The Traitors UK Uncloaked S01E03 (2024)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hello and welcome to the Traitors Uncloaked, I'm your host Ed Gamble, but before we get
00:05started properly, should say, massive, massive spoiler warning.
00:09If you're not up to date on this series of the Traitors, get yourself to BBC iPlayer
00:12and get caught up now, you massive weirdo, because we have so much to talk about on tonight's
00:20We will see the moment that Banished Johnny and Murdered Meg finally find out who the
00:24Traitors are.
00:26And they'll both be with me in the Traitor's basement to discuss all things treachery,
00:30trickery and treason.
00:31Plus to discuss tonight's explosive episode, I'll be joined by RuPaul's Drag Race star
00:36and Traitor's superfan, Danny Beard and Season 1 Traitor and Total Legend, Amanda.
00:43Welcome, welcome and thank you for joining us once again in this castle-esque basement.
00:53We have got a lot to discuss on tonight's episode, it really, it really had it all.
00:57Claudia screaming into a megaphone at no one in particular.
01:00I'm obsessed with how much Claudia screams.
01:03Especially in the missions, she absolutely loves a scream, doesn't she?
01:06She's like the mother, isn't she, in the sports day, you know, cheering her kids on, come
01:11A particularly vicious mother at sports day, I would say.
01:14I'm still not over the scarecrow of Claudia, I want to know what's happened to the scarecrow
01:18of Claudia.
01:19Do you want it in your house?
01:20I want it outside my house, I'll never get broken into again.
01:23Well, before we go any further, we should talk about what happened at the end of tonight's
01:27nail-biting episode.
01:29So let's have a little reminder.
01:31Okay, it's between Diane, Charlotte and Trace.
01:46This murder's perfect.
01:47It's a good move.
01:49Let's do it.
01:51I love this game.
01:52Well, they've decided someone from those three, and according to Harry, the murder's perfect.
02:03Who do we think it's going to be?
02:05And who do we hope it's going to be?
02:07I think if they choose Charlotte, it would be, it's so random that it would throw everyone
02:15into a bit of a tiz in there.
02:17That would be a really random one, wouldn't it?
02:19Yeah, it would.
02:20It would be like, well, why her?
02:23So who's been connected to her?
02:24Because we've not heard a lot from Charlotte yet.
02:26She's played a pretty quiet game, so to kill her out of the blue would really mess people
02:31And I wouldn't do the clairvoyant because she might see her coming, even though she's
02:33seen nothing else coming so far.
02:38So we're not hoping for Tracey, we're maybe hoping for Charlotte?
02:42I wouldn't mind if it was Tracey.
02:44She's not giving.
02:45She's not giving us nothing.
02:46No offence, Amanda, but Diane's taking it for the gays now.
02:49Well, I've passed my crown over.
02:53We, and I say we collectively, because I do speak on behalf of all the homosexuals in
02:57the country.
02:58We love her.
03:00She's amazing.
03:01What is it about Diane that you love so much?
03:03You know if she was your teacher, she would be your enemy in year seven.
03:08There's 30 year olds all around the country quivering, seeing her on the telly.
03:12They're having flashbacks.
03:13They're probably having to go back through therapy, seeing her on the telly.
03:16But it's just something about a strong woman who, now I'd be scared to fart around Diane.
03:21Oh yeah, you couldn't, you couldn't.
03:23She'd know what I'd had for dinner.
03:25Yeah, she would.
03:26You absolutely couldn't.
03:28Do you know what I mean?
03:29She is on it like a carbon.
03:30I love the example with McDonald's as well.
03:32That's all I eat.
03:34Unfortunately it was Johnny who got banished tonight.
03:36I mean, I personally didn't really see this coming from the previous episode.
03:40It seems to have all happened so quickly.
03:42I think when one person is mentioned, it is like that bit of herd mentality.
03:48Everybody now is trying to save themselves as well, aren't they?
03:51So if they haven't really got a lot to go on, they jump onto the bandwagon.
03:55Yeah, and fortunately I didn't see it coming and I like Johnny.
04:00Johnny was a good boy.
04:01You've been there.
04:02Do you find that you all do just jump in and think, how can I save myself?
04:06Because you see it flip on a coin and it annoys me.
04:08Yeah, absolutely.
04:09I mean, it can change.
04:11You sort of have the chats throughout the day and then you think, right, okay, the majority
04:15is going to go with a certain person.
