leader of a nation.
02:24And I think there's a difference.
02:28I've spent most of my life in Washington,
02:31where the president is at the top of the pyramid,
02:33everyone wants to be the president.
02:35But if you think about it, the presidency comes with great power, obviously.
02:38But if you think about it, that is a title that is bestowed
02:41by a process of some sort that can be subverted.
02:45And in the end, it does not confer by itself, as no title does, legitimacy.
02:51Just because you call yourself the president,
02:55doesn't mean that much inherently.
02:57I can call my dog the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, it doesn't mean she is.
03:04You know, it's true.
03:06And you hate to say it, but it is also true,
03:09as a fact, that you could take, I don't know, a mannequin,
03:12a dead person, and make him president.
03:14No, you could. You could.
03:16I'm just saying, theoretically possible.
03:19With enough cheating, that could happen.
03:25But being a leader is very different.
03:29It's not a title. It's organic.
03:33You can't name someone a leader.
03:35A leader is the bravest man.
03:39That's who the leader is.
03:41That is true in all human organizations.
03:45This is a law of nature.
03:48And in that moment, Donald Trump, months before the presidential election,
03:53became the leader of this nation.
03:55That was the most obvious to me.
03:58And I have to say, you know, I think it changed him.
04:03I reached out to Trump within hours of it, that night.
04:08And what he said to me that night, having just been shot in the face,
04:12he said not a single word about himself.
04:14He said only how amazed he was and how proud he was of the crowd, which didn't run.
04:21And I thought two things.
04:23The first thing I thought was, well, of course they didn't run.
04:27His courage gave them heart.
04:29A leader's courage gives courage to his people.
04:34And the second thing I thought was,
04:37this is the selfish guy I've been hearing about for nine years?
04:40Really? Not a word about himself?
04:42About his people. Period.
04:44And the second thing I noticed, which I don't think anyone has remarked upon in public,
04:48but I'm just going to since I don't have a script, like, why not?
04:51Is that he turned down the most obvious opportunity in politics
04:57to inflame the nation after being shot.
04:59To inflame the nation.
05:01Which is an opportunity that almost every other politician I've ever met,
05:05and certainly his opponents, would have taken instantly.
05:07And they would have said, well, what is this?
05:09How did he get shot?
05:11Like, how did this happen?
05:12And those are real questions that we have to get to the bottom of.
05:15But in the moments, the days, the week after the shooting, he did not say that.
05:22He did his best to bring the country together.
05:24And I thought, this is the divisive figure?
05:26This is the irresponsible person? No.
05:28This is the most responsible, unifying behavior of a leader I think I've ever seen.
05:35So the question is, where is he leading us?
05:40And I could go on for hours, but let me just sum it up.
05:43I do think the entire point from the famous escalator ride nine years ago
05:49until today of Donald Trump's public life has been to remind us of one fact.
05:54Which is, a leader's duty is to his people, to his country, and to no other.
06:00That's the point. That's the only point.
06:03And another word for this is democracy.
06:05Democracy, in case you're a little sick of being beaten in the face with democracy on television.
06:12Actual democracy is the proposition that the citizens of a country own that country.
06:16They're not renters, they're not serfs, they're not slaves.
06:19They are the owners of the country.
06:21And for that to be true, their leaders have to represent them.
06:27Which is another way of saying they have to do what the people want them to do.
06:32Or a close approximation thereof.
06:36But if they completely ignore what people want,
06:39not just one year, but generationally, say for 50 years,
06:43then it may be, I don't know what, it's not a democracy.
06:46And so I think the entire Trump project, paradoxically, is attacked as an enemy of democracy,
06:51is to return democracy to the United States.
06:54Hey, let's pay attention to what people actually want.
06:58And the lack of interest in that question in Washington is something that ultimately drove me out of the city after 35 years.
07:06Lawmakers stepping over the prostrate bodies of their fellow citizens,
07:11OD'ing on drugs to go cast votes to send money to some foreign country.