04:17It can change on that table three or four times.
04:20Let's talk about Paul because certainly Jazz really has his sights set on Paul now.
04:24Do we think that's going to come to fruition?
04:26Because he seems to be holding back a little bit as well because he knows how much clout
04:29Paul's got, is what he said.
04:31I think Paul is really going to be in the spotlight now.
04:34So he's really got to pull it out of the bag.
04:36I think he's going to do it to you.
04:37I mean, the suspicions have started to come.
04:40Let's actually have a little look at what Jazz said about Paul.
04:43So please, if I'm not here tomorrow, remember this conversation.
04:49Broke, he's acting different and he's too popular to be bringing his name up.
04:55Too popular is too much clout.
04:58It's a very smart move from Jazz, I think, to say that out loud, to voice your opinion
05:04and say, if I'm killed tonight, then it's Paul, almost guarantees that he won't be killed.
05:10Because he's the one saying that, right?
05:12But as long as Jazz knows he's saying it to someone who's going to tell Paul that.
05:17Yeah, and he is.
05:18He's saying it to Harry.
05:19He is.
05:20Well, he's saying it to Harry.
05:22The only thing with Paul is, I think he's playing it very clever, but I think he's going
05:25to turn even on Harry and Harry isn't going to be aware of that.
05:29I also think the whole point of the Traitors is, well, you're second guessing, then you're
05:35third guessing, then you're fourth guessing.
05:36You never know if something's a double bluff, a triple bluff, however many bluff, you know,
05:40I'm not Carl Vorderman.
05:42So how do we know he's not the Traitor?
05:46That's what my mind would be going.
05:47You know, my mind would be going, well, how do we know Jazz is not the Traitor?
05:50If I'm not killed tonight and then he turns up tomorrow, how are you not planting the
05:54seed in my...
05:55I mean, I'd be a paranoid mess if I was in there.
05:58I'd have to be a Traitor.
05:59Oh, aye, it's so much fun.
06:03I mean, you know, I've had five children.
06:04God, I had a couple of weeks away.
06:05It was fantastic.
06:06I didn't care if I had to murder to have a couple of weeks away.
06:09You do anything for a free breakfast and a bit of time on your own after five children.
06:14So no, I really enjoyed.
06:17Paul also got called out by Antony at the round table, and this was to do with their
06:22sort of botched plan.
06:23Now the plan was obviously, Paul was going to be saved, then they could kill Andrew,
06:30and then Meg would get banished.
06:31But obviously they saved Andrew because Paul thought he was the most popular.
06:35So it's all gone a little bit wrong.
06:37But then when you see, this is why I think Paul's incredible.
06:39When they went back to the turret, Paul's reaction was, it's worked, our plan's worked.
06:43It's like, no it hasn't, your exact plan completely failed.
06:46Yeah, but he can't see that.
06:47He can't see that.
06:48Because to him, he wanted Ash out.
06:51She's gone.
06:52So to him, that was his plan.
06:53I think that was his individual plan in his mind.
06:56Although he's playing Team Traitors, he's not Team Traitors.
07:00He's Team Paul.
07:01He's Team Paul.
07:03We're on the same page, guys.
07:05Amanda, how many steps ahead were you as a traitor?
07:08Were you doing things day by day, or were you thinking ahead, like a game of chess?
07:12Oh no, day by day.
07:14I thought you had it all covered.
07:17I thought you absolutely had the whole thing planned out.
07:19I know, I was in the chess club when I was younger, so perhaps something like that came
07:24through, I don't know.
07:25Yeah, but we've got that chess guy in there now.
07:27He's a chess coach, to be fair.
07:30I think the best way to play a traitor, I know it's a game of deception, but it's a
07:36game of trust.
07:37You have to get people to trust you very quickly, and Paul has done that.
07:43And that's what it's about.
07:44And as long as they trust you and believe in you, they believe any shit you're saying.
07:52Now, I want to talk about the missions.
07:54Because despite rising tensions amongst the group, they seem to have worked really well
07:58as a team today.
08:00Yeah, I think you need the missions, obviously, with the prize fund.
08:05But I think as a team, it brings you together and it does just calm your mind down as well.
08:11You can observe other people.
08:12It's a good excuse for the traitors to get rid of people that aren't participating.
08:17They can use that as an excuse, as banishment, to start sowing some seeds.
08:22But yeah, really, it's nice just to sort of calm down and be a team.
08:27But that's when the friendships, you could see them bonding more and more.
08:30Yeah, totally.
08:31Because they are totally relying on each other to pull the mission together.
08:37And that's when their friendships are going to form, and that's when it's going to get harder.
08:41Can I say, I think as a viewer, the missions are where the traitors let things slip.
08:47Because I think Harry's facial expressions in some of these missions have given it away.
08:54If they didn't get the shield for Paul, he was visibly gutted.
08:59If I was in a one-mile radius, I feel, of Harry at that point, I think I'd have been on too.
09:04Well, and in this episode, he was offered a shield, I think once or twice.
09:10And he just said, no, it's okay, because he knows he's not going to get murdered.
09:13Yeah, and they gave it to Ross instead.
09:15Yes, yes.
09:16I also think that was tactical of him to try and seem like a real team player.
09:20Yes, yeah.
09:21Well, that's what a faithful would do.
09:22I mean, there's always kind of a way of spinning it.
09:25Well, that's what a faithful would do. I'm faithful.
09:28I think tonight, though, the real star of the mission for me was Charlie.
09:32So let's have another look at Charlie in the mission.
09:35This is for Bristol!
09:51I got in! I was so happy!
09:57No matter what happens to me in this game, that was the proudest moment of my life.
10:03She's brilliant, and we've not heard a huge amount from her in the build-up,
10:06but now she's really announced herself into the game, I think, screaming,
10:09this is for Bristol, at the top of her voice as she launches a catapult.
10:12It was that slow-mo through the field for me.
10:15I just want to see that slowed down.
10:17I think she's going to be a dark horse.
10:19I think she is.
10:20She's going to come from, as you said, she hasn't put herself out there.
10:23Because I think being a faithful as well, you shouldn't be too loud
10:27and voiced opinions too early in the game.
10:30Because that'll knock you out.
10:32It'll target you.
10:33So, you know, she's going to come from behind when the time is right, I think.
10:37Because there are people that we haven't really talked about on this show yet,
10:41but really, that's a compliment in terms of gameplay,
10:44because those are the people that are just going to be under the surface of the water
10:48for a little bit longer and hold out until those crucial moments.
10:52We'll see.
10:53Someone who didn't hold out until the crucial moment was Meg,
10:55who was unfortunately murdered.
10:58She had to be murdered.
11:00That was their only option, because it was obviously between Paul and Meg at the end,
11:04because they were the two remaining dungeon dwellers.
11:08And so they had to kill Meg.
11:10But she already had a lot of suspicion on her as a potential traitor,
11:13so I think she would have been banished.
11:15I think it's what she wasn't doing.
11:18I think...
11:19I'm sure she's a really nice girl, and I actually can't wait to chat to her.
11:23You can be a really strong person, and then you go into a room
11:26and there's five other people who are stronger characters than you,
11:30and it does something to people's, like, psyche or whatever,
11:34and it changes them.
11:35I think she just became within herself, and that raised suspicion.
11:39And if you give an opinion, you have to back it up.
11:44You have to back it up.
11:46Obviously, right at the start of tonight's episode,
11:49we got to see Ash reveal herself as a traitor.
11:53How would you assess her time as a traitor?
11:55I think she was the weakest link.
11:58Did she deserve for the other traitors to not stick by her so early?
12:03That's questionable.
12:05Because I do believe we've got team faithfuls, team traitors,
12:09and we should...
12:10I know it's called traitors,
12:11but we should keep sort of a team alliance for a certain amount of time.
12:17But she was...
12:18Yeah, she was the weakest link, definitely.
12:20She was just giving her body language, everything.
12:23She was just giving too much away.
12:25She was.
12:26And having met her now on this show,
12:28she's just the most effusive, lovely person, very warm personality.
12:32But she really does give a lot away of her personality.
12:35I think she just immediately wants to talk to people.
12:38And for some reason, that got a lot of suspicion onto her,
12:40that she was going around asking people questions
12:42and trying to work out what the lay of the land was.
12:44And that was the first portal call for her banishment.
12:46Yeah, she was trying too much to see what people's thoughts were
12:49rather than just letting it run a little bit.
12:51Let it run and just guide it gently.
12:53I also think the other traitors stabbing her in the back this so, so, so early on,
12:59it's opened the gates to say anything can happen.
13:03Does it feel more brutal, this series, do you think?