07:16Yeah, actually, we've lost more Americans from drugs in the past four years than we lost in World War II.
07:25Yeah. Our bloodiest war. More than we lost in World War II.
07:31Does anybody care?
07:33It is pathetic. It is pathetic.
07:36And do you hear a single word from Washington about doing anything about it?
07:40We know where the drugs are coming from.
07:42We know the supply routes. The U.S. military spent billions bombing the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
07:46You don't see our commander-in-chief suggesting that we use our military to protect our country,
07:51or the lives of its citizens. No.
07:52That's for Ukraine.
07:54And it's too much, actually. It's too insulting.
07:57It's too insulting. It's a middle finger in the face of every American.
08:01It's a very clear statement, which is unmistakable.
08:07And that is, we don't care about you.
08:11And Donald Trump, whatever you say about him, and I think he's a wonderful person. I know him well.
08:17By the way, the funniest person I've ever met in my life.
08:19You can't be funny without perspective, or without empathy, which is true.
08:24But everything else about Trump aside, he actually cares.
08:27Because he's interested in the people who live here, because that's his job.
08:31A father's job, his duty is to his family.
08:34An officer's duty is to his men. A president's duty is to his citizens.
08:39And he seems to be the only one who thinks that.
08:42And in his choice for Vice President,
08:45J.D. Vance, he's made that really clear.
08:49J.D. Vance, I'll say this about him, is a thoroughly decent man.
08:53And I'll just admit it, a friend of mine, one of the very few politicians in Washington
08:57who actually is very close to his own wife, which is wonderful to see.
09:02And she's wonderful, actually.
09:05But J.D. Vance has views that are closer to Trump's voters,
09:10but J.D. Vance has views that are closer to Trump's voters
09:15than anyone else in Washington in office.
09:18Therefore, he is the Vice President. That's called democracy.
09:24So I will stop on just one point.
09:27And that is, what's happened over the past month, since the debate,
09:34and particularly on Saturday in Butler,
09:37I think a lot of people are wondering, what is this?
09:40This isn't like politics. Something bigger is going on here.
09:43I think even people who don't believe in God are beginning to think,
09:46well, maybe there's something to this, actually.
09:51And I'm starting to think it's going to be okay, actually.
09:56I do think that.
09:58The day after the midterm elections in 2018,
10:04Antifa came to my house.
10:06The Democratic Party's militia.
10:07I was at work. It was obvious when I was at work because it was public.
10:10My wife was home alone.
10:12They tried to come in through the front door.
10:14They terrorized her. She hid in our pantry.
10:16It was on television. It was horrible, actually.
10:18I'm not whining about it.
10:20It wasn't getting shot in the face, but it wrecked our day.
10:23And the next morning, we're lying in bed,
10:27and the phone rings for my wife, and it's Donald Trump,
10:30who's not like a regular text buddy of Donald Trump's.
10:33She picks it up. Hello?
10:34Susie, it's Donald Trump.
10:36And it's coming through. I can hear it.
10:38I'm lying in bed. Whoa.
10:40And the first thing he says is,
10:42I'm going to stand guard outside your house.
10:44And she goes, oh, that's so nice.
10:47And he says, I'll never forget this as long as I live.
10:50He says, you know, there's a lot of hate out there.
10:52And she said, you know, there is, Mr. President.
10:54And then he says, but there's a lot of love.
10:57There's a lot of love.
10:59And we are seeing that love.
11:02I don't think it's human love.
11:04And I'll just stop with this.
11:10I'm not always convinced that I'm on the right side.
11:12I've been on the wrong side many times.
11:14You'll never hear me say I'm on God's side,
11:16or God's with me, or even I'm with God.
11:19I want to be. Not sure I am.
11:21But I will say this unequivocally and conclusively.
11:24God is among us right now.
11:27And I think that's enough.
11:30God bless you.
11:32Thank you.