13:05It feels so much more brutal.
13:08From the off start, everybody's in it for themselves.
13:13Everyone, you know, and that comes across.
13:17That's exciting though, isn't it?
13:18Yeah, it is, yeah.
13:19That first night this launched, I was like,
13:21I'm just going to watch the first one.
13:23And we'll go on, we'll just put two on, it's midnight,
13:25I'll go on, we'll just watch.
13:26It was like two in the morning, three in the morning.
13:28I was pacing up in the bedroom, needing to see the next thing.
13:31I know, I know.
13:32It's the best show.
13:33It's fantastic.
13:34I shouldn't say it, but it's the best show.
13:36Your video, if you were in the Traitors,
13:37would be you watching old episodes of the Traitors.
13:39Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be sitting like this,
13:41let me tell you, it would be untucked.
13:45I think they would jump at the chance to have that,
13:47to be honest.
13:48I think they should.
13:49I think they should.
13:50Now we're going through this process today,
13:52I'm starting to think I'd be a crap traitor
13:54because I'm a bit like Ash, I like chatting to people.
13:57I'm a bit too gobby and wear my heart on my sleeve.
13:59Oh no, I think you'd be brilliant.
14:01What did you want to say?
14:02I think you would.
14:03Also, if anyone caught sight of you with your hood,
14:06just pulled over your wig.
14:08It'd be pretty obvious wouldn't it?
14:10Is that Claudia?
14:14So now is the moment you've all been waiting for,
14:16our faithful murdered Meg and Banished Johnny
14:19finally find out who the Traitors actually are.
14:22Now do bear in mind this was filmed the day
14:24after Meg and Johnny left the game,
14:26so Meg doesn't even know whether Johnny is a traitor or not.
14:29Let's have a look.
14:34Johnny, what the hell?
14:35Oh my God.
14:37Oh my God.
14:38How you doing baby, you all right?
14:43You got banished?
14:44I did, they banished me out.
14:46Your name didn't even get brought up when I was there.
14:48I know.
14:49Not once.
14:50I know.
14:51OK, Johnny can you reveal if you're a traitor or a faithful?
14:56What do you think I am?
14:58I think you're a faithful.
15:01Well guess what?
15:05I'm a faithful.
15:07Of course I'm a faithful.
15:08I do think you were to be fair.
15:10Never would have guessed.
15:11Do you want to do the honours?
15:13Oh my God.
15:14Oh my goodness.
15:15How close are we?
15:16How wrong are we?
15:21Oh my God.
15:24Oh my God.
15:27First traitor is Harry.
15:29Oh my God.
15:31Fair play.
15:32I said his name as a joke.
15:33Did you?
15:34I've had question marks over him but I tried to ignore it.
15:36It was because we were both in the army as well and I thought...
15:41In the trials and missions he's been phenomenal.
15:44What a team player.
15:45Well, you know, he's been given a task and he's doing it.
15:49But does that make you change who else it could be?
15:53No, I'm still like, I don't know now.
15:56Who hasn't spoke to Harry?
15:57That would be the next thing.
15:58Like jazz.
15:59Jazz is quiet, isn't it?
16:01Paul, I don't think really much.
16:02He admires Harry but...
16:03Well, come on, tell me.
16:07It's Miles.
16:10I knew it could be him because I didn't want it to be.
16:13Oh, clever guy.
16:14Oh my God.
16:17You can just imagine them all meeting up.
16:19Oh my God.
16:20Oh my God.
16:21Oh my God.
16:22Oh my God.
16:23Oh my God.
16:24Oh my God.
16:25They're all meeting up with their cloaks on.
16:27Backstabbing, you know, stirring that pot.
16:29But I think because maybe the people they are, they're probably hating it inside as
16:32well or unless they're just cold and callous people.
16:35Miles like sits back at the round table and doesn't really say anything, does he?
16:38There you go.
16:39I've noticed that.
16:40And Harry's very much similar.
16:41They just go with the flow.
16:42They do.
16:43That's the way they're playing it.
16:44Harry and Miles both voted for Ash.
16:46So they threw a traitor under the bus.
16:48Very clever.
16:49That is smart.
16:50And they let everyone else make the decision which is even worse.
16:52Very smart.
16:53Go on.
16:54Oh my God.
16:56Oh my God.
16:57Oh my God.
16:58Oh my God.
16:59Oh my God.
17:00Oh my God.
17:01You're joking.
17:05You're joking me.
17:06You're actually joking.
17:07I had a feeling with Paul that he was using real emotions.
17:11Do you know what I mean?
17:12Thinking about things?
17:13What an actor.
17:14What an actor.
17:15He was fantastic in the dungeon and all.
17:16I just thought he was a faithful.
17:18Jesus Christ.
17:19So there was two traitors down there and one upstairs.
17:22I mean, look, there they are in print.
17:23Yeah, they are in print.
17:24Oh, Harry, Miles and Paul.
17:28Well, they're a good traitor's team.
17:29I actually, I can't mock that.
17:33Yes, he knew it was Miles just seconds after reading it
17:36on a sheet of paper.
17:37Johnny joins us in the studio.
17:43Johnny, welcome.
17:44So sad to see you go.
17:46Is it something that you were expecting?
17:48In my heart, I could feel an energy shift.
17:51And I was thinking, have I said something wrong?
17:54Have I done something?
17:55You could just kind of pick up on the atmosphere change.
17:57So I had a small feeling that something
18:00was going to kick off around that round table.
18:02But you don't know until you're sat there.
18:04So it's yes and no to answer that.
18:08I think from our perspective, it all
18:10turned against you so quickly.
18:12Like the previous episode, I don't
18:14think anyone was even really looking at you.
18:16And then suddenly, someone pipes up with,
18:19I think the issue was you were too nice.
18:22Yeah, I have that problem in life.
18:24It doesn't always do you good, does it, when you're too nice?
18:28Ross and Jasmine were quite strong characters in there.
18:31And the minute I went for them, that's
18:33where I shot myself in the foot.
18:34No pun intended.
18:34Can I ask, now you've seen it back,
18:36is there like a bit of sour grapes?
18:39Not at all.
18:39Oh, I would be.
18:41I think, oh, I think you'll take me out after seeing that.
18:43Oh, yeah.
18:44Oh, I bantered them over it.
18:45Don't get me wrong.
18:46You buggers.
18:48Oh, you're so nice.
18:49Yeah, he's lovely.
18:50You seem to suggest in that VT that we just saw
18:53that you did have suspicions about all of the traitors.
18:55I thought everyone was a traitor.
18:57I feel like, who's a traitor here?
18:59No, I just, I, because you don't know who's on your team.
19:03And that's what people don't realize.
19:05It's like team faithful, team traitors.
19:07Team faithful don't know who's on their team.
19:10So you're looking at everyone.
19:11And the minute I went to go and talk to someone, I was like,
19:14oh, no, that could be a traitor I'm talking to.
19:16So I naturally felt reserved.
19:18But I didn't want to be.
19:20But I just didn't know who to trust.
19:21So it was like that.
19:22It's the paranoia, isn't it?
19:23Yes, massively.
19:24That does really get you.
19:25You wouldn't know.
19:26You were a traitor.
19:27Yes, I know.
19:27But I was trying to feel it.
19:29You were trying to feel the paranoia.
19:31That's how method you were.
19:34In your mind, it was a faithful.
19:35I've never thought of it like that.
19:37How stupid am I?
19:38Of course you don't know who's on your team.
19:40You said something very canny about Paul
19:42in that video, actually, that you felt like he
19:44was using real emotions.
19:46And then putting them out in the tracers
19:48as if he was a faithful.
19:50And I think there was that moment where
19:51he started to get a bit emotional.
19:53He started to cry about going home to see his family.
19:56And I think that was a genuine emotion that he somehow
19:58managed to manipulate into looking like he was a faithful.
20:02So I related to Paul in the sense of,
20:07I've got two young children.
20:08And your emotions are up there compared to normal.
20:12And you're tired.
20:14You're stressed.
20:15Adrenaline's pumping.
20:17And if I was just to think about my children,
20:20I would have probably felt really emotional.
20:22So even if it was, I believe they were real emotions.
20:27And I still do to this day.
20:28Because all he had to do was think of his children.
20:29And he would get upset.
20:30Because I knew that's what would happen if I did.
20:32So I tried my hardest to put them back.
20:36And I think when I saw Paul upset,
20:39irregardless, they were real emotions.
20:41And I could feel it.
20:42And that's why it hit me hard as well.
20:44Because he started talking about his children
20:46and straight away, oof.
20:49I felt that as well.
20:50And that's why I was like, I've had to comfort him.
20:52You mentioned your relationship with Harry.
20:54Obviously, the army link, the sort of,
20:56I mean, I think Harry described it as a brotherhood.
20:59On the show.
21:00Yeah, naturally.
21:01Which made him feel a little bit guilty
21:04about having to go against you.
21:05But he did do it quite quickly, anyway.
21:08Yeah, he did, didn't he?
21:10When you think about it.
21:12Do you think if the roles were reversed,
21:14if you were a traitor, would you
21:16have been able to go against Harry in the same way?
21:18That's a tough question.
21:20So the reason why I'm so understanding with Harry now
21:24is because I was his age, his rank,
21:29and that's when I was still serving.
21:30If I was given a task, irregardless
21:32of how I felt, how we trained in the army,
21:35you complete that mission.
21:36You've been given a mission.
21:37You complete that mission.
21:38But he had the squeeze on the shoulder.
21:40So he had to do a job.
21:41He had to do it, yeah.
21:42I mean, irregardless of the fact
21:43that he did vote for you at Banishment
21:46and he knew that's what he was aiming to do.
21:48Go on, steer the pot, babe.
21:49Go on, steer it.
21:50No, I'm saying I think his emotions were genuine
21:53and he did feel bad about it.
21:54And we've actually got a little VT of his reaction
21:56after you were banished.
21:57So let's have a little reminder of that.
22:00Oh, God.
22:02I'm, like, baffled.
22:03I'm completely baffled.
22:04Harry, Harry, he still loves you.
22:05Don't get upset.
22:08God bless him.
22:09Thank you.
22:10It's all good, Harry.
22:11You got OK with the bedroom, you know?
22:15Honestly, please don't beat yourself up, please.
22:17It's so hard to say.
22:22How does watching that video of Harry make you feel?
22:25Because he clearly was cut up about it.
22:27Yeah, I can feel the emotions in there
22:29because I understand that feeling.
22:32And I don't like seeing anyone upset,
22:33especially when I'm involved in it.
22:36It's hard to watch it back, to be honest.
22:37There's a part of me, there's.
22:39Is he still on your Christmas list, though?
22:41Oh, is he?
22:43Well, it's not on mine.
22:46How do you do again?
22:47I'm sandwiched between treat and eye conditioning.
22:49I'm like the filling in a treat, Azorio, and I'm loving it.
22:53Well, you may have noticed at home
22:54that we're all wearing very fancy earpieces in the studio.
22:57That is because we are about to speak to murdered Meg.
23:00She is zooming in live from heaven.
23:02Hello, Meg.
23:08Meg, you're not really in heaven, are you?
23:10You're on holiday because you thought,
23:11hey, I don't need to do one cloak
23:13because I'll go on me old.
23:16Who needs heaven anyway when you've got the sea anyway?
23:18No one needs to do it.
23:20Thank you so much for joining us.
23:22Now, Meg, going back to the video of you finding out
23:24who the traitors were, you seemed a little bit more
23:27surprised than Johnny was at who the traitors were.
23:30In fact, I think there was a big gasp for every single name.
23:34Yeah, to be fair, I just had no idea at all, to be honest,
23:38I was always wrong.
23:39Every one I said, I was like, nope, not that one.
23:42Or just I'd have a new theory every day.
23:44In the end, I just went with it, to be honest.
23:47Went with my gut.
23:48That was that.
23:49Even when you were in the dungeon with two traitors,
23:52so you're obviously in there with Andrew, who's a faithful,
23:55and then Paul and Ash, who are both traitors.
23:57You had all day in that dungeon with them.
23:58Did you start to suss out anything about them
24:00while you were in there?
24:03Yeah, to be fair.
24:06When you're vulnerable, like you're most vulnerable,
24:08they are as well in there.
24:10It was quite a complicated day, that.
24:13But yeah, it was just really unpleasant.
24:16And we all were in it together at that point.
24:18But also, you know that they were kind of sussing you out
24:21as much as you were trying to suss them out.
24:23And under conditions like that, I just
24:25feel like none of it was accurate, to be honest.
24:26None of it.
24:27Now, suspicion was building against you, Meg.
24:31I think maybe your cards were numbered
24:34even before you got murdered.
24:35There was a lot of suspicion building up,
24:37especially as you were in the dungeon.
24:38They thought you might have been the traitor who
24:40had put herself in there.
24:42Now, Diane certainly had her laser-guided sights set on you.
24:47Let's have a little reminder of what Diane said.
24:49Hi, gorgeous.
24:50You OK?
24:51Yes, absolutely.
24:52So if I go tomorrow, which I will do tonight,
24:55these are your traitors, OK?
24:56Oh, God.
24:57There we go.
24:58I know you don't want to know what guts I bought.
25:00I think Ash, Meg, and Anthony are traitors.
25:03You think Meg?
25:04I have thought for a few days.
25:06There we go.
25:07That is the place any traitor's player would be fearful of.
25:11But Meg and Anthony, she's, again,
25:13Diane's had something against Anthony
25:14from the beginning of the whole game.
25:16But why do you think you had any suspicion building up
25:18against you, Meg?
25:19What was it?
25:20I mean, I'll be honest.
25:22I was quite quiet in there at multiple points.
25:24There were a lot bigger personalities than me.
25:26And at points, I just thought, actually, it's
25:28probably better to just keep my gob shut than open it.
25:31But maybe in certain moments, I should have talked more.
25:34But in general, I just never knew,
25:36because they were voting people that talked too much.
25:39And then they were weighing people up
25:41that didn't talk at all.
25:42So you never know how to be in there.
25:46It was always very complicated.
25:48And I just decided to just be on the back burner
25:52and watch it all happen, to be honest.
25:53Thank you both so much for coming on.
25:55You're absolutely amazing players.
25:56It's a delight to meet you.
25:57And we're sorry to say goodbye to you so early.
25:58Big round of applause for Joddy and Megan.
26:06And I'm going to get some predictions from you now.
26:08You two, keep quiet, just in case you've
26:10got privileged information, OK?
26:12Zip it.
26:12Now, what do you think is going to happen
26:14in tomorrow night's show?
26:16We've obviously, there's three people who
26:18could potentially be murdered.
26:20Who did we think it was going to be?
26:22I think, well, I think if they go for Charlotte,
26:25it's going to disrupt the whole sort of, yeah, smart move.
26:28And there'll be no sort of link, so it's just
26:31going to get everyone talking then.
26:33And it's like a little firework going off and then, isn't it?
26:36Do you think they're going to get better
26:37at catching traitors?
26:37They've obviously got one, but then they
26:40started to talk about, we've got Ash,
26:42we can catch more traitors now.
26:44Keep that momentum going, and then they banish Johnny.
26:46Yeah, I think they get ahead of themselves, so no, I don't.
26:50You don't?
26:51No, I don't.
26:51I think we're going to see the traitors get away
26:54with a little bit more.
26:55I think Harry might come under suspicion of it.
26:58Do you?
26:59Yeah, I do, because although he's down now,
27:01I think the way he reacted to people
27:04that there's a little seed being sown there,
27:09and you watch it grow.
27:10I honestly think, yeah.
27:11Do you think people are going to start saying that was guilt?
27:13Yeah, and I think if he does come up on that table,
27:17Paul is just going to throw him under the bus.
27:19Paul's not going to protect him.
27:21But that's the very, very, that's
27:22the really lovely thing about this show,
27:24is that when they find a traitor, very exciting,
27:27you're rooting for them.
27:28And then when the traitors get away with it,
27:29it's delicious, isn't it?
27:33Now, here's something very exciting.
27:35You've heard our guests' predictions, but do you agree?
27:39Well, now you can play along at home with our brand new BBC
27:42Traitors Predictor game.
27:43You can find it at forward slash traitors,
27:48and you can predict what's going to happen in the next episode.
27:51And of course, episode six of the Traitors
27:53hits BBC One and iPlayer at 9pm on Friday,
27:56with apparently, I've just been told on my iPad,
27:59a very tense cliffhanger ending.
28:02Shock, horror.
28:04Every episode's a cliffhanger ending.
28:07Can you cope, Danny?
28:08I can't cope.
28:12Danny, Amanda, Jonny and Meg, thank you so much for joining us.
28:15You've been absolutely amazing.
28:16But there's so much more that I want
28:18to keep talking to you about.
28:19So we keep going on BBC Sounds.
28:21We'll have plenty more chat with these guys.
28:24But for now, from Traitors Unclothed,
28:26I'll see you after the next episode.
28:27I've been Ed Gamble.
28:28Stay faithful.
28:29Transcribed by ESO. Translated by —
28:59Transcribed by —